2# Contains the implementation of the tablelist::sortByColumn and
3# tablelist::addToSortColumns commands, as well as of the tablelist sort,
4# sortbycolumn, and sortbycolumnlist subcommands.
6# Structure of the module:
7#   - Public procedures related to sorting
8#   - Private procedures implementing the sorting
10# Copyright (c) 2000-2010  Csaba Nemethi (E-mail: csaba.nemethi@t-online.de)
14# Public procedures related to sorting
15# ====================================
19# tablelist::sortByColumn
21# Sorts the contents of the tablelist widget win by its col'th column.  Returns
22# the sort order (increasing or decreasing).
24proc tablelist::sortByColumn {win col} {
25    #
26    # Check the arguments
27    #
28    if {![winfo exists $win]} {
29	return -code error "bad window path name \"$win\""
30    }
31    if {[string compare [winfo class $win] "Tablelist"] != 0} {
32	return -code error "window \"$win\" is not a tablelist widget"
33    }
34    if {[catch {::$win columnindex $col} result] != 0} {
35	return -code error $result
36    }
37    if {$result < 0 || $result >= [::$win columncount]} {
38	return -code error "column index \"$col\" out of range"
39    }
40    set col $result
41    if {[::$win columncget $col -showlinenumbers]} {
42	return ""
43    }
45    #
46    # Determine the sort order
47    #
48    if {[set idx [lsearch -exact [::$win sortcolumnlist] $col]] >= 0 &&
49	[string compare [lindex [::$win sortorderlist] $idx] "increasing"]
50	== 0} {
51	set sortOrder decreasing
52    } else {
53	set sortOrder increasing
54    }
56    #
57    # Sort the widget's contents based on the given column
58    #
59    if {[catch {::$win sortbycolumn $col -$sortOrder} result] == 0} {
60	event generate $win <<TablelistColumnSorted>>
61	return $sortOrder
62    } else {
63	return -code error $result
64    }
68# tablelist::addToSortColumns
70# Adds the col'th column of the tablelist widget win to the latter's list of
71# sort columns and sorts the contents of the widget by the modified column
72# list.  Returns the specified column's sort order (increasing or decreasing).
74proc tablelist::addToSortColumns {win col} {
75    #
76    # Check the arguments
77    #
78    if {![winfo exists $win]} {
79	return -code error "bad window path name \"$win\""
80    }
81    if {[string compare [winfo class $win] "Tablelist"] != 0} {
82	return -code error "window \"$win\" is not a tablelist widget"
83    }
84    if {[catch {::$win columnindex $col} result] != 0} {
85	return -code error $result
86    }
87    if {$result < 0 || $result >= [::$win columncount]} {
88	return -code error "column index \"$col\" out of range"
89    }
90    set col $result
91    if {[::$win columncget $col -showlinenumbers]} {
92	return ""
93    }
95    #
96    # Update the lists of sort columns and orders
97    #
98    set sortColList [::$win sortcolumnlist]
99    set sortOrderList [::$win sortorderlist]
100    if {[set idx [lsearch -exact $sortColList $col]] >= 0} {
101	if {[string compare [lindex $sortOrderList $idx] "increasing"] == 0} {
102	    set sortOrder decreasing
103	} else {
104	    set sortOrder increasing
105	}
106	set sortOrderList [lreplace $sortOrderList $idx $idx $sortOrder]
107    } else {
108	lappend sortColList $col
109	lappend sortOrderList increasing
110	set sortOrder increasing
111    }
113    #
114    # Sort the widget's contents according to the
115    # modified lists of sort columns and orders
116    #
117    if {[catch {::$win sortbycolumnlist $sortColList $sortOrderList} result]
118	== 0} {
119	event generate $win <<TablelistColumnsSorted>>
120	return $sortOrder
121    } else {
122	return -code error $result
123    }
127# Private procedures implementing the sorting
128# ===========================================
132# tablelist::sortItems
134# Processes the tablelist sort, sortbycolumn, and sortbycolumnlist subcommands.
136proc tablelist::sortItems {win parentKey sortColList sortOrderList} {
137    variable canElide
138    variable snipSides
139    upvar ::tablelist::ns${win}::data data
141    set sortAllItems [expr {[string compare $parentKey "root"] == 0}]
142    if {[winfo viewable $win] && $sortAllItems} {
143	purgeWidgets $win
144	update idletasks
145	if {![winfo exists $win]} {		;# because of update idletasks
146	    return ""
147	}
148    }
150    #
151    # Make sure sortOrderList has the same length as sortColList
152    #
153    set sortColCount [llength $sortColList]
154    set sortOrderCount [llength $sortOrderList]
155    if {$sortOrderCount < $sortColCount} {
156	for {set n $sortOrderCount} {$n < $sortColCount} {incr n} {
157	    lappend sortOrderList increasing
158	}
159    } else {
160	set sortOrderList [lrange $sortOrderList 0 [expr {$sortColCount - 1}]]
161    }
163    #
164    # Save the keys corresponding to anchorRow and activeRow,
165    # as well as the indices of the selected cells
166    #
167    foreach type {anchor active} {
168	set ${type}Key [lindex $data(keyList) $data(${type}Row)]
169    }
170    set selCells [curCellSelection $win 1]
172    #
173    # Save some data of the edit window if present
174    #
175    if {[set editCol $data(editCol)] >= 0} {
176	set editKey $data(editKey)
177	saveEditData $win
178    }
180    #
181    # Update the sort info and sort the item list
182    #
183    set descItemList {}
184    if {[llength $sortColList] == 1 && [lindex $sortColList 0] == -1} {
185	if {[string compare $data(-sortcommand) ""] == 0} {
186	    return -code error "value of the -sortcommand option is empty"
187	}
189	set order [lindex $sortOrderList 0]
191	if {$sortAllItems} {
192	    #
193	    # Update the sort info
194	    #
195	    for {set col 0} {$col < $data(colCount)} {incr col} {
196		set data($col-sortRank) 0
197		set data($col-sortOrder) ""
198	    }
199	    set data(sortColList) {}
200	    set data(arrowColList) {}
201	    set data(sortOrder) $order
202	}
204	#
205	# Sort the child item list
206	#
207	sortChildren $win $parentKey [list lsort -$order -command \
208	    $data(-sortcommand)] descItemList
209    } else {					;# sorting by a column (list)
210	#
211	# Check the specified column indices
212	#
213	set sortColCount2 $sortColCount
214	foreach col $sortColList {
215	    if {$data($col-showlinenumbers)} {
216		incr sortColCount2 -1
217	    }
218	}
219	if {$sortColCount2 == 0} {
220	    return ""
221	}
223	if {$sortAllItems} {
224	    #
225	    # Update the sort info
226	    #
227	    for {set col 0} {$col < $data(colCount)} {incr col} {
228		set data($col-sortRank) 0
229		set data($col-sortOrder) ""
230	    }
231	    set rank 1
232	    foreach col $sortColList order $sortOrderList {
233		if {$data($col-showlinenumbers)} {
234		    continue
235		}
237		set data($col-sortRank) $rank
238		set data($col-sortOrder) $order
239		incr rank
240	    }
241	    makeSortAndArrowColLists $win
242	}
244	#
245	# Sort the child item list based on the specified columns
246	#
247	for {set idx [expr {$sortColCount - 1}]} {$idx >= 0} {incr idx -1} {
248	    set col [lindex $sortColList $idx]
249	    if {$data($col-showlinenumbers)} {
250		continue
251	    }
253	    set descItemList {}
254	    set order [lindex $sortOrderList $idx]
255	    if {[string compare $data($col-sortmode) "command"] == 0} {
256		if {![info exists data($col-sortcommand)]} {
257		    return -code error "value of the -sortcommand option for\
258					column $col is missing or empty"
259		}
261		sortChildren $win $parentKey [list lsort -$order -index $col \
262		    -command $data($col-sortcommand)] descItemList
263	    } elseif {[string compare $data($col-sortmode) "asciinocase"]
264		== 0} {
265		if {$::tk_version < 8.5} {
266		    sortChildren $win $parentKey [list lsort -$order \
267			-index $col -command compareNoCase] descItemList
268		} else {
269		    sortChildren $win $parentKey [list lsort -$order \
270			-index $col -ascii -nocase] descItemList
271		}
272	    } else {
273		sortChildren $win $parentKey [list lsort -$order -index $col \
274		    -$data($col-sortmode)] descItemList
275	    }
276	}
277    }
279    if {$sortAllItems} {
280	#
281	# Cancel the execution of all delayed
282	# redisplay and redisplayCol commands
283	#
284	foreach name [array names data *redispId] {
285	    after cancel $data($name)
286	    unset data($name)
287	}
289	set canvasWidth $data(arrowWidth)
290	if {[llength $data(arrowColList)] > 1} {
291	    incr canvasWidth 6
292	}
293	foreach col $data(arrowColList) {
294	    #
295	    # Make sure the arrow will fit into the column
296	    #
297	    set idx [expr {2*$col}]
298	    set pixels [lindex $data(colList) $idx]
299	    if {$pixels == 0 && $data($col-maxPixels) > 0 &&
300		$data($col-reqPixels) > $data($col-maxPixels) &&
301		$data($col-maxPixels) < $canvasWidth} {
302		set data($col-maxPixels) $canvasWidth
303		set data($col-maxwidth) -$canvasWidth
304	    }
305	    if {$pixels != 0 && $pixels < $canvasWidth} {
306		set data(colList) \
307		    [lreplace $data(colList) $idx $idx $canvasWidth]
308		set idx [expr {3*$col}]
309		set data(-columns) \
310		    [lreplace $data(-columns) $idx $idx -$canvasWidth]
311	    }
312	}
314	#
315	# Adjust the columns; this will also place the
316	# canvas widgets into the corresponding labels
317	#
318	adjustColumns $win allLabels 1
319    }
321    if {[llength $descItemList] == 0} {
322	return ""
323    }
325    set parentRow [keyToRow $win $parentKey]
326    set firstDescRow [expr {$parentRow + 1}]
327    set lastDescRow [expr {$parentRow + [descCount $win $parentKey]}]
328    set firstDescLine [expr {$firstDescRow + 1}]
329    set lastDescLine [expr {$lastDescRow + 1}]
331    #
332    # Update the line numbers (if any)
333    #
334    for {set col 0} {$col < $data(colCount)} {incr col} {
335	if {!$data($col-showlinenumbers)} {
336	    continue
337	}
339	set newDescItemList {}
340	set line $firstDescLine
341	foreach item $descItemList {
342	    set item [lreplace $item $col $col $line]
343	    lappend newDescItemList $item
344	    set key [lindex $item end]
345	    if {![info exists data($key-hide)]} {
346		incr line
347	    }
348	}
349	set descItemList $newDescItemList
350    }
352    set data(itemList) [eval [list lreplace $data(itemList) \
353	$firstDescRow $lastDescRow] $descItemList]
355    #
356    # Replace the contents of the list variable if present
357    #
358    condUpdateListVar $win
360    #
361    # Delete the items from the body text widget and insert the sorted ones.
362    # Interestingly, for a large number of items it is much more efficient
363    # to empty each line individually than to invoke a global delete command.
364    #
365    set w $data(body)
366    $w tag remove hiddenRow $firstDescLine.0 $lastDescLine.end
367    for {set line $firstDescLine} {$line <= $lastDescLine} {incr line} {
368	$w delete $line.0 $line.end
369    }
370    set snipStr $data(-snipstring)
371    set rowTagRefCount $data(rowTagRefCount)
372    set cellTagRefCount $data(cellTagRefCount)
373    set isSimple [expr {$data(imgCount) == 0 && $data(winCount) == 0 &&
374			$data(indentCount) == 0}]
375    set padY [expr {[$w cget -spacing1] == 0}]
376    set descKeyList {}
377    for {set row $firstDescRow; set line $firstDescLine} \
378	{$row <= $lastDescRow} {set row $line; incr line} {
379	set item [lindex $data(itemList) $row]
380	set key [lindex $item end]
381	lappend descKeyList $key
382	set data($key-row) $row
383	set dispItem [lrange $item 0 $data(lastCol)]
384	if {$data(hasFmtCmds)} {
385	    set dispItem [formatItem $win $key $row $dispItem]
386	}
388	#
389	# Clip the elements if necessary and
390	# insert them with the corresponding tags
391	#
392	if {$rowTagRefCount == 0} {
393	    set hasRowFont 0
394	} else {
395	    set hasRowFont [info exists data($key-font)]
396	}
397	set col 0
398	if {$isSimple} {
399	    set insertArgs {}
400	    set multilineData {}
401	    foreach text [strToDispStr $dispItem] \
402		    colFont $data(colFontList) \
403		    colTags $data(colTagsList) \
404		    {pixels alignment} $data(colList) {
405		if {$data($col-hide) && !$canElide} {
406		    incr col
407		    continue
408		}
410		#
411		# Build the list of tags to be applied to the cell
412		#
413		if {$hasRowFont} {
414		    set cellFont $data($key-font)
415		} else {
416		    set cellFont $colFont
417		}
418		set cellTags $colTags
419		if {$cellTagRefCount != 0} {
420		    if {[info exists data($key,$col-font)]} {
421			set cellFont $data($key,$col-font)
422			lappend cellTags cell-font-$data($key,$col-font)
423		    }
424		    foreach opt {-background -foreground} {
425			if {[info exists data($key,$col$opt)]} {
426			    lappend cellTags cell$opt-$data($key,$col$opt)
427			}
428		    }
429		}
431		#
432		# Clip the element if necessary
433		#
434		set multiline [string match "*\n*" $text]
435		if {$pixels == 0} {		;# convention: dynamic width
436		    if {$data($col-maxPixels) > 0} {
437			if {$data($col-reqPixels) > $data($col-maxPixels)} {
438			    set pixels $data($col-maxPixels)
439			}
440		    }
441		}
442		if {$pixels != 0} {
443		    incr pixels $data($col-delta)
445		    if {$data($col-wrap) && !$multiline} {
446			if {[font measure $cellFont -displayof $win $text] >
447			    $pixels} {
448			    set multiline 1
449			}
450		    }
452		    set snipSide \
453			$snipSides($alignment,$data($col-changesnipside))
454		    if {$multiline} {
455			set list [split $text "\n"]
456			if {$data($col-wrap)} {
457			    set snipSide ""
458			}
459			set text [joinList $win $list $cellFont \
460				  $pixels $snipSide $snipStr]
461		    } else {
462			set text [strRange $win $text $cellFont \
463				  $pixels $snipSide $snipStr]
464		    }
465		}
467		if {$multiline} {
468		    lappend insertArgs "\t\t" $cellTags
469		    lappend multilineData $col $text $colFont $pixels $alignment
470		} else {
471		    lappend insertArgs "\t$text\t" $cellTags
472		}
474		incr col
475	    }
477	    #
478	    # Insert the item into the body text widget
479	    #
480	    if {[llength $insertArgs] != 0} {
481		eval [list $w insert $line.0] $insertArgs
482	    }
484	    #
485	    # Embed the message widgets displaying multiline elements
486	    #
487	    foreach {col text font pixels alignment} $multilineData {
488		findTabs $win $line $col $col tabIdx1 tabIdx2
489		set msgScript [list ::tablelist::displayText $win $key \
490			       $col $text $font $pixels $alignment]
491		$w window create $tabIdx2 -pady $padY -create $msgScript
492	    }
494	} else {
495	    foreach text [strToDispStr $dispItem] \
496		    colFont $data(colFontList) \
497		    colTags $data(colTagsList) \
498		    {pixels alignment} $data(colList) {
499		if {$data($col-hide) && !$canElide} {
500		    incr col
501		    continue
502		}
504		#
505		# Build the list of tags to be applied to the cell
506		#
507		if {$hasRowFont} {
508		    set cellFont $data($key-font)
509		} else {
510		    set cellFont $colFont
511		}
512		set cellTags $colTags
513		if {$cellTagRefCount != 0} {
514		    if {[info exists data($key,$col-font)]} {
515			set cellFont $data($key,$col-font)
516			lappend cellTags cell-font-$data($key,$col-font)
517		    }
518		    foreach opt {-background -foreground} {
519			if {[info exists data($key,$col$opt)]} {
520			    lappend cellTags cell$opt-$data($key,$col$opt)
521			}
522		    }
523		}
525		#
526		# Insert the text and the label or window
527		# (if any) into the body text widget
528		#
529		appendComplexElem $win $key $row $col $text $pixels \
530				  $alignment $snipStr $cellFont $cellTags $line
532		incr col
533	    }
534	}
536	if {$rowTagRefCount != 0} {
537	    foreach opt {-background -foreground -font} {
538		if {[info exists data($key$opt)]} {
539		    $w tag add row$opt-$data($key$opt) $line.0 $line.end
540		}
541	    }
542	}
544	if {[info exists data($key-hide)]} {
545	    $w tag add hiddenRow $line.0 $line.end+1c
546	}
547    }
549    set data(keyList) [eval [list lreplace $data(keyList) \
550	$firstDescRow $lastDescRow] $descKeyList]
552    if {$sortAllItems} {
553	#
554	# Validate the key -> row mapping
555	#
556	set data(keyToRowMapValid) 1
557	if {[info exists data(mapId)]} {
558	    after cancel $data(mapId)
559	    unset data(mapId)
560	}
561    }
563    #
564    # Invalidate the list of row indices indicating the non-hidden rows
565    #
566    set data(nonHiddenRowList) {-1}
568    #
569    # Select the cells that were selected before
570    #
571    foreach {key col} $selCells {
572	set row [keyToRow $win $key]
573	cellSelection $win set $row $col $row $col
574    }
576    #
577    # Disable the body text widget if it was disabled before
578    #
579    if {$data(isDisabled)} {
580	$w tag add disabled 1.0 end
581	$w tag configure select -borderwidth 0
582    }
584    #
585    # Update anchorRow and activeRow
586    #
587    foreach type {anchor active} {
588	upvar 0 ${type}Key key2
589	if {[string compare $key2 ""] != 0} {
590	    set data(${type}Row) [keyToRow $win $key2]
591	}
592    }
594    #
595    # Bring the "most important" row into view if appropriate
596    #
597    if {$editCol >= 0} {
598	set editRow [keyToRow $win $editKey]
599	if {$editRow >= $firstDescRow && $editRow <= $lastDescRow} {
600	    doEditCell $win $editRow $editCol 1
601	}
602    } else {
603	set selRows [curSelection $win]
604	if {[llength $selRows] == 1} {
605	    set selRow [lindex $selRows 0]
606	    if {$selRow >= $firstDescRow && $selRow <= $lastDescRow} {
607		seeRow $win $selRow
608	    }
609	} elseif {[string compare [focus -lastfor $w] $w] == 0} {
610	    if {$data(activeRow) >= $firstDescRow &&
611		$data(activeRow) <= $lastDescRow} {
612		seeRow $win $data(activeRow)
613	    }
614	}
615    }
617    #
618    # Adjust the elided text and restore the stripes in the body text widget
619    #
620    adjustElidedText $win
621    makeStripes $win
622    updateColorsWhenIdle $win
623    adjustSepsWhenIdle $win
624    updateVScrlbarWhenIdle $win
626    #
627    # Work around a Tk bug on Mac OS X Aqua
628    #
629    variable winSys
630    if {[string compare $winSys "aqua"] == 0} {
631	foreach col $data(arrowColList) {
632	    set canvas [list $data(hdrTxtFrCanv)$col]
633	    after idle "lower $canvas; raise $canvas"
634	}
635    }
637    return ""
641# tablelist::sortChildren
643# Sorts the children of a given parent within the tablelist widget win,
644# recursively.
646proc tablelist::sortChildren {win parentKey sortProc itemListName} {
647    upvar $itemListName itemList ::tablelist::ns${win}::data data
649    set childKeyList $data($parentKey-children)
650    if {[llength $childKeyList] == 0} {
651	return ""
652    }
654    #
655    # Build and sort the list of child items
656    #
657    set childItemList {}
658    foreach childKey $childKeyList {
659	lappend childItemList [lindex $data(itemList) [keyToRow $win $childKey]]
660    }
661    set childItemList [eval $sortProc [list $childItemList]]
663    #
664    # Update the lists and invoke the procedure recursively for the children
665    #
666    set data($parentKey-children) {}
667    foreach item $childItemList {
668	lappend itemList $item
669	set childKey [lindex $item end]
670	lappend data($parentKey-children) $childKey
672	sortChildren $win $childKey $sortProc itemList
673    }
677# tablelist::sortList
679# Sorts the specified list by the current sort columns of the tablelist widget
680# win, using their current sort orders.
682proc tablelist::sortList {win list} {
683    upvar ::tablelist::ns${win}::data data
684    set sortColList $data(sortColList)
685    set sortOrderList {}
686    foreach col $sortColList {
687	lappend sortOrderList $data($col-sortOrder)
688    }
690    if {[llength $sortColList] == 1 && [lindex $sortColList 0] == -1} {
691	if {[string compare $data(-sortcommand) ""] == 0} {
692	    return -code error "value of the -sortcommand option is empty"
693	}
695	#
696	# Sort the list
697	#
698	set order [lindex $sortOrderList 0]
699	return [lsort -$order -command $data(-sortcommand) $list]
700    } else {
701	#
702	# Sort the list based on the specified columns
703	#
704	set sortColCount [llength $sortColList]
705	for {set idx [expr {$sortColCount - 1}]} {$idx >= 0} {incr idx -1} {
706	    set col [lindex $sortColList $idx]
707	    set order [lindex $sortOrderList $idx]
709	    if {[string compare $data($col-sortmode) "command"] == 0} {
710		if {![info exists data($col-sortcommand)]} {
711		    return -code error "value of the -sortcommand option for\
712					column $col is missing or empty"
713		}
715		set list [lsort -$order -index $col -command \
716			  $data($col-sortcommand) $list]
717	    } elseif {[string compare $data($col-sortmode) "asciinocase"]
718		== 0} {
719		if {$::tk_version < 8.5} {
720		    set list [lsort -$order -index $col -command \
721			      compareNoCase $list]
722		} else {
723		    set list [lsort -$order -index $col -ascii -nocase $list]
724		}
725	    } else {
726		set list [lsort -$order -index $col -$data($col-sortmode) $list]
727	    }
728	}
730	return $list
731    }
735# tablelist::compareNoCase
737# Compares the given strings in a case-insensitive manner.
739proc tablelist::compareNoCase {str1 str2} {
740    return [string compare [string tolower $str1] [string tolower $str2]]