1# Code to load up the tests in to the Queue database
2# $Id: parallel.tcl,v 12.6 2007/06/05 20:00:46 carol Exp $
3proc load_queue { file  {dbdir RUNQUEUE} nitems } {
4	global serial_tests
5	global num_serial
6	global num_parallel
8	puts -nonewline "Loading run queue with $nitems items..."
9	flush stdout
11	set env [berkdb_env -create -lock -home $dbdir]
12	error_check_good dbenv [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
14	# Open two databases, one for tests that may be run
15	# in parallel, the other for tests we want to run
16	# while only a single process is testing.
17	set db [eval {berkdb_open -env $env -create \
18            -mode 0644 -len 200 -queue queue.db} ]
19        error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
20	set serialdb [eval {berkdb_open -env $env -create \
21            -mode 0644 -len 200 -queue serialqueue.db} ]
22        error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $serialdb] TRUE
24	set fid [open $file]
26	set count 0
28        while { [gets $fid str] != -1 } {
29		set testarr($count) $str
30		incr count
31	}
33	# Randomize array of tests.
34	set rseed [pid]
35	berkdb srand $rseed
36	puts -nonewline "randomizing..."
37	flush stdout
38	for { set i 0 } { $i < $count } { incr i } {
39		set tmp $testarr($i)
41		# RPC test is very long so force it to run first
42		# in full runs.  If we find 'r rpc' as we walk the
43		# array, arrange to put it in slot 0 ...
44		if { [is_substr $tmp "r rpc"] == 1 && \
45		    [string match $nitems ALL] } {
46			set j 0
47		} else {
48			set j [berkdb random_int $i [expr $count - 1]]
49		}
50		# ... and if 'r rpc' is selected to be swapped with the
51		# current item in the array, skip the swap.  If we
52		# did the swap and moved to the next item, "r rpc" would
53		# never get moved to slot 0.
54		if { [is_substr $testarr($j) "r rpc"] && \
55		    [string match $nitems ALL] } {
56			continue
57		}
59		set testarr($i) $testarr($j)
60		set testarr($j) $tmp
61	}
63	if { [string compare ALL $nitems] != 0 } {
64		set maxload $nitems
65	} else {
66		set maxload $count
67	}
69	puts "loading..."
70	flush stdout
71	set num_serial 0
72	set num_parallel 0
73	for { set i 0 } { $i < $maxload } { incr i } {
74		set str $testarr($i)
75		# Push serial tests into serial testing db, others
76		# into parallel db.
77		if { [is_serial $str] } {
78			set ret [eval {$serialdb put -append $str}]
79			error_check_good put:serialdb [expr $ret > 0] 1
80			incr num_serial
81		} else {
82			set ret [eval {$db put -append $str}]
83			error_check_good put:paralleldb [expr $ret > 0] 1
84			incr num_parallel
85		}
86        }
88	error_check_good maxload $maxload [expr $num_serial + $num_parallel]
89	puts "Loaded $maxload records: $num_serial in serial,\
90	    $num_parallel in parallel."
91	close $fid
92	$db close
93	$serialdb close
94	$env close
97proc init_runqueue { {dbdir RUNQUEUE} nitems list} {
99	if { [file exists $dbdir] != 1 } {
100		file mkdir $dbdir
101	}
102	puts "Creating test list..."
103	$list ALL -n
104	load_queue ALL.OUT $dbdir $nitems
105	file delete TEST.LIST
106	file rename ALL.OUT TEST.LIST
109proc run_parallel { nprocs {list run_all} {nitems ALL} } {
110	global num_serial
111	global num_parallel
113	# Forcibly remove stuff from prior runs, if it's still there.
114	fileremove -f ./RUNQUEUE
115	set dirs [glob -nocomplain ./PARALLEL_TESTDIR.*]
116	set files [glob -nocomplain ALL.OUT.*]
117	foreach file $files {
118		fileremove -f $file
119	}
120	foreach dir $dirs {
121		fileremove -f $dir
122	}
124	set basename ./PARALLEL_TESTDIR
125	set queuedir ./RUNQUEUE
126	source ./include.tcl
128	mkparalleldirs $nprocs $basename $queuedir
130	init_runqueue $queuedir $nitems $list
132	set basedir [pwd]
133	set queuedir ../../[string range $basedir \
134	    [string last "/" $basedir] end]/$queuedir
136	# Run serial tests in parallel testdir 0.
