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8<title>Content Negotiation - Apache HTTP Server</title>
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18<p class="apache">Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4</p>
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22<a href="http://www.apache.org/">Apache</a> &gt; <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/">HTTP Server</a> &gt; <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/">Documentation</a> &gt; <a href="./">Version 2.4</a></div><div id="page-content"><div id="preamble"><h1>Content Negotiation</h1>
23<div class="toplang">
24<p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="/en/content-negotiation.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a> |
25<a href="/fr/content-negotiation.html" hreflang="fr" rel="alternate" title="Fran�ais">&nbsp;fr&nbsp;</a> |
26<a href="/ja/content-negotiation.html" hreflang="ja" rel="alternate" title="Japanese">&nbsp;ja&nbsp;</a> |
27<a href="/ko/content-negotiation.html" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean">&nbsp;ko&nbsp;</a> |
28<a href="/tr/content-negotiation.html" hreflang="tr" rel="alternate" title="T�rk�e">&nbsp;tr&nbsp;</a></p>
32    <p>Apache HTTPD supports content negotiation as described in
33    the HTTP/1.1 specification. It can choose the best
34    representation of a resource based on the browser-supplied
35    preferences for media type, languages, character set and
36    encoding. It also implements a couple of features to give
37    more intelligent handling of requests from browsers that send
38    incomplete negotiation information.</p>
40    <p>Content negotiation is provided by the
41    <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_negotiation.html">mod_negotiation</a></code> module, which is compiled in
42    by default.</p>
44<div id="quickview"><ul id="toc"><li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#about">About Content Negotiation</a></li>
45<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#negotiation">Negotiation in httpd</a></li>
46<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#methods">The Negotiation Methods</a></li>
47<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#better">Fiddling with Quality
48    Values</a></li>
49<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#extensions">Extensions to Transparent Content
51<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#naming">Note on hyperlinks and naming conventions</a></li>
52<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#caching">Note on Caching</a></li>
53</ul><ul class="seealso"><li><a href="#comments_section">Comments</a></li></ul></div>
54<div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
55<div class="section">
56<h2><a name="about" id="about">About Content Negotiation</a></h2>
58    <p>A resource may be available in several different
59    representations. For example, it might be available in
60    different languages or different media types, or a combination.
61    One way of selecting the most appropriate choice is to give the
62    user an index page, and let them select. However it is often
63    possible for the server to choose automatically. This works
64    because browsers can send, as part of each request, information
65    about what representations they prefer. For example, a browser
66    could indicate that it would like to see information in French,
67    if possible, else English will do. Browsers indicate their
68    preferences by headers in the request. To request only French
69    representations, the browser would send</p>
71<div class="example"><p><code>Accept-Language: fr</code></p></div>
73    <p>Note that this preference will only be applied when there is
74    a choice of representations and they vary by language.</p>
76    <p>As an example of a more complex request, this browser has
77    been configured to accept French and English, but prefer
78    French, and to accept various media types, preferring HTML over
79    plain text or other text types, and preferring GIF or JPEG over
80    other media types, but also allowing any other media type as a
81    last resort:</p>
83<div class="example"><p><code>
84  Accept-Language: fr; q=1.0, en; q=0.5<br />
85  Accept: text/html; q=1.0, text/*; q=0.8, image/gif; q=0.6, image/jpeg; q=0.6, image/*; q=0.5, */*; q=0.1
88    <p>httpd supports 'server driven' content negotiation, as
89    defined in the HTTP/1.1 specification. It fully supports the
90    <code>Accept</code>, <code>Accept-Language</code>,
