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6<title>Berkeley DB: DbLockNotGrantedException</title>
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22#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
24class DbLockNotGrantedException : public DbException {
26	db_lockop_t get_op() const;
27	db_lockmode_t get_mode() const;
28	const Dbt* get_obj() const;
29	DbLock *get_lock() const;
30	int get_index() const;
33<hr size=1 noshade>
34<b>Description: DbLockNotGrantedException</b>
35<p>This information describes the DbLockNotGrantedException class and
36how it is used by the various Db* classes.</p>
37<p>A DbLockNotGrantedException is thrown when a lock requested using
38the <a href="/api_cxx/lock_get.html">DbEnv::lock_get</a> or <a href="/api_cxx/lock_vec.html">DbEnv::lock_vec</a> methods, where the <a href="/api_cxx/lock_vec.html#DB_LOCK_NOWAIT">DB_LOCK_NOWAIT</a>
39flag or lock timers were configured, could not be granted before the
40wait-time expired.</p>
41<p>Additionally, DbLockNotGrantedException is thrown when a Berkeley DB
42Concurrent Data Store database environment configured for lock timeouts
43was unable to grant a lock in the allowed time.</p>
44<p>Additionally, DbLockNotGrantedException is thrown when lock or
45transaction timeouts have been configured, a database operation has
46timed out, and the <a href="/api_cxx/env_set_flags.html#DB_TIME_NOTGRANTED">DB_TIME_NOTGRANTED</a> configuration flag has
47been specified.</p>
48<p>The <a href="/api_cxx/except_class.html">DbException</a> errno value is set to DB_LOCKNOTGRANTED.</p>
49<p>The <b>get_op</b> method returns 0 when <a href="/api_cxx/lock_get.html">DbEnv::lock_get</a> was called,
50and returns the <b>op</b> for the failed DB_LOCKREQ when
51<a href="/api_cxx/lock_vec.html">DbEnv::lock_vec</a> was called.</p>
52<p>The <b>get_mode</b> method returns the <b>mode</b> parameter when
53<a href="/api_cxx/lock_get.html">DbEnv::lock_get</a> was called, and returns the <b>mode</b> for the failed
54DB_LOCKREQ when <a href="/api_cxx/lock_vec.html">DbEnv::lock_vec</a> was called.</p>
55<p>The <b>get_obj</b> method returns the <b>mode</b> parameter when
56returns the <b>object</b> parameter when <a href="/api_cxx/lock_get.html">DbEnv::lock_get</a> was called,
57and returns the <b>object</b> for the failed DB_LOCKREQ when
58<a href="/api_cxx/lock_vec.html">DbEnv::lock_vec</a> was called.
59The <a href="/api_cxx/dbt_class.html">Dbt</a> pointer may or may not refer to valid memory, depending on
60whether the <a href="/api_cxx/dbt_class.html">Dbt</a> used in the call to the failed <a href="/api_cxx/lock_get.html">DbEnv::lock_get</a> or
61<a href="/api_cxx/lock_vec.html">DbEnv::lock_vec</a> method is still in scope and has not been deleted.</p>
62<p>The <b>get_lock</b> method returns NULL when <a href="/api_cxx/lock_get.html">DbEnv::lock_get</a> was
63called, and returns the <b>lock</b> in the failed DB_LOCKREQ
64when <a href="/api_cxx/lock_vec.html">DbEnv::lock_vec</a> was called.</p>
65<p>The <b>get_index</b> method returns -1 when <a href="/api_cxx/lock_get.html">DbEnv::lock_get</a> was
66called, and returns the index of the failed DB_LOCKREQ when
67<a href="/api_cxx/lock_vec.html">DbEnv::lock_vec</a> was called.</p>
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72<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>