1FTPEXT Working Group                                              R. Elz
2Internet Draft                                   University of Melbourne
3Expiration Date: April 2000
4                                                              P. Hethmon
5                                                        Hethmon Brothers
7                                                            October 1999
10                           Extensions to FTP
13                     draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt
15Status of this Memo
17   This document is an Internet-Draft and is NOT offered in accordance
18   with Section 10 of RFC2026, and the author does not provide the IETF
19   with any rights other than to publish as an Internet-Draft.
21   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
22   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
23   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
24   Drafts.
26   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
27   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
28   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
29   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
31   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
32   http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt.
34   To view the list Internet-Draft Shadow Directories, see
35   http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html.
37   This entire section has been prepended to this document automatically
38   during formatting without any direct involvement by the author(s) of
39   this draft.
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60   In order to overcome the problems caused by the undefined format of
61   the current FTP LIST command output, a new command is needed to
62   transfer standardized listing information from Server-FTP to User-
63   FTP.  Commands to enable this are defined in this document.
65   In order to allow consenting clients and servers to interact more
66   freely, a quite basic, and optional, virtual file store structure is
67   defined.
69   This proposal also extends the FTP protocol to allow character sets
70   other than US-ASCII[1] by allowing the transmission of 8-bit
71   characters and the recommended use of UTF-8[2] encoding.
73   Much implemented, but long undocumented, mechanisms to permit
74   restarts of interrupted data transfers in STREAM mode, are also
75   included here.
77   Lastly, the HOST command has been added to allow a style of "virtual
78   site" to be constructed.
80   Changed in this version of this document: Minor corrections as
81   discussed on the mailing list, including fixing many typographical
82   errors; Additional examples.  This paragraph will be deleted from the
83   final version of this document.
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117Table of Contents
119          Abstract  ................................................   2
120    1     Introduction  ............................................   4
121    2     Document Conventions  ....................................   4
122    2.1   Basic Tokens  ............................................   5
123    2.2   Pathnames  ...............................................   5
124    2.3   Times  ...................................................   7
125    2.4   Server Replies  ..........................................   8
126    3     File Modification Time (MDTM)  ...........................   8
127    3.1   Syntax  ..................................................   9
128    3.2   Error responses  .........................................   9
129    3.3   FEAT response for MDTM  ..................................   9
130    3.4   MDTM Examples  ...........................................  10
131    4     File SIZE  ...............................................  11
132    4.1   Syntax  ..................................................  11
133    4.2   Error responses  .........................................  11
134    4.3   FEAT response for SIZE  ..................................  12
135    4.4   Size Examples  ...........................................  12
136    5     Restart of Interrupted Transfer (REST)  ..................  13
137    5.1   Restarting in STREAM Mode  ...............................  13
138    5.2   Error Recovery and Restart  ..............................  14
139    5.3   Syntax  ..................................................  14
140    5.4   FEAT response for REST  ..................................  16
141    5.5   REST Example  ............................................  16
142    6     Virtual FTP servers  .....................................  16
143    6.1   The HOST command  ........................................  18
144    6.2   Syntax of the HOST command  ..............................  18
145    6.3   HOST command semantics  ..................................  19
146    6.4   HOST command errors  .....................................  21
147    6.5   FEAT response for HOST command  ..........................  22
148    7     A Trivial Virtual File Store (TVFS)  .....................  23
149    7.1   TVFS File Names  .........................................  23
150    7.2   TVFS Path Names  .........................................  24
151    7.3   FEAT Response for TVFS  ..................................  25
152    7.4   OPTS for TVFS  ...........................................  26
153    7.5   TVFS Examples  ...........................................  26
154    8     Listings for Machine Processing (MLST and MLSD)  .........  28
155    8.1   Format of MLSx Requests  .................................  29
156    8.2   Format of MLSx Response  .................................  29
157    8.3   Filename encoding  .......................................  32
158    8.4   Format of Facts  .........................................  33
159    8.5   Standard Facts  ..........................................  33
160    8.6   System Dependent and Local Facts  ........................  41
161    8.7   MLSx Examples  ...........................................  42
162    8.8   FEAT response for MLSx  ..................................  50
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172    8.9   OPTS parameters for MLST  ................................  51
173    9     Impact On Other FTP Commands  ............................  55
174   10     Character sets and Internationalization  .................  56
175   11     IANA Considerations  .....................................  56
176   11.1   The OS specific fact registry  ...........................  56
177   11.2   The OS specific filetype registry  .......................  57
178   12     Security Considerations  .................................  57
179   13     References  ..............................................  58
180          Acknowledgments  .........................................  59
181          Copyright  ...............................................  60
182          Editors' Addresses  ......................................  60
1871. Introduction
189   This document amends the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) [3].  Five new
190   commands are added: "SIZE", "HOST", "MDTM", "MLST", and "MLSD".  The
191   existing command "REST" is modified.  Of those, the "SIZE" and "MDTM"
192   commands, and the modifications to "REST" have been in wide use for
193   many years.  The others are new.
195   These commands allow a client to restart an interrupted transfer in
196   transfer modes not previously supported in any documented way, to
197   support the notion of virtual hosts, and to obtain a directory
198   listing in a machine friendly, predictable, format.
200   An optional structure for the server's file store (NVFS) is also
201   defined, allowing servers that support such a structure to convey
202   that information to clients in a standard way, thus allowing clients
203   more certainty in constructing and interpreting path names.
2052. Document Conventions
207   This document makes use of the document conventions defined in BCP14
208   [4].  That provides the interpretation of capitalized imperative
209   words like MUST, SHOULD, etc.
211   This document also uses notation defined in STD 9 [3].  In
212   particular, the terms "reply", "user", "NVFS", "file", "pathname",
213   "FTP commands", "DTP", "user-FTP process", "user-PI", "user-DTP",
214   "server-FTP process", "server-PI", "server-DTP", "mode", "type",
215   "NVT", "control connection", "data connection", and "ASCII", are all
216   used here as defined there.
218   Syntax required is defined using the Augmented BNF defined in [5].
219   Some general ABNF definitions are required throughout the document,
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229   those will be defined later in this section.  At first reading, it
230   may be wise to simply recall that these definitions exist here, and
231   skip to the next section.
2332.1. Basic Tokens
235   This document imports the core definitions given in Appendix A of
236   [5].  There definitions will be found for basic ABNF elements like
237   ALPHA, DIGIT, SP, etc.  To that, the following terms are added for
238   use in this document.
240        TCHAR          = VCHAR / SP / HTAB    ; visible plus white space
241        RCHAR          = ALPHA / DIGIT / "," / "." / ":" / "!" /
242                         "@" / "#" / "$" / "%" / "^" /
243                         "&" / "(" / ")" / "-" / "_" /
244                         "+" / "?" / "/" / "\" / "'" /
245                         DQUOTE   ; <"> -- double quote character (%x22)
247   The VCHAR (from [5]), TCHAR, and RCHAR types give basic character
248   types from varying sub-sets of the ASCII character set for use in
249   various commands and responses.
251        token          = 1*RCHAR
253   A "token" is a string whose precise meaning depends upon the context
254   in which it is used.  In some cases it will be a value from a set of
255   possible values maintained elsewhere.  In others it might be a string
256   invented by one party to an FTP conversation from whatever sources it
257   finds relevant.
259   Note that in ABNF, string literals are case insensitive.  That
260   convention is preserved in this document, and implies that FTP
261   commands added by this specification have names that can be
262   represented in any case.  That is, "MDTM" is the same as "mdtm",
263   "Mdtm" and "MdTm" etc.  However note that ALPHA, in particular, is
264   case sensitive.  That implies that a "token" is a case sensitive
265   value.  That implication is correct.
2672.2. Pathnames
269   Various FTP commands take pathnames as arguments, or return pathnames
270   in responses.  When the MLST command is supported, as indicated in
271   the response to the FEAT command [6], pathnames are to be transferred
272   in one of the following two formats.
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286        pathname       = utf-8-name / raw
287        utf-8-name     = <a UTF-8 encoded Unicode string>
288        raw            = <any string not being a valid UTF-8 encoding>
290   Which format is used is at the option of the user-PI or server-PI
291   sending the pathname.  UTF-8 encodings [2] contain enough internal
292   structure that it is always, in practice, possible to determine
293   whether a UTF-8 or raw encoding has been used, in those cases where
294   it matters.  While it is useful for the user-PI to be able to
295   correctly display a pathname received from the server-PI to the user,
296   it is far more important for the user-PI to be able to retain and
297   retransmit the identical pathname when required.  Implementations are
298   advised against converting a UTF-8 pathname to a local encoding, and
299   then attempting to invert the encoding later.  Note that ASCII is a
300   subset of UTF-8.
302   Unless otherwise specified, the pathname is terminated by the CRLF
303   that terminates the FTP command, or by the CRLF that ends a reply.
304   Any trailing spaces preceding that CRLF form part of the name.
305   Exactly one space will precede the pathname and serve as a separator
306   from the preceding syntax element.  Any additional spaces form part
307   of the pathname.  See [7] for a fuller explanation of the character
308   encoding issues.  All implementations supporting MLST MUST support
309   [7].
311   Implementations should also beware that the control connection uses
312   Telnet NVT conventions [8], and that the Telnet IAC character, if
313   part of a pathname sent over the control connection, MUST be
314   correctly escaped as defined by the Telnet protocol.
316   Implementors should also be aware that although Telnet NVT
317   conventions are used over the control connections, Telnet option
318   negotiation MUST NOT be attempted.  See section of [9].
3202.2.1. Pathname Syntax
322   Except where TVFS is supported (see section 7) this specification
323   imposes no syntax upon pathnames.  Nor does it restrict the character
324   set from which pathnames are created.  This does not imply that the
325   NVFS is required to make sense of all possible pathnames.  Server-PIs
326   may restrict the syntax of valid pathnames in their NVFS in any
327   manner appropriate to their implementation or underlying file system.
328   Similarly, a server-PI may parse the pathname, and assign meaning to
329   the components detected.
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3432.2.2. Wildcarding
345   For the commands defined in this specification, all pathnames are to
346   be treated literally.  That is, for a pathname given as a parameter
347   to a command, the file whose name is identical to the pathname given
348   is implied.  No characters from the pathname may be treated as
349   special or "magic", thus no pattern matching (other than for exact
350   equality) between the pathname given and the files present in the
351   NVFS of the Server-FTP is permitted.
353   Clients that desire some form of pattern matching functionality must
354   obtain a listing of the relevant directory, or directories, and
355   implement their own filename selection procedures.
3572.3. Times
359   The syntax of a time value is:
361        time-val       = 14DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ]
363   The leading, mandatory, fourteen digits are to be interpreted as, in
364   order from the leftmost, four digits giving the year, with a range of
365   1000-9999, two digits giving the month of the year, with a range of
366   01-12, two digits giving the day of the month, with a range of 01-31,
367   two digits giving the hour of the day, with a range of 00-23, two
368   digits giving minutes past the hour, with a range of 00-59, and
369   finally, two digits giving seconds past the minute, with a range of
370   00-60 (with 60 being used only at a leap second).  Years in the tenth
371   century, and earlier, cannot be expressed.  This is not considered a
372   serious defect of the protocol.
374   The optional digits, which are preceded by a period, give decimal
375   fractions of a second.  These may be given to whatever precision is
376   appropriate to the circumstance, however implementations MUST NOT add
377   precision to time-vals where that precision does not exist in the
378   underlying value being transmitted.
380   Symbolically, a time-val may be viewed as
382        YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.sss
384   The "." and subsequent digits ("sss") are optional.  However the "."
385   MUST NOT appear unless at least one following digit also appears.
387   Time values are always represented in UTC (GMT), and in the Gregorian
388   calendar regardless of what calendar may have been in use at the date
389   and time indicated at the location of the server-PI.
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400   The technical differences between GMT, TAI, UTC, UT1, UT2, etc, are
401   not considered here.  A server-FTP process should always use the same
402   time reference, so the times it returns will be consistent.  Clients
403   are not expected to be time synchronized with the server, so the
404   possible difference in times that might be reported by the different
405   time standards is not considered important.
4072.4. Server Replies
409   Section 4.2 of [3] defines the format and meaning of replies by the
410   server-PI to FTP commands from the user-PI.  Those reply conventions
411   are used here without change.
413        error-response = error-code SP *TCHAR CRLF
414        error-code     = ("4" / "5") 2DIGIT
416   Implementors should note that the ABNF syntax (which was not used in
417   [3]) used in this document, and other FTP related documents,
418   sometimes shows replies using the one line format.  Unless otherwise
419   explicitly stated, that is not intended to imply that multi-line
420   responses are not permitted.  Implementors should assume that, unless
421   stated to the contrary, any reply to any FTP command (including QUIT)
422   may be of the multi-line format described in [3].
424   Throughout this document, replies will be identified by the three
425   digit code that is their first element.  Thus the term "500 reply"
426   means a reply from the server-PI using the three digit code "500".
4283. File Modification Time (MDTM)
430   The FTP command, MODIFICATION TIME (MDTM), can be used to determine
431   when a file in the server NVFS was last modified.  This command has
432   existed in many FTP servers for many years, as an adjunct to the REST
433   command for STREAM mode, thus is widely available.  However, where
434   supported, the "modify" fact which can be provided in the result from
435   the new MLST command is recommended as a superior alternative.
437   When attempting to restart a RETRieve, if the User-FTP makes use of
438   the MDTM command, or "modify" fact, it can check and see if the
439   modification time of the source file is more recent than the
440   modification time of the partially transferred file.  If it is, then
441   most likely the source file has changed and it would be unsafe to
442   restart the previously incomplete file transfer.
444   When attempting to restart a STORe, the User FTP can use the MDTM
445   command to discover the modification time of the partially
446   transferred file.  If it is older than the modification time of the
447   file that is about to be STORed, then most likely the source file has
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457   changed and it would be unsafe to restart the file transfer.
459   Note that using MLST (described below) where available, can provide
460   this information, and much more, thus giving an even better
461   indication that a file has changed, and that restarting a transfer
462   would not give valid results.
464   Note that this is applicable to any RESTart attempt, regardless of
465   the mode of the file transfer.
