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11 * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released March
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21 */
23    File Name:          11.2.1-1.js
24    ECMA Section:       11.2.1 Property Accessors
25    Description:
27    Properties are accessed by name, using either the dot notation:
28                                MemberExpression . Identifier
29                                CallExpression . Identifier
31    or the bracket notation:    MemberExpression [ Expression ]
32                                CallExpression [ Expression ]
34    The dot notation is explained by the following syntactic conversion:
35                                MemberExpression . Identifier
36    is identical in its behavior to
37                                MemberExpression [ <identifier-string> ]
38    and similarly
39                                CallExpression . Identifier
40    is identical in its behavior to
41                                CallExpression [ <identifier-string> ]
42    where <identifier-string> is a string literal containing the same sequence
43    of characters as the Identifier.
45    The production MemberExpression : MemberExpression [ Expression ] is
46    evaluated as follows:
48    1.  Evaluate MemberExpression.
49    2.  Call GetValue(Result(1)).
50    3.  Evaluate Expression.
51    4.  Call GetValue(Result(3)).
52    5.  Call ToObject(Result(2)).
53    6.  Call ToString(Result(4)).
54    7.  Return a value of type Reference whose base object is Result(5) and
55        whose property name is Result(6).
57    The production CallExpression : CallExpression [ Expression ] is evaluated
58    in exactly the same manner, except that the contained CallExpression is
59    evaluated in step 1.
61    Author:             christine@netscape.com
62    Date:               12 november 1997
64    var SECTION = "11.2.1-1";
65    var VERSION = "ECMA_1";
66    startTest();
67    var TITLE   = "Property Accessors";
68    writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+TITLE );
70    var testcases = new Array();
72    // go through all Native Function objects, methods, and properties and get their typeof.
74    var PROPERTY = new Array();
75    var p = 0;
77    // properties and functions of the global object
79    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "NaN",          "number" );
80    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "Infinity",     "number" );
81    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "eval",         "function" );
82    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "parseInt",     "function" );
83    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "parseFloat",   "function" );
84    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "escape",       "function" );
85    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "unescape",     "function" );
86    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "isNaN",        "function" );
87    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "isFinite",     "function" );
88    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "Object",       "function" );
89    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "Number",       "function" );
90    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "Function",     "function" );
91    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "Array",        "function" );
92    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "String",       "function" );
93    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "Boolean",      "function" );
94    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "Date",         "function" );
95    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "this",   "Math",         "object" );
97    // properties and  methods of Object objects
99    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Object", "prototype",    "object" );
100    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Object", "toString",     "function" );
101    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Object", "valueOf",      "function" );
102    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Object", "constructor",  "function" );
104    // properties of the Function object
106    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Function",   "prototype",    "function" );
107    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Function.prototype",   "toString",     "function" );
108    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Function.prototype",   "length",       "number" );
109    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Function.prototype",   "valueOf",      "function" );
111    Function.prototype.myProperty = "hi";
113    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Function.prototype",   "myProperty",   "string" );
115    // properties of the Array object
116    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Array",      "prototype",    "object" );
117    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Array",      "length",       "number" );
118    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Array.prototype",      "constructor",  "function" );
119    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Array.prototype",      "toString",     "function" );
120    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Array.prototype",      "join",         "function" );
121    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Array.prototype",      "reverse",      "function" );
122    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Array.prototype",      "sort",         "function" );
124    // properties of the String object
125    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String",     "prototype",    "object" );
126    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String",     "fromCharCode", "function" );
127    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String.prototype",     "toString",     "function" );
128    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String.prototype",     "constructor",  "function" );
129    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String.prototype",     "valueOf",      "function" );
130    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String.prototype",     "charAt",       "function" );
131    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String.prototype",     "charCodeAt",   "function" );
132    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String.prototype",     "indexOf",      "function" );
133    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String.prototype",     "lastIndexOf",  "function" );
134    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String.prototype",     "split",        "function" );
135    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String.prototype",     "substring",    "function" );
136    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String.prototype",     "toLowerCase",  "function" );
137    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String.prototype",     "toUpperCase",  "function" );
138    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "String.prototype",     "length",       "number" );
140    // properties of the Boolean object
141    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Boolean",    "prototype",    "object" );
142    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Boolean",    "constructor",  "function" );
143    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Boolean.prototype",    "valueOf",      "function" );
144    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Boolean.prototype",    "toString",     "function" );
146    // properties of the Number object
148    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Number",     "MAX_VALUE",    "number" );
149    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Number",     "MIN_VALUE",    "number" );
150    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Number",     "NaN",          "number" );
151    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Number",     "NEGATIVE_INFINITY",    "number" );
152    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Number",     "POSITIVE_INFINITY",    "number" );
153    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Number.prototype",     "toString",     "function" );
154    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Number.prototype",     "constructor",  "function" );
155    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Number.prototype",     "valueOf",        "function" );
157    // properties of the Math Object.