91    <code>Accept-Charset</code> and <code>Accept-Encoding</code>
92    request headers. httpd also supports 'transparent'
93    content negotiation, which is an experimental negotiation
94    protocol defined in RFC 2295 and RFC 2296. It does not offer
95    support for 'feature negotiation' as defined in these RFCs.</p>
97    <p>A <strong>resource</strong> is a conceptual entity
98    identified by a URI (RFC 2396). An HTTP server like Apache HTTP Server
99    provides access to <strong>representations</strong> of the
100    resource(s) within its namespace, with each representation in
101    the form of a sequence of bytes with a defined media type,
102    character set, encoding, etc. Each resource may be associated
103    with zero, one, or more than one representation at any given
104    time. If multiple representations are available, the resource
105    is referred to as <strong>negotiable</strong> and each of its
106    representations is termed a <strong>variant</strong>. The ways
107    in which the variants for a negotiable resource vary are called
108    the <strong>dimensions</strong> of negotiation.</p>
109</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
110<div class="section">
111<h2><a name="negotiation" id="negotiation">Negotiation in httpd</a></h2>
113    <p>In order to negotiate a resource, the server needs to be
114    given information about each of the variants. This is done in
115    one of two ways:</p>
117    <ul>
118      <li>Using a type map (<em>i.e.</em>, a <code>*.var</code>
119      file) which names the files containing the variants
120      explicitly, or</li>
122      <li>Using a 'MultiViews' search, where the server does an
123      implicit filename pattern match and chooses from among the
124      results.</li>
125    </ul>
127   <h3><a name="type-map" id="type-map">Using a type-map file</a></h3>
129    <p>A type map is a document which is associated with the handler
130    named <code>type-map</code> (or, for backwards-compatibility with
131    older httpd configurations, the <a class="glossarylink" href="/glossary.html#mime-type" title="see glossary">MIME-type</a>
132    <code>application/x-type-map</code>). Note that to use this
133    feature, you must have a handler set in the configuration that
134    defines a file suffix as <code>type-map</code>; this is best done
135    with</p>
137<pre class="prettyprint lang-config">AddHandler type-map .var</pre>
140    <p>in the server configuration file.</p>
142    <p>Type map files should have the same name as the resource
143    which they are describing, followed by the extension
144    <code>.var</code>. In the examples shown below, the resource is
145    named <code>foo</code>, so the type map file is named
146    <code>foo.var</code>.</p>
148    <p>This file should have an entry for each available
149    variant; these entries consist of contiguous HTTP-format header
150    lines. Entries for different variants are separated by blank
151    lines. Blank lines are illegal within an entry. It is
152    conventional to begin a map file with an entry for the combined
153    entity as a whole (although this is not required, and if
154    present will be ignored). An example map file is shown below.</p>
156    <p>URIs in this file are relative to the location of the type map
157    file. Usually, these files will be located in the same directory as
158    the type map file, but this is not required. You may provide
159    absolute or relative URIs for any file located on the same server as
160    the map file.</p>
162<div class="example"><p><code>
163  URI: foo<br />
164<br />
165  URI: foo.en.html<br />
166  Content-type: text/html<br />
167  Content-language: en<br />
168<br />
169  URI: foo.fr.de.html<br />
170  Content-type: text/html;charset=iso-8859-2<br />
171  Content-language: fr, de<br />
174    <p>Note also that a typemap file will take precedence over the
175    filename's extension, even when Multiviews is on. If the
176    variants have different source qualities, that may be indicated
177    by the "qs" parameter to the media type, as in this picture
178    (available as JPEG, GIF, or ASCII-art): </p>
180<div class="example"><p><code>
181  URI: foo<br />
182<br />
183  URI: foo.jpeg<br />
184  Content-type: image/jpeg; qs=0.8<br />
185<br />
186  URI: foo.gif<br />
187  Content-type: image/gif; qs=0.5<br />
188<br />
189  URI: foo.txt<br />
190  Content-type: text/plain; qs=0.01<br />
193    <p>qs values can vary in the range 0.000 to 1.000. Note that
194    any variant with a qs value of 0.000 will never be chosen.
