1# -*- tcl -*-
3# Copyright (c) 2005 by Andreas Kupries <andreas_kupries@users.sourceforge.net>
4# Parser Generator / Grammar for reading of PE grammars
6## Parsing Expression Grammar 'pg::peg::grammar'.
8# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
9## Package description
11## It provides a single command returning the handle of a
12## grammar container in which the grammar 'pg::peg::grammar'
13## is stored. The container is usable by a PEG interpreter
14## or other packages taking PE grammars.
16# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
17## Requisites.
18## - PEG container type
20package require grammar::peg
22namespace eval ::pg::peg::grammar {}
24# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
25## API
27proc ::pg::peg::grammar {} {
28    return $grammar::gr
31# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
32# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
33## Data and helpers.
35namespace eval ::pg::peg::grammar {
36    # Grammar container
37    variable gr [::grammar::peg gr]
40proc ::pg::peg::grammar::Start {pe} {
41    variable gr
42    $gr start $pe
43    return
46proc ::pg::peg::grammar::Define {mode nt pe} {
47    variable gr
48    $gr nonterminal add  $nt $pe
49    $gr nonterminal mode $nt $mode
50    return
53# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
54## Initialization = Grammar definition
56namespace eval ::pg::peg::grammar {
57    Start  {n Grammar}
59    Define leaf    ALNUM         {x {t <} {t a} {t l} {t n} {t u} {t m} {t >} {n SPACE}}
60    Define leaf    ALPHA         {x {t <} {t a} {t l} {t p} {t h} {t a} {t >} {n SPACE}}
61    Define leaf    AND           {x {t &} {n SPACE}}
62    Define discard APOSTROPH     {t '}
63    Define value   Attribute     {x {/ {n VOID} {n LEAF} {n MATCH}} {n COLON}}
64    Define value   Char          {/ {n CharSpecial} {n CharOctalFull} {n CharOctalPart} {n CharUnicode} {n CharUnescaped}}
65    Define match   CharOctalFull {x {t \134} {.. 0 2} {.. 0 7} {.. 0 7}}
66    Define match   CharOctalPart {x {t \134} {.. 0 7} {? {.. 0 7}}}
67    Define match   CharSpecial   {x {t \134} {/ {t n} {t r} {t t} {t '} {t \42} {t \133} {t \135} {t \134}}}
68    Define match   CharUnescaped {x {! {t \134}} dot}
69    Define match   CharUnicode   {x {t \134} {t u} {n HexDigit} {? {x {n HexDigit} {? {x {n HexDigit} {? {n HexDigit}}}}}}}
70    Define value   Class         {x {n OPENB} {* {x {! {n CLOSEB}} {n Range}}} {n CLOSEB} {n SPACE}}
71    Define discard CLOSE         {x {t \51} {n SPACE}}
72    Define discard CLOSEB        {t \135}
73    Define discard COLON         {x {t :} {n SPACE}}
74    Define discard COMMENT       {x {t #} {* {x {! {n EOL}} dot}} {n EOL}}
75    Define discard DAPOSTROPH    {t \42}
76    Define value   Definition    {x {? {n Attribute}} {n Identifier} {n IS} {n Expression} {n SEMICOLON}}
77    Define leaf    DOT           {x {t .} {n SPACE}}
78    Define discard END           {x {t E} {t N} {t D} {n SPACE}}
79    Define discard EOF           {! dot}
80    Define discard EOL           {/ {x {t \n} {t \r}} {t \n} {t \r}}
81    Define value   Expression    {x {n Sequence} {* {x {n SLASH} {n Sequence}}}}
82    Define discard Final         {x {n END} {n SEMICOLON} {n SPACE}}
83    Define value   Grammar       {x {n SPACE} {n Header} {+ {n Definition}} {n Final} {n EOF}}
84    Define value   Header        {x {n PEG} {n Identifier} {n StartExpr}}
85    Define discard HexDigit      {/ {.. 0 9} {.. a f} {.. A F}}
86    Define match   Ident         {x {/ {t _} {t :} alpha} {* {/ {t _} {t :} alnum}}}
87    Define value   Identifier    {x {n Ident} {n SPACE}}
88    Define discard IS            {x {t <} {t -} {n SPACE}}
89    Define leaf    LEAF          {x {t l} {t e} {t a} {t f} {n SPACE}}
90    Define value   Literal       {/ {x {n APOSTROPH} {* {x {! {n APOSTROPH}} {n Char}}} {n APOSTROPH} {n SPACE}} {x {n DAPOSTROPH} {* {x {! {n DAPOSTROPH}} {n Char}}} {n DAPOSTROPH} {n SPACE}}}
91    Define leaf    MATCH         {x {t m} {t a} {t t} {t c} {t h} {n SPACE}}
92    Define leaf    NOT           {x {t !} {n SPACE}}
93    Define discard OPEN          {x {t \50} {n SPACE}}
94    Define discard OPENB         {t \133}
95    Define discard PEG           {x {t P} {t E} {t G} {n SPACE}}
96    Define leaf    PLUS          {x {t +} {n SPACE}}
97    Define value   Prefix        {x {? {/ {n AND} {n NOT}}} {n Suffix}}
98    Define value   Primary       {/ {n ALNUM} {n ALPHA} {n Identifier} {x {n OPEN} {n Expression} {n CLOSE}} {n Literal} {n Class} {n DOT}}
99    Define leaf    QUESTION      {x {t ?} {n SPACE}}
100    Define value   Range         {/ {x {n Char} {n TO} {n Char}} {n Char}}
101    Define discard SEMICOLON     {x {t \73} {n SPACE}}
102    Define value   Sequence      {+ {n Prefix}}
103    Define discard SLASH         {x {t /} {n SPACE}}
104    Define discard SPACE         {* {/ {t \40} {t \t} {n EOL} {n COMMENT}}}
105    Define leaf    STAR          {x {t *} {n SPACE}}
106    Define value   StartExpr     {x {n OPEN} {n Expression} {n CLOSE}}
107    Define value   Suffix        {x {n Primary} {? {/ {n QUESTION} {n STAR} {n PLUS}}}}
108    Define discard TO            {t -}
109    Define leaf    VOID          {x {t v} {t o} {t i} {t d} {n SPACE}}
112# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
113## Package Management - Ready
115# @sak notprovided pg::peg::grammar
116package provide pg::peg::grammar 0.1