1# SOAP.tcl - Copyright (C) 2001 Pat Thoyts <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>
2#            Copyright (C) 2008 Andreas Kupries <andreask@activestate.com>
4# Provide Tcl access to SOAP 1.1 methods.
6# See http://tclsoap.sourceforge.net/ or doc/TclSOAP.html for usage details.
8# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
9# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
10# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
11# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the accompanying file `LICENSE'
12# for more details.
13# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
15package require http 2.0;               # tcl 8.n
16package require log;                    # tcllib 1.0
17package require uri;                    # tcllib 1.0
18catch {package require uri::urn};       # tcllib 1.2
19package require SOAP::Utils;            # TclSOAP
20package require rpcvar;                 # TclSOAP
22# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
24namespace eval ::SOAP {variable domVersion}
26# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
28namespace eval ::SOAP {
29    variable version
30    variable logLevel warning
31    variable rcs_version { $Id: SOAP.tcl,v 1.51 2008/07/09 16:14:23 andreas_kupries Exp $ }
33    namespace export create cget dump configure proxyconfig export
34    catch {namespace import -force Utils::*} ;# catch to allow pkg_mkIndex.
35    catch {namespace import -force [uplevel {namespace current}]::rpcvar::*}
38# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
40# Description:
41#  Register the namespace for handling SOAP methods using 'scheme' as a
42#  transport. See the http.tcl and smtp.tcl files for examples of how
43#  to plug in a new scheme.
44#  A SOAP transport package requires an 'xfer' method for performing the
45#  SOAP method call and a 'configure' method for setting any transport
46#  specific options via SOAP::configure -transport.
47#  You may also have a 'dump' method to help with debugging.
48# Parameters:
49#  scheme    - should be a URI scheme (in fact it must be recognised by the
50#              then uri package from tcllib)
51#  namespace - the namespace within which the transport methods are defined.
53proc ::SOAP::register {scheme namespace} {
54    variable transports
55    set transports($scheme) $namespace
58# Description:
59# Internal method to return the namespace hosting a SOAP transport using
60# the URL scheme 'scheme'.
62proc ::SOAP::schemeloc {scheme} {
63    variable transports
64    if {[info exists transports($scheme)]} {
65        return $transports($scheme)
66    } else {
67        return -code error "invalid transport scheme:\
68            \"$scheme\" is not registered. Try one of [array names transports]"
69    }
72# Description:
73#  Check for the existence of a SOAP Transport specific procedure.
74#  If the named proc exists then the fully qualified name is returned
75#  otherwise an empty string is returned.
76#  Used by SOAP::destroy, SOAP::wait and others.
78proc ::SOAP::transportHook {procVarName cmdname} {
79    upvar $procVarName procvar
81    array set URL [uri::split $procvar(proxy)]
82    if {$URL(scheme) == "urn"} {
83        set URL(scheme) "$a(scheme):$a(nid)"
84    }
85    set cmd [schemeloc $URL(scheme)]::$cmdname
86    if {[info command $cmd] == {}} {
87        set cmd {}
88    }
89    return $cmd
91# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
93# Description:
94#   Called from SOAP package methods, shift up to the callers level and
95#   get the fully namespace qualified name for the given proc / var
96# Parameters:
97#   name - the name of a Tcl entity, or list of command and arguments
98# Result:
99#   Fully qualified namespace path for the named entity. If the name
100#   parameter is a list the the first element is namespace qualified
101#   and the remainder of the list is unchanged.
103proc ::SOAP::qualifyNamespace {name} {
104    if {$name != {}} {
105        set name [lreplace $name 0 0 \
106                [uplevel 2 namespace origin [lindex $name 0]]]
107    }
108    return $name
111# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
113# Description:
114#  An interal procedure to mangle and SOAP method name and it's namespace
115#  and generate a name for use as a specific SOAP variable. This ensures
116#  that similarly named methods in different namespaces do not conflict
117#  within the SOAP package.
118# Parameters:
119#  methodName - the SOAP method name
121proc ::SOAP::methodVarName {methodName} {
122    if {[catch {uplevel 2 namespace origin $methodName} name]} {
123        return -code error "invalid method name:\
124            \"$methodName\" is not a SOAP method"
125    }
126    regsub -all {::+} $name {_} name
127    return [namespace current]::$name
130# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
132# Description:
133#  Set the amount of logging you would like to see. This is for debugging
134#  the SOAP package. We use the tcllib log package for this so the level
135#  must be one of log::levels. The default is 'warning'.
136# Parameters:
137#  level - one of log::levels. See the tcllib log package documentation.
139proc ::SOAP::setLogLevel {level} {
140    variable logLevel
141    set logLevel $level
142    log::lvSuppressLE emergency 0
143    log::lvSuppressLE $logLevel 1
144    log::lvSuppress $logLevel 0
145    return $logLevel
147if {[info exists SOAP::logLevel]} {
148    SOAP::setLogLevel $SOAP::logLevel
151# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
153# Description:
154#  Retrieve configuration variables from the SOAP package. The options
155#  are all as found for SOAP::configure.
157# FIXME: do for -transport as well!
159proc ::SOAP::cget { args } {
161    if { [llength $args] != 2 } {
162        return -code error "wrong # args:\
163            should be \"cget methodName optionName\""
164    }
166    set methodName [lindex $args 0]
167    set optionName [lindex $args 1]
168    set configVarName [methodVarName $methodName]
170    # FRINK: nocheck
171    if {[catch {set [subst $configVarName]([string trimleft $optionName "-"])} result]} {
172        # kenstir@synchonicity.com: Fixed typo.
