1INTERNET-DRAFT                                                Brian Tung
2draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-13.txt                   Clifford Neuman
3Updates: RFC 1510                                                USC/ISI
4expires August 31, 2001                                      Matthew Hur
5                                                                   Cisco
6                                                           Ari Medvinsky
7                                                          Keen.com, Inc.
8                                                         Sasha Medvinsky
9                                                                Motorola
10                                                               John Wray
11                                                   Iris Associates, Inc.
12                                                        Jonathan Trostle
13                                                                   Cisco
15    Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in Kerberos
170.  Status Of This Memo
19    This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
20    all provisions of Section 10 of RFC 2026.  Internet-Drafts are
21    working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
22    its areas, and its working groups.  Note that other groups may also
23    distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.
25    Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
26    months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
27    documents at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts
28    as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in
29    progress."
31    The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
32    http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt
34    The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
35    http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html.
37    To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check
38    the "1id-abstracts.txt" listing contained in the Internet-Drafts
39    Shadow Directories on ftp.ietf.org (US East Coast),
40    nic.nordu.net (Europe), ftp.isi.edu (US West Coast), or
41    munnari.oz.au (Pacific Rim).
43    The distribution of this memo is unlimited.  It is filed as
44    draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-11.txt, and expires August 31,
45    2001.  Please send comments to the authors.
471.  Abstract
49    This document defines extensions (PKINIT) to the Kerberos protocol
50    specification (RFC 1510 [1]) to provide a method for using public
51    key cryptography during initial authentication.  The methods
52    defined specify the ways in which preauthentication data fields and
53    error data fields in Kerberos messages are to be used to transport
54    public key data.
562.  Introduction
58    The popularity of public key cryptography has produced a desire for
59    its support in Kerberos [2].  The advantages provided by public key
60    cryptography include simplified key management (from the Kerberos
61    perspective) and the ability to leverage existing and developing
62    public key certification infrastructures.
64    Public key cryptography can be integrated into Kerberos in a number
65    of ways.  One is to associate a key pair with each realm, which can
66    then be used to facilitate cross-realm authentication; this is the
67    topic of another draft proposal.  Another way is to allow users with
68    public key certificates to use them in initial authentication.  This
69    is the concern of the current document.
71    PKINIT utilizes ephemeral-ephemeral Diffie-Hellman keys in
72    combination with DSA keys as the primary, required mechanism.  Note
73    that PKINIT supports the use of separate signature and encryption
74    keys.
76    PKINIT enables access to Kerberos-secured services based on initial
77    authentication utilizing public key cryptography.  PKINIT utilizes
78    standard public key signature and encryption data formats within the
79    standard Kerberos messages.  The basic mechanism is as follows:  The
80    user sends an AS-REQ message to the KDC as before, except that if that
81    user is to use public key cryptography in the initial authentication
82    step, his certificate and a signature accompany the initial request
83    in the preauthentication fields.  Upon receipt of this request, the
84    KDC verifies the certificate and issues a ticket granting ticket
85    (TGT) as before, except that the encPart from the AS-REP message
86    carrying the TGT is now encrypted utilizing either a Diffie-Hellman
87    derived key or the user's public key.  This message is authenticated
88    utilizing the public key signature of the KDC.
90    Note that PKINIT does not require the use of certificates.  A KDC
91    may store the public key of a principal as part of that principal's
92    record.  In this scenario, the KDC is the trusted party that vouches
93    for the principal (as in a standard, non-cross realm, Kerberos
94    environment).  Thus, for any principal, the KDC may maintain a
95    symmetric key, a public key, or both.
97    The PKINIT specification may also be used as a building block for
98    other specifications.  PKINIT may be utilized to establish
99    inter-realm keys for the purposes of issuing cross-realm service
100    tickets.  It may also be used to issue anonymous Kerberos tickets
101    using the Diffie-Hellman option.  Efforts are under way to draft
102    specifications for these two application protocols.
104    Additionally, the PKINIT specification may be used for direct peer
105    to peer authentication without contacting a central KDC. This
106    application of PKINIT is described in PKTAPP [5] and is based on
107    concepts introduced in [6, 7]. For direct client-to-server
108    authentication, the client uses PKINIT to authenticate to the end
109    server (instead of a central KDC), which then issues a ticket for
110    itself.  This approach has an advantage over TLS [8] in that the
111    server does not need to save state (cache session keys).
112    Furthermore, an additional benefit is that Kerberos tickets can
113    facilitate delegation (see [9]).
1153.  Proposed Extensions
117    This section describes extensions to RFC 1510 for supporting the
118    use of public key cryptography in the initial request for a ticket
119    granting ticket (TGT).
121    In summary, the following change to RFC 1510 is proposed:
123        * Users may authenticate using either a public key pair or a
124          conventional (symmetric) key.  If public key cryptography is
125          used, public key data is transported in preauthentication
126          data fields to help establish identity.  The user presents
127          a public key certificate and obtains an ordinary TGT that may
128          be used for subsequent authentication, with such
129          authentication using only conventional cryptography.
131    Section 3.1 provides definitions to help specify message formats.
132    Section 3.2 describes the extensions for the initial authentication
133    method.
