2# Tests for inheritance and scope handling
3# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4#   AUTHOR:  Michael J. McLennan
5#            Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies
6#            mmclennan@lucent.com
7#            http://www.tcltk.com/itcl
9#      RCS:  $Id: inherit.test,v 1.5 2004/02/12 18:09:50 davygrvy Exp $
10# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11#            Copyright (c) 1993-1998  Lucent Technologies, Inc.
12# ======================================================================
13# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
14# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
16if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
17    package require tcltest 2.1
18    namespace import -force ::tcltest::test
23# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
24#  Test construction/destruction with inheritance
25# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
26test inherit-1.1 {define classes with constructors/destructors} {
27    variable ::test_cd_watch ""
28    itcl::class test_cd_foo {
29        constructor {x y} {
30            global ::test_cd_watch
31            lappend test_cd_watch "foo: $x $y"
32        }
33        destructor {
34            global ::test_cd_watch
35            lappend test_cd_watch "foo destruct"
36        }
37    }
38    itcl::class test_cd_bar {
39        constructor {args} {
40            global ::test_cd_watch
41            lappend test_cd_watch "bar: $args"
42        }
43        destructor {
44            global ::test_cd_watch
45            lappend test_cd_watch "bar destruct"
46        }
47    }
48    itcl::class test_cd_foobar {
49        inherit test_cd_foo test_cd_bar
50        constructor {x y args} {
51            test_cd_foo::constructor $x $y
52        } {
53            global ::test_cd_watch
54            lappend test_cd_watch "foobar: $x $y ($args)"
55        }
56        destructor {
57            global ::test_cd_watch
58            lappend test_cd_watch "foobar destruct"
59        }
60    }
61    itcl::class test_cd_geek {
62        constructor {} {
63            global ::test_cd_watch
64            lappend test_cd_watch "geek"
65        }
66        destructor {
67            global ::test_cd_watch
68            lappend test_cd_watch "geek destruct"
69        }
70    }
71    itcl::class test_cd_mongrel {
72        inherit test_cd_foobar test_cd_geek
73        constructor {x} {
74            eval test_cd_foobar::constructor 1 2 fred $x
75        } {
76            global ::test_cd_watch
77            lappend test_cd_watch "mongrel: $x"
78        }
79        destructor {
80            global ::test_cd_watch
81            lappend test_cd_watch "mongrel destruct"
82        }
83    }
84    itcl::class test_cd_none {
85        inherit test_cd_bar test_cd_geek
86    }
87    itcl::class test_cd_skip {
88        inherit test_cd_none
89        constructor {} {
90            global ::test_cd_watch
91            lappend test_cd_watch "skip"
92        }
93        destructor {
94            global ::test_cd_watch
95            lappend test_cd_watch "skip destruct"
96        }
97    }
98} {}
100test inherit-1.2 {constructors should be invoked in the proper order} {
101    set ::test_cd_watch ""
102    list [test_cd_mongrel #auto bob] [set ::test_cd_watch]
103} {test_cd_mongrel0 {{foo: 1 2} {bar: } {foobar: 1 2 (fred bob)} geek {mongrel: bob}}}
105test inherit-1.3 {destructors should be invoked in the proper order} {
106    set ::test_cd_watch ""
107    list [itcl::delete object test_cd_mongrel0] [set ::test_cd_watch]
108} {{} {{mongrel destruct} {foobar destruct} {foo destruct} {bar destruct} {geek destruct}}}
110test inherit-1.4 {constructors are optional} {
111    set ::test_cd_watch ""
112    list [test_cd_none #auto] [set ::test_cd_watch]
113} {test_cd_none0 {geek {bar: }}}
115test inherit-1.5 {destructors are optional} {
116    set ::test_cd_watch ""
117    list [itcl::delete object test_cd_none0] [set ::test_cd_watch]
