4<Kerberos Working Group>                                      Larry Zhu 
5Internet Draft                                                Microsoft 
6Updates: 1964                                        Karthik Jaganathan 
7Category: Standards Track                                     Microsoft 
8draft-ietf-krb-wg-gssapi-cfx-00.txt                     August 16, 2003 
9                                             Expires: February 16, 2004 
11  Crypto Profile Based Support for the Inclusion of New Encryption and 
12        Checksum Algorithms in the Kerberos V5 GSSAPI Mechanism 
15Status of this Memo 
17   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with 
18      all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026 [1].  
20   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
21   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that 
22   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
23   Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of 
24   six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other 
25   documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts 
26   as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in 
27   progress."  
28   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at 
29   http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt  
30   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at 
31   http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html. 
341. Abstract 
36   [KCRYPTO] introduced a generic framework for the inclusion of new 
37   encryption and checksum algorithms to be used in the Kerberos V5 
38   protocol.  [AES-KRB5] describes a crypto profile (per [KCRYPTO]) for 
39   AES.  This document introduces a generic method for adding new 
40   crypto-systems to the GSSAPI-KerberosV5 mechanism based on crypto 
41   profiles as defined in [KCRYPTO].  It also describes the use of AES 
42   encryption for GSSAPI as an example of this new method. 
452. Conventions used in this document 
47   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
49   this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [2]. 
523. Introduction 
54   [GSSAPI-KRB5] describes the GSSAPI mechanism for Kerberos V5. It 
55   defines the format of context initiation, per-message and context 
56   deletion tokens.  When adding new crypto system support, the 
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60          Crypto Profile Support for Kerberos GSSAPI      August 2003 
63   approach taken in [GSSAPI-KRB5] is to add algorithm identifiers for 
64   each new cryptosystem.   
66   The approach taken in this document is to use the same encryption 
67   and checksum algorithms specified by the crypto profile for the 
68   session key or subkey that is created during context negotiation.  
69   Message layouts of the per-message and context deletion tokens are 
70   revised to remove algorithm indicators and add extra information to 
71   support the generic crypto framework [KCRYPTO]. 
73   "Newer" encryption and checksum types MUST use the new token formats 
74   defined in this document.  Older encryption and checksum types SHALL 
75   NOT use these new token formats.  The term "newer" is more precisely 
76   defined in [KRBCLAR]. 
78   Note that in this document, "AES" is used for brevity to refer 
79   loosely to either aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 or aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 
80   as defined in [AES-KRB5]. 
824. Quality of Protection and Algorithm Identifiers 
84   The GSSAPI specification [GSSAPI] provides for QOP values that can 
85   be used by the application to request a certain type of encryption 
86   or signing.  A zero QOP value is used to indicate the "default" 
87   protection; applications which use the default QOP are not 
88   guaranteed to be portable across implementations or even inter-
89   operate with different deployment configurations of the same 
90   implementation. Using an algorithm that is different from the one 
91   for which the key is defined may not be appropriate. Therefore, when 
92   the new method in this document is used, the QOP value is ignored. 
94   The encryption and checksum algorithms in per-message and context 
95   deletion tokens are now implicitly defined by the algorithms 
96   associated with the session and subkey. Algorithms identifiers are 
97   therefore no longer needed and removed from the token headers. 
995. Key Derivation 
101   To limit the exposure of a given key, [KCRYPTO] adopted "one-way" 
102   "entropy-preserving" derived keys, for different purposes or key 
103   usages, from a base key or protocol key.  This document defines four 
104   key usage values below for signing and sealing messages: 
106        Name                       value 
107      ------------------------------------- 
108      KG-USAGE-ACCEPTOR-SIGN         22 
109      KG-USAGE-ACCEPTOR-SEAL         23 
110      KG-USAGE-INITIATOR-SIGN        24 
111      KG-USAGE-INITIATOR-SEAL        25 
114   When the sender is the context acceptor, KG-USAGE-ACCEPTOR-SIGN is 
115   used as the usage number in the key derivation function for deriving 
116   keys to be used in MIC and context deletion tokens, and KG-USAGE-
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118          Crypto Profile Support for Kerberos GSSAPI      August 2003 
121   ACCEPTOR-SEAL is used for Wrap tokens; similarly when the sender is 
122   the context initiator, KG-USAGE-INITIATOR-SIGN is used as the usage 
123   number in the key derivation function for MIC and context deletion 
124   tokens, KG-USAGE-INITIATOR-SEAL is used for Wrap Tokens.  Even if 
125   the Wrap token does not provide for confidentiality the same usage 
126   values specified above are used. 