173        return -code error "unknown option \"$optionName\""
174    }
175    return $result
178# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
180# Description:
181#  Dump out information concerning the last SOAP transaction for a
182#  SOAP method. What you can dump depends on the transport involved.
183# Parameters:
184#  ?-option?  - specify type of data to dump.
185#  methodName - the SOAP method to dump data from.
186# Notes:
187#  Delegates to the transport namespace to a 'dump' procedure.
189proc ::SOAP::dump {args} {
190    if {[llength $args] == 1} {
191        set type -reply
192        set methodName [lindex $args 0]
193    } elseif { [llength $args] == 2 } {
194        set type [lindex $args 0]
195        set methodName [lindex $args 1]
196    } else {
197        return -code error "wrong # args:\
198           should be \"dump ?option? methodName\""
199    }
201    # call the transports 'dump' proc if found
202    set procVarName [methodVarName $methodName]
203    if {[set cmd [transportHook $procVarName dump]] != {}} {
204        $cmd $methodName $type
205    } else {
206        return -code error "no dump available:\
207            the configured transport has no 'dump' procedure defined"
208    }
211# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
213# Description:
214#   Configure or display a SOAP method options.
215# Parameters:
216#   procName - the SOAP method Tcl procedure name
217#   args     - list of option name / option pairs
218# Result:
219#   Sets up a configuration array for the SOAP method.
221proc ::SOAP::configure { procName args } {
222    variable transports
224    # The list of valid options, used in the error messsage
225    set options { uri proxy params name transport action \
226                  wrapProc replyProc parseProc postProc \
227                  command errorCommand schemas version \
228                  encoding}
230    if { $procName == "-transport" } {
231        set scheme [lindex $args 0]
232        set config "[schemeloc $scheme]::configure"
233        if {[info command $config] != {}} {
234            return [eval $config [lrange $args 1 end]]
235        } else {
236            return -code error "invalid transport:\
237                \"$scheme\" is not a valid SOAP transport method."
238        }
239    }
241    if { [string match "-logLevel" $procName] } {
242        if {[llength $args] > 0} {
243            setLogLevel [lindex $args 0]
244        }
245        variable logLevel
246        return $logLevel
247    }
249    # construct the name of the options array from the procName.
250    set procVarName "[uplevel namespace current]::$procName"
251    regsub -all {::+} $procVarName {_} procVarName
252    set procVarName [namespace current]::$procVarName
254    # Check that the named method has actually been defined
255    if {! [array exists $procVarName]} {
256        return -code error "invalid command: \"$procName\" not defined"
257    }
258    upvar $procVarName procvar
260    # Add in transport plugin defined options and locate the
261    # configuration hook procedure if one exists.
262    set scheme [eval getTransportFromArgs $procVarName $args]
263    if {$scheme != {}} {
264        set transport_opts "[schemeloc $scheme]::method:options"
265        if {[info exists $transport_opts]} {
266            # FRINK: nocheck
267            set options [concat $options [set $transport_opts]]
268        }
269        set transportHook "[schemeloc $scheme]::method:configure"
270    }
272    # if no args - print out the current settings.
273    if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
274        set r {}
275        foreach opt $options {
276            if {[info exists procvar($opt)]} {
277                lappend r -$opt $procvar($opt)
278            }
279        }
280        return $r
281    }
283    foreach {opt value} $args {
284        switch -glob -- $opt {
285            -rpcprot*  { set procvar(rpcprotocol) $value }
286            -uri       { set procvar(uri) $value }
287            -proxy     { set procvar(proxy) $value }
288            -param*    { set procvar(params) $value }
289            -trans*    { set procvar(transport) $value }
290            -name      { set procvar(name) $value }
291            -action    { set procvar(action) $value }
292            -schema*   { set procvar(schemas) $value }
293            -ver*      { set procvar(version) $value }
294            -enc*      { set procvar(encoding) $value }
295            -namedpar* { set procvar(namedparams) $value }
296            -wrap*     { set procvar(wrapProc) [qualifyNamespace $value] }
297            -rep*      { set procvar(replyProc) [qualifyNamespace $value] }
298            -parse*    { set procvar(parseProc) [qualifyNamespace $value] }
299            -post*     { set procvar(postProc) [qualifyNamespace $value] }
300            -com*      { set procvar(command) [qualifyNamespace $value] }
301            -err*      {
302                set procvar(errorCommand) [qualifyNamespace $value]
303            }
304            default {
305                # might be better to delete the args as we process them
306                # and then call this once with all the remaining args.
307                # Still - this will work fine.
308                if {[info exists transportHook]
309                    && [info command $transportHook] != {}} {
310                    if {[catch {eval $transportHook $procVarName \
311                                    [list $opt] [list $value]}]} {
312                        return -code error "unknown option \"$opt\":\
313                            must be one of ${options}"
314                    }
315                } else {
316                    return -code error "unknown option \"$opt\":\
317                        must be one of ${options}"
318                }
319            }
320        }
321    }
323    if { $procvar(name) == {} } {
324        set procvar(name) $procName
325    }
327    # If the transport proc is not overridden then set based upon the proxy
328    # scheme registered by SOAP::register.