4673.1. Syntax
469   The syntax for the MDTM command is:
471        mdtm          = "MdTm" SP pathname CRLF
473   As with all FTP commands, the "MDTM" command label is interpreted in
474   a case insensitive manner.
476   The "pathname" specifies an object in the NVFS which may be the
477   object of a RETR command.  Attempts to query the modification time of
478   files that are unable to be retrieved generate undefined responses.
480   The server-PI will respond to the MDTM command with a 213 reply
481   giving the last modification time of the file whose pathname was
482   supplied, or a 550 reply if the file does not exist, the modification
483   time is unavailable, or some other error has occurred.
485        mdtm-response = "213" SP time-val CRLF /
486                        error-response
4883.2. Error responses
490   Where the command is correctly parsed, but the modification time is
491   not available, either because the pathname identifies no existing
492   entity, or because the information is not available for the entity
493   named, then a 550 reply should be sent.  Where the command cannot be
494   correctly parsed, a 500 or 501 reply should be sent, as specified in
495   [3].
4973.3. FEAT response for MDTM
499   When replying to the FEAT command [6], an FTP server process that
500   supports the MDTM command MUST include a line containing the single
501   word "MDTM".  This MAY be sent in upper or lower case, or a mixture
502   of both (it is case insensitive) but SHOULD be transmitted in upper
503   case only.  That is, the response SHOULD be
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514        C> Feat
515        S> 211- <any descriptive text>
516        S>  ...
517        S>  MDTM
518        S>  ...
519        S> 211 End
521   The ellipses indicate place holders where other features may be
522   included, and are not required.  The one space indentation of the
523   feature lines is mandatory [6].
5253.4. MDTM Examples
527   If we assume the existence of three files, A B and C, and a directory
528   D, and no other files at all, then the MTDM command may behave as
529   indicated.  The "C>" lines are commands from user-PI to server-PI,
530   the "S>" lines are server-PI replies.
532        C> MDTM A
533        S> 213 19980615100045.014
534        C> MDTM B
535        S> 213 19980615100045.014
536        C> MDTM C
537        S> 213 19980705132316
538        C> MDTM D
539        S> 550 D is not retrievable
540        C> MDTM E
541        S> 550 No file named "E"
542        C> mdtm file6
543        S> 213 19990929003355
544        C> MdTm 19990929043300 File6
545        S> 213 19991005213102
546        C> MdTm 19990929043300 file6
547        S> 550 19990929043300 file6: No such file or directory.
549   From that we can conclude that both A and B were last modified at the
550   same time (to the nearest millisecond), and that C was modified 21
551   days and several hours later.
553   The times are in GMT, so file A was modified on the 15th of June,
554   1998, at approximately 11am in London (summer time was then in
555   effect), or perhaps at 8pm in Melbourne, Australia, or at 6am in New
556   York.  All of those represent the same absolute time of course.  The
557   location where the file was modified, and consequently the local wall
558   clock time at that location, is not available.
560   There is no file named "E" in the current directory, but there are
561   files named both "file6" and "19990929043300 File6".  The
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571   modification times of those files were obtained.  There is no file
572   named "19990929043300 file6".
5744. File SIZE
576   The FTP command, SIZE OF FILE (SIZE), is used to obtain the transfer
577   size of a file from the server-FTP process.  That is, the exact
578   number of octets (8 bit bytes) which would be transmitted over the
579   data connection should that file be transmitted.  This value will
580   change depending on the current STRUcture, MODE and TYPE of the data
581   connection, or a data connection which would be created were one
582   created now.  Thus, the result of the SIZE command is dependent on
583   the currently established STRU, MODE and TYPE parameters.
585   The SIZE command returns how many octets would be transferred if the
586   file were to be transferred using the current transfer structure,
587   mode and type.  This command is normally used in conjunction with the
588   RESTART (REST) command.  The server-PI might need to read the
589   partially transferred file, do any appropriate conversion, and count
590   the number of octets that would be generated when sending the file in
591   order to correctly respond to this command.  Estimates of the file
592   transfer size MUST NOT be returned, only precise information is
593   acceptable.
5954.1. Syntax
597   The syntax of the SIZE command is:
599        size          = "Size" SP pathname CRLF
601   The server-PI will respond to the SIZE command with a 213 reply
602   giving the transfer size of the file whose pathname was supplied, or
603   an error response if the file does not exist, the size is
604   unavailable, or some other error has occurred.  The value returned is
605   in a format suitable for use with the RESTART (REST) command for mode
606   STREAM, provided the transfer mode and type are not altered.
608        size-response = "213" SP 1*DIGIT CRLF /
609                        error-response
6114.2. Error responses
613   Where the command is correctly parsed, but the size is not available,
614   either because the pathname identifies no existing entity, or because
615   the entity named cannot be transferred in the current MODE and TYPE
616   (or at all), then a 550 reply should be sent.  Where the command
617   cannot be correctly parsed, a 500 or 501 reply should be sent, as
618   specified in [3].
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6284.3. FEAT response for SIZE
630   When replying to the FEAT command [6], an FTP server process that
631   supports the SIZE command MUST include a line containing the single
632   word "SIZE".  This word is case insensitive, and MAY be sent in any
633   mixture of upper or lower case, however it SHOULD be sent in upper
634   case.  That is, the response SHOULD be
636        C> FEAT
637        S> 211- <any descriptive text>
638        S>  ...
639        S>  SIZE
640        S>  ...
641        S> 211 END
643   The ellipses indicate place holders where other features may be
644   included, and are not required.  The one space indentation of the
645   feature lines is mandatory [6].
6474.4. Size Examples
649   Consider a text file "Example" stored on a Unix(TM) server where each
650   end of line is represented by a single octet.  Assume the file
651   contains 112 lines, and 1830 octets total.  Then the SIZE command
652   would produce:
654        C> TYPE I
655        S> 200 Type set to I.
656        C> size Example
657        S> 213 1830
658        C> TYPE A
659        S> 200 Type set to A.
660        C> Size Example
661        S> 213 1942
663   Notice that with TYPE=A the SIZE command reports an extra 112 octets.
664   Those are the extra octets that need to be inserted, one at the end
665   of each line, to provide correct end of line semantics for a transfer
666   using TYPE=A.  Other systems might need to make other changes to the
667   transfer format of files when converting between TYPEs and MODEs.
668   The SIZE command takes all of that into account.
670   Since calculating the size of a file with this degree of precision
671   may take considerable effort on the part of the server-PI, user-PIs
672   should not used this command unless this precision is essential (such
673   as when about to restart an interrupted transfer).  For other uses,
674   the "Size" fact of the MLST command (see section 8.5.7) ought be
675   requested.
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6855. Restart of Interrupted Transfer (REST)
687   To avoid having to resend the entire file if the file is only
688   partially transferred, both sides need some way to be able to agree
689   on where in the data stream to restart the data transfer.
691   The FTP specification [3] includes three modes of data transfer,
692   Stream, Block and Compressed.  In Block and Compressed modes, the
693   data stream that is transferred over the data connection is
694   formatted, allowing the embedding of restart markers into the stream.
695   The sending DTP can include a restart marker with whatever
696   information it needs to be able to restart a file transfer at that
697   point.  The receiving DTP can keep a list of these restart markers,
698   and correlate them with how the file is being saved.  To restart the
699   file transfer, the receiver just sends back that last restart marker,
700   and both sides know how to resume the data transfer.  Note that there
701   are some flaws in the description of the restart mechanism in RFC 959
702   [3].  See section of RFC 1123 [9] for the corrections.
7045.1. Restarting in STREAM Mode
706   In Stream mode, the data connection contains just a stream of
707   unformatted octets of data.  Explicit restart markers thus cannot be
708   inserted into the data stream, they would be indistinguishable from
709   data.  For this reason, the FTP specification [3] did not provide the
710   ability to do restarts in stream mode.  However, there is not really
711   a need to have explicit restart markers in this case, as restart
712   markers can be implied by the octet offset into the data stream.
714   Because the data stream defines the file in STREAM mode, a different
715   data stream would represent a different file.  Thus, an offset will
716   always represent the same position within a file.  On the other hand,
717   in other modes than STREAM, the same file can be transferred using
718   quite different octet sequences, and yet be reconstructed into the
719   one identical file.  Thus an offset into the data stream in transfer
720   modes other than STREAM would not give an unambiguous restart point.
722   If the data representation TYPE is IMAGE, and the STRUcture is File,
723   for many systems the file will be stored exactly in the same format
724   as it is sent across the data connection.  It is then usually very
725   easy for the receiver to determine how much data was previously
726   received, and notify the sender of the offset where the transfer
727   should be restarted.  In other representation types and structures
728   more effort will be required, but it remains always possible to
729   determine the offset with finite, but perhaps non-negligible, effort.
730   In the worst case an FTP process may need to open a data connection
731   to itself, set the appropriate transfer type and structure, and
732   actually transmit the file, counting the transmitted octets.
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742   If the user-FTP process is intending to restart a retrieve, it will
743   directly calculate the restart marker, and send that information in
744   the RESTart command.  However, if the user-FTP process is intending
745   to restart sending the file, it needs to be able to determine how
746   much data was previously sent, and correctly received and saved.  A
747   new FTP command is needed to get this information.  This is the
748   purpose of the SIZE command, as documented in section 4.
7505.2. Error Recovery and Restart
752   STREAM MODE transfers with FILE STRUcture may be restarted even
753   though no restart marker has been transferred in addition to the data
754   itself.  This is done by using the SIZE command, if needed, in
755   combination with the RESTART (REST) command, and one of the standard
756   file transfer commands.
758   When using TYPE ASCII or IMAGE, the SIZE command will return the
759   number of octets that would actually be transferred if the file were
760   to be sent between the two systems.  I.e. with type IMAGE, the SIZE
761   normally would be the number of octets in the file.  With type ASCII,
762   the SIZE would be the number of octets in the file including any
763   modifications required to satisfy the TYPE ASCII CR-LF end of line
764   convention.
7665.3. Syntax
768   The syntax for the REST command when the current transfer mode is
769   STREAM is:
771        rest          = "Rest" SP 1*DIGIT CRLF
773   The numeric value gives the number of octets of the immediately
774   following transfer to not actually send, effectively causing the
775   transmission to be restarted at a later point.  A value of zero
776   effectively disables restart, causing the entire file to be
777   transmitted.  The server-PI will respond to the REST command with a
778   350 reply, indicating that the REST parameter has been saved, and
779   that another command, which should be either RETR or STOR, should
780   then follow to complete the restart.
782        rest-response = "350" SP *TCHAR CRLF /
783                        error-response
785   Server-FTP processes may permit transfer commands other than RETR and
786   STOR, such as APPE and STOU, to complete a restart, however, this is
787   not recommended.  STOU (store unique) is undefined in this usage, as
788   storing the remainder of a file into a unique filename is rarely
789   going to be useful.  If APPE (append) is permitted, it MUST act
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799   identically to STOR when a restart marker has been set.  That is, in
800   both cases, octets from the data connection are placed into the file
801   at the location indicated by the restart marker value.
803   The REST command is intended to complete a failed transfer.  Use with
804   RETR is comparatively well defined in all cases, as the client bears
805   the responsibility of merging the retrieved data with the partially
806   retrieved file.  If it chooses to use the data obtained other than to
807   complete an earlier transfer, or if it chooses to re-retrieve data
808   that had been retrieved before, that is its choice.  With STOR,
809   however, the server must insert the data into the file named.  The
810   results are undefined if a client uses REST to do other than restart
811   to complete a transfer of a file which had previously failed to
812   completely transfer.  In particular, if the restart marker set with a
813   REST command is not at the end of the data currently stored at the
814   server, as reported by the server, or if insufficient data are
815   provided in a STOR that follows a REST to extend the destination file
816   to at least its previous size, then the effects are undefined.
818   The REST command must be the last command issued before the data
819   transfer command which is to cause a restarted rather than complete
820   file transfer.  The effect of issuing a REST command at any other
821   time is undefined.  The server-PI may react to a badly positioned
822   REST command by issuing an error response to the following command,
823   not being a restartable data transfer command, or it may save the
824   restart value and apply it to the next data transfer command, or it
825   may silently ignore the inappropriate restart attempt.  Because of
826   this, a user-PI that has issued a REST command, but which has not
827   successfully transmitted the following data transfer command for any
828   reason, should send another REST command before the next data
829   transfer command.  If that transfer is not to be restarted, then
830   "REST 0" should be issued.
832   An error-response will follow a REST command only when the server
833   does not implement the command, or the restart marker value is
834   syntactically invalid for the current transfer mode.  That is, in
835   STREAM mode, if something other than one or more digits appears in
836   the parameter to the REST command.  Any other errors, including such
837   problems as restart marker out of range, should be reported when the
838   following transfer command is issued.  Such errors will cause that
839   transfer request to be rejected with an error indicating the invalid
840   restart attempt.
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8565.4. FEAT response for REST
858   Where a server-FTP process supports RESTart in STREAM mode, as
859   specified here, it MUST include in the response to the FEAT command
860   [6], a line containing exactly the string "REST STREAM".  This string
861   is not case sensitive, but SHOULD be transmitted in upper case.
862   Where REST is not supported at all, or supported only in block or
863   compressed modes, the REST line MUST NOT be included in the FEAT
864   response.  Where required, the response SHOULD be
866        C> feat
867        S> 211- <any descriptive text>
868        S>  ...
869        S>  REST STREAM
870        S>  ...
871        S> 211 end
873   The ellipses indicate place holders where other features may be
874   included, and are not required.  The one space indentation of the
875   feature lines is mandatory [6].
8775.5. REST Example
879   Assume that the transfer of a largish file has previously been
880   interrupted after 802816 octets had been received, that the previous
881   transfer was with TYPE=I, and that it has been verified that the file
882   on the server has not since changed.
884        C> TYPE I
885        S> 200 Type set to I.
886        C> PORT 127,0,0,1,15,107
887        S> 200 PORT command successful.
888        C> REST 802816
889        S> 350 Restarting at 802816. Send STORE or RETRIEVE
890        C> RETR cap60.pl198.tar
891        S> 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection
892        [...]
