1$ ++
2$ !
3$ !  Copyright (c) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
4$ !
6$ !
7$ !  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
8$ !  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
9$ !  are met:
10$ !
11$ !  1.  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
12$ !      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
13$ !  2.  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
14$ !      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
15$ !      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
16$ !  3.  Neither the name of Apple Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of its
17$ !      contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
18$ !      this software without specific prior written permission.
19$ !
30$ !
31$ !  Portions of this software have been released under the following terms:
32$ !
33$ !  (c) Copyright 1989-1993 OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, INC.
34$ !  (c) Copyright 1989-1993 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY
35$ !  (c) Copyright 1989-1993 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION
36$ !
37$ !  To anyone who acknowledges that this file is provided "AS IS"
38$ !  without any express or implied warranty:
39$ !  permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this file for any
40$ !  purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above
41$ !  copyright notices and this notice appears in all source code copies,
42$ !  and that none of the names of Open Software Foundation, Inc., Hewlett-
43$ !  Packard Company or Digital Equipment Corporation be used
44$ !  in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
45$ !  without specific, written prior permission.  Neither Open Software
46$ !  Foundation, Inc., Hewlett-Packard Company nor Digital
47$ !  Equipment Corporation makes any representations about the suitability
48$ !  of this software for any purpose.
49$ !
50$ !  Copyright (c) 2007, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.
51$ !  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
52$ !  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
53$ !  are met:
54$ !
55$ !  1.  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
56$ !      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
57$ !  2.  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
58$ !      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
59$ !      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
60$ !  3.  Neither the name of Novell Inc. nor the names of its contributors
61$ !      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
62$ !      software without specific prior written permission.
63$ !
74$ !
76$ !
77$ !
78$ !  NAME:
79$ !
80$ !      nidlmsg.msg
81$ !
82$ !  FACILITY:
83$ !
84$ !      Interface Definition Language (IDL) Compiler
85$ !
86$ !  ABSTRACT:
87$ !
88$ !  RPC IDL Compiler messages.
89$ !
90$ !  %a%private_begin
91$ !
92$ !
93$ !  %a%private_end
94$ !
95$ --
96$ +
97$  These two symbols must have the same integer value.
98$ -
99$set 1
1011 2074
1032 Use %1$s for list of command options
104$ Explanation:
105$ Errors on the command line prevent the IDL compiler from
106$ executing.
107$ User Action:
108$ Invoke the IDL compiler with the indicated command option to
109$ get a list of valid command options, then correct the error.
1113 Operation %1$s has no binding handle parameter; [auto_handle] assumed
112$ Explanation:
113$ When an operation uses parametric binding, its first parameter
114$ is a handle parameter that determines the location of a
115$ server of the interface.  Operations whose first parameter
116$ is not of type <kw>(handle_t) and does not have the <kw>([handle])
117$ attribute are assumed to use nonparametric binding
118$ known as <kw>(auto_handle), whereby a binding is automatically
119$ established by the RPC runtime library.
120$ User Action:
121$ See the documentation on the various binding techniques
122$ to determine the best method for your application.
1244 File %1$s, line %2$lu: %3$s
125$ Explanation:
126$ Identifies the filename, source line number, and source
127$ text associated with an error.
128$ User Action:
129$ None.  This is an informational message.
1315 Must compile stubs with ANSI C compiler to avoid promotion of float to double in operation %1$s
132$ Explanation:
133$ The operation contains a <kw>(float) parameter passed by value.
134$ Non-ANSI C compilers that do not support function prototypes,
135$ automatically promote <kw>(float) to <kw>(double).  Function
136$ prototypes within generated C stubs are conditional on the
137$ IDL_PROTOTYPES preprocessor symbol.  When you compile a
138$ stub with a non-ANSI C compiler, IDL_PROTOTYPES must not be
139$ defined (causing the non-prototyped definitions to compile)
140$ and thus causing <kw>(float) to <kw>(double) promotion.  This breaks
141$ the marshalling logic in the stub, that expects a <kw>(float), not
142$ a <kw>(double).
143$ User Action:
144$ Problems do not occur
145$ as long as you compile stubs with an ANSI C compiler.  However,
146$ to maximize portability, it is highly recommended that you
147$ modify any <kw>(float) parameter passed
148$ passed by value or a <kw>(float) passed by reference. This
149$ message is informational.
1516 Importing IDL file %1$s
1537 Creating include file %1$s
1558 Legal values are:
156$ Explanation:
157$ Identifies a list of legal values for a command option.
158$ User Action:
159$ Re-enter the option using one of the legal values.
1619 File %1$s, line %2$lu
162$ Explanation:
163$ Identifies the filename and source line number
164$ associated with an error.
165$ User Action:
166$ None. This is an informational message.
16810 Name %1$s is declared in file %2$s, line %3$lu
169$ Explanation:
170$ Gives the source file and line
171$ number of source text to help you diagnose the
172$ previous error.
173$ User Action:
174$ None. This is an informational message.
17611 Name is referenced in file %1$s, line %2$lu
177$ Explanation:
178$ Gives the source file and line
179$ number of source text to help you diagnose the
180$ previous error.
181$ User Action:
182$ None. This is an informational message.
18412 %1$s
18613 Options table:
187$ Explanation:
188$ Caption for options table printed in usage message
189$ User Action:
190$ None. This is an informational message.
19214 Processing attribute configuration file %1$s
19415 Running C preprocessor %1$s
19616 Compiling stub module %1$s
19817 Creating stub module %1$s
20018 Deleting stub module %1$s
20219 Type %1$s has a represent_as data type %2$s
203$ Explanation:
204$ IDL does not allow a data type that has a <kw>([represent_as]) type
205$ to itself be used as a <kw>([represent_as]) type in another type
206$ definition.
207$ User Action:
208$ The message gives
209$ information to help you locate the problem.
21120 Usage: idl filename [options]
212$ Explanation:
213$ Lists the format of the <kw>(idl) command
214$ that invokes the IDL compiler.
215$ User Action:
216$ Use the <kw>(-confirm) option to see a list of all
217$ to determine those you need.
21921 DCE IDL compiler version %1$s
220$ Explanation:
221$ Identifies the current version of the IDL compiler.
222$ User Action:
223$ Use this version number when submitting bug reports.
22522 Warning: Duplicate Protocol specification in endpoint list; \"%1$s\" ignored
226$ Explanation:
227$ Each protocol can be listed at most once in the endpoint list.  The specified
228$ endpoint specification duplicates another
229$ endpoint specification and is ignored.
230$ User Action:
231$ Use each protocol at most once in the endpoint list.
23323 Warning: Syntax error in endpoint specification \"%1$s\"
234$ Explanation:
235$ The syntax of the string describing the endpoint must be of the
236$ form <v>(protocol:[endpoint]).
237$ Although not in the expected format, the string <v>(endpoint)
238$ is assumed to be the desired endpoint specification
239$ and is put into the generated stubs.
240$ User Action:
241$ Correct the syntax of the <kw>(endpoint) specification.
24324 Warning: Extraneous punctuation character \"%1$s\" ignored
244$ Explanation:
245$ A punctuation character was found in a location
246$ where it is not allowed in the IDL language syntax.
247$ User Action:
248$ If it is only an extra puncutation character,
249$ remove it.  If the character appears correct, then the
250$ error may be caused by another nearby syntax error.
251$ Correct the other syntax errors and recompile the interface.
25325 Warning: The [handle] attribute of a parameter in a function pointer declaration is ignored
25526 Warning: Identifier: %1$s too long; maximum is %2$lu chars
256$ Explanation:
257$ The length identifier exceeds the maximum number of characters
258$ allowed by IDL for portability.
259$ User Action:
260$ Shorten the identifier name to within the allowed limit.
261$ Make sure the shortened identifier name is unique.
26327 Warning: include filename must not contain a file extension
264$ Explanation:
265$ The filename specified in an <kw>(include) statement in the
266$ Attribute Configuration File (ACF) must not contain a file
267$ extension.  In a future IDL version, you will be able to
268$ specify a programming language, and the IDL compiler will
269$ automatically append the appropriate extension.
270$ User Action:
271$ Remove the file extension.  The current IDL compiler
272$ always assumes an <kw>(.h) extension.
27428 Warning: ACF include statement advised for definition of type %1$s
275$ Explanation:
276$ An Attribute Configuration File (ACF) declares a type that is
277$ not defined in an IDL file.  The type is referenced in the
278$ generated stub code, thus its definition needs to be included
279$ into the stub code as well.
280$ User Action:
281$ Place an <kw>(include) statement in the ACF to cause your module
282$ that defines the type to be included into the generated
283$ header file.
28529 Warning: A size specifier is required; long assumed
286$ Explanation:
287$ A size specifier is required when specifying the <kw>(int) data type.
288$ User Action:
289$ Place a size specifier -- <kw>(short, small, long,)
290$ or <kw>(hyper) -- before the <kw>(int) keyword.
29230 Warning: The attributes [in_line] and [out_of_line] apply only to non-scalar types
293$ Explanation:
294$ Scalar data types are always marshalled in-line, since there
295$ is performance degradation if they are
296$ marshalled out-of-line.
297$ User Action:
298$ Do not use the <kw>([in_line]) and <kw>([out_of_line]) attributes
299$ on scalar types.
30131 Warning: Missing pointer class for %1$s; [ptr], [ref], or [unique] required
302$ Explanation:
303$ A pointer declaration does not have pointer class attribute
304$ and no <kw>([pointer_default]) attribute was  specified on the
305$ interface.
306$ User Action:
307$ All pointers must have one of the pointer class attributes:
308$ <kw>([ptr]), <kw>([ref]), or <kw>([unique]).
309$ Either add one of these attributes
310$ at the location of the pointer declaration, or add the
311$ <kw>([pointer_default]) attribute to the interface to specify the
312$ class to be used as the default for the module.
31432 Warning: The attributes [max_is,length_is] or [size_is,last_is] used together
315$ Explanation:
316$ The <kw>([max_is]) attribute specifies the array's upper bound while
317$ the <kw>([size_is]) attribute specifies the total number of array
318$ elements.  Similarly, <kw>([last_is]) specifies the upper data
319$ limit while <kw>([length_is]) specifies the
320$ number of valid data elements.
321$ User Action:
322$ Mixing the attributes can be incorrect.
323$ Make sure the declaration is correct and change if necessary.
32533 Warning: An attribute is defined multiple times
326$ Explanation:
327$ An attribute is repeated multiple times in an attribute list.
328$ User Action:
329$ Remove all but one occurrence of the offending attribute.
33134 Warning: Generated name too long at line %1$lu.
332$ Explanation:
333$ The compiler generated an identifier that is too long
334$ for some standard C compiler implementations.
335$ User Action:
336$ Shorten the name at the specified line.
33835 Warning: At least one operation must have the [code] attribute
339$ Explanation:
340$ All of the operations in the interface are marked so
341$ no code is generated for them in the stub modules.
342$ User Action:
343$ If you used the ACF <kw>([nocode]) attribute on the interface,
344$ be sure to specify <kw>([code]) on at least one operation.
345$ To disable stub generation entirely use a command line option.
34736 Warning: No endpoint can be found in the endpoint specification \"%1$s\"
348$ Explanation:
349$ The syntax specified in the <kw>(endpoint) specification
350$ string does not contain
351$ an <kw>(endpoint) specification.
352$ The entire string is assumed to be the protocol name
353$ and the <kw>(endpoint) remains unspecified in the generated stubs.
354$ User Action:
355$ Correct the syntax of the <kw>(endpoint) specification.
35737 Warning: Character constant cannot be portable across character sets
358$ Explanation:
359$ You used an integer value to specify a character. This
360$ cannot be portable across different character sets
361$ (ASCII and EBCDIC).
362$ User Action:
363$ Consider your portability requirements.
36538 Warning: Semantic checking prevented by other reported errors
366$ Explanation:
367$ One or more of the reported errors prevented the compiler from
368$ completing the semantic checking of the interface.  This
369$ can cause some semantic errors in the interface to go unreported.
370$ User Action:
371$ Correct the reported errors and compile the interface again.
37339 Warning: Old UUID format must be replaced with new format:
374$ Explanation:
375$ The UUID specified in the interface attribute list is in an
376$ old format.
377$ User Action:
378$ Although the old format is compatible with the new
379$ format, we recommend that you switch to the new format.
380$ If the input is an NCS Version 1 NIDL source file, process it with
381$ the translator utility (the <kw>(nidl_to_idl) command) that
382$ converts an NCS Version 1 NIDL source file into the
383$ format expected by the IDL compiler.
384$ You can also use the <kw>(uuidgen) command to convert the
385$ old format UUID to the new format.
386$ When you have the new format for the UUID,
387$ compile the translated source file.
38940 Warning: Object file for %1$s placed in current working directory
390$ Explanation:
391$ A command option specifies a directory other than the current
392$ working directory in which to place a generated C source and
393$ object file.
394$ The IDL compiler does not place the file in the requested
395$ directory if you use the <kw>(-cc_cmd) argument on the command line.
396$ Also, the IDL compiler does not place the file in the requested
397$ directory on systems on which the mechanism it usually uses
398$ for the placement does not work.
399$ User Action:
400$ IDL provides a command option that allows you to pass
401$ command options to the C compiler.  Use the appropriate
402$ C compiler option to assure that the object files are placed
403$ in the correct directory.
40541 Warning: The attribute [%1$s] applied on type with [%2$s] set, [%3$s] assumed
40742 Warning: The attribute [nocode] does not apply to server stub
408$ Explanation:
409$ A server for an interface must support all of the routines in
410$ that interface, therefore, the <kw>([nocode]) ACF attribute is not
411$ valid when you use IDL to generate only server stub code.
412$ User Action:
413$ This is a warning, so no action is required.  If you want to
414$ remove the warning message, create a new ACF for the
415$ interface that does not use the <kw>([nocode]) attribute.  Or
416$ change the command line used so stub generation is not
417$ limited to the server stub.
41943 Warning: File %1$s is a system-defined IDL filename
420$ Explanation:
421$ The file <v>(filename) has the same name as an RPC-supplied
422$ system IDL file.  This can cause unexpected compilation errors,
423$ such as missing declarations of IDL predefined types.
424$ User Action:
425$ Rename <v>(filename) so it does not conflict with any
426$ of the system-defined IDL filenames.
42844 Pipes must be defined with a typedef
429$ Explanation:
430$ The IDL compiler constructs routine names
431$ that are referenced by generated stub code
432$ from the name of any <kw>(pipe) data type.
433$ Therefore the type cannot be anonymous.
434$ User Action:
435$ Declare the <kw>(pipe) data type with a <kw>(typedef)
436$ so the <kw>(pipe) has a name associated with it.
43845 Declaration of %1$s cannot contain an anonymous type
439$ Explanation:
440$ The type specification for the parameter, field or <kw>(union) arm
441$ <v>(name) contains a data type that is an anonymous <kw>(struct) or
442$ <kw>(union).  Since such a type is unique
443$ and not compatible with any other type,
444$ the generated stubs cannot generate code to access the type.
445$ User Action:
446$ Move the <kw>(struct) or <kw>(union) declaration into
447$ a <kw>(typedef)  and modify the
448$ declaration of <v>(name) to use the newly created type name.
45046 An arm of a union cannot be or contain a [ref] pointer
451$ Explanation:
452$ IDL-generated server stub code must allocate storage for
453$ objects pointed to by <kw>([ref]) pointers.  IDL does not allow
454$ a <kw>([ref]) pointer within a <kw>(union) because the valid
455$ arm of the <kw>(union), and therefore the
456$ object for which storage is allocated, is not
457$ known at compile time.
458$ User Action:
459$ Change the pointer within the <kw>(union) declaration to a full pointer.
46147 Array elements cannot be conformant arrays or conformant structures
462$ Explanation:
463$ Array elements must be of fixed size.
464$ User Action:
465$ If the element type is an array, make sure that the array has
466$ fixed bounds.  If the element type is a structure, make sure
467$ that any arrays in the structure have fixed bounds.
46948 Array elements cannot be context handles
470$ Explanation:
471$ Arrays of context handles are not allowed.
472$ User Action:
473$ Change the definition of the array so its elements are
474$ not context handles.  If you want to declare
475$ an array of context handles, you must use alternative means.
47749 Array elements cannot be pipes
478$ Explanation:
479$ Array elements cannot be pipes.
480$ User Action:
481$ Change the definition of the array so its elements are
482$ not of a <kw>(pipe) data type.  If you want to declare
483$ an array of pipes, you must use alternative means.
48550 Array size information required for %1$s
486$ Explanation:
487$ The IDL code uses an array with bounds that are not fixed
488$ and does not specify the appropriate size attributes.
489$ User Action:
490$ Modify the array declaration to include the appropriate
491$ <kw>([max_is]) or <kw>([size_is]) attribute.