329    if { $procvar(transport) == {} } {
330        set xferProc "[schemeloc $scheme]::xfer"
331        if {[info command $xferProc] != {}} {
332            set procvar(transport) $xferProc
333        } else {
334            return -code error "invalid transport:\
335                \"$scheme\" is improperly registered"
336        }
337    }
340    if {$procvar(rpcprotocol) eq "SOAP"} {
341        # The default version is SOAP 1.1
342        if { $procvar(version) == {} } {
343            set procvar(version) SOAP1.1
344        }
345        # Canonicalize the SOAP version URI
346        switch -glob -- $procvar(version) {
347            SOAP1.1 - 1.1 {
348                set procvar(version) "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
349            }
350            SOAP1.2 - 1.2 {
351                set procvar(version) "http://www.w3.org/2001/06/soap-envelope"
352            }
353        }
354    }
356    # Default SOAP encoding is SOAP 1.1
357    if { $procvar(encoding) == {} } {
358        set procvar(encoding) SOAP1.1
359    }
360    switch -glob -- $procvar(encoding) {
361        SOAP1.1 - 1.1 {
362            set procvar(encoding) "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
363        }
364        SOAP1.2 - 1.2 {
365            set procvar(encoding) "http://www.w3.org/2001/06/soap-encoding"
366        }
367    }
369    # Select the default parser unless one is specified
370    if { $procvar(parseProc) == {} } {
371        set procvar(parseProc) [namespace current]::parse_soap_response
372    }
374    # If no request wrapper is set, use the default SOAP wrap proc.
375    if { $procvar(wrapProc) == {} } {
376        set procvar(wrapProc) [namespace current]::soap_request
377    }
379    # Create the Tcl procedure that maps to this RPC method.
380    uplevel 1 "proc $procName { args } {eval [namespace current]::invoke $procVarName \$args}"
382    # return the fully qualified command name created.
383    return [uplevel 1 "namespace which $procName"]
386# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
388# Description:
389#  Create a Tcl wrapper for a SOAP methodcall. This constructs a Tcl command
390#  and the necessary data structures to support the method call using the
391#  specified transport.
393proc ::SOAP::create { args } {
394    if { [llength $args] < 1 } {
395        return -code error "wrong # args:\
396            should be \"create procName ?options?\""
397    } else {
398        set procName [lindex $args 0]
399        set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
400    }
402    set ns "[uplevel namespace current]::$procName"
403    regsub -all {::+} $ns {_} varName
404    set varName [namespace current]::$varName
405    array set $varName {}
406    array set $varName {rpcprotocol SOAP} ;# SOAP, XMLRPC or JSONRPC
407    array set $varName {uri       {}} ;# the XML namespace URI for this method
408    array set $varName {proxy     {}} ;# URL for the location of a provider
409    array set $varName {params    {}} ;# name/type pairs for the parameters
410    array set $varName {transport {}} ;# transport procedure for this method
411    array set $varName {name      {}} ;# SOAP method name
412    array set $varName {action    {}} ;# Contents of the SOAPAction header
413    array set $varName {wrapProc  {}} ;# encode request into XML for sending
414    array set $varName {replyProc {}} ;# post process the raw XML result
415    array set $varName {parseProc {}} ;# parse raw XML and extract the values
416    array set $varName {postProc  {}} ;# post process the parsed result
417    array set $varName {command   {}} ;# asynchronous reply handler
418    array set $varName {errorCommand {}} ;# asynchronous error handler
419    array set $varName {headers   {}} ;# SOAP Head elements returned.
420    array set $varName {schemas   {}} ;# List of SOAP Schemas in force
421    array set $varName {version   {}} ;# SOAP Version in force (URI)
422    array set $varName {encoding  {}} ;# SOAP Encoding (URI)
423    array set $varName {namedparams false}; # Use named or positional params ?
425    set scheme [eval getTransportFromArgs $varName $args]
426    if {$scheme != {}} {
427        # Add any transport defined method options
428        set transportOptions "[schemeloc $scheme]::method:options"
429        # FRINK: nocheck
430        foreach opt [set $transportOptions] {
431            array set $varName [list $opt {}]
432        }
434        # Call any transport defined construction proc
435        set createHook "[schemeloc $scheme]::method:create"
436        if {[info command $createHook] != {}} {
437            eval $createHook $varName $args
438        }
439    }
441    # call configure from the callers level so it can get the namespace.
442    return [uplevel 1 "[namespace current]::configure $procName $args"]
445# Identify the transport protocol so we can include transport specific
446# creation code.
447proc getTransportFromArgs {procVarName args} {
448    upvar $procVarName procvar
449    set uri {}
450    set scheme {}
451    if {$procvar(proxy) != {}} {
452        set uri $procvar(proxy)
453    } elseif {[set n [lsearch -exact $args -proxy]] != -1} {
454        incr n
455        set uri [lindex $args $n]
456    }
458    if {$uri != {}} {
459        array set URL [uri::split $uri]
460        if {$URL(scheme) == "urn"} {
461            set URL(scheme) $URL(scheme):$URL(nid)
462        }
463        set scheme $URL(scheme)
464    }
465    return $scheme
468# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
470# Description:
471#   Export a list of procedure names as SOAP endpoints. This is only used
472#   in the SOAP server code to specify the subset of Tcl commands that should
473#   be accessible via a SOAP call.
474# Parameters:
475#   args - a list of tcl commands to be made available as SOAP endpoints.
477proc ::SOAP::export {args} {
478    foreach item $args {
479        uplevel "set \[namespace current\]::__soap_exports($item)\
480                \[namespace code $item\]"
481    }
482    return
485# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
487# Description:
488#  Reverse the SOAP::create command by deleting the SOAP method binding and
489#  freeing up any allocated resources. This needs to delegate to the
490#  transports cleanup procedure if one is defined as well.