1353.1.  Definitions
137    The extensions involve new preauthentication fields; we introduce
138    the following preauthentication types:
140        PA-PK-AS-REQ                            14
141        PA-PK-AS-REP                            15
143    The extensions also involve new error types; we introduce the
144    following types:
146        KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NOT_TRUSTED              62
147        KDC_ERR_KDC_NOT_TRUSTED                 63
148        KDC_ERR_INVALID_SIG                     64
149        KDC_ERR_KEY_TOO_WEAK                    65
150        KDC_ERR_CERTIFICATE_MISMATCH            66
152        KDC_ERR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE             71
153        KDC_ERR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE             72
156        KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NAME_MISMATCH            75
157        KDC_ERR_KDC_NAME_MISMATCH               76
159    We utilize the following typed data for errors:
161        TD-PKINIT-CMS-CERTIFICATES             101
162        TD-KRB-PRINCIPAL                       102
163        TD-KRB-REALM                           103
164        TD-TRUSTED-CERTIFIERS                  104
165        TD-CERTIFICATE-INDEX                   105
167    We utilize the following encryption types (which map directly to
168    OIDs):
170        dsaWithSHA1-CmsOID                       9
171        md5WithRSAEncryption-CmsOID             10
172        sha1WithRSAEncryption-CmsOID            11
173        rc2CBC-EnvOID                           12
174        rsaEncryption-EnvOID (PKCS#1 v1.5)      13
175        rsaES-OAEP-ENV-OID   (PKCS#1 v2.0)      14
176        des-ede3-cbc-Env-OID                    15
178    These mappings are provided so that a client may send the
179    appropriate enctypes in the AS-REQ message in order to indicate
180    support for the corresponding OIDs (for performing PKINIT).
182    In many cases, PKINIT requires the encoding of the X.500 name of a
183    certificate authority as a Realm.  When such a name appears as
184    a realm it will be represented using the "Other" form of the realm
185    name as specified in the naming constraints section of RFC1510.
186    For a realm derived from an X.500 name, NAMETYPE will have the value
187    X500-RFC2253.  The full realm name will appear as follows:
189        <nametype> + ":" + <string>
191    where nametype is "X500-RFC2253" and string is the result of doing
192    an RFC2253 encoding of the distinguished name, i.e.
194        "X500-RFC2253:" + RFC2253Encode(DistinguishedName)
196    where DistinguishedName is an X.500 name, and RFC2253Encode is a
197    function returing a readable UTF encoding of an X.500 name, as
198    defined by RFC 2253 [14] (part of LDAPv3 [18]).
200    To ensure that this encoding is unique, we add the following rule
201    to those specified by RFC 2253:
203        The order in which the attributes appear in the RFC 2253
204        encoding MUST be the reverse of the order in the ASN.1
205        encoding of the X.500 name that appears in the public key
206        certificate. The order of the relative distinguished names
207        (RDNs), as well as the order of the AttributeTypeAndValues
208        within each RDN, will be reversed. (This is despite the fact
209        that an RDN is defined as a SET of AttributeTypeAndValues, where
210        an order is normally not important.)
212    Similarly, in cases where the KDC does not provide a specific
213    policy-based mapping from the X.500 name or X.509 Version 3
214    SubjectAltName extension in the user's certificate to a Kerberos
215    principal name, PKINIT requires the direct encoding of the X.500
216    name as a PrincipalName.  In this case, the name-type of the
217    principal name MUST be set to KRB_NT-X500-PRINCIPAL.  This new
218    name type is defined in RFC 1510 as:
220        KRB_NT_X500_PRINCIPAL    6
222    For this type, the name-string MUST be set as follows:
224        RFC2253Encode(DistinguishedName)
226    as described above.  When this name type is used, the principal's
227    realm MUST be set to the certificate authority's distinguished
228    name using the X500-RFC2253 realm name format described earlier in
229    this section.
231    RFC 1510 specifies the ASN.1 structure for PrincipalName as follows:
233        PrincipalName ::=   SEQUENCE {
234                        name-type[0]     INTEGER,
235                        name-string[1]   SEQUENCE OF GeneralString
236        }
238    The following rules relate to the the matching of PrincipalNames
239    with regard to the PKI name constraints for CAs as laid out in RFC
240    2459 [15].  In order to be regarded as a match (for permitted and
241    excluded name trees), the following MUST be satisfied.
243        1.  If the constraint is given as a user plus realm name, or
244            as a client principal name plus realm name (as specified in
245            RFC 1510), the realm name MUST be valid (see 2.a-d below)
246            and the match MUST be exact, byte for byte.
248        2.  If the constraint is given only as a realm name, matching
249            depends on the type of the realm:
251            a.  If the realm contains a colon (':') before any equal
252                sign ('='), it is treated as a realm of type Other,
253                and MUST match exactly, byte for byte.
255            b.  Otherwise, if the realm name conforms to rules regarding
256                the format of DNS names, it is considered a realm name of
257                type Domain.  The constraint may be given as a realm
258                name 'FOO.BAR', which matches any PrincipalName within
259                the realm 'FOO.BAR' but not those in subrealms such as
260                'CAR.FOO.BAR'.  A constraint of the form '.FOO.BAR'
261                matches PrincipalNames in subrealms of the form
262                'CAR.FOO.BAR' but not the realm 'FOO.BAR' itself.
264            c.  Otherwise, the realm name is invalid and does not match
265                under any conditions.
2673.1.1.  Encryption and Key Formats
269    In the exposition below, we use the terms public key and private
270    key generically.  It should be understood that the term "public
271    key" may be used to refer to either a public encryption key or a
272    signature verification key, and that the term "private key" may be
273    used to refer to either a private decryption key or a signature
274    generation key.  The fact that these are logically distinct does
275    not preclude the assignment of bitwise identical keys for RSA
276    keys.