492$ If the array is a parameter, use an additional parameter to
493$ specify size information.  If the array is a field
494$ in a structure, use an additional field to
495$ specify size information.
496$ The IDL code uses an array with bounds that are not fixed
497$ and does not specify the appropriate size attributes.
498$ Modify the array declaration to include the appropriate
499$ <kw>([min_is]), <kw>([max_is]), or <kw>([size_is]) attribute.
500$ If the array is a parameter, use an additional parameter to
501$ specify the missing size information.  If the array is a field
502$ in a structure, use an additional field to
503$ specify the missing size information.
50551 Arrays can be conformant in the first dimension only
506$ Explanation:
507$ IDL only allows an array to be conformant in its first dimension.
508$ User Action:
509$ Modify the array declaration so dimensions other than
510$ the first have fixed bounds.
51252 An array with a pointer attribute is valid only as a parameter
513$ Explanation:
514$ An array that is a parameter in an operation can have a pointer
515$ attribute because arrays are implicitly passed by reference
516$ pointer.  Otherwise, an array cannot have a pointer attribute.
517$ User Action:
518$ Remove the pointer attribute from the parameter or type
519$ definition, or define a new type without a pointer attribute.
52153 Use array syntax to declare multidimensional arrays
522$ Explanation:
523$ An IDL declaration attempts to use mixed pointer (<kw>(*)) and
524$ array (<kw>([])) syntax to define a multidimensional array.
525$ The interpretation that an asterisk (<kw>(*)) is used
526$ to represent an array
527$ is due to the presence of one or more of the
528$ <kw>([max_is]), or <kw>([size_is]) attributes.  It is
529$ ambiguous whether size attributes apply to the pointer or the
530$ array, thus IDL does not allow mixing pointer and array syntax
531$ when size attributes are present.
532$ User Action:
533$ The IDL compiler requires that you make such declarations
534$ using only array <kw>([]) syntax.  If you do not want to
535$ declare a multidimensional array, you used the
536$ <kw>([max_is]), or <kw>([size_is]) attribute incorrectly.  They apply
537$ only to arrays with bounds that are not fixed, and the declared
538$ array has fixed bounds.
54054 Arrays can be varying in the first dimension only
541$ Explanation:
542$ IDL only allows an array to be varying in its first dimension.
543$ User Action:
544$ Remove the <kw>([first_is]), <kw>([last_is]),
545$ or <kw>([length_is])
546$ attributes that refer to dimensions other than the first.
54855 Arrays with [transmit_as] cannot be conformant or varying
549$ Explanation:
550$ IDL does not allow a conformant or varying array with the
551$ <kw>([transmit_as]) attribute.
552$ User Action:
553$ Change the declaration so the array is of fixed size and
554$ has no data limit attributes, or remove the <kw>([transmit_as]) attribute.
55656 The attribute is no longer allowed in this context; use translator
557$ Explanation:
558$ An attribute list is encountered in an invalid context.
559$ In NCS Version 1 NIDL, attributes are allowed in this position.
560$ You may be compiling an NCS Version 1 NIDL source file.
561$ User Action:
562$ If the input is an NCS Version 1 NIDL source file, process it with the
563$ <kw>(nidl_to_idl) translator utility that
564$ converts an NCS Version 1 NIDL source file into the format expected by
565$ the IDL compiler.  Then compile the translated source file.
566$ Otherwise, move the attributes to a valid location.
56857 An attribute variable cannot be an indirect field reference
569$ Explanation:
570$ An indirect field reference is used in a field attribute;
571$ indirection is not allowed in this context.
572$ User Action:
573$ Remove the indirection.  For example, if the referenced field was
574$ <kw>(long *sp;) and the attribute expression was
575$ <kw>([size_is(*sp)]), then change the field to
576$ <kw>(long s;) and the attribute expression to
577$ <kw>([size_is(s)]).
57958 Invalid use of tag %1$s
580$ Explanation:
581$ You used a previously defined tag name in a declaration of a different type.
582$ Tag names can be used for
583$ a <kw>(struct) or <kw>(union) declaration, but not both.
584$ User Action:
585$ Either make sure that each use of the tag name specifies the same type, or
586$ use different tag names with each type.
58859 The attribute [broadcast] is not valid on an operation with pipes
589$ Explanation:
590$ IDL does not allow pipes to be used in <kw>([broadcast])
591$ operations.
592$ User Action:
593$ Remove the <kw>([broadcast]) attribute from the operation,
594$ or remove the <kw>(pipe) parameter from the operation.
59660 Case label type does not agree with discriminator type
597$ Explanation:
598$ The value of a <kw>(case) expression in a discriminated <kw>(union)
599$ is not the same data type as the discriminator variable
600$ in the <kw>(switch) clause.
601$ User Action:
602$ Change the discriminator declaration or the <kw>(case) expression
603$ so the data types match.
60561 Case label must be a constant from the enumeration of the discriminant
606$ Explanation:
607$ The value of a <kw>(case) expression in a discriminated <kw>(union)
608$ is from a different enumeration data type than the enumeration
609$ data type of the discriminator variable in the <kw>(switch) clause.
610$ User Action:
611$ Change the discriminator declaration or the <kw>(case) expression
612$ so the enumeration data types match.
61462 Structures containing conformant arrays must be passed by reference
615$ Explanation:
616$ The size of a structure that contains a conformant array is
617$ not a compile-time constant.  It is not possible to pass such
618$ a structure by value.
619$ User Action:
620$ Change the parameter declaration to pass the structure by
621$ reference by adding an asterisk (<kw>(*)) to the
622$ left of the parameter name.
62463 The base type of a pipe cannot be a conformant type
625$ Explanation:
626$ IDL does not allow pipes of any data type of size that is not fixed.
627$ User Action:
628$ Change your <kw>(pipe) type definition to use a fixed array or
629$ some other construct of fixed size.
63164 A conformant field must be the last field in the structure
632$ Explanation:
633$ The IDL compiler restricts arrays with bounds that are not fixed
634$ and that occur in structures to only the last field
635$ in the structure.
636$ User Action:
637$ If the structure contains more than one
638$ conformant array, remove all but one of them.
639$ Move the conformant array so it is the last field in the
640$ structure definition.
64265 Conformant array or structure is invalid within a union
643$ Explanation:
644$ The IDL compiler does not allow an array with bounds  that are not fixed
645$ in a discriminated <kw>(union).  Each member of a <kw>(union) must
646$ be of fixed size.
647$ User Action:
648$ It is possible to have a <kw>(union) case that is a full <kw>([ptr])
649$ pointer to a conformant array or conformant structure.
650$ Change the declaration and
651$ associated code accordingly.
65366 Interface attributes [auto_handle] and [implicit_handle] cannot occur together
654$ Explanation:
655$ The <kw>([auto_handle]) and <kw>([implicit_handle]) attributes
656$ are two distinct
657$ mechanisms for managing the binding between client and server
658$ at runtime.  You cannot specify both of these attributes.
659$ User Action:
660$ See the documentation to determine which binding mechanism
661$ to use.  Then remove one of the conflicting attributes
662$ from the interface attribute list in the Attribute
663$ Configuration File (ACF).
66567 The attributes [in_line] and [out_of_line] cannot occur together
66768 The attributes [%1$s] and [%2$s] cannot occur together
668$ Explanation:
669$ The specified attributes are conflicting and only one or the other
670$ can be specified.
671$ User Action:
672$ Remove one of the attributes.
67469 The [represent_as] type %1$s conflicts with previously defined %2$s
675$ Explanation:
676$ The attribute configuration file (ACF) contains conflicting
677$ <kw>([represent_as]) clauses for the same data type.
678$ User Action:
679$ Remove one of the <kw>([represent_as]) clauses for that data type.
68170 Constant name: %1$s not found
682$ Explanation:
683$ The named <kw>(constant) is not defined.
684$ User Action:
685$ Modify the interface and specify a known constant.
68771 Constant type does not agree with constant expression
688$ Explanation:
689$ You used a constant expression that is inappropriate
690$ for the constant type.
691$ User Action:
692$ Modify the constant definition so the expression
693$ matches the type.
69572 A hyper constant type is not allowed
696$ Explanation:
697$ <kw>(hyper) constant is not allowed.
698$ User Action:
699$ Modify the <kw>(constant) type to one of the supported types:
700$ <kw>(long, char, boolean, void *,) or <kw>(char *).
70273 Missing \"}\" on interface declaration
703$ Explanation:
704$ The closing brace on the interface declaration was not found.
705$ It may have been omitted, the nesting of other braces may be incorrect, or
706$ some other syntax error may cause IDL to overlook a brace.
707$ User Action:
708$ Add the closing brace if missing, otherwise make sure all other braces
709$ are specified in pairs, and there are no other syntax errors.
71174 Missing \"]\" on attribute list
712$ Explanation:
713$ The closing bracket on an attribute list was not found.
714$ It may have been omitted, or
715$ some other syntax error may cause IDL to overlook the bracket.
716$ User Action:
717$ Add the closing bracket if it is missing, otherwise make sure
718$ there are no other syntax errors.
72075 Missing \"]\" on array bound
721$ Explanation:
722$ The closing bracket on an array bound specification was not found.
723$ It may have been omitted, or
724$ some other syntax error may cause IDL to overlook the bracket.
725$ User Action:
726$ Add the closing bracket if it is missing, otherwise make sure
727$ there are no other syntax errors.
72976 Missing result type on operation declaration
730$ Explanation:
731$ No data type was found for the result of an operation
732$ while processing what appeared to be an
733$ operation declaration.  All operations must have an explicit result type.
734$ User Action:
735$ If the result type of an operation is omitted, explicitly
736$ specify it. If no result is returned from the operation,
737$ specify <kw>(void) as the result type.
738$ This error can also occur due to a previous syntax error.
74077 Missing type on parameter declaration
741$ Explanation:
742$ No data type is found for the parameter.
743$ User Action:
744$ If the parameter type is omitted, explicitly specify it.
745$ This error can also occur due to a previous syntax error.
74778 The base type of a pipe cannot be a [context_handle] type
748$ Explanation:
749$ A <kw>([context_handle]) type cannot be used as the base type
750$ of a <kw>(pipe).
751$ User Action:
752$ Remove the invalid declaration, or change it so the
753$ base type of the <kw>(pipe) is not a <kw>([context_handle]) type.
75579 Attribute [context_handle] only applies to void * types
756$ Explanation:
757$ The attribute <kw>([context_handle]) indicates that the data is a
758$ pointer-sized object that serves as the handle, or method
759$ of accessing, some object.  To the called operation, the data is often
760$ an address of a structure in memory, although it need not be.
761$ A context handle is opaque to, and must never be written by,
762$ the caller code.  To emphasize this, IDL previously required that
763$ context handles be defined as type <kw>(void *).
764$ IDL has since been relaxed to also allow a context handle type
765$ to be defined as a pointer to a structure type by tag name, e.g.
766$ <v>(typedef [context_handle] struct opaque_struct * opaque_ch_t).
767$ User Action:
768$ Change the declaration with the <kw>([context_handle]) attribute
769$ to data type <kw>(void *) or to a <kw>(struct *) data type
770$ similar to the example above.
77280 Context handles are not valid as structure fields
773$ Explanation:
774$ A context handle is not allowed as a field of a structure.
775$ User Action:
776$ Pass a context handle as a separate parameter to an operation,
777$ rather than embedding it as a field of a structure.
77981 Context handle is not valid as a member of a union
780$ Explanation:
781$ A context handle cannot be a member of a <kw>(union).
782$ User Action:
783$ Pass a context handle as a separate parameter to an operation,
784$ rather than embedding it as a member of a <kw>(union).
78682 Definition of tag %1$s is not yet complete
787$ Explanation:
788$ The tag <v>(name) is forward referenced in a context that requires it to be
789$ completely defined.  References
790$ to <kw>(struct) or <kw>(union) types by means of tag
791$ name before the <kw>(struct) or <kw>(union) is
792$ completely defined is only allowed in
793$ contexts in which the size is not needed (a pointer to the type or
794$ in a <kw>(typedef)).  Although IDL can process
795$ such references, the resulting
796$ stub cannot be compiled by most C compilers.
797$ User Action:
798$ Move the declaration of the <kw>(struct) or <kw>(union) prior to this
799$ reference.
80183 Duplicate case label value
802$ Explanation:
803$ A discriminated <kw>(union) contains more than one <kw>(case) label
804$ with the same value.  Each <kw>(case) label value in a discriminated
805$ <kw>(union) can be used at most once.
806$ User Action:
807$ Remove one of the conflicting <kw>(case) labels.
80984 Unexpected end-of-file
810$ Explanation:
811$ The end of the source file was encountered before
812$ the end of the interface definition.
813$ The source file may be incomplete.
814$ User Action:
815$ Complete the interface definition.
81885 Unexpected end-of-file near '%2$.*1$s'
819$ Explanation:
820$ The end of the source file was encountered before
821$ the end of the interface definition.
822$ The source file may be incomplete.
823$ User Action:
824$ Complete the interface definition.
82686 Syntax error in attribute list
827$ Explanation:
828$ The syntax of the attribute list is not correct.  It must contain a list of
829$ attributes separated by commas.
830$ User Action:
831$ Make sure the attribute list contains only
832$ valid attribute names and values, that
833$ their spellings are correct, and that they form a valid list.
83587 Data type %1$s must be defined in %2$s
836$ Explanation:
837$ You used a feature that requires a predefined data type that is
838$ normally present by default, but the data type was not found.
839$ An examples is a <kw>([comm_status]) or <kw>([fault_status])
840$ parameter, which requires the data type <kw>(error_status_t).
841$ User Action:
842$ The compiler expected to find the type in the indicated file
843$ (usually <kw>(nbase.idl), which is automatically imported by
844$ IDL).  Check that you are using the proper header files that were
845$ installed with DCE.
84788 File is not a directory: %1$s
848$ Explanation:
849$ A file that is not a directory is specified in a context
850$ where a directory is required; for example, as the command
851$ line option that specifies an output directory.
852$ User Action:
853$ Specify a filename that is a directory.
85589 File %1$s not found
856$ Explanation:
857$ A file, specified by the user either in the IDL source or
858$ ACF file, does not exist.
859$ User Action:
860$ Check the filenames you specified.  Determine
861$ the location of any imported or included files that are needed to
862$ compile the IDL source file specified. If any are not in the
863$ directories that the IDL compiler searches by default, you
864$ must use a command line option to specify additional
865$ directories to search.
86790 The [first_is] parameter must have the [in] attribute
868$ Explanation:
869$ The <kw>([first_is]) attribute specifies a parameter that contains
870$ the lower data limit of a varying array.  Since the array has the
871$ <kw>([in]) attribute, the lower data limit
872$ parameter must also be <kw>([in])
873$ so the number of array elements to send from client to
874$ server is known.
875$ User Action:
876$ Change the lower data limit parameter referenced by the
877$ <kw>([first_is]) clause to have the <kw>([in]) attribute.
87991 A [first_is] variable must be a small, short, or long integer
880$ Explanation:
881$ The <kw>([first_is]) attribute specifies a field
882$ or parameter that contains
883$ the lower data limit of a varying array.  Array data limits
884$ must be integers which are not <kw>(hyper).
885$ User Action:
886$ Change the data limit field or parameter referenced by the
887$ <kw>([first_is]) clause to integer data type.
88992 Floating point constants not supported
890$ Explanation:
891$ Floating point constants cannot be specified in IDL.
892$ User Action:
893$ Remove the <kw>(float) constant specification.
89593 Function pointers are not valid as elements of conformant arrays
89794 Function pointers are allowed only in local interfaces
89995 Function pointer parameters cannot be of type handle_t
90196 Function pointers in an operation must be [in] parameters
90397 The base type of a pipe cannot be a function pointer
90598 Function pointers are not valid as structure fields
90799 Function pointers are not valid as members of unions
909100 Function types are allowed only in local interfaces
911101 Array elements cannot be of type handle_t
912$ Explanation:
913$ Data type <kw>(handle_t) is only meaningful when used as the data
914$ type of the first parameter in an operation.  It is used to
915$ establish a binding to a server of the interface.
916$ User Action:
917$ Do not declare arrays of type <kw>(handle_t).
919102 A [handle] binding parameter must be [in] or [in,out]
920$ Explanation:
921$ A parameter of a data type with the <kw>([handle]) attribute
922$ as the first parameter
923$ in an operation is used to
924$ establish a binding to a server of the interface.
925$ It must be an <kw>([in]) or <kw>([in,out]) parameter.
926$ User Action:
927$ Place the <kw>([in]) attribute on the <kw>([handle]) parameter.
929103 Pointers to type handle_t are valid only in parameter declarations
930$ Explanation:
931$ Data type <kw>(handle_t) is only meaningful when used as the data
932$ type of the first parameter in an operation.  It is used to
933$ establish a binding to a server of the interface.
934$ User Action:
935$ Do not declare a pointer to data type <kw>(handle_t), except
936$ as a parameter.
