1// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
3 * Copyright 2023 Red Hat
4 */
7 * DOC:
8 *
9 * Hash table implementation of a map from integers to pointers, implemented using the Hopscotch
10 * Hashing algorithm by Herlihy, Shavit, and Tzafrir (see
11 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopscotch_hashing). This implementation does not contain any of the
12 * locking/concurrency features of the algorithm, just the collision resolution scheme.
13 *
14 * Hopscotch Hashing is based on hashing with open addressing and linear probing. All the entries
15 * are stored in a fixed array of buckets, with no dynamic allocation for collisions. Unlike linear
16 * probing, all the entries that hash to a given bucket are stored within a fixed neighborhood
17 * starting at that bucket. Chaining is effectively represented as a bit vector relative to each
18 * bucket instead of as pointers or explicit offsets.
19 *
20 * When an empty bucket cannot be found within a given neighborhood, subsequent neighborhoods are
21 * searched, and one or more entries will "hop" into those neighborhoods. When this process works,
22 * an empty bucket will move into the desired neighborhood, allowing the entry to be added. When
23 * that process fails (typically when the buckets are around 90% full), the table must be resized
24 * and the all entries rehashed and added to the expanded table.
25 *
26 * Unlike linear probing, the number of buckets that must be searched in the worst case has a fixed
27 * upper bound (the size of the neighborhood). Those entries occupy a small number of memory cache
28 * lines, leading to improved use of the cache (fewer misses on both successful and unsuccessful
29 * searches). Hopscotch hashing outperforms linear probing at much higher load factors, so even
30 * with the increased memory burden for maintaining the hop vectors, less memory is needed to
31 * achieve that performance. Hopscotch is also immune to "contamination" from deleting entries
32 * since entries are genuinely removed instead of being replaced by a placeholder.
33 *
34 * The published description of the algorithm used a bit vector, but the paper alludes to an offset
35 * scheme which is used by this implementation. Since the entries in the neighborhood are within N
36 * entries of the hash bucket at the start of the neighborhood, a pair of small offset fields each
37 * log2(N) bits wide is all that's needed to maintain the hops as a linked list. In order to encode
38 * "no next hop" (i.e. NULL) as the natural initial value of zero, the offsets are biased by one
39 * (i.e. 0 => NULL, 1 => offset=0, 2 => offset=1, etc.) We can represent neighborhoods of up to 255
40 * entries with just 8+8=16 bits per entry. The hop list is sorted by hop offset so the first entry
41 * in the list is always the bucket closest to the start of the neighborhood.
42 *
43 * While individual accesses tend to be very fast, the table resize operations are very, very
44 * expensive. If an upper bound on the latency of adding an entry to the table is needed, we either
45 * need to ensure the table is pre-sized to be large enough so no resize is ever needed, or we'll
46 * need to develop an approach to incrementally resize the table.
47 */
49#include "int-map.h"
51#include <linux/minmax.h>
53#include "errors.h"
54#include "logger.h"
55#include "memory-alloc.h"
56#include "numeric.h"
57#include "permassert.h"
59#define DEFAULT_CAPACITY 16 /* the number of neighborhoods in a new table */
60#define NEIGHBORHOOD 255    /* the number of buckets in each neighborhood */
61#define MAX_PROBES 1024     /* limit on the number of probes for a free bucket */
62#define NULL_HOP_OFFSET 0   /* the hop offset value terminating the hop list */
63#define DEFAULT_LOAD 75     /* a compromise between memory use and performance */
66 * struct bucket - hash bucket
67 *
68 * Buckets are packed together to reduce memory usage and improve cache efficiency. It would be
69 * tempting to encode the hop offsets separately and maintain alignment of key/value pairs, but
70 * it's crucial to keep the hop fields near the buckets that they use them so they'll tend to share
71 * cache lines.
72 */
73struct __packed bucket {
74	/**
75	 * @first_hop: The biased offset of the first entry in the hop list of the neighborhood
76	 *             that hashes to this bucket.
77	 */
78	u8 first_hop;
79	/** @next_hop: The biased offset of the next bucket in the hop list. */
80	u8 next_hop;
81	/** @key: The key stored in this bucket. */
82	u64 key;
83	/** @value: The value stored in this bucket (NULL if empty). */
84	void *value;
88 * struct int_map - The concrete definition of the opaque int_map type.
