1# This file contains a top-level script to run all of the Tcl
2# tests.  Execute it by invoking "source all" when running tclTest
3# in this directory.
5# SCCS: @(#) all 1.7 96/02/16 08:55:38
6# ------------------------------------------------------------------
7# THIS SCRIPT IS NOW DEPRECATED!  It is kept for older Tcl
8# installations that don't have the "tcltest" package.
9# Instead, use the "all.tcl" script to run the test suite.
10# ------------------------------------------------------------------
12foreach i [lsort [glob *.test]] {
13    if [string match l.*.test $i] {
14	# This is an SCCS lock file;  ignore it.
15	continue
16    }
17    puts stdout $i
18    if [catch {source $i} msg] {
19	puts $msg
20    }	