1Final version of the Todo application from 'Learning Cocoa' (O'reilly),
2translated to python.
4The nib-file is unchanged from the version in the tar-archive downloaded
5from the o'reilly website.
8- The code doesn't work correctly at the moment. 
9  * Loading does not work. The code uses NSCoder and the methods for
10    decoding C-types have not been wrapped yet. Adding this is not very 
11    hard.
12  * The first line in the list ToDo items doesn't show unless the field
13    is selected. The objective-C version has the same problem. 
15- This is a minimal translation, the application logic has not been
16  'pythonified'. 
18- There are two blocks of code that are not filled in in the objective-C 
19  version (left as an extercise for the reader). I've not yet written those
20  pieces.