89 *
90 * To avoid having to wrap the neighborhoods of the last entries back around to the start of the
91 * bucket array, we allocate a few more buckets at the end of the array instead, which is why
92 * capacity and bucket_count are different.
93 */
94struct int_map {
95	/** @size: The number of entries stored in the map. */
96	size_t size;
97	/** @capacity: The number of neighborhoods in the map. */
98	size_t capacity;
99	/* @bucket_count: The number of buckets in the bucket array. */
100	size_t bucket_count;
101	/** @buckets: The array of hash buckets. */
102	struct bucket *buckets;
106 * mix() - The Google CityHash 16-byte hash mixing function.
107 * @input1: The first input value.
108 * @input2: The second input value.
109 *
110 * Return: A hash of the two inputs.
111 */
112static u64 mix(u64 input1, u64 input2)
114	static const u64 CITY_MULTIPLIER = 0x9ddfea08eb382d69ULL;
115	u64 hash = (input1 ^ input2);
117	hash *= CITY_MULTIPLIER;
118	hash ^= (hash >> 47);
119	hash ^= input2;
120	hash *= CITY_MULTIPLIER;
121	hash ^= (hash >> 47);
122	hash *= CITY_MULTIPLIER;
123	return hash;
127 * hash_key() - Calculate a 64-bit non-cryptographic hash value for the provided 64-bit integer
128 *              key.
129 * @key: The mapping key.
130 *
131 * The implementation is based on Google's CityHash, only handling the specific case of an 8-byte
132 * input.
133 *
134 * Return: The hash of the mapping key.
135 */
136static u64 hash_key(u64 key)
138	/*
139	 * Aliasing restrictions forbid us from casting pointer types, so use a union to convert a
140	 * single u64 to two u32 values.
141	 */
142	union {
143		u64 u64;
144		u32 u32[2];
145	} pun = {.u64 = key};
147	return mix(sizeof(key) + (((u64) pun.u32[0]) << 3), pun.u32[1]);
151 * allocate_buckets() - Initialize an int_map.
152 * @map: The map to initialize.
153 * @capacity: The initial capacity of the map.
154 *
155 * Return: VDO_SUCCESS or an error code.
156 */
157static int allocate_buckets(struct int_map *map, size_t capacity)
159	map->size = 0;
160	map->capacity = capacity;
162	/*
163	 * Allocate NEIGHBORHOOD - 1 extra buckets so the last bucket can have a full neighborhood
164	 * without have to wrap back around to element zero.
165	 */
166	map->bucket_count = capacity + (NEIGHBORHOOD - 1);
167	return vdo_allocate(map->bucket_count, struct bucket,
168			    "struct int_map buckets", &map->buckets);
172 * vdo_int_map_create() - Allocate and initialize an int_map.
173 * @initial_capacity: The number of entries the map should initially be capable of holding (zero
174 *                    tells the map to use its own small default).
175 * @map_ptr: Output, a pointer to hold the new int_map.
176 *
177 * Return: VDO_SUCCESS or an error code.
178 */
179int vdo_int_map_create(size_t initial_capacity, struct int_map **map_ptr)
181	struct int_map *map;
182	int result;
183	size_t capacity;
185	result = vdo_allocate(1, struct int_map, "struct int_map", &map);
186	if (result != VDO_SUCCESS)
187		return result;
189	/* Use the default capacity if the caller did not specify one. */
190	capacity = (initial_capacity > 0) ? initial_capacity : DEFAULT_CAPACITY;
192	/*
193	 * Scale up the capacity by the specified initial load factor. (i.e to hold 1000 entries at
194	 * 80% load we need a capacity of 1250)
195	 */
196	capacity = capacity * 100 / DEFAULT_LOAD;
198	result = allocate_buckets(map, capacity);
199	if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
200		vdo_int_map_free(vdo_forget(map));
201		return result;
202	}
204	*map_ptr = map;
205	return VDO_SUCCESS;
209 * vdo_int_map_free() - Free an int_map.
210 * @map: The int_map to free.
211 *
212 * NOTE: The map does not own the pointer values stored in the map and they are not freed by this
213 * call.
214 */
215void vdo_int_map_free(struct int_map *map)
217	if (map == NULL)
218		return;
220	vdo_free(vdo_forget(map->buckets));
221	vdo_free(vdo_forget(map));
225 * vdo_int_map_size() - Get the number of entries stored in an int_map.
226 * @map: The int_map to query.
227 *
228 * Return: The number of entries in the map.
