1#compdef make gmake pmake dmake freebsd-make bmake
3# TODO: Based on targets given on the command line, show only variables that
4# are used in those targets and their dependencies.
6_make-expandVars() {
7  local open close var val front ret tmp=$1
9  front=${tmp%%\$*}
10  case $tmp in
11    (\(*) # Variable of the form $(foobar)
12    open='('
13    close=')'
14    ;;
16    ({*) # ${foobar}
17    open='{'
18    close='}'
19    ;;
21    ([[:alpha:]]*) # $foobar. This is exactly $(f)oobar.
22    open=''
23    close=''
24    var=${(s::)var[1]}
25    ;;
27    (\$*) # Escaped $.
28    print -- "${front}\$$(_make-expandVars ${tmp#\$})"
29    return
30    ;;
32    (*) # Nothing left to substitute.
33    print -- $tmp
34    return
35    ;;
36  esac
38  if [[ -n $open ]]
39  then
40    var=${tmp#$open}
41    var=${var%%$close*}
42  fi
44  case $var in
45    ([[:alnum:]_]#)
46    val=${VARIABLES[$var]}
47    ret=${ret//\$$open$var$close/$val}
48    ;;
50    (*)
51    # Improper variable name. No replacement.
52    # I'm not sure if this is desired behavior.
53    front+="\$$open$var$close"
54    ret=${ret/\$$open$var$close/}
55    ;;
56  esac
58  print -- "${front}$(_make-expandVars ${ret})"
61_make-parseMakefile () {
62  local input var val target dep TAB=$'\t' dir=$1 tmp IFS=
64  while read input
65  do
66    case "$input " in
67      # VARIABLE = value
68      ([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]_]#[ $TAB]#=*)
69      var=${input%%[ $TAB]#=*}
70      val=${input#*=}
71      val=${val##[ $TAB]#}
72      VARIABLES[$var]=$val
73      ;;
75      # VARIABLE := value
76      # Evaluated immediately
77      ([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]_]#[ $TAB]#:=*)
78      var=${input%%[ $TAB]#:=*}
79      val=${input#*=}
80      val=${val##[ $TAB]#}
81      val=$(_make-expandVars $val)
82      VARIABLES[$var]=$val
83      ;;
85      # TARGET: dependencies
86      # TARGET1 TARGET2 TARGET3: dependencies
87      ([[:alnum:]][^$TAB:=]#:[^=]*)
88      input=$(_make-expandVars $input)
89      target=${input%%:*}
90      dep=${input#*:}
91      dep=${(z)dep}
92      dep="$dep"
93      for tmp in ${(z)target}
94      do
95        TARGETS[$tmp]=$dep
96      done
97      ;;
99      # Include another makefile
100      (${~incl} *)
101      local f=${input##${~incl} ##}
102      if [[ $incl == '.include' ]]
103      then
104        f=${f#[\"<]}
105        f=${f%[\">]}
106      fi
107      f=$(_make-expandVars $f)
108      case $f in
109        (/*) ;;
110        (*) f=$dir/$f ;;
111      esac
113      if [[ -r $f ]]
114      then
115        _make-parseMakefile ${f%%/[^/]##} < $f
116      fi
117      ;;
118    esac
119  done
122_make-findBasedir () {
123  local file index basedir
124  basedir=$PWD
125  for (( index=0; index < $#@; index++ ))
126  do
127    if [[ $@[index] == -C ]]
128    then
129      file=${~@[index+1]};
130      if [[ -z $file ]]
131      then
132        # make returns with an error if an empty arg is given
133        # even if the concatenated path is a valid directory
134        return
135      elif [[ $file == /* ]]
136      then
137        # Absolute path, replace base directory
138        basedir=$file
139      else
140        # Relative, concatenate path
141        basedir=$basedir/$file
142      fi
143    fi
144  done
145  print -- $basedir
148_make() {
150  local prev="$words[CURRENT-1]" file expl tmp is_gnu dir incl match
151  local context state state_descr line
152  local -a option_specs
153  local -A TARGETS VARIABLES opt_args
154  local ret=1
156  _pick_variant -r is_gnu gnu=GNU unix -v -f
158  if [[ $is_gnu == gnu ]]
159  then
160    incl="(-|)include"
161    option_specs=(
162      '(-B --always-make)'{-B,--always-make}'[unconditionally make all targets]'
163      '*'{-C,--directory=}'[change directory first]:change to directory:->dir'
164      '-d[print lots of debug information]'
165      '--debug=-[print various types of debug information]:debug options:->debug'
166      '(-e --environment-overrides)'{-e,--environment-overrides}'[environment variables override makefiles]'
167      '--eval=-[evaluate STRING as a makefile statement]:STRING'
168      '(-f --file --makefile)'{-f,--file=,--makefile=}'[read FILE as a makefile]:makefile:->file'
169      '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[print help message and exit]'
170      '(-i --ignore-errors)'{-i,--ignore-errors}'[ignore errors from recipes]'
171      '*'{-I,--include-dir=}'[search DIRECTORY for included makefiles]:search path for included makefile:->dir'
172      '(-j --jobs)'{-j,--jobs=}'[allow N jobs at once; infinite jobs with no arg]:number of jobs'