278    In the case of Diffie-Hellman, the key is produced from the agreed
279    bit string as follows:
281        * Truncate the bit string to the appropriate length.
282        * Rectify parity in each byte (if necessary) to obtain the key.
284    For instance, in the case of a DES key, we take the first eight
285    bytes of the bit stream, and then adjust the least significant bit
286    of each byte to ensure that each byte has odd parity.
2883.1.2. Algorithm Identifiers
290    PKINIT does not define, but does permit, the algorithm identifiers
291    listed below.
2933.1.2.1. Signature Algorithm Identifiers
295    The following signature algorithm identifiers specified in [11] and
296    in [15] are used with PKINIT:
298    id-dsa-with-sha1       (DSA with SHA1)
299    md5WithRSAEncryption   (RSA with MD5)
300    sha-1WithRSAEncryption (RSA with SHA1)
3023.1.2.2 Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Algorithm Identifier
304    The following algorithm identifier shall be used within the
305    SubjectPublicKeyInfo data structure: dhpublicnumber
307    This identifier and the associated algorithm parameters are
308    specified in RFC 2459 [15].
3103.1.2.3. Algorithm Identifiers for RSA Encryption
312    These algorithm identifiers are used inside the EnvelopedData data
313    structure, for encrypting the temporary key with a public key:
315        rsaEncryption (RSA encryption, PKCS#1 v1.5)
316        id-RSAES-OAEP (RSA encryption, PKCS#1 v2.0)
318    Both of the above RSA encryption schemes are specified in [16].
319    Currently, only PKCS#1 v1.5 is specified by CMS [11], although the
320    CMS specification says that it will likely include PKCS#1 v2.0 in
321    the future.  (PKCS#1 v2.0 addresses adaptive chosen ciphertext
322    vulnerability discovered in PKCS#1 v1.5.)
3243.1.2.4. Algorithm Identifiers for Encryption with Secret Keys
326    These algorithm identifiers are used inside the EnvelopedData data
327    structure in the PKINIT Reply, for encrypting the reply key with the
328    temporary key:
329        des-ede3-cbc (3-key 3-DES, CBC mode)
330        rc2-cbc      (RC2, CBC mode)
332    The full definition of the above algorithm identifiers and their
333    corresponding parameters (an IV for block chaining) is provided in
334    the CMS specification [11].
3363.2.  Public Key Authentication
338    Implementation of the changes in this section is REQUIRED for
339    compliance with PKINIT.
3413.2.1.  Client Request
343    Public keys may be signed by some certification authority (CA), or
344    they may be maintained by the KDC in which case the KDC is the
345    trusted authority.  Note that the latter mode does not require the
346    use of certificates.
348    The initial authentication request is sent as per RFC 1510, except
349    that a preauthentication field containing data signed by the user's
350    private key accompanies the request:
352    PA-PK-AS-REQ ::= SEQUENCE {
353                                -- PA TYPE 14
354        signedAuthPack          [0] SignedData
355                                    -- Defined in CMS [11];
356                                    -- AuthPack (below) defines the
357                                    -- data that is signed.
358        trustedCertifiers       [1] SEQUENCE OF TrustedCas OPTIONAL,
359                                    -- This is a list of CAs that the
360                                    -- client trusts and that certify
361                                    -- KDCs.
362        kdcCert                 [2] IssuerAndSerialNumber OPTIONAL
363                                    -- As defined in CMS [11];
364                                    -- specifies a particular KDC
365                                    -- certificate if the client
366                                    -- already has it.
367        encryptionCert          [3] IssuerAndSerialNumber OPTIONAL
368                                    -- For example, this may be the
369                                    -- client's Diffie-Hellman
370                                    -- certificate, or it may be the
371                                    -- client's RSA encryption
372                                    -- certificate.
373    }
375    TrustedCas ::= CHOICE {
376        principalName         [0] KerberosName,
377                                  -- as defined below
378        caName                [1] Name
379                                  -- fully qualified X.500 name
380                                  -- as defined by X.509
381        issuerAndSerial       [2] IssuerAndSerialNumber
382                                  -- Since a CA may have a number of
383                                  -- certificates, only one of which
384                                  -- a client trusts
385    }
387    Usage of SignedData:
389        The SignedData data type is specified in the Cryptographic
390        Message Syntax, a product of the S/MIME working group of the
391        IETF.  The following describes how to fill in the fields of
392        this data:
394        1.  The encapContentInfo field MUST contain the PKAuthenticator
395            and, optionally, the client's Diffie Hellman public value.
397            a.  The eContentType field MUST contain the OID value for
398                pkauthdata: iso (1) org (3) dod (6) internet (1)
399                security (5) kerberosv5 (2) pkinit (3) pkauthdata (1)
401            b.  The eContent field is data of the type AuthPack (below).
403        2.  The signerInfos field contains the signature of AuthPack.
