1#compdef bts
3local expl first=1
5_arguments -A "-*" \
6  '(-o --offline)'{-o,--offline}'[use cached bugs]' \
7  '(--online --no-offline)'{--online,--no-offline}'[do not use cached bugs]' \
8  '(--cache --no-cache)--cache[cache new versions of pages]' \
9  '(--cache --no-cache)--no-cache[do not cache new versions of pages]' \
10  '--cache-mode=:cache mode:(min mbox full)' \
11  '--cache-delay=:seconds:' \
12  '--mbox[open a mail reader to read the corresponding mbox]' \
13  '--mailreader=:reader:' \
14  '(-f --force-refresh)'{-f,--force-refresh}'[download bug report even if unchanged]' \
15  '-no-force-refresh[do not force refresh]' \
16  '(-q --quiet)*'{-q,--quiet}'[only display info about newly cached pages]' \
17  '(--no-conf --noconf)*'{--no-conf,--noconf}'[do not read any config files]' \
18  '*:subcommand and args:->subcmds' && return 0
20compset -N '-[^0-9]#' && first=0
21compset -N '[,.]' && first=0
22[[ $first -eq 0 ]] || compset -n 2
24if [[ CURRENT -eq 1 ]]; then
25  _wanted cmd expl 'bts command' compadd show bugs close reopen retitle \
26      reassign merge unmerge tag tags severity forwarded notforwarded help \
27      clone submitter found notfound block unblock user usertag usertags \
28      package owner noowner reportspam cache cleancache claim unclaim \
29      subscribe unsubscribe fixed notfixed affects
30  return
33case "$words[1]" in
34  (close|unmerge|notforwarded|noowner|reportspam)
35    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
36      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
37    else
38      _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
39    fi
40  ;;
41  (show|bugs)
42    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
43      _wanted package expl 'package' _deb_packages avail
44      _wanted maintainer expl 'package maintainer' compadd $DEBEMAIL
45    fi
46    _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
47  ;;
48  reopen)
49    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
50      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
51    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
52      _wanted submitter expl 'new submitter' compadd $DEBEMAIL
53    else
54      _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
55    fi
56  ;;
57  retitle)
58    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
59      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
60    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
61     _message -e submitter 'new title'
62    else
63     _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
64    fi
65  ;;
66  reassign)
67    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
68      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
69    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
70     _wanted submitter expl 'new package' _deb_packages avail
71    else
72     _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
73    fi
74  ;;
75  merge)
76    _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
77    if [[ CURRENT -gt 2 ]]; then
78     _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
79    fi
80  ;;
81  tags#)
82    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
83      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
84    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
85      _wanted operator expl 'operator' compadd - '+' '-' '='
86    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 4 ]]; then
87      _wanted tag expl 'tag' \
88	 compadd patch wontfix moreinfo unreproducible help pending \
89	 fixed security upstream confirmed fixed-upstream \
90	 fixed-in-experimental d-i ipv6 lfs l10n potato woody sarge \
91	 sarge-ignore etch etch-ignore lenny lenny-ignore squeeze \
92	 squeeze-ignore wheezy wheezy-ignore sid experimental
93    else
94      _wanted tag expl 'tag' \
95	 compadd patch wontfix moreinfo unreproducible help pending \
96	 fixed security upstream confirmed fixed-upstream \
97	 fixed-in-experimental d-i ipv6 lfs l10n potato woody sarge \
98	 sarge-ignore etch etch-ignore lenny lenny-ignore squeeze \
99	 squeeze-ignore wheezy wheezy-ignore sid experimental
100      _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
101    fi
102  ;;
103  severity)
104    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
105      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
106    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
107      _wanted severity expl 'severity' \
108	  compadd wishlist minor normal serious important critical grave
109    else
110      _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
111    fi
112  ;;
113  forwarded)
114    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
115      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
116    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
117     _wanted upstream expl 'upstream email' _email_addresses -c
118    else
119     _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
120    fi
121  ;;
122  (clone)
123    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
124      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
125    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 3 || -prefix [-] ]]; then
126     _wanted newid expl 'new ID' compadd -- -{1..9}
127    else
128     _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
129    fi
130  ;;
131  (submitter)
132    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
133      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
134    else
135     _alternative \
136       'bugnum:bug number:' \
137       'email:email address:_email_addresses -c' \
138       'bang:bang:compadd \!'
139    fi
140  ;;
141  (owner|subscribe|unsubscribe)
142    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
143      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
144    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
145      _alternative \
146        'email:email address:_email_addresses -c' \
147        'bang:bang:compadd \!'
148    else
149      _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
150    fi
151  ;;
152  (found|notfound|fixed|notfixed)
153    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
154      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
155    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
156      _message -e version 'version'
157    else
158      _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
159    fi
160  ;;
161  (block|unblock)
162    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
163      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
164    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
165      _wanted prep expl 'preposition' compadd by with
166    else
167     _alternative \
168       'bugnum:bug number:' \
169       'separator:separator:compadd -S " " , .'
170    fi
171  ;;
172  (user)
173    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
174      _wanted upstream expl 'user email for usertags' _email_addresses -c
175    else
176      _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
177    fi
178  ;;
179  (usertags#)
180    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
181      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
182    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
183      _wanted operator expl 'operator' compadd - '+' '-' '='
184    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 4 ]]; then
185      _message -e usertag 'user tag'
186    else
187      _message -e usertag 'user tag'
188      _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
189    fi
190  ;;
191  (package)
192    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
193     _wanted package expl 'package' _deb_packages avail
194    else
195     _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
196    fi
197  ;;
198  (cache)
199     _alternative \
200       'package:package:_deb_packages avail' \
201       'email:email address:_email_addresses -c' \
202       'rc:rc:compadd release-critical'
203  ;;
204  (cleancache)
205     _alternative \
206       'package:package:_deb_packages avail' \
207       'email:email address:_email_addresses -c' \
208       'all:all:compadd ALL'
209  ;;
210  (claim|unclaim)
211    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
212      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
213    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
214      _alternative \
215        'email:email address:_email_addresses -c' \
216	'separator:separator:compadd -S " " , .'
217    else
218      _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
219    fi
220  ;;
221  (affects)
222    if [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
223      _message -e bugnum 'bug number'
224    elif [[ CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
225      _wanted operator expl 'operator' compadd - '+' '-' '='
226    else
227      _wanted package expl 'package' _deb_packages avail
228    fi
229  ;;
230  help)
231  ;&
232  *) _wanted sep expl 'separator' compadd -S ' ' , .
233  ;;