2# benchmark.rb - a performance benchmarking library
4# $Id: benchmark.rb 36427 2012-07-18 03:56:58Z naruse $
6# Created by Gotoken (gotoken@notwork.org).
8# Documentation by Gotoken (original RD), Lyle Johnson (RDoc conversion), and
9# Gavin Sinclair (editing).
12# == Overview
14# The Benchmark module provides methods for benchmarking Ruby code, giving
15# detailed reports on the time taken for each task.
18# The Benchmark module provides methods to measure and report the time
19# used to execute Ruby code.
21# * Measure the time to construct the string given by the expression
22#   <code>"a"*1_000_000</code>:
24#       require 'benchmark'
26#       puts Benchmark.measure { "a"*1_000_000 }
28#   On my machine (FreeBSD 3.2 on P5, 100MHz) this generates:
30#       1.166667   0.050000   1.216667 (  0.571355)
32#   This report shows the user CPU time, system CPU time, the sum of
33#   the user and system CPU times, and the elapsed real time. The unit
34#   of time is seconds.
36# * Do some experiments sequentially using the #bm method:
38#       require 'benchmark'
40#       n = 50000
41#       Benchmark.bm do |x|
42#         x.report { for i in 1..n; a = "1"; end }
43#         x.report { n.times do   ; a = "1"; end }
44#         x.report { 1.upto(n) do ; a = "1"; end }
45#       end
47#   The result:
49#              user     system      total        real
50#          1.033333   0.016667   1.016667 (  0.492106)
51#          1.483333   0.000000   1.483333 (  0.694605)
52#          1.516667   0.000000   1.516667 (  0.711077)
54# * Continuing the previous example, put a label in each report:
56#       require 'benchmark'
58#       n = 50000
59#       Benchmark.bm(7) do |x|
60#         x.report("for:")   { for i in 1..n; a = "1"; end }
61#         x.report("times:") { n.times do   ; a = "1"; end }
62#         x.report("upto:")  { 1.upto(n) do ; a = "1"; end }
63#       end
65# The result:
67#                     user     system      total        real
68#        for:     1.050000   0.000000   1.050000 (  0.503462)
69#        times:   1.533333   0.016667   1.550000 (  0.735473)
70#        upto:    1.500000   0.016667   1.516667 (  0.711239)
73# * The times for some benchmarks depend on the order in which items
74#   are run.  These differences are due to the cost of memory
75#   allocation and garbage collection. To avoid these discrepancies,
76#   the #bmbm method is provided.  For example, to compare ways to
77#   sort an array of floats:
79#       require 'benchmark'
81#       array = (1..1000000).map { rand }
83#       Benchmark.bmbm do |x|
84#         x.report("sort!") { array.dup.sort! }
85#         x.report("sort")  { array.dup.sort  }
86#       end
88#   The result:
90#        Rehearsal -----------------------------------------
91#        sort!  11.928000   0.010000  11.938000 ( 12.756000)
92#        sort   13.048000   0.020000  13.068000 ( 13.857000)
93#        ------------------------------- total: 25.006000sec
95#                    user     system      total        real
96#        sort!  12.959000   0.010000  12.969000 ( 13.793000)
97#        sort   12.007000   0.000000  12.007000 ( 12.791000)
100# * Report statistics of sequential experiments with unique labels,
101#   using the #benchmark method:
103#       require 'benchmark'
104#       include Benchmark         # we need the CAPTION and FORMAT constants
106#       n = 50000
107#       Benchmark.benchmark(CAPTION, 7, FORMAT, ">total:", ">avg:") do |x|
108#         tf = x.report("for:")   { for i in 1..n; a = "1"; end }
109#         tt = x.report("times:") { n.times do   ; a = "1"; end }
110#         tu = x.report("upto:")  { 1.upto(n) do ; a = "1"; end }
111#         [tf+tt+tu, (tf+tt+tu)/3]
112#       end
114#   The result:
116#                     user     system      total        real
117#        for:     1.016667   0.016667   1.033333 (  0.485749)
118#        times:   1.450000   0.016667   1.466667 (  0.681367)
119#        upto:    1.533333   0.000000   1.533333 (  0.722166)
120#        >total:  4.000000   0.033333   4.033333 (  1.889282)
121#        >avg:    1.333333   0.011111   1.344444 (  0.629761)
123module Benchmark
125  BENCHMARK_VERSION = "2002-04-25" # :nodoc:
127  # Invokes the block with a Benchmark::Report object, which
128  # may be used to collect and report on the results of individual
129  # benchmark tests. Reserves +label_width+ leading spaces for
130  # labels on each line. Prints +caption+ at the top of the
131  # report, and uses +format+ to format each line.
