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18<p class="apache">Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4</p>
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22<a href="http://www.apache.org/">Apache</a> &gt; <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/">HTTP Server</a> &gt; <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/">Documentation</a> &gt; <a href="../">Version 2.4</a> &gt; <a href="./">How-To / Tutorials</a></div><div id="page-content"><div id="preamble"><h1>Access Control</h1>
23<div class="toplang">
24<p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="/en/howto/access.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a> |
25<a href="/fr/howto/access.html" hreflang="fr" rel="alternate" title="Fran�ais">&nbsp;fr&nbsp;</a></p>
28    <p>Access control refers to any means of controlling access to any
29    resource. This is separate from <a href="auth.html">authentication and authorization</a>.</p>
31<div id="quickview"><ul id="toc"><li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#related">Related Modules and Directives</a></li>
32<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#host">Access control by host</a></li>
33<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#env">Access control by arbitrary variables</a></li>
34<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#rewrite">Access control with mod_rewrite</a></li>
35<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#moreinformation">More information</a></li>
36</ul><ul class="seealso"><li><a href="#comments_section">Comments</a></li></ul></div>
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38<div class="section">
39<h2><a name="related" id="related">Related Modules and Directives</a></h2>
41    <p>Access control can be done by several different modules. The most
42    important of these are <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html">mod_authz_core</a></code> and
43    <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_host.html">mod_authz_host</a></code>. Also discussed in this document
44    is access control using <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_rewrite.html">mod_rewrite</a></code>.</p>
46</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
47<div class="section">
48<h2><a name="host" id="host">Access control by host</a></h2>
49    <p>
50    If you wish to restrict access to portions of your site based on the
51    host address of your visitors, this is most easily done using
52    <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_host.html">mod_authz_host</a></code>.
53    </p>
55    <p>The <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#require">Require</a></code>
56    provides a variety of different ways to allow or deny access to
57    resources. In conjunction with the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#requireall">RequireAll</a></code>, <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#requireany">RequireAny</a></code>, and <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#requirenone">RequireNone</a></code> directives, these
58    requirements may be combined in arbitrarily complex ways, to enforce
59    whatever your access policy happens to be.</p>
61    <div class="warning"><p>
62    The <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_access_compat.html#allow">Allow</a></code>,
63    <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_access_compat.html#deny">Deny</a></code>, and
64    <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_access_compat.html#order">Order</a></code> directives,
65    provided by <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_access_compat.html">mod_access_compat</a></code>, are deprecated and
66    will go away in a future version. You should avoid using them, and
67    avoid outdated tutorials recommending their use.
68    </p></div>
70    <p>The usage of these directives is:</p>
72    <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">Require host address
73Require ip ip.address</pre>
76    <p>In the first form, <var>address</var> is a fully qualified
77    domain name (or a partial domain name); you may provide multiple
78    addresses or domain names, if desired.</p>
80    <p>In the second form, <var>ip.address</var> is an IP address, a
81    partial IP address, a network/netmask pair, or a network/nnn CIDR
82    specification. Either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses may be used.</p>
84    <p>See <a href="/mod/mod_authz_host.html#requiredirectives">the
85    mod_authz_host documentation</a> for further examples of this
86    syntax.</p>
88    <p>You can insert <code>not</code> to negate a particular requirement.
89    Note, that since a <code>not</code> is a negation of a value, it cannot 
90    be used by itself to allow or deny a request, as <em>not true</em>
91    does not constitute <em>false</em>. Thus, to deny a visit using a negation,
92    the block must have one element that evaluates as true or false.
