1//cc png.m -std=c99 -framework AppKit
2//  Utility for converting .PNG images into compact LZSS-packed format
3//  with CLUT tables.
6#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
7#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
8#import <stdlib.h>
9#import <stdint.h>
10#import <string.h>
13LZSS.C -- A Data Compression Program
15    4/6/1989 Haruhiko Okumura
16    Use, distribute, and modify this program freely.
17    Please send me your improved versions.
18        PC-VAN      SCIENCE
19        NIFTY-Serve PAF01022
20        CompuServe  74050,1022
22#define N         4096  /* size of ring buffer - must be power of 2 */
23#define F         18    /* upper limit for match_length */
24#define THRESHOLD 2     /* encode string into position and length
25                           if match_length is greater than this */
26#define NIL       N     /* index for root of binary search trees */
28struct encode_state {
29    /*
30     * left & right children & parent. These constitute binary search trees.
31     */
32    int lchild[N + 1], rchild[N + 257], parent[N + 1];
33    /* ring buffer of size N, with extra F-1 bytes to aid string comparison */
34    u_int8_t text_buf[N + F - 1];
35    /*
36     * match_length of longest match.
37     * These are set by the insert_node() procedure.
38     */
39    int match_position, match_length;
43 * initialize state, mostly the trees
44 *
45 * For i = 0 to N - 1, rchild[i] and lchild[i] will be the right and left
46 * children of node i.  These nodes need not be initialized.  Also, parent[i]
47 * is the parent of node i.  These are initialized to NIL (= N), which stands
48 * for 'not used.'  For i = 0 to 255, rchild[N + i + 1] is the root of the
49 * tree for strings that begin with character i.  These are initialized to NIL.
50 * Note there are 256 trees.
51 */
52static void init_state(struct encode_state *sp)
54    int  i;
55    bzero(sp, sizeof(*sp));
56    for (i = 0; i < N - F; i++)
57        sp->text_buf[i] = ' ';
58    for (i = N + 1; i <= N + 256; i++)
59        sp->rchild[i] = NIL;
60    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
61        sp->parent[i] = NIL;
65 * Inserts string of length F, text_buf[r..r+F-1], into one of the trees
66 * (text_buf[r]'th tree) and returns the longest-match position and length
67 * via the global variables match_position and match_length.
68 * If match_length = F, then removes the old node in favor of the new one,
69 * because the old one will be deleted sooner. Note r plays double role,
70 * as tree node and position in buffer.
71 */
72static void insert_node(struct encode_state *sp, int r)
74    int  i, p, cmp;
75    u_int8_t  *key;
76    cmp = 1;
77    key = &sp->text_buf[r];
78    p = N + 1 + key[0];
79    sp->rchild[r] = sp->lchild[r] = NIL;
80    sp->match_length = 0;
81    for ( ; ; ) {
82        if (cmp >= 0) {
83            if (sp->rchild[p] != NIL)
84                p = sp->rchild[p];
85            else {
86                sp->rchild[p] = r;
87                sp->parent[r] = p;
88                return;
89            }
90        } else {
91            if (sp->lchild[p] != NIL)
92                p = sp->lchild[p];
93            else {
94                sp->lchild[p] = r;
95                sp->parent[r] = p;
96                return;
97            }
98        }
99        for (i = 1; i < F; i++) {
100            if ((cmp = key[i] - sp->text_buf[p + i]) != 0)
101                break;
102        }
103        if (i > sp->match_length) {
104            sp->match_position = p;
105            if ((sp->match_length = i) >= F)
106                break;
107        }
108    }
109    sp->parent[r] = sp->parent[p];
110    sp->lchild[r] = sp->lchild[p];
111    sp->rchild[r] = sp->rchild[p];
112    sp->parent[sp->lchild[p]] = r;
113    sp->parent[sp->rchild[p]] = r;
114    if (sp->rchild[sp->parent[p]] == p)
115        sp->rchild[sp->parent[p]] = r;
116    else
117        sp->lchild[sp->parent[p]] = r;
118    sp->parent[p] = NIL;  /* remove p */
121/* deletes node p from tree */
122static void delete_node(struct encode_state *sp, int p)
124    int  q;
126    if (sp->parent[p] == NIL)
127        return;  /* not in tree */
128    if (sp->rchild[p] == NIL)
129        q = sp->lchild[p];
130    else if (sp->lchild[p] == NIL)
131        q = sp->rchild[p];
132    else {
133        q = sp->lchild[p];
134        if (sp->rchild[q] != NIL) {
135            do {
136                q = sp->rchild[q];
137            } while (sp->rchild[q] != NIL);
138            sp->rchild[sp->parent[q]] = sp->lchild[q];
139            sp->parent[sp->lchild[q]] = sp->parent[q];
140            sp->lchild[q] = sp->lchild[p];
141            sp->parent[sp->lchild[p]] = q;
142        }
143        sp->rchild[q] = sp->rchild[p];
144        sp->parent[sp->rchild[p]] = q;
145    }
146    sp->parent[q] = sp->parent[p];
147    if (sp->rchild[sp->parent[p]] == p)
148        sp->rchild[sp->parent[p]] = q;
149    else
150        sp->lchild[sp->parent[p]] = q;
151    sp->parent[p] = NIL;
154u_int8_t *compress_lzss(
155    u_int8_t       * dst,
156    u_int32_t        dstlen,
157    u_int8_t       * src,
158    u_int32_t        srclen)
160    u_int8_t * result = NULL;
161    /* Encoding state, mostly tree but some current match stuff */
162    struct encode_state *sp;
163    int  i, c, len, r, s, last_match_length, code_buf_ptr;
164    u_int8_t code_buf[17], mask;
165    u_int8_t * srcend = src + srclen;
166    u_int8_t *dstend = dst + dstlen;
167    /* initialize trees */
168    sp = (struct encode_state *) malloc(sizeof(*sp));
169    if (!sp) goto finish;
170    init_state(sp);
171    /*
172     * code_buf[1..16] saves eight units of code, and code_buf[0] works
173     * as eight flags, "1" representing that the unit is an unencoded
174     * letter (1 byte), "0" a position-and-length pair (2 bytes).