491# Parameters:
492#  methodName - the name of the SOAP method command
494proc ::SOAP::destroy {methodName} {
495    set procVarName [methodVarName $methodName]
497    # Delete the SOAP command
498    uplevel rename $methodName {{}}
500    # Call the transport specific method destructor (if any)
501    if {[set cmd [transportHook $procVarName method:destroy]] != {}} {
502        $cmd $procVarName
503    }
505    # Delete the SOAP method configuration array
506    # FRINK: nocheck
507    unset $procVarName
510# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
512# Description:
513#  Wait for any pending asynchronous method calls.
514# Parameters:
515#  methodName - the method binding we are interested in.
517proc ::SOAP::wait {methodName} {
518    set procVarName [methodVarName $methodName]
520    # Call the transport specific method wait proc (if any)
521    if {[set cmd [transportHook $procVarName wait]] != {}} {
522        $cmd $procVarName
523    }
526# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
528# Description:
529#   Make a SOAP method call using the configured transport.
530#   See also 'invoke2' for the reply handling which may be asynchronous.
531# Parameters:
532#   procName  - the SOAP method configuration variable path
533#   args      - the parameter list for the SOAP method call
534# Returns:
535#   Returns the parsed and processed result of the method call
537proc ::SOAP::invoke { procVarName args } {
538    set procName [lindex [split $procVarName {_}] end]
539    if {![array exists $procVarName]} {
540        return -code error "invalid command: \"$procName\" not defined"
541    }
543    upvar $procVarName procvar
545    # Get the URL
546    set url $procvar(proxy)
548    # Get the XML data containing our request by calling the -wrapProc
549    # procedure
550    set req [eval "$procvar(wrapProc) $procVarName $args"]
552    # Send the SOAP packet (req) using the configured transport procedure
553    set transport $procvar(transport)
554    set reply [$transport $procVarName $url $req]
556    # Check for an async command handler. If async then return now,
557    # otherwise call the invoke second stage immediately.
558    if { $procvar(command) != {} } {
559        return $reply
560    }
561    return [invoke2 $procVarName $reply]
564# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
566# Description:
567#   The second stage of the method invocation deals with unwrapping the
568#   reply packet that has been received from the remote service.
569# Parameters:
570#   procVarName - the SOAP method configuration variable path
571#   reply       - the raw data returned from the remote service
572# Notes:
573#   This has been separated from `invoke' to support asynchronous
574#   transports. It calls the various unwrapping hooks in turn.
576proc ::SOAP::invoke2 {procVarName reply} {
577    set ::lastReply $reply
579    set procName [lindex [split $procVarName {_}] end]
580    upvar $procVarName procvar
582    # Post-process the raw XML using -replyProc
583    if { $procvar(replyProc) != {} } {
584        set reply [$procvar(replyProc) $procVarName $reply]
585    }
587    # Call the relevant parser to extract the returned values
588    set parseProc $procvar(parseProc)
589    if { $parseProc == {} } {
590        set parseProc parse_soap_response
591    }
592    set r [$parseProc $procVarName $reply]
594    # Post process the parsed reply using -postProc
595    if { $procvar(postProc) != {} } {
596        set r [$procvar(postProc) $procVarName $r]
597    }
599    return $r
602# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
604# Description:
605#   Dummy SOAP transports to examine the SOAP requests generated for use
606#   with the test package and for debugging.
607# Parameters:
608#   procVarName  - SOAP method name configuration variable
609#   url          - URL of the remote server method implementation
610#   soap         - the XML payload for this SOAP method call
612namespace eval SOAP::Transport::print {
613    variable method:options {}
614    proc configure {args} {
615        return
616    }
617    proc xfer { procVarName url soap } {
618        puts "$soap"
619    }
620    SOAP::register urn:print [namespace current]
623namespace eval SOAP::Transport::reflect {
624    variable method:options {}
625    proc configure {args} {
626        return
627    }
628    proc xfer {procVarName url soap} {
629        return $soap
630    }
631    SOAP::register urn:reflect [namespace current]
634# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
636# Description:
637#   Setup SOAP HTTP transport for an authenticating proxy HTTP server.
638#   At present the SOAP package only supports Basic authentication and this
639#   dialog is used to configure the proxy information.
640# Parameters:
641#   none
643proc ::SOAP::proxyconfig {} {
644    package require Tk
645    if { [catch {package require base64}] } {
646        return -code error "proxyconfig requires the tcllib base64 package."
647    }
648    toplevel .tx
649    wm title .tx "Proxy Authentication Configuration"
650    set m [message .tx.m1 -relief groove -justify left -width 6c -aspect 200 \
651            -text "Enter details of your proxy server (if any) and your\
652                   username and password if it is needed by the proxy."]
653    set f1 [frame .tx.f1]
654    set f2 [frame .tx.f2]
655    button $f2.b -text "OK" -command {destroy .tx}
656    pack $f2.b -side right
657    label $f1.l1 -text "Proxy (host:port)"
658    label $f1.l2 -text "Username"
659    label $f1.l3 -text "Password"
660    entry $f1.e1 -textvariable SOAP::conf_proxy
661    entry $f1.e2 -textvariable SOAP::conf_userid
662    entry $f1.e3 -textvariable SOAP::conf_passwd -show {*}
663    grid $f1.l1 -column 0 -row 0 -sticky e
664    grid $f1.l2 -column 0 -row 1 -sticky e
665    grid $f1.l3 -column 0 -row 2 -sticky e
666    grid $f1.e1 -column 1 -row 0 -sticky news
667    grid $f1.e2 -column 1 -row 1 -sticky news
668    grid $f1.e3 -column 1 -row 2 -sticky news
669    grid columnconfigure $f1 1 -weight 1
670    pack $f2 -side bottom -fill x
671    pack $m  -side top -fill x -expand 1
672    pack $f1 -side top -anchor n -fill both -expand 1
674    #bind .tx <Enter> "$f2.b invoke"
676    tkwait window .tx
677    SOAP::configure -transport http -proxy $SOAP::conf_proxy
678    if { [info exists SOAP::conf_userid] } {
679        SOAP::configure -transport http \
680            -headers [list "Proxy-Authorization" \
681            "Basic [lindex [base64::encode ${SOAP::conf_userid}:${SOAP::conf_passwd}] 0]" ]
682    }
683    unset SOAP::conf_passwd
686# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
688# Description:
689#   Prepare a SOAP fault message
690# Parameters:
691#   faultcode   - the SOAP faultcode e.g: SOAP-ENV:Client
692#   faultstring - summary of the fault
693#   detail      - list of {detailName detailInfo}
694# Result:
695#   returns the XML text of the SOAP Fault packet.
