1INTERNET-DRAFT                                         Clifford Neuman
2draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-02.txt                      Brian Tung
3Updates: RFC 1510                                                  ISI
4expires April 19, 1997                                       John Wray
5                                         Digital Equipment Corporation
6						      Jonathan Trostle
7						 CyberSafe Corporation
10    Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in Kerberos
130. Status Of this Memo
15   This document is an Internet-Draft.   Internet-Drafts  are  working
16   documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
17   and its working groups.  Note that other groups may also distribute
18   working documents as Internet-Drafts.
20   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid  for  a  maximum  of  six
21   months  and  may  be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other docu-
22   ments at any time.  It is inappropriate to use  Internet-Drafts  as
23   reference  material  or  to  cite them other than as ``work in pro-
24   gress.''
26   To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
27   ``1id-abstracts.txt'' listing contained in the Internet-Drafts Sha-
28   dow Directories on ds.internic.net (US East  Coast),  nic.nordu.net
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32   The distribution of  this  memo  is  unlimited.   It  is  filed  as
33   draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-02.txt, and expires April 19, 1997.
34   Please send comments to the authors.
371. Abstract
39   This document defines extensions to the Kerberos protocol
40   specification (RFC 1510, "The Kerberos Network Authentication
41   Service (V5)", September 1993) to provide a method for using public
42   key cryptography during initial authentication.  The method defined
43   specifies the way in which preauthentication data fields and error
44   data fields in Kerberos messages are to be used to transport public
45   key data. 
472. Motivation
49   Public key cryptography presents a means by which a principal may
50   demonstrate possession of a key, without ever having divulged this
51   key to anyone else.  In conventional cryptography, the encryption
52   key and decryption key are either identical or can easily be
53   derived from one another. In public key cryptography, however,
54   neither the public key nor the private key can be derived from the
55   other (although the private key RECORD may include the information
56   required to generate BOTH keys). Hence, a message encrypted with a
57   public key is private, since only the person possessing the private
58   key can decrypt it; similarly, someone possessing the private key
59   can also encrypt a message, thus providing a digital signature.
61   Furthermore, conventional keys are often derived from passwords, so
62   messages encrypted with these keys are susceptible to dictionary
63   attacks, whereas public key pairs are generated from a
64   pseudo-random number sequence.  While it is true that messages
65   encrypted using public key cryptography are actually encrypted with
66   a conventional secret key, which is in turn encrypted using the
67   public key pair, the secret key is also randomly generated and is
68   hence not vulnerable to a dictionary attack.
70   The advantages provided by public key cryptography have produced a
71   demand for its integration into the Kerberos authentication
72   protocol. The public key integration into Kerberos described in
73   this document has three goals. 
75   First, by allowing users to register public keys with the KDC, the
76   KDC can be recovered much more easily in the event it is
77   compromised. With Kerberos as it currently stands, compromise of
78   the KDC is disastrous. All keys become known by the attacker and
79   all keys must be changed. Second, we allow users that have public
80   key certificates signed by outside authorities to obtain Kerberos
81   credentials for access to Kerberized services. Third, we obtain the
82   above benefits while maintaining the performance advantages of
83   Kerberos over protocols that use only public key authentication. 
85   If users register public keys, compromise of the KDC does not
86   divulge their private key.  Compromise of security on the KDC is
87   still a problem, since an attacker can impersonate any user by
88   creating a ticket granting ticket for the user. When the compromise
89   is detected, the KDC can be cleaned up and restored from backup
90   media and loaded with a backup private/public key pair. Keys for
91   application servers are conventional symmetric keys and must be
92   changed.
94   Note: If a user stores his private key, in an encrypted form, on
95   the KDC, then it may be desirable to change the key pair, since the
96   private key is encrypted using a symmetric key derived from a
97   password (as described below), and can therefore be vulnerable to
98   dictionary attack if a good password policy is not used. 
99   Alternatively, if the encrypting symmetric key has 56 bits, then it
100   may also be desirable to change the key pair after a short period
101   due to the short key length. The KDC does not have access to the
102   user's unencrypted private key.
104   There are two important areas where public key cryptography will
105   have immediate use: in the initial authentication of users
106   registered with the KDC or using public key certificates from
107   outside authorities, and to establish inter-realm keys for
108   cross-realm authentication. This memo describes a method by which
109   the first of these can be done. The second case will be the topic
110   for a separate proposal.
112   Some of the ideas on which this proposal is based arose during
113   discussions over several years between members of the SAAG, the
114   IETF-CAT working group, and the PSRG, regarding integration of
115   Kerberos and SPX.  Some ideas are drawn from the DASS system, and
116   similar extensions have been discussed for use in DCE.  These
117   changes are by no means endorsed by these groups.  This is an
118   attempt to revive some of the goals of that group, and the
119   proposal approaches those goals primarily from the Kerberos
120   perspective.
1223. Initial authentication of users with public keys
124   This section describes the extensions to Version 5 of the Kerberos
125   protocol that will support the use of public key cryptography by
126   users in the initial request for a ticket granting ticket.  
128   Roughly speaking, the following changes to RFC 1510 are proposed:
129   Users can initially authenticate using public key or conventional
130   (symmetric key) cryptography. After a KDC compromise, the KDC
131   replies with an error message that informs the client of the new
132   KDC public backup key. Users must authenticate using public key 
133   cryptography in response to the error message. If applicable, the 
134   client generates the new user secret key at this point as well. 
136   Public key initial authentication is performed using either the 
137   RSA encryption or Diffie Hellman public key algorithms. There is 
138   also an option to allow the user to store his/her private key 
139   encrypted in the user password in the KDC database; this option 
140   solves the problem of transporting the user private key to
141   different workstations. The combination of this option and the
142   provision for conventional symmetric key authentication allows
143   organizations to smoothly migrate to public key cryptography.
