1# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
3# Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
5# $Id: mdbscript.tcl,v 12.6 2008/01/08 20:58:53 bostic Exp $
7# Process script for the multi-process db tester.
9source ./include.tcl
10source $test_path/test.tcl
11source $test_path/testutils.tcl
13global dbenv
14global klock
15global l_keys
16global procid
17global alphabet
19# In Tcl, when there are multiple catch handlers, *all* handlers
20# are called, so we have to resort to this hack.
22global exception_handled
24set exception_handled 0
26set datastr $alphabet$alphabet
28# Usage: mdbscript dir file nentries iter procid procs seed
29# dir: DBHOME directory
30# file: db file on which to operate
31# nentries: number of entries taken from dictionary
32# iter: number of operations to run
33# procid: this processes' id number
34# procs: total number of processes running
35set usage "mdbscript method dir file nentries iter procid procs"
37# Verify usage
38if { $argc != 7 } {
39	puts "FAIL:[timestamp] test042: Usage: $usage"
40	exit
43# Initialize arguments
44set method [lindex $argv 0]
45set dir [lindex $argv 1]
46set file [lindex $argv 2]
47set nentries [ lindex $argv 3 ]
48set iter [ lindex $argv 4 ]
49set procid [ lindex $argv 5 ]
50set procs [ lindex $argv 6 ]
52set pflags ""
53set gflags ""
54set txn ""
56set renum [is_rrecno $method]
57set omethod [convert_method $method]
59if { [is_record_based $method] == 1 } {
60   append gflags " -recno"
63# Initialize seed
64global rand_init
66# We want repeatable results, but we also want each instance of mdbscript
67# to do something different.  So we add the procid to the fixed seed.
68# (Note that this is a serial number given by the caller, not a pid.)
69berkdb srand [expr $rand_init + $procid]
71puts "Beginning execution for [pid] $method"
72puts "$dir db_home"
73puts "$file database"
74puts "$nentries data elements"
75puts "$iter iterations"
76puts "$procid process id"
77puts "$procs processes"
79set klock NOLOCK
81# Note: all I/O operations, and especially flush, are expensive
82# on Win2000 at least with Tcl version 8.3.2.  So we'll avoid
83# flushes in the main part of the loop below.
84flush stdout
86set dbenv [berkdb_env -create -cdb -home $dir]
87#set dbenv [berkdb_env -create -cdb -log -home $dir]
88error_check_good dbenv [is_valid_env $dbenv] TRUE
90set locker [ $dbenv lock_id ]
92set db [berkdb_open -env $dbenv -create -mode 0644 $omethod $file]
93error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
95# Init globals (no data)
96set nkeys [db_init $db 0]
97puts "Initial number of keys: $nkeys"
98tclsleep 5
100proc get_lock { k } {
101	global dbenv
102	global procid
103	global locker
104	global klock
105	global DB_LOCK_WRITE
106	global DB_LOCK_NOWAIT
107	global errorInfo
108	global exception_handled
109	# Make sure that the key isn't in the middle of
110	# a delete operation
111	if {[catch {$dbenv lock_get -nowait write $locker $k} klock] != 0 } {
112		set exception_handled 1
114		error_check_good \
115		    get_lock [is_substr $errorInfo "DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED"] 1
116		puts "Warning: key $k locked"
117		set klock NOLOCK
118		return 1
119	} else  {
120		error_check_good get_lock [is_valid_lock $klock $dbenv] TRUE
121	}
122	return 0
125# If we are renumbering, then each time we delete an item, the number of
126# items in the file is temporarily decreased, so the highest record numbers
127# do not exist.  To make sure this doesn't happen, we never generate the
128# highest few record numbers as keys.
130# For record-based methods, record numbers begin at 1, while for other keys,
131# we begin at 0 to index into an array.
132proc rand_key { method nkeys renum procs} {
133	if { $renum == 1 } {
134		return [berkdb random_int 1 [expr $nkeys - $procs]]
135	} elseif { [is_record_based $method] == 1 } {
136		return [berkdb random_int 1 $nkeys]
137	} else {
138		return [berkdb random_int 0 [expr $nkeys - 1]]
139	}
142# On each iteration we're going to randomly pick a key.