118} {{} {{bar destruct} {geek destruct}}}
120test inherit-1.6 {construction ok if constructors are missing} {
121    set ::test_cd_watch ""
122    list [test_cd_skip #auto] [set ::test_cd_watch]
123} {test_cd_skip0 {geek {bar: } skip}}
125test inherit-1.7 {destruction ok if destructors are missing} {
126    set ::test_cd_watch ""
127    list [itcl::delete object test_cd_skip0] [set ::test_cd_watch]
128} {{} {{skip destruct} {bar destruct} {geek destruct}}}
130test inherit-1.8 {errors during construction are cleaned up and reported} {
131    global errorInfo test_cd_watch
132    set test_cd_watch ""
133    itcl::body test_cd_bar::constructor {args} {error "bar: failed"}
134    list [catch {test_cd_mongrel #auto bob} msg] $msg \
135        $errorInfo $test_cd_watch
136} {1 {bar: failed} {bar: failed
137    while executing
138"error "bar: failed""
139    while constructing object "::test_cd_mongrel1" in ::test_cd_bar::constructor (body line 1)
140    while constructing object "::test_cd_mongrel1" in ::test_cd_foobar::constructor (body line 1)
141    invoked from within
142"test_cd_foobar::constructor 1 2 fred bob"
143    ("eval" body line 1)
144    invoked from within
145"eval test_cd_foobar::constructor 1 2 fred $x"
146    while constructing object "::test_cd_mongrel1" in ::test_cd_mongrel::constructor (body line 2)
147    invoked from within
148"test_cd_mongrel #auto bob"} {{foo: 1 2} {mongrel destruct} {foobar destruct} {foo destruct} {bar destruct} {geek destruct}}}
150test inherit-1.9 {errors during destruction prevent object delete} {
151    global errorInfo test_cd_watch
152    itcl::body test_cd_bar::constructor {args} {return "bar: $args"}
153    itcl::body test_cd_bar::destructor {} {error "bar: failed"}
154    test_cd_mongrel mongrel1 ted
155    set test_cd_watch ""
156    list [catch {itcl::delete object mongrel1} msg] $msg \
157        $errorInfo $test_cd_watch [itcl::find objects mongrel*]
158} {1 {bar: failed} {bar: failed
159    while executing
160"error "bar: failed""
161    while deleting object "::mongrel1" in ::test_cd_bar::destructor (body line 1)
162    invoked from within
163"itcl::delete object mongrel1"} {{mongrel destruct} {foobar destruct} {foo destruct}} mongrel1}
165test inherit-1.10 {errors during destruction prevent class delete} {
166    list [catch {itcl::delete class test_cd_foo} msg] $msg
167} {1 {bar: failed}}
169eval namespace delete [itcl::find classes test_cd_*]
171# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
172#  Test data member access and scoping
173# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
174test inherit-2.1 {define classes with data members} {
175    itcl::class test_cd_foo {
176        protected variable x "foo-x"
177        method do {args} {eval $args}
178    }
179    itcl::class test_cd_bar {
180        protected variable x "bar-x"
181        method do {args} {eval $args}
182    }
183    itcl::class test_cd_foobar {
184        inherit test_cd_foo test_cd_bar
185        method do {args} {eval $args}
186    }
187    itcl::class test_cd_geek {
188        method do {args} {eval $args}
189    }
190    itcl::class test_cd_mongrel {
191        inherit test_cd_foobar test_cd_geek
192        protected variable x "mongrel-x"
193        method do {args} {eval $args}
194    }
195} {}
197test inherit-2.2 {"info" provides access to shadowed data members} {
198    test_cd_mongrel #auto
199    list [lsort [test_cd_mongrel0 info variable]] \
200         [test_cd_mongrel0 info variable test_cd_foo::x] \
201         [test_cd_mongrel0 info variable test_cd_bar::x] \
202         [test_cd_mongrel0 info variable test_cd_mongrel::x] \
203         [test_cd_mongrel0 info variable x]
204} {{::test_cd_bar::x ::test_cd_foo::x ::test_cd_mongrel::this ::test_cd_mongrel::x} {protected variable ::test_cd_foo::x foo-x foo-x} {protected variable ::test_cd_bar::x bar-x bar-x} {protected variable ::test_cd_mongrel::x mongrel-x mongrel-x} {protected variable ::test_cd_mongrel::x mongrel-x mongrel-x}}