697proc ::SOAP::fault {faultcode faultstring {detail {}}} {
698    set doc [newDocument]
699    set bod [reply_envelope $doc]
700    set flt [addNode $bod "SOAP-ENV:Fault"]
701    set fcd [addNode $flt "faultcode"]
702    addTextNode $fcd $faultcode
703    set fst [addNode $flt "faultstring"]
704    addTextNode $fst $faultstring
706    if { $detail != {} } {
707        set dtl0 [addNode $flt "detail"]
708        set dtl  [addNode $dtl0 "e:errorInfo"]
709        setElementAttribute $dtl "xmlns:e" "urn:TclSOAP-ErrorInfo"
711        foreach {detailName detailInfo} $detail {
712            set err [addNode $dtl $detailName]
713            addTextNode $err $detailInfo
714        }
715    }
717    # serialize the DOM document and return the XML text
718    set r [generateXML $doc]
719    deleteDocument $doc
720    return $r
723# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
725# Description:
726#   Generate the common portion of a SOAP replay packet
727# Parameters:
728#   doc   - the document element of a DOM document
729# Result:
730#   returns the body node
732proc ::SOAP::reply_envelope { doc } {
733    set env [addNode $doc "SOAP-ENV:Envelope"]
734    setElementAttribute $env \
735            "xmlns:SOAP-ENV" "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
736    setElementAttribute $env \
737            "xmlns:xsi"      "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance"
738    setElementAttribute $env \
739            "xmlns:xsd"      "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema"
740    setElementAttribute $env \
741            "xmlns:SOAP-ENC" "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
742    set bod [addNode $env "SOAP-ENV:Body"]
743    return $bod
746# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
748# Description:
749#   Generate a SOAP reply packet. Uses 'rpcvar' variable type information to
750#   manage complex data structures and arrays.
751# Parameters:
752#   doc         empty DOM document element
753#   uri         URI of the SOAP method
754#   methodName  the SOAP method name
755#   result      the reply data
756# Result:
757#   returns the DOM document root
759proc ::SOAP::reply { doc uri methodName result } {
760    set bod [reply_envelope $doc]
761    set cmd [addNode $bod "ns:$methodName"]
762    setElementAttribute $cmd "xmlns:ns" $uri
763    setElementAttribute $cmd \
764            "SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle" \
765            "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
767    # insert the results into the DOM tree (unless it's a void result)
768    if {$result != {}} {
769        # Some methods may return a parameter list of name - value pairs.
770        if {[rpctype $result] == "PARAMLIST"} {
771            foreach {resultName resultValue} [rpcvalue $result] {
772                set retnode [addNode $cmd $resultName]
773                SOAP::insert_value $retnode $resultValue
774            }
775        } else {
776            set retnode [addNode $cmd "return"]
777            SOAP::insert_value $retnode $result
778        }
779    }
781    return $doc
784# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
786# Description:
787#   Procedure to generate the XML data for a configured SOAP procedure.
788#   This is the default SOAP -wrapProc procedure
789# Parameters:
790#   procVarName - the path of the SOAP method configuration variable
791#   args        - the arguments for this SOAP method
792# Result:
793#   XML data containing the SOAP method call.
794# Notes:
795#   We permit a small number of option to be specified on the method call
796#   itself. -headers is used to set SOAP Header elements and -attr can be
797#   used to set additional XML attributes on the method element (needed for
798#   UDDI.)
800proc ::SOAP::soap_request {procVarName args} {
801    upvar $procVarName procvar
803    set procName [lindex [split $procVarName {_}] end]
804    set params  $procvar(params)
805    set name    $procvar(name)
806    set uri     $procvar(uri)
807    set soapenv $procvar(version)
808    set soapenc $procvar(encoding)
810    # Check for options (ie: -header) give up on the fist non-matching arg.
811    array set opts {-headers {} -attributes {}}
812    while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
813        switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
814            -header* {
815                set opts(-headers) [concat $opts(-headers) [lindex $args 1]]
816                set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
817            }
818            -attr* {
819                set opts(-attributes) [concat $opts(-attributes) [lindex $args 1]]
820                set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
821            }
822            -- {
823                set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
824                break
825            }
826            default {
827                # stop option processing at the first invalid option.
828                break
829            }
830        }
831        set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
832    }
834    # check for variable number of params and set the num required.
835    if {[lindex $params end] == "args"} {
836        set n_params [expr {( [llength $params] - 1 ) / 2}]
837    } else {
838        set n_params [expr {[llength $params] / 2}]
839    }
841    # check we have the correct number of parameters supplied.