1286. Token Formats and Definitions 
130   The new token formats defined in this document are designed to 
131   accommodate the requirements of newer crypto systems.  Certain 
132   implementations of GSSAPI, such as SSPI, allow for "scatter-gather" 
133   and in-place encryption, mostly by leveraging low level details of 
134   crypto systems.  The token layouts have been designed to satisfy the 
135   above requirements without incurring significant performance 
136   penalties or loosing generality.   
138   The design along with the rationale behind it, is discussed in 
139   detail in the following sections. 
1416.1. Sequence Number and Direction Indicators 
143   The sequence number for any per-message or context deletion token is 
144   a 64 bit integer (expressed in big endian order). One separate byte 
145   is used as the directional indicator: the hex value FF if the sender 
146   is the context acceptor, 00 otherwise. Both the sequence number and 
147   the directional indicator are protected as specified in section 6.2.  
1496.2. Encryption and Checksum Operations 
151   The encryption algorithms defined by the crypto profiles provide for 
152   integrity protection. Therefore no separate checksum is needed.  
154   In Wrap tokens that provide for confidentiality, the "header" (the 
155   first 16 bytes of the Wrap token) is appended to the plaintext data 
156   before encryption.  Hence the resulting Wrap token is {"header" | 
157   encrypt(plaintext-data | "header")}, where encrypt() is the 
158   encryption operation defined in the crypto profile. In Wrap tokens 
159   that do not provide for confidentiality, the checksum is calculated 
160   over the plaintext data concatenated with the token header (the 
161   first 16 bytes of the Wrap token).  Hence the resulting Wrap token 
162   is {"header" | plaintext-data | get_mic(plaintext-data | "header")}, 
163   where get_mic() is the checksum operation defined in the crypto 
164   profile. The parameters for the key and the cipher-state in the 
165   encrypt() and get_mic() operations have been omitted for brevity.  
167   The resulting Wrap tokens bind the data to the token header, 
168   including the sequence number, directional indicator, and the 
169   rotation count. 
171  [With AEAD, Wrap tokens with confidentiality do not need to encrypt 
172  the header and the overhead can be reduced slightly] 
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176          Crypto Profile Support for Kerberos GSSAPI      August 2003 
179  For MIC tokens, the checksum is first calculated over the token 
180  header (the first 16 bytes of the MIC token) and then the to-be-
181  signed plaintext data.   
183  For context deletion tokens, the checksum is calculated over the 
184  token header (the first 16 bytes of the context deletion token). 
186  When AES is used, the checksum algorithm is HMAC_SHA1_96 and the 
187  checksum size is 12 bytes.  Data is pre-pended with a 16 byte 
188  confounder before encryption, and no padding is needed. 
1906.3. RRC Field 
192   A new field, called "RRC" (Right Rotation Count), is added to allow 
193   the data to be encrypted in place.  The resulting Wrap token in the 
194   previous section, excluding the first 16 bytes of the token header, 
195   is rotated to the right by "RRC" bytes.  The net result is that 
196   "RRC" bytes of trailing octets are moved toward the header.  
197   Consider the following as an example of this rotation operation: 
198   Assume that the RRC value is 3 and the token before the rotation is 
199   {"header" | aa | bb | cc | dd | ee | ff | gg | hh}, the token after 
200   rotation would be {"header" | ff | gg | hh | aa | bb | cc | dd | ee 
201   }, where {aa | bb | cc |...| hh} is used to indicate the byte 
202   sequence. 
204   The RRC field is expressed as a two octet integer in big endian 
205   order. 
207   The rotation count value is chosen by the sender based on 
208   implementation details, and the receiver MUST be able to interpret 
209   all possible rotation count values. 
2116.4. EC Field 
213   The decryption operation in the crypto profile may not always return 
214   the exact length of the plaintext data.  An "EC"(Extra Count) field 
215   is added to the Wrap() token header to indicate the number of bytes 
216   that have been added to the end of the plaintext data before 
217   encryption.  The "EC" field is a two byte integer expressed in big 
218   endian order and it should be 00 00 if confidentiality is not 
219   provided for by the Wrap tokens. 
