3<!-- SECTION: Man Pages -->
5	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/cups-printable.css">
6	<title>cupsd-logs(5)</title>
9<h1 class="title">cupsd-logs(5)</h1>
10<h2 class="title"><a name="NAME">Name</a></h2>
11cupsd-logs - cupsd log files (access_log, error_log, and page_log)
12<h2 class="title"><a name="DESCRIPTION">Description</a></h2>
13<a href="man-cupsd.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cupsd</b>(8)</a>
14normally maintains three log files: <i>access_log</i> to track requests that are submitted to the scheduler, <i>error_log</i> to track progress and errors, and <i>page_log</i> to track pages that are printed.
15Configuration directives in
16<a href="man-cupsd.conf.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cupsd.conf</b>(5)</a>
18<a href="man-cups-files.conf.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cups-files.conf</b>(5)</a>
19control what information is logged and where it is stored.
20<h3><a name="ACCESS_LOG_FILE_FORMAT">Access Log File Format</a></h3>
21The <i>access_log</i> file lists each HTTP resource that is accessed by a web browser or client.
22Each line is in an extended version of the so-called "Common Log Format" used by many web servers and web reporting tools:
23<pre class="man">
25    <i>host group user date-time </i>"<i>method resource version</i>" <i>status bytes
26      ipp-operation ipp-status</i>
29For example:
30<pre class="man">
32 - - [01/Dec/2005:21:50:28 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 317
33      CUPS-Get-Printers successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes
34    localhost - - [01/Dec/2005:21:50:32 +0000] "GET /admin HTTP/1.1"
35      200 0 - -
36    localhost - - [01/Dec/2005:21:50:32 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1"
37      200 157 CUPS-Get-Printers
38      successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes
39    localhost - - [01/Dec/2005:21:50:32 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1"
40      200 1411 CUPS-Get-Devices -
41    localhost - - [01/Dec/2005:21:50:32 +0000] "GET /admin HTTP/1.1"
42      200 6667 - -
45The <i>host</i> field will normally only be an IP address unless you have enabled the HostNameLookups directive in the <i>cupsd.conf</i> file or if the IP address corresponds to your local machine.
46<p>The <i>group</i> field always contains "-".
47<p>The <i>user</i> field is the authenticated username of the requesting user.
48If no username and password is supplied for the request then this field contains "-".
49<p>The <i>date-time</i> field is the date and time of the request in local time and is in the format "[DD/MON/YYYY:HH:MM:SS +ZZZZ]".
50<p>The <i>method</i> field is the HTTP method used: "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "POST", or "PUT".
51"GET" requests are used to get files from the server, both for the web interface and to get configuration and log files.
52"HEAD" requests are used to get information about a resource prior to a "GET".
53"OPTIONS" requests are used to upgrade connections to TLS encryption.
54"POST" requests are used for web interface forms and IPP requests.
55"PUT" requests are used to upload configuration files.
56<p>The <i>resource</i> field is the filename of the requested resource.
57<p>The <i>version</i> field is the HTTP specification version used by the client.
58For CUPS clients this will always be "HTTP/1.1".
59<p>The <i>status</i> field contains the HTTP result status of the request, as follows:
60<div style="margin-left: 5.0em;">
61<dl class="man">
63<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Successful operation.
65<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">File created/modified successfully.
67<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">The requested file has not changed.
69<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Bad HTTP request; typically this means that you have a malicious program trying to access your server.
71<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Unauthorized, authentication (username + password) is required.
73<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Access is forbidden; typically this means that a client tried to access a file or resource they do not have permission to access.
75<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">The file or resource does not exist.
77<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">URL access method is not allowed; typically this means you have a web browser using your server as a proxy.
79<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Request too large; typically this means that a client tried to print a file larger than the MaxRequestSize allows.
81<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Upgrading to TLS-encrypted connection.
83<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Server error; typically this happens when the server is unable to open/create a file - consult the error_log file for details.
85<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">The client requested encryption but encryption support is not enabled/compiled in.
87<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">HTTP version number not supported; typically this means that you have a malicious program trying to access your server.
90<p>The <i>bytes</i> field contains the number of bytes in the request.
91For POST requests the bytes field contains the number of bytes of non-IPP data that is received from the client.
92<p>The <i>ipp-operation</i> field contains either "-" for non-IPP requests or the IPP operation name for POST requests containing an IPP request.
93<p>The <i>ipp-status</i> field contains either "-" for non-IPP requests or the IPP status code name for POST requests containing an IPP response.