195    Variants with no 'qs' parameter value are given a qs factor of
196    1.0. The qs parameter indicates the relative 'quality' of this
197    variant compared to the other available variants, independent
198    of the client's capabilities. For example, a JPEG file is
199    usually of higher source quality than an ASCII file if it is
200    attempting to represent a photograph. However, if the resource
201    being represented is an original ASCII art, then an ASCII
202    representation would have a higher source quality than a JPEG
203    representation. A qs value is therefore specific to a given
204    variant depending on the nature of the resource it
205    represents.</p>
207    <p>The full list of headers recognized is available in the <a href="mod/mod_negotiation.html#typemaps">mod_negotiation
208    typemap</a> documentation.</p>
211<h3><a name="multiviews" id="multiviews">Multiviews</a></h3>
213    <p><code>MultiViews</code> is a per-directory option, meaning it
214    can be set with an <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#options">Options</a></code>
215    directive within a <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#directory">&lt;Directory&gt;</a></code>, <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#location">&lt;Location&gt;</a></code> or <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#files">&lt;Files&gt;</a></code> section in
216    <code>httpd.conf</code>, or (if <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#allowoverride">AllowOverride</a></code> is properly set) in
217    <code>.htaccess</code> files. Note that <code>Options All</code>
218    does not set <code>MultiViews</code>; you have to ask for it by
219    name.</p>
221    <p>The effect of <code>MultiViews</code> is as follows: if the
222    server receives a request for <code>/some/dir/foo</code>, if
223    <code>/some/dir</code> has <code>MultiViews</code> enabled, and
224    <code>/some/dir/foo</code> does <em>not</em> exist, then the
225    server reads the directory looking for files named foo.*, and
226    effectively fakes up a type map which names all those files,
227    assigning them the same media types and content-encodings it
228    would have if the client had asked for one of them by name. It
229    then chooses the best match to the client's requirements.</p>
231    <p><code>MultiViews</code> may also apply to searches for the file
232    named by the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_dir.html#directoryindex">DirectoryIndex</a></code> directive, if the
233    server is trying to index a directory. If the configuration files
234    specify</p>
235<pre class="prettyprint lang-config">DirectoryIndex index</pre>
237    <p>then the server will arbitrate between <code>index.html</code>
238    and <code>index.html3</code> if both are present. If neither
239    are present, and <code>index.cgi</code> is there, the server
240    will run it.</p>
242    <p>If one of the files found when reading the directory does not
243    have an extension recognized by <code>mod_mime</code> to designate
244    its Charset, Content-Type, Language, or Encoding, then the result
245    depends on the setting of the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_mime.html#multiviewsmatch">MultiViewsMatch</a></code> directive.  This
246    directive determines whether handlers, filters, and other
247    extension types can participate in MultiViews negotiation.</p>
249</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
250<div class="section">
251<h2><a name="methods" id="methods">The Negotiation Methods</a></h2>
253    <p>After httpd has obtained a list of the variants for a given
254    resource, either from a type-map file or from the filenames in
255    the directory, it invokes one of two methods to decide on the
256    'best' variant to return, if any. It is not necessary to know
257    any of the details of how negotiation actually takes place in
258    order to use httpd's content negotiation features. However the
259    rest of this document explains the methods used for those
260    interested. </p>
262    <p>There are two negotiation methods:</p>
264    <ol>
265      <li><strong>Server driven negotiation with the httpd
266      algorithm</strong> is used in the normal case. The httpd
267      algorithm is explained in more detail below. When this
268      algorithm is used, httpd can sometimes 'fiddle' the quality
269      factor of a particular dimension to achieve a better result.
270      The ways httpd can fiddle quality factors is explained in
271      more detail below.</li>
273      <li><strong>Transparent content negotiation</strong> is used
274      when the browser specifically requests this through the
275      mechanism defined in RFC 2295. This negotiation method gives
276      the browser full control over deciding on the 'best' variant,
277      the result is therefore dependent on the specific algorithms
278      used by the browser. As part of the transparent negotiation
279      process, the browser can ask httpd to run the 'remote
280      variant selection algorithm' defined in RFC 2296.</li>
281    </ol>
283<h3><a name="dimensions" id="dimensions">Dimensions of Negotiation</a></h3>
285    <table>
287      <tr valign="top">
288        <th>Dimension</th>
290        <th>Notes</th>
291      </tr>
293      <tr valign="top">
294        <td>Media Type</td>
296        <td>Browser indicates preferences with the <code>Accept</code>
297        header field. Each item can have an associated quality factor.
