1                              Fingerprints
3OpenSSL releases are signed with PGP/GnuPG keys.  You can find the
4signatures in separate files in the same location you find the
5distributions themselves.  The normal file name is the same as the
6distribution file, with '.asc' added.  For example, the signature for
7the distribution of OpenSSL 0.9.7f, openssl-0.9.7f.tar.gz, is found in
8the file openssl-0.9.7f.tar.gz.asc.
10The following is the list of fingerprints for the keys that are
11currently in use (have been used since summer 2004) to sign OpenSSL
14pub   1024D/F709453B 2003-10-20
15      Key fingerprint = C4CA B749 C34F 7F4C C04F  DAC9 A7AF 9E78 F709 453B
16uid                  Richard Levitte <richard@levitte.org>
17uid                  Richard Levitte <levitte@openssl.org>
18uid                  Richard Levitte <levitte@lp.se>
20pub   2048R/F295C759 1998-12-13
21      Key fingerprint = D0 5D 8C 61 6E 27 E6 60  41 EC B1 B8 D5 7E E5 97
22uid                  Dr S N Henson <shenson@drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk>
24pub   4096R/FA40E9E2 2005-03-19
25      Key fingerprint = 6260 5AA4 334A F9F0 DDE5  D349 D357 7507 FA40 E9E2
26uid                  Dr Stephen Henson <shenson@opensslfoundation.com>
27uid                  Dr Stephen Henson <shenson@drh-consultancy.co.uk>
28uid                  Dr Stephen N Henson <steve@openssl.org>
29sub   4096R/8811F530 2005-03-19
31pub   1024R/49A563D9 1997-02-24
32      Key fingerprint = 7B 79 19 FA 71 6B 87 25  0E 77 21 E5 52 D9 83 BF
33uid                  Mark Cox <mjc@redhat.com>
34uid                  Mark Cox <mark@awe.com>
35uid                  Mark Cox <mjc@apache.org>
37pub   1024R/26BB437D 1997-04-28
38      Key fingerprint = 00 C9 21 8E D1 AB 70 37  DD 67 A2 3A 0A 6F 8D A5
39uid                  Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
41pub   1024R/9C58A66D 1997-04-03
42      Key fingerprint = 13 D0 B8 9D 37 30 C3 ED  AC 9C 24 7D 45 8C 17 67
43uid                  jaenicke@openssl.org
44uid                  Lutz Jaenicke <Lutz.Jaenicke@aet.TU-Cottbus.DE>
46pub   1024D/2118CF83 1998-07-13
47      Key fingerprint = 7656 55DE 62E3 96FF 2587  EB6C 4F6D E156 2118 CF83
48uid                  Ben Laurie <ben@thebunker.net>
49uid                  Ben Laurie <ben@cryptix.org>
50uid                  Ben Laurie <ben@algroup.co.uk>
51sub   4096g/1F5143E7 1998-07-13
53pub   1024R/5A6A9B85 1994-03-22
54      Key fingerprint = C7 AC 7E AD 56 6A 65 EC  F6 16 66 83 7E 86 68 28
55uid                  Bodo Moeller <2005@bmoeller.de>
56uid                  Bodo Moeller <2003@bmoeller.de>
57uid                  Bodo Moeller <2004@bmoeller.de>
58uid                  Bodo Moeller <bmoeller@acm.org>
59uid                  Bodo Moeller <bodo@openssl.org>
60uid                  Bodo Moeller <bm@ulf.mali.sub.org>
61uid                  Bodo Moeller <3moeller@informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
62uid                  Bodo Moeller <Bodo_Moeller@public.uni-hamburg.de>
63uid                  Bodo Moeller <3moeller@rzdspc5.informatik.uni-hamburg.de>