145   This proposal will allow users either to use keys registered
146   directly with the KDC, or to use keys already registered for use
147   with X.509, PEM, or PGP, to obtain Kerberos credentials.  These
148   credentials can then be used, as before, with application servers
149   supporting Kerberos. Use of public key cryptography will not be a
150   requirement for Kerberos, but if one's organization runs a KDC
151   supporting public key, then users may choose to be registered with
152   a public key pair, instead of or in addition to the current secret
153   key.
155   The application request and response between Kerberos clients and
156   application servers will continue to be based on conventional
157   cryptography, or will be converted to use user-to-user
158   authentication.  There are performance issues and other reasons
159   that servers may be better off using conventional cryptography.
160   For this proposal, we feel that 80 percent of the benefits of
161   integrating public key with Kerberos can be attained for 20 percent
162   of the effort, by addressing only initial authentication. This
163   proposal does not preclude separate extensions.
165   With these changes, users will be able to register public keys,
166   only in realms that support public key, but they will still be able
167   to perform initial authentication from a client that does not
168   support public key. They will be able to use services registered in
169   any realm. Furthermore, users registered with conventional keys
170   will be able to use any client.
172   This proposal addresses three ways in which users may use public
173   key cryptography for initial authentication with Kerberos, with
174   minimal change to the existing protocol.  Users may register keys
175   directly with the KDC, or they may present certificates by outside
176   certification authorities (or certifications by other users)
177   attesting to the association of the public key with the named user.
178   In both cases, the end result is that the user obtains a
179   conventional ticket granting ticket or conventional server ticket
180   that may be used for subsequent authentication, with such
181   subsequent authentication using only conventional cryptography.
183   Additionally, users may also register a digital signature
184   verification key with the KDC.  We provide this option for the
185   licensing benefits, as well as a simpler variant of the initial
186   authentication exchange. However, this option relies on the client
187   to generate random keys.
189   We first consider the case where the user's key is registered with
190   the KDC.
1923.1 Definitions
194   Before we proceed, we will lay some groundwork definitions for
195   encryption and signatures.  We propose the following definitions
196   of signature and encryption modes (and their corresponding values
197   on the wire):
199       #define ENCTYPE_SIGN_MD5_RSA      0x0011
201       #define ENCTYPE_ENCRYPT_RSA_PRIV  0x0021
202       #define ENCTYPE_ENCRYPT_RSA_PUB   0x0022
204   allowing further modes to be defined accordingly.
206   In the exposition below, we will use the notation E (T, K) to
207   denote the encryption of data T, with key (or parameters) K.
209   If E is ENCTYPE_SIGN_MD5_RSA, then
211       E (T, K) = {T, RSAEncryptPrivate (MD5Hash (T), K)}
215       E (T, K) = RSAEncryptPrivate (T, K)
217   Correspondingly, if E is ENCTYPE_ENCRYPT_RSA_PUB, then
219       E (T, K) = RSAEncryptPublic (T, K)
2223.2 Initial request for user registered with public key on KDC 
224   In this scenario it is assumed that the user is registered with a
225   public key on the KDC.  The user's private key may be held by the
226   user, or it may be stored on the KDC, encrypted so that it cannot
227   be used by the KDC.
2293.2.1 User's private key is stored locally
231   Implementation of the changes in this section is REQUIRED.
233   In this section, we present the basic Kerberos V5 pk-init protocol
234   that all conforming implementations must support. The key features 
235   of the protocol are: (1) easy, automatic (for the clients) recovery 
236   after a KDC compromise, (2) the ability for a realm to support a
237   mix of old and new Kerberos V5 clients with the new clients being a
238   mix of both public key and symmetric key configured clients, and
239   (3) support for Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange as well as RSA
240   public key encryption. The benefit of having new clients being able
241   to use either symmetric key or public key initial authentication is
242   that it allows an organization to roll out the new clients as
243   rapidly as possible without having to be concerned about the need
244   to purchase additional hardware to support the CPU intensive public
245   key cryptographic operations. 
