1#compdef vim-addons
3local state line cmds ret=1
4typeset -A opt_args
6_arguments -C \
7	{-q,--query}'[be quiet and make the output more parseable]' \
8	{-r,--registry-dir}'[set the registry directory]' \
9	{-s,--source-dir}'[set addon source directory]' \
10	{-t,--target-dir}'[set addon target directory]' \
11	{-v,--verbose}'[increase verbosity]' \
12	{-y,--system-dir}'[set system-wide target directory]' \
13	{-h,--help}'[help]' \
14	{-w,--system-wide}'[set target directory to the system-wide one (overrides -t)]' \
15	'1: :->cmds' \
16	'*: :->args' && ret=0
18case $state in
19  cmds)
20    cmds=(
21      'install:install the specified addon'
22      'remove:remove the specified addon'
23      'list:list available addons in registry'
24      'status:list the status of addons'
25      'disable:disable the specified addons'
26      'amend:under the effects of the previous disable'
27      'files:list the files composing the specified addon'
28      'show:display detailed information about the specified addon'
29    )
30    _describe -t commands 'vim-addons command' cmds && ret=0
31  ;;
32  args)
33    case $line[1] in
34      install)
35        _wanted addon expl 'addon' compadd $(command vim-addons -q | awk '$2 == "removed" { print $1 }') && ret=0
36      ;;
37      amend)
38        _wanted addon expl 'addon' compadd $(command vim-addons -q | awk '$2 == "disabled" { print $1 }') && ret=0
39      ;;
40      remove)
41        _wanted addon expl 'addon' compadd $(command vim-addons -q | awk '$2 ~ /disabled|installed/ { print $1 }') && ret=0
42      ;;
43      files|status|disable|show)
44        _wanted addon expl 'addon' compadd $(command vim-addons list) && ret=0
45      ;;
46    esac
47  ;;
50return ret