938104 A handle_t as other than the first parameter requires a [transmit_as]
939$ Explanation:
940$ Data type <kw>(handle_t) is only meaningful when used as the data
941$ type of the first parameter in an operation.  A bound handle
942$ is used to deliver the call to the correct server of the
943$ interface.  A bound <kw>(handle_t) parameter itself
944$ is not transmittable.  When the <kw>(handle_t) type is used
945$ in other than the first parameter, it must have a
946$ <kw>([transmit_as]) clause to convert it to a transmittable type.
947$ User Action:
948$ Use data type <kw>(handle_t) only as the data
949$ type of the first parameter in an operation,
950$ unless the defined data type has a <kw>([transmit_as]) clause.
952105 The base type of a pipe cannot be handle_t
953$ Explanation:
954$ Data type <kw>(handle_t) is only meaningful when used as the data
955$ type of the first parameter in an operation.  It is used to
956$ establish a binding to a server of the interface.
957$ User Action:
958$ Do not declare pipes whose base type is <kw>(handle_t).
960106 A handle_t binding parameter must be an [in] parameter
961$ Explanation:
962$ A parameter of type <kw>(handle_t) as the first parameter
963$ in an operation
964$ establishes a binding to a server of the interface.
965$ It must be an <kw>([in]) parameter only.
966$ User Action:
967$ Remove the <kw>([out]) attribute from the <kw>(handle_t) parameter.
969107 Structure fields cannot be of type handle_t
970$ Explanation:
971$ Data type <kw>(handle_t) is only meaningful when used as the data
972$ type of the first parameter in an operation.  It is used to
973$ establish a binding to a server of the interface.
974$ User Action:
975$ Do not declare structure fields of data type <kw>(handle_t).
977108 Members of unions cannot be of type handle_t
978$ Explanation:
979$ Data type <kw>(handle_t) is only meaningful when used as the data
980$ type of the first parameter in an operation.  It is used to
981$ establish a binding to a server of the interface.
982$ User Action:
983$ Do not declare <kw>(union) members of data type <kw>(handle_t).
985109 A handle_t first parameter must not have [transmit_as] type
986$ Explanation:
987$ A parameter of type <kw>(handle_t), when used as the data
988$ type of the first parameter in an operation, is used to
989$ establish a binding to a server of the interface.
990$ It is not sent over the wire, therefore it is incorrect
991$ for it to have a <kw>([transmit_as]) data type.
992$ User Action:
993$ Remove the <kw>([transmit_as]) clause from the type's declaration.
995110 The attribute [idempotent] is not valid on an operation with pipes
996$ Explanation:
997$ An operation that uses pipes cannot be idempotent, because the
998$ <kw>(pipe) data stream can break at unpredictable times.
999$ User Action:
1000$ Remove the <kw>([idempotent]) attribute from the operation,
1001$ or remove the <kw>(pipe) parameter from the operation.
1003111 The attribute [ignore] on array elements is not allowed
1004$ Explanation:
1005$ The <kw>([ignore]) attribute is not allowed on array elements
1006$ User Action:
1007$ Remove the <kw>([ignore]) attribute from the relevant declaration.
1009112 The attribute [ignore] is valid only for pointers
1010$ Explanation:
1011$ The <kw>([ignore]) attribute is valid only for pointers.
1012$ User Action:
1013$ Remove the <kw>([ignore]) attribute from the declaration.
1015113 The attribute [%1$s] on a field is not allowed
1016$ Explanation:
1017$ The specified attribute is not valid on a field.
1018$ User Action:
1019$ Remove the attribute.
1021114 The attribute [%1$s] on a parameter is not allowed
1022$ Explanation:
1023$ The specified attribute is not valid on a parameter declaration.
1024$ User Action:
1025$ Remove the attribute.
1027115 The attribute [%1$s] on a type is not allowed
1028$ Explanation:
1029$ The specified attribute is not valid on a type declaration.
1030$ User Action:
1031$ Remove the attribute.
1033116 The attribute [%1$s] on an operation is not allowed
1034$ Explanation:
1035$ The specified attribute is not valid on an operation.
1036$ User Action:
1037$ Remove the attribute.
1039117 The attribute [%1$s] on an interface is not allowed
1040$ Explanation:
1041$ The specified attribute is not valid on a interface declaration.
1042$ User Action:
1043$ Remove the attribute.
1045118 The attribute [%1$s] on a union member is not allowed
1046$ Explanation:
1047$ The specified attribute is not valid on a <kw>(union) member declaration.
1048$ User Action:
1049$ Remove the attribute.
1051119 An [implicit_handle] variable must either be of type handle_t or have the handle attribute
1052$ Explanation:
1053$ The <kw>([implicit_handle]) variable declared in the ACF must be a
1054$ handle, either a primitive handle of data type <kw>(handle_t);
1055$ or a customized handle, a data type with the <kw>([handle]) attribute.
1056$ User Action:
1057$ Specify a valid handle data type for the <kw>([implicit_handle]).
1059120 A nonlocal interface cannot import a local interface
1060$ Explanation:
1061$ The <kw>([local]) interface attribute implies that the interface
1062$ is not part of an RPC application, but used only to generate
1063$ header files.  This causes IDL to suppress any
1064$ errors specific to RPC that the interface uses as
1065$ part of an RPC application.
1066$ User Action:
1067$ Remove the <kw>([local]) attribute from the imported interface
1068$ definition.  The imported interface does not need a UUID
1069$ unless the interface defines an operation and you compile it
1070$ independently.
1072121 V1 attributes are incompatible with this type
1073$ Explanation:
1074$ The version 1 migration attributes are provided for compatibility for
1075$ applications that were originally written with NCS Version 1 NIDL.
1076$ These attributes
1077$ are <kw>([v1_string]), <kw>([v1_array]), <kw>([v1_enum]),
1078$ and <kw>([v1_struct]).  In later versions of IDL, strings,
1079$ conformant and varying arrays, enumerations,
1080$ and structures are enhanced at
1081$ the network representation level.  A data type with any of
1082$ the V1 migration attributes cannot contain one of these data types
1083$ that does not have the corresponding V1 attribute.
1084$ User Action:
1085$ Change the data type declaration so all relevant
1086$ contained types have the corresponding V1 attribute, or remove
1087$ V1 attributes if compatibility with NCS Version 1 NIDL is unnecessary.
1089122 Interface attributes [code] and [nocode] cannot occur together
1090$ Explanation:
1091$ The <kw>([code]) or <kw>([nocode]) attribute on an interface
1092$ establishes the default for operations in the interface.
1093$ You can specify only one of these attributes.
1094$ User Action:
1095$ Remove one of the conflicting attributes.
1097123 Integer division by zero
1098$ Explanation:
1099$ The evaluation of an integer constant expression resulted
1100$ in an integer divided by zero.
1101$ User Action:
1102$ Correct the expression so a division by zero does
1103$ not occur.
1105124 Interface attributes [in_line] and [out_of_line] cannot occur together
1106$ Explanation:
1107$ The <kw>([in_line]) or <kw>([out_of_line]) attribute on an interface
1108$ establishes the default for types in the interface.
1109$ You can specify only one of these attributes.
1110$ User Action:
1111$ Remove one of the conflicting attributes.
1113125 ACF interface name %1$s differs from IDL interface name %2$s
1114$ Explanation:
1115$ The interface name in an interface's Attribute Configuration
1116$ File must be identical to the interface name in the IDL source.
1117$ User Action:
1118$ Change the ACF to use the correct interface name.
1120126 Integer value overflows %1$s
1121$ Explanation:
1122$ The integer value specified is too large to be contained in
1123$ the destination of size <v>(size).
1124$ User Action:
1125$ Either reduce the size of the integer value, or increase the
1126$ size of the destination declaration.
1128127 Integer constant %1$s is invalid
1129$ Explanation:
1130$ The integer contains incorrect characters.
1131$ User Action:
1132$ Correct the specification of the integer.
1134128 Interface UUID must be specified
1135$ Explanation:
1136$ The interface does not have the <kw>([uuid]) attribute required for
1137$ the complete definition of the interface.
1138$ User Action:
1139$ Either add the <kw>([local]) attribute to the interface, or generate
1140$ a UUID with the <kw>(uuidgen) utility supplied with IDL and specify
1141$ the UUID value in the interface <kw>([uuid]) attribute.
1143129 Invalid array bound type
1144$ Explanation:
1145$ Array indices must be integers.
1146$ User Action:
1147$ Change the array declaration so the fixed bounds are integer
1148$ constants.
1150130 Invalid case label type
1151$ Explanation:
1152$ The values in <kw>(case) clauses in
1153$ discriminated <kw>(union)s must be
1154$ integer, enumeration, boolean, or character values that match
1155$ the data type of the <kw>(union) discriminator.
1156$ User Action:
1157$ Modify the invalid clause to use a value of the correct
1158$ data type.
1160131 Invalid character literal
1161$ Explanation:
1162$ The specification of the character literal is invalid.
1163$ User Action:
1164$ Character literals can be specified as a single printing
1165$ character or one of the following escape sequeces:
1166$ <literal>(\)n, <literal>(\)t, <literal>(\)v, <literal>(\)b,
1167$ <literal>(\)r, <literal>(\)f, <literal>(\)a,
1168$ <literal>(\)<literal>(\), <literal>(\)?, <literal>(\)',
1169$ <literal>(\)", <literal>(\)<v>(ooo), <literal>(\)x<v>(hh)
1170$ (where <v>(ooo) are octal digits, and
1171$ <v>(hh) are hexadecimal digits).
1173132 Invalid octal digit in %1$s
1174$ Explanation:
1175$ An octal integer contains a digit that is not valid.
1176$ Integer constants with a leading zero are interpreted as
1177$ octal values.  Only the digits 0 through 7 are valid in octal value.
1178$ User Action:
1179$ If the integer is not intended to be specified in octal, remove
1180$ the leading zeros. Otherwise correct the value to contain only
1181$ octal digits.
1183133 Could not invoke the C preprocessor
1184$ Explanation:
1185$ The IDL compiler is unable to invoke the C preprocessor
1186$ to preprocess the IDL file before compiling it.
1187$ User Action:
1188$ If you do not need the C preprocessor, you can use a command
1189$ line option to prevent the
1190$ IDL compiler from calling it.  If you specified
1191$ the C preprocessor to invoke with a command line option,
1192$ check to make sure you gave the correct file specification.
1193$ If you do not specify a C preprocessor, the IDL compiler
1194$ looks in a default directory for it.  The C
1195$ preprocessor may not be installed in the expected directory.
1197134 The attribute [out_of_line] is not allowed on parameters
1198$ Explanation:
1199$ IDL does not allow the <kw>([out_of_line])
1200$ attribute on parameters.
1201$ User Action:
1202$ Apply the <kw>([out_of_line]) attribute to the type definition
1203$ rather than the parameter.  If you do not want all
1204$ instances of the type <kw>([out_of_line]), define two separate
1205$ types, one of which has the <kw>([out_of_line]) attribute.
1207135 Command option -%1$s %2$s is not valid
1208$ Explanation:
1209$ The <v>(option-value) specified is not valid for the option
1210$ with which it is used.
1211$ User Action:
1212$ See the documentation for the correct command line syntax.
1214136 Invalid parameters on command line:
1215$ Explanation:
1216$ There are extra parameters on the command line.
1217$ User Action:
1218$ You may have attempted to use a value on a option that does
1219$ not take a value, or attempted to compile more than one
1220$ interface at once.
1221$ See the documentation for the proper command line syntax.
1223137 Pointers to context handles are valid only in parameter declarations
1224$ Explanation:
1225$ IDL does not allow pointers to context handles,
1226$ except in parameter declarations.
1227$ User Action:
1228$ Do not declare a pointer to a <kw>(context_handle), except as a parameter.
1230138 Pointers to pipes are valid only in parameter declarations
1231$ Explanation:
1232$ IDL does not allow a pointer to a <kw>(pipe),
1233$ except in a parameter declaration.
1234$ User Action:
1235$ Do not declare a pointer to a <kw>(pipe), except as a parameter.
1237139 The [last_is] parameter must have the [in] attribute
1238$ Explanation:
1239$ The <kw>([last_is]) attribute specifies a parameter that contains
1240$ the upper data limit of a varying array.  Since the array has the
1241$ <kw>([in]) attribute, the upper data
1242$ limit parameter must also be <kw>([in])
1243$ so the number of array elements to send from client to
1244$ server is known.
1245$ User Action:
1246$ Change the data limit parameter referenced by the
1247$ <kw>([last_is]) clause to have the <kw>([in]) attribute.
1249140 The attributes [last_is] and [length_is] cannot occur together
1250$ Explanation:
1251$ The <kw>([last_is]) and <kw>([length_is]) attributes both specify a
1252$ field or parameter used to determine the
1253$ data limit of a varying array.
1254$ You cannot use both.
1255$ User Action:
1256$ The <kw>([last_is]) attribute specifies the
1257$ index of the last valid element.
1258$ The <kw>([length_is]) attribute specifies the
1259$ total number of elements in the
1260$ array. Remove one of these attributes.
1262141 A [last_is] variable must be a small, short, or long integer
1263$ Explanation:
1264$ The <kw>([last_is]) attribute specifies a field or parameter that contains
1265$ the upper data limit of a varying array.  Array data limits
1266$ must be integers which are not <kw>(hyper).
1267$ User Action:
1268$ Change the upper data limit field or parameter referenced by the
1269$ <kw>([last_is]) clause to be of integer data type.
1271142 The lower bound must not be greater than the upper bound
1272$ Explanation:
1273$ The syntax of an array requires the lower bound to
1274$ precede the upper bound.
1275$ User Action:
1276$ Modify the array declaration so the lower bound is first.
1278143 The [length_is] parameter must have the [in] attribute
1279$ Explanation:
1280$ The <kw>([length_is]) attribute specifies a parameter used
1281$ to determine the data length of a varying array.
1282$ Since the array has the
1283$ <kw>([in]) attribute, the <kw>(length_is) parameter
1284$ must also be <kw>([in])
1285$ so the number of array elements to send from client to
1286$ server is known.
1287$ User Action:
1288$ Change the parameter referenced by the
1289$ <kw>([length_is]) clause to have the <kw>([in]) attribute.
1291144 A [length_is] variable must be a small, short, or long integer
1292$ Explanation:
1293$ The <kw>([length_is]) attribute specifies a field
1294$ or parameter that contains
1295$ the data length of a varying array.  The field or parameter
1296$ must be integers which are not <kw>(hyper).
1297$ User Action:
1298$ Change the field or parameter referenced by the
1299$ <kw>([length_is]) clause to be of integer data type.
1301145 The major version number is too large; the maximum is %1$lu
1302$ Explanation:
1303$ The major version number is too large.
1304$ User Action:
1305$ Replace the major version number (the portion
1306$ to the left of the period) with a value
1307$ less than <v>(number).
1309146 The attribute [max_is] cannot be applied to dimension %1$lu; upper bound is not dynamic
1310$ Explanation:
1311$ A <kw>([max_is]) variable is only valid for array dimensions that
1312$ have an upper bound that is not fixed.
1313$ User Action:
1314$ If the array is multidimensional, you may have specified the
1315$ <kw>([max_is]) variable for the wrong dimension.  See the
1316$ documentation for the proper syntax.  If the array has only
1317$ one dimension, the <kw>([max_is]) clause is invalid, since the
1318$ array's upper bound is fixed.  You may have meant to use a
1319$ <kw>([last_is]) clause.  See the documentation for the
1320$ distinctions between conformant and varying arrays
1321$ and their attributes.
1323147 Maximum identifier length for interface name is %1$lu characters
1324$ Explanation:
1325$ The IDL compiler constructs new identifier names
1326$ that are referenced by generated stub code
1327$ from the interface name.
1328$ Therefore, the number of characters allowed
1329$ in an interface name is
1330$ less than for other identifiers.
1331$ User Action:
1332$ Shorten the interface name.
1334148 Maximum identifier length for type with [transmit_as] is %1$lu characters
1335$ Explanation:
1336$ The IDL compiler constructs new identifier names
1337$ that are referenced by generated stub code
1338$ from the names of any <kw>([transmit_as]) data types.
1339$ Therefore, the number of characters allowed
1340$ in such a data type is
1341$ less than for other identifiers.
1342$ User Action:
1343$ Shorten the data type name.
1345149 Maximum identifier length for [handle] type is %1$lu characters
1346$ Explanation:
1347$ The IDL compiler constructs new identifier names
1348$ that are referenced by generated stub code
1349$ from the names of any <kw>([handle]) data types.
1350$ Therefore, the number of characters allowed
1351$ in such a data type is
1352$ less than for other identifiers.
1353$ User Action:
1354$ Shorten the data type name.
