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6<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Memory-only or Flash configurations</title>
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13<td><b><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Programmer Notes</dl></b></td>
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16<p align=center><b>Memory-only or Flash configurations</b></p>
17<p>Berkeley DB supports a variety of memory-based configurations for systems
18where filesystem space is either limited in availability or entirely
19replaced by some combination of memory and Flash.  In addition, Berkeley DB
20can be configured to minimize writes to the filesystem when the
21filesystem is backed by Flash memory.</p>
22<p>There are three parts of the Berkeley DB database environment normally written
23to the filesystem: the database environment region files, the database
24files and the database environment log files.  Each of these items can
25be configured to live in memory rather than in the filesystem:</p>
27<b>The database environment region files:</b><ul compact><li>Each of the Berkeley DB subsystems in a database environment is described by
28one or more regions, or chunks of memory. The regions contain all of the
29per-process and per-thread shared information (including mutexes), that
30comprise a Berkeley DB environment.  By default, these regions are backed by
31the filesystem.  In situations where filesystem backed regions aren't
32optimal, applications can create memory-only database environments in
33two different types of memory: either in the application's heap memory
34or in system shared memory.
35<p>To create the database environment in heap memory, specify the
36<a href="/api_c/env_open.html#DB_PRIVATE">DB_PRIVATE</a> flag to the <a href="/api_c/env_open.html">DB_ENV-&gt;open</a> method.  Note that database
37environments created in heap memory are only accessible to the threads
38of a single process, however.</p>
39<p>To create the database environment in system shared memory, specify the
40<a href="/api_c/env_open.html#DB_SYSTEM_MEM">DB_SYSTEM_MEM</a> flag to the <a href="/api_c/env_open.html">DB_ENV-&gt;open</a> method.  Database
41environments created in system memory are accessible to multiple
42processes, but note that database environments created in system shared
43memory do create a small (roughly 8 byte) file in the filesystem, read
44by the processes to identify which system shared memory segments to
46<p>For more information, see <a href="/ref/env/region.html">Shared
47memory regions</a>.</p></ul>
48<b>The database files:</b><ul compact><li>By default, databases are periodically flushed from the Berkeley DB memory
49cache to backing physical files in the filesystem.  To keep databases
50from being written to backing physical files, pass the
51<a href="/api_c/memp_set_flags.html#DB_MPOOL_NOFILE">DB_MPOOL_NOFILE</a> flag to the <a href="/api_c/memp_set_flags.html">DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_flags</a> method.  This flag
52implies the application's databases must fit entirely in the Berkeley DB
53cache, of course.  To avoid a database file growing to consume the
54entire cache, applications can limit the size of individual databases
55in the cache by calling the <a href="/api_c/memp_set_maxsize.html">DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_maxsize</a> method.</ul>
56<b>The database environment log files:</b><ul compact><li>If a database environment is not intended to be transactionally
57recoverable after application or system failure (that is, if it will not
58exhibit the transactional attribute of "durability"), applications
59should not configure the database environment for logging or
60transactions, in which case no log files will be created.  If the
61database environment is intended to be durable, log files must either
62be written to stable storage and recovered after application or system
63failure, or they must be replicated to other systems.
64<p>In applications running on systems without any form of stable storage,
65durability must be accomplished through replication.  In this case,
66database environments should be configured to maintain database logs in
67memory, rather than in the filesystem, by specifying the
68<a href="/api_c/env_log_set_config.html#DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY">DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY</a> flag to the <a href="/api_c/env_set_flags.html">DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags</a> method.</p></ul>
70<p>In systems where the filesystem is backed by Flash memory, the number
71of times the Flash memory is written may be a concern.  Each of the
72three parts of the Berkeley DB database environment normally written to the
73filesystem can be configured to minimize the number of times the
74filesystem is written:</p>
76<b>The database environment region files:</b><ul compact><li>On a Flash-based filesystem, the database environment should be placed
77in heap or system memory, as described previously.</ul>
78<b>The database files:</b><ul compact><li>The Berkeley DB library maintains a cache of database pages.  The database
79pages are only written to backing physical files when the application
80checkpoints the database environment with the <a href="/api_c/txn_checkpoint.html">DB_ENV-&gt;txn_checkpoint</a> method,
81when database handles are closed with the <a href="/api_c/db_close.html">DB-&gt;close</a> method, or when
82the application explicitly flushes the cache with the <a href="/api_c/db_sync.html">DB-&gt;sync</a>
83or <a href="/api_c/memp_sync.html">DB_ENV-&gt;memp_sync</a> methods.
84<p>To avoid unnecessary writes of Flash memory due to checkpoints,
85applications should decrease the frequency of their checkpoints.  This
86is especially important in applications which repeatedly modify a
87specific database page, as repeatedly writing a database page to the
88backing physical file will repeatedly update the same blocks of the
90<p>To avoid unnecessary writes of the filesystem due to closing a database
91handle, applications should specify the <a href="/api_c/db_close.html#DB_NOSYNC">DB_NOSYNC</a> flag to the
92<a href="/api_c/db_close.html">DB-&gt;close</a> method.</p>
93<p>To avoid unnecessary writes of the filesystem due to flushing the cache,
94applications should not explicitly flush the cache under normal
95conditions -- flushing the cache is rarely if ever needed in a
96normally-running application.</p></ul>
97<b>The database environment log files:</b><ul compact><li>The Berkeley DB log files do not repeatedly overwrite the same blocks of the
98filesystem as the Berkeley DB log files are not implemented as a circular
99buffer and log files are not re-used.  For this reason, the Berkeley DB log
100files should not cause any difficulties for Flash memory configurations.
101<p>However, as Berkeley DB does not write log records in filesystem block sized
102pieces, it is probable that sequential transaction commits (each of
103which flush the log file to the backing filesystem), will write a block
104of Flash memory twice, as the last log record from the first commit will
105write the same block of Flash memory as the first log record from the
106second commit.  Applications not requiring absolute durability should
107specify the <a href="/api_c/env_set_flags.html#DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC">DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC</a> or <a href="/api_c/env_set_flags.html#DB_TXN_NOSYNC">DB_TXN_NOSYNC</a> flags
108to the <a href="/api_c/env_set_flags.html">DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags</a> method to avoid this overwrite of a block of
109Flash memory.</p></ul>
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113<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>