1#compdef dpkg-source
3_arguments \
4  '-x[specify source file]:Debian source file:_files -g "*.dsc(-.)"' \
5  '-b[specify source directory]:Debian source directory:_files -/' \
6  '-c-[control file]:control file:_files' \
7  '-l-[changelog file]:changelog file:_files' \
8  '-F-[changelog format]:changelog format:' \
9  '-V-[set substitutions variable]:expression:' \
10  '-T-[alternate variable file]:varlistfile:' \
11  '-D-[override dsc field]:expression:' \
12  '-U-[remove a field]:field:' \
13  '-i-[ignore files in diff]:filter:' \
14  '-sa[autoselect orig source]' \
15  '-sk[use packaged orig source - unpack and keep]' \
16  '-sp[use packaged orig source - unpack and remove]' \
17  '-su[use unpackaged orig source - unpack and keep]' \
18  '-sr[use unpackaged orig source - unpack and remove]' \
19  '-ss[trust packed and unpacked source are the same]' \
20  '-sn[no diff, do main tarfile only]' \
21  '-sA[autoselect orig source with overwrite]' \
22  '-sK[use packaged orig source - unpack and keep with overwrite]' \
23  '-sP[use packaged orig source - unpack and remove with overwrite]' \
24  '-sU[use unpackaged orig source - unpack and keep with overwrite]' \
25  '-sR[use unpackaged orig source - unpack and remove with overwrite]' \
26  '-sp[leave original source packed in cwd]' \
27  '-su[unpack original source tree too]' \
28  '-h[help]'