1356150 Maximum identifier length for [context_handle] type is %1$lu characters
1357$ Explanation:
1358$ The IDL compiler constructs new identifier names
1359$ that are referenced by generated stub code
1360$ from the names of any <kw>([context_handle]) data types.
1361$ Therefore, the number of characters allowed
1362$ in such a data type is
1363$ less than for other identifiers.
1364$ User Action:
1365$ Shorten the data type name.
1367151 Maximum identifier length for pointed-to type is %1$lu characters
1368$ Explanation:
1369$ The IDL compiler constructs new identifier names
1370$ that are referenced by generated stub code
1371$ from the names of any pointed-to data types.
1372$ Therefore, the number of characters allowed
1373$ in such a data type is
1374$ less than for other identifiers.
1375$ User Action:
1376$ Shorten the data type name.
1378152 Maximum identifier length for pipe type is %1$lu characters
1379$ Explanation:
1380$ The IDL compiler constructs new identifier names
1381$ that are referenced by generated stub code
1382$ from the names of any <kw>(pipe) data types.
1383$ Therefore, the number of characters allowed
1384$ in such a data type is
1385$ less than for other identifiers.
1386$ User Action:
1387$ Shorten the data type name.
1389153 Maximum identifier length for [represent_as] type is %1$lu characters
1390$ Explanation:
1391$ The IDL compiler constructs new identifier names
1392$ that are referenced by generated stub code
1393$ from the names of any <kw>([represent_as]) data types.
1394$ Therefore, the number of characters allowed
1395$ in such a data type is
1396$ less than for other identifiers.
1397$ User Action:
1398$ Shorten the data type name.
1400154 Maximum identifier length for [out_of_line] type is %1$lu characters
1401$ Explanation:
1402$ The IDL compiler constructs new identifier names
1403$ that are referenced by generated stub code
1404$ from the names of any <kw>([out_of_line]) data types.
1405$ Therefore, the number of characters allowed
1406$ in such a data type is
1407$ less than for other identifiers.
1408$ User Action:
1409$ Shorten the data type name.
1411155 A [max_is] parameter must have the [in] attribute
1412$ Explanation:
1413$ The <kw>([max_is]) attribute specifies a parameter that contains
1414$ the upper bound of a conformant array.  This must be an <kw>([in])
1415$ attribute so the server stub code knows how much
1416$ space to allocate for the array.
1417$ User Action:
1418$ Change the upper bound parameter referenced by the
1419$ <kw>([max_is]) clause to have the <kw>([in]) attribute.
1421156 The attribute [max_is] or [size_is] is required
1422$ Explanation:
1423$ An array with an upper bound that is not fixed is used as a field of
1424$ a structure or as a parameter of an operation.  You must
1425$ specify a field or parameter that determines
1426$ the allocation of the array at runtime.
1427$ User Action:
1428$ Use a <kw>([max_is]) or <kw>([size_is]) attribute to specify
1429$ the field or parameter that contains the size information.
1431157 The attributes [max_is] and [size_is] cannot occur together
1432$ Explanation:
1433$ The <kw>([max_is]) and <kw>([size_is]) attributes both specify a
1434$ field or parameter used to determine the
1435$ upper bound of a conformant array.
1436$ You cannot use both.
1437$ User Action:
1438$ The <kw>([max_is]) attribute specifies
1439$ the index of the last possible array element.
1440$ The <kw>([size_is]) attribute specifies
1441$ the total number of possible elements in the
1442$ array. Remove one of the attributes.
1444158 A [max_is] variable must be a small, short, or long integer
1445$ Explanation:
1446$ The <kw>([max_is]) attribute specifies a field or parameter that contains
1447$ the upper bound of a conformant array.  Array bounds
1448$ must be integers which are not <kw>(hyper).
1449$ User Action:
1450$ Change the upper bound field or parameter referenced by the
1451$ <kw>([max_is]) clause to be of integer data type.
1453159 A [maybe] operation cannot have [out] parameters or a function result
1454$ Explanation:
1455$ The <kw>([maybe]) attribute specifies that the operation's caller
1456$ does not require and does not receive a response or fault
1457$ indication.  Do not use an <kw>([out])
1458$ parameter or a function result in a <kw>([maybe]) operation.
1459$ User Action:
1460$ Remove the <kw>([maybe]) attribute from the operation,
1461$ or remove all <kw>([out]) parameters from the function and
1462$ declare its result type as <kw>(void).
1464160 The attribute [min_is] is required
1465$ Explanation:
1466$ An array with a lower bound that is not fixed is used as a field of
1467$ a structure or as a parameter of an operation.  You must
1468$ specify a field or parameter that determines
1469$ the lower bound of the array at runtime.
1470$ User Action:
1471$ Use a <kw>([min_is]) attribute to specify
1472$ the field or parameter that contains the lower bound.
1474161 The attribute [min_is] cannot be applied to dimension %1$lu; lower bound is not dynamic
1475$ Explanation:
1476$ A <kw>([min_is]) variable is valid only for array dimensions that
1477$ have a lower bound that is not fixed.
1478$ User Action:
1479$ If the array is multidimensional, you may have specified the
1480$ <kw>([min_is]) variable for the wrong dimension.  See the
1481$ documentation for the proper syntax.  If the array has only
1482$ one dimension, the <kw>([min_is]) clause is invalid, since the
1483$ array's lower bound is fixed.  The
1484$ <kw>([first_is]) clause is valid for single dimension
1485$ arrays.  See the documentation for the
1486$ distinctions between conformant and varying arrays
1487$ and their attributes.
1489162 A [min_is] parameter must have the [in] attribute
1490$ Explanation:
1491$ The <kw>([min_is]) attribute specifies a parameter that contains
1492$ the lower bound of a conformant array.  This parameter
1493$ must have an <kw>([in])
1494$ attribute so the server stub code will allocate adequate
1495$ space for the array.
1496$ User Action:
1497$ Change the lower bound parameter referenced by the
1498$ <kw>([min_is]) clause to have the <kw>([in]) attribute.
1500163 The minor version number is too large; the maximum is %1$lu
1501$ Explanation:
1502$ The minor version number is too large.
1503$ User Action:
1504$ Replace the minor version number (the portion
1505$ to the right of the period) with a value
1506$ less than <v>(number).
1508164 A [min_is] variable must be a small, short, or long integer
1509$ Explanation:
1510$ The <kw>([min_is]) attribute specifies a field or parameter that contains
1511$ the lower bound of a conformant array.  Array bounds
1512$ must be integers that are not <kw>(hyper).
1513$ User Action:
1514$ Change the lower bound field or parameter referenced by the
1515$ <kw>([min_is]) clause so that it is a small, short, or long
1516$ integer.
1518165 Name already declared: %1$s
1519$ Explanation:
1520$ The name referenced is already declared.
1521$ User Action:
1522$ Modify the interface and select a unique name
1523$ for the given item.
1525166 Name is not a constant: %1$s
1526$ Explanation:
1527$ The name used to define a new constant is not the name of
1528$ a <kw>(constant).
1529$ User Action:
1530$ Modify the <kw>(constant) definition to use
1531$ a predefined <kw>(constant) name.
1533167 Name is not a field: %1$s
1534$ Explanation:
1535$ The name referenced in an array attribute is not
1536$ declared as a field in the structure being defined.
1537$ User Action:
1538$ Declare a field in the structure that can be used
1539$ in the array attribute.
1541168 Name not found: %1$s
1542$ Explanation:
1543$ The referenced name is not defined.
1544$ User Action:
1545$ Modify the interface to define an appropriate type for the
1546$ specified name.
1548169 Name is not a parameter: %1$s
1549$ Explanation:
1550$ The name referenced in an array attribute is not
1551$ declared as a parameter in the operation being defined.
1552$ User Action:
1553$ Declare a parameter in the operation that can be used
1554$ in the array attribute.
1556170 Name is not a type: %1$s
1557$ Explanation:
1558$ The name referenced is not a type definition.
1559$ User Action:
1560$ Modify the interface to specify a unique type specification
1561$ instead of the name referenced.
1563171 Name %1$s previously declared in file %2$s, line %3$lu
1564$ Explanation:
1565$ The name referenced was previously declared at the specified location.
1566$ User Action:
1567$ Remove this declaration, if it is redundant, or change the spelling
1568$ so it does not conflict with the existing name.
1570172 %1$sNLS message catalog version mismatch in \"%2$s\", Expected: \"%3$lu\", Actual: \"%4$s\"
1572173 %1$sError messages may be incorrect
1573$ Explanation:
1574$ The error messages reported by the IDL compiler are stored in an NLS
1575$ message catalog.  The catalog <v>(filename) is not the same version
1576$ as the IDL compiler being invoked.  The error messages reported may
1577$ therefore be incorrect or cause the compiler to terminate abnormally.
1578$ User Action:
1579$ Check the definition of the NLS environment variable NLSPATH and verify that
1580$ it searches the appropriate directories.  The default location for the IDL
1581$ compiler message catalog is
1582$ <v>(<literal>(<)dceshared>)<kw>(/nls/msg/)<v>(LANG)<kw>(/%N)
1584174 Non-integer values are not allowed in expressions
1585$ Explanation:
1586$ One of the values in the expression is not
1587$ an integer (or one that can be promoted to integer).
1588$ User Action:
1589$ Correct the expression to contain only integer values.
1591175 The [align] attribute is not yet supported
1593176 The attribute [in(shape)] is not yet supported
1595177 Arrays with a nonzero lower bound are not yet supported
1597178 The attribute [out(shape)] is not yet supported
1599179 Attribute [unique] is not yet supported
1601180 Operation attributes [code] and [nocode] cannot occur together
1602$ Explanation:
1603$ The <kw>([code]) and <kw>([nocode]) attributes have directly opposite
1604$ meanings.  Do not use both.
1605$ User Action:
1606$ Remove one of the conflicting attributes.
1608181 Unable to open %1$s for read access
1609$ Explanation:
1610$ The IDL compiler is unable to open a file for processing.
1611$ User Action:
1612$ Make sure the file exists, and that it has the proper access
1613$ protection for the IDL compiler.
1615182 Unable to open %1$s for write access
1616$ Explanation:
1617$ The IDL compiler is unable to create a file.
1618$ User Action:
1619$ Make sure the directory to contain the file exists,
1620$ and that it has the proper access
1621$ protection for the IDL compiler.
1623183 Operation name %1$s referenced in ACF is not defined
1624$ Explanation:
1625$ Any operation referenced in an Attribute Configuration File
1626$ (ACF) must be defined in the corresponding IDL file.
1627$ User Action:
1628$ Check for typographical errors in either file.
1630184 An [out] conformant array must be a top-level parameter or under a non-[ref] pointer
1631$ Explanation:
1632$ An array with unspecified lower and/or upper bounds requires
1633$ size information.  If the array is a top-level parameter,
1634$ the size information must be in additional <kw>([in]) parameters.
1635$ If the array is contained within a structure, the size
1636$ information must be in additional fields of the structure,
1637$ and the parameter containing the structure must be <kw>([in]) or
1638$ <kw>([in,out]).  In both cases, the size
1639$ information must be <kw>([in])
1640$ so the server stub knows how much storage to allocate
1641$ for the array.  The exception to this latter case is any <kw>([out])
1642$ conformant array that is pointed to by a full <kw>([ptr]) pointer
1643$ or a <kw>([unique]) pointer
1644$ or that indirectly lies under a <kw>([ptr])
1645$ or <kw>([unique]) pointer.  In this
1646$ case the semantics are that the user-written manager code
1647$ either allocates and/or manages the
1648$ storage for the array and any other data below the <kw>([ptr])
1649$ or <kw>([unique])
1650$ pointer or returns a <kw>(NULL) value for
1651$ the <kw>([ptr]) or <kw>([unique]) pointer.
1652$ User Action:
1653$ Change the parameter to be <kw>([in,out]), or pass the array as a
1654$ separate <kw>([out]) parameter with <kw>([in]) size information
1655$ parameters, or change the data structure and the code that
1656$ manipulates it so the conformant array is under a
1657$ <kw>([ptr]) or <kw>([unique]) pointer.
1659185 Output parameters must be passed by reference
1660$ Explanation:
1661$ Parameters with the <kw>([out]) or <kw>([in,out]) attributes must be
1662$ passed by reference, so the changed value of the
1663$ parameter can be reflected back to the caller.
1664$ User Action:
1665$ Add a <kw>(*) to the parameter declaration to indicate
1666$ pass-by-reference calling mechanism.
1668186 An [out,ptr] parameter is not valid
1669$ Explanation:
1670$ The <kw>([ptr]) parameter attribute implies that the value of the
1671$ pointer may be <kw>(NULL).  It is invalid on an <kw>([out]) only
1672$ parameter, since the possible NULL-ness is not shipped
1673$ to the server (for example, in the <kw>([in]) direction).
1674$ User Action:
1675$ If the pointer cannot be <kw>(NULL)
1676$ remove the <kw>([ptr]) attribute.
1677$ Otherwise, make the parameter an <kw>([in,out,ptr]) parameter.
1679187 An [out] parameter or operation result cannot contain [unique] pointers
1680$ Explanation:
1681$ Operation results and parameters that are <kw>([out]) only cannot
1682$ have <kw>([unique]) pointers.  Unique pointers may be <kw>(NULL),
1683$ but there is no way to express the <kw>(NULL) value to the server
1684$ unless the pointer is part of an <kw>([in]) parameter.
1685$ User Action:
1686$ Change your type declarations so no types contained in
1687$ the parameter have the <kw>([unique]) attribute, or, if the pointer
1688$ is part of a parameter, add the <kw>([in]) attribute to the parameter.
1690188 An operation result cannot be a pipe
1691$ Explanation:
1692$ Pipes are not allowed as operation results.
1693$ User Action:
1694$ Change the operation so the <kw>(pipe) is an extra <kw>([out])
1695$ parameter instead of the operation result.
1697189 Output parameters require an explicit top-level *
1698$ Explanation:
1699$ Parameters with the <kw>([out]) or <kw>([in,out]) attributes must be
1700$ passed by reference, so the changed value of the
1701$ parameter can be reflected back to the caller.
1702$ IDL does not allow a <kw>(*) in a type definition to serve as
1703$ a passing mechanism <kw>(*).
1704$ User Action:
1705$ Change the declaration of the parameter so it
1706$ contains an explicit <kw>(*).
1708190 An [out,unique] parameter is not valid
1709$ Explanation:
1710$ The <kw>([unique]) parameter attribute implies that the value of the
1711$ pointer may be <kw>(NULL).  The <kw>(NULL) value is
1712$ invalid on an <kw>([out]) only
1713$ parameter, since the <kw>(NULL) value was not sent
1714$ to the server as an <kw>([in]) parameter.
1715$ User Action:
1716$ If the pointer cannot be <kw>(NULL), remove the
1717$ <kw>([unique]) attribute.
1718$ Otherwise, make the parameter an <kw>([in,out,unique]) parameter.
1720191 The base type of a pipe cannot be a pipe type
1721$ Explanation:
1722$ A <kw>(pipe) type cannot be used in the definition of
1723$ another <kw>(pipe) type.
1724$ User Action:
1725$ Remove the invalid declaration, or change it so the
1726$ base type of the <kw>(pipe) is not another <kw>(pipe) type.
1728192 Pipes are not valid as structure fields
1729$ Explanation:
1730$ Pipes are not allowed as fields of structures.
1731$ User Action:
1732$ Pass a <kw>(pipe) as a separate parameter to an operation,
1733$ rather than embedding it as a field of a structure.
1735193 Pipes are not valid as members of unions
1736$ Explanation:
1737$ Pipes are not allowed as members of <kw>(union)s.
1738$ User Action:
1739$ Pass a <kw>(pipe) as a separate parameter to an operation,
1740$ rather than embedding it as a member of a <kw>(union).
1742194 A pipe cannot have a [transmit_as] type
1743$ Explanation:
1744$ A pipe is a specialized object handled by RPC that,
1745$ by itself, is not a transmittable object.
1746$ Thus, a <kw>([transmit_as]) clause is invalid on
1747$ a <kw>(pipe) definition.
1748$ User Action:
1749$ Remove the <kw>([transmit_as]) attribute.
1751195 A parameter with [%1$s] cannot be passed by value
1752$ Explanation:
1753$ The <v>([attribute-name]) attribute can only be applied
1754$ to a parameter if that parameter has an explicit <kw>(*).
1755$ User Action:
1756$ Modify the parameter signature to have a top-level <kw>(*).
1758196 A parameter must have either or both the [in] and [out] attributes
1759$ Explanation:
1760$ The direction of a parameter must be declared.  The
1761$ <kw>([in]) attribute tells IDL that the parameter is passed from
1762$ client to server.  The
1763$ <kw>([out]) attribute tells IDL that the parameter is passed from
1764$ server to client.
1765$ User Action:
1766$ Add the <kw>([in]), <kw>([out]), or <kw>([in,out]) attribute
1767$ to the parameter.