143# 1. We'll either get it (verifying that its contents are reasonable).
144# 2. Put it (using an overwrite to make the data be datastr:ID).
145# 3. Get it and do a put through the cursor, tacking our ID on to
146# 4. Get it, read forward some random number of keys.
147# 5. Get it, read forward some random number of keys and do a put (replace).
148# 6. Get it, read forward some random number of keys and do a del.  And then
149#	do a put of the key.
150set gets 0
151set getput 0
152set overwrite 0
153set seqread 0
154set seqput 0
155set seqdel 0
156set dlen [string length $datastr]
158for { set i 0 } { $i < $iter } { incr i } {
159	set op [berkdb random_int 0 5]
160	puts "iteration $i operation $op"
161	set close_cursor 0
162	if {[catch {
163	switch $op {
164		0 {
165			incr gets
166			set k [rand_key $method $nkeys $renum $procs]
167			if {[is_record_based $method] == 1} {
168				set key $k
169			} else  {
170				set key [lindex $l_keys $k]
171			}
173			if { [get_lock $key] == 1 } {
174				incr i -1
175				continue;
176			}
178			set rec [eval {$db get} $txn $gflags {$key}]
179			error_check_bad "$db get $key" [llength $rec] 0
180			set partial [string range \
181			    [lindex [lindex $rec 0] 1] 0 [expr $dlen - 1]]
182			error_check_good \
183			    "$db get $key" $partial [pad_data $method $datastr]
184		}
185		1 {
186			incr overwrite
187			set k [rand_key $method $nkeys $renum $procs]
188			if {[is_record_based $method] == 1} {
189				set key $k
190			} else  {
191				set key [lindex $l_keys $k]
192			}
194			set data $datastr:$procid
195			set ret [eval {$db put} \
196			    $txn $pflags {$key [chop_data $method $data]}]
197			error_check_good "$db put $key" $ret 0
198		}
199		2 {
200			incr getput
201			set dbc [$db cursor -update]
202			error_check_good "$db cursor" \
203			    [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE
204			set close_cursor 1
205			set k [rand_key $method $nkeys $renum $procs]
206			if {[is_record_based $method] == 1} {
207				set key $k
208			} else  {
209				set key [lindex $l_keys $k]
210			}
212			if { [get_lock  $key] == 1 } {
213				incr i -1
214				error_check_good "$dbc close" \
215				    [$dbc close] 0
216				set close_cursor 0
217				continue;
218			}
220			set ret [$dbc get -set $key]
221			error_check_good \
222			    "$dbc get $key" [llength [lindex $ret 0]] 2
223			set rec [lindex [lindex $ret 0] 1]
224			set partial [string range $rec 0 [expr $dlen - 1]]
225			error_check_good \
226			    "$dbc get $key" $partial [pad_data $method $datastr]
227			append rec ":$procid"
228			set ret [$dbc put \
229			    -current [chop_data $method $rec]]
230			error_check_good "$dbc put $key" $ret 0
231			error_check_good "$dbc close" [$dbc close] 0
232			set close_cursor 0
233		}
234		3 -
235		4 -
236		5 {
237			if { $op == 3 } {
238				set flags ""
239			} else {
240				set flags -update
241			}
242			set dbc [eval {$db cursor} $flags]
243			error_check_good "$db cursor" \
244			    [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE
245			set close_cursor 1
246			set k [rand_key $method $nkeys $renum $procs]
247			if {[is_record_based $method] == 1} {
248				set key $k
249			} else  {
250				set key [lindex $l_keys $k]
251			}
253			if { [get_lock $key] == 1 } {
254				incr i -1
255				error_check_good "$dbc close" \
256				    [$dbc close] 0
257				set close_cursor 0
258				continue;
259			}
261			set ret [$dbc get -set $key]
262			error_check_good \
263			    "$dbc get $key" [llength [lindex $ret 0]] 2
265			# Now read a few keys sequentially
