1<!--$Id: db_associate.so,v 10.47 2007/10/24 16:06:06 bostic Exp $-->
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6<title>Berkeley DB: Db::associate</title>
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22#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
25Db::associate(DbTxn *txnid, Db *secondary,
26    int (*callback)(Db *secondary,
27    const Dbt *key, const Dbt *data, Dbt *result), u_int32_t flags);
29<hr size=1 noshade>
30<b>Description: Db::associate</b>
31<p>The Db::associate function is used to declare one database a
32secondary index for a primary database.  After a secondary database has
33been "associated" with a primary database, all updates to the primary
34will be automatically reflected in the secondary and all reads from the
35secondary will return corresponding data from the primary.  Note that
36as primary keys must be unique for secondary indices to work, the
37primary database must be configured without support for duplicate data
38items.  See <a href="/ref/am/second.html">Secondary indices</a> for
39more information.</p>
40<p>The Db::associate method
41either returns a non-zero error value
42or throws an exception that encapsulates a non-zero error value on
43failure, and returns 0 on success.
45<b>Parameters</b> <br>
46 <b>callback</b><ul compact><li>The <b>callback</b> parameter is a callback function that creates the
47set of secondary keys corresponding to a given primary key and data
49<p>The callback parameter may be NULL if both the primary and secondary
50database handles were opened with the <a href="/api_cxx/db_open.html#DB_RDONLY">DB_RDONLY</a> flag.</p>
51<p>The callback takes four arguments:</p>
53<b><b>secondary</b></b><ul compact><li>The <b>secondary</b> parameter is the database handle for the secondary.</ul>
54<b><b>key</b></b><ul compact><li>The <b>key</b> parameter is a <a href="/api_cxx/dbt_class.html">Dbt</a> referencing the primary key.</ul>
55<b><b>data</b></b><ul compact><li>The <b>data</b> parameter is a <a href="/api_cxx/dbt_class.html">Dbt</a> referencing the primary data
57<b><b>result</b></b><ul compact><li>The <b>result</b> parameter is a zeroed <a href="/api_cxx/dbt_class.html">Dbt</a> in which the callback
58function should fill in <b>data</b> and <b>size</b> fields that describe
59the secondary key or keys.</ul>
61<p>The callback optionally returns some special values:</p>
63<b><a name="DB_DBT_APPMALLOC">DB_DBT_APPMALLOC</a></b><ul compact><li>If the callback function needs to allocate memory for the <b>result</b>
64data field (rather than simply pointing into the primary key or datum),
65DB_DBT_APPMALLOC should be set in the <b>flags</b> field of the
66<b>result</b> <a href="/api_cxx/dbt_class.html">Dbt</a>, which indicates that Berkeley DB should free the
67memory when it is done with it.</ul>
68<b><a name="DB_DBT_MULTIPLE">DB_DBT_MULTIPLE</a></b><ul compact><li>To return multiple secondary keys, DB_DBT_MULTIPLE should be set
69in the <b>flags</b> field of the <b>result</b> <a href="/api_cxx/dbt_class.html">Dbt</a>, which
70indicates Berkeley DB should treat the <b>size</b> field as the number of
71secondary keys (zero or more), and the <b>data</b> field as a pointer
72to an array of that number of <a href="/api_cxx/dbt_class.html">Dbt</a>s describing the set of
73secondary keys.
74<p><b>When multiple secondary keys are returned, keys may not be repeated</b>.
75In other words, there must be no repeated record numbers in the array
76for Recno and Queue databases, and keys must not compare equally using
77the secondary database's comparison function for Btree and Hash
78databases.  If keys are repeated, operations may fail and the secondary
79may become inconsistent with the primary.</p>
80<p>The DB_DBT_APPMALLOC flag may be set for any <a href="/api_cxx/dbt_class.html">Dbt</a> in the
81array of returned <a href="/api_cxx/dbt_class.html">Dbt</a>'s to indicate that Berkeley DB should free the
82memory referenced by that particular <a href="/api_cxx/dbt_class.html">Dbt</a>'s data field when it
83is done with it.</p>
84<p>The DB_DBT_APPMALLOC flag may be combined with
85DB_DBT_MULTIPLE in the <b>result</b> <a href="/api_cxx/dbt_class.html">Dbt</a>'s <b>flag</b>
86field to indicate that Berkeley DB should free the array once it is done with
87all of the returned keys.</p></ul>
88<b><a name="DB_DONOTINDEX">DB_DONOTINDEX</a></b><ul compact><li>If any key/data pair in the primary yields a null secondary key and
89should be left out of the secondary index, the callback function may
90optionally return DB_DONOTINDEX.  Otherwise, the callback
91function should return 0 in case of success or an error outside of the
92Berkeley DB name space in case of failure; the error code will be returned
93from the Berkeley DB call that initiated the callback.