405        3.  The Certificates field, when non-empty, contains the client's
406            certificate chain.  If present, the KDC uses the public key
407            from the client's certificate to verify the signature in the
408            request.  Note that the client may pass different certificate
409            chains that are used for signing or for encrypting.  Thus,
410            the KDC may utilize a different client certificate for
411            signature verification than the one it uses to encrypt the
412            reply to the client.  For example, the client may place a
413            Diffie-Hellman certificate in this field in order to convey
414            its static Diffie Hellman certificate to the KDC to enable
415            static-ephemeral Diffie-Hellman mode for the reply; in this
416            case, the client does NOT place its public value in the
417            AuthPack (defined below).  As another example, the client may
418            place an RSA encryption certificate in this field.  However,
419            there MUST always be (at least) a signature certificate.
421    AuthPack ::= SEQUENCE {
422        pkAuthenticator         [0] PKAuthenticator,
423        clientPublicValue       [1] SubjectPublicKeyInfo OPTIONAL
424                                    -- if client is using Diffie-Hellman
425                                    -- (ephemeral-ephemeral only)
426    }
428    PKAuthenticator ::= SEQUENCE {
429        cusec                   [0] INTEGER,
430                                    -- for replay prevention as in RFC1510
431        ctime                   [1] KerberosTime,
432                                    -- for replay prevention as in RFC1510
433        nonce                   [2] INTEGER,
434        pachecksum              [3] Checksum
435                                    -- Checksum over KDC-REQ-BODY
436                                    -- Defined by Kerberos spec
437    }
439    SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
440        algorithm                   AlgorithmIdentifier,
441                                    -- dhKeyAgreement
442        subjectPublicKey            BIT STRING
443                                    -- for DH, equals
444                                    -- public exponent (INTEGER encoded
445                                    -- as payload of BIT STRING)
446    }   -- as specified by the X.509 recommendation [10]
448    AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
449        algorithm                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
450                                    -- for dhKeyAgreement, this is
451                                    -- { iso (1) member-body (2) US (840)
452                                    -- rsadsi (113459) pkcs (1) 3 1 }
453                                    -- from PKCS #3 [20]
454        parameters                  ANY DEFINED by algorithm OPTIONAL
455                                    -- for dhKeyAgreement, this is
456                                    -- DHParameter
457    }   -- as specified by the X.509 recommendation [10]
459    DHParameter ::= SEQUENCE {
460        prime                       INTEGER,
461                                    -- p
462        base                        INTEGER,
463                                    -- g
464        privateValueLength          INTEGER OPTIONAL
465                                    -- l
466    }   -- as defined in PKCS #3 [20]
468    If the client passes an issuer and serial number in the request,
469    the KDC is requested to use the referred-to certificate.  If none
470    exists, then the KDC returns an error of type
471    KDC_ERR_CERTIFICATE_MISMATCH.  It also returns this error if, on the
472    other hand, the client does not pass any trustedCertifiers,
473    believing that it has the KDC's certificate, but the KDC has more
474    than one certificate.  The KDC should include information in the
475    KRB-ERROR message that indicates the KDC certificate(s) that a
476    client may utilize.  This data is specified in the e-data, which
477    is defined in RFC 1510 revisions as a SEQUENCE of TypedData:
479    TypedData ::=  SEQUENCE {
480                    data-type      [0] INTEGER,
481                    data-value     [1] OCTET STRING,
482    } -- per Kerberos RFC 1510 revisions
484    where:
485    data-type = TD-PKINIT-CMS-CERTIFICATES = 101
486    data-value = CertificateSet // as specified by CMS [11]
488    The PKAuthenticator carries information to foil replay attacks, to
489    bind the pre-authentication data to the KDC-REQ-BODY, and to bind the
490    request and response.  The PKAuthenticator is signed with the client's
491    signature key.
4933.2.2.  KDC Response
495    Upon receipt of the AS_REQ with PA-PK-AS-REQ pre-authentication
496    type, the KDC attempts to verify the user's certificate chain
497    (userCert), if one is provided in the request.  This is done by
498    verifying the certification path against the KDC's policy of
499    legitimate certifiers.
501    If the client's certificate chain contains no certificate signed by
502    a CA trusted by the KDC, then the KDC sends back an error message
503    of type KDC_ERR_CANT_VERIFY_CERTIFICATE.  The accompanying e-data
504    is a SEQUENCE of one TypedData (with type TD-TRUSTED-CERTIFIERS=104)
505    whose data-value is an OCTET STRING which is the DER encoding of
507        TrustedCertifiers ::= SEQUENCE OF PrincipalName
508                              -- X.500 name encoded as a principal name
509                              -- see Section 3.1
511    If while verifying a certificate chain the KDC determines that the
512    signature on one of the certificates in the CertificateSet from
513    the signedAuthPack fails verification, then the KDC returns an
514    error of type KDC_ERR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE.  The accompanying
515    e-data is a SEQUENCE of one TypedData (with type
516    TD-CERTIFICATE-INDEX=105) whose data-value is an OCTET STRING
517    which is the DER encoding of the index into the CertificateSet
518    ordered as sent by the client.
520        CertificateIndex  ::= INTEGER
521                              -- 0 = 1st certificate,
522                              --     (in order of encoding)
523                              -- 1 = 2nd certificate, etc
525    The KDC may also check whether any of the certificates in the
526    client's chain has been revoked.  If one of the certificates has
527    been revoked, then the KDC returns an error of type
528    KDC_ERR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE; if such a query reveals that
529    the certificate's revocation status is unknown or not
530    available, then if required by policy, the KDC returns the
531    appropriate error of type KDC_ERR_REVOCATION_STATUS_UNKNOWN or
532    KDC_ERR_REVOCATION_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE.  In any of these three
533    cases, the affected certificate is identified by the accompanying
534    e-data, which contains a CertificateIndex as described for
537    If the certificate chain can be verified, but the name of the
538    client in the certificate does not match the client's name in the
539    request, then the KDC returns an error of type
540    KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NAME_MISMATCH.  There is no accompanying e-data
541    field in this case.