1769197 Parameter attributes [in_line] and [out_of_line] cannot occur together
1771198 Parameter name %1$s referenced in ACF operation %2$s is not defined
1772$ Explanation:
1773$ Any parameter referenced within an operation declaration in an
1774$ Attribute Configuration File (ACF) must be defined in the
1775$ corresponding operation definition in the IDL file.
1776$ User Action:
1777$ Check for typographical errors in either file.
1779199 The attribute [ptr] is invalid on a binding handle parameter
1780$ Explanation:
1781$ The first parameter in an operation is a <kw>(handle) parameter,
1782$ either of type <kw>(handle_t) or a type with
1783$ the <kw>([handle]) attribute.
1784$ It cannot have the <kw>([ptr]) attribute, since it
1785$ cannot be <kw>(NULL).
1786$ User Action:
1787$ Remove the <kw>([ptr]) attribute from the parameter.
1789200 The attribute [ptr] is valid only for pointer types or array parameter types
1790$ Explanation:
1791$ The <kw>([ptr]) attribute modifies the default behavior of any
1792$ pointer type or an array parameter data type.
1793$ It is not valid on other data types.
1794$ Note that a <kw>(void *) object is not considered a pointer.
1795$ User Action:
1796$ There may be a missing <kw>(*) in your declaration.
1797$ If not, remove the <kw>([ptr]) attribute.
1799201 The base type of a pipe cannot be or contain a pointer
1800$ Explanation:
1801$ IDL does not allow the base type of a <kw>(pipe) to be a pointer
1802$ or any data type that contains pointers.
1803$ User Action:
1804$ Change your <kw>(pipe) type definition so the base type of
1805$ the <kw>(pipe) is not a pointer and does not contain any pointers.
1807202 Incorrect syntax for pointer to conformant array
1808$ Explanation:
1809$ An IDL declaration attempts to use mixed pointer <kw>(*) and
1810$ array <kw>([]) syntax to declare a pointer to an array that has
1811$ bounds that are not fixed.  It is
1812$ ambiguous whether size attributes apply to the pointer or the
1813$ array, thus IDL does not allow mixing pointer and array syntax
1814$ when size attributes are present.
1815$ User Action:
1816$ If the declaration is a parameter declaration and the
1817$ top-level <kw>(*) is a pointer to an array, that <kw>(*) is
1818$ unnecessary.  This is because arrays are implicitly passed
1819$ by reference, as in C.  Remove the top-level <kw>(*).
1820$ If the declaration is a field of a structure, change the
1821$ declaration to use arrayified pointer syntax.  A field that is
1822$ a pointer to a type and also has a conformant array attribute
1823$ represents a pointer to an array of that type.
1824$ If the declaration is an [out] parameter, see the description
1825$ of the message "An [out] conformant array must be a top-level
1826$ parameter or under a full pointer."
1828203 Full pointers to context handles are not allowed
1829$ Explanation:
1830$ IDL does not allow full pointers
1831$ to context handles.
1832$ User Action:
1833$ If the declaration has the <kw>([ptr]) attribute, either explicitly
1834$ or by default, change it to a <kw>([ref]) pointer.
1835$ However, if the
1836$ declaration is an operation result, it cannot be a <kw>([ref])
1837$ pointer and an operation resulting in a pointer to a
1838$ context handle is not possible.
1840204 The attribute [ptr] is not valid on pipe parameters
1841$ Explanation:
1842$ IDL does not allow the <kw>([ptr]) attribute
1843$ on <kw>(pipe) parameters.
1844$ User Action:
1845$ Remove the <kw>([ptr]) attribute from the parameter.
1847205 Pointers to [v1_enum] types are not allowed
1848$ Explanation:
1849$ An enumeration type with the <kw>([v1_enum]) attribute follows
1850$ NCS Version 1 NIDL semantics, and does not allow pointers to
1851$ enumerations except as a reference passing mechanism on a
1852$ parameter.
1853$ User Action:
1854$ If compatibility with NCS Version 1 NIDL is not necessary,
1855$ remove the <kw>([v1_enum]) attribute.
1857206 Pointers to varying arrays are not allowed
1858$ Explanation:
1859$ An IDL declaration attempts to use mixed pointer <kw>(*) and
1860$ array <kw>([]) syntax to declare a pointer to an array that has
1861$ varying bounds.  Usually, it is
1862$ ambiguous whether size attributes apply to the pointer or the
1863$ array, thus IDL does not allow mixing pointer and array syntax
1864$ when size attributes are present.
1865$ User Action:
1866$ If the declaration is a parameter declaration and the
1867$ top-level <kw>(*) is a pointer to an array, that <kw>(*) is
1868$ unnecessary.  This is because arrays are implicitly passed
1869$ by reference, as in C.  Remove the top-level <kw>(*).
1870$ If the declaration is more complex,
1871$ investigate alternative ways to achieve
1872$ results, such as using a pointer to a
1873$ structure that has the required information.
1875207 void * must be used in conjunction with the [context_handle] attribute
1876$ Explanation:
1877$ The only valid use of a <kw>(void *) data type in an interface
1878$ definition is on an item with the <kw>([context_handle]) attribute.
1879$ User Action:
1880$ Change the data type in the declaration, or add the
1881$ <kw>([context_handle]) attribute.
1883208 The attribute [ref] is valid only for pointer types or array parameter types
1884$ Explanation:
1885$ The <kw>([ref]) attribute modifies the default behavior of any
1886$ pointer type or an array parameter data type.
1887$ It is not valid on other data types.
1888$ Note that a <kw>(void *) object is not considered a pointer.
1889$ User Action:
1890$ There may be a missing <kw>(*) in your declaration.
1891$ If not, remove the <kw>([ref]) attribute.
1893209 A [ref] function result is not valid
1894$ Explanation:
1895$ Unlike <kw>([out]) parameters, there is never any pre-existing
1896$ storage in the caller for pointer valued function results.
1897$ The pointer always indicates new storage.  This is the
1898$ capability provided by full pointers only, not
1899$ <kw>([ref]) pointers.
1900$ User Action:
1901$ Remove the <kw>([ref]) attribute from the type definition
1902$ of the data type of the function result.
1904210 Rename of %1$s to %2$s failed
1905$ Explanation:
1906$ The call to rename <v>(filename1) to <v>(filename2) returned
1907$ a failing status.
1908$ User Action:
1909$ Make sure the filenames and paths are valid, you have privilege
1910$ to perform the rename operation, and there is enough free space on the
1911$ destination device.
1913211 Types with [represent_as] cannot be nested
1914$ Explanation:
1915$ IDL does not allow a data type that has a <kw>([represent_as]) type
1916$ to itself be used as a <kw>([represent_as]) type in another type
1917$ definition.
1918$ User Action:
1919$ Do not nest <kw>([represent_as]) types.
1921212 Too many scoping levels
1922$ Explanation:
1923$ The input source is too complicated to be parsed.  This
1924$ occurs because of deeply
1925$ nested <kw>(struct) or <kw>(union) declarations.
1926$ User Action:
1927$ Simplify the input source by using <kw>(typedef)s to represent the
1928$ nested <kw>(struct) or <kw>(union) declarations, and
1929$ building the more
1930$ complicated <kw>(struct) or <kw>(union) declarations
1931$ by referencing the
1932$ named types instead of in-line specification of the <kw>(struct)
1933$ or <kw>(union) declaration.
1935213 Size attributes can only be applied to array types
1936$ Explanation:
1937$ Array bound attributes are only valid when used on array types or pointers
1938$ used as an array.
1939$ User Action:
1940$ Remove the array bound attribute or correct the type to be
1941$ an array.
1943214 The attribute [size_is] cannot be applied to dimension %1$lu; upper bound is not dynamic
1944$ Explanation:
1945$ A <kw>(size_is) variable is only valid for array dimensions that
1946$ have an upper bound that is not fixed.
1947$ User Action:
1948$ If the array is multidimensional, you may have specified the
1949$ <kw>(size_is) variable for the wrong dimension.  See the
1950$ documentation for the proper syntax.  If the array has only
1951$ one dimension, the <kw>(size_is) clause is invalid, since the
1952$ array's upper data limit is fixed.  You may have meant to use a
1953$ <kw>([length_is]) clause.  See the documentation for the
1954$ distinctions between conformant and varying arrays
1955$ and their attributes.
1957215 A [size_is] parameter must have the [in] attribute
1958$ Explanation:
1959$ The <kw>([size_is]) attribute specifies a parameter that contains
1960$ size information of a conformant array.  This must be an <kw>([in])
1961$ attribute so the server stub code knows how much
1962$ space to allocate for the array.
1963$ User Action:
1964$ Change the size parameter referenced by the
1965$ <kw>([size_is]) clause to have the <kw>([in]) attribute.
1967216 The size attributes do not match the array dimension
1968$ Explanation:
1969$ There are too many attribute references for the number of
1970$ dimensions defined for the array.
1971$ User Action:
1972$ Modify the array bound attribute, specifying one reference
1973$ for each dimension of the array.
1975217 The array size attribute variable %1$s cannot have the [ptr] or [unique] attributes
1976$ Explanation:
1977$ An array size attribute clause in the source IDL specifies
1978$ its value by dereferencing a pointer parameter.
1979$ This is invalid if the pointer variable has either of the
1980$ <kw>([ptr]) or <kw>([unique]) attributes, since both
1981$ allow the pointer
1982$ to be <kw>(NULL).  If the pointer is <kw>(NULL), there is no
1983$ way to determine the size of the array.
1984$ User Action:
1985$ Either redeclare the size variable as a scalar rather
1986$ than a pointer, or change the size variable to a <kw>([ref])
1987$ pointer.
1989218 A [size_is] variable must be a small, short, or long integer
1990$ Explanation:
1991$ The <kw>([size_is]) attribute specifies a field or parameter that contains
1992$ size information of a conformant array.  Array bounds, and
1993$ thus array size,
1994$ must be integers which are not <kw>(hyper).
1995$ User Action:
1996$ Change the size information field or parameter referenced by the
1997$ <kw>([size_is]) clause to be of integer data type.
1999219 A size attribute variable must not have a represent_as type
2000$ Explanation:
2001$ The parameter or field referenced
2002$ in a <kw>([max_is]),
2003$ <kw>([size_is]), <kw>([first_is]), <kw>([last_is]),
2004$ or <kw>([length_is]) clause must
2005$ not be of a data type that is declared to have a
2006$ <kw>([represent_as]) type.
2007$ User Action:
2008$ Change either the referenced parameter or field data type,
2009$ or the data type definition itself.
2010$ The parameter or field referenced
2011$ in a <kw>([min_is]), <kw>([max_is]),
2012$ <kw>([size_is]), <kw>([first_is]), <kw>([last_is]),
2013$ or <kw>([length_is]) clause must
2014$ not be of a data type that is declared to have a
2015$ <kw>([represent_as]) type.
2016$ Change either the referenced parameter or field data type,
2017$ or the data type definition itself.
2019220 A size attribute variable must not have a transmit_as type
2020$ Explanation:
2021$ The parameter or field referenced
2022$ in a <kw>([max_is]),
2023$ <kw>([size_is]), <kw>([first_is]), <kw>([last_is]),
2024$ or <kw>([length_is]) clause must
2025$ not be of a data type that is declared to have a
2026$ <kw>([transmit_as]) type.
2027$ User Action:
2028$ Change either the referenced parameter or field data type,
2029$ or the data type definition itself.
2030$ The parameter or field referenced
2031$ in a <kw>([min_is]), <kw>([max_is]),
2032$ <kw>([size_is]), <kw>([first_is]), <kw>([last_is]),
2033$ or <kw>([length_is]) clause must
2034$ not be of a data type that is declared to have a
2035$ <kw>([transmit_as]) type.
2036$ Change either the referenced parameter or field data type,
2037$ or the data type definition itself.
2039221 The attribute [v1_array] must be in array, not pointer, syntax
2040$ Explanation:
2041$ The <kw>([v1_array]) attribute is for compatibility with
2042$ NCS Version 1 arrays.  NCS Version 1 NIDL did
2043$ not allow pointers to represent arrays.
2044$ User Action:
2045$ Define the array using array syntax.
2047222 A conformant [v1_array] must also be varying
2048$ Explanation:
2049$ An array with the <kw>([v1_array]) attribute that has a
2050$ conformant upper bound that is not fixed must also be varying (it must
2051$ have a <kw>([last_is]) or <kw>([length_is]) attribute in
2052$ addition to the <kw>([max_is]) or <kw>([size_is])
2053$ attribute).
2054$ User Action:
2055$ If compatibility with NCS Version 1 NIDL is not necessary, remove the
2056$ <kw>([v1_array]) attribute.
2057$ Otherwise, add a <kw>([last_is]) or <kw>([length_is])
2058$ attribute to the declaration.
2060223 The attribute [v1_array] is invalid for an array with more than 65535 elements
2061$ Explanation:
2062$ An array with the <kw>([v1_array]) attribute is limited to a total
2063$ of 65535 or fewer elements.  The declared array has too many
2064$ elements to be <kw>([v1_array]).
2065$ User Action:
2066$ Remove the <kw>([v1_array]) attribute from the array declaration.
2068224 The attribute [v1_array] cannot occur with the [min_is] or [first_is] attributes
2069$ Explanation:
2070$ The only valid array attributes for the
2071$ <kw>([v1_array]) attribute are
2072$ <kw>([max_is]), <kw>([last_is]), and
2073$ <kw>([length_is]).
2074$ User Action:
2075$ If you require compatibility with NCS
2076$ Version 1 NIDL, the lower bound
2077$ of the array must be fixed; therefore,
2078$ remove the
2079$ <kw>([first_is]) attribute and change the array declaration.
2080$ Otherwise, remove the <kw>([v1_array]) attribute.
2081$ The only valid array attributes for the
2082$ <kw>([v1_array]) attribute are
2083$ <kw>([max_is]), <kw>([size_is]), <kw>([last_is]), and
2084$ <kw>([length_is]).
2085$ If you require compatibility with NCS
2086$ Version 1 NIDL, the lower bound
2087$ of the array must be fixed; therefore,
2088$ remove the <kw>([min_is]) or
2089$ <kw>([first_is]) attribute and change the array declaration.
2090$ Otherwise, remove the <kw>([v1_array]) attribute.
2092225 A [v1_array] can be conformant or varying in first dimension only
2093$ Explanation:
2094$ An array with the <kw>([v1_array]) attribute is limited to
2095$ a conformant or varying upper data limit
2096$ in the first dimension only.
2097$ User Action:
2098$ Remove the <kw>([v1_array]) attribute from the array declaration.
2100226 A [v1_array] cannot have a conformant lower bound
2101$ Explanation:
2102$ A <kw>([v1_array]) specifies that the array be handled in a
2103$ manner compatible with NCS Version 1 NIDL, which did not
2104$ support non-fixed lower bounds for arrays.
2105$ User Action:
2106$ If compatibility with NCS Version 1 is required, the array
2107$ must not have a conformant lower bound.  Otherwise, remove
2108$ the <kw>([v1_array]) attribute.
2110227 Arrays of strings are not allowed
2112228 The attribute [string] cannot be applied to a [v1_array]
2113$ Explanation:
2114$ A string that is compatible with the NCS Version 1 NIDL <kw>(string0) data
2115$ type must have the <kw>([v1_array]) and <kw>([v1_string]) attributes.
2116$ The <kw>([string]) attribute only applies
2117$ without the <kw>([v1_array])
2118$ attribute.  A <kw>([v1_array]) is for
2119$ compatibility with NCS Version 1 NIDL.
2120$ User Action:
2121$ If compatibility with NCS Version 1 NIDL is required,
2122$ place the <kw>([v1_string]) attribute on the declaration.
2123$ Otherwise, remove the <kw>([v1_array]) attribute from the
2124$ array declaration.
2126229 The attribute [string] is valid only for one-dimensional array of valid base type
2127$ Explanation:
2128$ The <kw>([string]) attribute flags that an array is a
2129$ string.  Strings must be arrays whose base type is one of the
2130$ following: char, byte, unsigned short, unsigned long,
2131$ or a structure whose fields are all scalar byte fields.
2132$ User Action:
2133$ Remove the <kw>([string]) attribute, or change the data type
2134$ so it is a valid string.
2136230 Structures with [transmit_as] or [represent_as] cannot be conformant
2137$ Explanation:
2138$ IDL does not support a conformant structure with the
2139$ <kw>([transmit_as]) or <kw>([represent_as]) attribute.
2140$ User Action:
2141$ Either change the declaration so the structure fields are of
2142$ a fixed size and have none of the conformant array attributes
2143$ <kw>([max_is]) or <kw>([size_is]),
2144$ or remove the <kw>([transmit_as]) or <kw>([represent_as]) attribute.
2145$ IDL does not support a conformant structure with the
2146$ <kw>([transmit_as]) or <kw>([represent_as]) attribute.