893        S> 226 Transfer complete.
8956. Virtual FTP servers
897   It has become common in the Internet for many domain names to be
898   allocated to a single IP address.  This has introduced the concept of
899   a "virtual host", where a host appears to exist as an independent
900   entity, but in reality shares all of its resources with one, or more,
901   other such hosts.
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913   Such an arrangement presents some problems for FTP Servers, as all
914   the FTP Server can detect is an incoming FTP connection to a
915   particular IP address.  That is, all domain names which share the IP
916   address also share the FTP server, and more importantly, its NVFS.
917   This means that the various virtual hosts cannot offer different
918   virtual file systems to clients, nor can they offer different
919   authentication systems.
921   No scheme can overcome this without modifications of some kind to the
922   user-PI and the user-FTP process.  That process is the only entity
923   that knows which virtual host is required.  It has performed the
924   domain name to IP address translation, and thus has the original
925   domain name available.
927   One method which could be used to allow a style of virtual host would
928   be for the client to simply send a "CWD" command after connecting,
929   using the virtual host name as the argument to the CWD command.  This
930   would allow the server-FTP process to implement the file stores of
931   the virtual hosts as sub-directories in its NVFS.  This is simple,
932   and supported by essentially all server-FTP implementations without
933   requiring any code changes.
935   While that method is simple to describe, and to implement, it suffers
936   from several drawbacks.  First, the "CWD" command is available only
937   after the user-PI has authenticated itself to the server-FTP process.
938   Thus, all virtual hosts would be required to share a common
939   authentication scheme.  Second, either the server-FTP process needs
940   to be modified to understand the special nature of this first CWD
941   command, negating most of the advantage of this scheme, or all users
942   must see the same identical NVFS view upon connecting (they must
943   connect in the same initial directory) or the NVFS must implement the
944   full set of virtual host directories at each possible initial
945   directory for any possible user, or the virtual host will not be
946   truly transparent.  Third, and again unless the server is specially
947   modified, a user connecting this way to a virtual host would be able
948   to trivially move to any other virtual host supported at the same
949   server-FTP process, exposing the nature of the virtual host.
951   Other schemes overloading other existing FTP commands have also been
952   proposed.  None of those have sufficient merit to be worth
953   discussion.
955   The conclusion from the examination of the possibilities seems to be
956   that to obtain an adequate emulation of "real" FTP servers, server
957   modifications to support virtual hosts are required.  A new command
958   seems most likely to provide the support required.
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9706.1. The HOST command
972   A new command "HOST" is added to the FTP command set to allow
973   server-FTP process to determine to which of possibly many virtual
974   hosts the client wishes to connect.  This command is intended to be
975   issued before the user is authenticated, allowing the authentication
976   scheme, and set of legal users, to be dependent upon the virtual host
977   chosen.  Server-FTP processes may, if they desire, permit the HOST
978   command to be issued after the user has been authenticated, or may
979   treat that as an erroneous sequence of commands.  The behavior of the
980   server-FTP process which does allow late HOST commands is undefined.
981   One reasonable interpretation would be for the user-PI to be returned
982   to the state that existed after the TCP connection was first
983   established, before user authentication.
985   Servers should note that the response to the HOST command is a
986   sensible time to send their "welcome" message.  This allows the
987   message to be personalized for any virtual hosts that are supported,
988   and also allows the client to have determined supported languages, or
989   representations, for the message, and other messages, via the FEAT
990   response, and selected an appropriate one via the LANG command.  See
991   [7] for more information.
9936.2. Syntax of the HOST command
995   The HOST command is defined as follows.
997        host-command     = "Host" SP hostname CRLF
998        hostname         = 1*DNCHAR 1*( "." 1*DNCHAR ) [ "." ]
999        DNCHAR           = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "_" / "$" /
1000                           "!" / "%" / "[" / "]" / ":"
1001        host-response    = host-ok / error-response
1002        host-ok          = "220" [ SP *TCHAR ] CRLF
1004   As with all FTP commands, the "host" command word is case
1005   independent, and may be specified in any character case desired.
1007   The "hostname" given as a parameter specifies the virtual host to
1008   which access is desired.  It should normally be the same name that
1009   was used to obtain the IP address to which the FTP control connection
1010   was made, after any client conversions to convert an abbreviated or
1011   local alias to a complete (fully qualified) domain name, but before
1012   resolving a DNS alias (owner of a CNAME resource record) to its
1013   canonical name.
1015   If the client was given a network literal address, and consequently
1016   was not required to derive it from a hostname, it should send the
1017   HOST command with the network address, as specified to it, enclosed
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1027   in brackets (after eliminating any syntax, which might also be
1028   brackets, but is not required to be, from which the server deduced
1029   that a literal address had been specified.) That is, for example
1031                         HOST []
1033   should be sent if the client had been instructed to connect to
1034   "", or "[]", or perhaps even IPv4:  The
1035   method of indicating to a client that a literal address is to be used
1036   is beyond the scope of this specification.
1038   The parameter is otherwise to be treated as a "complete domain name",
1039   as that term is defined in section 3.1 of RFC 1034 [10].  That
1040   implies that the name is to be treated as a case independent string,
1041   in that upper case ASCII characters are to be treated as equivalent
1042   to the corresponding lower case ASCII characters, but otherwise
1043   preserved as given.  It also implies some limits on the length of the
1044   parameter and of the components that create its internal structure.
1045   Those limits are not altered in any way here.
1047   RFC 1034 imposes no other restrictions upon what kinds of names can
1048   be stored in the DNS.  Nor does RFC 1035.  This specification,
1049   however, allows only a restricted set of names for the purposes of
1050   the HOST command.  Those restrictions can be inferred from the ABNF
1051   grammar given for the "hostname".
10536.3. HOST command semantics
1055   Upon receiving the HOST command, before authenticating the user-PI, a
1056   server-FTP process should validate that the hostname given represents
1057   a valid virtual host for that server, and if so, establish the
1058   appropriate environment for that virtual host.  The meaning of that
1059   is not specified here, and may range from doing nothing at all, or
1060   performing a simple change of working directory, to much more
1061   elaborate state changes, as required.
1063   If the hostname specified is unknown at the server, or if the server
1064   is otherwise unwilling to treat the particular connection as a
1065   connection to the hostname specified, the server will respond with a
1066   504 reply.
1068   Note: servers may require that the name specified is in some sense
1069   equivalent to the particular network address that was used to reach
1070   the server.
1072   If the hostname specified would normally be acceptable, but for any
1073   reason is temporarily unavailable, the server SHOULD reply to the
1074   HOST command with a 434 reply.
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1084   The "220" reply code for the HOST command is the same as the code
1085   used on the initial connection established "welcome" message.  This
1086   is done deliberately so as to allow the implementation to implement
1087   the front end FTP server as a wrapper which simply waits for the HOST
1088   command, and then invokes an older, RFC959 compliant, server in the
1089   appropriate environment for the particular hostname received.
10916.3.1. The REIN command
1093   As specified in [3], the REIN command returns the state of the
1094   connection to that it was immediately after the transport connection
1095   was opened.  That is not changed here.  The effect of a HOST command
1096   will be lost if a REIN command is performed, a new HOST command must
1097   be issued.
1099   Implementors of user-FTP should be aware that server-FTP
1100   implementations which implement the HOST command as a wrapper around
1101   older implementations will be unable to correctly implement the REIN
1102   command.  In such an implementation, REIN will typically return the
1103   server-FTP to the state that existed immediately after the HOST
1104   command was issued, instead of to the state immediately after the
1105   connection was opened.
11076.3.2. User-PI usage of HOST
1109   A user-PI that conforms to this specification, MUST send the HOST
1110   command after opening the transport connection, or after any REIN
1111   command, before attempting to authenticate the user with the USER
1112   command.
1114   The following state diagram shows a typical sequence of flow of
1115   control, where the "B" (begin) state is assumed to occur after the
1116   transport connection has opened, or a REIN command has succeeded.
1117   Other commands (such as FEAT [6]) which require no authentication may
1118   have intervened.  This diagram is modeled upon (and largely borrowed
1119   from) the similar diagram in section 6 of [3].
1121   In this diagram, a three digit reply indicates that precise server
1122   reply code, a single digit on a reply path indicates any server reply
1123   beginning with that digit, other than any three digit replies that
1124   might take another path.
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1142              +---+   HOST    +---+ 1,3,5
1143              | B |---------->| W |-----------------
1144              +---+           +---+                 |
1145                               | |                  |
1146                     2,500,502 | | 4,501,503,504    |
1147                 --------------   -------------     |
1148                |                              |    |
1149                V                   1          |    V
1150              +---+   USER    +---+-------------->+---+
1151              |   |---------->| W | 2       ----->| E |
1152              +---+           +---+------  |  --->+---+
1153                               | |       | | | |
1154                             3 | | 4,5   | | | |
1155                 --------------   -----  | | | |
1156                |                      | | | | |
1157                |                      | | | | |
1158                |                 ---------  | |
1159                |               1|     | |   | |
1160                V                |     | |   | |
1161              +---+   PASS    +---+ 2  |  ------->+---+
1162              |   |---------->| W |-------------->| S |
1163              +---+           +---+   ----------->+---+
1164                               | |   | |     | |
1165                             3 | |4,5| |     | |
1166                 --------------   --------   | |
1167                |                    | |  |  |  ----
1168                |                    | |  |  |      |
1169                |                 -----------       |
1170                |             1,3|   | |  |         |
1171                V                |  2| |  |         V
1172              +---+   ACCT    +---+--  |   ------>+---+
1173              |   |---------->| W | 4,5 --------->| F |
1174              +---+           +---+-------------->+---+
11766.4. HOST command errors
1178   The server-PI shall reply with a 500 or 502 reply if the HOST command
1179   is unrecognized or unimplemented.  A 503 reply may be sent if the
1180   HOST command is given after a previous HOST command, or after a user
1181   has been authenticated.  Alternately, the server may accept the
1182   command at such a time, with server defined behavior.  A 501 reply
1183   should be sent if the hostname given is syntactically invalid, and a
1184   504 reply if a syntactically valid hostname is not a valid virtual
1185   host name for the server.
1187   In all such cases the server-FTP process should act as if no HOST
1188   command had been given.
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1198   A user-PI receiving a 500 or 502 reply should assume that the
1199   server-PI does not implement the HOST command style virtual server.
1200   It may then proceed to login as if the HOST command had succeeded,
1201   and perhaps, attempt a CWD command to the hostname after
1202   authenticating the user.
1204   A user-PI receiving some other error reply should assume that the
1205   virtual HOST is unavailable, and terminate communications.
1207   A server-PI that receives a USER command, beginning the
1208   authentication sequence, without having received a HOST command
1209   SHOULD NOT reject the USER command.  Clients conforming to earlier
1210   FTP specifications do not send HOST commands.  In this case the
1211   server may act as if some default virtual host had been explicitly
1212   selected, or may enter an environment different from that of all
1213   supported virtual hosts, perhaps one in which a union of all
1214   available accounts exists, and which presents a NVFS which appears to
1215   contain sub-directories containing the NVFS for all virtual hosts
1216   supported.
12186.5. FEAT response for HOST command
1220   A server-FTP process that supports the host command, and virtual FTP
1221   servers, MUST include in the response to the FEAT command [6], a
1222   feature line indicating that the HOST command is supported.  This
1223   line should contain the single word "HOST".  This MAY be sent in
1224   upper or lower case, or a mixture of both (it is case insensitive)
1225   but SHOULD be transmitted in upper case only.  That is, the response
1226   SHOULD be
1228        C> Feat
1229        S> 211- <any descriptive text>
1230        S>  ...
1231        S>  HOST
1232        S>  ...
1233        S> 211 End
1235   The ellipses indicate place holders where other features may be
1236   included, and are not required.  The one space indentation of the
1237   feature lines is mandatory [6].
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12557. A Trivial Virtual File Store (TVFS)
1257   Traditionally, FTP has placed almost no constraints upon the file
1258   store (NVFS) provided by a server.  This specification does not alter
1259   that.  However, it has become common for servers to attempt to
1260   provide at least file system naming conventions modeled loosely upon
1261   those of the UNIX(TM) file system.  That is, a tree structured file
1262   system, built of directories, each of which can contain other
1263   directories, or other kinds of files, or both.  Each file and
1264   directory has a file name relative to the directory that contains it,
1265   except for the directory at the root of the tree, which is contained
1266   in no other directory, and hence has no name of its own.
1268   That which has so far been described is perfectly consistent with the
1269   standard FTP NVFS and access mechanisms.  The "CWD" command is used
1270   to move from one directory to an embedded directory.  "CDUP" may be
1271   provided to return to the parent directory, and the various file
1272   manipulation commands ("RETR", "STOR", the rename commands, etc) are
1273   used to manipulate files within the current directory.
1275   However, it is often useful to be able to reference files other than
1276   by changing directories, especially as FTP provides no guaranteed
1277   mechanism to return to a previous directory.  The Trivial Virtual
1278   File Store (TVFS), if implemented, provides that mechanism.
12807.1. TVFS File Names
1282   Where a server implements the TVFS, no elementary filename shall
1283   contain the character "/".  Where the underlying natural file store
1284   permits files, or directories, to contain the "/" character in their
1285   names, a server-PI implementing TVFS must encode that character in
1286   some manner whenever file or directory names are being returned to
1287   the user-PI, and reverse that encoding whenever such names are being
1288   accepted from the user-PI.
1290   The encoding method to be used is not specified here.  Where some
1291   other character is illegal in file and directory names in the
1292   underlying file store, a simple transliteration may be sufficient.
1293   Where there is no suitable substitute character a more complex
1294   encoding scheme, possibly using an escape character, is likely to be
1295   required.
1297   With the one exception of the unnamed root directory, a TVFS file
1298   name may not be empty.  That is, all other file names contain at
1299   least one character.
1301   With the sole exception of the "/" character, any valid IS10646
1302   character [11] may be used in a TVFS filename.  When transmitted,
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1312   file name characters are encoded using the UTF-8 encoding [2].
13147.2. TVFS Path Names
1316   A TVFS "Path Name" combines the file or directory name of a target
1317   file or directory, with the directory names of zero or more enclosing
1318   directories, so as to allow the target file or directory to be
1319   referenced other than when the server's "current working directory"
1320   is the directory directly containing the target file or directory.