137	run_queue 0 $basename.0 $queuedir serial $num_serial
139	set pidlist {}
140	# Run parallel tests in testdirs 1 through n.
141	for { set i 1 } { $i <= $nprocs } { incr i } {
142		set ret [catch {
143			set p [exec $tclsh_path << \
144			    "source $test_path/test.tcl; run_queue $i \
145			    $basename.$i $queuedir parallel $num_parallel" &]
146			lappend pidlist $p
147			set f [open $testdir/begin.$p w]
148			close $f
149		} res]
150	}
151	watch_procs $pidlist 300 1000000
153	set failed 0
154	for { set i 0 } { $i <= $nprocs } { incr i } {
155		if { [file exists ALL.OUT.$i] == 1 } {
156			puts -nonewline "Checking output from ALL.OUT.$i ... "
157			if { [check_output ALL.OUT.$i] == 1 } {
158				set failed 1
159			}
160			puts " done."
161		}
162	}
163	if { $failed == 0 } {
164		puts "Regression tests succeeded."
165	} else {
166		puts "Regression tests failed."
167		puts "Review UNEXPECTED OUTPUT lines above for errors."
168		puts "Complete logs found in ALL.OUT.x files"
169	}
172proc run_queue { i rundir queuedir {qtype parallel} {nitems 0} } {
173	set builddir [pwd]
174	file delete $builddir/ALL.OUT.$i
175	cd $rundir
177	puts "Starting $qtype run_queue process $i (pid [pid])."
179	source ./include.tcl
180	global env
182	set dbenv [berkdb_env -create -lock -home $queuedir]
183	error_check_good dbenv [is_valid_env $dbenv] TRUE
185	if { $qtype == "parallel" } {
186		set db [eval {berkdb_open -env $dbenv \
187     	 	    -mode 0644 -queue queue.db} ]
188		error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
189	} elseif { $qtype == "serial" } {
190		set db [eval {berkdb_open -env $dbenv \
191		    -mode 0644 -queue serialqueue.db} ]
192		error_check_good serialdbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
193	} else {
194		puts "FAIL: queue type $qtype not recognized"
195	}
197	set dbc [eval $db cursor]
198        error_check_good cursor [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE
200	set count 0
201	set waitcnt 0
202	set starttime [timestamp -r]
204	while { $waitcnt < 5 } {
205		set line [$db get -consume]
206		if { [ llength $line ] > 0 } {
207			set cmd [lindex [lindex $line 0] 1]
208			set num [lindex [lindex $line 0] 0]
209			set o [open $builddir/ALL.OUT.$i a]
210			puts $o "\nExecuting record $num ([timestamp -w]):\n"
211			set tdir "TESTDIR.$i"
212			regsub -all {TESTDIR} $cmd $tdir cmd
213			puts $o $cmd
214			close $o
215			if { [expr {$num % 10} == 0] && $nitems != 0 } {
216				puts -nonewline \
217				    "Starting test $num of $nitems $qtype items.  "
218				set now [timestamp -r]
219				set elapsed_secs [expr $now - $starttime]
220				set secs_per_test [expr $elapsed_secs / $num]
221				set esttotal [expr $nitems * $secs_per_test]
222				set remaining [expr $esttotal - $elapsed_secs]
223				if { $remaining < 3600 } {
224					puts "\tRough guess: less than 1\
225					    hour left."
226				} else {
227					puts "\tRough guess: \
228					[expr $remaining / 3600] hour(s) left."
229				}
230			}
231#			puts "Process $i, record $num:\n$cmd"
232			set env(PURIFYOPTIONS) \
233	"-log-file=./test$num.%p -follow-child-processes -messages=first"
234			set env(PURECOVOPTIONS) \
235	"-counts-file=./cov.pcv -log-file=./cov.log -follow-child-processes"
236			if [catch {exec $tclsh_path \
237			     << "source $test_path/test.tcl; $cmd" \
238			     >>& $builddir/ALL.OUT.$i } res] {
239                                set o [open $builddir/ALL.OUT.$i a]
240                                puts $o "FAIL: '$cmd': $res"
241                                close $o
242                        }
243			env_cleanup $testdir
244			set o [open $builddir/ALL.OUT.$i a]
245			puts $o "\nEnding record $num ([timestamp])\n"
246			close $o
247			incr count
248		} else {
249			incr waitcnt
250			tclsleep 1
251		}
252	}
254	set now [timestamp -r]
255	set elapsed [expr $now - $starttime]
256	puts "Process $i: $count commands executed in [format %02u:%02u \
257	    [expr $elapsed / 3600] [expr ($elapsed % 3600) / 60]]"
259	error_check_good close_parallel_cursor_$i [$dbc close] 0
260	error_check_good close_parallel_db_$i [$db close] 0
261	error_check_good close_parallel_env_$i [$dbenv close] 0
263	#
264	# We need to put the pid file in the builddir's idea
265	# of testdir, not this child process' local testdir.
