1" tarPlugin.vim -- a Vim plugin for browsing tarfiles
2" Original was copyright (c) 2002, Michael C. Toren <mct@toren.net>
3" Modified by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
4" Distributed under the GNU General Public License.
6" Updates are available from <http://michael.toren.net/code/>.  If you
7" find this script useful, or have suggestions for improvements, please
8" let me know.
9" Also look there for further comments and documentation.
11" This part only sets the autocommands.  The functions are in autoload/tar.vim.
12" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
13"  Load Once: {{{1
14if &cp || exists("g:loaded_tarPlugin")
15 finish
17let g:loaded_tarPlugin = "v26"
18let s:keepcpo          = &cpo
19set cpo&vim
21" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
22"  Public Interface: {{{1
23augroup tar
24  au!
25  au BufReadCmd   tarfile::*	call tar#Read(expand("<amatch>"), 1)
26  au FileReadCmd  tarfile::*	call tar#Read(expand("<amatch>"), 0)
27  au BufWriteCmd  tarfile::*	call tar#Write(expand("<amatch>"))
28  au FileWriteCmd tarfile::*	call tar#Write(expand("<amatch>"))
30  if has("unix")
31   au BufReadCmd   tarfile::*/*	call tar#Read(expand("<amatch>"), 1)
32   au FileReadCmd  tarfile::*/*	call tar#Read(expand("<amatch>"), 0)
33   au BufWriteCmd  tarfile::*/*	call tar#Write(expand("<amatch>"))
34   au FileWriteCmd tarfile::*/*	call tar#Write(expand("<amatch>"))
35  endif
37  au BufReadCmd   *.tar.gz		call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
38  au BufReadCmd   *.tar			call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
39  au BufReadCmd   *.lrp			call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
40  au BufReadCmd   *.tar.bz2		call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
41  au BufReadCmd   *.tar.Z		call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
42  au BufReadCmd   *.tgz			call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
43  au BufReadCmd   *.tar.lzma	call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
44  au BufReadCmd   *.tar.xz		call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
45  au BufReadCmd   *.txz			call tar#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
46augroup END
47com! -nargs=? -complete=file Vimuntar call tar#Vimuntar(<q-args>)
49" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
50" Restoration And Modelines: {{{1
51" vim: fdm=marker
52let &cpo= s:keepcpo
53unlet s:keepcpo