2216.5. Seal Field 
223  The Seal field in Wrap tokens is used to indicate whether 
224  confidentiality is provided for.  If confidentiality is provided for 
225  by the Wrap token, this field contains the hex value FF, otherwise it 
226  contains the hex value 00. 
2286.6. Message Layout for Per-message and Context Deletion Tokens 
230   The new message layouts are as follows. 
232   MIC Token: 
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234          Crypto Profile Support for Kerberos GSSAPI      August 2003 
238      Byte no           Name             Description 
239       0..1            TOK_ID         Identification field. 
240                                      Tokens emitted by GSS_GetMIC()  
241                                      contain the hex value 04 04 in 
242                                      this field. 
243       2..2            Direction      Hex value FF if the sender is the  
244                                      context acceptor, 00 otherwise.    
245       3..7            Filler         Contains 5 bytes of hex value FF. 
246       8..15           SND_SEQ        Sequence number field in  
247                                      cleartext, in big endian order.  
248       16..            SGN_CKSUM      Checksum of byte 0..15 and the 
249                                      "to-be-signed" data, where the 
250                                      checksum algorithm is defined by      
251                                      the crypto profile for the  
252                                      session key or subkey. 
255   The Filler field is included in the checksum calculation for 
256   simplicity.  This is common to both MIC and context deletion token 
257   checksum calculations. 
259   Wrap Token: 
261      Byte no             Name           Description 
262       0..1            TOK_ID       Identification field. 
263                                    Tokens emitted by GSS_Wrap()                     
264                                    contain the hex value 05 04  
265                                    in this field. 
266       2..2            Direction    Hex value FF if the sender is the  
267                                    context acceptor, 00 otherwise.    
268       3..3            Seal         Confidentiality indicator: hex  
269                                    value FF if confidentiality is  
270                                    provided for, 00 otherwise. 
271       4..5            EC           Contains the "extra count" field,   
272                                    in big endian order as described in  
273                                    section 6.4. 
274       6..7            RRC          Contains the "right rotation                      
275                                    count" in big endian order, as  
276                                    described in section 6.3. 
277       8..15           SND_SEQ      Sequence number field in                      
278                                    cleartext, in big endian order. 
279       16..            Data         Encrypted or plaintext data, as  
280                                    described in section 6.2, where  
281                                    the encryption or checksum  
282                                    algorithm is defined by the crypto  
283                                    profile for the session key or  
284                                    subkey. 
287   Context Deletion Token:       
289      Byte no          Name           Description 
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291          Crypto Profile Support for Kerberos GSSAPI      August 2003 
294       0..1           TOK_ID        Identification field. 
295                                    Tokens emitted by 
296                                    GSS_Delete_sec_context() contain 
297                                    the hex value 04 05 in this  
298                                    field. 
299       2..2           Direction     Hex value FF if the sender is the  
300                                    context acceptor, 00 otherwise.    
301       3..7           Filler        Contains 5 bytes of hex value FF. 
302       8..15          SND_SEQ       Sequence number field in  
303                                    cleartext, in big endian order.  
304       16..           SGN_CKSUM     Checksum of byte 0..15, where the 
305                                    checksum algorithm is defined by      
306                                    the crypto profile for the  
307                                    session key or subkey. 
3107. Backwards compatibility considerations 
312   The new token formats defined in this document will only be 
313   recognized by new implementations.  A MIC or wrap token generated 
314   with the algorithms defined in this document will not be recognized 
315   by an older implementation that only recognizes the algorithms 
316   defined in [GSSAPI-KRB5].  To address this, implementations can 
317   always use the explicit sign or seal algorithm in [GSSAPI-KRB5] when 
318   the key type corresponds to those algorithms.  An alternative 
319   approach might be to retry sending the message with the sign or seal 
320   algorithm explicitly defined as in [GSSAPI-KRB5]. However this would 
321   require the use of a mechanism such as [SPNEGO] to securely 
322   negotiate the algorithm or the use out of band mechanism to choose 
323   appropriate algorithms.  For this reason, it is RECOMMENDED that the 
324   use of the new token formats defined in this document be confined 
325   only for "newer encryption and checksum" described by a crypto 
326   profile.  