543    Finally, if the certificate chain is verified, but the KDC's name
544    or realm as given in the PKAuthenticator does not match the KDC's
545    actual principal name, then the KDC returns an error of type
546    KDC_ERR_KDC_NAME_MISMATCH.  The accompanying e-data field is again
547    a SEQUENCE of one TypedData (with type TD-KRB-PRINCIPAL=102 or
548    TD-KRB-REALM=103 as appropriate) whose data-value is an OCTET
549    STRING whose data-value is the DER encoding of a PrincipalName or
550    Realm as defined in RFC 1510 revisions.
552    Even if all succeeds, the KDC may--for policy reasons--decide not
553    to trust the client.  In this case, the KDC returns an error message
554    of type KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NOT_TRUSTED.  One specific case of this is
555    the presence or absence of an Enhanced Key Usage (EKU) OID within
556    the certificate extensions.  The rules regarding acceptability of
557    an EKU sequence (or the absence of any sequence) are a matter of
558    local policy.  For the benefit of implementers, we define a PKINIT
559    EKU OID as the following: iso (1) org (3) dod (6) internet (1)
560    security (5) kerberosv5 (2) pkinit (3) pkekuoid (2).
562    If a trust relationship exists, the KDC then verifies the client's
563    signature on AuthPack.  If that fails, the KDC returns an error
564    message of type KDC_ERR_INVALID_SIG.  Otherwise, the KDC uses the
565    timestamp (ctime and cusec) in the PKAuthenticator to assure that
566    the request is not a replay.  The KDC also verifies that its name
567    is specified in the PKAuthenticator.
569    If the clientPublicValue field is filled in, indicating that the
570    client wishes to use Diffie-Hellman key agreement, then the KDC
571    checks to see that the parameters satisfy its policy.  If they do
572    not (e.g., the prime size is insufficient for the expected
573    encryption type), then the KDC sends back an error message of type
574    KDC_ERR_KEY_TOO_WEAK.  Otherwise, it generates its own public and
575    private values for the response.
577    The KDC also checks that the timestamp in the PKAuthenticator is
578    within the allowable window and that the principal name and realm
579    are correct.  If the local (server) time and the client time in the
580    authenticator differ by more than the allowable clock skew, then the
581    KDC returns an error message of type KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW as defined in 1510.
583    Assuming no errors, the KDC replies as per RFC 1510, except as
584    follows.  The user's name in the ticket is determined by the
585    following decision algorithm:
587        1.  If the KDC has a mapping from the name in the certificate
588            to a Kerberos name, then use that name.
589            Else
590        2.  If the certificate contains the SubjectAltName extention
591            and the local KDC policy defines a mapping from the
592            SubjectAltName to a Kerberos name, then use that name.
593            Else
594        3.  Use the name as represented in the certificate, mapping
595            as necessary (e.g., as per RFC 2253 for X.500 names).  In
596            this case the realm in the ticket MUST be the name of the
597            certifier that issued the user's certificate.
599    Note that a principal name may be carried in the subjectAltName
600    field of a certificate. This name may be mapped to a principal
601    record in a security database based on local policy, for example
602    the subjectAltName may be kerberos/principal@realm format.  In
603    this case the realm name is not that of the CA but that of the
604    local realm doing the mapping (or some realm name chosen by that
605    realm).
607    If a non-KDC X.509 certificate contains the principal name within
608    the subjectAltName version 3 extension, that name may utilize
609    KerberosName as defined below, or, in the case of an S/MIME
610    certificate [17], may utilize the email address.  If the KDC
611    is presented with an S/MIME certificate, then the email address
612    within subjectAltName will be interpreted as a principal and realm
613    separated by the "@" sign, or as a name that needs to be mapped
614    according to local policy.  If the resulting name does not correspond
615    to a registered principal name, then the principal name is formed as
616    defined in section 3.1.
618    The trustedCertifiers field contains a list of certification
619    authorities trusted by the client, in the case that the client does
620    not possess the KDC's public key certificate.  If the KDC has no
621    certificate signed by any of the trustedCertifiers, then it returns
622    an error of type KDC_ERR_KDC_NOT_TRUSTED.
624    KDCs should try to (in order of preference):
625    1. Use the KDC certificate identified by the serialNumber included
626       in the client's request.
627    2. Use a certificate issued to the KDC by one of the client's
628       trustedCertifier(s);
629    If the KDC is unable to comply with any of these options, then the
630    KDC returns an error message of type KDC_ERR_KDC_NOT_TRUSTED to the
631    client.
633    The KDC encrypts the reply not with the user's long-term key, but
634    with the Diffie Hellman derived key or a random key generated
635    for this particular response which is carried in the padata field of
636    the TGS-REP message.
638    PA-PK-AS-REP ::= CHOICE {
639                            -- PA TYPE 15
640        dhSignedData       [0] SignedData,
641                            -- Defined in CMS and used only with
642                            -- Diffie-Hellman key exchange (if the
643                            -- client public value was present in the
644                            -- request).
645                            -- This choice MUST be supported
646                            -- by compliant implementations.