842    if {[llength $args] < $n_params} {
843        set msg "wrong # args: should be \"$procName"
844        foreach { id type } $params {
845            append msg " " $id
846        }
847        append msg "\""
848        return -code error $msg
849    }
851    set doc [newDocument]
852    set envx [addNode $doc "SOAP-ENV:Envelope"]
854    setElementAttribute $envx "xmlns:SOAP-ENV" $soapenv
855    setElementAttribute $envx "xmlns:SOAP-ENC" $soapenc
856    setElementAttribute $envx "SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle" $soapenc
858    # The set of namespaces depends upon the SOAP encoding as specified by
859    # the encoding option and the user specified set of relevant schemas.
860    foreach {nsname url} [concat \
861                              [rpcvar::default_schemas $soapenc] \
862                              $procvar(schemas)] {
863        if {! [string match "xmlns:*" $nsname]} {
864            set nsname "xmlns:$nsname"
865        }
866        setElementAttribute $envx $nsname $url
867    }
869    # Insert the Header elements (if any)
870    if {$opts(-headers) != {}} {
871        set headelt [addNode $envx "SOAP-ENV:Header"]
872        foreach {hname hvalue} $opts(-headers) {
873            set hnode [addNode $headelt $hname]
874            insert_value $hnode $hvalue
875        }
876    }
878    # Insert the body element and atributes.
879    set bod [addNode $envx "SOAP-ENV:Body"]
880    if {$uri == ""} {
881        # don't use a namespace prefix if we don't have a namespace.
882        set cmd [addNode $bod "$name" ]
883    } else {
884        set cmd [addNode $bod "ns:$name" ]
885        setElementAttribute $cmd "xmlns:ns" $uri
886    }
888    # Insert any method attributes
889    if {$opts(-attributes) != {}} {
890        foreach {atname atvalue} $opts(-attributes) {
891            setElementAttribute $cmd $atname $atvalue
892        }
893    }
895    # insert the parameters.
896    set param_no 0
897    foreach {key type} $params {
898        set val [lindex $args $param_no]
899        set d_param [addNode $cmd $key]
900        insert_value $d_param [rpcvar $type $val]
901        incr param_no
902    }
904    # We have to strip out the DOCTYPE element though. It would be better to
905    # remove the DOM node for this, but that didn't work.
906    set req [generateXML $doc]
907    deleteDocument $doc              ;# clean up
909    set req [encoding convertto utf-8 $req]          ;# make it UTF-8
910    return $req                                      ;# return the XML data
913# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
915# Description:
916#   Procedure to generate the XML data for a configured XML-RPC procedure.
917# Parameters:
918#   procVarName - the name of the XML-RPC method variable
919#   args        - the arguments for this RPC method
920# Result:
921#   XML data containing the XML-RPC method call.
923proc ::SOAP::xmlrpc_request {procVarName args} {
924    upvar $procVarName procvar
926    set procName [lindex [split $procVarName {_}] end]
927    set params $procvar(params)
928    set name   $procvar(name)
930    if { [llength $args] != [expr { [llength $params] / 2 } ]} {
931        set msg "wrong # args: should be \"$procName"
932        foreach { id type } $params {
933            append msg " " $id
934        }
935        append msg "\""
936        return -code error $msg
937    }
939    set doc [newDocument]
940    set d_root [addNode $doc "methodCall"]
941    set d_meth [addNode $d_root "methodName"]
942    addTextNode $d_meth $name
944    if { [llength $params] != 0 } {
945        set d_params [addNode $d_root "params"]
946    }
948    set param_no 0
949    foreach {key type} $params {
950        set val [lindex $args $param_no]
951        set d_param [addNode $d_params "param"]
952        XMLRPC::insert_value $d_param [rpcvar $type $val]
953        incr param_no
954    }
956    # We have to strip out the DOCTYPE element though. It would be better to
957    # remove the DOM element, but that didn't work.
958    set req [generateXML $doc]
959    deleteDocument $doc          ;# clean up
961    return $req                                  ;# return the XML data
964# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
966# Description:
967#   Parse a SOAP response payload. Check for Fault response otherwise
968#   extract the value data.
969# Parameters:
970#   procVarName  - the name of the SOAP method configuration variable
971#   xml          - the XML payload of the response
972# Result:
973#   The returned value data.
974# Notes:
975#   Needs work to cope with struct or array types.
977proc ::SOAP::parse_soap_response { procVarName xml } {
978    upvar $procVarName procvar
980    # Sometimes Fault packets come back with HTTP code 200
981    #
982    # kenstir@synchronicity.com: Catch xml parse errors and present a
983    #   friendlier message.  The parse method throws awful messages like
984    #   "{invalid attribute list} around line 16".
985    if {$xml == {} && ![string match "http*" $procvar(proxy)]} {
986        # This is probably not an error. SMTP and FTP won't return anything
987        # HTTP should always return though (I think).
988        return {}
989    } else {
990        if {[catch {set doc [parseXML $xml]}]} {
991            return -code error -errorcode Server \
992                "Server response is not well-formed XML.\nresponse was $xml"
993        }
994    }
996    set faultNode [selectNode $doc "/SENV:Envelope/SENV:Body/SENV:Fault"]
997    if {$faultNode != {}} {
998        array set fault [decomposeSoap $faultNode]
999        deleteDocument $doc
1000        if {![info exists fault(detail)]} { set fault(detail) {}}
1001        return -code error -errorinfo $fault(detail) \
1002            [list $fault(faultcode) $fault(faultstring)]
1003    }
1005    # If there is a header element then make it available via SOAP::getHeader
1006    set headerNode [selectNode $doc "/SENV:Envelope/SENV:Header"]
1007    if {$headerNode != {} \
1008            && [string match \
1009                    "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" \
1010                    [namespaceURI $headerNode]]} {
1011        set procvar(headers) [decomposeSoap $headerNode]
1012    } else {
1013        set procvar(headers) {}
1014    }
1016    set result {}
1018    if {[info exists procvar(name)]} {
1019        set responseName "$procvar(name)Response"
1020    } else {
1021        set responseName "*"
1022    }
1023    set responseNode [selectNode $doc "/SENV:Envelope/SENV:Body/$responseName"]
1024    if {$responseNode == {}} {
1025        set responseNode [lindex [selectNode $doc "/SENV:Envelope/SENV:Body/*"] 0]
1026    }
1028    set nodes [getElements $responseNode]
1029    foreach node $nodes {
1030        set r [decomposeSoap $node]
1031        if {$result == {}} { set result $r } else { lappend result $r }
1032    }
1034    deleteDocument $doc
1035    return $result
1038# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1040# Description:
1041#   Parse an XML-RPC response payload. Check for fault response otherwise
1042#   extract the value data.