247   In order to give a brief overview of the four protocols in this
248   section, we now give diagrams of the protocols. We denote
249   encryption of message M with key K by {M}K and the signature of
250   message M with key K by [M]K. All messages from the KDC to the
251   client are AS_REP messages unless denoted otherwise; similarly, all
252   messages from the client to the KDC are AS_REQ messages unless
253   denoted otherwise. Since only the padata fields are affected by
254   this specification in the AS_REQ and AS_REP messages, we do not
255   show the other fields. We first show the RSA encryption option in
256   normal mode:
258      certifier list, [cksum, time, nonce, kdcRealm, 
259      kdcName]User PrivateKey
260   C ------------------------------------------------------> KDC
262      list of cert's, {[encReplyKey, nonce]KDC privkey}
263      EncReplyTmpKey, {EncReplyTmpKey}Userpubkey
264   C <------------------------------------------------------ KDC
267   We now show RSA encryption in recovery mode:
269      certifier list, [cksum, time, nonce, kdcRealm, 
270      kdcName]User PrivateKey
271   C ------------------------------------------------------> KDC
274      KRB_ERROR (error code KDC_RECOVERY_NEEDED) 
275                 error data: [nonce, algID (RSA), 
276                 KDC PublicKey Kvno and PublicKey, KDC Salt]
277                 Signed with KDC PrivateKey
278   C <------------------------------------------------------ KDC
281      certifier list, [cksum, time, nonce, kdcRealm, kdcName, 
282      {newUserSymmKey, nonce}KDC public key]User PrivateKey
283   C ------------------------------------------------------> KDC
286      list of cert's, {[encReplyKey, nonce]KDC privkey}
287      EncReplyTmpKey, {EncReplyTmpKey}Userpubkey
288   C <------------------------------------------------------ KDC
290   Next, we show Diffie Hellman in normal mode:
292      certifier list, [cksum, time, nonce, kdcRealm, kdcName, 
293      User DH public parameter]User PrivateKey
294   C ------------------------------------------------------> KDC
297      list of cert's, {encReplyKey, nonce}DH shared symmetric 
298      key, [KDC DH public parameter]KDC Private Key
299   C <------------------------------------------------------ KDC
302   Finally, we show Diffie Hellman in recovery mode:
304      certifier list, [cksum, time, nonce, kdcRealm, kdcName, 
305      User DH public parameter]User PrivateKey
306   C ------------------------------------------------------> KDC
309      KRB_ERROR (error code KDC_RECOVERY_NEEDED)
310                error data: [nonce, algID (DH), KDC DH public 
311                             parameter, KDC DH ID, KDC PublicKey 
312                             Kvno and PublicKey, KDC Salt]
313                             Signed with KDC PrivateKey
314   C <------------------------------------------------------ KDC
317      certifier list, [cksum, time, nonce, kdcRealm, 
318      kdcName, User DH public parameter, {newUserSymmKey, 
319      nonce}DH shared key, KDC DH ID]User PrivateKey
320   C ------------------------------------------------------> KDC
323      list of cert's, {encReplyKey, nonce}DH shared 
324      symmetric key
325   C <------------------------------------------------------ KDC
329   If the user stores his private key locally, the initial request 
330   to the KDC for a ticket granting ticket proceeds according to 
331   RFC 1510, except that a preauthentication field containing a 
332   nonce signed by the user's private key is included.  The 
333   preauthentication field may also include a list of the root 
334   certifiers trusted by the user.
337           rootCert[0]         SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING,
338           signedAuth[1]       SignedPKAuthenticator
339   }
341   SignedPKAuthenticator ::= SEQUENCE {
342           authent[0]          PKAuthenticator,
343           authentSig[1]       Signature
344   }
346   PKAuthenticator ::= SEQUENCE {
347           cksum[0]            Checksum OPTIONAL,
348           cusec[1]            INTEGER,
349           ctime[2]            KerberosTime,
350           nonce[3]            INTEGER,
351           kdcRealm[4]         Realm,
352           kdcName[5]          PrincipalName,
353	   clientPubValue[6]   SubjectPublicKeyInfo OPTIONAL, 
354                                  -- DH algorithm
355	   recoveryData[7]     RecoveryData OPTIONAL          
356                                  -- Recovery Alg.
357   }
359   RecoveryData ::= SEQUENCE {
360           clientRecovData[0]  ClientRecovData, 
361	   kdcPubValueId[1]    INTEGER OPTIONAL 
362                                   -- DH algorithm, copied
363                                   -- from KDC response     
364   }
366   ClientRecovData ::= CHOICE {
367           newPrincKey[0]      EncryptedData, -- EncPaPkAsRoot
368					      -- encrypted with 
369                                              -- either KDC 
370					      -- public key or 
371                                              -- DH shared key   
372           recovDoneFlag[1]    INTEGER        -- let KDC know that
373                                              -- recovery is done
374                                              -- when user uses a
375                                              -- mix of clients or
376                                              -- does not want to
377                                              -- keep a symmetric
378                                              -- key in the database
379   }
381   EncPaPkAsRoot ::= SEQUENCE {
382           newSymmKey[0]       EncryptionKey  -- the principal's new 
383                                              -- symmetric key
384           nonce[1]            INTEGER        -- the same nonce as
385                                              -- the one in the 
386                                              -- PKAuthenticator  
387   }
389   Signature ::= SEQUENCE {
390           sigType[0]          INTEGER,
391           kvno[1]             INTEGER OPTIONAL,
392           sigHash[2]          OCTET STRING
393   }
395   Notationally, sigHash is then
397       sigType (authent, userPrivateKey)
399   where userPrivateKey is the user's private key (corresponding to the
400   public key held in the user's database record). Valid sigTypes are
401   thus far limited to the above-listed ENCTYPE_SIGN_MD5_RSA; we expect
402   that other types may be listed (and given on-the-wire values between
403   0x0011 and 0x001f).
405   The format of each certificate depends on the particular service
406   used.  (Alternatively, the KDC could send, with its reply, a
407   sequence of certifications (see below), but since the KDC is likely
408   to have more certifications than users have trusted root certifiers,
409   we have chosen the first method.)  In the event that the client
410   believes it already possesses the current public key of the KDC, a
411   zero-length root-cert field is sent.
413   The fields in the signed authenticator are the same as those in the
414   Kerberos authenticator; in addition, we include a client-generated
415   nonce, and the name of the KDC.  The structure is itself signed
416   using the user's private key corresponding to the public key 
417   registered with the KDC. We include the newSymmKey field so clients
418   can generate a new symmetric key (for users, this key is based on
419   a password and a salt value generated by the KDC) and
420   confidentially send this key to the KDC during the recovery phase. 
422   We now describe the recovery phase of the protocol. There is a bit
423   associated with each principal in the database indicating whether
424   recovery for that principal is necessary. After a KDC compromise,
425   the KDC software is reloaded from backup media and a new backup
426   KDC public/private pair is generated. The public half of this pair
427   is then either made available to the KDC, or given to the
428   appropriate certification authorities for certification. The private
429   half is not made available to the KDC until after the next
430   compromise clean-up. If clients are maintaining a copy of the KDC
431   public key, they also have a copy of the backup public key.
433   After the reload of KDC software, the bits associated with
434   recovery of each principal are all set. The KDC clears the bit
435   for each principal that undergoes the recovery phase. In addition,
436   there is a bit associated with each principal to indicate whether
437   there is a valid symmetric key in the database for the principal.