1322   By definition, every TVFS file or directory name is also a TVFS path
1323   name.  Such a path name is valid to reference the file from the
1324   directory containing the name, that is, when that directory is the
1325   server-FTP's current working directory.
1327   Other TVFS path names are constructed by prefixing a path name by a
1328   name of a directory from which the path is valid, and separating the
1329   two with the "/" character.  Such a path name is valid to reference
1330   the file or directory from the directory containing the newly added
1331   directory name.
1333   Where a path name has been extended to the point where the directory
1334   added is the unnamed root directory, the path name will begin with
1335   the "/" character.  Such a path is known as a fully qualified path
1336   name.  Fully qualified paths may, obviously, not be further extended,
1337   as, by definition, no directory contains the root directory.  Being
1338   unnamed, it cannot be represented in any other directory.  A fully
1339   qualified path name is valid to reference the named file or directory
1340   from any location (that is, regardless of what the current working
1341   directory may be) in the virtual file store.
1343   Any path name which is not a fully qualified path name may be
1344   referred to as a "relative path name" and will only correctly
1345   reference the intended file when the current working directory of the
1346   server-FTP is a directory from which the relative path name is valid.
1348   As a special case, the path name "/" is defined to be a fully
1349   qualified path name referring to the root directory.  That is, the
1350   root directory does not have a directory (or file) name, but does
1351   have a path name.  This special path name may be used only as is as a
1352   reference to the root directory.  It may not be combined with other
1353   path names using the rules above, as doing so would lead to a path
1354   name containing two consecutive "/" characters, which is an undefined
1355   sequence.
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13697.2.1. Notes
1371     + It is not required, or expected, that there be only one fully
1372       qualified path name that will reference any particular file or
1373       directory.
1374     + As a caveat, though the TVFS file store is basically tree
1375       structured, there is no requirement that any file or directory
1376       have only one parent directory.
1377     + As defined, no TVFS path name will ever contain two consecutive
1378       "/" characters.  Such a name is not illegal however, and may be
1379       defined by the server for any purpose that suits it.  Clients
1380       implementing this specification should not assume any semantics
1381       at all for such names.
1382     + Similarly, other than the special case path that refers to the
1383       root directory, no TVFS path name constructed as defined here
1384       will ever end with the "/" character.  Such names are also not
1385       illegal, but are undefined.
1386     + While any legal IS10646 character is permitted to occur in a TVFS
1387       file or directory name, other than "/", server FTP
1388       implementations are not required to support all possible IS10646
1389       characters.  The subset supported is entirely at the discretion
1390       of the server.  The case (where it exists) of the characters that
1391       make up file, directory, and path names may be significant.
1392       Unless determined otherwise by means unspecified here, clients
1393       should assume that all such names are comprised of characters
1394       whose case is significant.  Servers are free to treat case (or
1395       any other attribute) of a name as irrelevant, and hence map two
1396       names which appear to be distinct onto the same underlying file.
1397     + There are no defined "magic" names, like ".", ".." or "C:".
1398       Servers may implement such names, with any semantics they choose,
1399       but are not required to do so.
1400     + TVFS imposes no particular semantics or properties upon files,
1401       guarantees no access control schemes, or any of the other common
1402       properties of a file store.  Only the naming scheme is defined.
14047.3. FEAT Response for TVFS
1406   In response to the FEAT command [6] a server that wishes to indicate
1407   support for the TVFS as defined here will include a line that begins
1408   with the four characters "TVFS" (in any case, or mixture of cases,
1409   upper case is not required).  Servers SHOULD send upper case.
1411   Such a response to the FEAT command MUST NOT be returned unless the
1412   server implements TVFS as defined here.
1414   Later specifications may add to the TVFS definition.  Such additions
1415   should be notified by means of additional text appended to the TVFS
1416   feature line.  Such specifications, if any, will define the extra
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1426   text.
1428   Until such a specification is defined, servers should not include
1429   anything after "TVFS" in the TVFS feature line.  Clients, however,
1430   should be prepared to deal with arbitrary text following the four
1431   defined characters, and simply ignore it if unrecognized.
1433   A typical response to the FEAT command issued by a server
1434   implementing only this specification would be:
1436        C> feat
1437        S> 211- <any descriptive text>
1438        S>  ...
1439        S>  TVFS
1440        S>  ...
1441        S> 211 end
1443   The ellipses indicate place holders where other features may be
1444   included, and are not required.  The one space indentation of the
1445   feature lines is mandatory [6], and is not counted as one of the
1446   first four characters for the purposes of this feature listing.
1448   The TVFS feature adds no new commands to the FTP command repertoire.
14507.4. OPTS for TVFS
1452   There are no options in this TVFS specification, and hence there is
1453   no OPTS command defined.
14557.5. TVFS Examples
1457   Assume a TVFS file store is comprised of a root directory, which
1458   contains two directories (A and B) and two non-directory files (X and
1459   Y).  The A directory contains two directories (C and D) and one other
1460   file (Z).  The B directory contains just two non-directory files (P
1461   and Q) and the C directory also two non-directory files (also named P
1462   and Q, by chance).  The D directory is empty, that is, contains no
1463   files or directories.
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1483   This structure may depicted graphically as...
1485                      (unnamed root)
1486                        /  |  \   \
1487                       /   |   \   \
1488                      A    X    B   Y
1489                     /|\       / \
1490                    / | \     /   \
1491                   C  D  Z   P     Q
1492                  / \
1493                 /   \
1494                P     Q
1496   Given this structure, the following fully qualified path names exist.
1498        /
1499        /A
1500        /B
1501        /X
1502        /Y
1503        /A/C
1504        /A/D
1505        /A/Z
1506        /A/C/P
1507        /A/C/Q
1508        /B/P
1509        /B/Q
1511   It is clear that none of the paths / /A /B or /A/D refer to the same
1512   directory, as the contents of each is different.  Nor do any of / /A
1513   /A/C or /A/D.  However /A/C and /B might be the same directory, there
1514   is insufficient information given to tell.  Any of the other path
1515   names (/X /Y /A/Z /A/C/P /A/C/Q /B/P and /B/Q) may refer to the same
1516   underlying files, in almost any combination.
1518   If the current working directory of the server-FTP is /A then the
1519   following path names, in addition to all the fully qualified path
1520   names, are valid
1522        C
1523        D
1524        Z
1525        C/P
1526        C/Q
1528   These all refer to the same files or directories as the corresponding
1529   fully qualified path with "/A/" prepended.
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1540   That those path names all exist does not imply that the TVFS sever
1541   will necessarily grant any kind of access rights to the named paths,
1542   or that access to the same file via different path names will
1543   necessarily be granted equal rights.
1545   None of the following relative paths are valid when the current
1546   directory is /A
1548        A
1549        B
1550        X
1551        Y
1552        B/P
1553        B/Q
1554        P
1555        Q
1557   Any of those could be made valid by changing the server-FTP's current
1558   working directory to the appropriate directory.  Note that the paths
1559   "P" and "Q" might refer to different files depending upon which
1560   directory is selected to cause those to become valid TVFS relative
1561   paths.
15638. Listings for Machine Processing (MLST and MLSD)
1565   The MLST and MLSD commands are intended to standardize the file and
1566   directory information returned by the Server-FTP process.  These
1567   commands differ from the LIST command in that the format of the
1568   replies is strictly defined although extensible.
1570   Two commands are defined, MLST which provides data about exactly the
1571   object named on its command line, and no others.  MLSD on the other
1572   hand will list the contents of a directory if a directory is named,
1573   otherwise a 501 reply will be returned.  In either case, if no object
1574   is named, the current directory is assumed.  That will cause MLST to
1575   send a one line response, describing the current directory itself,
1576   and MLSD to list the contents of the current directory.
1578   In the following, the term MLSx will be used wherever either MLST or
1579   MLSD may be inserted.
1581   The MLST and MLSD commands also extend the FTP protocol as presented
1582   in RFC 959 [3] and RFC 1123 [9] to allow that transmission of 8-bit
1583   data over the control connection.  Note this is not specifying
1584   character sets which are 8-bit, but specifying that FTP
1585   implementations are to specifically allow the transmission and
1586   reception of 8-bit bytes, with all bits significant, over the control
1587   connection.  That is, all 256 possible octet values are permitted.
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1597   The MLSx command allows both UTF-8/Unicode and "raw" forms as
1598   arguments, and in responses both to the MLST and MLSD commands, and
1599   all other FTP commands which take pathnames as arguments.
16018.1. Format of MLSx Requests
1603   The MLST and MLSD commands each allow a single optional argument.
1604   This argument may be either a directory name or, for MLST only, a
1605   filename.  For these purposes, a "filename" is the name of any entity
1606   in the server NVFS which is not a directory.  Where TVFS is
1607   supported, any TVFS relative path name valid in the current working
1608   directory, or any TVFS fully qualified path name, may be given.  If a
1609   directory name is given then MLSD must return a listing of the
1610   contents of the named directory, otherwise it issues a 501 reply, and
1611   does not open a data connection.  In all cases for MLST, a single set
1612   of fact lines (usually a single fact line) containing the information
1613   about the named file or directory shall be returned over the control
1614   connection, without opening a data connection.
1616   If no argument is given then MLSD must return a listing of the
1617   contents of the current working directory, and MLST must return a
1618   listing giving information about the current working directory
1619   itself.  For these purposes, the contents of a directory are whatever
1620   filenames (not pathnames) the server-PI will allow to be referenced
1621   when the current working directory is the directory named, and which
1622   the server-PI desires to reveal to the user-PI.
1624   No title, header, or summary, lines, or any other formatting, other
1625   than as is specified below, is ever returned in the output of an MLST
1626   or MLSD command.
1628   If the Client-FTP sends an invalid argument, the Server-FTP MUST
1629   reply with an error code of 501.
1631   The syntax for the MLSx command is:
1633        mlst             = "MLst" [ SP pathname ] CRLF
1634        mlsd             = "MLsD" [ SP pathname ] CRLF
16368.2. Format of MLSx Response
1638   The format of a response to an MLSx command is as follows:
1640        mlst-response    = control-response / error-response
1641        mlsd-response    = ( initial-response final-response ) /
1642                           error-response
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1654        control-response = "250-" [ response-message ] CRLF
1655                           1*( SP entry CRLF )
1656                           "250" [ SP response-message ] CRLF
1658        initial-response = "150" [ SP response-message ] CRLF
1659        final-response   = "226" SP response-message CRLF
1661        response-message = *TCHAR
1663        data-response    = *( entry CRLF )
1665        entry            = [ facts ] SP pathname
1666        facts            = 1*( fact ";" )
1667        fact             = factname "=" value
1668        factname         = "Size" / "Modify" / "Create" /
1669                           "Type" / "Unique" / "Perm" /
1670                           "Lang" / "Media-Type" / "CharSet" /
1671                           os-depend-fact / local-fact
1672        os-depend-fact   = <IANA assigned OS name> "." token
1673        local-fact       = "X." token
1674        value            = *RCHAR
1676   Upon receipt of a MLSx command, the server will verify the parameter,
1677   and if invalid return an error-response.  For this purpose, the
1678   parameter should be considered to be invalid if the client issuing
1679   the command does not have permission to perform the request
1680   operation.
1682   If valid, then for an MLST command, the server-PI will send the first
1683   (leading) line of the control response, the entry for the pathname
1684   given, or the current directory if no pathname was provided, and the
1685   terminating line.  Normally exactly one entry would be returned, more
1686   entries are permitted only when required to represent a file that is
1687   to have multiple "Type" facts returned.
1689   Note that for MLST the fact set is preceded by a space.  That is
1690   provided to guarantee that the fact set cannot be accidentally
1691   interpreted as the terminating line of the control response, but is
1692   required even when that would not be possible.  Exactly one space
1693   exists between the set of facts and the pathname.  Where no facts are
1694   present, there will be exactly two leading spaces before the
1695   pathname.  No spaces are permitted in the facts, any other spaces in
1696   the response are to be treated as being a part of the pathname.
1698   If the command was an MLSD command, the server will open a data
1699   connection as indicated in section 3.2 of RFC959 [3].  If that fails,
1700   the server will return an error-response.  If all is OK, the server
1701   will return the initial-response, send the appropriate data-response
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1711   over the new data connection, close that connection, and then send
1712   the final-response over the control connection.  The grammar above
1713   defines the format for the data-response, which defines the format of
1714   the data returned over the data connection established.
1716   The data connection opened for a MLSD response shall be a connection
1717   as if the "TYPE L 8", "MODE S", and "STRU F" commands had been given,
1718   whatever FTP transfer type, mode and structure had actually been set,
1719   and without causing those settings to be altered for future commands.
1720   That is, this transfer type shall be set for the duration of the data
1721   connection established for this command only.  While the content of
1722   the data sent can be viewed as a series of lines, implementations
1723   should note that there is no maximum line length defined.
1724   Implementations should be prepared to deal with arbitrarily long
1725   lines.
1727   The facts part of the specification would contain a series of "file
1728   facts" about the file or directory named on the same line.  Typical
1729   information to be presented would include file size, last
1730   modification time, creation time, a unique identifier, and a
1731   file/directory flag.
1733   The complete format for a successful reply to the MLSD command would
1734   be:
1736        facts SP pathname CRLF
1737        facts SP pathname CRLF
1738        facts SP pathname CRLF
1739        ...
1741   Note that the format is intended for machine processing, not human
1742   viewing, and as such the format is very rigid.  Implementations MUST
1743   NOT vary the format by, for example, inserting extra spaces for
1744   readability, replacing spaces by tabs, including header or title
1745   lines, or inserting blank lines, or in any other way alter this
1746   format.  Exactly one space is always required after the set of facts
1747   (which may be empty).  More spaces may be present on a line if, and
1748   only if, the file name presented contains significant spaces.  The
1749   set of facts must not contain any spaces anywhere inside it.  Facts
1750   should be provided in each output line only if they both provide
1751   relevant information about the file named on the same line, and they
1752   are in the set requested by the user-PI.  There is no requirement
1753   that the same set of facts be provided for each file, or that the
1754   facts presented occur in the same order for each file.
