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6<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Opening multiple databases in a single file</title>
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12<td><b><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Access Methods</dl></b></td>
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15<p align=center><b>Opening multiple databases in a single file</b></p>
16<p>Applications may create multiple databases within a single physical
17file.  This is useful when the databases are both numerous and
18reasonably small, in order to avoid creating a large number of
19underlying files, or when it is desirable to include secondary index
20databases in the same file as the primary index database.  Putting
21multiple databases in a single physical file is an administrative
22convenience and unlikely to affect database performance.</p>
23<p>To open or create a file that will include more than a single database,
24specify a database name when calling the <a href="/api_c/db_open.html">DB-&gt;open</a> method.</p>
25<p>Physical files do not need to be comprised of a single type of database,
26and databases in a file may be of any mixture of types, except for Queue
27databases.  Queue databases must be created one per file and cannot
28share a file with any other database type.  There is no limit on the
29number of databases that may be created in a single file other than the
30standard Berkeley DB file size and disk space limitations.</p>
31<p>It is an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was
32not initially created using a database name, that is, the file must
33initially be specified as capable of containing multiple databases for a
34second database to be created in it.</p>
35<p>It is not an error to open a file that contains multiple databases
36without specifying a database name, however the database type should be
37specified as DB_UNKNOWN and the database must be opened read-only.  The
38handle that is returned from such a call is a handle on a database whose
39key values are the names of the databases stored in the database file
40and whose data values are opaque objects.  No keys or data values may be
41modified or stored using this database handle.</p>
42<b>Configuring databases sharing a file</b>
43<p>There are four pieces of configuration information which must be
44specified consistently for all databases in a file, rather than
45differing on a per-database basis.  They are: byte order, checksum and
46encryption behavior, and page size.  When creating additional databases
47in a file, any of these configuration values specified must be
48consistent with the existing databases in the file or an error will be
50<b>Caching databases sharing a file</b>
51<p>When storing multiple databases in a single physical file rather than
52in separate files, if any of the databases in a file is opened for
53update, all of the databases in the file must share a memory pool.  In
54other words, they must be opened in the same database environment.  This
55is so per-physical-file information common between the two databases is
56updated correctly.</p>
57<b>Locking in databases based on sharing a file</b>
58<p>If databases are in separate files (and access to each separate database
59is single-threaded), there is no reason to perform any locking of any
60kind, and the two databases may be read and written simultaneously.
61Further, there would be no requirement to create a shared database
62environment in which to open those two databases.</p>
63<p>However, since multiple databases in a file exist in a single physical
64file, opening two databases in the same file simultaneously requires
65locking be enabled, unless all of the databases are read-only.  As the
66locks for the two databases can only conflict during page allocation,
67this additional locking is unlikely to affect performance.  The
68exception is when Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store is configured; a single lock is used for all
69databases in the file when Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store is configured, and a write to one
70database will block all accesses to all databases.</p>
71<p>In summary, programmers writing applications that open multiple
72databases in a single file will almost certainly need to create a shared
73database environment in the application as well.  For more information
74on database environments, see <a href="/ref/env/intro.html">Database
75environment introduction.</a></p>
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78<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>