1# -*- tcl -*-
2# Parsing Expression Grammar 'PEG'.
3# Definition of a human-readable form of parsing expression grammar specification.
5package require Tcl 8.5
6package require snit
7package require pt::peg::container
9snit::type pt::peg::container::peg {
10    constructor {} {
11        install myg using pt::peg::container ${selfns}::G
12        $myg start {n Grammar}
13        $myg add   ALNUM ALPHA AND APOSTROPH ASCII Attribute Char CharOctalFull CharOctalPart CharSpecial CharUnescaped CharUnicode Class CLOSE CLOSEB COLON COMMENT DAPOSTROPH DDIGIT Definition DIGIT DOT END EOF EOL Expression Final Grammar GRAPH Header Ident Identifier IS LEAF Literal LOWER NOT OPEN OPENB PEG PLUS Prefix Primary PRINTABLE PUNCT QUESTION Range SEMICOLON Sequence SLASH SPACE STAR StartExpr Suffix TO UPPER VOID WHITESPACE WORDCHAR XDIGIT
14        $myg modes {
15            ALNUM         leaf
16            ALPHA         leaf
17            AND           leaf
18            APOSTROPH     void
19            ASCII         leaf
20            Attribute     value
21            Char          value
22            CharOctalFull leaf
23            CharOctalPart leaf
24            CharSpecial   leaf
25            CharUnescaped leaf
26            CharUnicode   leaf
27            Class         value
28            CLOSE         void
29            CLOSEB        void
30            COLON         void
31            COMMENT       void
32            DAPOSTROPH    void
33            DDIGIT        leaf
34            Definition    value
35            DIGIT         leaf
36            DOT           leaf
37            END           void
38            EOF           void
39            EOL           void
40            Expression    value
41            Final         void
42            Grammar       value
43            GRAPH         leaf
44            Header        value
45            Ident         leaf
46            Identifier    value
47            IS            void
48            LEAF          leaf
49            Literal       value
50            LOWER         leaf
51            NOT           leaf
52            OPEN          void
53            OPENB         void
54            PEG           void
55            PLUS          leaf
56            Prefix        value
57            Primary       value
58            PRINTABLE     leaf
59            PUNCT         leaf
60            QUESTION      leaf
61            Range         value
62            SEMICOLON     void
63            Sequence      value
64            SLASH         void
65            SPACE         leaf
66            STAR          leaf
67            StartExpr     value
68            Suffix        value
69            TO            void
70            UPPER         leaf
71            VOID          leaf
72            WHITESPACE    void
73            WORDCHAR      leaf
74            XDIGIT        leaf
75        }
76        $myg rules {
77            ALNUM         {x {t <} {t a} {t l} {t n} {t u} {t m} {t >} {n WHITESPACE}}
78            ALPHA         {x {t <} {t a} {t l} {t p} {t h} {t a} {t >} {n WHITESPACE}}
79            AND           {x {t &} {n WHITESPACE}}
80            APOSTROPH     {t '}
81            ASCII         {x {t <} {t a} {t s} {t c} {t i} {t i} {t >} {n WHITESPACE}}
82            Attribute     {x {/ {n VOID} {n LEAF}} {n COLON}}
83            Char          {/ {n CharSpecial} {n CharOctalFull} {n CharOctalPart} {n CharUnicode} {n CharUnescaped}}
84            CharOctalFull {x {t \134} {.. 0 2} {.. 0 7} {.. 0 7}}
85            CharOctalPart {x {t \134} {.. 0 7} {? {.. 0 7}}}
86            CharSpecial   {x {t \134} {/ {t n} {t r} {t t} {t '} {t \42} {t \133} {t \135} {t \134}}}
87            CharUnescaped {x {! {t \134}} dot}
88            CharUnicode   {x {t \134} {t u} xdigit {? {x xdigit {? {x xdigit {? xdigit}}}}}}