94<p>If the callback function returns DB_DONOTINDEX for any key/data
95pairs in the primary database, the secondary index will not contain any
96reference to those key/data pairs, and such operations as cursor
97iterations and range queries will reflect only the corresponding subset
98of the database.  If this is not desirable, the application should
99ensure that the callback function is well-defined for all possible
100values and never returns DB_DONOTINDEX.</p>
101<p>Returning DB_DONOTINDEX is equivalent to setting
102DB_DBT_MULTIPLE on the <b>result</b> <a href="/api_cxx/dbt_class.html">Dbt</a> and setting
103the <b>size</b> field to zero.</p></ul>
105<p>Berkeley DB is not re-entrant.  Callback functions should not attempt to make
106library calls (for example, to release locks or close open handles).
107Re-entering Berkeley DB is not guaranteed to work correctly, and the results
108are undefined.</p></ul>
109 <b>flags</b><ul compact><li>The <b>flags</b> parameter must be set to 0 or by bitwise inclusively <b>OR</b>'ing together one
110or more of the following values:
112<b><a name="DB_CREATE">DB_CREATE</a></b><ul compact><li>If the secondary database is empty, walk through the primary and create
113an index to it in the empty secondary.  This operation is potentially
114very expensive.
115<p>If the secondary database has been opened in an environment configured
116with transactions, each put necessary for its creation will be done in
117the context of a transaction created for the purpose.</p>
118<p>Care should be taken not to use a newly-populated secondary database in
119another thread of control until the Db::associate call has
120returned successfully in the first thread.</p>
121<p>If transactions are not being used, care should be taken not to modify
122a primary database being used to populate a secondary database, in
123another thread of control, until the Db::associate call has
124returned successfully in the first thread.  If transactions are being
125used, Berkeley DB will perform appropriate locking and the application need
126not do any special operation ordering.</p></ul>
127<b><a name="DB_IMMUTABLE_KEY">DB_IMMUTABLE_KEY</a></b><ul compact><li>Specifies the secondary key is immutable.
128<p>This flag can be used to optimize updates when the secondary key in a
129primary record will never be changed after the primary record is
130inserted.  For immutable secondary keys, a best effort is made to avoid
131calling the secondary callback function when primary records are
132updated.  This optimization may reduce the overhead of update operations
133significantly if the callback function is expensive.</p>
134<p>Be sure to specify this flag only if the secondary key in the primary
135record is never changed.  If this rule is violated, the secondary index
136will become corrupted, that is, it will become out of sync with the
139 <b>primary</b><ul compact><li>The associate method called should be a method of a database handle for
140the primary database that is to be indexed.</ul>
141 <b>secondary</b><ul compact><li>The <b>secondary</b> parameter should be an open database handle of
142either a newly created and empty database that is to be used to store
143a secondary index, or of a database that was previously associated with
144the same primary and contains a secondary index.  Note that it is not
145safe to associate as a secondary database a handle that is in use by
146another thread of control or has open cursors.  If the handle was opened
147with the <a href="/api_cxx/env_open.html#DB_THREAD">DB_THREAD</a> flag it is safe to use it in multiple threads
148of control after the Db::associate method has returned.  Note also
149that either secondary keys must be unique or the secondary database must
150be configured with support for duplicate data items.</ul>
151 <b>txnid</b><ul compact><li>If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction, the
152<b>txnid</b> parameter is a transaction handle returned from
153<a href="/api_cxx/txn_begin.html">DbEnv::txn_begin</a>; if the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group, the
154<b>txnid</b> parameter is a handle returned from
155<a href="/api_cxx/env_cdsgroup_begin.html">DbEnv::cdsgroup_begin</a>; otherwise NULL.
156If no transaction handle is
157specified, but the
158operation occurs in a transactional
160the operation will be implicitly transaction protected.
164<p>The Db::associate method
165may fail and throw
166<a href="/api_cxx/except_class.html">DbException</a>,
167encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors, or return one of
168the following non-zero errors:</p>
170<b>DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD</b><ul compact><li>The database handle has been invalidated because a replication election
171unrolled a committed transaction.</ul>
174<b>DB_REP_LOCKOUT</b><ul compact><li>The operation was blocked by client/master synchronization.</ul>
177<b>EINVAL</b><ul compact><li>If the secondary database handle has already been associated with this or
178another database handle; the secondary database handle is not open; the
179primary database has been configured to allow duplicates; or if an
180invalid flag value or parameter was specified.</ul>
182<hr size=1 noshade>
184<a href="/api_cxx/db_class.html">Db</a>
185<br><b>See Also</b>
186<a href="/api_cxx/db_list.html">Databases and Related Methods</a>
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191<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>