266			set nloop [berkdb random_int 0 10]
267			if { [berkdb random_int 0 1] == 0 } {
268				set flags -next
269			} else {
270				set flags -prev
271			}
272			while { $nloop > 0 } {
273				set lastret $ret
274				set ret [eval {$dbc get} $flags]
275				# Might read beginning/end of file
276				if { [llength $ret] == 0} {
277					set ret $lastret
278					break
279				}
280				incr nloop -1
281			}
282			switch $op {
283				3 {
284					incr seqread
285				}
286				4 {
287					incr seqput
288					set rec [lindex [lindex $ret 0] 1]
289					set partial [string range $rec 0 \
290					    [expr $dlen - 1]]
291					error_check_good "$dbc get $key" \
292					    $partial [pad_data $method $datastr]
293					append rec ":$procid"
294					set ret [$dbc put -current \
295					    [chop_data $method $rec]]
296					error_check_good \
297					    "$dbc put $key" $ret 0
298				}
299				5 {
300					incr seqdel
301					set k [lindex [lindex $ret 0] 0]
302					# We need to lock the item we're
303					# deleting so that someone else can't
304					# try to do a get while we're
305					# deleting
306					error_check_good "$klock put" \
307					    [$klock put] 0
308					set klock NOLOCK
309					set cur [$dbc get -current]
310					error_check_bad get_current \
311					    [llength $cur] 0
312					set key [lindex [lindex $cur 0] 0]
313					if { [get_lock $key] == 1 } {
314						incr i -1
315						error_check_good "$dbc close" \
316						     [$dbc close] 0
317						set close_cursor 0
318						continue
319					}
320					set ret [$dbc del]
321					error_check_good "$dbc del" $ret 0
322					set rec $datastr
323					append rec ":$procid"
324					if { $renum == 1 } {
325						set ret [$dbc put -before \
326						    [chop_data $method $rec]]
327						error_check_good \
328						    "$dbc put $k" $ret $k
329					} elseif { \
330					    [is_record_based $method] == 1 } {
331						error_check_good "$dbc close" \
332						    [$dbc close] 0
333						set close_cursor 0
334						set ret [$db put $k \
335						    [chop_data $method $rec]]
336						error_check_good \
337						    "$db put $k" $ret 0
338					} else {
339						set ret [$dbc put -keylast $k \
340						    [chop_data $method $rec]]
341						error_check_good \
342						    "$dbc put $k" $ret 0
343					}
344				}
345			}
346			if { $close_cursor == 1 } {
347				error_check_good \
348				    "$dbc close" [$dbc close] 0
349				set close_cursor 0
350			}
351		}
352	}
353	} res] != 0} {
354		global errorInfo;
355		global exception_handled;
357		puts $errorInfo
359		set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
360		set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
362		if { [string compare $klock NOLOCK] != 0 } {
363			catch {$klock put}
364		}
365		if {$close_cursor == 1} {
366			catch {$dbc close}
367			set close_cursor 0
368		}
370		if {[string first FAIL $theError] == 0 && \
371		    $exception_handled != 1} {
372			flush stdout
373			error "FAIL:[timestamp] test042: key $k: $theError"
374		}
375		set exception_handled 0
376	} else {
377		if { [string compare $klock NOLOCK] != 0 } {
378			error_check_good "$klock put" [$klock put] 0
379			set klock NOLOCK
380		}
381	}
384error_check_good db_close_catch [catch {$db close} ret] 0
385error_check_good db_close $ret 0
386error_check_good dbenv_close [$dbenv close] 0
388flush stdout
391puts "[timestamp] [pid] Complete"
392puts "Successful ops: "
393puts "\t$gets gets"
394puts "\t$overwrite overwrites"
395puts "\t$getput getputs"
396puts "\t$seqread seqread"
397puts "\t$seqput seqput"
398puts "\t$seqdel seqdel"
399flush stdout