438   These bits are all cleared after the reload of the KDC software
439   (the old symmetric keys are no longer valid). Finally, there is a
440   bit associated with each principal indicating whether that
441   principal still uses non-public key capable clients. If a user
442   principal falls into this category, a public key capable client
443   cannot transparently re-establish a symmetric key for that user,
444   since the older clients would not be able to compute the new
445   symmetric key that includes hashing the password with a KDC
446   supplied salt value. The re-establishment of the symmetric key 
447   in this case is outside the scope of this protocol. 
449   One method of re-establishing a symmetric key for public key
450   capable clients is to generate a hash of the user password and a
451   KDC supplied salt value. The KDC salt is changed after every
452   compromise of the KDC. In the recovery protocol, if the principal
453   does not still use old clients, the KDC supplied salt is sent to
454   the client principal in a KRB_ERROR message with error code
455   KDC_RECOVERY_NEEDED. The error data field of the message contains
456   the following structure which is encoded into an octet string.
458   PA-PK-KDC-ERR ::= CHOICE {
459           recoveryDhErr      SignedDHError,   -- Used during recovery   
460                                               -- when algorithm is DH 
461                                               -- based
462           recoveryPKEncErr   SignedPKEncError -- Used during recovery
463                                               -- for PK encryption 
464                                               -- (RSA,...)
465   }
467   SignedDHError ::= SEQUENCE {
468           dhErr              DHError,
469           dhErrSig           Signature
470   }
472   SignedPKEncError ::= SEQUENCE {
473           pkEncErr           PKEncryptError,
474           pkEncErrSig        Signature
475   }
477   DHError ::= SEQUENCE {
478           nonce	      INTEGER,		     -- From AS_REQ
479           algorithmId        INTEGER,               -- DH algorithm
480           kdcPubValue        SubjectPublicKeyInfo,  -- DH algorithm
481           kdcPubValueId      INTEGER,               -- DH algorithm
482           kdcPublicKeyKvno   INTEGER OPTIONAL,      -- New KDC public
483                                                     -- key kvno
484           kdcPublicKey       OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- New KDC pubkey
485	   kdcSalt            OCTET STRING OPTIONAL  -- If user uses 
486                                                     -- only new
487                                                     -- clients
488   }
490   PKEncryptError ::= SEQUENCE {
491           nonce              INTEGER,               -- From AS_REQ
492           algorithmId        INTEGER,               -- Public Key
493                                                     -- encryption alg
494           kdcPublicKeyKvno   INTEGER OPTIONAL,      -- New KDC public 
495                                                     -- key kvno
496           kdcPublicKey       OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- New KDC public
497                                                     -- key
498	   kdcSalt            OCTET STRING OPTIONAL  -- If user uses 
499                                                     -- only new
500                                                     -- clients
501   }
503   The KDC_RECOVERY_NEEDED error message is sent in response to a 
504   client AS_REQ message if the client principal needs to be 
505   recovered, unless the client AS_REQ contains the PKAuthenticator
506   with a nonempty RecoveryData field (in this case the client has
507   already received the KDC_RECOVERY_NEEDED error message. We will
508   also see in section 3.2.2 that a different error response is
509   sent by the KDC if the encrypted user private key is stored in
510   the KDC database.) If the client principal uses only new clients, 
511   then the kdcSalt field is returned; otherwise, the kdcSalt field
512   is absent. 
514   If the client uses the Diffie Hellman algorithm during the recovery
515   phase then the DHError field contains the public Diffie Hellman 
516   parameter (kdcPubValue) for the KDC along with an identifier 
517   (kdcPubValueID). The client will then send this identifier to 
518   the KDC in an AS_REQ message; the identifier allows the KDC to 
519   look up the Diffie Hellman private value corresponding to the
520   identifier. Depending on how often the KDC updates its private
521   Diffie Hellman parameters, it will have to store anywhere between a
522   handful and several dozen of these identifiers and their parameters.
523   The KDC must send its Diffie Hellman public value to the client
524   first so the client can encrypt its new symmetric key.
526   In the case where the user principal does not need to be recovered
527   and the user still uses old clients as well as new clients, the 
528   KDC_ERR_NULL_KEY error is sent in response to symmetric AS_REQ 
529   messages when there is no valid symmetric key in the KDC database. 
530   This situation can occur if the user principal has been recovered 
531   but no new symmetric key has been established in the database.
533   In addition, the two error messages with error codes 
535   so the error data contains the kdcSalt encoded as an OCTET STRING. 
536   The reason for the modification is to allow principals that use 
537   new clients only to have their symmetric key transparently updated
538   by the client software during the recovery phase. The kdcSalt is
539   used to create the new symmetric key. As a performance optimization,
540   the kdcSalt is stored in the /krb5/salt file along with the realm.
541   Thus the /krb5/salt file consists of realm-salt pairs. If the file
542   is missing, or the salt is not correct, the above error messages
543   allow the client to find out the correct salt. New clients which 
544   are configured for symmetric key authentication attempt to 
545   preauthenticate with the salt from the /krb5/salt file as an 
546   input into their key, and if the file is not present, the new client
547   does not use preauthentication. The error messages above return
548   either the correct salt to use, or no salt at all which indicates
549   that the principal is still using old clients (the client software
550   should use the existing mapping from the user password to the
551   symmetric key).
553   In order to assure interoperability between clients from different
554   vendors and organizations, a standard algorithm is needed for
555   creating the symmetric key from the principal password and kdcSalt.
