1INTERNET-DRAFT                                    Ari Medvinsky
2draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-tapp-03.txt            Keen.com, Inc.
3Expires January 14, 2001                          Matthew Hur
4Informational					  CyberSafe Corporation
5						  Sasha Medvinsky
6						  Motorola
7                                                  Clifford Neuman
8                                                  USC/ISI
10Public Key Utilizing Tickets for Application Servers (PKTAPP)
130. Status Of this Memo
15This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
16all provisions of Section 10 of RFC 2026.  Internet-Drafts are
17working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
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22months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
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39The distribution of this memo is unlimited.  It is filed as
40draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-10.txt, and expires April 30,
412000.  Please send comments to the authors.
431. Abstract
45Public key based Kerberos for Distributed Authentication[1], (PKDA) 
46proposed by Sirbu & Chuang, describes PK based authentication that 
47eliminates the use of a centralized key distribution center while 
48retaining the advantages of Kerberos tickets.  This draft describes how, 
49without any modification, the PKINIT specification[2] may be used to 
50implement the ideas introduced in PKDA.  The benefit is that only a 
51single PK Kerberos extension is needed to address the goals of PKINIT & 
562. Introduction
58With the proliferation of public key cryptography, a number of public 
59key extensions to Kerberos have been proposed to provide 
60interoperability with the PK infrastructure and to improve the Kerberos 
61authentication system [4].  Among these are PKINIT[2] (under development
62in the CAT working group) and more recently PKDA [1] proposed by Sirbu & 
63Chuang of CMU.  One of the principal goals of PKINIT is to provide for 
64interoperability between a PK infrastructure and Kerberos.  Using 
65PKINIT, a user can authenticate to the KDC via a public key certificate.  
66A ticket granting ticket (TGT), returned by the KDC, enables a PK user 
67to obtain tickets and authenticate to kerberized services.  The PKDA 
68proposal goes a step further.  It supports direct client to server 
69authentication, eliminating the need for an online key distribution 
70center.  In this draft, we describe how, without any modification, the 
71PKINIT protocol may be applied to achieve the goals of PKDA. For direct 
72client to server authentication, the client will use PKINIT to 
73authenticate to the end server (instead of a central KDC), which then, 
74will issue a ticket for itself.  The benefit of this proposal, is that a 
75single PK extension to Kerberos can addresses the goals of PKINIT and 
793. PKDA background
81The PKDA proposal provides direct client to server authentication, thus 
82eliminating the need for an online key distribution center.  A client 
83and server take part in an initial PK based authentication exchange, 
84with an added caveat that the server acts as a Kerberos ticket granting 
85service and issues a traditional Kerberos ticket for itself.  In 
86subsequent communication, the client makes use of the Kerberos ticket, 
87thus eliminating the need for public key operations on the server.  This 
88approach has an advantage over SSL in that the server does not need to 
89save state (cache session keys).  Furthermore, an additional benefit, is 
90that Kerberos tickets can facilitate delegation (see Neuman[3]). 
92Below is a brief overview of the PKDA protocol.  For a more detailed 
93description see [1]. 
95SCERT_REQ: Client to Server
96The client requests a certificate from the server.  If the server�s 
97certificate is cached locally, SCERT_REQ and SCERT_REP are omitted.
99SCERT_REP:  Server to Client
100The server returns its certificate to the client.
102PKTGS_REQ: Client to Server
103The client sends a request for a service ticket to the server.  To 
104authenticate the request, the client signs, among other fields, a time 
105stamp and a newly generated symmetric key .  The time stamp is used to 
106foil replay attacks;  the symmetric key is used by the server to secure 
107the PKTGS_REP message. 
108The client provides a certificate in the request (the certificate 
109enables the server to verify the validity of the client�s signature) and 
110seals it along with the signed information using the server�s public 
114PKTGS_REP:  Server to Client
115The server returns a service ticket (which it issued for itself) along 
116with the session key for the ticket.  The session key is protected by 
117the client-generated key from the PKTGS_REQ message.  
119AP_REQ:  Client to Server
120After the above exchange, the client can proceed in a normal fashion, 
121using the conventional Kerberos ticket in an AP_REQ message.
1244. PKINIT background
126One of the principal goals of PKINIT is to provide for interoperability 
127between a public key infrastructure and Kerberos.  Using a public key 
128certificate, a client can authenticate to the KDC and receive a TGT 
129which enables the client to obtain service tickets to kerberized 
130services..  In PKINIT, the AS-REQ and AS-REP messages remain the same; 
131new preauthentication data types are used to conduct the PK exchange.  
