1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2<api name='libexslt'>
3  <files>
4    <file name='exslt'>
5     <exports symbol='EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE' type='macro'/>
6     <exports symbol='EXSLT_STRINGS_NAMESPACE' type='macro'/>
7     <exports symbol='SAXON_NAMESPACE' type='macro'/>
8     <exports symbol='EXSLT_COMMON_NAMESPACE' type='macro'/>
9     <exports symbol='EXSLT_FUNCTIONS_NAMESPACE' type='macro'/>
10     <exports symbol='EXSLT_SETS_NAMESPACE' type='macro'/>
11     <exports symbol='EXSLT_DYNAMIC_NAMESPACE' type='macro'/>
12     <exports symbol='EXSLT_CRYPTO_NAMESPACE' type='macro'/>
13     <exports symbol='EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE' type='macro'/>
14     <exports symbol='exsltLibxmlVersion' type='variable'/>
15     <exports symbol='exsltLibexsltVersion' type='variable'/>
16     <exports symbol='exsltLibraryVersion' type='variable'/>
17     <exports symbol='exsltLibxsltVersion' type='variable'/>
18     <exports symbol='exsltDynRegister' type='function'/>
19     <exports symbol='exsltCommonRegister' type='function'/>
20     <exports symbol='exsltRegisterAll' type='function'/>
21     <exports symbol='exsltStrXpathCtxtRegister' type='function'/>
22     <exports symbol='exsltSetsXpathCtxtRegister' type='function'/>
23     <exports symbol='exsltFuncRegister' type='function'/>
24     <exports symbol='exsltStrRegister' type='function'/>
25     <exports symbol='exsltSetsRegister' type='function'/>
26     <exports symbol='exsltDateRegister' type='function'/>
27     <exports symbol='exsltCryptoRegister' type='function'/>
28     <exports symbol='exsltMathRegister' type='function'/>
29     <exports symbol='exsltMathXpathCtxtRegister' type='function'/>
30     <exports symbol='exsltSaxonRegister' type='function'/>
31     <exports symbol='exsltDateXpathCtxtRegister' type='function'/>
32    </file>
33    <file name='exsltexports'>
34     <exports symbol='LIBEXSLT_PUBLIC' type='macro'/>
35     <exports symbol='_REENTRANT' type='macro'/>
36     <exports symbol='EXSLTCALL' type='macro'/>
37     <exports symbol='EXSLTPUBFUN' type='macro'/>
38     <exports symbol='EXSLTPUBVAR' type='macro'/>
39    </file>
40  </files>
41  <symbols>
42    <macro name='EXSLTCALL' file='exsltexports'>
43    </macro>
44    <macro name='EXSLTPUBFUN' file='exsltexports'>
45    </macro>
46    <macro name='EXSLTPUBVAR' file='exsltexports'>
47    </macro>
48    <macro name='EXSLT_COMMON_NAMESPACE' file='exslt'>
49      <info>Namespace for EXSLT common functions</info>
50    </macro>
51    <macro name='EXSLT_CRYPTO_NAMESPACE' file='exslt'>
52      <info>Namespace for EXSLT crypto functions</info>
53    </macro>
54    <macro name='EXSLT_DATE_NAMESPACE' file='exslt'>
55      <info>Namespace for EXSLT date functions</info>
56    </macro>
57    <macro name='EXSLT_DYNAMIC_NAMESPACE' file='exslt'>
58      <info>Namespace for EXSLT dynamic functions</info>
59    </macro>
60    <macro name='EXSLT_FUNCTIONS_NAMESPACE' file='exslt'>
61      <info>Namespace for EXSLT functions extension functions</info>
62    </macro>
63    <macro name='EXSLT_MATH_NAMESPACE' file='exslt'>
64      <info>Namespace for EXSLT math functions</info>
65    </macro>
66    <macro name='EXSLT_SETS_NAMESPACE' file='exslt'>
67      <info>Namespace for EXSLT set functions</info>
68    </macro>
69    <macro name='EXSLT_STRINGS_NAMESPACE' file='exslt'>
70      <info>Namespace for EXSLT strings functions</info>
71    </macro>
72    <macro name='LIBEXSLT_PUBLIC' file='exsltexports'>
73    </macro>
74    <macro name='SAXON_NAMESPACE' file='exslt'>
75      <info>Namespace for SAXON extensions functions</info>
76    </macro>
77    <macro name='_REENTRANT' file='exsltexports'>
78    </macro>
79    <variable name='exsltLibexsltVersion' file='exslt' type='const int'/>
80    <variable name='exsltLibraryVersion' file='exslt' type='const char *'/>
81    <variable name='exsltLibxmlVersion' file='exslt' type='const int'/>
82    <variable name='exsltLibxsltVersion' file='exslt' type='const int'/>
83    <function name='exsltCommonRegister' file='exslt'>
84      <info>Registers the EXSLT - Common module</info>
85      <return type='void'/>
86    </function>
87    <function name='exsltCryptoRegister' file='exslt'>
88      <info>Registers the EXSLT - Crypto module</info>
89      <return type='void'/>
90    </function>
91    <function name='exsltDateRegister' file='exslt'>
92      <info>Registers the EXSLT - Dates and Times module</info>
93      <return type='void'/>
94    </function>
95    <function name='exsltDateXpathCtxtRegister' file='exslt'>
96      <info>Registers the EXSLT - Dates and Times module for use outside XSLT</info>
97      <return type='int' info=''/>
98      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info=''/>
99      <arg name='prefix' type='const xmlChar *' info=''/>
100    </function>
101    <function name='exsltDynRegister' file='exslt'>
102      <info>Registers the EXSLT - Dynamic module</info>
103      <return type='void'/>
104    </function>
105    <function name='exsltFuncRegister' file='exslt'>
106      <info>Registers the EXSLT - Functions module</info>
107      <return type='void'/>
108    </function>
109    <function name='exsltMathRegister' file='exslt'>
110      <info>Registers the EXSLT - Math module</info>
111      <return type='void'/>
112    </function>
113    <function name='exsltMathXpathCtxtRegister' file='exslt'>
114      <info>Registers the EXSLT - Math module for use outside XSLT</info>
115      <return type='int' info=''/>
116      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info=''/>
117      <arg name='prefix' type='const xmlChar *' info=''/>
118    </function>
119    <function name='exsltRegisterAll' file='exslt'>
120      <info>Registers all available EXSLT extensions</info>
121      <return type='void'/>
122    </function>
123    <function name='exsltSaxonRegister' file='exslt'>
124      <info>Registers the SAXON extension module</info>
125      <return type='void'/>
126    </function>
127    <function name='exsltSetsRegister' file='exslt'>
128      <info>Registers the EXSLT - Sets module</info>
129      <return type='void'/>
130    </function>
131    <function name='exsltSetsXpathCtxtRegister' file='exslt'>
132      <info>Registers the EXSLT - Sets module for use outside XSLT</info>
133      <return type='int' info=''/>
134      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info=''/>
135      <arg name='prefix' type='const xmlChar *' info=''/>
136    </function>
137    <function name='exsltStrRegister' file='exslt'>
138      <info>Registers the EXSLT - Strings module</info>
139      <return type='void'/>
140    </function>
141    <function name='exsltStrXpathCtxtRegister' file='exslt'>
142      <info>Registers the EXSLT - Strings module for use outside XSLT</info>
143      <return type='int' info=''/>
144      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info=''/>
145      <arg name='prefix' type='const xmlChar *' info=''/>
146    </function>
147  </symbols>