2147$ Either change the declaration so the structure fields are of
2148$ a fixed size and have none of the conformant array attributes
2149$ <kw>([min_is]), <kw>([max_is]), or <kw>([size_is]),
2150$ or remove the <kw>([transmit_as]) or <kw>([represent_as]) attribute.
2152231 Unterminated string literal
2153$ Explanation:
2154$ There is a missing closing double quote (<kw>(")) on the string literal.
2155$ User Action:
2156$ Make sure the the closing quote for the string literal is on
2157$ the same source line as the starting quote.  Also verify that
2158$ any double quote characters internal to the string are
2159$ preceded by the escape character (<literal>(\)).
2161232 The [v1_string] attribute can only be applied to a [v1_array]
2162$ Explanation:
2163$ A <kw>([v1_string]) is compatible with
2164$ the NCS Version 1 NIDL <kw>(string0) data
2165$ type.  It can be applied only to an array
2166$ compatible with NCS Version 1. For example,
2167$ an array with the <kw>([v1_array]) attribute.
2168$ User Action:
2169$ If compatibility with NCS Version 1 NIDL is required,
2170$ place the <kw>([v1_array]) attribute on the array.
2171$ Otherwise, change the <kw>([v1_string]) attribute to <kw>([string]),
2172$ that is a generalization of <kw>([v1_string]).
2174233 A [v1_string] must be an array of char with fixed bounds
2175$ Explanation:
2176$ A <kw>([v1_string]) is compatible with
2177$ the NCS Version 1 NIDL <kw>(string0) data
2178$ type.  It must be a single dimensioned array of <kw>(char) with
2179$ a zero lower bound and a fixed upper bound.
2180$ User Action:
2181$ If compatibility with NCS Version 1 NIDL is required,
2182$ change the declaration accordingly.
2183$ Otherwise, see the documentation regarding the <kw>([string])
2184$ attribute.
2186234 A [string] array cannot have varying array attributes
2187$ Explanation:
2188$ The <kw>([string]) attribute says that the length of a string is
2189$ an intrinsic property of the string itself; for example, C
2190$ strings are zero-terminated.
2191$ User Action:
2192$ Remove any <kw>([first_is]), <kw>([last_is]),
2193$ or <kw>([length_is]) clauses
2194$ from the string declaration.
2196235 The attribute [%1$s] can occur at most once per operation
2197$ Explanation:
2198$ A <kw>([comm_status]) or <kw>([fault_status]) parameter or operation
2199$ result is used to return an error code if a certain type of
2200$ error occurs during execution of an operation.  Do not use
2201$ either attribute more than once per operation.
2202$ User Action:
2203$ Remove the redundant usages of the attribute
2204$ from the interface's Attribute Configuration File (ACF).
2206236 A parameter with [%1$s] must be an [out] parameter
2207$ Explanation:
2208$ A <kw>([comm_status]) or <kw>([fault_status]) parameter
2209$ is used to return
2210$ an error code if a certain type of error occurs during
2211$ execution of an operation.  Thus, it must be an <kw>([out])
2212$ parameter.
2213$ User Action:
2214$ Place the <kw>([out]) attribute on the parameter.
2216237 An operation with [%1$s] must return a value of type error_status_t
2217$ Explanation:
2218$ The <kw>([comm_status]) or <kw>([fault_status]) attribute
2219$ on an operation
2220$ signifies that the return value of the operation is used to
2221$ return an error code if a certain type of error occurs during
2222$ execution of an operation.  Thus, the operation must be
2223$ declared to deliver a result of data type <kw>(error_status_t).
2224$ User Action:
2225$ Declare the operation result to be of data type <kw>(error_status_t).
2227238 A parameter with [%1$s] must be of type error_status_t
2228$ Explanation:
2229$ A <kw>([comm_status]) or <kw>([fault_status]) parameter
2230$ or function result
2231$ is used to return an error code if a certain type of error
2232$ occurs during execution of an operation.  The data type of the
2233$ variable must be <kw>(error_status_t).
2234$ User Action:
2235$ Declare the variable to be of data type <kw>(error_status_t).
2237239 Syntax error
2238$ Explanation:
2239$ The source input is incorrect and no interpretation
2240$ can be made.
2241$ User Action:
2242$ Examine the source input on and near the source listed
2243$ and correct any errors.
2245240 Syntax error near \"%2$.*1$s\"
2246$ Explanation:
2247$ The source input is incorrect and no interpretation
2248$ can be made for <v>(source-text).
2249$ User Action:
2250$ Examine the source input on and near the source listed
2251$ and correct any errors.
2253241 Syntax error in UUID format
2254$ Explanation:
2255$ The UUID specified in the <kw>([uuid]) attribute of an interface
2256$ is not in a valid format.
2257$ User Action:
2258$ Make sure the UUID is transcribed correctly and
2259$ contains the required punctuation.
2261242 System error message: %1$s
2262$ Explanation:
2263$ Identifies the cause of the
2264$ previous error.
2265$ User Action:
2266$ See the system documentation for an explanation
2267$ of the error message.
2269243 Too many elements in %1$s
2270$ Explanation:
2271$ The <kw>(enum) <v>(item) contains more than 32767 elements.
2272$ User Action:
2273$ Reduce the number of elements included in the
2274$ <kw>(enum).
2276244 Too many endpoint specifications; Maximum is %1$lu
2277$ Explanation:
2278$ There are more endpoint specifications than IDL can process.
2279$ User Action:
2280$ Remove some of the endpoint specifications listed
2281$ in the <kw>([endpoint]) attribute.
2282$ Specify at most <v>(number) endpoint specifications for an interface.
2284245 Type name: %1$s not found
2285$ Explanation:
2286$ The type <v>(name) is not declared at this point in the
2287$ interface declaration.
2288$ User Action:
2289$ Correct the spelling of <v>(name) if incorrect, and make sure
2290$ that a definition of <v>(name) precedes the reference.
2292246 Type attributes [in_line] and [out_of_line] cannot occur together
2293$ Explanation:
2294$ The <kw>([in_line]) and <kw>([out_of_line]) attributes are
2295$ opposite in meaning.
2296$ You can specify at most one of these attributes on a type.
2297$ User Action:
2298$ Remove one of the conflicting attributes.
2300247 Type name %1$s referenced in ACF is not defined
2301$ Explanation:
2302$ The context in which a type name is used in the Attribute
2303$ Configuration File (ACF) requires that the type be defined
2304$ in the corresponding IDL file.
2305$ User Action:
2306$ See if the referenced type is defined in some other interface.
2307$ If so, the ACF reference belongs in the ACF for that interface.
2308$ Check for typographical errors in both the IDL and ACF files.  Check that
2309$ you have not omitted a type definition in the IDL file.
2311248 Unbalanced parentheses
2312$ Explanation:
2313$ The number of left parentheses and right parentheses are not equal.
2314$ User Action:
2315$ Make sure the number of left parentheses equals the number of right
2316$ parentheses and that each parenthesis is in the correct place.
2318249 Unbalanced brackets
2319$ Explanation:
2320$ The number of left brackets and right brackets are not equal.
2321$ User Action:
2322$ Make sure the number of left brackets equals the number of right
2323$ brackets and that each bracket is in the correct place.
2325250 Unbalanced braces
2326$ Explanation:
2327$ The number of left braces and right braces are not equal.
2328$ User Action:
2329$ Make sure the number of left braces equals the number of right
2330$ braces and that each brace is in the correct place.
2332251 A union discriminator type must be small, short, long, char, boolean, or enum
2333$ Explanation:
2334$ The discriminator of a <kw>(union), that determines which case of
2335$ the <kw>(union) is used, is restricted to integer, character,
2336$ enumeration, and boolean data types.  Also, <kw>(hyper int)
2337$ discriminators are not allowed.
2338$ User Action:
2339$ Change the discriminator to one of the valid data types.
2340$ Make sure the data type of the <kw>(constant) values
2341$ in the <kw>(case)
2342$ clauses within the <kw>(union) agree with the discriminator data type.
2344252 The attribute [unique] is invalid on a binding handle parameter
2345$ Explanation:
2346$ The first parameter in an operation is a <kw>(handle) parameter,
2347$ which is either of type <kw>(handle_t) or a type
2348$ with the <kw>([handle]) attribute.
2349$ A binding handle parameter cannot have the <kw>([unique])
2350$ attribute because it cannot be <kw>(NULL).
2351$ User Action:
2352$ Remove the <kw>([unique]) attribute from the parameter.
2354253 The attribute [unique] is valid only for pointer types or array parameter types
2355$ Explanation:
2356$ The <kw>([unique]) attribute modifies the default behavior
2357$ of any pointer type or an array parameter data type.
2358$ It is not valid on other data types.
2359$ Note that a <kw>(void *) object is not considered a pointer.
2360$ User Action:
2361$ There may be a missing asterisk (<kw>(*)) in your declaration.
2362$ If not, remove the <kw>([unique]) attribute.
2364254 [unique] pointers to context handles are not allowed
2365$ Explanation:
2366$ IDL does not allow <kw>([unique]) pointers to context handles.
2367$ User Action:
2368$ If the declaration has the <kw>([unique]) attribute, either
2369$ explicitly or by default, change it to a <kw>([ref]) pointer.
2370$ However, if the
2371$ declaration is an operation result, it cannot be a <kw>([ref])
2372$ pointer and an operation resulting in a pointer to a
2373$ context handle is not valid.
2375255 A [unique] function result is not valid
2376$ Explanation:
2377$ Unlike <kw>([out]) parameters, there is never any
2378$ preexisting storage in the caller for
2379$ pointer-valued function results.
2380$ The pointer always points to new storage.
2381$ This is the
2382$ capability provided only by full pointers, not by
2383$ <kw>([unique]) pointers.
2384$ User Action:
2385$ Remove the <kw>([unique]) attribute from the type definition
2386$ of the data type for the function result.
2388256 Unknown attribute [%1$s]
2389$ Explanation:
2390$ The attribute specified is not a valid IDL attribute.
2391$ User Action:
2392$ Check for spelling errors or misplaced syntax.
2394257 Obsolete feature encountered; Use translator
2395$ Explanation:
2396$ A feature of NCS Version 1 NIDL was encountered that is not supported in
2397$ the IDL compiler.  You may be compiling an NCS Version 1 NIDL source file.
2398$ User Action:
2399$ If the input is a NCS Version 1 NIDL source file, process it with
2400$ the translator utility (the <kw>(nidl_to_idl) command) that
2401$ converts an NCS Version 1 NIDL source file into the format expected by
2402$ the IDL compiler.  Then compile the translated source file.  Otherwise, remove
2403$ the reference to the obsolete feature.
2405258 The attribute [uuid] is invalid when the [local] attribute is specified
2406$ Explanation:
2407$ The <kw>([local]) interface attribute flags that an interface is not
2408$ for RPC use, but is only a local header generation
2409$ mechanism.  The <kw>([uuid]) attribute is only used for
2410$ RPC interfaces.
2411$ User Action:
2412$ Remove one of the conflicting attributes.
2414259 Variable declarations are not supported; declaration of %1$s ignored
2415$ Explanation:
2416$ IDL does not support the declaration of variables.  The types
2417$ of data that can be declared in IDL are; constants, types, and
2418$ functions.  The declaration of <v>(variable) is not a function
2419$ and is incorrect.
2420$ User Action:
2421$ If intended as a function declaration,
2422$ correct the declaration so the top-level declaration
2423$ is a function. Otherwise, remove the declaration.
2425260 void is valid only in an operation or a context handle pointer declaration
2426$ Explanation:
2427$ The <kw>(void) keyword is only valid as the return value of an
2428$ operation, or as part of a <kw>(void *) declaration.  Note also
2429$ that in RPC interfaces, <kw>(void *) is only valid if the
2430$ <kw>([context_handle]) attribute is also specified on the data item.
2431$ User Action:
2432$ There may be a missing <kw>(*) in your declaration.
2433$ If not, change the <kw>(void) reference to some valid data type.
2435261 A type used in a [transmit_as] clause cannot have a [represent_as] type
2436$ Explanation:
2437$ The type used in a <kw>([transmit_as]) clause specifies an alternative
2438$ type that a base IDL type is translated to or from and before or after
2439$ transmission over the network.
2440$ The type used in a <kw>([represent_as]) clause is an
2441$ alternative type that a base IDL type is translated from or to at
2442$ the application code-to-stub code interface.
2443$ Going from base IDL type to transmittable type and then to
2444$ a <kw>([represent_as]) type (that may not be transmittable) is
2445$ invalid.
2446$ User Action:
2447$ You may have meant to put a <kw>([represent_as]) clause on the base IDL
2448$ type, not its transmittable type.
2450262 A [transmit_as] or [represent_as] type cannot be a conformant array
2451$ Explanation:
2452$ A type specified in a <kw>([transmit_as]) clause or a type with
2453$ the <kw>([transmit_as]) or <kw>([represent_as]) attribute cannot be a
2454$ conformant array, since there is nowhere to attach the size
2455$ information attribute that is needed to transmit the data.
2456$ User Action:
2457$ Define a structure that contains a conformant array and
2458$ a size information field instead of using a conformant array
2459$ directly.
2461263 The base type of a pipe cannot be a [transmit_as] type
2462$ Explanation:
2463$ IDL does not allow the base type of
2464$ a <kw>(pipe) to have the <kw>([transmit_as]) attribute.
2465$ User Action:
2466$ Declare the base type of the <kw>(pipe) to be the data type
2467$ in the <kw>([transmit_as]) clause.
2469264 A translated transmittable type cannot contain [%1$s] pointers
2470$ Explanation:
2471$ A transmittable type that is derived by calling a translation
2472$ routine, for example, a <kw>(from_local) translation
2473$ of a <kw>([represent_as])
2474$ type or a <kw>(to_xmit) translation of a <kw>([transmit_as]) type,
2475$ cannot contain pointers of the indicated type.
2476$ User Action:
2477$ Define a transmittable type that does not contain invalid pointers.
2478$ If using <kw>([represent_as]), reconsider using it.
2480265 A type with [transmit_as] cannot have other type attributes
2481$ Explanation:
2482$ A data type with the <kw>([transmit_as]) attribute
2483$ (the presented type) has an
2484$ associated transmittable type, and you must write routines
2485$ to convert the presented type to or from the transmittable type.
2486$ Only the transmittable type is relevant to the RPC mechanism,
2487$ thus it is incorrect for the presented type
2488$ to have additional RPC-specific attributes.
2489$ User Action:
2490$ Remove any type attributes other than <kw>([transmit_as]).
2492266 Command option -bug %1$lu conflicts with -no_bug %2$lu
2493$ Explanation:
2494$ The command line options conflict with each other.
2495$ User Action:
2496$ Remove one of the conflicting options.
2498267 Unterminated comment, end-of-file encountered
2499$ Explanation:
2500$ During the processing of a multiline comment,
2501$ the end of the source
2502$ file was reached before the termination characters for
2503$ the comment.
2504$ User Action:
2505$ Make sure that all multiline comments are correctly terminated.
2507268 Compilation aborted
2508$ Explanation:
2509$ Previous errors caused the compilation to abort.
2510$ User Action:
2511$ Correct the errors and recompile.
2513269 Internal IDL compiler error: Module %1$s, Line %2$lu
2514$ Explanation:
2515$ An internal IDL compiler error was found.
2516$ User Action:
2517$ Submit a Software Performance Report and notify
2518$ your software support representative so the appropriate
2519$ action can be taken.
2521270 Command option -bug %1$lu is not known
2522$ Explanation:
2523$ The documentation defines all the valid integers that can
2524$ accompany the <kw>(-bug) and <kw>(-no_bug) options.  You have chosen
2525$ an invalid value.
2526$ User Action:
2527$ See the documentation for the correct number.
2529271 Command option -no_bug %1$lu is not known
2530$ Explanation:
2531$ The documentation defines all the valid integers that can
2532$ accompany the <kw>(-bug) and <kw>(-no_bug) options.  You have chosen
2533$ an invalid value.
2534$ User Action:
2535$ See the documentation for the correct number.
2537272 Reached maximum of %1$lu warnings; exiting
2538$ Explanation:
2539$ The IDL compiler has a predefined maximum number of warnings
2540$ it produces before aborting the compilation.  This feature
2541$ suppresses what may be the same warning
2542$ over and over.
2543$ User Action:
2544$ Fix the warnings you get, or recompile the IDL file or
2545$ specify the <kw>(-no_warn) option.
2547273 Command option %1$s does not take a value
2548$ Explanation:
2549$ You specified a value with a command line option that
2550$ does not take a value.
2551$ User Action:
2552$ If the value is meant to be the source file, it must
2553$ be separated from the command option with a space.
2555274 Out of memory
2556$ Explanation:
2557$ The system-defined limit of memory available to the compiler was exceeded.