175     * Thus, eight units require at most 16 bytes of code.
176     */
177    code_buf[0] = 0;
178    code_buf_ptr = mask = 1;
179    /* Clear the buffer with any character that will appear often. */
180    s = 0;  r = N - F;
181    /* Read F bytes into the last F bytes of the buffer */
182    for (len = 0; len < F && src < srcend; len++)
183        sp->text_buf[r + len] = *src++;  
184    if (!len)
185        goto finish;
186    /*
187     * Insert the F strings, each of which begins with one or more
188     * 'space' characters.  Note the order in which these strings are
189     * inserted.  This way, degenerate trees will be less likely to occur.
190     */
191    for (i = 1; i <= F; i++)
192        insert_node(sp, r - i);
193    /*
194     * Finally, insert the whole string just read.
195     * The global variables match_length and match_position are set.
196     */
197    insert_node(sp, r);
198    do {
199        /* match_length may be spuriously long near the end of text. */
200        if (sp->match_length > len)
201            sp->match_length = len;
202        if (sp->match_length <= THRESHOLD) {
203            sp->match_length = 1;  /* Not long enough match.  Send one byte. */
204            code_buf[0] |= mask;  /* 'send one byte' flag */
205            code_buf[code_buf_ptr++] = sp->text_buf[r];  /* Send uncoded. */
206        } else {
207            /* Send position and length pair. Note match_length > THRESHOLD. */
208            code_buf[code_buf_ptr++] = (u_int8_t) sp->match_position;
209            code_buf[code_buf_ptr++] = (u_int8_t)
210                ( ((sp->match_position >> 4) & 0xF0)
211                |  (sp->match_length - (THRESHOLD + 1)) );
212        }
213        if ((mask <<= 1) == 0) {  /* Shift mask left one bit. */
214                /* Send at most 8 units of code together */
215            for (i = 0; i < code_buf_ptr; i++)
216                if (dst < dstend)
217                    *dst++ = code_buf[i];
218                else
219                    goto finish;
220            code_buf[0] = 0;
221            code_buf_ptr = mask = 1;
222        }
223        last_match_length = sp->match_length;
224        for (i = 0; i < last_match_length && src < srcend; i++) {
225            delete_node(sp, s);    /* Delete old strings and */
226            c = *src++;
227            sp->text_buf[s] = c;    /* read new bytes */
228            /*
229             * If the position is near the end of buffer, extend the buffer
230             * to make string comparison easier.
