1" Vim Keymap file for the normalized Canadian multilingual keyboard
2" CAN/CSA Z243.200-92 using the latin1 encoding.
3" This mapping is limited in scope, as it assumes that the AltGr
4" key works as it typically does in a Windows system with a multilingual
5" English keyboard.  It probably won't work with the US keyboard on US
6" English versions of Windows, because those don't provide the AltGr keys.
7" The mapping was tested with Win2k and WinXP.
9" Maintainer: Eric Joanis <joanis@cs.toronto.edu>
10" Last Change: 2004 Jan 13
12" 2003 Dec 04
13" Initial Revision
15" 2004 Jan 13
16" Added the upper case accented characters, forgotten in the initial version.
18" All characters are given literally, conversion to another encoding (e.g.,
19" UTF-8) should work.
20scriptencoding latin1
22" Use this short name in the status line.
23let b:keymap_name = "canfr"
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