298        Variant description can also have a quality factor (the "qs"
299        parameter).</td>
300      </tr>
302      <tr valign="top">
303        <td>Language</td>
305        <td>Browser indicates preferences with the
306        <code>Accept-Language</code> header field. Each item can have
307        a quality factor. Variants can be associated with none, one or
308        more than one language.</td>
309      </tr>
311      <tr valign="top">
312        <td>Encoding</td>
314        <td>Browser indicates preference with the
315        <code>Accept-Encoding</code> header field. Each item can have
316        a quality factor.</td>
317      </tr>
319      <tr valign="top">
320        <td>Charset</td>
322        <td>Browser indicates preference with the
323        <code>Accept-Charset</code> header field. Each item can have a
324        quality factor. Variants can indicate a charset as a parameter
325        of the media type.</td>
326      </tr>
327    </table>
330<h3><a name="algorithm" id="algorithm">httpd Negotiation Algorithm</a></h3>
332    <p>httpd can use the following algorithm to select the 'best'
333    variant (if any) to return to the browser. This algorithm is
334    not further configurable. It operates as follows:</p>
336    <ol>
337      <li>First, for each dimension of the negotiation, check the
338      appropriate <em>Accept*</em> header field and assign a
339      quality to each variant. If the <em>Accept*</em> header for
340      any dimension implies that this variant is not acceptable,
341      eliminate it. If no variants remain, go to step 4.</li>
343      <li>
344        Select the 'best' variant by a process of elimination. Each
345        of the following tests is applied in order. Any variants
346        not selected at each test are eliminated. After each test,
347        if only one variant remains, select it as the best match
348        and proceed to step 3. If more than one variant remains,
349        move on to the next test.
351        <ol>
352          <li>Multiply the quality factor from the <code>Accept</code>
353          header with the quality-of-source factor for this variants
354          media type, and select the variants with the highest
355          value.</li>
357          <li>Select the variants with the highest language quality
358          factor.</li>
360          <li>Select the variants with the best language match,
361          using either the order of languages in the
362          <code>Accept-Language</code> header (if present), or else
363          the order of languages in the <code>LanguagePriority</code>
364          directive (if present).</li>
366          <li>Select the variants with the highest 'level' media
367          parameter (used to give the version of text/html media
368          types).</li>
370          <li>Select variants with the best charset media
371          parameters, as given on the <code>Accept-Charset</code>
372          header line.  Charset ISO-8859-1 is acceptable unless
373          explicitly excluded. Variants with a <code>text/*</code>
374          media type but not explicitly associated with a particular
375          charset are assumed to be in ISO-8859-1.</li>
377          <li>Select those variants which have associated charset
378          media parameters that are <em>not</em> ISO-8859-1. If
379          there are no such variants, select all variants
380          instead.</li>
382          <li>Select the variants with the best encoding. If there
383          are variants with an encoding that is acceptable to the
384          user-agent, select only these variants. Otherwise if
385          there is a mix of encoded and non-encoded variants,
386          select only the unencoded variants. If either all
387          variants are encoded or all variants are not encoded,
388          select all variants.</li>
390          <li>Select the variants with the smallest content
391          length.</li>
393          <li>Select the first variant of those remaining. This
394          will be either the first listed in the type-map file, or
395          when variants are read from the directory, the one whose
396          file name comes first when sorted using ASCII code
397          order.</li>
398        </ol>
399      </li>
401      <li>The algorithm has now selected one 'best' variant, so
402      return it as the response. The HTTP response header
403      <code>Vary</code> is set to indicate the dimensions of
404      negotiation (browsers and caches can use this information when
405      caching the resource).  End.</li>
407      <li>To get here means no variant was selected (because none
408      are acceptable to the browser). Return a 406 status (meaning
409      "No acceptable representation") with a response body
410      consisting of an HTML document listing the available
411      variants. Also set the HTTP <code>Vary</code> header to
412      indicate the dimensions of variance.</li>
413    </ol>
415</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
416<div class="section">
417<h2><a name="better" id="better">Fiddling with Quality