229 */
230size_t vdo_int_map_size(const struct int_map *map)
232	return map->size;
236 * dereference_hop() - Convert a biased hop offset within a neighborhood to a pointer to the bucket
237 *                     it references.
238 * @neighborhood: The first bucket in the neighborhood.
239 * @hop_offset: The biased hop offset to the desired bucket.
240 *
241 * Return: NULL if hop_offset is zero, otherwise a pointer to the bucket in the neighborhood at
242 *         hop_offset - 1.
243 */
244static struct bucket *dereference_hop(struct bucket *neighborhood, unsigned int hop_offset)
247	if (hop_offset == NULL_HOP_OFFSET)
248		return NULL;
250	return &neighborhood[hop_offset - 1];
254 * insert_in_hop_list() - Add a bucket into the hop list for the neighborhood.
255 * @neighborhood: The first bucket in the neighborhood.
256 * @new_bucket: The bucket to add to the hop list.
257 *
258 * The bucket is inserted it into the list so the hop list remains sorted by hop offset.
259 */
260static void insert_in_hop_list(struct bucket *neighborhood, struct bucket *new_bucket)
262	/* Zero indicates a NULL hop offset, so bias the hop offset by one. */
263	int hop_offset = 1 + (new_bucket - neighborhood);
265	/* Handle the special case of adding a bucket at the start of the list. */
266	int next_hop = neighborhood->first_hop;
268	if ((next_hop == NULL_HOP_OFFSET) || (next_hop > hop_offset)) {
269		new_bucket->next_hop = next_hop;
270		neighborhood->first_hop = hop_offset;
271		return;
272	}
274	/* Search the hop list for the insertion point that maintains the sort order. */
275	for (;;) {
276		struct bucket *bucket = dereference_hop(neighborhood, next_hop);
278		next_hop = bucket->next_hop;
280		if ((next_hop == NULL_HOP_OFFSET) || (next_hop > hop_offset)) {
281			new_bucket->next_hop = next_hop;
282			bucket->next_hop = hop_offset;
283			return;
284		}
285	}
289 * select_bucket() - Select and return the hash bucket for a given search key.
290 * @map: The map to search.
291 * @key: The mapping key.
292 */
293static struct bucket *select_bucket(const struct int_map *map, u64 key)
295	/*
296	 * Calculate a good hash value for the provided key. We want exactly 32 bits, so mask the
297	 * result.
298	 */
299	u64 hash = hash_key(key) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
301	/*
302	 * Scale the 32-bit hash to a bucket index by treating it as a binary fraction and
303	 * multiplying that by the capacity. If the hash is uniformly distributed over [0 ..
304	 * 2^32-1], then (hash * capacity / 2^32) should be uniformly distributed over [0 ..
305	 * capacity-1]. The multiply and shift is much faster than a divide (modulus) on X86 CPUs.
306	 */
307	return &map->buckets[(hash * map->capacity) >> 32];
311 * search_hop_list() - Search the hop list associated with given hash bucket for a given search
312 *                     key.
313 * @map: The map being searched.
314 * @bucket: The map bucket to search for the key.
315 * @key: The mapping key.
316 * @previous_ptr: Output. if not NULL, a pointer in which to store the bucket in the list preceding
317 *                the one that had the matching key
318 *
319 * If the key is found, returns a pointer to the entry (bucket or collision), otherwise returns
320 * NULL.
321 *
322 * Return: An entry that matches the key, or NULL if not found.
323 */
324static struct bucket *search_hop_list(struct int_map *map __always_unused,
325				      struct bucket *bucket,
326				      u64 key,
327				      struct bucket **previous_ptr)
329	struct bucket *previous = NULL;
330	unsigned int next_hop = bucket->first_hop;
332	while (next_hop != NULL_HOP_OFFSET) {
333		/*
334		 * Check the neighboring bucket indexed by the offset for the
335		 * desired key.
336		 */
337		struct bucket *entry = dereference_hop(bucket, next_hop);
339		if ((key == entry->key) && (entry->value != NULL)) {
340			if (previous_ptr != NULL)
341				*previous_ptr = previous;
342			return entry;
343		}
344		next_hop = entry->next_hop;
345		previous = entry;
346	}
348	return NULL;
352 * vdo_int_map_get() - Retrieve the value associated with a given key from the int_map.
353 * @map: The int_map to query.
354 * @key: The key to look up.