93    For example, if you have someone spamming your message
94    board, and you want to keep them out, you could do the
95    following:</p>
97    <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">&lt;RequireAll&gt;
98    Require all granted
99    Require not ip
103    <p>Visitors coming from that address (<code></code>)
104    will not be able to see the content covered by this directive. If, 
105    instead, you have a machine name, rather than an IP address, you 
106    can use that.</p>
108    <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">Require not host <var>host.example.com</var></pre>
111    <p>And, if you'd like to block access from an entire domain,
112    you can specify just part of an address or domain name:</p>
114    <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">Require not ip 192.168.205
115Require not host phishers.example.com moreidiots.example
116Require not host gov</pre>
119    <p>Use of the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#requireall">RequireAll</a></code>, <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#requireany">RequireAny</a></code>, and <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#requirenone">RequireNone</a></code> directives may be
120    used to enforce more complex sets of requirements.</p>
122</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
123<div class="section">
124<h2><a name="env" id="env">Access control by arbitrary variables</a></h2>
126    <p>Using the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#if">&lt;If&gt;</a></code>,
127    you can allow or deny access based on arbitrary environment
128    variables or request header values. For example, to deny access
129    based on user-agent (the browser type) you might do the
130    following:</p>
132    <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">&lt;If "%{HTTP_USER_AGENT} == 'BadBot'"&gt;
133    Require All Denied
137    <div class="note"><h3>Warning:</h3>
138    <p>Access control by <code>User-Agent</code> is an unreliable technique,
139    since the <code>User-Agent</code> header can be set to anything at all,
140    at the whim of the end user.</p>
141    </div>
143    <p>See <a href="/expr.html">the expressions document</a> for a
144    further discussion of what expression syntaxes and variables are
145    available to you.</p>
147</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
148<div class="section">
149<h2><a name="rewrite" id="rewrite">Access control with mod_rewrite</a></h2>
151    <p>The <code>[F]</code> <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_rewrite.html#rewriterule">RewriteRule</a></code> flag causes a 403 Forbidden
152    response to be sent. Using this, you can deny access to a resource based
153    on arbitrary criteria.</p>
155    <p>For example, if you wish to block access to a resource between 8pm
156    and 6am, you can do this using <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_rewrite.html">mod_rewrite</a></code>.</p>
158    <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">RewriteEngine On
159RewriteCond %{TIME_HOUR} &gt;=20 [OR]
160RewriteCond %{TIME_HOUR} &lt;07
161RewriteRule ^/fridge - [F]</pre>
164    <p>This will return a 403 Forbidden response for any request after 8pm
165    or before 7am. This technique can be used for any criteria that you wish
166    to check. You can also redirect, or otherwise rewrite these requests, if
167    that approach is preferred.</p>
169    <p>The <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#if">&lt;If&gt;</a></code> directive,
170    added in 2.4, replaces many things that <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_rewrite.html">mod_rewrite</a></code> has
171    traditionally been used to do, and you should probably look there first
172    before resorting to mod_rewrite.</p>
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175<div class="section">
176<h2><a name="moreinformation" id="moreinformation">More information</a></h2>
178    <p>The <a href="/expr.html">expression engine</a> gives you a
179    great deal of power to do a variety of things based on arbitrary
180    server variables, and you should consult that document for more
181    detail.</p>
183    <p>Also, you should read the <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html">mod_authz_core</a></code>
184    documentation for examples of combining multiple access requirements
185    and specifying how they interact.</p>
187    <p>See also the <a href="auth.html">Authentication and Authorization</a>
188    howto.</p>
190<div class="bottomlang">
191<p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="/en/howto/access.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a> |
192<a href="/fr/howto/access.html" hreflang="fr" rel="alternate" title="Fran�ais">&nbsp;fr&nbsp;</a></p>
193</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img src="/images/up.gif" alt="top" /></a></div><div class="section"><h2><a id="comments_section" name="comments_section">Comments</a></h2><div class="warning"><strong>Notice:</strong><br />This is not a Q&amp;A section. Comments placed here should be pointed towards suggestions on improving the documentation or server, and may be removed again by our moderators if they are either implemented or considered invalid/off-topic. Questions on how to manage the Apache HTTP Server should be directed at either our IRC channel, #httpd, on Freenode, or sent to our <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/lists.html">mailing lists</a>.</div>
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