132  # Returns an array of Benchmark::Tms objects.
133  #
134  # If the block returns an array of
135  # Benchmark::Tms objects, these will be used to format
136  # additional lines of output. If +label+ parameters are
137  # given, these are used to label these extra lines.
138  #
139  # _Note_: Other methods provide a simpler interface to this one, and are
140  # suitable for nearly all benchmarking requirements.  See the examples in
141  # Benchmark, and the #bm and #bmbm methods.
142  #
143  # Example:
144  #
145  #     require 'benchmark'
146  #     include Benchmark          # we need the CAPTION and FORMAT constants
147  #
148  #     n = 50000
149  #     Benchmark.benchmark(CAPTION, 7, FORMAT, ">total:", ">avg:") do |x|
150  #       tf = x.report("for:")   { for i in 1..n; a = "1"; end }
151  #       tt = x.report("times:") { n.times do   ; a = "1"; end }
152  #       tu = x.report("upto:")  { 1.upto(n) do ; a = "1"; end }
153  #       [tf+tt+tu, (tf+tt+tu)/3]
154  #     end
155  #
156  # Generates:
157  #
158  #                     user     system      total        real
159  #        for:     1.016667   0.016667   1.033333 (  0.485749)
160  #        times:   1.450000   0.016667   1.466667 (  0.681367)
161  #        upto:    1.533333   0.000000   1.533333 (  0.722166)
162  #        >total:  4.000000   0.033333   4.033333 (  1.889282)
163  #        >avg:    1.333333   0.011111   1.344444 (  0.629761)
164  #
166  def benchmark(caption = "", label_width = nil, format = nil, *labels) # :yield: report
167    sync = STDOUT.sync
168    STDOUT.sync = true
169    label_width ||= 0
170    label_width += 1
171    format ||= FORMAT
172    print ' '*label_width + caption unless caption.empty?
173    report = Report.new(label_width, format)
174    results = yield(report)
175    Array === results and results.grep(Tms).each {|t|
176      print((labels.shift || t.label || "").ljust(label_width), t.format(format))
177    }
178    report.list
179  ensure
180    STDOUT.sync = sync unless sync.nil?
181  end
184  # A simple interface to the #benchmark method, #bm is generates sequential
185  # reports with labels.  The parameters have the same meaning as for
186  # #benchmark.
187  #
188  #     require 'benchmark'
189  #
190  #     n = 50000
191  #     Benchmark.bm(7) do |x|
192  #       x.report("for:")   { for i in 1..n; a = "1"; end }
193  #       x.report("times:") { n.times do   ; a = "1"; end }
194  #       x.report("upto:")  { 1.upto(n) do ; a = "1"; end }
195  #     end
196  #
197  # Generates:
198  #
199  #                     user     system      total        real
200  #        for:     1.050000   0.000000   1.050000 (  0.503462)
201  #        times:   1.533333   0.016667   1.550000 (  0.735473)
202  #        upto:    1.500000   0.016667   1.516667 (  0.711239)
203  #
205  def bm(label_width = 0, *labels, &blk) # :yield: report
206    benchmark(CAPTION, label_width, FORMAT, *labels, &blk)
207  end
210  # Sometimes benchmark results are skewed because code executed
211  # earlier encounters different garbage collection overheads than
212  # that run later. #bmbm attempts to minimize this effect by running
213  # the tests twice, the first time as a rehearsal in order to get the
214  # runtime environment stable, the second time for
215  # real. GC.start is executed before the start of each of
216  # the real timings; the cost of this is not included in the
217  # timings. In reality, though, there's only so much that #bmbm can
218  # do, and the results are not guaranteed to be isolated from garbage
219  # collection and other effects.