556   The algorithm for creating the symmetric key is as follows: take the
557   SHA-1 hash of the kdcSalt concatenated with the principal password
558   and use the 20 byte output as the input into the existing key
559   generation process (string to key function). After a compromise, the
560   KDC changes the kdcSalt; thus, the recovery algorithm allows users
561   to obtain a new symmetric key without actually changing their
562   password.
564   The response from the KDC would be identical to the response in RFC
565   1510, except that instead of being encrypted in the secret key
566   shared by the client and the KDC, it is encrypted in a random key
567   freshly generated by the KDC (of type ENCTYPE_ENC_CBC_CRC). A 
568   preauthentication field (specified below) accompanies the response, 
569   optionally containing a certificate with the public key for the KDC 
570   (since we do not assume that the client knows this public key), and
571   a package containing the secret key in which the rest of the 
572   response is encrypted, along with the same nonce used in the rest
573   of the response, in order to prevent replays. This package is itself
574   signed with the private key of the KDC, then encrypted with the
575   symmetric key that is returned encrypted in the public key of the
576   user (or for Diffie Hellman, encrypted in the shared secret Diffie
577   Hellman symmetric key). 
579   Pictorially, in the public key encryption case we have:
581   kdcCert, {[encReplyKey, nonce] Sig w/KDC 
582   privkey}EncReplyTmpKey, {EncReplyTmpKey}Userpubkey
584   Pictorially, in the Diffie Hellman case we have:
586   kdcCert, {encReplyKey, nonce}DH shared symmetric key,
587   [DH public value]Sig w/KDC privkey
590           kdcCert[0]          SEQUENCE OF Certificate,
591           encryptShell[1]     EncryptedData, 
592                                           -- EncPaPkAsRepPartShell
593                                           -- encrypted by 
594                                           -- encReplyTmpKey or DH 
595                                           -- shared symmetric key
596           pubKeyExchange[2]   PubKeyExchange OPTIONAL, 
597                                           -- a choice between 
598                                           -- a KDC signed DH 
599                                           -- value and a public 
600                                           -- key encrypted 
601                                           -- symmetric key.
602                                           -- Not needed after
603                                           -- recovery when
604                                           -- DH is used.
605   }                                         
607   PubKeyExchange ::= CHOICE {
608           signedDHPubVal      SignedDHPublicValue, 
609           encryptKey          EncryptedData  
610                                           -- EncPaPkAsRepTmpKey
611                                           -- encrypted by 
612                                           -- userPublicKey
613   }
615   SignedDHPublicValue ::= SEQUENCE {
616           dhPublic[0]         SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
617           dhPublicSig[1]      Signature
618   }
620   EncPaPkAsRepPartShell ::= SEQUENCE {
621           encReplyPart[0]     EncPaPkAsRepPart,
622           encReplyPartSig[1]  Signature OPTIONAL 
623                                    -- encReplyPart
624                                    -- signed by kdcPrivateKey
625                                    -- except not present in 
626                                    -- DH case
627   }
629   EncPaPkAsRepPart ::= SEQUENCE {
630           encReplyKey[0]      EncryptionKey,
631           nonce[1]            INTEGER,
632   }
634   EncPaPkAsRepTmpKey ::= SEQUENCE {
635           encReplyTmpKey[0]   EncryptionKey
636   }
638   The kdc-cert specification is lifted, with slight modifications,
639   from v3 of the X.509 certificate specification:
641   Certificate ::= SEQUENCE {
642           version[0]          Version DEFAULT v1 (1),
643           serialNumber[1]     CertificateSerialNumber,
644           signature[2]        AlgorithmIdentifier,
645           issuer[3]           PrincipalName,
646           validity[4]         Validity,
647           subjectRealm[5]     Realm,
648           subject[6]          PrincipalName,
649           subjectPublicKeyInfo[7] SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
650           issuerUniqueID[8]   IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
651           subjectUniqueID[9]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
652           authentSig[10]      Signature
653   }
655   The kdc-cert must have as its root certification one of the
656   certifiers sent to the KDC with the original request.  If the KDC
657   has no such certification, then it will instead reply with a
658   KRB_ERROR of type KDC_ERROR_PREAUTH_FAILED.  If a zero-length
659   root-cert was sent by the client as part of the PA-PK-AS-ROOT, then
660   a correspondingly zero-length kdc-cert may be absent, in which case
661   the client uses its copy of the KDC's public key. In the case of
662   recovery, the client uses its copy of the backup KDC public key. 
664   Upon receipt of the response from the KDC, the client will verify 
665   the public key for the KDC from PA-PK-AS-REP preauthentication data 
666   field. The certificate must certify the key as belonging to a
667   principal whose name can be derived from the realm name.  If the
668   certificate checks out, the client then decrypts the EncPaPkAsRepPart
669   and verifies the signature of the KDC.  It then uses the random key
670   contained therein to decrypt the rest of the response, and continues
671   as per RFC 1510. Because there is direct trust between the user and
672   the KDC, the transited field of the ticket returned by the KDC should
673   remain empty. (Cf. Section 3.3.)
675   Examples
677   We now give several examples illustrating the protocols in this 
678   section. Encryption of message M with key K is denoted {M}K and
679   the signature of message M with key K is denoted [M]K.
681   Example 1: The requesting user principal needs to be recovered and
682   uses only new clients. The recovery algorithm is Diffie Hellman (DH).