206test inherit-2.3 {variable resolution works properly in methods} {
207    list [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::do set x] \
208         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_bar::do set x] \
209         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do set x] \
210         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_mongrel::do set x]
211} {foo-x bar-x foo-x mongrel-x}
213test inherit-2.4 {methods have access to shadowed data members} {
214    list [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do set x] \
215         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do set test_cd_foo::x] \
216         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do set test_cd_bar::x] \
217         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_mongrel::do set test_cd_foo::x] \
218         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_mongrel::do set test_cd_bar::x]
219} {foo-x foo-x bar-x foo-x bar-x}
221eval namespace delete [itcl::find classes test_cd_*]
223# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
224#  Test public variables and "configure" method
225# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
226test inherit-3.1 {define classes with public variables} {
227    variable ::test_cd_watch ""
228    itcl::class test_cd_foo {
229        public variable x "foo-x" {
230            global test_cd_watch
231            lappend test_cd_watch "foo: $x in scope [namespace current]"
232        }
233        method do {args} {eval $args}
234    }
235    itcl::class test_cd_bar {
236        public variable x "bar-x" {
237            global test_cd_watch
238            lappend test_cd_watch "bar: $x in scope [namespace current]"
239        }
240        method do {args} {eval $args}
241    }
242    itcl::class test_cd_foobar {
243        inherit test_cd_foo test_cd_bar
244        method do {args} {eval $args}
245    }
246    itcl::class test_cd_geek {
247        method do {args} {eval $args}
248    }
249    itcl::class test_cd_mongrel {
250        inherit test_cd_foobar test_cd_geek
251        public variable x "mongrel-x" {
252            global test_cd_watch
253            lappend test_cd_watch "mongrel: $x in scope [namespace current]"
254        }
255        method do {args} {eval $args}
256    }
257} {}
259test inherit-3.2 {create an object with public variables} {
260    test_cd_mongrel #auto
261} {test_cd_mongrel0}
263test inherit-3.3 {"configure" lists all public variables} {
264    lsort [test_cd_mongrel0 configure]
265} {{-test_cd_bar::x bar-x bar-x} {-test_cd_foo::x foo-x foo-x} {-x mongrel-x mongrel-x}}
267test inherit-3.4 {"configure" treats simple names as "most specific"} {
268    lsort [test_cd_mongrel0 configure -x]
269} {-x mongrel-x mongrel-x}
271test inherit-3.5 {"configure" treats simple names as "most specific"} {
272    set ::test_cd_watch ""
273    list [test_cd_mongrel0 configure -x hello] \
274         [set ::test_cd_watch]
275} {{} {{mongrel: hello in scope ::test_cd_mongrel}}}
277test inherit-3.6 {"configure" allows access to shadowed options} {
278    set ::test_cd_watch ""
279    list [test_cd_mongrel0 configure -test_cd_foo::x hello] \
280         [test_cd_mongrel0 configure -test_cd_bar::x there] \
281         [set ::test_cd_watch]
282} {{} {} {{foo: hello in scope ::test_cd_foo} {bar: there in scope ::test_cd_bar}}}
284test inherit-3.7 {"configure" will change several variables at once} {
285    set ::test_cd_watch ""
286    list [test_cd_mongrel0 configure -x one \
287                                     -test_cd_foo::x two \
288                                     -test_cd_bar::x three] \
289         [set ::test_cd_watch]
290} {{} {{mongrel: one in scope ::test_cd_mongrel} {foo: two in scope ::test_cd_foo} {bar: three in scope ::test_cd_bar}}}
292test inherit-3.8 {"cget" does proper name resolution} {
293    list [test_cd_mongrel0 cget -x] \
294         [test_cd_mongrel0 cget -test_cd_foo::x] \
295         [test_cd_mongrel0 cget -test_cd_bar::x] \