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17688.3. Filename encoding
1770   An FTP implementation supporting the MLSx commands must be 8-bit
1771   clean.  This is necessary in order to transmit UTF-8 encoded
1772   filenames.  This specification recommends the use of UTF-8 encoded
1773   filenames.  FTP implementations SHOULD use UTF-8 whenever possible to
1774   encourage the maximum interoperability.
1776   Filenames are not restricted to UTF-8, however treatment of arbitrary
1777   character encodings is not specified by this standard.  Applications
1778   are encouraged to treat non-UTF-8 encodings of filenames as octet
1779   sequences.
1781   Note that this encoding is unrelated to that of the contents of the
1782   file, even if the file contains character data.
1784   Further information about filename encoding for FTP may be found in
1785   "Internationalization of the File Transfer Protocol" [7].
17878.3.1. Notes about the Filename
1789   The filename returned in the MLST response should be the same name as
1790   was specified in the MLST command, or, where TVFS is supported, a
1791   fully qualified TVFS path naming the same file.  Where no argument
1792   was given to the MLST command, the server-PI may either include an
1793   empty filename in the response, or it may supply a name that refers
1794   to the current directory, if such a name is available.  Where TVFS is
1795   supported, a fully qualified path name of the current directory
1796   SHOULD be returned.
1798   Filenames returned in the output from an MLSD command SHOULD be
1799   unqualified names within the directory named, or the current
1800   directory if no argument was given.  That is, the directory named in
1801   the MLSD command SHOULD NOT appear as a component of the filenames
1802   returned.
1804   If the server-FTP process is able, and the "type" fact is being
1805   returned, it MAY return in the MLSD response, an entry whose type is
1806   "cdir", which names the directory from which the contents of the
1807   listing were obtained.  Where TVFS is supported, the name MAY be the
1808   fully qualified path name of the directory, or MAY be any other path
1809   name which is valid to refer to that directory from the current
1810   working directory of the server-FTP.  Where more than one name
1811   exists, multiple of these entries may be returned.  In a sense, the
1812   "cdir" entry can be viewed as a heading for the MLSD output.
1813   However, it is not required to be the first entry returned, and may
1814   occur anywhere within the listing.
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1825   When TVFS is supported, a user-PI can refer to any file or directory
1826   in the listing by combining a type "cdir" name, with the appropriate
1827   name from the directory listing using the procedure defined in
1828   section 7.2.
1830   Alternatively, whether TVFS is supported or not, the user-PI can
1831   issue a CWD command ([3]) giving a name of type "cdir" from the
1832   listing returned, and from that point reference the files returned in
1833   the MLSD response from which the cdir was obtained by using the
1834   filename components of the listing.
18368.4. Format of Facts
1838   The "facts" for a file in a reply to a MLSx command consist of
1839   information about that file.  The facts are a series of keyword=value
1840   pairs each followed by semi-colon (";") characters.  An individual
1841   fact may not contain a semi-colon in its name or value.  The complete
1842   series of facts may not contain the space character.  See the
1843   definition or "RCHAR" in section 2.1 for a list of the characters
1844   that can occur in a fact value.  Not all are applicable to all facts.
1846   A sample of a typical series of facts would be: (spread over two
1847   lines for presentation here only)
1849        size=4161;lang=en-US;modify=19970214165800;create=19961001124534;
1850        type=file;x.myfact=foo,bar;
18528.5. Standard Facts
1854   This document defines a standard set of facts as follows:
1856        size       -- Size in octets
1857        modify     -- Last modification time
1858        create     -- Creation time
1859        type       -- Entry type
1860        unique     -- Unique id of file/directory
1861        perm       -- File permissions, whether read, write, execute is
1862                      allowed for the login id.
1863        lang       -- Language of the filename per IANA[12] registry.
1864        media-type -- MIME media-type of file contents per IANA registry.
1865        charset    -- Character set per IANA registry (if not UTF-8)
1867   Fact names are case-insensitive.  Size, size, SIZE, and SiZe are the
1868   same fact.
1870   Further operating system specific keywords could be specified by
1871   using the IANA operating system name as a prefix (examples only):
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1882        OS/2.ea   -- OS/2 extended attributes
1883        MACOS.rf  -- MacIntosh resource forks
1884        UNIX.mode -- Unix file modes (permissions)
1886   Implementations may define keywords for experimental, or private use.
1887   All such keywords MUST begin with the two character sequence "x.".
1888   As type names are case independent, "x." and "X." are equivalent.
1889   For example:
1891        x.ver  -- Version information
1892        x.desc -- File description
1893        x.type -- File type
18958.5.1. The type Fact
1897   The type fact needs a special description.  Part of the problem with
1898   current practices is deciding when a file is a directory.  If it is a
1899   directory, is it the current directory, a regular directory, or a
1900   parent directory?  The MLST specification makes this unambiguous
1901   using the type fact.  The type fact given specifies information about
1902   the object listed on the same line of the MLST response.
1904   Five values are possible for the type fact:
1906        file         -- a file entry
1907        cdir         -- the listed directory
1908        pdir         -- a parent directory
1909        dir          -- a directory or sub-directory
1910        OS.name=type -- an OS or file system dependent file type
1912   The syntax is defined to be:
1914        type-fact       = type-label "=" type-val
1915        type-label      = "Type"
1916        type-val        = "File" / "cdir" / "pdir" / "dir" /
1917                          os-type
19198.5.1.1. type=file
1921   The presence of the type=file fact indicates the listed entry is a
1922   file containing non-system data.  That is, it may be transferred from
1923   one system to another of quite different characteristics, and perhaps
1924   still be meaningful.
19268.5.1.2. type=cdir
1928   The type=cdir fact indicates the listed entry contains a pathname of
1929   the directory whose contents are listed.  An entry of this type will
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1939   only be returned as a part of the result of an MLSD command when the
1940   type fact is included, and provides a name for the listed directory,
1941   and facts about that directory.  In a sense, it can be viewed as
1942   representing the title of the listing, in a machine friendly format.
1943   It may appear at any point of the listing, it is not restricted to
1944   appearing at the start, though frequently may do so, and may occur
1945   multiple times.  It MUST NOT be included if the type fact is not
1946   included, or there would be no way for the user-PI to distinguish the
1947   name of the directory from an entry in the directory.
1949   Where TVFS is supported by the server-FTP, this name may be used to
1950   construct path names with which to refer to the files and directories
1951   returned in the same MLSD output (see section 7.2).  These path names
1952   are only expected to work when the server-PI's position in the NVFS
1953   file tree is the same as its position when the MLSD command was
1954   issued, unless a fully qualified path name results.
1956   Where TVFS is not supported, the only defined semantics associated
1957   with a "type=cdir" entry are that, provided the current working
1958   directory of the server-PI has not been changed, a pathname of type
1959   "cdir" may be used as an argument to a CWD command, which will cause
1960   the current directory of the server-PI to change so that the
1961   directory which was listed in its current working directory.
19638.5.1.3. type=dir
1965   If present, the type=dir entry gives the name of a directory.  Such
1966   an entry typically cannot be transferred from one system to another
1967   using RETR, etc, but should (permissions permitting) be able to be
1968   the object of an MLSD command.
19708.5.1.4. type=pdir
1972   If present, which will occur only in the response to a MLSD command
1973   when the type fact is included, the type=pdir entry represents a
1974   pathname of the parent directory of the listed directory.  As well as
1975   having the properties of a type=dir, a CWD command that uses the
1976   pathname from this entry should change the user to a parent directory
1977   of the listed directory.  If the listed directory is the current
1978   directory, a CDUP command may also have the effect of changing to the
1979   named directory.  User-FTP processes should note not all responses
1980   will include this information, and that some systems may provide
1981   multiple type=pdir responses.
1983   Where TVFS is supported, a "type=pdir" name may be a relative path
1984   name, or a fully qualified path name.  A relative path name will be
1985   relative to the directory being listed, not to the current directory
1986   of the server-PI at the time.
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1996   For the purposes of this type value, a "parent directory" is any
1997   directory in which there is an entry of type=dir which refers to the
1998   directory in which the type=pdir entity was found.  Thus it is not
1999   required that all entities with type=pdir refer to the same
2000   directory.  The "unique" fact (if supported) can be used to determine
2001   whether there is a relationship between the type=pdir entries or not.
20038.5.1.5. System defined types
2005   Files types that are specific to a specific operating system, or file
2006   system, can be encoded using the "OS." type names.  The format is:
2008        os-type   = "OS." os-name "=" os-type
2009        os-name   = <an IANA registered operating system name>
2010        os-type   = token
2012   The "os-name" indicates the specific system type which supports the
2013   particular localtype.  OS specific types are registered by the IANA
2014   using the procedures specified in section 11.  The "os-type" provides
2015   the system dependent information as to the type of the file listed.
2016   The os-name and os-type strings in an os-type are case independent.
2017   "OS.unix=block" and "OS.Unix=BLOCK" represent the same type (or
2018   would, if such a type were registered.)
2020   Note: Where the underlying system supports a file type which is
2021   essentially an indirect pointer to another file, the NVFS
2022   representation of that type should normally be to represent the file
2023   which the reference indicates.  That is, the underlying basic file
2024   will appear more than once in the NVFS, each time with the "unique"
2025   fact (see immediately following section) containing the same value,
2026   indicating that the same file is represented by all such names.
2027   User-PIs transferring the file need then transfer it only once, and
2028   then insert their own form of indirect reference to construct
2029   alternate names where desired, or perhaps even copy the local file if
2030   that is the only way to provide two names with the same content.  A
2031   file which would be a reference to another file, if only the other
2032   file actually existed, may be represented in any OS dependent manner
2033   appropriate, or not represented at all.
20358.5.1.6. Multiple types
2037   Where a file is such that it may validly, and sensibly, treated by
2038   the server-PI as being of more than one of the above types, then
2039   multiple entries should be returned, each with its own "Type" fact of
2040   the appropriate type, and each containing the same pathname.  This
2041   may occur, for example, with a structured file, which may contain
2042   sub-files, and where the server-PI permits the structured file to be
2043   treated as a unit, or treated as a directory allowing the sub-files
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2053   within it to be referenced.
20558.5.2. The unique Fact
2057   The unique fact is used to present a unique identifier for a file or
2058   directory in the NVFS accessed via a server-FTP process.  The value
2059   of this fact should be the same for any number of pathnames that
2060   refer to the same underlying file.  The fact should have different
2061   values for names which reference distinct files.  The mapping between
2062   files, and unique fact tokens should be maintained, and remain
2063   consistent, for at least the lifetime of the control connection from
2064   user-PI to server-PI.
2066        unique-fact  = "Unique" "=" token
2068   This fact would be expected to be used by Server-FTPs whose host
2069   system allows things such as symbolic links so that the same file may
2070   be represented in more than one directory on the server.  The only
2071   conclusion that should be drawn is that if two different names each
2072   have the same value for the unique fact, they refer to the same
2073   underlying object.  The value of the unique fact (the token) should
2074   be considered an opaque string for comparison purposes, and is a case
2075   dependent value.  The tokens "A" and "a" do not represent the same
2076   underlying object.
20788.5.3. The modify Fact
2080   The modify fact is used to determine the last time the content of the
2081   file (or directory) indicated was modified.  Any change of substance
2082   to the file should cause this value to alter.  That is, if a change
2083   is made to a file such that the results of a RETR command would
2084   differ, then the value of the modify fact should alter.  User-PIs
2085   should not assume that a different modify fact value indicates that
2086   the file contents are necessarily different than when last retrieved.
2087   Some systems may alter the value of the modify fact for other
2088   reasons, though this is discouraged wherever possible.  Also a file
2089   may alter, and then be returned to its previous content, which would
2090   often be indicated as two incremental alterations to the value of the
2091   modify fact.
2093   For directories, this value should alter whenever a change occurs to
2094   the directory such that different filenames would (or might) be
2095   included in MLSD output of that directory.
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2110        modify-fact  = "Modify" "=" time-val
21128.5.4. The create Fact
2114   The create fact indicates when a file, or directory, was first
2115   created.  Exactly what "creation" is for this purpose is not
2116   specified here, and may vary from server to server.  About all that
2117   can be said about the value returned is that it can never indicate a
2118   later time than the modify fact.
2120        create-fact  = "Create" "=" time-val
2122   Implementation Note: Implementors of this fact on UNIX(TM) systems
2123        should note that the unix "stat" "st_ctime" field does not give
2124        creation time, and that unix file systems do not record creation
2125        time at all.  Unix (and POSIX) implementations will normally not
2126        include this fact.
21288.5.5. The perm Fact
2130   The perm fact is used to indicate access rights the current FTP user
2131   has over the object listed.  Its value is always an unordered
2132   sequence of alphabetic characters.
2134        perm-fact    = "Perm" "=" *pvals
2135        pvals        = "a" / "c" / "d" / "e" / "f" /
2136                       "l" / "m" / "p" / "r" / "w"
2138   There are ten permission indicators currently defined.  Many are
2139   meaningful only when used with a particular type of object.  The
2140   indicators are case independent, "d" and "D" are the same indicator.
2142   The "a" permission applies to objects of type=file, and indicates
2143   that the APPE (append) command may be applied to the file named.
2145   The "c" permission applies to objects of type=dir (and type=pdir,
2146   type=cdir).  It indicates that files may be created in the directory
2147   named.  That is, that a STOU command is likely to succeed, and that
2148   STOR and APPE commands might succeed if the file named did not
2149   previously exist, but is to be created in the directory object that
2150   has the "c" permission.  It also indicates that the RNTO command is
2151   likely to succeed for names in the directory.
2153   The "d" permission applies to all types.  It indicates that the
2154   object named may be deleted, that is, that the RMD command may be
2155   applied to it if it is a directory, and otherwise that the DELE
2156   command may be applied to it.
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2167   The "e" permission applies to the directory types.  When set on an
2168   object of type=dir, type=cdir, or type=pdir it indicates that a CWD
2169   command naming the object should succeed, and the user should be able
2170   to enter the directory named.  For type=pdir it also indicates that
2171   the CDUP command may succeed (if this particular pathname is the one
2172   to which a CDUP would apply.)
2174   The "f" permission for objects indicates that the object named may be
2175   renamed - that is, may be the object of an RNFR command.
