11) driver name comparison for MS SQL Server workaround is realy kinda dirty
2   hack, but for now i don't know how to code it more carefully
32) another dirty hack: length of LONGVARCHAR and LONGVARBINARY fields is
4   currently set to MAX_ATTR_LEN. Maybe such fields must be handled with
5   SQLGetData() instead of SQLBindCol(), but it is said in documentation,
6   that it is guaranteed to work only when such column goes after last bound
7   column. Or should we get ALL columns with SQLGetData (then something like 
8   _SQLFetchAsStrings() wrapper would do SQLGetData() for all columns)...
93) in some cases (particularly, when using OpenLink Generic ODBC driver with
10   MS SQL Server), it returns "Function sequence error" after all records are
11   fetched. I really don't know what it means, and after all
12    - it works with any other driver I tried
134) ldapsearch sometimes refuses to show some attributes ("NOT PRINTABLE" diags)
14   on Win32 (on linux everything's fine)
155) back-sql crashes on invalid filters (to be fixed ASAP)