296         [test_cd_mongrel0 cget -test_cd_mongrel::x]
297} {one two three one}
299eval namespace delete [itcl::find classes test_cd_*]
301# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
302#  Test inheritance info
303# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
304test inherit-4.1 {define classes for inheritance info} {
305    itcl::class test_cd_foo {
306        method do {args} {eval $args}
307    }
308    itcl::class test_cd_bar {
309        method do {args} {eval $args}
310    }
311    itcl::class test_cd_foobar {
312        inherit test_cd_foo test_cd_bar
313        method do {args} {eval $args}
314    }
315    itcl::class test_cd_geek {
316        method do {args} {eval $args}
317    }
318    itcl::class test_cd_mongrel {
319        inherit test_cd_foobar test_cd_geek
320        method do {args} {eval $args}
321    }
322} {}
324test inherit-4.2 {create an object for inheritance tests} {
325    test_cd_mongrel #auto
326} {test_cd_mongrel0}
328test inherit-4.3 {"info class" should be virtual} {
329    list [test_cd_mongrel0 info class] \
330         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::do info class] \
331         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_geek::do info class]
332} {::test_cd_mongrel ::test_cd_mongrel ::test_cd_mongrel}
334test inherit-4.4 {"info inherit" depends on class scope} {
335    list [test_cd_mongrel0 info inherit] \
336         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::do info inherit] \
337         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do info inherit]
338} {{::test_cd_foobar ::test_cd_geek} {} {::test_cd_foo ::test_cd_bar}}
340test inherit-4.5 {"info heritage" depends on class scope} {
341    list [test_cd_mongrel0 info heritage] \
342         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::do info heritage] \
343         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do info heritage]
344} {{::test_cd_mongrel ::test_cd_foobar ::test_cd_foo ::test_cd_bar ::test_cd_geek} ::test_cd_foo {::test_cd_foobar ::test_cd_foo ::test_cd_bar}}
346test inherit-4.6 {built-in "isa" method works} {
347    set status ""
348    foreach c [test_cd_mongrel0 info heritage] {
349        lappend status [test_cd_mongrel0 isa $c]
350    }
351    set status
352} {1 1 1 1 1}
354test inherit-4.7 {built-in "isa" method works within methods} {
355    set status ""
356    foreach c [test_cd_mongrel0 info heritage] {
357        lappend status [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::do isa $c]
358    }
359    set status
360} {1 1 1 1 1}
362test inherit-4.8 {built-in "isa" method recognizes bad classes} {
363    itcl::class test_cd_other {}
364    test_cd_mongrel0 isa test_cd_other
365} {0}
367test inherit-4.9 {built-in "isa" method recognizes bad classes} {
368    list [catch {test_cd_mongrel0 isa test_cd_bogus} msg] $msg
369} {1 {class "test_cd_bogus" not found in context "::test_cd_foo"}}
371eval namespace delete [itcl::find classes test_cd_*]
373# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
374#  Test "find objects"
375# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
376test inherit-5.1 {define classes for inheritance info} {
377    itcl::class test_cd_foo {
378    }
379    itcl::class test_cd_bar {
380    }
381    itcl::class test_cd_foobar {
382        inherit test_cd_foo test_cd_bar
383    }
384    itcl::class test_cd_geek {
385    }
386    itcl::class test_cd_mongrel {
387        inherit test_cd_foobar test_cd_geek
388    }
389} {}
391test inherit-5.2 {create objects for info tests} {
392    list [test_cd_foo #auto] [test_cd_foo #auto] \
393         [test_cd_foobar #auto] \
394         [test_cd_geek #auto] \
395         [test_cd_mongrel #auto]
396} {test_cd_foo0 test_cd_foo1 test_cd_foobar0 test_cd_geek0 test_cd_mongrel0}
398test inherit-5.3 {find objects: -class qualifier} {
399    lsort [itcl::find objects -class test_cd_foo]
400} {test_cd_foo0 test_cd_foo1}
402test inherit-5.4 {find objects: -class qualifier} {