2177   The "l" permission applies to the directory file types, and indicates
2178   that the listing commands, LIST, NLST, and MLSD may be applied to the
2179   directory in question.
2181   The "m" permission applies to directory types, and indicates that the
2182   MKD command may be used to create a new directory within the
2183   directory under consideration.
2185   The "p" permission applies to directory types, and indicates that
2186   objects in the directory may be deleted, or (stretching naming a
2187   little) that the directory may be purged.  Note: it does not indicate
2188   that the RMD command may be used to remove the directory named
2189   itself, the "d" permission indicator indicates that.
2191   The "r" permission applies to type=file objects, and for some
2192   systems, perhaps to other types of objects, and indicates that the
2193   RETR command may be applied to that object.
2195   The "w" permission applies to type=file objects, and for some
2196   systems, perhaps to other types of objects, and indicates that the
2197   STOR command may be applied to the object named.
2199   Note: That a permission indicator is set can never imply that the
2200        appropriate command is guaranteed to work - just that it might.
2201        Other system specific limitations, such as limitations on
2202        available space for storing files, may cause an operation to
2203        fail, where the permission flags may have indicated that it was
2204        likely to succeed.  The permissions are a guide only.
2206   Implementation note: The permissions are described here as they apply
2207        to FTP commands.  They may not map easily into particular
2208        permissions available on the server's operating system.  Servers
2209        are expected to synthesize these permission bits from the
2210        permission information available from operating system.  For
2211        example, to correctly determine whether the "D" permission bit
2212        should be set on a directory for a server running on the
2213        UNIX(TM) operating system, the server should check that the
2214        directory named is empty, and that the user has write permission
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2224        on both the directory under consideration, and its parent
2225        directory.
2227        Some systems may have more specific permissions than those
2228        listed here, such systems should map those to the flags defined
2229        as best they are able.  Other systems may have only more broad
2230        access controls.  They will generally have just a few possible
2231        permutations of permission flags, however they should attempt to
2232        correctly represent what is permitted.
22348.5.6. The lang Fact
2236   The lang fact describes the natural language of the filename for use
2237   in display purposes.  Values used here should be taken from the
2238   language registry of the IANA.  See [13] for the syntax, and
2239   procedures, related to language tags.
2241        lang-fact  = "Lang" "=" token
2243   Server-FTP implementations MUST NOT guess language values.  Language
2244   values must be determined in an unambiguous way such as file system
2245   tagging of language or by user configuration.  Note that the lang
2246   fact provides no information at all about the content of a file, only
2247   about the encoding of its name.
22498.5.7. The size Fact
2251   The size fact applies to non-directory file types and should always
2252   reflect the approximate size of the file.  This should be as accurate
2253   as the server can make it, without going to extraordinary lengths,
2254   such as reading the entire file.  The size is expressed in units of
2255   octets of data in the file.
2257   Given limitations in some systems, Client-FTP implementations must
2258   understand this size may not be precise and may change between the
2259   time of a MLST and RETR operation.
2261   Clients that need highly accurate size information for some
2262   particular reason should use the SIZE command as defined in section
2263   4.  The most common need for this accuracy is likely to be in
2264   conjunction with the REST command described in section 5.  The size
2265   fact, on the other hand, should be used for purposes such as
2266   indicating to a human user the approximate size of the file to be
2267   transferred, and perhaps to give an idea of expected transfer
2268   completion time.
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2281        size-fact  = "Size" "=" 1*DIGIT
22838.5.8. The media-type Fact
2285   The media-type fact represents the IANA media type of the file named,
2286   and applies only to non-directory types.  The list of values used
2287   must follow the guidelines set by the IANA registry.
2289        media-type  = "Media-Type" "=" <per IANA guidelines>
2291   Server-FTP implementations MUST NOT guess media type values.  Media
2292   type values must be determined in an unambiguous way such as file
2293   system tagging of media-type or by user configuration.  This fact
2294   gives information about the content of the file named.  Both the
2295   primary media type, and any appropriate subtype should be given,
2296   separated by a slash "/" as is traditional.
22988.5.9. The charset Fact
2300   The charset fact provides the IANA character set name, or alias, for
2301   the encoded pathnames in a MLSx response.  The default character set
2302   is UTF-8 unless specified otherwise.  FTP implementations SHOULD use
2303   UTF-8 if possible to encourage maximum interoperability.  The value
2304   of this fact applies to the pathname only, and provides no
2305   information about the contents of the file.
2307        charset-type  = "Charset" "=" token
23098.5.10. Required facts
2311   Servers are not required to support any particular set of the
2312   available facts.  However, servers SHOULD, if conceivably possible,
2313   support at least the type, perm, size, unique, and modify facts.
23158.6. System Dependent and Local Facts
2317   By using an system dependent fact, or a local fact, a server-PI may
2318   communicate to the user-PI information about the file named which is
2319   peculiar to the underlying file system.
23218.6.1. System Dependent Facts
2323   System dependent fact names are labeled by prefixing a label
2324   identifying the specific information returned by the name of the
2325   appropriate operating system from the IANA maintained list of
2326   operating system names.
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2338   The value of an OS dependent fact may be whatever is appropriate to
2339   convey the information available.  It must be encoded as a "token" as
2340   defined in section 2.1 however.
2342   In order to allow reliable interoperation between users of system
2343   dependent facts, the IANA will maintain a registry of system
2344   dependent fact names, their syntax, and the interpretation to be
2345   given to their values.  Registrations of system dependent facts are
2346   to be accomplished according to the procedures of section 11.
23488.6.2. Local Facts
2350   Implementations may also make available other facts of their own
2351   choosing.  As the method of interpretation of such information will
2352   generally not be widely understood, server-PIs should be aware that
2353   clients will typically ignore any local facts provided.  As there is
2354   no registration of locally defined facts, it is entirely possible
2355   that different servers will use the same local fact name to provide
2356   vastly different information.  Hence user-PIs should be hesitant
2357   about making any use of any information in a locally defined fact
2358   without some other specific assurance that the particular fact is one
2359   that they do comprehend.
2361   Local fact names all begin with the sequence "X.".  The rest of the
2362   name is a "token" (see section 2.1).  The value of a local fact can
2363   be anything at all, provided it can be encoded as a "token".
23658.7. MLSx Examples
2367   The following examples are all taken from dialogues between existing
2368   FTP clients and servers.  Because of this, not all possible
2369   variations of possible response formats are shown in the examples.
2370   This should not be taken as limiting the options of other server
2371   implementors.  Where the examples show OS dependent information, that
2372   is to be treated as being purely for the purposes of demonstration of
2373   some possible OS specific information that could be defined.  As at
2374   the time of the writing of this document, no OS specific facts or
2375   file types have been defined, the examples shown here should not be
2376   treated as in any way to be preferred over other possible similar
2377   definitions.  Consult the IANA registries to determine what types and
2378   facts have been defined.
2380   In the examples shown, only relevant commands and responses have been
2381   included.  This is not to imply that other commands (including
2382   authentication, directory modification, PORT or PASV commands, or
2383   similar) would not be present in an actual connection, or were not,
2384   in fact, actually used in the examples before editing.  Note also
2385   that the formats shown are those that are transmitted between client
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2395   and server, not formats which would normally ever be reported to the
2396   user of the client.
2398   In the examples, lines that begin "C> " were sent over the control
2399   connection from the client to the server, lines that begin "S> " were
2400   sent over the control connection from the server to the client, and
2401   lines that begin "D> " were sent from the server to the client over a
2402   data connection created just to send those lines and closed
2403   immediately after.  No examples here show data transferred over a
2404   data connection from the client to the server.  In all cases, the
2405   prefixes shown above, including the one space, have been added for
2406   the purposes of this document, and are not a part of the data
2407   exchanged between client and server.
24098.7.1. Simple MLST
2411 C> PWD
2412 S> 257 "/tmp" is current directory.
2413 C> MLst cap60.pl198.tar.gz
2414 S> 250- Listing cap60.pl198.tar.gz
2415 S>  Type=file;Size=1024990;Perm=r; /tmp/cap60.pl198.tar.gz
2416 S> 250 End
2418   The client first asked to be told the current directory of the
2419   server.  This was purely for the purposes of clarity of this example.
2420   The client then requested facts about a specific file.  The server
2421   returned the "250-" first control-response line, followed by a single
2422   line of facts about the file, followed by the terminating "250 "
2423   line.  The text on the control-response line and the terminating line
2424   can be anything the server decides to send.  Notice that the fact
2425   line is indented by a single space.  Notice also that there are no
2426   spaces in the set of facts returned, until the single space before
2427   the filename.  The filename returned on the fact line is a fully
2428   qualified pathname of the file listed.  The facts returned show that
2429   the line refers to a file, that file contains approximately 1024990
2430   bytes, though more or less than that may be transferred if the file
2431   is retrieved, and a different number may be required to store the
2432   file at the client's file store, and the connected user has
2433   permission to retrieve the file but not to do anything else
2434   particularly interesting.
24368.7.2. MLST of a directory
2438 C> PWD
2439 S> 257 "/" is current directory.
2440 C> MLst tmp
2441 S> 250- Listing tmp
2442 S>  Type=dir;Modify=19981107085215;Perm=el; /tmp
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2452 S> 250 End
2454   Again the PWD is just for the purposes of demonstration for the
2455   example.  The MLST fact line this time shows that the file listed is
2456   a directory, that it was last modified at 08:52:15 on the 7th of
2457   November, 1998 UTC, and that the user has permission to enter the
2458   directory, and to list its contents, but not to modify it in any way.
2459   Again, the fully qualified path name of the directory listed is
2460   given.
24628.7.3. MLSD of a directory
2464 C> MLSD tmp
2465 S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD tmp
2466 D> Type=cdir;Modify=19981107085215;Perm=el; tmp
2467 D> Type=cdir;Modify=19981107085215;Perm=el; /tmp
2468 D> Type=pdir;Modify=19990112030508;Perm=el; ..
2469 D> Type=file;Size=25730;Modify=19940728095854;Perm=; capmux.tar.z
2470 D> Type=file;Size=1830;Modify=19940916055648;Perm=r; hatch.c
2471 D> Type=file;Size=25624;Modify=19951003165342;Perm=r; MacIP-02.txt
2472 D> Type=file;Size=2154;Modify=19950501105033;Perm=r; uar.netbsd.patch
2473 D> Type=file;Size=54757;Modify=19951105101754;Perm=r; iptnnladev.1.0.sit.hqx
2474 D> Type=file;Size=226546;Modify=19970515023901;Perm=r; melbcs.tif
2475 D> Type=file;Size=12927;Modify=19961025135602;Perm=r; tardis.1.6.sit.hqx
2476 D> Type=file;Size=17867;Modify=19961025135602;Perm=r; timelord.1.4.sit.hqx
2477 D> Type=file;Size=224907;Modify=19980615100045;Perm=r; uar.1.2.3.sit.hqx
2478 D> Type=file;Size=1024990;Modify=19980130010322;Perm=r; cap60.pl198.tar.gz
2479 S> 226 MLSD completed
2481   In this example notice that there is no leading space on the fact
2482   lines returned over the data connection.  Also notice that two lines
2483   of "type=cdir" have been given.  These show two alternate names for
2484   the directory listed, one a fully qualified pathname, and the other a
2485   local name relative to the servers current directory when the MLSD
2486   was performed.  Note that all other filenames in the output are
2487   relative to the directory listed, though the server could, if it
2488   chose, give a fully qualified path name for the "type=pdir" line.
2489   This server has chosen not to.  The other files listed present a
2490   fairly boring set of files that are present in the listed directory.
2491   Note that there is no particular order in which they are listed.
2492   They are not sorted by filename, by size, or by modify time.  Note
2493   also that the "perm" fact has an empty value for the file
2494   "capmux.tar.z" indicating that the connected user has no permissions
2495   at all for that file.  This server has chosen to present the "cdir"
2496   and "pdir" lines before the lines showing the content of the
2497   directory, it is not required to do so.  The "size" fact does not
2498   provide any meaningful information for a directory, so is not
2499   included in the fact lines for the directory types shown.
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25098.7.4. A more complex example
2511 C> MLst test
2512 S> 250- Listing test
2513 S>  Type=dir;Perm=el;Unique=keVO1+ZF4 test
2514 S> 250 End
2515 C> MLSD test
2516 S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD test
2517 D> Type=cdir;Perm=el;Unique=keVO1+ZF4; test
2518 D> Type=pdir;Perm=e;Unique=keVO1+d?3; ..
2519 D> Type=OS.unix=slink:/foobar;Perm=;Unique=keVO1+4G4; foobar
2520 D> Type=OS.unix=chr-13/29;Perm=;Unique=keVO1+5G4; device
2521 D> Type=OS.unix=blk-11/108;Perm=;Unique=keVO1+6G4; block
2522 D> Type=file;Perm=awr;Unique=keVO1+8G4; writable
2523 D> Type=dir;Perm=cpmel;Unique=keVO1+7G4; promiscuous
2524 D> Type=dir;Perm=;Unique=keVO1+1t2; no-exec
2525 D> Type=file;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+EG4; two words
2526 D> Type=file;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+IH4;  leading space
2527 D> Type=file;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+1G4; file1
2528 D> Type=dir;Perm=cpmel;Unique=keVO1+7G4; incoming
2529 D> Type=file;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+1G4; file2
2530 D> Type=file;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+1G4; file3
2531 D> Type=file;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+1G4; file4
2532 S> 226 MLSD completed
2533 C> MLSD test/incoming
2534 S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD test/incoming
2535 D> Type=cdir;Perm=cpmel;Unique=keVO1+7G4; test/incoming
2536 D> Type=pdir;Perm=el;Unique=keVO1+ZF4; ..
2537 D> Type=file;Perm=awdrf;Unique=keVO1+EH4; bar
2538 D> Type=file;Perm=awdrf;Unique=keVO1+LH4;
2539 D> Type=file;Perm=rf;Unique=keVO1+1G4; file5
2540 D> Type=file;Perm=rf;Unique=keVO1+1G4; file6
2541 D> Type=dir;Perm=cpmdelf;Unique=keVO1+!s2; empty
2542 S> 226 MLSD completed
2544   For the purposes of this example the fact set requested has been
2545   modified to delete the "size" and "modify" facts, and add the
2546   "unique" fact.  First, facts about a filename have been obtained via
2547   MLST.  Note that no fully qualified path name was given this time.
2548   That was because the server was unable to determine that information.
2549   Then having determined that the filename represents a directory, that
2550   directory has been listed.  That listing also shows no fully
2551   qualified path name, for the same reason, thus has but a single
2552   "type=cdir" line.  This directory (which was created especially for
2553   the purpose) contains several interesting files.  There are some with
2554   OS dependent file types, several sub-directories, and several
2555   ordinary files.