418    Values</a></h2>
420    <p>httpd sometimes changes the quality values from what would
421    be expected by a strict interpretation of the httpd
422    negotiation algorithm above. This is to get a better result
423    from the algorithm for browsers which do not send full or
424    accurate information. Some of the most popular browsers send
425    <code>Accept</code> header information which would otherwise
426    result in the selection of the wrong variant in many cases. If a
427    browser sends full and correct information these fiddles will not
428    be applied.</p>
430<h3><a name="wildcards" id="wildcards">Media Types and Wildcards</a></h3>
432    <p>The <code>Accept:</code> request header indicates preferences
433    for media types. It can also include 'wildcard' media types, such
434    as "image/*" or "*/*" where the * matches any string. So a request
435    including:</p>
437<div class="example"><p><code>Accept: image/*, */*</code></p></div>
439    <p>would indicate that any type starting "image/" is acceptable,
440    as is any other type.
441    Some browsers routinely send wildcards in addition to explicit
442    types they can handle. For example:</p>
444<div class="example"><p><code>
445  Accept: text/html, text/plain, image/gif, image/jpeg, */*
447    <p>The intention of this is to indicate that the explicitly listed
448    types are preferred, but if a different representation is
449    available, that is ok too.  Using explicit quality values,
450    what the browser really wants is something like:</p>
451<div class="example"><p><code>
452  Accept: text/html, text/plain, image/gif, image/jpeg, */*; q=0.01
454    <p>The explicit types have no quality factor, so they default to a
455    preference of 1.0 (the highest). The wildcard */* is given a
456    low preference of 0.01, so other types will only be returned if
457    no variant matches an explicitly listed type.</p>
459    <p>If the <code>Accept:</code> header contains <em>no</em> q
460    factors at all, httpd sets the q value of "*/*", if present, to
461    0.01 to emulate the desired behavior. It also sets the q value of
462    wildcards of the format "type/*" to 0.02 (so these are preferred
463    over matches against "*/*". If any media type on the
464    <code>Accept:</code> header contains a q factor, these special
465    values are <em>not</em> applied, so requests from browsers which
466    send the explicit information to start with work as expected.</p>
469<h3><a name="exceptions" id="exceptions">Language Negotiation Exceptions</a></h3>
471    <p>New in httpd 2.0, some exceptions have been added to the
472    negotiation algorithm to allow graceful fallback when language
473    negotiation fails to find a match.</p>
475    <p>When a client requests a page on your server, but the server
476    cannot find a single page that matches the
477    <code>Accept-language</code> sent by
478    the browser, the server will return either a "No Acceptable
479    Variant" or "Multiple Choices" response to the client.  To avoid
480    these error messages, it is possible to configure httpd to ignore
481    the <code>Accept-language</code> in these cases and provide a
482    document that does not explicitly match the client's request.  The
483    <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_negotiation.html#forcelanguagepriority">ForceLanguagePriority</a></code>
484    directive can be used to override one or both of these error
485    messages and substitute the servers judgement in the form of the
486    <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_negotiation.html#languagepriority">LanguagePriority</a></code>
487    directive.</p>
489    <p>The server will also attempt to match language-subsets when no
490    other match can be found.  For example, if a client requests
491    documents with the language <code>en-GB</code> for British
492    English, the server is not normally allowed by the HTTP/1.1
493    standard to match that against a document that is marked as simply
494    <code>en</code>.  (Note that it is almost surely a configuration
495    error to include <code>en-GB</code> and not <code>en</code> in the
496    <code>Accept-Language</code> header, since it is very unlikely
497    that a reader understands British English, but doesn't understand
498    English in general.  Unfortunately, many current clients have
499    default configurations that resemble this.)  However, if no other
500    language match is possible and the server is about to return a "No
501    Acceptable Variants" error or fallback to the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_negotiation.html#languagepriority">LanguagePriority</a></code>, the server
502    will ignore the subset specification and match <code>en-GB</code>
503    against <code>en</code> documents.  Implicitly, httpd will add
504    the parent language to the client's acceptable language list with
505    a very low quality value.  But note that if the client requests
506    "en-GB; q=0.9, fr; q=0.8", and the server has documents
507    designated "en" and "fr", then the "fr" document will be returned.