647        encKeyPack         [1] EnvelopedData,
648                            -- Defined in CMS
649                            -- The temporary key is encrypted
650                            -- using the client public key
651                            -- key
652                            -- SignedReplyKeyPack, encrypted
653                            -- with the temporary key, is also
654                            -- included.
655    }
657    Usage of SignedData:
659        When the Diffie-Hellman option is used, dhSignedData in
660        PA-PK-AS-REP provides authenticated Diffie-Hellman parameters
661        of the KDC.  The reply key used to encrypt part of the KDC reply
662        message is derived from the Diffie-Hellman exchange:
664        1.  Both the KDC and the client calculate a secret value
665            (g^ab mod p), where a is the client's private exponent and
666            b is the KDC's private exponent.
668        2.  Both the KDC and the client take the first N bits of this
669            secret value and convert it into a reply key.  N depends on
670            the reply key type.
672            a.  For example, if the reply key is DES, N=64 bits, where
673                some of the bits are replaced with parity bits, according
674                to FIPS PUB 74.
676            b.  As another example, if the reply key is (3-key) 3-DES,
677                N=192 bits, where some of the bits are replaced with
678                parity bits, according to FIPS PUB 74.
680        3.  The encapContentInfo field MUST contain the KdcDHKeyInfo as
681            defined below.
683            a.  The eContentType field MUST contain the OID value for
684                pkdhkeydata: iso (1) org (3) dod (6) internet (1)
685                security (5) kerberosv5 (2) pkinit (3) pkdhkeydata (2)
687            b.  The eContent field is data of the type KdcDHKeyInfo
688                (below).
690        4.  The certificates field MUST contain the certificates
691            necessary for the client to establish trust in the KDC's
692            certificate based on the list of trusted certifiers sent by
693            the client in the PA-PK-AS-REQ.  This field may be empty if
694            the client did not send to the KDC a list of trusted
695            certifiers (the trustedCertifiers field was empty, meaning
696            that the client already possesses the KDC's certificate).
698        5.  The signerInfos field is a SET that MUST contain at least
699            one member, since it contains the actual signature.
701    KdcDHKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
702                              -- used only when utilizing Diffie-Hellman
703      nonce                 [0] INTEGER,
704                                -- binds responce to the request
705      subjectPublicKey      [2] BIT STRING
706                                -- Equals public exponent (g^a mod p)
707                                -- INTEGER encoded as payload of
708                                -- BIT STRING
709    }
711    Usage of EnvelopedData:
713        The EnvelopedData data type is specified in the Cryptographic
714        Message Syntax, a product of the S/MIME working group of the
715        IETF.  It contains a temporary key encrypted with the PKINIT
716        client's public key.  It also contains a signed and encrypted
717        reply key.
719        1.  The originatorInfo field is not required, since that
720            information may be presented in the signedData structure
721            that is encrypted within the encryptedContentInfo field.
723        2.  The optional unprotectedAttrs field is not required for
724            PKINIT.
726        3.  The recipientInfos field is a SET which MUST contain exactly
727            one member of the KeyTransRecipientInfo type for encryption
728            with a public key.
730            a.  The encryptedKey field (in KeyTransRecipientInfo)
731                contains the temporary key which is encrypted with the
732                PKINIT client's public key.
734        4.  The encryptedContentInfo field contains the signed and
735            encrypted reply key.
737            a.  The contentType field MUST contain the OID value for
738                id-signedData: iso (1) member-body (2) us (840)
739                rsadsi (113549) pkcs (1) pkcs7 (7) signedData (2)
741            b.  The encryptedContent field is encrypted data of the CMS
742                type signedData as specified below.
744                i.  The encapContentInfo field MUST contains the
745                    ReplyKeyPack.
747                    * The eContentType field MUST contain the OID value
748                      for pkrkeydata: iso (1) org (3) dod (6) internet (1)
749                      security (5) kerberosv5 (2) pkinit (3) pkrkeydata (3)
751                    * The eContent field is data of the type ReplyKeyPack
752                      (below).
754                ii.  The certificates field MUST contain the certificates
755                     necessary for the client to establish trust in the
756                     KDC's certificate based on the list of trusted
757                     certifiers sent by the client in the PA-PK-AS-REQ.
758                     This field may be empty if the client did not send
759                     to the KDC a list of trusted certifiers (the
760                     trustedCertifiers field was empty, meaning that the
761                     client already possesses the KDC's certificate).
763                iii.  The signerInfos field is a SET that MUST contain at
764                      least one member, since it contains the actual
765                      signature.
767    ReplyKeyPack ::= SEQUENCE {
768                              -- not used for Diffie-Hellman
769        replyKey             [0] EncryptionKey,
770                                 -- from RFC 1510bis
771                                 -- used to encrypt main reply
772                                 -- ENCTYPE is at least as strong as
773                                 -- ENCTYPE of session key
774        nonce                [1] INTEGER,
775                                 -- binds response to the request
776                                 -- must be same as the nonce
777                                 -- passed in the PKAuthenticator
778    }
7813.2.2.1. Use of transited Field
783    Since each certifier in the certification path of a user's
784    certificate is equivalent to a separate Kerberos realm, the name
785    of each certifier in the certificate chain MUST be added to the
786    transited field of the ticket.  The format of these realm names is
787    defined in Section 3.1 of this document.  If applicable, the
788    transit-policy-checked flag should be set in the issued ticket.