266	# Therefore source builddir's include.tcl to get its
267	# testdir.
268	# !!! This resets testdir, so don't do anything else
269	# local to the child after this.
270	source $builddir/include.tcl
272	set f [open $builddir/$testdir/end.[pid] w]
273	close $f
274	cd $builddir
277proc mkparalleldirs { nprocs basename queuedir } {
278	source ./include.tcl
279	set dir [pwd]
281	if { $is_windows_test != 1 } {
282	        set EXE ""
283	} else {
284		set EXE ".exe"
285        }
286	for { set i 0 } { $i <= $nprocs } { incr i } {
287		set destdir $basename.$i
288		catch {file mkdir $destdir}
289		puts "Created $destdir"
290		if { $is_windows_test == 1 } {
291			catch {file mkdir $destdir/Debug}
292			catch {eval file copy \
293			    [eval glob {$dir/Debug/*.dll}] $destdir/Debug}
294		}
295		catch {eval file copy \
296		    [eval glob {$dir/{.libs,include.tcl}}] $destdir}
297		# catch {eval file copy $dir/$queuedir $destdir}
298		catch {eval file copy \
299		    [eval glob {$dir/db_{checkpoint,deadlock}$EXE} \
300		    {$dir/db_{dump,load,printlog,recover,stat,upgrade}$EXE} \
301		    {$dir/db_{archive,verify,hotbackup}$EXE}] \
302		    $destdir}
304		# Create modified copies of include.tcl in parallel
305		# directories so paths still work.
307		set infile [open ./include.tcl r]
308		set d [read $infile]
309		close $infile
311		regsub {test_path } $d {test_path ../} d
312		regsub {src_root } $d {src_root ../} d
313		set tdir "TESTDIR.$i"
314		regsub -all {TESTDIR} $d $tdir d
315		regsub {KILL \.} $d {KILL ..} d
316		set outfile [open $destdir/include.tcl w]
317		puts $outfile $d
318		close $outfile
320		global svc_list
321		foreach svc_exe $svc_list {
322			if { [file exists $dir/$svc_exe] } {
323				catch {eval file copy $dir/$svc_exe $destdir}
324			}
325		}
326	}
329proc run_ptest { nprocs test args } {
330	global parms
331	global valid_methods
332	set basename ./PARALLEL_TESTDIR
333	set queuedir NULL
334	source ./include.tcl
336	mkparalleldirs $nprocs $basename $queuedir
338	if { [info exists parms($test)] } {
339		foreach method $valid_methods {
340			if { [eval exec_ptest $nprocs $basename \
341			    $test $method $args] != 0 } {
342				break
343			}
344		}
345	} else {
346		eval exec_ptest $nprocs $basename $test $args
347	}
350proc exec_ptest { nprocs basename test args } {
351	source ./include.tcl
353	set basedir [pwd]
354	set pidlist {}
355	puts "Running $nprocs parallel runs of $test"
356	for { set i 1 } { $i <= $nprocs } { incr i } {
357		set outf ALL.OUT.$i
358		fileremove -f $outf
359		set ret [catch {
360			set p [exec $tclsh_path << \
361		 	    "cd $basename.$i;\
362		            source ../$test_path/test.tcl;\
363		            $test $args" >& $outf &]
364			lappend pidlist $p
365			set f [open $testdir/begin.$p w]
366			close $f
367		} res]
368	}
369	watch_procs $pidlist 30 36000
370	set failed 0
371	for { set i 1 } { $i <= $nprocs } { incr i } {
372		if { [check_output ALL.OUT.$i] == 1 } {
373			set failed 1
374			puts "Test $test failed in process $i."
375		}
376	}
377	if { $failed == 0 } {
378		puts "Test $test succeeded all processes"
379		return 0
380	} else {
381		puts "Test failed: stopping"
382		return 1
383	}