508    This is necessary to maintain compliance with the HTTP/1.1
509    specification and to work effectively with properly configured
510    clients.</p>
512    <p>In order to support advanced techniques (such as cookies or
513    special URL-paths) to determine the user's preferred language,
514    since httpd 2.0.47 <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_negotiation.html">mod_negotiation</a></code> recognizes
515    the <a href="env.html">environment variable</a>
516    <code>prefer-language</code>. If it exists and contains an
517    appropriate language tag, <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_negotiation.html">mod_negotiation</a></code> will
518    try to select a matching variant. If there's no such variant,
519    the normal negotiation process applies.</p>
521    <div class="example"><h3>Example</h3><pre class="prettyprint lang-config">SetEnvIf Cookie "language=(.+)" prefer-language=$1
522Header append Vary cookie</pre>
525</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
526<div class="section">
527<h2><a name="extensions" id="extensions">Extensions to Transparent Content
530<p>httpd extends the transparent content negotiation protocol (RFC
5312295) as follows. A new <code>{encoding ..}</code> element is used in
532variant lists to label variants which are available with a specific
533content-encoding only. The implementation of the RVSA/1.0 algorithm
534(RFC 2296) is extended to recognize encoded variants in the list, and
535to use them as candidate variants whenever their encodings are
536acceptable according to the <code>Accept-Encoding</code> request
537header. The RVSA/1.0 implementation does not round computed quality
538factors to 5 decimal places before choosing the best variant.</p>
539</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
540<div class="section">
541<h2><a name="naming" id="naming">Note on hyperlinks and naming conventions</a></h2>
543    <p>If you are using language negotiation you can choose between
544    different naming conventions, because files can have more than
545    one extension, and the order of the extensions is normally
546    irrelevant (see the <a href="mod/mod_mime.html#multipleext">mod_mime</a> documentation
547    for details).</p>
549    <p>A typical file has a MIME-type extension (<em>e.g.</em>,
550    <code>html</code>), maybe an encoding extension (<em>e.g.</em>,
551    <code>gz</code>), and of course a language extension
552    (<em>e.g.</em>, <code>en</code>) when we have different
553    language variants of this file.</p>
555    <p>Examples:</p>
557    <ul>
558      <li>foo.en.html</li>
560      <li>foo.html.en</li>
562      <li>foo.en.html.gz</li>
563    </ul>
565    <p>Here some more examples of filenames together with valid and
566    invalid hyperlinks:</p>
568    <table class="bordered">
570      <tr>
571        <th>Filename</th>
573        <th>Valid hyperlink</th>
575        <th>Invalid hyperlink</th>
576      </tr>
578      <tr>
579        <td><em>foo.html.en</em></td>
581        <td>foo<br />
582         foo.html</td>
584        <td>-</td>
585      </tr>
587      <tr>
588        <td><em>foo.en.html</em></td>
590        <td>foo</td>
592        <td>foo.html</td>
593      </tr>
595      <tr>
596        <td><em>foo.html.en.gz</em></td>
598        <td>foo<br />
599         foo.html</td>
601        <td>foo.gz<br />
602         foo.html.gz</td>
603      </tr>
605      <tr>
606        <td><em>foo.en.html.gz</em></td>
608        <td>foo</td>
610        <td>foo.html<br />
611         foo.html.gz<br />
612         foo.gz</td>
613      </tr>
615      <tr>
616        <td><em>foo.gz.html.en</em></td>
618        <td>foo<br />
619         foo.gz<br />
620         foo.gz.html</td>
622        <td>foo.html</td>
623      </tr>
625      <tr>
626        <td><em>foo.html.gz.en</em></td>
628        <td>foo<br />
629         foo.html<br />
630         foo.html.gz</td>