158    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "E",        "number" );
159    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "LN10",     "number" );
160    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "LN2",      "number" );
161    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "LOG2E",    "number" );
162    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "LOG10E",   "number" );
163    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "PI",       "number" );
164    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "SQRT1_2",  "number" );
165    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "SQRT2",    "number" );
166    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "abs",      "function" );
167    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "acos",     "function" );
168    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "asin",     "function" );
169    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "atan",     "function" );
170    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "atan2",    "function" );
171    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "ceil",     "function" );
172    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "cos",      "function" );
173    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "exp",      "function" );
174    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "floor",    "function" );
175    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "log",      "function" );
176    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "max",      "function" );
177    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "min",      "function" );
178    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "pow",      "function" );
179    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "random",   "function" );
180    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "round",    "function" );
181    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "sin",      "function" );
182    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "sqrt",     "function" );
183    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Math",   "tan",      "function" );
185    // properties of the Date object
186    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date",   "parse",        "function" );
187    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date",   "prototype",    "object" );
188    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date",   "UTC",          "function" );
189    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "constructor",    "function" );
190    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "toString",       "function" );
191    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "valueOf",        "function" );
192    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getTime",        "function" );
193    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getYear",        "function" );
194    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getFullYear",    "function" );
195    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getUTCFullYear", "function" );
196    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getMonth",       "function" );
197    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getUTCMonth",    "function" );
198    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getDate",        "function" );
199    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getUTCDate",     "function" );
200    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getDay",         "function" );
201    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getUTCDay",      "function" );
202    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getHours",       "function" );
203    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getUTCHours",    "function" );
204    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getMinutes",     "function" );
205    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getUTCMinutes",  "function" );
206    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getSeconds",     "function" );
207    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getUTCSeconds",  "function" );
208    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getMilliseconds","function" );
209    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "getUTCMilliseconds", "function" );
210    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setTime",        "function" );
211    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setMilliseconds","function" );
212    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setUTCMilliseconds", "function" );
213    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setSeconds",     "function" );
214    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setUTCSeconds",  "function" );
215    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setMinutes",     "function" );
216    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setUTCMinutes",  "function" );
217    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setHours",       "function" );
218    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setUTCHours",    "function" );
219    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setDate",        "function" );
220    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setUTCDate",     "function" );
221    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setMonth",       "function" );
222    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setUTCMonth",    "function" );
223    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setFullYear",    "function" );
224    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setUTCFullYear", "function" );
225    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "setYear",        "function" );
226    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "toLocaleString", "function" );
227    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "toUTCString",    "function" );
228    PROPERTY[p++] = new Property( "Date.prototype",   "toGMTString",    "function" );
230    for ( var i = 0, RESULT; i < PROPERTY.length; i++ ) {
231        RESULT = eval("typeof " + PROPERTY[i].object + "." + PROPERTY[i].name );
233        testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION,
234                                        "typeof " + PROPERTY[i].object + "." + PROPERTY[i].name,
235                                        PROPERTY[i].type,
236                                        RESULT );
238        RESULT = eval("typeof " + PROPERTY[i].object + "['" + PROPERTY[i].name +"']");
240        testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION,
241                                        "typeof " + PROPERTY[i].object + "['" + PROPERTY[i].name +"']",
242                                        PROPERTY[i].type,
243                                        RESULT );
244    }
246    test();
248function test() {
249    for ( tc=0; tc < testcases.length; tc++ ) {
250        testcases[tc].passed = writeTestCaseResult(
251                            testcases[tc].expect,
252                            testcases[tc].actual,
253                            testcases[tc].description +" = "+
254                            testcases[tc].actual );
256        testcases[tc].reason += ( testcases[tc].passed ) ? "" : "wrong value ";
257    }
258    stopTest();
259    return ( testcases );
261function MyObject( arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 ) {
262    this.name   = arg0;
264function Property( object, name, type ) {
265    this.object = object;
266    this.name = name;
267    this.type = type;