683   Then the exchange sequence between the user principal and the KDC is:
686   Client  --------> AS_REQ (with or without preauth) --------> KDC
688   Client  <--- KRB_ERROR (error code KDC_RECOVERY_NEEDED) <--- KDC
689                error data: [nonce, algID (DH), KDC DH public parameter,
690                            KDC DH ID, KDC PublicKey Kvno and PublicKey,
691                            KDC Salt]Signed with KDC PrivateKey
693   At this point, the client validates the KDC signature, checks to 
694   see if the nonce is the same as the one in the AS_REQ, and stores
695   the new KDC public key and public key version number. The client 
696   then generates a Diffie Hellman private parameter and computes
697   the corresponding Diffie Hellman public parameter; the client
698   also computes the shared Diffie Hellman symmetric key using the
699   KDC Diffie Hellman public parameter and its own Diffie Hellman 
700   private parameter. Next, the client prompts the user for his/her
701   password (if it does not already have the password). The password
702   is concatenated with the KDC Salt and then SHA1 hashed; the 
703   result is fed into the string to key function to obtain the new
704   user DES key.
706   The new user DES key will be encrypted (along with the AS_REQ
707   nonce) using the Diffie Hellman symmetric key and sent to the 
708   KDC in the new AS_REQ message:
710   Client -> AS_REQ with preauth: rootCert, [PKAuthenticator with
711             user DH public parameter, {newUser DES key, nonce}DH 
712             symmetric key, KDC DH ID]Signed with User PrivateKey 
713                                                        -> KDC
715   The KDC DH ID is copied by the client from the KDC_ERROR message
716   received above. Upon receipt and validation of this message, the
717   KDC first uses the KDC DH ID as an index to locate its
718   private Diffie Hellman parameter; it uses this parameter in 
719   combination with the user public Diffie Hellman parameter
720   to compute the symmetric Diffie Hellman key. The KDC checks
721   if the encrypted nonce is the same as the one in the 
722   PKAuthenticator and the AS_REQ part. The KDC then enters
723   the new user DES key into the database, resets the recovery 
724   needed bit, and sets the valid symmetric key in database
725   bit. The KDC then creates the AS_REP message:
727   Client <-- AS_REP with preauth: kdcCert, {encReplyKey,
728              nonce}DH symmetric key <-------------------- KDC
731   The AS_REP encrypted part is encrypted with the encReplyKey
732   that is generated on the KDC. The nonces are copied from the
733   client AS_REQ. The kdcCert is a sequence of certificates
734   that have been certified by certifiers listed in the client
735   rootCert field, unless a zero length rootCert field was sent.
736   In the last case, the kdcCert will also have zero length.   
7383.2.2. Private key held by KDC
740   Implementation of the changes in this section is RECOMMENDED.
742   When the user's private key is not carried with the user, the 
743   user may encrypt the private key using conventional cryptography, 
744   and register the encrypted private key with the KDC.  As
745   described in the previous section, the SHA1 hash of the password
746   concatenated with the kdcSalt is also stored in the KDC database
747   if the user only uses new clients. We restrict users of this
748   protocol to using new clients only. The reason for this restriction
749   is that it is not secure to store both the user private key 
750   encrypted in the user's password and the user password on the KDC 
751   simultaneously.
753   There are several options for storing private keys. If the 
754   user stores their private key on a removable disk, it is 
755   less convenient since they need to always carry the disk 
756   around with them; in addition, the procedures for extracting 
757   the key may vary between different operating systems. 
758   Alternatively, the user can store a private key on the hard
759   disks of systems that he/she uses; besides limiting the 
760   systems that the user can login from there is also a 
761   greater security risk to the private key. If smart card 
762   readers or slots are deployed in an organization, then the 
763   user can store his/her private key on a smart card. Finally, 
764   the user can store his/her private key encrypted in a password 
765   on the KDC. This last option is probably the most practical
766   option currently; it is important that a good password policy 
767   be used.
769   When the user's private key is stored on the KDC, 
770   preauthentication is required. There are two cases depending on 
771   whether the requesting user principal needs to be recovered. 
773   In order to obtain its private key, a user principal includes the
774   padata type PA-PK-AS-REQ in the preauthentication data
775   field of the AS_REQ message. The accompanying pa-data field is:
778           algorithmId[0]       INTEGER,      -- Public Key Alg.
779           encClientPubVal[1]   EncryptedData -- EncPaPkAsReqDH
780                                              -- (encrypted with key
781                                              -- K1)
782   }
784   EncPaPkAsReqDH ::= SEQUENCE {
785           clientPubValue[0]    SubjectPublicKeyInfo 
786   }
788   Pictorially, PA-PK-AS-REQ is algorithmID, {clientPubValue}K1.
790   The user principal sends its Diffie-Hellman public value encrypted
791   in the key K1. The key K1 is derived by performing string to key on
792   the SHA1 hash of the user password concatenated with the kdcSalt 
793   which is stored in the /krb5/salt file. If the file is absent, 
794   the concatenation step is skipped in the above algorithm. The 
795   Diffie Hellman parameters g and p are implied by the algorithmID
796   field. By choosing g and p correctly, dictionary attacks against
797   the key K1 can be made more difficult [Jaspan].
799   If the requesting user principal needs recovery, the encrypted 
800   user private key is stored in the KDC database, and the AS_REQ 
801   RecoveryData field is not present in the PKAuthenticator, then 
802   the KDC replies with a KRB_ERROR message, with msg-type set to 
803   KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED, and e-data set to:
806           signedDHErr         SignedDHError,         -- signed by KDC
807           encUserKey          OCTET STRING OPTIONAL  -- encrypted by
808                                                      -- user password 
809                                                      -- key; (recovery
810                                                      -- response)
812   }
814   The user principal should then continue with the section
815   protocol using the Diffie Hellman algorithm. 
817   We now assume that the requesting user principal does not need
818   recovery. 