2558$ User Action:
2559$ Either have the system-defined limit of memory raised, or
2560$ simplify the source file being compiled by breaking it into multiple modules or
2561$ eliminating unnecessary imports.
2563275 Length of source filename and stub suffix exceed 8 chars
2565276 A source IDL filename is required
2566$ Explanation:
2567$ The command line does not contain a source IDL file to compile.
2568$ User Action:
2569$ You must specify a source IDL file.  You may have erroneously
2570$ specified the source IDL file when
2571$ actually you gave a value to a command option.
2573277 Unknown command line option: %1$s
2574$ Explanation:
2575$ You entered an invalid command line option.
2576$ User Action:
2577$ Check the command line for typographical errors.
2578$ See the documentation for proper command line syntax.
2580278 Warning: Use of a nonencapsulated union requires %1$s
2581$ Explanation:
2582$ A nonencapsulated union is not portable to all implementations of DCE V1.0.
2583$ User Action:
2584$ Use an encapsulated union instead or specify the extended standard
2585$ option on the compiler command.
2587279 Warning: Use of [unique] pointers requires %1$s
2588$ Explanation:
2589$ A <kw>([unique]) pointer is not portable to all implementations of DCE V1.0.
2590$ User Action:
2591$ Use a <kw>([ref]) or <kw>([ptr]) pointer instead or specify the extended standard
2592$ option on the compiler command.
2594280 An [in] or [in,out] union must have an [in] discriminator
2595$ Explanation:
2596$ A nonencapsulated union parameter that has the <kw>([in])
2597$ attribute must have a discriminator, specified in a
2598$ <kw>([switch_is]) clause, that also has the <kw>([in])
2599$ attribute, since the client stub code must know which member
2600$ of the union to send to the server.
2601$ User Action:
2602$ Modify the parameter referenced in the <kw>([switch_is]) clause
2603$ to have the <kw>([in]) attribute.
2605281 An [in,out] or [out] union must have an [out] discriminator
2606$ Explanation:
2607$ A nonencapsulated union parameter that has the <kw>([out])
2608$ attribute must have a discriminator, specified in a
2609$ <kw>([switch_is]) clause, that also has the <kw>([out])
2610$ attribute, since the server stub code must know which member
2611$ of the union to send to the client.
2612$ User Action:
2613$ Modify the parameter referenced in the <kw>([switch_is]) clause
2614$ to have the <kw>([out]) attribute.
2616282 A [switch_is] variable must not have a [represent_as] type
2617$ Explanation:
2618$ The parameter or field referenced in a <kw>([switch_is]) clause
2619$ must not be of a data type that has been declared to have a
2620$ <kw>([represent_as]) type.
2621$ User Action:
2622$ Change the referenced parameter or field data type,
2623$ or the data type definition itself.
2625283 A [switch_is] variable must not have a [transmit_as] type
2626$ Explanation:
2627$ The parameter or field referenced in a <kw>([switch_is]) clause
2628$ must not be of a data type that has been declared to have a
2629$ <kw>([transmit_as]) type.
2630$ User Action:
2631$ Change the referenced parameter or field data type,
2632$ or the data type definition itself.
2634284 An encapsulated union member cannot have the [%1$s] attribute
2635$ Explanation:
2636$ The attribute used is valid only on nonencapsulated unions,
2637$ but was used on an encapsulated union.
2638$ User Action:
2639$ Remove the attribute.  Consult the documentation for the
2640$ differences between encapsulated and nonencapsulated unions.
2642285 Arrays of nonencapsulated unions are not allowed
2643$ Explanation:
2644$ IDL does not allow arrays of nonencapsulated unions since there
2645$ is no way to apply a different discriminator to each element.
2646$ User Action:
2647$ Use an array of encapsulated unions.
2649286 A [represent_as] type cannot be a nonencapsulated union
2650$ Explanation:
2651$ A type referenced in a <kw>([represent_as]) clause cannot be a
2652$ nonencapsulated union, since there is no defined way to
2653$ communicate the union discriminator to/from <kw>([represent_as])
2654$ data translation routines.
2655$ User Action:
2656$ Use an encapsulated union for the local representation type.
2658287 A nonencapsulated union cannot have a [represent_as] type
2659$ Explanation:
2660$ A nonencapsulated union type cannot be defined to have a
2661$ local representation type, since there is no defined way to
2662$ communicate the union discriminator to/from <kw>([represent_as])
2663$ data translation routines.
2664$ User Action:
2665$ Use an encapsulated union, or reconsider the need for a
2666$ different local representation type for the union.
2668288 A nonencapsulated union declaration must have a [switch_is] attribute
2669$ Explanation:
2670$ A <kw>([switch_is]) attribute is required on an instance of a
2671$ nonencapsulated union type to identify the union discriminator
2672$ variable.
2673$ User Action:
2674$ Provide a <kw>([switch_is]) clause that specifies a field or
2675$ parameter that is the union discriminator, or use an
2676$ encapsulated union, where the union discriminator variable is
2677$ encapsulated as a field within the union type.
2679289 The union switch variable %1$s cannot be a [ptr] or [unique] pointer
2680$ Explanation:
2681$ A <kw>([switch_is]) attribute clause in the source IDL specifies
2682$ its value by dereferencing a pointer field or parameter.
2683$ This is invalid if the pointer variable has either of the
2684$ <kw>([ptr]) or <kw>([unique]) attributes, since both allow the
2685$ pointer to be <kw>(NULL).  If the pointer were <kw>(NULL), there
2686$ would be no way to determine the union discriminator.
2687$ User Action:
2688$ Either redeclare the <kw>([switch_is]) variable to be a scalar
2689$ rather than a pointer, or change the <kw>([switch_is]) variable
2690$ to be a <kw>([ref]) pointer.
2692290 A nonencapsulated union type must have a [switch_type] attribute
2693$ Explanation:
2694$ A <kw>([switch_type]) attribute is required on a definition of a
2695$ nonencapsulated union type to identify the data type of the
2696$ union discriminator.
2697$ User Action:
2698$ Provide a <kw>([switch_type]) clause that specifies a valid
2699$ union discriminator data type.
2701291 A [transmit_as] type cannot be a nonencapsulated union
2702$ Explanation:
2703$ A type referenced in a <kw>([transmit_as]) clause cannot be a
2704$ nonencapsulated union, since there is no defined way to
2705$ communicate the union discriminator to/from <kw>([transmit_as])
2706$ data translation routines.
2707$ User Action:
2708$ Use an encapsulated union for the transmissible type.
2710292 A nonencapsulated union cannot have a [transmit_as] type
2711$ Explanation:
2712$ A nonencapsulated union type cannot be defined to have a
2713$ transmissible type, since there is no defined way to
2714$ communicate the union discriminator to/from <kw>([transmit_as])
2715$ data translation routines.
2716$ User Action:
2717$ Use an encapsulated union, or reconsider the need for a
2718$ different transmissible type for the union.
2720293 Cannot have more than one level of indirection to a nonencapsulated union
2721$ Explanation:
2722$ IDL allows only a single level of pointer to a nonencapsulated
2723$ union type.
2724$ User Action:
2725$ Remove the extra levels of indirection, or use an encapsulated
2726$ union type instead.
2728294 A [switch_is] attribute is only valid on a nonencapsulated union
2729$ Explanation:
2730$ A <kw>([switch_is]) attribute is used on a union type to
2731$ identify the union discriminator variable.  It is not valid
2732$ on a non-union type.  It is also not valid on an encapsulated
2733$ union type, where the union discriminator variable is
2734$ encapsulated as a field within the union type.
2735$ User Action:
2736$ Use the <kw>([switch_is]) attribute only on instances of
2737$ nonencapsulated union types.
2739295 Data type of [switch_is] variable %1$s does not agree with [switch_type] %2$s
2740$ Explanation:
2741$ The data type of the variable referenced in the <kw>([switch_is])
2742$ clause must be the same as the data type referenced in the
2743$ <kw>([switch_type]) clause of the item's type definition.
2744$ User Action:
2745$ Make sure that all instances of a type that has the
2746$ <kw>([switch_type]) attribute have a <kw>([switch_is]) clause
2747$ whose data type agrees with the <kw>([switch_type]).
2749296 A [switch_type] attribute is only valid on a nonencapsulated union type
2750$ Explanation:
2751$ A <kw>([switch_type]) attribute is used on a union type to
2752$ identify the union discriminator type.  It is not valid
2753$ on a non-union type.  It is also not valid on an encapsulated
2754$ union type, where the union discriminator type and variable
2755$ must be specified in a <kw>(switch) clause.
2756$ User Action:
2757$ Use the <kw>([switch_type]) attribute only on definitions of
2758$ nonencapsulated union types.
2760297 Data type of %1$s must be a named TPS_STDL_ type
2762298 A structure field cannot be of a presented type for which the transmitted type is conformant
2763$ Explanation:
2764$ IDL does not allow a structure field whose type has a
2765$ <kw>([transmit_as]) attribute where the transmissible type
2766$ is conformant.
2767$ User Action:
2768$ Use a valid IDL construct.
2770299 A type with the [represent_as] attribute cannot be conformant
2771$ Explanation:
2772$ IDL does not allow a conformant network type to have a local
2773$ represented type.
2774$ User Action:
2775$ Use a valid IDL construct.
2777300 An arm of a union cannot be or contain a [unique] pointer
2778$ Explanation:
2779$ IDL-generated server stub code must allocate storage for
2780$ objects pointed to by <kw>([unique]) pointers.  IDL does not allow
2781$ a <kw>([unique]) pointer within a <kw>(union) because the valid
2782$ arm of the <kw>(union), and therefore the
2783$ object for which storage is allocated, is not
2784$ known at compile time.
2785$ User Action:
2786$ Change the pointer within the <kw>(union) declaration to a full pointer.
2788301 Warning: FORTRAN INTEGER*%1$lu used for IDL pointer type
2789$ Explanation:
2790$ FORTRAN does not have a generic explicit pointer type.  IDL maps pointer
2791$ references to INTEGER*<v>(n) in the generated FORTRAN header file.
2792$ User Action:
2793$ It is up to the FORTRAN application code to correctly manage
2794$ the generated INTEGER*<v>(n) object as a pointer.
2796302 Warning: FORTRAN INTEGER*4 used for IDL unsigned long
2797$ Explanation:
2798$ FORTRAN does not support unsigned integers.  IDL maps unsigned
2799$ long to INTEGER*4 in the generated FORTRAN header file.
2800$ User Action:
2801$ If the application needs to store large unsigned integer values
2802$ special care might be necessary in the FORTRAN application code.
2804303 Warning: Conformant structures not supported in target language
2805$ Explanation:
2806$ An IDL conformant structure does not have a source
2807$ representation in the target language selected.
2808$ User Action:
2809$ The IDL conformant array will be declared as a one-element array
2810$ in the generated language header file.  Your application code
2811$ might be able to use the address of this array to access other
2812$ array elements, depending on the target language.
2813$ Alternatives are to write application code that uses the
2814$ construct in another programming language, or to change the IDL
2815$ source to use a construct that is supported by the target
2816$ language.
2818304 Warning: Conformant strings not supported in target language
2819$ Explanation:
2820$ An IDL conformant string does not have a source
2821$ representation in the target language selected.
2822$ User Action:
2823$ The IDL conformant array will be declared as a one-element array
2824$ in the generated language header file.  Your application code
2825$ might be able to use the address of this array to access other
2826$ array elements, depending on the target language.
2827$ Alternatives are to write application code that uses the
2828$ construct in another programming language, or to change the IDL
2829$ source to use a construct that is supported by the target
2830$ language.
2832305 Warning: Character doesn't map to target language
2833$ Explanation:
2834$ A character in an IDL character or string constant does not
2835$ have a source representation in the target language selected.
2836$ User Action:
2837$ The character will be translated to a '?' in the generated
2838$ language header file.  Edit the file manually as necessary.
2840306 Warning: Pipes not supported for target language
2841$ Explanation:
2842$ The data structures necessary to manage IDL pipes do not
2843$ have a source representation in the target language selected.
2844$ User Action:
2845$ Pipe objects will have no corresponding definition in the
2846$ generated language header file.  Application code for operations
2847$ with pipes should be written in another programming language.
2849307 Warning: Non-scalar function result converted to trailing [out] parameter
2850$ Explanation:
2851$ The target language selected does not allow the function result
2852$ argument of a routine to be a non-scalar type.  The IDL compiler
2853$ converts such a construct to a trailing <kw>([out]) parameter.
2854$ User Action:
2855$ No action is required.  You might want to edit your IDL source
2856$ and change the declaration from a function result to an <kw>([out])
2857$ parameter in order to map naturally to the target language.
2859308 Target language supports maximum of %1$lu array dimensions
2860$ Explanation:
2861$ The target language selected does not support arrays with more
2862$ than the indicated number of dimensions.
2863$ User Action:
2864$ Such arrays will have no corresponding declaration in the
2865$ generated language header file.  Application code using such
2866$ arrays should be written in another programming language.
2868309 Warning: Name %1$s differs from a previous name only in case
2869$ Explanation:
2870$ The target language selected is not case-sensitive with respect
2871$ to identifiers; that is, any two identifiers that differ only in
2872$ case are considered to be identical.  The IDL source contains
2873$ two distinct identifiers that differ only in case, but they
2874$ conflict with eachother in the generated language header file.
2875$ User Action:
2876$ Edit the IDL source code to remove the conflict.
2878310 Warning: Attribute [%1$s] not supported for target language
2879$ Explanation:
2880$ IDL does not support the indicated attribute for the
2881$ target language selected.
2882$ User Action:
2883$ In some cases the attribute can be removed.  For example,
2884$ the <kw>(v1_) attributes are only necessary if interoperation
2885$ with NCS Version 1 is required.
2887311 Array function results are not allowed
2888$ Explanation:
2889$ Because array function results are not supported in the C
2890$ languages, they are not allowed in IDL.
2891$ User Action:
2892$ Return the required array as an <v>([out]) parameter.
2894312 Attribute [%1$s] cannot be applied to a void * type
2895$ Explanation:
2896$ The indicated attribute is not valid on a <kw>(void *) type.
2897$ The only attribute that is meaningful on a <kw>(void *) type
2898$ is <v>([context_handle]).
2899$ User Action:
2900$ Edit the IDL source code to remove the conflict.
2902313 The [handle] attribute is valid only on transmittable types
2903$ Explanation:
2904$ The <v>([handle]) attribute was used on a type that is not
2905$ transmittable, such as <v>(handle_t).  Types with <v>([handle])
2906$ are sent from client to server and must have a concrete
2907$ definition so that they are transmittable.
2908$ User Action:
2909$ Remove the <v>([handle]) attribute or change the base type to
2910$ which it is applied.
2912314 Warning: Forward tag reference %1$s in this declaration is not ANSI C compliant
2913$ Explanation:
2914$ A tag reference, such as <kw>(struct tagname), was used before
2915$ the actual definition of the tag.  Such references are not
2916$ ANSI C compliant when used in certain scopes, such as in a
2917$ parameter declaration.  Thus the C source modules generated by
2918$ the IDL compiler might not compile successfuly.
2919$ User Action:
2920$ Define the type that is referenced by tag name before
2921$ referencing it in a parameter declaration.
2923315 Attribute cannot be used more than once
2924$ Explanation:
2925$ An attribute is repeated multiple times in an attribute list.
2926$ User Action:
2927$ Remove all but one occurrence of the offending attribute.
2929316 Type with [%1$s] cannot be used in definition of type with [%2$s]
2930$ Explanation:
2931$ IDL restricts the use of the two attributes such that the base
2932$ type of a type that has the first attribute must not contain
2933$ the second attribute in its definition.
2934$ User Action:
2935$ Refer to the IDL documentation on the two attributes for more
2936$ information.
2938317 Warning: Use of nonzero array lower bound requires %1$s
2939$ Explanation:
2940$ A nonzero array lower bound is not portable to all
2941$ implementations of DCE V1.0.
2942$ User Action:
2943$ Use an array with lower bound zero instead or specify the
2944$ extended standard option on the compiler command.
2946318 Creating template file %1$s
2948319 Warning: Use of conformant minor array dimension requires %1$s
2949$ Explanation:
2950$ An array that is conformant in a minor dimension, i.e. other than
2951$ the first dimension, is not portable to all
2952$ implementations of DCE V1.0.
2953$ User Action:
2954$ Use an array that is conformant in only the first dimension,
2955$ or specify the extended standard option on the compiler command.
2957320 Warning: Use of varying minor array dimension requires %1$s
2958$ Explanation:
2959$ An array that is varying in a minor dimension, i.e. other than
2960$ the first dimension, is not portable to all
2961$ implementations of DCE V1.0.
2962$ User Action:
2963$ Use an array that is varying in only the first dimension,
2964$ or specify the extended standard option on the compiler command.
