1jobs [ -dlprs ] [ job ... ]
2jobs -Z string
3       Lists information about each given job, or all jobs  if  job  is
4       omitted.   The  -l flag lists process IDs, and the -p flag lists
5       process groups.  If the -r flag is specified only  running  jobs
6       will be listed and if the -s flag is given only stopped jobs are
7       shown.  If the -d flag is given, the directory  from  which  the
8       job  was  started (which may not be the current directory of the
9       job) will also be shown.
11       The -Z option replaces  the  shell's  argument  and  environment
12       space  with  the  given  string,  truncated if necessary to fit.
13       This will normally be visible in ps (ps(1)) listings.  This fea-
14       ture is typically used by daemons, to indicate their state.