820   Upon receipt of the authentication request with the PA-PK-AS-REQ, 
821   the KDC generates the AS response as defined in RFC 1510, but 
822   additionally includes a preauthentication field of type 
823   PA-PK-USER-KEY. 
826           kdcCert            SEQUENCE OF Certificate,
827           encUserKeyPart     EncryptedData, -- EncPaPkUserKeyPart           
828           kdcPrivKey         KDCPrivKey,
829           kdcPrivKeySig      Signature
830   }
832   The kdc-cert field is identical to that in the PA-PK-AS-REP
833   preauthentication data field returned with the KDC response, and 
834   must be validated as belonging to the KDC in the same manner.
836   KDCPrivKey ::= SEQUENCE {
837           nonce	      INTEGER,		     -- From AS_REQ
838           algorithmId        INTEGER,               -- DH algorithm
839           kdcPubValue        SubjectPublicKeyInfo,  -- DH algorithm
840	   kdcSalt            OCTET STRING           -- Since user
841                                                     -- uses only new
842                                                     -- clients
843   }
845   The KDCPrivKey field is signed using the KDC private key.
846   The encrypted part of the AS_REP message is encrypted using the 
847   Diffie Hellman derived symmetric key, as is the EncPaPkUserKeyPart.
849   EncPaPkUserKeyPart ::= SEQUENCE {
850           encUserKey         OCTET STRING,
851           nonce              INTEGER                -- From AS_REQ
852   }
854   Notationally, if encryption algorithm A is used, then enc-key-part
855   is
857       A ({encUserKey, nonce}, Diffie-Hellman-symmetric-key).
859   If the client has used an incorrect kdcSalt to compute the
860   key K1, then the client needs to resubmit the above AS_REQ
861   message using the correct kdcSalt field from the KDCPrivKey
862   field. 
864   This message contains the encrypted private key that has been
865   registered with the KDC by the user, as encrypted by the user,
866   super-encrypted with the Diffie Hellman derived symmetric key.
867   Because there is direct trust between the user and the KDC, the 
868   transited field of the ticket returned by the KDC should remain 
869   empty.  (Cf. Section 3.3.)
871   Examples
873   We now give several examples illustrating the protocols in this 
874   section.
876   Example 1: The requesting user principal needs to be recovered
877   and stores his/her encrypted private key on the KDC. Then the 
878   exchange sequence between the user principal and the KDC is:
880   Client  --------> AS_REQ (with or without preauth) -----> KDC
882   Client  <--- KRB_ERROR (error code KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED)
883                error data: [nonce, algID (DH), KDC DH public 
884                            parameter, KDC DH ID, KDC PublicKey 
885                            Kvno and PublicKey, KDC Salt]Signed 
886                            with KDC PrivateKey, {user private 
887                            key}user password <------------- KDC
889   The protocol now continues with the second AS_REQ as in Example
890   1 of section
892   Example 2: The requesting user principal does not need to be 
893   recovered and stores his/her encrypted private key on the KDC. 
894   Then the exchange sequence between the user principal and the KDC 
895   when the user principal wants to obtain his/her private key is:
897   Client  -> AS_REQ with preauth: algID, 
898              {DH public parameter}K1 -> KDC
900   The key K1 is generated by using the string to key function 
901   on the SHA1 hash of the password concatenated with the kdcSalt
902   from the /krb5/salt file. If the file is absent, then 
903   the concatenation step is skipped, and the client will learn 
904   the correct kdcSalt in the following AS_REP message from the
905   KDC. The algID should indicate some type of Diffie Hellman
906   algorithm.
908   The KDC replies with the AS_REP message with a preauthentication
909   data field:
911   Client <-- AS_REP with preauth: kdcCert, {encUserKey, <-- KDC
912              nonce}DH symmetric key, [nonce, algID, DH
913              public parameter, kdcSalt]KDC privateKey
915   The client validates the KDC's signature and checks that
916   the nonce matches the nonce in its AS_REQ message.
917   If the kdcSalt does not match what the client used, it
918   starts the protocol over. The client then uses the KDC
919   Diffie Hellman public parameter along with its own Diffie
920   Hellman private parameter to compute the Diffie Hellman 
921   symmetric key. This key is used to decrypt the encUserKey
922   field; the client checks if the nonce matches its AS_REQ
923   nonce. At this point, the initial authentication protocol
924   is complete.  
926   Example 3: The requesting user principal does not need to be 
927   recovered and stores his/her encrypted private key on the KDC.
928   In this example, the user principal uses the conventional
929   symmetric key Kerberos V5 initial authentication protocol
930   exchange. 
932   We note that the conventional protocol exposes the user 
933   password to dictionary attacks; therefore, the user password 
934   must be changed more often. An example of when this protocol 
935   would be used is when new clients have been installed but an 
936   organization has not phased in public key authentication for 
937   all clients due to performance concerns.
939   Client ----> AS_REQ with preauthentication: {time}K1 --> KDC
941   Client <--------------------  AS_REP <------------------ KDC
943   The key K1 is derived as in the preceding two examples. 
9463.3. Clients with a public key certified by an outside authority
948   Implementation of the changes in this section is OPTIONAL.
950   In the case where the client is not registered with the current
951   KDC, the client is responsible for obtaining the private key on
952   its own. The client will request initial tickets from the KDC
953   using the TGS exchange, but instead of performing
954   preauthentication using a Kerberos ticket granting ticket, or
955   with the PA-PK-AS-REQ that is used when the public key is known
956   to the KDC, the client performs preauthentication using the
957   preauthentication data field of type PA-PK-AS-EXT-CERT:
960           userCert[0]         SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING,
961           signedAuth[1]       SignedPKAuthenticator
962   }
964   where the user-cert specification depends on the type of
965   certificate that the user possesses.  In cases where the service
966   has separate key pairs for digital signature and for encryption,
967   we recommend that the signature keys be used for the purposes of
968   sending the preauthentication (and deciphering the response).
970   The authenticator is the one used from the exchange in section
971   3.2.1, except that it is signed using the private key corresponding
972   to the public key in the user-cert.