403    lsort [itcl::find objects -class test_cd_mongrel]
404} {test_cd_mongrel0}
406test inherit-5.5 {find objects: -isa qualifier} {
407    lsort [itcl::find objects -isa test_cd_foo]
408} {test_cd_foo0 test_cd_foo1 test_cd_foobar0 test_cd_mongrel0}
410test inherit-5.6 {find objects: -isa qualifier} {
411    lsort [itcl::find objects -isa test_cd_mongrel]
412} {test_cd_mongrel0}
414test inherit-5.7 {find objects: name qualifier} {
415    lsort [itcl::find objects test_cd_foo*]
416} {test_cd_foo0 test_cd_foo1 test_cd_foobar0}
418test inherit-5.8 {find objects: -class and -isa qualifiers} {
419    lsort [itcl::find objects -isa test_cd_foo -class test_cd_foobar]
420} {test_cd_foobar0}
422test inherit-5.9 {find objects: -isa and name qualifiers} {
423    lsort [itcl::find objects -isa test_cd_foo *0]
424} {test_cd_foo0 test_cd_foobar0 test_cd_mongrel0}
426test inherit-5.10 {find objects: usage errors} {
427    list [catch {itcl::find objects -xyzzy value} msg] $msg
428} {1 {wrong # args: should be "itcl::find objects ?-class className? ?-isa className? ?pattern?"}}
430eval namespace delete [itcl::find classes test_cd_*]
432# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
433#  Test method scoping and execution
434# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
435test inherit-6.1 {define classes for scope tests} {
436    itcl::class test_cd_foo {
437        method check {} {return "foo"}
438        method do {args} {return "foo says: [eval $args]"}
439    }
440    itcl::class test_cd_bar {
441        method check {} {return "bar"}
442        method do {args} {return "bar says: [eval $args]"}
443    }
444    itcl::class test_cd_foobar {
445        inherit test_cd_foo test_cd_bar
446        method check {} {return "foobar"}
447        method do {args} {return "foobar says: [eval $args]"}
448    }
449    itcl::class test_cd_geek {
450        method check {} {return "geek"}
451        method do {args} {return "geek says: [eval $args]"}
452    }
453    itcl::class test_cd_mongrel {
454        inherit test_cd_foobar test_cd_geek
455        method check {} {return "mongrel"}
456        method do {args} {return "mongrel says: [eval $args]"}
457    }
458} {}
460test inherit-6.2 {create objects for scoping tests} {
461    list [test_cd_mongrel #auto] [test_cd_foobar #auto]
462} {test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar0}
464test inherit-6.3 {methods are "virtual" outside of the class} {
465    test_cd_mongrel0 check
466} {mongrel}
468test inherit-6.4 {specific methods can be accessed by name} {
469    test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::check
470} {foo}
472test inherit-6.5 {methods are "virtual" within a class too} {
473    test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do check
474} {foobar says: mongrel}
476test inherit-6.6 {methods are executed where they were defined} {
477    list [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::do namespace current] \
478         [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do namespace current] \
479         [test_cd_mongrel0 do namespace current] \
480} {{foo says: ::test_cd_foo} {foobar says: ::test_cd_foobar} {mongrel says: ::test_cd_mongrel}}
482test inherit-6.7 {"virtual" command no longer exists} {
483    list [catch {
484        test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do virtual namespace current
485    } msg] $msg
486} {1 {invalid command name "virtual"}}
488test inherit-6.8 {"previous" command no longer exists} {
489    list [catch {
490        test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do previous check
491    } msg] $msg
492} {1 {invalid command name "previous"}}
494test inherit-6.9 {errors are detected and reported across class boundaries} {
495    #
496    # NOTE: For tcl8.2.3 and earlier the stack trace will have
497    #       'invoked from within "eval $args"' for the first eval
498    #       statement.  For later versions, it does not.  Use
499    #       string match to reduce the sensitivity to that.