7913.2.2.2. Kerberos Names in Certificates
793    The KDC's certificate(s) MUST bind the public key(s) of the KDC to
794    a name derivable from the name of the realm for that KDC.  X.509
795    certificates MUST contain the principal name of the KDC
796    (defined in section 8.2 of RFC 1510) as the SubjectAltName version
797    3 extension. Below is the definition of this version 3 extension,
798    as specified by the X.509 standard:
800        subjectAltName EXTENSION ::= {
801            SYNTAX GeneralNames
802            IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-subjectAltName
803        }
805        GeneralNames ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF GeneralName
807        GeneralName ::= CHOICE {
808            otherName       [0] OtherName,
809            ...
810        }
812        OtherName ::= SEQUENCE {
813            type-id         OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
814            value           [0] EXPLICIT ANY DEFINED BY type-id
815        }
817    For the purpose of specifying a Kerberos principal name, the value
818    in OtherName MUST be a KerberosName as defined in RFC 1510:
820        KerberosName ::= SEQUENCE {
821            realm           [0] Realm,
822            principalName   [1] PrincipalName
823        }
825    This specific syntax is identified within subjectAltName by setting
826    the type-id in OtherName to krb5PrincipalName, where (from the
827    Kerberos specification) we have
829        krb5 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso (1)
830                                     org (3)
831                                     dod (6)
832                                     internet (1)
833                                     security (5)
834                                     kerberosv5 (2) }
836        krb5PrincipalName OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { krb5 2 }
838    (This specification may also be used to specify a Kerberos name
839    within the user's certificate.)  The KDC's certificate may be signed
840    directly by a CA, or there may be intermediaries if the server resides
841    within a large organization, or it may be unsigned if the client
842    indicates possession (and trust) of the KDC's certificate.
844    Note that the KDC's principal name has the instance equal to the
845    realm, and those fields should be appropriately set in the realm
846    and principalName fields of the KerberosName.  This is the case
847    even when obtaining a cross-realm ticket using PKINIT.
8503.2.3. Client Extraction of Reply
852    The client then extracts the random key used to encrypt the main
853    reply.  This random key (in encPaReply) is encrypted with either the
854    client's public key or with a key derived from the DH values
855    exchanged between the client and the KDC.  The client uses this
856    random key to decrypt the main reply, and subsequently proceeds as
857    described in RFC 1510.
8593.2.4. Required Algorithms
861    Not all of the algorithms in the PKINIT protocol specification have
862    to be implemented in order to comply with the proposed standard.
863    Below is a list of the required algorithms:
865    * Diffie-Hellman public/private key pairs
866        * utilizing Diffie-Hellman ephemeral-ephemeral mode
867    * SHA1 digest and DSA for signatures
868    * SHA1 digest also for the Checksum in the PKAuthenticator
869    * 3-key triple DES keys derived from the Diffie-Hellman Exchange
870    * 3-key triple DES Temporary and Reply keys
8724.  Logistics and Policy
874    This section describes a way to define the policy on the use of
875    PKINIT for each principal and request.
877    The KDC is not required to contain a database record for users
878    who use public key authentication.  However, if these users are
879    registered with the KDC, it is recommended that the database record
880    for these users be modified to an additional flag in the attributes
881    field to indicate that the user should authenticate using PKINIT.
882    If this flag is set and a request message does not contain the
883    PKINIT preauthentication field, then the KDC sends back as error of
884    type KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED indicating that a preauthentication
885    field of type PA-PK-AS-REQ must be included in the request.
8875.  Security Considerations
889    PKINIT raises a few security considerations, which we will address
890    in this section.
892    First of all, PKINIT introduces a new trust model, where KDCs do not
893    (necessarily) certify the identity of those for whom they issue
894    tickets.  PKINIT does allow KDCs to act as their own CAs, in the
895    limited capacity of self-signing their certificates, but one of the
896    additional benefits is to align Kerberos authentication with a global
897    public key infrastructure.  Anyone using PKINIT in this way must be
898    aware of how the certification infrastructure they are linking to
899    works.
901    Secondly, PKINIT also introduces the possibility of interactions
902    between different cryptosystems, which may be of widely varying
903    strengths.  Many systems, for instance, allow the use of 512-bit
904    public keys.  Using such keys to wrap data encrypted under strong
905    conventional cryptosystems, such as triple-DES, is inappropriate;
906    it adds a weak link to a strong one at extra cost.  Implementors
907    and administrators should take care to avoid such wasteful and
908    deceptive interactions.
910    Lastly, PKINIT calls for randomly generated keys for conventional
911    cryptosystems.  Many such systems contain systematically "weak"
912    keys.  PKINIT implementations MUST avoid use of these keys, either
913    by discarding those keys when they are generated, or by fixing them
914    in some way (e.g., by XORing them with a given mask).  These
915    precautions vary from system to system; it is not our intention to
916    give an explicit recipe for them here.
9186.  Transport Issues
920    Certificate chains can potentially grow quite large and span several
921    UDP packets; this in turn increases the probability that a Kerberos
922    message involving PKINIT extensions will be broken in transit.  In
923    light of the possibility that the Kerberos specification will
924    require KDCs to accept requests using TCP as a transport mechanism,
925    we make the same recommendation with respect to the PKINIT
926    extensions as well.
9287.  Bibliography
930    [1] J. Kohl, C. Neuman.  The Kerberos Network Authentication Service
931    (V5).  Request for Comments 1510.