3288. Security Considerations 
330   It is possible that the KDC returns a session-key type that is not 
331   supported by the GSSAPI implementation (either on the client and the 
332   server). In this case the implementation MUST not try to use the key 
333   with a supported cryptosystem. This will ensure that no security 
334   weaknesses arise due to the use of an inappropriate key with an 
335   encryption algorithm. 
337   In addition the security problem described in [3DES] arising from 
338   the use of a service implementation with a GSSAPI mechanism 
339   supporting only DES and a Kerberos mechanism supporting both DES and 
340   Triple DES is actually a more generic one.  It arises whenever the 
341   GSSAPI implementation does not support a stronger cryptosystem 
342   supported by the Kerberos mechanism.  KDC administrators desiring to 
343   limit the session key types to support interoperability with such 
344   GSSAPI implementations should carefully weigh the reduction in 
345   protection offered by such mechanisms against the benefits of 
346   interoperability. 
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348          Crypto Profile Support for Kerberos GSSAPI      August 2003 
352   It is recommended by some cryptographers that the output of a 
353   checksum used with an encryption algorithm should have the same 
354   strength as the key in use.  In this regard standardization work for 
355   SHA-256 and SHA-512 to be used with AES is currently in progress. 
356   This document retains the use of HMAC_SHA1_96 as specified in the 
357   [AES-KRB5] draft.  The use of SHA-256 or SHA-512 with AES will 
358   require new crypto profiles and there should not be any further 
359   changes needed to this document.  
3619. Acknowledgments 
364  The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions from the following 
365  individuals:  
367  Ken Raeburn and Nicolas Willams corrected many of our errors in the 
368  use of generic profiles and were instrumental in the creation of this 
369  draft. Sam Hartman and Ken Raeburn suggested the "floating trailer" 
370  idea.   
372  Sam Hartman and Nicolas Williams recommended the replacing our 
373  earlier key derivation function for directional keys with different 
374  key usage numbers for each direction as well as retaining the 
375  directional bit for maximum compatibility.   
377  Paul Leach provided numerous suggestions and comments. Scott Field, 
378  Richard Ward, Dan Simon also provided valuable inputs on this draft. 
38010. References 
382   [AES] National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. 
383   Department of Commerce, "Advanced Encryption Standard", Federal 
384   Information Processing Standards Publication 197, Washington, DC, 
385   November 2001. 
387   [AES-KRB5] Raeburn, K., "AES Encryption for Kerberos 5", draft-
388   raeburn-krb-rijndael-krb-05.txt, June, 2003. Work in progress. 
390   [DES3] Raeburn, K., "Triple-DES Support for the Kerberos 5 GSSAPI    
391   Mechanism", draft-raeburn-gssapi-krb5-3des-XX.txt in the MIT    
392   distribution, June 2000. 
395   [GSSAPI] Linn, J., "Generic Security Service Application Program    
396   Interface Version 2, Update 1", RFC 2743, January, 2000. 
398   [GSSAPI-KRB5] Linn, J., "The Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API Mechanism",    
399   RFC 1964, June, 1996. 
401   [KCRYPTO] Raeburn, K., "Encryption and Checksum Specifications for 
402   Kerberos 5", draft-ietf-krb-wg-crypto-05.txt, June, 2003. Work in 
403   progress.  
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406          Crypto Profile Support for Kerberos GSSAPI      August 2003 
410   [KRBCLAR] Neuman, C., Kohl, J., Ts'o T., Yu T., Hartman, S.,    
411   Raeburn, K., "The Kerveros Network Authentication Service (V5)",    
412   http://www.isi.edu/people/bcn/draft-kerberos-rev.html/krb-
413   clarifications-00-020222.txt, February,2002. Work in progress. 
415   [SPNEGO] Baize, E., Pinkas D., "The Simple and Protected GSS-API 
416   Negotiation Mechanism.", RFC 2478, December 1998. 
41811. Author's Address 
420   Larry Zhu 
421   One Microsoft Way 
422   Redmond, WA 98052 - USA 
423   EMail: LZhu@microsoft.com 
425   Karthik Jaganathan 
426   One Microsoft Way 
427   Redmond, WA 98052 - USA 
428   EMail: karthikj@microsoft.com 
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