500    #
501    list [catch {
502        test_cd_mongrel0 do test_cd_foobar0 do error "test" "some error"
503    } msg] $msg [string match {some error
504    ("eval" body line 1)*
505    (object "::test_cd_foobar0" method "::test_cd_foobar::do" body line 1)
506    invoked from within
507"test_cd_foobar0 do error test {some error}"
508    ("eval" body line 1)
509    invoked from within
510"eval $args"
511    (object "::test_cd_mongrel0" method "::test_cd_mongrel::do" body line 1)
512    invoked from within
513"test_cd_mongrel0 do test_cd_foobar0 do error "test" "some error""} [set ::errorInfo]]
514} {1 test 1}
516test inherit-6.10 {errors codes are preserved across class boundaries} {
517    list [catch {
518        test_cd_mongrel0 do test_cd_foobar0 do error "test" "problem" CODE-BLUE
519    } msg] $msg [set ::errorCode]
520} {1 test CODE-BLUE}
522test inherit-6.11 {multi-value error codes are preserved across class boundaries} {
523    list [catch {
524        test_cd_mongrel0 do test_cd_foobar0 do error "test" "problem" "CODE BLUE 123"
525    } msg] $msg [set ::errorCode]
526} {1 test {CODE BLUE 123}}
528eval namespace delete [itcl::find classes test_cd_*]
530# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
531#  Test inheritance errors
532# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
533test inherit-7.1 {cannot inherit from non-existant class} {
534    list [catch {
535        itcl::class bogus {
536            inherit non_existant_class_xyzzy
537        }
538    } msg] $msg
539} {1 {cannot inherit from "non_existant_class_xyzzy" (class "non_existant_class_xyzzy" not found in context "::")}}
541test inherit-7.2 {cannot inherit from procs} {
542    proc inherit_test_proc {x y} {
543        error "never call this"
544    }
545    list [catch {
546        itcl::class bogus {
547            inherit inherit_test_proc
548        }
549    } msg] $msg
550} {1 {cannot inherit from "inherit_test_proc" (class "inherit_test_proc" not found in context "::")}}
552test inherit-7.3 {cannot inherit from yourself} {
553    list [catch {
554        itcl::class bogus {
555            inherit bogus
556        }
557    } msg] $msg
558} {1 {class "bogus" cannot inherit from itself}}
560test inherit-7.4 {cannot have more than one inherit statement} {
561    list [catch {
562        itcl::class test_inherit_base1 { }
563        itcl::class test_inherit_base2 { }
564        itcl::class bogus {
565            inherit test_inherit_base1
566            inherit test_inherit_base2
567        }
568    } msg] $msg
569} {1 {inheritance "test_inherit_base1 " already defined for class "::bogus"}}
571# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
572#  Multiple base class error detection
573# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
574test inherit-8.1 {cannot inherit from the same base class more than once} {
575    itcl::class test_mi_base {}
576    itcl::class test_mi_foo {inherit test_mi_base}
577    itcl::class test_mi_bar {inherit test_mi_base}
578    list [catch {
579        itcl::class test_mi_foobar {inherit test_mi_foo test_mi_bar}
580    } msg] $msg
581} {1 {class "::test_mi_foobar" inherits base class "::test_mi_base" more than once:
582  test_mi_foobar->test_mi_foo->test_mi_base
583  test_mi_foobar->test_mi_bar->test_mi_base}}
585itcl::delete class test_mi_base