632        <td>foo.gz</td>
633      </tr>
634    </table>
636    <p>Looking at the table above, you will notice that it is always
637    possible to use the name without any extensions in a hyperlink
638    (<em>e.g.</em>, <code>foo</code>). The advantage is that you
639    can hide the actual type of a document rsp. file and can change
640    it later, <em>e.g.</em>, from <code>html</code> to
641    <code>shtml</code> or <code>cgi</code> without changing any
642    hyperlink references.</p>
644    <p>If you want to continue to use a MIME-type in your
645    hyperlinks (<em>e.g.</em> <code>foo.html</code>) the language
646    extension (including an encoding extension if there is one)
647    must be on the right hand side of the MIME-type extension
648    (<em>e.g.</em>, <code>foo.html.en</code>).</p>
649</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
650<div class="section">
651<h2><a name="caching" id="caching">Note on Caching</a></h2>
653    <p>When a cache stores a representation, it associates it with
654    the request URL. The next time that URL is requested, the cache
655    can use the stored representation. But, if the resource is
656    negotiable at the server, this might result in only the first
657    requested variant being cached and subsequent cache hits might
658    return the wrong response. To prevent this, httpd normally
659    marks all responses that are returned after content negotiation
660    as non-cacheable by HTTP/1.0 clients. httpd also supports the
661    HTTP/1.1 protocol features to allow caching of negotiated
662    responses.</p>
664    <p>For requests which come from a HTTP/1.0 compliant client
665    (either a browser or a cache), the directive <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_negotiation.html#cachenegotiateddocs">CacheNegotiatedDocs</a></code> can be
666    used to allow caching of responses which were subject to
667    negotiation. This directive can be given in the server config or
668    virtual host, and takes no arguments. It has no effect on requests
669    from HTTP/1.1 clients.</p>
671    <p>For HTTP/1.1 clients, httpd sends a <code>Vary</code> HTTP
672    response header to indicate the negotiation dimensions for the
673    response.  Caches can use this information to determine whether a
674    subsequent request can be served from the local copy.  To
675    encourage a cache to use the local copy regardless of the
676    negotiation dimensions, set the <code>force-no-vary</code> <a href="env.html#special">environment variable</a>.</p>
679<div class="bottomlang">
680<p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="/en/content-negotiation.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a> |
681<a href="/fr/content-negotiation.html" hreflang="fr" rel="alternate" title="Fran�ais">&nbsp;fr&nbsp;</a> |
682<a href="/ja/content-negotiation.html" hreflang="ja" rel="alternate" title="Japanese">&nbsp;ja&nbsp;</a> |
683<a href="/ko/content-negotiation.html" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean">&nbsp;ko&nbsp;</a> |
684<a href="/tr/content-negotiation.html" hreflang="tr" rel="alternate" title="T�rk�e">&nbsp;tr&nbsp;</a></p>
685</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img src="/images/up.gif" alt="top" /></a></div><div class="section"><h2><a id="comments_section" name="comments_section">Comments</a></h2><div class="warning"><strong>Notice:</strong><br />This is not a Q&amp;A section. Comments placed here should be pointed towards suggestions on improving the documentation or server, and may be removed again by our moderators if they are either implemented or considered invalid/off-topic. Questions on how to manage the Apache HTTP Server should be directed at either our IRC channel, #httpd, on Freenode, or sent to our <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/lists.html">mailing lists</a>.</div>
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