974   The KDC will verify the preauthentication authenticator, and check the
975   certification path against its own policy of legitimate certifiers.
976   This may be based on a certification hierarchy, or simply a list of
977   recognized certifiers in a system like PGP.
979   If all checks out, the KDC will issue Kerberos credentials, as in 3.2,
980   but with the names of all the certifiers in the certification path
981   added to the transited field of the ticket, with a principal name
982   taken from the certificate (this might be a long path for X.509, or a
983   string like "John Q. Public <jqpublic@company.com>" if the certificate
984   was a PGP certificate.  The realm will identify the kind of
985   certificate and the final certifier as follows:
987       cert_type/final_certifier
989   as in PGP/<endorser@company.com>.
9923.4. Digital Signature
994   Implementation of the changes in this section is OPTIONAL.
996   We offer this option with the warning that it requires the client
997   process to generate a random DES key; this generation may not
998   be able to guarantee the same level of randomness as the KDC.
1000   If a user registered a digital signature key pair with the KDC,
1001   a separate exchange may be used.  The client sends a KRB_AS_REQ 
1002   as described in section 3.2.2.  If the user's database record
1003   indicates that a digital signature key is to be used, then the
1004   KDC sends back a KRB_ERROR as in section 3.2.2.
1006   It is assumed here that the signature key is stored on local disk.
1007   The client generates a random key of enctype ENCTYPE_DES_CBC_CRC,
1008   signs it using the signature key (otherwise the signature is
1009   performed as described in section 3.2.1), then encrypts the whole
1010   with the public key of the KDC.  This is returned with a separate
1011   KRB_AS_REQ in a preauthentication of type
1014           signedKey[0]        EncryptedData -- PaPkAsSignedData
1015   }
1017   PaPkAsSignedData ::= SEQUENCE {
1018           signedKeyPart[0]    SignedKeyPart,
1019           signedKeyAuth[1]    PKAuthenticator,
1020           sig[2]              Signature
1021   }
1023   SignedKeyPart ::= SEQUENCE {
1024           encSignedKey[0]     EncryptionKey,
1025           nonce[1]            INTEGER
1026   }
1028   where the nonce is the one from the request.  Upon receipt of the
1029   request, the KDC decrypts, then verifies the random key.  It then
1030   replies as per RFC 1510, except that instead of being encrypted
1031   with the password-derived DES key, the reply is encrypted using
1032   the randomKey sent by the client.  Since the client already knows
1033   this key, there is no need to accompany the reply with an extra
1034   preauthentication field.  Because there is direct trust between
1035   the user and the KDC, the transited field of the ticket returned
1036   by the KDC should remain empty.  (Cf. Section 3.3.)
1038   In the event that the KDC database indicates that the user 
1039   principal must be recovered, and the PKAuthenticator does not 
1040   contain the RecoveryData field, the KDC will reply with the
1041   KDC_RECOVERY_NEEDED error. The user principal then sends
1042   another AS_REQ message that includes the RecoveryData field
1043   in the PKAuthenticator. The AS_REP message is the same as
1044   in the basic Kerberos V5 protocol. 
10474. Preauthentication Data Types
1049   We propose that the following preauthentication types be allocated
1050   for the preauthentication data packages described in this draft:
1052       #define KRB5_PADATA_ROOT_CERT     17  /* PA-PK-AS-ROOT */
1053       #define KRB5_PADATA_PUBLIC_REP    18  /* PA-PK-AS-REP */
1054       #define KRB5_PADATA_PUBLIC_REQ    19  /* PA-PK-AS-REQ */
1055       #define KRB5_PADATA_PRIVATE_REP   20  /* PA-PK-USER-KEY */
1056       #define KRB5_PADATA_PUBLIC_EXT    21  /* PA-PK-AS-EXT-CERT */
1057       #define KRB5_PADATA_PUBLIC_SIGN   22  /* PA-PK-AS-SIGNED */
10605. Encryption Information
1062   For the public key cryptography used in direct registration, we
1063   used (in our implementation) the RSAREF library supplied with the
1064   PGP 2.6.2 release.  Encryption and decryption functions were
1065   implemented directly on top of the primitives made available
1066   therein, rather than the fully sealing operations in the API.
10696. Compatibility with One-Time Passcodes
1071   We solicit discussion on how the use of public key cryptography
1072   for initial authentication will interact with the proposed use of
1073   one time passwords discussed in Internet Draft
1074   <draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-passwords-00.txt>.
10767. Strength of Encryption and Signature Mechanisms
1078   In light of recent findings on the strengths of MD5 and various DES
1079   modes, we solicit discussion on which modes to incorporate into the
1080   protocol changes.
10838. Expiration
1085   This Internet-Draft expires on April 19, 1997.
10889. Authors' Addresses
1090   B. Clifford Neuman
1091   USC/Information Sciences Institute
1092   4676 Admiralty Way Suite 1001
1093   Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
1095   Phone: 310-822-1511
1096   EMail: bcn@isi.edu
1098   Brian Tung
1099   USC/Information Sciences Institute
1100   4676 Admiralty Way Suite 1001
1101   Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
1103   Phone: 310-822-1511
1104   EMail: brian@isi.edu
1106   John Wray
1107   Digital Equipment Corporation
1108   550 King Street, LKG2-2/Z7
1109   Littleton, MA 01460
1111   Phone: 508-486-5210
1112   EMail: wray@tuxedo.enet.dec.com
1114   Jonathan Trostle
1115   CyberSafe Corporation
1116   1605 NW Sammamish Rd., Suite 310
1117   Issaquah, WA 98027-5378
1119   Phone: 206-391-6000
1120   EMail: jonathan.trostle@cybersafe.com