89            Class         {x {n OPENB} {* {x {! {n CLOSEB}} {n Range}}} {n CLOSEB} {n WHITESPACE}}
90            CLOSE         {x {t \51} {n WHITESPACE}}
91            CLOSEB        {t \135}
92            COLON         {x {t :} {n WHITESPACE}}
93            COMMENT       {x {t #} {* {x {! {n EOL}} dot}} {n EOL}}
94            DAPOSTROPH    {t \42}
95            DDIGIT        {x {t <} {t d} {t d} {t i} {t g} {t i} {t t} {t >} {n WHITESPACE}}
96            Definition    {x {? {n Attribute}} {n Identifier} {n IS} {n Expression} {n SEMICOLON}}
97            DIGIT         {x {t <} {t d} {t i} {t g} {t i} {t t} {t >} {n WHITESPACE}}
98            DOT           {x {t .} {n WHITESPACE}}
99            END           {x {t E} {t N} {t D} {n WHITESPACE}}
100            EOF           {! dot}
101            EOL           {/ {x {t \r} {t \n}} {t \n} {t \r}}
102            Expression    {x {n Sequence} {* {x {n SLASH} {n Sequence}}}}
103            Final         {x {n END} {n SEMICOLON} {n WHITESPACE}}
104            Grammar       {x {n WHITESPACE} {n Header} {* {n Definition}} {n Final} {n EOF}}
105            GRAPH         {x {t <} {t g} {t r} {t a} {t p} {t h} {t >} {n WHITESPACE}}
106            Header        {x {n PEG} {n Identifier} {n StartExpr}}
107            Ident         {x {/ {t _} {t :} alpha} {* {/ {t _} {t :} alnum}}}
108            Identifier    {x {n Ident} {n WHITESPACE}}
109            IS            {x {t <} {t -} {n WHITESPACE}}
110            LEAF          {x {t l} {t e} {t a} {t f} {n WHITESPACE}}
111            Literal       {/ {x {n APOSTROPH} {* {x {! {n APOSTROPH}} {n Char}}} {n APOSTROPH} {n WHITESPACE}} {x {n DAPOSTROPH} {* {x {! {n DAPOSTROPH}} {n Char}}} {n DAPOSTROPH} {n WHITESPACE}}}
112            LOWER         {x {t <} {t l} {t o} {t w} {t e} {t r} {t >} {n WHITESPACE}}
113            NOT           {x {t !} {n WHITESPACE}}
114            OPEN          {x {t \50} {n WHITESPACE}}
115            OPENB         {t \133}
116            PEG           {x {t P} {t E} {t G} {n WHITESPACE}}
117            PLUS          {x {t +} {n WHITESPACE}}
118            Prefix        {x {? {/ {n AND} {n NOT}}} {n Suffix}}
119            Primary       {/ {n ALNUM} {n ALPHA} {n ASCII} {n DDIGIT} {n DIGIT} {n GRAPH} {n LOWER} {n PRINTABLE} {n PUNCT} {n SPACE} {n UPPER} {n WORDCHAR} {n XDIGIT} {n Identifier} {x {n OPEN} {n Expression} {n CLOSE}} {n Literal} {n Class} {n DOT}}
120            PRINTABLE     {x {t <} {t p} {t r} {t i} {t n} {t t} {t >} {n WHITESPACE}}
121            PUNCT         {x {t <} {t p} {t u} {t n} {t c} {t t} {t >} {n WHITESPACE}}
122            QUESTION      {x {t ?} {n WHITESPACE}}
123            Range         {/ {x {n Char} {n TO} {n Char}} {n Char}}
124            SEMICOLON     {x {t \73} {n WHITESPACE}}
125            Sequence      {+ {n Prefix}}
126            SLASH         {x {t /} {n WHITESPACE}}
127            SPACE         {x {t <} {t s} {t p} {t a} {t c} {t e} {t >} {n WHITESPACE}}
128            STAR          {x {t *} {n WHITESPACE}}
129            StartExpr     {x {n OPEN} {n Expression} {n CLOSE}}
130            Suffix        {x {n Primary} {? {/ {n QUESTION} {n STAR} {n PLUS}}}}
131            TO            {t -}
132            UPPER         {x {t <} {t u} {t p} {t p} {t e} {t r} {t >} {n WHITESPACE}}
133            VOID          {x {t v} {t o} {t i} {t d} {n WHITESPACE}}
134            WHITESPACE    {* {/ {t \40} {t \t} {n EOL} {n COMMENT}}}
135            WORDCHAR      {x {t <} {t w} {t o} {t r} {t d} {t c} {t h} {t a} {t r} {t >} {n WHITESPACE}}
136            XDIGIT        {x {t <} {t x} {t d} {t i} {t g} {t i} {t t} {t >} {n WHITESPACE}}
137        }
138        return
139    }
141    component myg
142    delegate method * to myg
145package provide pt::peg::container::peg 1