1043# Parameters:
1044#   procVarName  - the name of the XML-RPC method configuration variable
1045#   xml          - the XML payload of the response
1046# Result:
1047#   The extracted value(s). Array types are converted into lists and struct
1048#   types are turned into lists of name/value pairs suitable for array set
1049# Notes:
1050#   The XML-RPC fault response doesn't allow us to add in extra values
1051#   to the fault struct. So where to put the servers errorInfo?
1053proc ::SOAP::parse_xmlrpc_response { procVarName xml } {
1054    upvar $procVarName procvar
1055    set result {}
1056    if {$xml == {} && ![string match "http*" $procvar(proxy)]} {
1057        # This is probably not an error. SMTP and FTP won't return anything
1058        # HTTP should always return though (I think).
1059        return {}
1060    } else {
1061        if {[catch {set doc [parseXML $xml]}]} {
1062            return -code error -errorcode Server \
1063                "Server response is not well-formed XML.\n\
1064                  response was $xml"
1065        }
1066    }
1068    set faultNode [selectNode $doc "/methodResponse/fault"]
1069    if {$faultNode != {}} {
1070        array set err [lindex [decomposeXMLRPC \
1071                [selectNode $doc /methodResponse]] 0]
1072        deleteDocument $doc
1073        return -code error \
1074            -errorcode $err(faultCode) \
1075            -errorinfo $err(faultString) \
1076            "Received XML-RPC Error"
1077    }
1079    # Recurse over each params/param/value
1080    set n_params 0
1081    foreach valueNode [selectNode $doc \
1082            "/methodResponse/params/param/value"] {
1083        lappend result [xmlrpc_value_from_node $valueNode]
1084        incr n_params
1085    }
1086    deleteDocument $doc
1088    # If (as is usual) there is only one param, simplify things for the user
1089    # ie: sort {one two three} should return a 3 element list, not a single
1090    # element list whose first element has 3 elements!
1091    if {$n_params == 1} {set result [lindex $result 0]}
1092    return $result
1095# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1096# Description:
1097#   Parse an XML-RPC call payload. Extracts method name and parameters.
1098# Parameters:
1099#   procVarName  - the name of the XML-RPC method configuration variable
1100#   xml          - the XML payload of the response
1101# Result:
1102#   A list containing the name of the called method as first element
1103#   and the extracted parameter(s) as second element. Array types are
1104#   converted into lists and struct types are turned into lists of
1105#   name/value pairs suitable for array set
1106# Notes:
1108proc ::SOAP::parse_xmlrpc_request { xml } {
1109    set result {}
1110    if {[catch {set doc [parseXML $xml]}]} {
1111        return -code error -errorinfo Server \
1112            "Client request is not well-formed XML.\n\
1113            call was $xml"
1114    }
1116    set methodNode [selectNode $doc "/methodCall/methodName"]
1117    set methodName [getElementValue $methodNode]
1119    # Get the parameters.
1121    # If there is only one parameter, simplify things for the user,
1122    # ie: sort {one two three} should return a 3 element list, not a
1123    # single element list whose first element has 3 elements!
1125    set paramsNode [selectNode $doc "/methodCall/params"]
1126    set paramValues {}
1127    if {$paramsNode != {}} {
1128	set paramValues [decomposeXMLRPC $paramsNode]
1129    }
1130    if {[llength $paramValues] == 1} {
1131        set paramValues [lindex $paramValues 0]
1132    }
1134    catch {deleteDocument $doc}
1136    return [list $methodName $paramValues]
1139# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1141### NB: this procedure needs to be moved into XMLRPC namespace
1143# Description:
1144#   Retrieve the value under the given <value> node.
1145# Parameters:
1146#   valueNode - reference to a <value> element in the response dom tree
1147# Result:
1148#   Either a single value or a list of values. Arrays expand into a list
1149#   of values, structs to a list of name/value pairs.
1150# Notes:
1151#   Called recursively when processing arrays and structs.
1153proc ::SOAP::xmlrpc_value_from_node {valueNode} {
1154    set value {}
1155    set elts [getElements $valueNode]
1157    if {[llength $elts] != 1} {
1158        return [getElementValue $valueNode]
1159    }
1160    set typeElement [lindex $elts 0]
1161    set type [getElementName $typeElement]
1163    if {$type == "array"} {
1164        set dataElement [lindex [getElements $typeElement] 0]
1165        foreach valueElement [getElements $dataElement] {
1166            lappend value [xmlrpc_value_from_node $valueElement]
1167        }
1168    } elseif {$type == "struct"} {
1169        # struct type has 1+ members which have a name and a value elt.