220  #
221  # Because #bmbm takes two passes through the tests, it can
222  # calculate the required label width.
223  #
224  #       require 'benchmark'
225  #
226  #       array = (1..1000000).map { rand }
227  #
228  #       Benchmark.bmbm do |x|
229  #         x.report("sort!") { array.dup.sort! }
230  #         x.report("sort")  { array.dup.sort  }
231  #       end
232  #
233  # Generates:
234  #
235  #        Rehearsal -----------------------------------------
236  #        sort!  11.928000   0.010000  11.938000 ( 12.756000)
237  #        sort   13.048000   0.020000  13.068000 ( 13.857000)
238  #        ------------------------------- total: 25.006000sec
239  #
240  #                    user     system      total        real
241  #        sort!  12.959000   0.010000  12.969000 ( 13.793000)
242  #        sort   12.007000   0.000000  12.007000 ( 12.791000)
243  #
244  # #bmbm yields a Benchmark::Job object and returns an array of
245  # Benchmark::Tms objects.
246  #
247  def bmbm(width = 0) # :yield: job
248    job = Job.new(width)
249    yield(job)
250    width = job.width + 1
251    sync = STDOUT.sync
252    STDOUT.sync = true
254    # rehearsal
255    puts 'Rehearsal '.ljust(width+CAPTION.length,'-')
256    ets = job.list.inject(Tms.new) { |sum,(label,item)|
257      print label.ljust(width)
258      res = Benchmark.measure(&item)
259      print res.format
260      sum + res
261    }.format("total: %tsec")
262    print " #{ets}\n\n".rjust(width+CAPTION.length+2,'-')
264    # take
265    print ' '*width + CAPTION
266    job.list.map { |label,item|
267      GC.start
268      print label.ljust(width)
269      Benchmark.measure(label, &item).tap { |res| print res }
270    }
271  ensure
272    STDOUT.sync = sync unless sync.nil?
273  end
275  #
276  # Returns the time used to execute the given block as a
277  # Benchmark::Tms object.
278  #
279  def measure(label = "") # :yield:
280    t0, r0 = Process.times, Time.now
281    yield
282    t1, r1 = Process.times, Time.now
283    Benchmark::Tms.new(t1.utime  - t0.utime,
284                       t1.stime  - t0.stime,
285                       t1.cutime - t0.cutime,
286                       t1.cstime - t0.cstime,
287                       r1 - r0,
288                       label)
289  end
291  #
292  # Returns the elapsed real time used to execute the given block.
293  #
294  def realtime # :yield:
295    r0 = Time.now
296    yield
297    Time.now - r0
298  end
300  module_function :benchmark, :measure, :realtime, :bm, :bmbm
302  #
303  # A Job is a sequence of labelled blocks to be processed by the
304  # Benchmark.bmbm method.  It is of little direct interest to the user.
305  #
306  class Job # :nodoc:
307    #
308    # Returns an initialized Job instance.
309    # Usually, one doesn't call this method directly, as new
310    # Job objects are created by the #bmbm method.
311    # +width+ is a initial value for the label offset used in formatting;
312    # the #bmbm method passes its +width+ argument to this constructor.
313    #
314    def initialize(width)
315      @width = width
316      @list = []
317    end
319    #
320    # Registers the given label and block pair in the job list.
321    #
322    def item(label = "", &blk) # :yield:
323      raise ArgumentError, "no block" unless block_given?
