1kill [ -s signal name | -n signal number | -sig ] job ...
2                -                -
3kill -l [ sig ... ]
4       Sends  either  SIGTERM or the specified signal to the given jobs
5       or processes.  Signals are given by number or by names, with  or
6       without  the  `SIG'  prefix.   If  the  signal being sent is not
7       `KILL' or `CONT', then the job will be sent a `CONT'  signal  if
8       it  is stopped.  The argument job can be the process ID of a job
9       not in the job list.  In the second form, kill -l, if sig is not
10       specified  the signal names are listed.  Otherwise, for each sig
11       that is a name, the corresponding signal number is listed.   For
12       each  sig  that  is a signal number or a number representing the
13       exit status of a process which was terminated or  stopped  by  a
14       signal the name of the signal is printed.
16       On  some systems, alternative signal names are allowed for a few
17       signals.  Typical examples are SIGCHLD and SIGCLD or SIGPOLL and
18       SIGIO, assuming they correspond to the same signal number.  kill
19       -l will only list the preferred form, however kill -l  alt  will
20       show  if  the  alternative  form corresponds to a signal number.
21       For example, under Linux kill -l IO and kill -l POLL both output
22       29, hence kill -IO and kill -POLL have the same effect.
24       Many  systems  will  allow  process IDs to be negative to kill a
25       process group or zero to kill the current process group.