94<h3><a name="ERROR_LOG_FILE_FORMAT">Error Log File Format</a></h3>
95The <i>error_log</i> file lists messages from the scheduler - errors, warnings, etc. The LogLevel directive in the
96<a href="man-cupsd.conf.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cupsd.conf</b>(5)</a>
97file controls which messages are logged:
98<pre class="man">
100    level date-time message
103For example:
104<pre class="man">
106    I [20/May/1999:19:18:28 +0000] [Job 1] Queued on 'DeskJet' by 'mike'.
107    D [20/May/1999:19:18:28 +0000] [Job 1] argv[0]="DeskJet"
108    D [20/May/1999:19:18:28 +0000] [Job 1] argv[1]="1"
109    D [20/May/1999:19:18:28 +0000] [Job 1] argv[2]="mike"
110    D [20/May/1999:19:18:28 +0000] [Job 1] argv[3]="myjob"
111    D [20/May/1999:19:18:28 +0000] [Job 1] argv[4]="1"
112    D [20/May/1999:19:18:28 +0000] [Job 1] argv[5]="media=
113      na_letter_8.5x11in sides=one-sided"
114    D [20/May/1999:19:18:28 +0000] [Job 1] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/
115      d000001-001"
116    I [20/May/1999:19:21:02 +0000] [Job 2] Queued on 'DeskJet' by 'mike'.
117    I [20/May/1999:19:22:24 +0000] [Job 2] Canceled by 'mike'.
120The <i>level</i> field contains the type of message:
121<dl class="man">
123<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Alert message (LogLevel alert)
125<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Critical error message (LogLevel crit)
127<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Debugging message (LogLevel debug)
129<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Detailed debugging message (LogLevel debug2)
131<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Normal error message (LogLevel error)
133<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Informational message (LogLevel info)
135<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Notice message (LogLevel notice)
137<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Warning message (LogLevel warn)
139<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Emergency error message (LogLevel emerg)
141<p>The <i>date-time</i> field contains the date and time of when the page started printing. The format of this field is identical to the data-time field in the <i>access_log</i> file.
142<p>The <i>message</i> field contains a free-form textual message.
143Messages from job filters are prefixed with "[Job NNN]" where "NNN" is the job ID.
144<h3><a name="PAGE_LOG_FILE_FORMAT">Page Log File Format</a></h3>
145The <i>page_log</i> file lists each page or group of pages that are sent to a printer.
146By default, each line contains the following information:
147<pre class="man">
149    <i>printer user job-id date-time page-number num-copies job-billing
150      job-originating-host-name job-name media sides</i>
152    <i>printer user job-id date-time </i><b>total </b><i>num-impressions job-billing
153      job-originating-host-name job-name media sides</i>
156For example the entries for a two page job called "myjob" might look like:
157<pre class="man">
159    DeskJet root 1 [20/May/1999:19:21:05 +0000] 1 1 acme-123
160      localhost myjob na_letter_8.5x11in one-sided
161    DeskJet root 1 [20/May/1999:19:21:05 +0000] 2 1 acme-123
162      localhost myjob na_letter_8.5x11in one-sided
164    DeskJet root 1 [20/May/1999:19:21:06 +0000] total 2 acme-123
165      localhost myjob na_letter_8.5x11in one-sided
168The PageLogFormat directive in the
169<a href="man-cupsd.conf.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cupsd.conf</b>(5)</a>
170file can be used to change this information.
171<p>The <i>printer</i> field contains the name of the printer that printed the page.
172If you send a job to a printer class, this field will contain the name of the printer that was assigned the job.
173<p>The <i>user</i> field contains the name of the user (the IPP requesting-user-name attribute) that submitted this file for printing.
174<p>The <i>job-id</i> field contains the job number of the page being printed.
175<p>The <i>date-time</i> field contains the date and time of when the page started printing.
176The format of this field is identical to the data-time field in the <i>access_log</i> file.
177<p>The <i>page-number</i> and <i>num-copies</i> fields contain the page number and number of copies being printed of that page.
178For printers that cannot produce copies on their own, the num-copies field will always be 1.
179<p>Lines containing the keyword "total" have a <i>num-impressions</i> field instead which provides the total number of impressions (sides) that have been printed on for the job.
180<p>The <i>job-billing</i> field contains a copy of the job-billing or job-account-id attributes provided with the IPP Create-Job or Print-Job requests or "-" if neither was provided.
181<p>The <i>job-originating-host-name</i> field contains the hostname or IP address of the client that printed the job.
182<p>The <i>job-name</i> field contains a copy of the job-name attribute provided with the IPP Create-Job or Print-Job requests or "-" if none was provided.
183<p>The <i>media</i> field contains a copy of the media or media-col/media-size attribute provided with the IPP Create-Job or Print-Job requests or "-" if none was provided.
184<p>The <i>sides</i> field contains a copy of the sides attribute provided with the IPP Create-Job or Print-Job requests or "-" if none was provided.
185<h2 class="title"><a name="SEE_ALSO">See Also</a></h2>
186<a href="man-cupsd.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cupsd</b>(8),</a>
187<a href="man-cupsd.conf.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cupsd.conf</b>(5),</a>
188<a href="man-cups-files.conf.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cups-files.conf</b>(5),</a>
189CUPS Online Help (<a href="http://localhost:631/help">http://localhost:631/help</a>)
190<h2 class="title"><a name="COPYRIGHT">Copyright</a></h2>
191Copyright &copy; 2007-2014 by Apple Inc.