173      '(-k --keep-going)'{-k,--keep-going}"[keep going when some targets can't be made]"
174      '(-l --load-average --max-load)'{-l,--load-average=,--max-load}"[don't start multiple jobs unless load is below N]:load"
175      '(-L --check-symlik-times)'{-L,--check-symlink-times}'[use the latest mtime between symlinks and target]'
176      '(-n --just-print --dry-run --recon)'{-n,--just-print,--dry-run,--recon}"[don't actually run any recipe; just print them]"
177      '*'{-o,--old-file=,--assume-old=}"[consider FILE to be very old and don't remake it]:file not to remake:->file"
178      '(-p --print-data-base)'{-p,--print-data-base}'[print makes internal database]'
179      '(-q --question)'{-q,--question}'[run no recipe; exit status says if up to date]'
180      '(-r --no-builtin-rules)'{-r,--no-builtin-rules}'[disable the built-in implicit rules]'
181      '(-R --no-builtin-variables)'{-R,--no-builtin-variables}'[disable the built-in variable settings]'
182      '(-s --silent --quiet)'{-s,--silent,--quiet}"[don't echo recipes]"
183      '(-S --no-keep-going --stop)'{-S,--no-keep-going,--stop}'[turns off -k]'
184      '(-t --touch)'{-t,--touch}'[touch targets instead of remaking them]'
185      '(- *)'{-v,--version}'[print the version number of make and exit]'
186      '(-w --print-directory)'{-w,--print-directory}'[print the current directory]'
187      '--no-print-directory[turn off -w, even if it was turned on implicitly]'
188      '*'{-W,--what-if=,--new-file=,--assume-new=}'[consider FILE to be infinitely new]:file to treat as modified:->file'
189      '--warn-undefined-variables[warn when an undefined variable is referenced]'
190      '--warn-undefined-functions[warn when an undefined user function is called]'
191    )
192  else
193    # Basic make options only.
194    incl=.include
195    option_specs=(
196      '-C[change directory first]:directory:->dir'
197      '-I[include directory for makefiles]:directory:->dir'
198      '-f[specify makefile]:makefile:->file'
199      '-o[specify file not to remake]:file not to remake:->file'
200      '-W[pretend file was modified]:file to treat as modified:->file'
201    )
202  fi
204  _arguments -s $option_specs \
205    '*:make target:->target' && ret=0
207  case $state in
208    (dir)
209    _description directories expl "$state_descr"
210    _files "$expl[@]" -W ${(q)$(_make-findBasedir ${words[1,CURRENT-1]})} -/ && ret=0
211    ;;
213    (file)
214    _description files expl "$state_descr"
215    _files "$expl[@]" -W ${(q)$(_make-findBasedir $words)} && ret=0
216    ;;
218    (debug)
219    _values -s , 'debug options' \
220      '(b v i j m)a[all debugging output]' \
221      'b[basic debugging output]' \
222      '(b)v[one level above basic]' \
223      '(b)i[describe implicit rule searches (implies b)]' \
224      'j[show details on invocation of subcommands]' \
225      'm[enable debugging while remaking makefiles]' && ret=0
226    ;;
228    (target)
229    file=${(v)opt_args[(I)(-f|--file|--makefile)]}
230    if [[ -n $file ]]
231    then
232      [[ $file == [^/]* ]] && file=${(q)$(_make-findBasedir $words)}/$file
233      [[ -r $file ]] || file=
234    else
235      local basedir
236      basedir=${$(_make-findBasedir $words)}
237      if [[ $is_gnu == gnu && -r $basedir/GNUmakefile ]]
238      then
239        file=$basedir/GNUmakefile
240      elif [[ -r $basedir/makefile ]]
241      then
242        file=$basedir/makefile
243      elif [[ -r $basedir/Makefile ]]
244      then
245        file=$basedir/Makefile
246      else
247        file=''
248      fi
249    fi
251    if [[ -n "$file" ]]
252    then
253      if [[ $is_gnu == gnu ]] && zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:targets" call-command
254      then
255        _make-parseMakefile $PWD < <(_call_program targets "$words[1]" -nsp --no-print-directory -f "$file" .PHONY 2> /dev/null)
256      else
257        case "$OSTYPE" in
258          freebsd*)
259          _make-parseMakefile $PWD < <(_call_program targets "$words[1]" -nsp -f "$file" .PHONY 2> /dev/null)
260    ;;
261    *)
262          _make-parseMakefile $PWD < $file
263        esac
264      fi
265    fi
267    if [[ $PREFIX == *'='* ]]
268    then
269      # Complete make variable as if shell variable
270      compstate[parameter]="${PREFIX%%\=*}"
271      compset -P 1 '*='
272      _value "$@" && ret=0
273    else
274      _tags targets variables
275      while _tags
276      do
277        _requested targets expl 'make targets' \
278          compadd -- ${(k)TARGETS} && ret=0
279        _requested variables expl 'make variables' \
280          compadd -S '=' -- ${(k)VARIABLES} && ret=0
281      done
282    fi
283  esac
285  return ret
288_make "$@"