231             */
232            if (s < F - 1)
233                sp->text_buf[s + N] = c;
234            /* Since this is a ring buffer, increment the position modulo N. */
235            s = (s + 1) & (N - 1);
236            r = (r + 1) & (N - 1);
237            /* Register the string in text_buf[r..r+F-1] */
238            insert_node(sp, r);
239        }
240        while (i++ < last_match_length) {
241        delete_node(sp, s);
242            /* After the end of text, no need to read, */
243            s = (s + 1) & (N - 1);
244            r = (r + 1) & (N - 1);
245            /* but buffer may not be empty. */
246            if (--len)
247                insert_node(sp, r);
248        }
249    } while (len > 0);   /* until length of string to be processed is zero */
250    if (code_buf_ptr > 1) {    /* Send remaining code. */
251        for (i = 0; i < code_buf_ptr; i++)
252            if (dst < dstend)
253                *dst++ = code_buf[i];
254            else
255                goto finish;
256    }
257    result = dst;
259    if (sp) free(sp);
260    return result;
263#define MAX_COLORS 256
265typedef struct {
266    uint8_t r;
267    uint8_t g;
268    uint8_t b;
269} pixel_t;
271static uint8_t clut_size = 0;
272static pixel_t clut[MAX_COLORS];
274static uint8_t 
275lookup_color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
277    uint8_t i;
279    for (i = 0; i <= clut_size; i++) {
280        if (clut[i].r == r &&
281            clut[i].g == g &&
282            clut[i].b == b)
283            return i;
284    }
285    if (clut_size == MAX_COLORS - 1) {
286        printf("Image must have no more than 256 unique pixel colors\n");
287        exit(1);
288    }
289    clut_size++;
290    clut[clut_size].r = r;
291    clut[clut_size].g = g;
292    clut[clut_size].b = b;
293//    printf("added color %d:%d:%d\n", r, g, b);
294    return clut_size;
297 #include "/sandbox//xnu/pexpert/pexpert/GearImage.h"
299int main (int argc, char * argv[])
301    int i, size = 0;
302    uint8_t *unpacked = NULL;
303    uint8_t *packed = NULL;
304    uint8_t *lastbyte;
305    uint8_t *byte;
306    uint8_t color;
307    char *tag;
308    bool mono;
309    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
311    if (argc <= 1) {
312        printf("usage: PackImage <filename.png>\n");
313        return 1;
314    }
316    NSString* filePath = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:argv[1]];
318    NSData* fileData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
319    NSBitmapImageRep* bitmapImageRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithData:fileData];
321    NSSize imageSize = [bitmapImageRep size];
323    // Get a file name without .png extension
324    tag = strstr(argv[1], ".png");
325    if (tag != NULL) {
326        *tag = '\0';
327        tag = (char *)argv[1];
328    } else {
329        printf("PackImage only supports .png images \n");
330        return 1;
331    }
332	mono = true;
334    unpacked = malloc((int)imageSize.width * (int)imageSize.height);
335    packed = malloc(1000000);
337    if (unpacked == NULL || packed == NULL) {
338        printf("out of memory\n");
339        return 1;
340    }
342    bzero(clut, sizeof(clut));
343    clut[0].r = 0xff;
344    clut[0].g = 0xff;
345    clut[0].b = 0xff;
347    printf("/*\n");
348    printf(" * This file was generated using PackImage utility.\n");
349    printf(" * Please don't modify it.\n");
350    printf(" */\n");
352    for (int y=0; y<imageSize.height; y++) {
353        for (int x=0; x<imageSize.width; x++) {
354            NSUInteger pixel[4] = {};
355            [bitmapImageRep getPixel:pixel atX:x y:y];
357			if (0xff != (uint8_t)pixel[3]) {
358				fprintf(stderr, "has alpha\n");
359				exit(1);
360			}
361			if (1)
362			{
363				color = pixel[0];
364				if ((color != (uint8_t)pixel[1]) || (color != (uint8_t)pixel[2])) {
365					fprintf(stderr, "has colors\n");
366					exit(1);
367				}		
368			}
369			else color = lookup_color((uint8_t)pixel[0],
370                                 (uint8_t)pixel[1],
371                                 (uint8_t)pixel[2]);
373            unpacked[size++] = color;
376			color = gGearPict[y*(int)imageSize.width + x];
377			color = (0xbf * color + 0xff) >> 8;
378			pixel[0] = pixel[1] = pixel[2] = color;
379			[bitmapImageRep setPixel:pixel atX:x y:y];
380        }
381    }
383	fileData = [bitmapImageRep representationUsingType:NSPNGFileType properties:nil];
384    filePath = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:"/tmp/x.png"];
385	[fileData writeToFile:filePath options:0 error:NULL];
387	exit(0);
389    printf("\n"); 
390    printf("#define k%sWidth        (%d)\n", tag, (int)imageSize.width);
391    printf("#define k%sHeight       (%d)\n", tag, (int)imageSize.height);
392    printf("#define k%sUnpackedSize (%d)\n", tag, size);
393    if (!mono) printf("#define k%sClutSize     (%d)\n", tag, clut_size);
395    printf("\nconst uint8_t g%sPacked[] = {\n    ", tag);
397    lastbyte = compress_lzss(packed, 1000000, unpacked, size);
399    // Dump LZSS-compressed image data
400    for (byte = packed, i = 0; byte < lastbyte; byte++, i++) {
401        if ((i > 0) && (i % 16) == 0)
402            printf("\n    ");
403        printf("0x%02x,", *byte);
404   }
406    printf("\n};\n\n");
408	if (!mono) {
409		// Dump clut table
410		printf("const uint8_t g%sClut[ 256 * 3 ] =\n{\n    ", tag);
411		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
412		   if ((i > 0) && (i % 4) == 0)
413			   printf("\n    ");
414		   printf("0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x, ", clut[i].r, clut[i].g, clut[i].b);
415		}
416		printf("\n};\n");
417	}    
418    [pool drain];
419    return 0;