132Client and server certificates are exchanged via the preauthentication 
133data.  Thus, the exchange of certificates , PK authentication, and 
134delivery of a TGT can occur in two messages.
136Below is a brief overview of the PKINIT protocol.  For a more detailed 
137description see [2]. 
139PreAuthentication data of AS-REQ:  Client to Server
140The client sends a list of trusted certifiers, a signed PK 
141authenticator, and its certificate.  The PK authenticator, based on the 
142Kerberos authenticator, contains the name of the KDC, a timestamp, and a 
145PreAuthentication data of AS-REP:  Server to Client
146The server responds with its certificate and the key used for decrypting 
147the encrypted part of the AS-REQ.  This key is encrypted with the 
148client�s public key.
150AP_REQ:  Client to Server
151After the above exchange, the client can proceed in a normal fashion, 
152using the conventional Kerberos ticket in an AP_REQ message.
1555. Application of PKINIT to achieve equivalence to PKDA
157While PKINIT is normally used to retrieve a ticket granting ticket 
158(TGT), it may also be used to request an end service ticket.  When used 
159in this fashion, PKINIT is functionally equivalent to PKDA.  We 
160introduce the concept of a local ticket granting server (LTGS) to 
161illustrate how PKINIT may be used for issuing end service tickets based 
162on public key authentication.  It is important to note that the LTGS may 
163be built into an application server, or it may be a stand-alone server 
164used for issuing tickets within a well-defined realm, such as a single 
165machine.  We will discuss both of these options.
1685.1. The LTGS
170The LTGS processes the Kerberos AS-REQ and AS-REP messages with PKINIT 
171preauthentication data.  When a client submits an AS-REQ to the LTGS, it
172specifies an application server, in order to receive an end service 
173ticket instead of a TGT.
1765.1.1. The LTGS as a standalone server
178The LTGS may run as a separate process that serves applications which 
179reside on the same machine. This serves to consolidate administrative 
180functions and provide an easier migration path for a heterogeneous 
181environment consisting of both public key and Kerberos.  The LTGS would 
182use one well-known port (port #88 - same as the KDC) for all message 
183traffic and would share a symmetric with each service.  After the client 
184receives a service ticket, it then contacts the application server 
185directly.  This approach is similar to the one suggested by Sirbu , et 
186al [1].
1885.1.1.1. Ticket Policy for PKTAPP Clients
190It is desirable for the LTGS to have access to a PKTAPP client ticket
191policy. This policy will contain information for each client, such as 
192the maximum lifetime of a ticket, whether or not a ticket can be 
193forwardable, etc. PKTAPP clients, however, use the PKINIT protocol for
194authentication and are not required to be registered as Kerberos 
197As one possible solution, each public key Certification Authority could
198be registered in a secure database, along with the ticket policy 
199information for all PKTAPP clients that are certified by this
200Certification Authority.
2025.1.1.2. LTGS as a Kerberos Principal
204Since the LTGS serves only PKTAPP clients and returns only end service
205tickets for other services, it does not require a Kerberos service key 
206or a Kerberos principal identity. It is therefore not necessary for the
207LTGS to even be registered as a Kerberos principal.
209The LTGS still requires public key credentials for the PKINIT exchange,
210and it may be desired to have some global restrictions on the Kerberos
211tickets that it can issue. It is recommended (but not required) that
212this information be associated with a Kerberos principal entry for the
2165.1.1.3. Kerberos Principal Database
218Since the LTGS issues tickets for Kerberos services, it will require
219access to a Kerberos principal database containing entries for at least
220the end services. Each entry must contain a service key and may also
221contain restrictions on the service tickets that are issued to clients.
222It is recommended that (for ease of administration) this principal
223database be centrally administered and distributed (replicated) to all
224hosts where an LTGS may be running.
226In the case that there are other clients that do not support PKINIT
227protocol, but still need access to the same Kerberos services, this
228principal database will also require entries for Kerberos clients and
229for the TGS entries.
2315.1.2. The LTGS as part of an application server
233The LTGS may be combined with an application server.  This accomplishes 
234direct client to application server authentication; however, it requires 
235that applications be modified to process AS-REQ and AS-REP messages.  
236The LTGS would communicate over the port assigned to the application 
237server or over the well known Kerberos port for that particular 
2405.1.2.2. Ticket Policy for PKTAPP Clients
242Application servers normally do not have access to a distributed 
243principal database. Therefore, they will have to find another means of
244keeping track of the ticket policy information for PKTAPP clients. It is
245recommended that this ticket policy be kept in a directory service (such
246as LDAP).  