324      label = label.to_s
325      w = label.length
326      @width = w if @width < w
327      @list << [label, blk]
328      self
329    end
331    alias report item
333    # An array of 2-element arrays, consisting of label and block pairs.
334    attr_reader :list
336    # Length of the widest label in the #list.
337    attr_reader :width
338  end
340  #
341  # This class is used by the Benchmark.benchmark and Benchmark.bm methods.
342  # It is of little direct interest to the user.
343  #
344  class Report # :nodoc:
345    #
346    # Returns an initialized Report instance.
347    # Usually, one doesn't call this method directly, as new
348    # Report objects are created by the #benchmark and #bm methods.
349    # +width+ and +format+ are the label offset and
350    # format string used by Tms#format.
351    #
352    def initialize(width = 0, format = nil)
353      @width, @format, @list = width, format, []
354    end
356    #
357    # Prints the +label+ and measured time for the block,
358    # formatted by +format+. See Tms#format for the
359    # formatting rules.
360    #
361    def item(label = "", *format, &blk) # :yield:
362      print label.to_s.ljust(@width)
363      @list << res = Benchmark.measure(label, &blk)
364      print res.format(@format, *format)
365      res
366    end
368    alias report item
370    # An array of Benchmark::Tms objects representing each item.
371    attr_reader :list
372  end
376  #
377  # A data object, representing the times associated with a benchmark
378  # measurement.
379  #
380  class Tms
382    # Default caption, see also Benchmark::CAPTION
383    CAPTION = "      user     system      total        real\n"
385    # Default format string, see also Benchmark::FORMAT
386    FORMAT = "%10.6u %10.6y %10.6t %10.6r\n"
388    # User CPU time
389    attr_reader :utime
391    # System CPU time
392    attr_reader :stime
394    # User CPU time of children
395    attr_reader :cutime
397    # System CPU time of children
398    attr_reader :cstime
400    # Elapsed real time
401    attr_reader :real
403    # Total time, that is +utime+ + +stime+ + +cutime+ + +cstime+
404    attr_reader :total
406    # Label
407    attr_reader :label
409    #
410    # Returns an initialized Tms object which has
411    # +utime+ as the user CPU time, +stime+ as the system CPU time,
412    # +cutime+ as the children's user CPU time, +cstime+ as the children's
413    # system CPU time, +real+ as the elapsed real time and +label+ as the label.
414    #
415    def initialize(utime = 0.0, stime = 0.0, cutime = 0.0, cstime = 0.0, real = 0.0, label = nil)
416      @utime, @stime, @cutime, @cstime, @real, @label = utime, stime, cutime, cstime, real, label.to_s
417      @total = @utime + @stime + @cutime + @cstime
418    end
420    #
421    # Returns a new Tms object whose times are the sum of the times for this
422    # Tms object, plus the time required to execute the code block (+blk+).
423    #
424    def add(&blk) # :yield:
425      self + Benchmark.measure(&blk)
426    end
428    #
429    # An in-place version of #add.
430    #
431    def add!(&blk)
432      t = Benchmark.measure(&blk)
433      @utime  = utime + t.utime
434      @stime  = stime + t.stime
435      @cutime = cutime + t.cutime
436      @cstime = cstime + t.cstime
437      @real   = real + t.real
438      self
439    end
441    #
442    # Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise summation
443    # of the individual times for this Tms object with those of the other
444    # Tms object.
445    # This method and #/() are useful for taking statistics.
446    #
447    def +(other); memberwise(:+, other) end
449    #
450    # Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise subtraction
451    # of the individual times for the other Tms object from those of this
452    # Tms object.
453    #
454    def -(other); memberwise(:-, other) end
456    #
457    # Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise multiplication
458    # of the individual times for this Tms object by _x_.
459    #
460    def *(x); memberwise(:*, x) end
462    #
463    # Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise division
464    # of the individual times for this Tms object by _x_.
465    # This method and #+() are useful for taking statistics.