1170        foreach memberElement [getElements $typeElement] {
1171            set params [getElements $memberElement]
1172            foreach param $params {
1173                set nodeName [getElementName $param]
1174                if { $nodeName == "name"} {
1175                    set pname [getElementValue $param]
1176                } elseif { $nodeName == "value" } {
1177                    set pvalue [xmlrpc_value_from_node $param]
1178                }
1179            }
1180            lappend value $pname $pvalue
1181        }
1182    } else {
1183        set value [getElementValue $typeElement]
1184    }
1185    return $value
1188# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1190proc ::SOAP::insert_headers {node headers} {
1191    set doc [getDocumentElement $node]
1192    if {[set h [selectNode $doc /SENV:Envelope/SENV:Header]] == {}} {
1193        set e [documentElement $doc]
1194        set h [addNode $e "SOAP-ENV:Header"]
1195    }
1196    foreach {name value} $headers {
1197        if {$name != {}} {
1198            set elt [addNode $h $name]
1199            insert_value $elt $value
1200        }
1201    }
1204# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1206proc ::SOAP::insert_value {node value} {
1208    set type     [rpctype $value]
1209    set subtype  [rpcsubtype $value]
1210    set attrs    [rpcattributes $value]
1211    set headers  [rpcheaders $value]
1212    set value    [rpcvalue $value]
1213    set typeinfo [typedef -info $type]
1214    set typexmlns [typedef -namespace $type]
1216    # Handle any header elements
1217    if {$headers != {}} {
1218        insert_headers $node $headers
1219    }
1221    # If the rpcvar namespace is a URI then assign it a tag and ensure we
1222    # have our colon only when required.
1223    if {$typexmlns != {} && [regexp : $typexmlns]} {
1224        setElementAttribute $node "xmlns:t" $typexmlns
1225        set typexmlns t
1226    }
1227    if {$typexmlns != {}} { append typexmlns : }
1229    # If there are any attributes assigned, apply them.
1230    if {$attrs != {}} {
1231        foreach {aname avalue} $attrs {
1232            setElementAttribute $node $aname $avalue
1233        }
1234    }
1236    if {[string match {*()} $typeinfo] || [string match {*()} $type]
1237        || [string match array $type]} {
1238        # array type: arrays are indicated by one or more () suffixes or
1239        # the word 'array' (depreciated)
1241        if {[string length $typeinfo] == 0} {
1242            set dimensions [regexp -all -- {\(\)} $type]
1243            set itemtype [string trimright $type ()]
1244            if {$itemtype == "array"} {
1245                set itemtype ur-type
1246                set dimensions 1
1247            }
1248        } else {
1249            set dimensions [regexp -all -- {\(\)} $typeinfo]
1250            set itemtype [string trimright $typeinfo ()]
1251        }
1253        # Look up the typedef info of the item type
1254        set itemxmlns [typedef -namespace $itemtype]
1255        if {$itemxmlns != {} && [regexp : $itemxmlns]} {
1256            setElementAttribute $node "xmlns:i" $itemxmlns
1257            set itemxmlns i
1258        }
1260        # Currently we do not support non-0 offsets into the array.
1261        # This is because I don;t know how I should present this to the
1262        # user. It's got to be a dynamic attribute on the value.
1263        setElementAttribute $node \
1264                "xmlns:SOAP-ENC" "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
1265        setElementAttribute $node "xsi:type" "SOAP-ENC:Array"
1266        setElementAttribute $node "SOAP-ENC:offset" "\[0\]"
1268        # we need to break a multi-dim array into r0c0,r0c1,r1c0,r1c1
1269        # so list0 followed by list1 etc.
1270        # FIX ME
1271        set arrayType "$itemxmlns:$itemtype"
1272        #for {set cn 0} {$cn < $dimensions} {incr cn}
1273        append arrayType "\[[llength $value]\]"
1274        setElementAttribute $node "SOAP-ENC:arrayType" $arrayType
1276        foreach elt $value {
1277            set d_elt [addNode $node "item"]
1278            if {[string match "ur-type" $itemtype]} {
1279                insert_value $d_elt $elt
1280            } else {
1281                insert_value $d_elt [rpcvar $itemtype $elt]
1282            }
1283        }
1284    } elseif {[llength $typeinfo] > 1} {
1285        # a typedef'd struct.
1286        if {$typexmlns != {}} {
1287            setElementAttribute $node "xsi:type" "${typexmlns}${type}"
1288        }
1289        array set ti $typeinfo
1290        # Bounds checking - <simon@e-ppraisal.com>
1291        if {[llength $typeinfo] != [llength $value]} {
1292            return -code error "wrong # args:\
1293                type $type contains \"$typeinfo\""
1294        }
1295        foreach {eltname eltvalue} $value {
1296            set d_elt [addNode $node $eltname]
1297            if {![info exists ti($eltname)]} {
1298                return -code error "invalid member name:\
1299                    \"$eltname\" is not a member of the $type type."
1300            }
1301            insert_value $d_elt [rpcvar $ti($eltname) $eltvalue]
1302        }
1303    } elseif {$type == "struct"} {
1304        # an unspecified struct
1305        foreach {eltname eltvalue} $value {
1306            set d_elt [addNode $node $eltname]
1307            insert_value $d_elt $eltvalue
1308        }
1309    } else {
1310        # simple type or typedef'd enumeration
1311        if {$typexmlns != {}} {
1312            setElementAttribute $node "xsi:type" "${typexmlns}${type}"
1313        }
1314        addTextNode $node $value
1315    }
1318# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1320package provide SOAP $::SOAP::version
1322if {[catch {package present SOAP::http}]} {
1323    package require SOAP::http;             # TclSOAP 1.6.2+
1326# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1328# Local variables:
1329#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
1330# End: