1RCS: @(#) $Id: README,v 1.3 2003/11/28 22:42:03 andreas_kupries Exp $
3Welcome to the tklib, the Tk Standard Library.  This package is
4intended to be a collection of Tcl packages that provide utility
5functions useful to a large collection of Tcl programmers.
7The home web site for this code is http://tcllib.sourceforge.net/ .
8At this web site, you will find mailing lists, web forums, databases
9for bug reports and feature requests, the CVS repository (browsable on
10the web, or read-only accessible via CVS ), and more.
12Please note that tklib depends on tcllib, the Tcl Standard Library.
13This is true for both installation and runtime.
16The structure of the tklib source hierarchy is:
19 +- modules
20     +- <module1>
21     +- <module2>
22     +- ...
25The install hierarchy is:
28        +- <module1>
29        +- <module2>
30        +- ...
32There are some base requirements that a module must meet before it
33will be added to tklib:
35* the module must be a proper Tcl package
36* the module must use a namespace for its commands and variables
37* the name of the package must be the same as the name of the
38  namespace
39* the module must reside in a subdirectory of the modules directory in
40  the source hierarchy, and that subdirectory must have the same name
41  as the package and namespace
42* the module must be released under the BSD License, the terms of
43  which can be found in the toplevel tklib source directory in the file
44  license.terms
45* the module should have both documentation ([*]) and a test suite
46  (in the form of a group of *.test files in the module directory).
48  [*] Possible forms: doctools, TMML/XML, nroff (man), or HTML.
49      The first format is the most prefered as it can be processed with
50      tools provided by tcllib (See module doctools there). The first
51      two are prefered in general as they are semantic markup and thus
52      easier to convert into other formats.
54* the module must have either documentation or a test suite.  It can
55  not have neither.
56* the module should adhere to Tcl coding standards
58When adding a module to tklib, be sure to add it to the files listed below.
60* installed_modules.tcl
62  contains a table listing all modules to be installed, modules
63  excluded, and names the actions to be taken during installation
64  of each module. Add a line to this table naming your module and
65  its actions.
67  Three actions have to be specified, for the package itself, its
68  documentation, and the examples demonstrating it.
70  The _null action can be used everywhere and signals that there is
71  nothing to do. Although it is possible to use it for the package
72  action it does make no sense there, as that means that no package
73  code is installed.
75  Other package actions are _tcl, _tci, and _text. The first causes
76  the installer to copy all .tcl files from the source directory for
77  the module into the appropriate module directory. _tci does all that
78  and also expects a tclIndex file to copy. _tex is like _tcl, however
79  it also copies all .tex files found in the source directory for the
80  module.
82  There is currently only one true documentation action. This action
83  is _doc. It converts all documentation in doctools format into the
84  format chosen by the user for installation and copies the result
85  into the appropriate directory.
87  There is currently one true action for examples, _exa. It copies all
88  files in the source directory for examples into the directory chosen
89  by the user as destination for examples.
91Each module source directory should have no subdirectories (other than
92the CVS directory), and should contain the following files:
94* source code		*.tcl
95* package index		pkgIndex.tcl
96* tests			*.test
97* documentation		*.man, *.n, *.xml
99If you do not follow this directory structure, the tklib Makefile
100will fail to locate the files from the new module.