466    #
467    def /(x); memberwise(:/, x) end
469    #
470    # Returns the contents of this Tms object as
471    # a formatted string, according to a format string
472    # like that passed to Kernel.format. In addition, #format
473    # accepts the following extensions:
474    #
475    # <tt>%u</tt>::     Replaced by the user CPU time, as reported by Tms#utime.
476    # <tt>%y</tt>::     Replaced by the system CPU time, as reported by #stime (Mnemonic: y of "s*y*stem")
477    # <tt>%U</tt>::     Replaced by the children's user CPU time, as reported by Tms#cutime
478    # <tt>%Y</tt>::     Replaced by the children's system CPU time, as reported by Tms#cstime
479    # <tt>%t</tt>::     Replaced by the total CPU time, as reported by Tms#total
480    # <tt>%r</tt>::     Replaced by the elapsed real time, as reported by Tms#real
481    # <tt>%n</tt>::     Replaced by the label string, as reported by Tms#label (Mnemonic: n of "*n*ame")
482    #
483    # If _format_ is not given, FORMAT is used as default value, detailing the
484    # user, system and real elapsed time.
485    #
486    def format(format = nil, *args)
487      str = (format || FORMAT).dup
488      str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)n/) { "#{$1}s" % label }
489      str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)u/) { "#{$1}f" % utime }
490      str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)y/) { "#{$1}f" % stime }
491      str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)U/) { "#{$1}f" % cutime }
492      str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)Y/) { "#{$1}f" % cstime }
493      str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)t/) { "#{$1}f" % total }
494      str.gsub!(/(%[-+.\d]*)r/) { "(#{$1}f)" % real }
495      format ? str % args : str
496    end
498    #
499    # Same as #format.
500    #
501    def to_s
502      format
503    end
505    #
506    # Returns a new 6-element array, consisting of the
507    # label, user CPU time, system CPU time, children's
508    # user CPU time, children's system CPU time and elapsed
509    # real time.
510    #
511    def to_a
512      [@label, @utime, @stime, @cutime, @cstime, @real]
513    end
515    protected
517    #
518    # Returns a new Tms object obtained by memberwise operation +op+
519    # of the individual times for this Tms object with those of the other
520    # Tms object.
521    #
522    # +op+ can be a mathematical operation such as <tt>+</tt>, <tt>-</tt>,
523    # <tt>*</tt>, <tt>/</tt>
524    #
525    def memberwise(op, x)
526      case x
527      when Benchmark::Tms
528        Benchmark::Tms.new(utime.__send__(op, x.utime),
529                           stime.__send__(op, x.stime),
530                           cutime.__send__(op, x.cutime),
531                           cstime.__send__(op, x.cstime),
532                           real.__send__(op, x.real)
533                           )
534      else
535        Benchmark::Tms.new(utime.__send__(op, x),
536                           stime.__send__(op, x),
537                           cutime.__send__(op, x),
538                           cstime.__send__(op, x),
539                           real.__send__(op, x)
540                           )
541      end
542    end
543  end
545  # The default caption string (heading above the output times).
546  CAPTION = Benchmark::Tms::CAPTION
548  # The default format string used to display times.  See also Benchmark::Tms#format.
549  FORMAT = Benchmark::Tms::FORMAT
552if __FILE__ == $0
553  include Benchmark
555  n = ARGV[0].to_i.nonzero? || 50000
556  puts %Q([#{n} times iterations of `a = "1"'])
557  benchmark(CAPTION, 7, FORMAT) do |x|
558    x.report("for:")   {for _ in 1..n; _ = "1"; end} # Benchmark.measure
559    x.report("times:") {n.times do   ; _ = "1"; end}
560    x.report("upto:")  {1.upto(n) do ; _ = "1"; end}
561  end
563  benchmark do
564    [
565      measure{for _ in 1..n; _ = "1"; end},  # Benchmark.measure
566      measure{n.times do   ; _ = "1"; end},
567      measure{1.upto(n) do ; _ = "1"; end}
568    ]
569  end