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2566   Not much can be said here about the OS dependent file types, as none
2567   of the information shown there should be treated as any more than
2568   possibilities.  It can be seen that the OS type of the server is
2569   "unix" though, which is one of the OS types in the IANA registry of
2570   Operating System names.
2572   Of the three directories listed, "no-exec" has no permission granted
2573   to this user to access at all.  From the "Unique" fact values, it can
2574   be determined that "promiscuous" and "incoming" in fact represent the
2575   same directory.  Its permissions show that the connected user has
2576   permission to do essentially anything other than to delete the
2577   directory.  That directory was later listed.  It happens that the
2578   directory can not be deleted because it is not empty.
2580   Of the normal files listed, two contain spaces in their names.  The
2581   file called " leading space" actually contains two spaces in its
2582   name, one before the "l" and one between the "g" and the "s".  The
2583   two spaces that separate the facts from the visible part of the path
2584   name make that clear.  The file "writable" has the "a" and "w"
2585   permission bits set, and consequently the connected user should be
2586   able to STOR or APPE to that file.
2588   The other four file names, "file1", "file2", "file3", and "file4" all
2589   represent the same underlying file, as can be seen from the values of
2590   the "unique" facts of each.  It happens that "file1" and "file2" are
2591   Unix "hard" links, and that "file3" and "file4" are "soft" or
2592   "symbolic" links to the first two.  None of that information is
2593   available via standard MLST facts, it is sufficient for the purposes
2594   of FTP to note that all represent the same file, and that the same
2595   data would be fetched no matter which of them was retrieved, and that
2596   all would be simultaneously modified were data stored in any.
2598   Finally, the sub-directory "incoming" is listed.  Since "promiscuous"
2599   is the same directory there would be no point listing it as well.  In
2600   that directory, the files "file5" and "file6" represent still more
2601   names for the "file1" file we have seen before.  Notice the entry
2602   between that for "bar" and "file5".  Though it is not possible to
2603   easily represent it in this document, that shows a file with a name
2604   comprising exactly three spaces ("   ").  A client will have no
2605   difficulty determining that name from the output presented to it
2606   however.  The directory "empty" is, as its name implies, empty,
2607   though that is not shown here.  It can, however, be deleted, as can
2608   file "bar" and the file whose name is three spaces.  All the files
2609   that reside in this directory can be renamed.  This is a consequence
2610   of the UNIX semantics of the directory that contains them being
2611   modifiable.
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26238.7.5. More accurate time information
2625 C> MLst file1
2626 S> 250- Listing file1
2627 S>  Type=file;Modify=19990929003355.237; file1
2628 S> 250 End
2630   In this example, the server-FTP is indicating that "file1" was last
2631   modified 237 milliseconds after 00:33:55 UTC on the 29th of
2632   September, 1999.
26348.7.6. A different server
2636 C> MLST
2637 S> 250-Begin
2638 S>  type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABCAAA; /
2639 S> 250 End.
2640 C> MLSD .
2641 S> 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLS.
2642 D> type=cdir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABCAAA; /
2643 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABEAAA; bin
2644 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABGAAA; etc
2645 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAAB8AwA; halflife
2646 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABoAAA; incoming
2647 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABIAAA; lib
2648 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABWAEA; linux
2649 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABKAEA; ncftpd
2650 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABGAEA; outbox
2651 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABuAAA; quake2
2652 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABQAEA; winstuff
2653 S> 226 Listing completed.
2654 C> MLSD linux
2655 S> 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLS.
2656 D> type=cdir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABWAEA; /linux
2657 D> type=pdir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABCAAA; /
2658 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABeAEA; firewall
2659 D> type=file;size=12;unique=AQkAAAAAAAACWAEA; helo_world
2660 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABYAEA; kernel
2661 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABmAEA; scripts
2662 D> type=dir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABkAEA; security
2663 S> 226 Listing completed.
2664 C> MLSD linux/kernel
2665 S> 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLS.
2666 D> type=cdir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABYAEA; /linux/kernel
2667 D> type=pdir;unique=AQkAAAAAAAABWAEA; /linux
2668 D> type=file;size=6704;unique=AQkAAAAAAAADYAEA; k.config
2669 D> type=file;size=7269221;unique=AQkAAAAAAAACYAEA; linux-2.0.36.tar.gz
2670 D> type=file;size=12514594;unique=AQkAAAAAAAAEYAEA; linux-2.1.130.tar.gz
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2680 S> 226 Listing completed.
2682   Note that this server returns its "unique" fact value in quite a
2683   different format.  It also returns fully qualified path names for the
2684   "pdir" entry.
26868.7.7. Some IANA files
2688 C> MLSD .
2689 S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD .
2690 D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990219183438; /iana/assignments
2691 D> Type=pdir;Modify=19990112030453; ..
2692 D> Type=dir;Modify=19990219073522; media-types
2693 D> Type=dir;Modify=19990112033515; character-set-info
2694 D> Type=dir;Modify=19990112033529; languages
2695 D> Type=file;Size=44242;Modify=19990217230400; character-sets
2696 D> Type=file;Size=1947;Modify=19990209215600; operating-system-names
2697 S> 226 MLSD completed
2698 C> MLSD media-types
2699 S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD media-types
2700 D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990219073522; media-types
2701 D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990219073522; /iana/assignments/media-types
2702 D> Type=pdir;Modify=19990219183438; ..
2703 D> Type=dir;Modify=19990112033045; text
2704 D> Type=dir;Modify=19990219183442; image
2705 D> Type=dir;Modify=19990112033216; multipart
2706 D> Type=dir;Modify=19990112033254; video
2707 D> Type=file;Size=30249;Modify=19990218032700; media-types
2708 S> 226 MLSD completed
2709 C> MLSD character-set-info
2710 S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD character-set-info
2711 D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990112033515; character-set-info
2712 D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990112033515; /iana/assignments/character-set-info
2713 D> Type=pdir;Modify=19990219183438; ..
2714 D> Type=file;Size=1234;Modify=19980903020400; windows-1251
2715 D> Type=file;Size=4557;Modify=19980922001400; tis-620
2716 D> Type=file;Size=801;Modify=19970324130000; ibm775
2717 D> Type=file;Size=552;Modify=19970320130000; ibm866
2718 D> Type=file;Size=922;Modify=19960505140000; windows-1258
2719 S> 226 MLSD completed
2720 C> MLSD languages
2721 S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD languages
2722 D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990112033529; languages
2723 D> Type=cdir;Modify=19990112033529; /iana/assignments/languages
2724 D> Type=pdir;Modify=19990219183438; ..
2725 D> Type=file;Size=2391;Modify=19980309130000; default
2726 D> Type=file;Size=943;Modify=19980309130000; tags
2727 D> Type=file;Size=870;Modify=19971026130000; navajo
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2737 D> Type=file;Size=699;Modify=19950911140000; no-bok
2738 S> 226 MLSD completed
2739 C> PWD
2740 S> 257 "/iana/assignments" is current directory.
2742   This example shows some of the IANA maintained files that are
2743   relevant for this specification in MLSD format.  Note that these
2744   listings have been edited by deleting many entries, the actual
2745   listings are much longer.
27478.7.8. A stress test of case (in)dependence
2749   The following example is intended to make clear some cases where case
2750   dependent strings are permitted in the MLSx commands, and where case
2751   independent strings are required.
2753 C> MlsD .
2754 S> 150 BINARY connection open for MLSD .
2755 D> Type=pdir;Modify=19990929011228;Perm=el;Unique=keVO1+ZF4; ..
2756 D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+Bd8; FILE2
2757 D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+aG8; file3
2758 D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+ag8; FILE3
2759 D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+bD8; file1
2760 D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+bD8; file2
2761 D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+Ag8; File3
2762 D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+bD8; File1
2763 D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+Bd8; File2
2764 D> Type=file;Size=4096;Modify=19990929011440;Perm=r;Unique=keVO1+bd8; FILE1
2765 S> 226 MLSD completed
2767   Note first that the "MLSD" command, shown here as "MlsD" is case
2768   independent.  Clients may issue this command in any case, or
2769   combination of cases, they desire.  This is the case for all FTP
2770   commands.
2772   Next, notice the labels of the facts.  These are also case
2773   independent strings, Server-FTP is permitted to return them in any
2774   case they desire.  User-FTP must be prepared to deal with any case,
2775   though it may do this by mapping the labels to a common case if
2776   desired.
2778   Then, notice that there are nine objects of "type" file returned.  In
2779   a case independent NVFS these would represent three different file
2780   names, "file1", "file2", and "file3".  With a case dependent NVFS all
2781   nine represent different file names.  Either is possible, server-FTPs
2782   may implement a case dependent or a case independent NVFS.  User-FTPs
2783   must allow for case dependent selection of files to manipulate on the
2784   server.
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2794   Lastly, notice that the value of the "unique" fact is case dependent.
2795   In the example shown, "file1", "File1", and "file2" all have the same
2796   "unique" fact value "keVO1+bD8", and thus all represent the same
2797   underlying file.  On the other hand, "FILE1" has a different "unique"
2798   fact value ("keVO1+bd8") and hence represents a different file.
2799   Similarly, "FILE2" and "File2" are two names for the same underlying
2800   file, whereas "file3", "File3" and "FILE3" all represent different
2801   underlying files.
2803   That the approximate sizes ("size" fact) and last modification times
2804   ("modify" fact) are the same in all cases might be no more than a
2805   coincidence.
2807   It is not suggested that the operators of server-FTPs create NVFS
2808   which stress the protocols to this extent, however both user and
2809   server implementations must be prepared to deal with such extreme
2810   examples.
28128.8. FEAT response for MLSx
2814   When responding to the FEAT command, a server-FTP process that
2815   supports MLST, and MLSD, plus internationalization of pathnames, MUST
2816   indicate that this support exists.  It does this by including a MLST
2817   feature line.  As well as indicating the basic support, the MLST
2818   feature line indicates which MLST facts are available from the
2819   server, and which of those will be returned if no subsequent "OPTS
2820   MLST" command is sent.
2822        mlst-feat     = SP "MLST" [SP factlist] CRLF
2823        factlist      = 1*( factname ["*"] ";" )
2825   The initial space shown in the mlst-feat response is that required by
2826   the FEAT command, two spaces are not permitted.  If no factlist is
2827   given, then the server-FTP process is indicating that it supports
2828   MLST, but implements no facts.  Only pathnames can be returned.  This
2829   would be a minimal MLST implementation, and useless for most
2830   practical purposes.  Where the factlist is present, the factnames
2831   included indicate the facts supported by the server.  Where the
2832   optional asterisk appears after a factname, that fact will be
2833   included in MLST format responses, until an "OPTS MLST" is given to
2834   alter the list of facts returned.  After that, subsequent FEAT
2835   commands will return the asterisk to show the facts selected by the
2836   most recent "OPTS MLST".
2838   Note that there is no distinct FEAT output for MLSD.  The presence of
2839   the MLST feature indicates that both MLST and MLSD are supported.
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28518.8.1. Examples
2853 C> Feat
2854 S> 211- Features supported
2856 S>  MDTM
2857 S>  SIZE
2858 S>  TVFS
2859 S>  UTF8
2860 S>  MLST Type*;Size*;Modify*;Perm*;Unique*;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
2861 S> 211 End
2863   Aside from some features irrelevant here, this server indicates that
2864   it supports MLST including several, but not all, standard facts, all
2865   of which it will send by default.  It also supports two OS dependent
2866   facts, and one locally defined fact.  The latter three must be
2867   requested expressly by the client for this server to supply them.
2869 C> Feat
2870 S> 211-Extensions supported:
2871 S>  CLNT
2872 S>  MDTM
2873 S>  MLST type*;size*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner;UNIX.group;unique;
2874 S>  PASV
2876 S>  SIZE
2877 S>  TVFS
2878 S>  Compliance Level: 19981201 (IETF mlst-05)
2879 S> 211 End.
2881   Again, in addition to some irrelevant features here, this server
2882   indicates that it supports MLST, four of the standard facts, one of
2883   which ("unique") is not enabled by default, and several OS dependent
2884   facts, one of which is provided by the server by default.  This
2885   server actually supported more OS dependent facts.  Others were
2886   deleted for the purposes of this document to comply with document
2887   formatting restrictions.
28898.9. OPTS parameters for MLST
2891   For the MLSx commands, the Client-FTP may specify a list of facts it
2892   wishes to be returned in all subsequent MLSx commands until another
2893   OPTS MLST command is sent.  The format is specified by:
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2908        mlst-opts     = "OPTS" SP "MLST"
2909                        [ SP 1*( factname ";" ) ]
2911   By sending the "OPTS MLST" command, the client requests the server to
2912   include only the facts listed as arguments to the command in
2913   subsequent output from MLSx commands.  Facts not included in the
2914   "OPTS MLST" command MUST NOT be returned by the server.  Facts that
2915   are included should be returned for each entry returned from the MLSx
2916   command where they meaningfully apply.  Facts requested that are not
2917   supported, or which are inappropriate to the file or directory being
2918   listed should simply be omitted from the MLSx output.  This is not an
2919   error.  Note that where no factname arguments are present, the client
2920   is requesting that only the file names be returned.  In this case,
2921   and in any other case where no facts are included in the result, the
2922   space that separates the fact names and their values from the file
2923   name is still required.  That is, the first character of the output
2924   line will be a space, (or two characters will be spaces when the line
2925   is returned over the control connection,) and the file name will
2926   start immediately thereafter.