248It is critical, however, that both read and write access to this ticket
249policy is restricted with strong authentication and encryption to only
250the correct application server.  An unauthorized party should not have
251the authority to modify the ticket policy. Disclosing the ticket policy
252to a 3rd party may aid an adversary in determining the best way to
253compromise the network.
255It is just as critical for the application server to authenticate the
256directory service. Otherwise an adversary could use a man-in-the-middle
257attack to substitute a false ticket policy with a false directory
2605.1.2.3. LTGS Credentials
262Each LTGS (combined with an application service) will require public key
263credentials in order to use the PKINIT protocol. These credentials can 
264be stored in a single file that is both encrypted with a password-
265derived symmetric key and also secured by an operating system. This
266symmetric key may be stashed somewhere on the machine for convenience,
267although such practice potentially weakens the overall system security
268and is strongly discouraged.
270For added security, it is recommended that the LTGS private keys are
271stored inside a temper-resistant hardware module that requires a pin
272code for access.
2755.1.2.4. Compatibility With Standard Kerberos
277Even though an application server is combined with the LTGS, for
278backward compatibility it should still accept service tickets that have
279been issued by the KDC. This will allow Kerberos clients that do not
280support PKTAPP to authenticate to the same application server (with the
281help of a KDC).
2835.1.3. Cross-Realm Authentication
285According to the PKINIT draft, the client's realm is the X.500 name of
286the Certification Authority that issued the client certificate. A 
287Kerberos application service will be in a standard Kerberos realm, which
288implies that the LTGS will need to issue cross-realm end service 
289tickets. This is the only case, where cross-realm end service tickets
290are issued. In a standard Kerberos model, a client first acquires a
291cross-realm TGT, and then gets an end service ticket from the KDC that
292is in the same realm as the application service.
2946. Protocol differences between PKINIT and PKDA
296Both PKINIT and PKDA will accomplish the same goal of issuing end 
297service tickets, based on initial public key authentication.  A PKINIT-
298based implementation and a PKDA implementation would be functionally 
299equivalent.  The primary differences are that 1)PKDA requires the client 
300to create the symmetric key while PKINIT requires the server to create 
301the key and 2)PKINIT accomplishes in two messages what PKDA accomplishes 
302in four messages.
3047. Summary
306The PKINIT protocol can be used, without modification to facilitate 
307client to server authentication without the use of a central KDC.  The 
308approach described in this draft  (and originally proposed in PKDA[1]) 
309is essentially a public key authentication protocol that retains the 
310advantages of Kerberos tickets.
312Given that PKINIT has progressed through the CAT working group of the 
313IETF, with plans for non-commercial distribution (via MIT�s v5 Kerberos)  
314as well as commercial support, it is worthwhile to provide PKDA 
315functionality, under the PKINIT umbrella.
3178. Security Considerations
319PKTAPP is based on the PKINIT protocol and all security considerations
320already listed in [2] apply here.
322When the LTGS is implemented as part of each application server, the
323secure storage of its public key credentials and of its ticket policy
324are both a concern.  The respective security considerations are already
325covered in sections and of this document.  
3289. Bibliography
330[1] M. Sirbu, J. Chuang.  Distributed Authentication in Kerberos Using 
331Public Key Cryptography.  Symposium On Network and Distributed System 
332Security, 1997.
334[2] B. Tung, C. Neuman, M. Hur, A. Medvinsky, S. Medvinsky, J. Wray,
335J. Trostle.  Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in
336Kerberos.  Internet Draft, October 1999. 
339[3] C. Neuman, Proxy-Based Authorization and Accounting for 
340Distributed Systems.  In Proceedings of the 13th International 
341Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, May 1993.
343[4] J. Kohl, C. Neuman.  The Kerberos Network Authentication Service
344(V5).  Request for Comments 1510.
34610.  Expiration Date
348This draft expires April 24, 2000.
35011. Authors
352Ari Medvinsky
353Keen.com, Inc.
354150 Independence Dr.
355Menlo Park, CA 94025
356Phone +1 650 289 3134
357E-mail: ari@keen.com
359Matthew Hur
360CyberSafe Corporation
3611605 NW Sammamish Road
362Issaquah, WA 98027-5378
363Phone: +1 425 391 6000
364E-mail: matt.hur@cybersafe.com
366Alexander Medvinsky
3686450 Sequence Dr.
369San Diego, CA 92121
370Phone: +1 858 404 2367
371E-mail: smedvinsky@gi.com
373Clifford Neuman
374USC Information Sciences Institute
3754676 Admiralty Way Suite 1001
376Marina del Rey CA 90292-6695
377Phone: +1 310 822 1511
378E-mail: bcn@isi.edu