2 *  File Name:          try-001.js
3 *  ECMA Section:
4 *  Description:        The try statement
5 *
6 *  This test contains try, catch, and finally blocks.  An exception is
7 *  sometimes thrown by a function called from within the try block.
8 *
9 *  This test doesn't actually make any LiveConnect calls.
10 *
11 *
12 *  Author:             christine@netscape.com
13 *  Date:               11 August 1998
14 */
15    var SECTION = "";
16    var VERSION = "ECMA_2";
17    var TITLE   = "The try statement";
19    startTest();
20    writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE);
22    var tc = 0;
23    var testcases = new Array();
25    var INVALID_JAVA_INTEGER_VALUE = "Invalid value for java.lang.Integer constructor";
27    TryNewJavaInteger( "3.14159", INVALID_JAVA_INTEGER_VALUE );
28    TryNewJavaInteger( NaN, INVALID_JAVA_INTEGER_VALUE );
29    TryNewJavaInteger( 0,  0 );
30    TryNewJavaInteger( -1, -1 );
31    TryNewJavaInteger( 1,  1 );
32    TryNewJavaInteger( Infinity, Infinity );
34    test();
36    /**
37     *  Check to see if the input is valid for java.lang.Integer. If it is
38     *  not valid, throw INVALID_JAVA_INTEGER_VALUE.  If input is valid,
39     *  return Number( v )
40     *
41     */
43    function newJavaInteger( v ) {
44        value = Number( v );
45        if ( Math.floor(value) != value || isNaN(value) ) {
46            throw ( INVALID_JAVA_INTEGER_VALUE );
47        } else {
48            return value;
49        }
50    }
52    /**
53     *  Call newJavaInteger( value ) from within a try block.  Catch any
54     *  exception, and store it in result.  Verify that we got the right
55     *  return value from newJavaInteger in cases in which we do not expect
56     *  exceptions, and that we got the exception in cases where an exception
57     *  was expected.
58     */
59    function TryNewJavaInteger( value, expect ) {
60        var finalTest = false;
62        try {
63            result = newJavaInteger( value );
64        } catch ( e ) {
65            result = String( e );
66        } finally {
67            finalTest = true;
68        }
69            testcases[tc++] = new TestCase(
70                SECTION,
71                "newJavaValue( " + value +" )",
72                expect,
73                result);
75            testcases[tc++] = new TestCase(
76                SECTION,
77                "newJavaValue( " + value +" ) hit finally block",
78                true,
79                finalTest);
81    }