2928   Clients should note that generating values for some facts can be
2929   possible, but very expensive, for some servers.  It is generally
2930   acceptable to retrieve any of the facts that the server offers as its
2931   default set before any "OPTS MLST" command has been given, however
2932   clients should use particular caution before requesting any facts not
2933   in that set.  That is, while other facts may be available from the
2934   server, clients should refrain from requesting such facts unless
2935   there is a particular operational requirement for that particular
2936   information, which ought be more significant than perhaps simply
2937   improving the information displayed to an end user.
2939   Note, there is no "OPTS MLSD" command, the fact names set with the
2940   "OPTS MLST" command apply to both MLST and MLSD commands.
2942   Servers are not required to accept "OPTS MLST" commands before
2943   authentication of the user-PI, but may choose to permit them.
29458.9.1. OPTS MLST Response
2947   The "response-message" from [6] to a successful OPTS MLST command has
2948   the following syntax.
2950        mlst-opt-resp = "MLST OPTS" [ SP 1*( factname ";" ) ]
2952   This defines the "response-message" as used in the "opts-good"
2953   message in RFC2389 [6].
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2965   The facts named in the response are those which the server will now
2966   include in MLST (and MLSD) response, after the processing of the
2967   "OPTS MLST" command.  Any facts from the request not supported by the
2968   server will be omitted from this response message.  If no facts will
2969   be included, the list of facts will be empty.  Note that the list of
2970   facts returned will be the same as those marked by a trailing
2971   asterisk ("*") in a subsequent FEAT command response.  There is no
2972   requirement that the order of the facts returned be the same as that
2973   in which they were requested, or that in which they will be listed in
2974   a FEAT command response, or that in which facts are returned in MLST
2975   responses.  The fixed string "MLST OPTS" in the response may be
2976   returned in any case, or mixture of cases.
29788.9.2. Examples
2980 C> Feat
2981 S> 211- Features supported
2982 S>  MLST Type*;Size;Modify*;Perm;Unique;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
2983 S> 211 End
2984 C> OptS Mlst Type;UNIX.mode;Perm;
2985 S> 201 MLST OPTS Type;Perm;UNIX.mode;
2986 C> Feat
2987 S> 211- Features supported
2988 S>  MLST Type*;Size;Modify;Perm*;Unique;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
2989 S> 211 End
2990 C> opts MLst lang;type;charset;create;
2991 S> 201 MLST OPTS Type;
2992 C> Feat
2993 S> 211- Features supported
2994 S>  MLST Type*;Size;Modify;Perm;Unique;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
2995 S> 211 End
2996 C> OPTS mlst size;frogs;
2997 S> 201 MLST OPTS Size;
2998 C> Feat
2999 S> 211- Features supported
3000 S>  MLST Type;Size*;Modify;Perm;Unique;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
3001 S> 211 End
3002 C> opts MLst unique type;
3003 S> 501 Invalid MLST options
3004 C> Feat
3005 S> 211- Features supported
3006 S>  MLST Type;Size*;Modify;Perm;Unique;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
3007 S> 211 End
3009   For the purposes of this example, features other than MLST have been
3010   deleted from the output to avoid clutter.  The example shows the
3011   initial default feature output for MLST.  The facts requested are
3012   then changed by the client.  The first change shows facts that are
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3022   available from the server being selected.  Subsequent FEAT output
3023   shows the altered features as being returned.  The client then
3024   attempts to select some standard features which the server does not
3025   support.  This is not an error, however the server simply ignores the
3026   requests for unsupported features, as the FEAT output that follows
3027   shows.  Then, the client attempts to request a non-standard, and
3028   unsupported, feature.  The server ignores that, and selects only the
3029   supported features requested.  Lastly, the client sends a request
3030   containing a syntax error (spaces cannot appear in the factlist.) The
3031   server-FTP sends an error response and completely ignores the
3032   request, leaving the fact set selected as it had been previously.
3034   Note that in all cases, except the error response, the response lists
3035   the facts that have been selected.
3037 C> Feat
3038 S> 211- Features supported
3039 S>  MLST Type*;Size*;Modify*;Perm*;Unique*;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
3040 S> 211 End
3041 C> Opts MLST
3042 S> 201 MLST OPTS
3043 C> Feat
3044 S> 211- Features supported
3045 S>  MLST Type;Size;Modify;Perm;Unique;UNIX.mode;UNIX.chgd;X.hidden;
3046 S> 211 End
3047 C> MLst tmp
3048 S> 250- Listing tmp
3049 S>   /tmp
3050 S> 250 End
3051 C> OPTS mlst unique;size;
3052 S> 201 MLST OPTS Size;Unique;
3053 C>  MLst tmp
3054 S> 250- Listing tmp
3055 S>  Unique=keVO1+YZ5; /tmp
3056 S> 250 End
3057 C> OPTS mlst unique;type;modify;
3058 S> 201 MLST OPTS Type;Modify;Unique;
3059 C> MLst tmp
3060 S> 250- Listing tmp
3061 S>  Type=dir;Modify=19990930152225;Unique=keVO1+YZ5; /tmp
3062 S> 250 End
3063 C> OPTS mlst fish;cakes;
3064 S> 201 MLST OPTS
3065 C> MLst tmp
3066 S> 250- Listing tmp
3067 S>   /tmp
3068 S> 250 End
3069 C> OptS Mlst Modify;Unique;
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3079 S> 201 MLST OPTS Modify;Unique;
3080 C> MLst tmp
3081 S> 250- Listing tmp
3082 S>  Modify=19990930152225;Unique=keVO1+YZ5; /tmp
3083 S> 250 End
3084 C> opts MLst fish cakes;
3085 S> 501 Invalid MLST options
3086 C>  MLst tmp
3087 S> 250- Listing tmp
3088 S>  Modify=19990930152225;Unique=keVO1+YZ5; /tmp
3089 S> 250 End
3091   This example shows the effect of changing the facts requested upon
3092   subsequent MLST commands.  Notice that a syntax error leaves the set
3093   of selected facts unchanged.  Also notice exactly two spaces
3094   preceding the pathname when no facts were selected, either
3095   deliberately, or because none of the facts requested were available.
30979. Impact On Other FTP Commands
3099   Along with the introduction of MLST, traditional FTP commands must be
3100   extended to allow for the use of more than US-ASCII or EBCDIC
3101   character sets.  In general, the support of MLST requires support for
3102   arbitrary character sets wherever filenames and directory names are
3103   allowed.  This applies equally to both arguments given to the
3104   following commands and to the replies from them, as appropriate.
3106        CWD
3107        RETR
3108        STOR
3109        STOU
3110        APPE
3111        RNFR
3112        RNTO
3113        DELE
3114        RMD
3115        MKD
3116        PWD
3117        STAT
3119   The arguments to all of these commands should be processed the same
3120   way that MLST commands and responses are processed with respect to
3121   handling embedded spaces, CRs and NULs.  See section 2.2.
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313610. Character sets and Internationalization
3138   FTP commands are protocol elements, and are always expressed in
3139   ASCII.  FTP responses are composed of the numeric code, which is a
3140   protocol element, and a message, which is often expected to convey
3141   information to the user.  It is not expected that users normally
3142   interact directly with the protocol elements, rather the user FTP-
3143   process constructs the commands, and interprets the results, in the
3144   manner best suited for the particular user.  Explanatory text in
3145   responses generally has no particular meaning to the protocol.  The
3146   numeric codes provide all necessary information.  Server-PIs are free
3147   to provide the text in any language that can be adequately
3148   represented in ASCII, or where an alternative language and
3149   representation has been negotiated (see [7]) in that language and
3150   representation.
3152   Pathnames are expected to be encoded in UTF-8 allowing essentially
3153   any character to be represented in a pathname.  Meaningful pathnames
3154   are defined by the server NVFS.
3156   No restrictions at all are placed upon the contents of files
3157   transferred using the FTP protocols.  Unless the "media-type" fact is
3158   provided in a MLSx response nor is any advice given here which would
3159   allow determining the content type.  That information is assumed to
3160   be obtained via other means.
316211. IANA Considerations
3164   This specification makes use of some lists of values currently
3165   maintained by the IANA, and creates two new lists for the IANA to
3166   maintain.  It does not add any values to any existing registries.
3168   The existing IANA registries used by this specification are modified
3169   using mechanisms specified elsewhere.
317111.1. The OS specific fact registry
3173   A registry of OS specific fact names shall be maintained by the IANA.
3174   The OS names for the OS portion of the fact name must be taken from
3175   the IANA's list of registered OS names.  To add a fact name to this
3176   OS specific registry of OS specific facts, an applicant must send to
3177   the IANA a request, in which is specified the OS name, the OS
3178   specific fact name, a definition of the syntax of the fact value,
3179   which must conform to the syntax of a token as given in this
3180   document, and a specification of the semantics to be associated with
3181   the particular fact and its values.  Upon receipt of such an
3182   application, and if the combination of OS name and OS specific fact
3183   name has not been previously defined, the IANA will add the
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3193   specification to the registry.
3195   Any examples of OS specific facts found in this document are to be
3196   treated as examples of possible OS specific facts, and do not form a
3197   part of the IANA's registry merely because of being included in this
3198   document.
320011.2. The OS specific filetype registry
3202   A registry of OS specific file types shall be maintained by the IANA.
3203   The OS names for the OS portion of the fact name must be taken from
3204   the IANA's list of registered OS names.  To add a file type to this
3205   OS specific registry of OS specific file types, an applicant must
3206   send to the IANA a request, in which is specified the OS name, the OS
3207   specific file type, a definition of the syntax of the fact value,
3208   which must conform to the syntax of a token as given in this
3209   document, and a specification of the semantics to be associated with
3210   the particular fact and its values.  Upon receipt of such an
3211   application, and if the combination of OS name and OS specific file
3212   type has not been previously defined, the IANA will add the
3213   specification to the registry.
3215   Any examples of OS specific file types found in this document are to
3216   be treated as potential OS specific file types only, and do not form
3217   a part of the IANA's registry merely because of being included in
3218   this document.
322012. Security Considerations
3222   This memo does not directly concern security.  It is not believed
3223   that any of the mechanisms documented here impact in any particular
3224   way upon the security of FTP.
3226   Implementing the SIZE command, and perhaps some of the facts of the
3227   MDLx commands, may impose a considerable load on the server, which
3228   could lead to denial of service attacks.  Servers have, however,
3229   implemented this for many years, without significant reported
3230   difficulties.
3232   With the introduction of virtual hosts to FTP, and the possible
3233   accompanying multiple authentication environments, server
3234   implementors will need to take some care to ensure that integrity is
3235   maintained.
3237   The FEAT and OPTS commands may be issued before the FTP
3238   authentication has occurred [6].  This allows unauthenticated clients
3239   to determine which of the features defined here are supported, and to
3240   negotiate the fact list for MLSx output.  No actual MLSx commands may
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3250   be issued however, and no problems with permitting the selection of
3251   the format prior to authentication are foreseen.
3253   A general discussion of issues related to the security of FTP can be
3254   found in [14].
325613. References
3258   [1]  Coded Character Set--7-bit American Standard Code for Information
3259        Interchange, ANSI X3.4-1986.
3261   [2]  Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of Unicode and ISO
3262        10646", RFC 2044, October 1996.
3264   [3]  Postel, J., Reynolds, J., "File Transfer Protocol (FTP)",
3265        STD 9, RFC 959, October 1985
3267   [4]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
3268        Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997
3270   [5]  Crocker, D., Overell, P., "Augmented BNF for Syntax
3271        Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, November 1997
3273   [6]  Hethmon, P., Elz, R., "Feature negotiation mechanism for the
3274        File Transfer Protocol", RFC 2389, August 1998
3276   [7]  Curtin, W., "Internationalization of the File Transfer Protocol",
3277        RFC 2640, July 1999
3279   [8]  Postel, J., Reynolds, J., "Telnet protocol Specification"
3280        STD 8, RFC 854, May 1983
3282   [9]  Braden, R,. "Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application
3283        and Support", STD 3, RFC 1123, October 1989
3285   [10] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities"
3286        STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987
3288   [11] ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993  "Universal multiple-octet coded character set
3289        (UCS) -- Part 1: Architecture and basic multilingual plane",
3290        International Standard -- Information Technology, 1993
3292   [12] Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.  http://www.iana.org
3293        Email: iana@iana.org.
3295   [13] Alvestrand, H., "Tags for the Identification of Languages"
3296        RFC 1766, March 1995
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3304Internet Draft       draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt          October 1999
3307   [14] Allman, M., Ostermann, S., "FTP Security Considerations"
3308        RFC 2577, May 1999
3312   This document is a product of the FTPEXT working group of the IETF.
3314   The following people are among those who have contributed to this
3315   document:
3317        Alex Belits
3318        D. J. Bernstein
3319        Dave Cridland
3320        Martin J. Duerst
3321        Mike Gleason
3322        Mark Harris
3323        Alun Jones
3324        James Matthews
3325        Luke Mewburn
3326        Jan Mikkelsen
3327        Keith Moore
3328        Buz Owen
3329        Mark Symons
3330        Stephen Tihor
3331        and the entire FTPEXT working group of the IETF.
3333   Apologies are offered to any inadvertently omitted.
3335   Bernhard Rosenkraenzer suggested the HOST command, and initially
3336   described it.
3338   The description of the modifications to the REST command and the MDTM
3339   and SIZE commands comes from a set of modifications suggested for
3340   RFC959 by Rick Adams in 1989.  A draft containing just those
3341   commands, edited by David Borman, has been merged with this document.
3343   Mike Gleason provided access to the FTP server used in some of the
3344   examples.
3346   All of the examples in this document are taken from actual
3347   client/server exchanges, though some have been edited for brevity, or
3348   to meet document formatting requirements.
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3361Internet Draft       draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-08.txt          October 1999
3366   This document is in the public domain.  Any and all copyright
3367   protection that might apply in any jurisdiction is expressly
3368   disclaimed.
3370Editors' Addresses
3372   Robert Elz
3373   University of Melbourne
3374   Department of Computer Science
3375   Parkville, Vic   3052
3376   Australia
3378   Email: kre@munnari.OZ.AU
3381   Paul Hethmon
3382   Hethmon Brothers
3383   2305 Chukar Road
3384   Knoxville, TN 37923 USA
3386   Phone: +1 423 690 8990
3387   Email: phethmon@hethmon.com
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