933    [2] B.C. Neuman, Theodore Ts'o. Kerberos: An Authentication Service
934    for Computer Networks, IEEE Communications, 32(9):33-38.  September
935    1994.
937    [3] B. Tung, T. Ryutov, C. Neuman, G. Tsudik, B. Sommerfeld,
938    A. Medvinsky, M. Hur.  Public Key Cryptography for Cross-Realm
939    Authentication in Kerberos.  draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-cross-04.txt
941    [4] A. Medvinsky, J. Cargille, M. Hur.  Anonymous Credentials in
942    Kerberos.  draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-anoncred-00.txt
944    [5] Ari Medvinsky, M. Hur, Alexander Medvinsky, B. Clifford Neuman.
945    Public Key Utilizing Tickets for Application Servers (PKTAPP).
946    draft-ietf-cat-pktapp-02.txt
948    [6] M. Sirbu, J. Chuang.  Distributed Authentication in Kerberos
949    Using Public Key Cryptography.  Symposium On Network and Distributed
950    System Security, 1997.
952    [7] B. Cox, J.D. Tygar, M. Sirbu.  NetBill Security and Transaction
953    Protocol.  In Proceedings of the USENIX Workshop on Electronic
954    Commerce, July 1995.
956    [8] T. Dierks, C. Allen.  The TLS Protocol, Version 1.0
957    Request for Comments 2246, January 1999.
959    [9] B.C. Neuman, Proxy-Based Authorization and Accounting for
960    Distributed Systems.  In Proceedings of the 13th International
961    Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, May 1993.
963    [10] ITU-T (formerly CCITT) Information technology - Open Systems
964    Interconnection - The Directory: Authentication Framework
965    Recommendation X.509 ISO/IEC 9594-8
967    [11] R. Housley. Cryptographic Message Syntax.
968    draft-ietf-smime-cms-13.txt, April 1999, approved for publication
969    as RFC.
971    [12] PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard,
972    An RSA Laboratories Technical Note Version 1.5
973    Revised November 1, 1993
975    [13] R. Rivest, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and RSA Data
976    Security, Inc. A Description of the RC2(r) Encryption Algorithm
977    March 1998.
978    Request for Comments 2268.
980    [14] M. Wahl, S. Kille, T. Howes. Lightweight Directory Access
981    Protocol (v3): UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names.
982    Request for Comments 2253.
984    [15] R. Housley, W. Ford, W. Polk, D. Solo. Internet X.509 Public
985    Key Infrastructure, Certificate and CRL Profile, January 1999.
986    Request for Comments 2459.
988    [16] B. Kaliski, J. Staddon. PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography
989    Specifications, October 1998.  Request for Comments 2437.
991    [17] S. Dusse, P. Hoffman, B. Ramsdell, J. Weinstein.  S/MIME
992    Version 2 Certificate Handling, March 1998.  Request for
993    Comments 2312.
995    [18] M. Wahl, T. Howes, S. Kille.  Lightweight Directory Access
996    Protocol (v3), December 1997.  Request for Comments 2251.
998    [19] ITU-T (formerly CCITT) Information Processing Systems - Open
999    Systems Interconnection - Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation
1000    One (ASN.1) Rec. X.680 ISO/IEC 8824-1
1002    [20] PKCS #3: Diffie-Hellman Key-Agreement Standard, An RSA
1003    Laboratories Technical Note, Version 1.4, Revised November 1, 1993.
10058.  Acknowledgements
1007    Some of the ideas on which this proposal is based arose during
1008    discussions over several years between members of the SAAG, the IETF
1009    CAT working group, and the PSRG, regarding integration of Kerberos
1010    and SPX.  Some ideas have also been drawn from the DASS system.
1011    These changes are by no means endorsed by these groups.  This is an
1012    attempt to revive some of the goals of those groups, and this
1013    proposal approaches those goals primarily from the Kerberos
1014    perspective.  Lastly, comments from groups working on similar ideas
1015    in DCE have been invaluable.
10179.  Expiration Date
1019    This draft expires August 31, 2001.
102110. Authors
1023    Brian Tung
1024    Clifford Neuman
1025    USC Information Sciences Institute
1026    4676 Admiralty Way Suite 1001
1027    Marina del Rey CA 90292-6695
1028    Phone: +1 310 822 1511
1029    E-mail: {brian, bcn}@isi.edu
1031    Matthew Hur
1032    Cisco Systems
1033    500 108th Ave. NE, Suite 500
1034    Bellevue, WA 98004
1035    Phone: (408) 525-0034
1036    EMail: mhur@cisco.com
1038    Ari Medvinsky
1039    Keen.com, Inc.
1040    150 Independence Drive
1041    Menlo Park CA 94025
1042    Phone: +1 650 289 3134
1043    E-mail: ari@keen.com
1045    Sasha Medvinsky
1046    Motorola
1047    6450 Sequence Drive
1048    San Diego, CA 92121
1049    +1 858 404 2367
1050    E-mail: smedvinsky@gi.com
1052    John Wray
1053    Iris Associates, Inc.
1054    5 Technology Park Dr.
1055    Westford, MA 01886
1056    E-mail: John_Wray@iris.com
1058    Jonathan Trostle
1059    Cisco Systems
1060    170 W. Tasman Dr.
1061    San Jose, CA 95134
1062    E-mail: jtrostle@cisco.com