1The following is an example of the writedist.d script,
4Here the writedist.d script is run for a few seconds, then Ctrl-C is hit,
6   # writedist.d
7   dtrace: description 'sysinfo:::writech ' matched 4 probes
8   ^C
9   [...]
10     Xorg
11              value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
12                 16 |                                         0
13                 32 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@       169
14                 64 |@@@                                      16
15                128 |@@                                       10
16                256 |                                         0
18     gnome-terminal
19              value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count
20                  0 |                                         0
21                  1 |@@                                       6
22                  2 |                                         0
23                  4 |                                         0
24                  8 |                                         1
25                 16 |@                                        2
26                 32 |@@@                                      7
27                 64 |                                         0
28                128 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                  63
29                256 |@@@@                                     10
30                512 |                                         1
31               1024 |@@@@@                                    13
32               2048 |@                                        2
33               4096 |@@@                                      7
35This allows us to understand the write behaviour of each process. The
36gnome-terminal command has executed 6 writes that returned 0 bytes, through
37to 7 writes that were at least 4096 bytes (up to 8192).