2966321 Translation routines for [represent_as] type %1$s
2968322 Translation routines for [transmit_as] type %1$s
2970323 Customized binding routines for [handle] type %1$s
2972324 Rundown routine for [context_handle] type %1$s
2974325 Support routines for interface %1$s
2976326 Support routines and Remote Procedure Implementations for interface %1$s
2978327 Implementation of Remote Procedures for %1$s
2980328 Operation with [encode] must have at least one [in] or [in,out] parameter
2981$ Explanation:
2982$ The client stub for an operation with the <kw>([encode]) ACF
2983$ attribute encodes the operation's <kw>([in]) and <kw>([in,out])
2984$ parameters into a data stream.  The <kw>([encode]) attribute
2985$ is not meaningful on an operation with only <kw>([out])
2986$ parameters (excluding the binding handle parameter).
2987$ User Action:
2988$ Perhaps you meant to use the <kw>([decode]) attribute on the
2989$ operation.  If not, either remove the <kw>([encode]) attribute
2990$ or add the <kw>([in]) attribute to one or more parameters.
2992329 Operation with [decode] must have at least one [out] or [in,out] parameter
2993$ Explanation:
2994$ The client stub for an operation with the <kw>([decode]) ACF
2995$ attribute decodes a data stream into the operation's <kw>([out])
2996$ and <kw>([in,out]) parameters.  The <kw>([decode]) attribute
2997$ is not meaningful on an operation with only <kw>([in])
2998$ parameters.
2999$ User Action:
3000$ Perhaps you meant to use the <kw>([encode]) attribute on the
3001$ operation.  If not, either remove the <kw>([decode]) attribute
3002$ or add the <kw>([out]) attribute to one or more parameters.
3004330 Warning: Operation with [reflect_deletions] has no [in] or [in,out] full pointers
3005$ Explanation:
3006$ Reflection of node deletions from server to client is only
3007$ applicable to operations that have <kw>([in]) or <kw>([in,out])
3008$ full (<kw>([ptr])) pointers.  The <kw>([reflect_deletions])
3009$ attribute thus has no effect on the indicated operation.
3010$ User Action:
3011$ Remove the <kw>([reflect_deletions]) attribute from the
3012$ operation to avoid this warning message.
3014331 Warning: Operation with [encode] has [out]-only parameter %1$s
3015$ Explanation:
3016$ The client stub for an operation with the <kw>([encode])
3017$ attribute encodes all of the operation parameters with the
3018$ <kw>([in]) attribute.  Parameters with only the <kw>([out])
3019$ attribute are ignored.
3020$ User Action:
3021$ If any client will decode the encoded information by
3022$ applying the <kw>([decode]) attribute to the operation, the
3023$ operation must contain all <kw>([in,out]) parameters except for
3024$ the binding handle parameter.
3026332 Warning: Operation with [decode] has [in]-only parameter %1$s
3027$ Explanation:
3028$ The client stub for an operation with the <kw>([decode])
3029$ attribute decodes encoded data into operation parameters with the
3030$ <kw>([out]) attribute.  Parameters with only the <kw>([in])
3031$ attribute are ignored.
3032$ User Action:
3033$ If any client will encode the data by
3034$ applying the <kw>([encode]) attribute to the operation, the
3035$ operation must contain all <kw>([in,out]) parameters except for
3036$ the binding handle parameter.
3038333 Operation with [encode,decode] must have all [in,out] parameters
3039$ Explanation:
3040$ The client stub for an operation with the <kw>([encode,decode])
3041$ attributes can encode the operation's parameters into a data
3042$ stream and subsequently decode the data back into parameters.
3043$ This only makes sense if the decoded data, i.e. the <kw>([out]
3044$ parameters, agrees with the originally encoded <kw>([in])
3045$ parameters.
3046$ User Action:
3047$ The operation must contain all <kw>([in,out]) parameters except
3048$ for the binding handle parameter.
3050334 Operation with [encode] or [decode] may not contain pipe parameters
3051$ Explanation:
3052$ The IDL encoding services do not support pipes.
3053$ User Action:
3054$ Use arrays to represent the data, or utilize multiple
3055$ procedure calls to encode or decode the data.
3057335 Operation with [encode] or [decode] must use explicit binding
3058$ Explanation:
3059$ An operation with either of the <kw>([encode]) or <kw>([decode])
3060$ attributes may not use automatic, customized, or implicit
3061$ binding.
3062$ User Action:
3063$ Edit the IDL operation definition to have an item of type
3064$ <v>(handle_t) as its first argument, or edit the ACF operation
3065$ declaration to include the <kw>([explicit_handle]) attribute.
3067336 Exception name %1$s referenced in ACF is not defined
3068$ Explanation:
3069$ An exception name is referenced in an Attribute Configuration
3070$ File (ACF) but is not defined in the corresponding IDL file.
3071$ Exceptions are not imported, so in order to reference an
3072$ exception name in the ACF for a particular interface it must
3073$ be defined in the IDL file for that same interface.
3074$ User Action:
3075$ Check for typographical errors in both the IDL and ACF files.
3076$ If necessary, add the exception name to the source IDL file
3077$ using the [exceptions] interface attribute, or move the ACF
3078$ reference to the ACF file corresponding to the interface in which
3079$ the exception name is defined.
3081337 Invalid file specification: %1$s
3082$ Explanation:
3083$ An invalid file specification was given.
3084$ User Action:
3085$ Check the files names specified on the command line for
3086$ proper syntax.
3088338 File specification required for %1$s
3089$ Explanation:
3090$ The indicated IDL command option requires a file specification.
3091$ User Action:
3092$ Supply a file specification following the option.
3094339 Warning: Operation with [cs_tag_rtn] contains no codeset tag parameters
3095$ Explanation:
3096$ The <kw>([cs_tag_rtn]) attribute normally appears on an
3097$ operation only if it has least one parameter with a
3098$ <kw>([cs_stag]), <kw>([cs_drtag]), or <kw>([cs_rtag]) attribute.
3099$ User Action:
3100$ Make sure the ACF declaration for the operation has one or more
3101$ of the above tags applied to parameter(s) in the operation.
3103340 Types with the [%1$s] attribute cannot be nested
3104$ Explanation:
3105$ A type with the indicated attribute cannot include
3106$ another type with the same attribute.
3107$ User Action:
3108$ Do not nest types with the attribute.
3110341 The [%1$s] attribute cannot be duplicated in the same parameter list
3111$ Explanation:
3112$ The named attribute cannot be applied twice in the same
3113$ parameter list.
3114$ User Action:
3115$ Make sure that only one parameter in the operation's parameter
3116$ list has the attribute applied to it.  The attribute is
3117$ specified either in the source IDL or source ACF file.
3119342 Operation with [in] [cs_char] data requires [cs_stag] parameter
3120$ Explanation:
3121$ If any <kw>([in]) parameter, or part of an <kw>([in]) parameter,
3122$ has a <kw>([cs_char]) type, there must be a parameter in the
3123$ same operation to which <kw>([cs_stag]) is applied.
3124$ User Action:
3125$ Make sure the ACF declaration for the operation has the
3126$ <kw>([cs_stag]) attribute applied to one of the parameters in
3127$ the operation.
3129343 Operation with [out] [cs_char] data requires [cs_rtag] parameter
3130$ Explanation:
3131$ If any <kw>([out]) parameter, or part of an <kw>([out]) parameter,
3132$ has a <kw>([cs_char]) type, there must be a parameter in the
3133$ same operation to which <kw>([cs_rtag]) is applied.
3134$ User Action:
3135$ Make sure the ACF declaration for the operation has the
3136$ <kw>([cs_rtag]) attribute applied to one of the parameters in
3137$ the operation.
3139344 Array attribute variable cannot be used for both [cs_char] and non-[cs_char] arrays
3140$ Explanation:
3141$ In a structure or parameter list, any variable which specifies
3142$ the <kw>([size_is]) or <kw>([length_is]) for a <kw>([cs_char])
3143$ array must not be referenced in any attribute of a
3144$ non-<kw>([cs_char]) array.
3145$ User Action:
3146$ Use separate structure fields or operation parameters to
3147$ specify array attributes for the non-<kw>([cs_char]) array.
3149345 An [in,size_is] parameter for an [out,cs_char] array cannot be used for other array attributes
3151346 A [size_is] or [max_is] attribute cannot be applied to a pointer to a [cs_char] type
3152$ Explanation:
3153$ The <kw>([cs_char]) ACF attribute cannot be applied to a type
3154$ which is the target of a pointer with the <kw>([size_is]) or
3155$ <kw>([max_is]) attribute.
3156$ User Action:
3157$ Use an array of <kw>([cs_char]) instead of pointer to array
3158$ of <kw>([cs_char]), or use a pointer to a structure which
3159$ contains a conformant array of <kw>([cs_char]).
3161347 An array with [%1$s] base type cannot have the [ptr] or [unique] attributes
3162$ Explanation:
3163$ If an array parameter has a base type with the indicated
3164$ attribute, it cannot have <kw>([ptr]) or <kw>([unique]) as
3165$ parameter attributes.
3166$ User Action:
3167$ Remove the <kw>([ptr]) or <kw>([unique]) attribute.  This
3168$ implies that the parameter cannot have the value NULL, i.e.
3169$ it must always point to valid array storage.
3171348 A [transmit_as] transmitted type cannot contain a [%1$s] type
3172$ Explanation:
3173$ The indicated attribute cannot be applied to any type
3174$ which is used as the transmitted type used in a
3175$ <kw>([transmit_as]) attribute or any type which is
3176$ used in the definition of the transmitted type used in a
3177$ <kw>([transmit_as]) attribute.
3178$ User Action:
3179$ Do not use the attribute on the transmitted type specified in the
3180$ <v>([transmit_as(transmitted_type)]) attribute or any other type
3181$ that is contained within that transmitted type.
3183349 A [cs_stag] parameter must precede any [in] [cs_char] data in a parameter list
3184$ Explanation:
3185$ A <kw>([cs_stag]) parameter must occur in an operation's
3186$ parameter list before any [in] parameters containing types
3187$ with the [cs_char] ACF attribute.
3188$ User Action:
3189$ Re-order the parameters to meet this requirement.
3191350 A [cs_rtag] parameter must precede any [out] [cs_char] data in a parameter list
3192$ Explanation:
3193$ A <kw>([cs_rtag]) parameter must occur in an operation's
3194$ parameter list before any [out] parameters containing types
3195$ with the [cs_char] ACF attribute.
3196$ User Action:
3197$ Re-order the parameters to meet this requirement.
3199351 A [handle] binding parameter cannot contain a [%1$s] type
3200$ Explanation:
3201$ A customized binding handle (a type with the <kw>([handle])
3202$ attribute used as the first parameter in an operation) cannot
3203$ include types with the indicated attribute.
3204$ User Action:
3205$ Do not use the indicated attribute with customized binding.
3207352 The base type of a pipe cannot be or contain a [%1$s] type
3208$ Explanation:
3209$ The indicated attribute cannot be applied to the base type of a
3210$ pipe, or a type used in constructing the base type of a pipe.
3211$ User Action:
3212$ Do not use the indicated attribute with pipes.
3214353 Arrays of [%1$s] type cannot be multidimensional
3215$ Explanation:
3216$ The indicated attribute cannot be applied to a type if there
3217$ is an array which has this type as base type and the array has
3218$ more than one dimension.
3219$ User Action:
3220$ Specify a different base type for the array which has more than
3221$ one dimension.
3223354 Arrays of [%1$s] type can only use the [size_is] and [length_is] array attributes
3224$ Explanation:
3225$ The indicated attribute cannot be applied to a type if there
3226$ is an array which has this type as base type and any of the
3227$ attributes <kw>([min_is]), <kw>([max_is]), <kw>([first_is]),
3228$ <kw>([last_is]), or <kw>([string]) has been applied to the array.
3229$ User Action:
3230$ Use only the <kw>([size_is]) and/or <kw>([length_is])
3231$ attributes in relevant array declarations, or
3232$ specify a different base type for the array that has
3233$ the indicated attribute.
3235355 Type with [%1$s] cannot be or contain type with [%2$s]
3236$ Explanation:
3237$ A type with the first attribute cannot also have the second
3238$ attribute, nor can it contain any type which has the second
3239$ attribute.
3240$ User Action:
3241$ The two features cannot interact on a single type.
3242$ Consider alternate ways to achieve the desired result.
3244356 Type with [%1$s] must resolve to byte or structure containing only byte fields
3245$ Explanation:
3246$ A type with the indicated attribute must be defined as an IDL
3247$ type that resolves to byte or to a structure type in which all
3248$ of the fields have types which resolve to byte.
3249$ User Action:
3250$ Change the type definition, or remove the attribute if it is
3251$ not needed.
3253357 Tag parameters must have type unsigned long int passed by value or reference
3254$ Explanation:
3255$ Parameters to which tag attributes (<kw>([cs_stag]),
3256$ <kw>([cs_drtag]), or <kw>([cs_rtag])) are attached must be
3257$ either <v>(unsigned long) integer values or <v>(unsigned long)
3258$ integers passed by reference.
3259$ User Action:
3260$ Change the parameter types as required.
3262358 Maximum identifier length for [%1$s] type is %2$lu characters
3263$ Explanation:
3264$ A type name with the indicated attribute is used to construct
3265$ other names with a prefix and/or suffix concatenated to it.
3266$ This further restricts the length of the name to the indicated
3267$ value, to make sure that the maximum identifier length is not
3268$ exceeded in the generated names.
3269$ User Action:
3270$ Shorten the type name.
3272359 Warning: Use of user-defined exceptions requires %1$s
3273$ Explanation:
3274$ Use of user-defined exceptions is not interoperable with
3275$ implementations of DCE V1.0.
3276$ User Action:
3277$ Do not use the feature if interoperability with DCE V1.0
3278$ is required.  Otherwise, specify the extended standard option
3279$ on the compiler command to suppress the warning.
3281360 Warning: Use of [%1$s] attribute requires %2$s
3282$ Explanation:
3283$ The indicated attribute is not supported by DCE V1.0, and
3284$ thus should not be used if interoperability with
3285$ implementations of DCE V1.0 is required.
3286$ User Action:
3287$ Do not use the feature if interoperability with DCE V1.0
3288$ is required.  Otherwise, specify the extended standard option
3289$ on the compiler command to suppress the warning.
3291361 A [%1$s] parameter must have the [%2$s] attribute
3292$ Explanation:
3293$ A parameter with the first attribute must also have the
3294$ second attribute.
3295$ User Action:
3296$ Add the second attribute to the parameter declaration.
3298362 Warning: Use of C preprocessor directive requires %1$s
3299$ Explanation:
3300$ The IDL compiler detected a C preprocessor directive in a
3301$ source IDL or ACF file.  C preprocessor directives begin in
3302$ the first column of a source line and start with the '#'
3303$ character.  Either you have specified an IDL command option to
3304$ disable C preprocessing, or IDL does not invoke the C
3305$ preprocessor by default on the platform on which you are running.
3306$ User Action:
3307$ Add the indicated command option to your <kw>(idl) command
3308$ so that the IDL compiler will invoke the C preprocesor
3309$ to preprocess source IDL and ACF files before they are parsed.
3311363 Warning: Use of anonymous %1$s may not be portable across C compilers
3312$ Explanation:
3313$ The source IDL contains an IDL language construct, such as an
3314$ <kw>(enum), declared as an unnamed type within another
3315$ definition.  The generated stub code will compile cleanly under
3316$ some C compilers, but generate errors from others.  The potential
3317$ errors are due to differences in the scoping of identifiers
3318$ across C compilers.
3319$ User Action:
3320$ Use a <kw>(typedef) statement to define the base <kw>(type)
3321$ as a named type, then use the type name in any subsequent
3322$ declarations in place of an anonymous definition.
3324364 Warning: A [fault_status] parameter has no utility in this operation
3325$ Explanation:
3326$ A <kw>([fault_status]) parameter is used in an operation where no
3327$ fault can ever occur.  An example is an encoding services
3328$ operation, i.e. one using <kw>([encode]) or <kw>([decode]) -
3329$ there is no remote entity from which a fault might be received.
3330$ User Action:
3331$ Perhaps you meant to use a <kw>([comm_status]) attribute.
3332$ If not, the parameter can be removed from the operation or
3333$ the <kw>([fault_status]) attribute can be removed from the
3334$ parameter.
3336365 Only objects can inherit interfaces
3338366 Interface ref not allowed
3340367 Warning: Pointer attributes are ignored for interface references
3342368 Inherited interface '%1$s' not defined/imported
3344369 Expression must be constant
3346370 exp is null??
3348371 Only simple expressions allowed for now
3350372 The upper bound of a [range] attribute must be greater than the lower bound
3352373 A [range] attribute is only valid on integral types other than hyper, a type identifier to an integral type, an enumerated type, or a pipe type name
3354374 A constant [size_is] or [length_is] requires a constant [min_is] or [first_is]
3356375 Correlation checking will not be performed for attributes that occur after the field or parameter they modify