355 *
356 * Return: The value associated with the given key, or NULL if the key is not mapped to any value.
357 */
358void *vdo_int_map_get(struct int_map *map, u64 key)
360	struct bucket *match = search_hop_list(map, select_bucket(map, key), key, NULL);
362	return ((match != NULL) ? match->value : NULL);
366 * resize_buckets() - Increase the number of hash buckets.
367 * @map: The map to resize.
368 *
369 * Resizes and rehashes all the existing entries, storing them in the new buckets.
370 *
371 * Return: VDO_SUCCESS or an error code.
372 */
373static int resize_buckets(struct int_map *map)
375	int result;
376	size_t i;
378	/* Copy the top-level map data to the stack. */
379	struct int_map old_map = *map;
381	/* Re-initialize the map to be empty and 50% larger. */
382	size_t new_capacity = map->capacity / 2 * 3;
384	vdo_log_info("%s: attempting resize from %zu to %zu, current size=%zu",
385		     __func__, map->capacity, new_capacity, map->size);
386	result = allocate_buckets(map, new_capacity);
387	if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
388		*map = old_map;
389		return result;
390	}
392	/* Populate the new hash table from the entries in the old bucket array. */
393	for (i = 0; i < old_map.bucket_count; i++) {
394		struct bucket *entry = &old_map.buckets[i];
396		if (entry->value == NULL)
397			continue;
399		result = vdo_int_map_put(map, entry->key, entry->value, true, NULL);
400		if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
401			/* Destroy the new partial map and restore the map from the stack. */
402			vdo_free(vdo_forget(map->buckets));
403			*map = old_map;
404			return result;
405		}
406	}
408	/* Destroy the old bucket array. */
409	vdo_free(vdo_forget(old_map.buckets));
410	return VDO_SUCCESS;
414 * find_empty_bucket() - Probe the bucket array starting at the given bucket for the next empty
415 *                       bucket, returning a pointer to it.
416 * @map: The map containing the buckets to search.
417 * @bucket: The bucket at which to start probing.
418 * @max_probes: The maximum number of buckets to search.
419 *
420 * NULL will be returned if the search reaches the end of the bucket array or if the number of
421 * linear probes exceeds a specified limit.
422 *
423 * Return: The next empty bucket, or NULL if the search failed.
424 */
425static struct bucket *
426find_empty_bucket(struct int_map *map, struct bucket *bucket, unsigned int max_probes)
428	/*
429	 * Limit the search to either the nearer of the end of the bucket array or a fixed distance
430	 * beyond the initial bucket.
431	 */
432	ptrdiff_t remaining = &map->buckets[map->bucket_count] - bucket;
433	struct bucket *sentinel = &bucket[min_t(ptrdiff_t, remaining, max_probes)];
434	struct bucket *entry;
436	for (entry = bucket; entry < sentinel; entry++) {
437		if (entry->value == NULL)
438			return entry;
439	}
441	return NULL;
445 * move_empty_bucket() - Move an empty bucket closer to the start of the bucket array.
446 * @map: The map containing the bucket.
447 * @hole: The empty bucket to fill with an entry that precedes it in one of its enclosing
448 *        neighborhoods.
449 *
450 * This searches the neighborhoods that contain the empty bucket for a non-empty bucket closer to
451 * the start of the array. If such a bucket is found, this swaps the two buckets by moving the
452 * entry to the empty bucket.
453 *
454 * Return: The bucket that was vacated by moving its entry to the provided hole, or NULL if no
455 *         entry could be moved.
456 */
457static struct bucket *move_empty_bucket(struct int_map *map __always_unused,
458					struct bucket *hole)
460	/*
461	 * Examine every neighborhood that the empty bucket is part of, starting with the one in
462	 * which it is the last bucket. No boundary check is needed for the negative array
463	 * arithmetic since this function is only called when hole is at least NEIGHBORHOOD cells
464	 * deeper into the array than a valid bucket.
465	 */
466	struct bucket *bucket;
468	for (bucket = &hole[1 - NEIGHBORHOOD]; bucket < hole; bucket++) {
469		/*
470		 * Find the entry that is nearest to the bucket, which means it will be nearest to
471		 * the hash bucket whose neighborhood is full.
472		 */
473		struct bucket *new_hole = dereference_hop(bucket, bucket->first_hop);
475		if (new_hole == NULL) {
476			/*
477			 * There are no buckets in this neighborhood that are in use by this one
478			 * (they must all be owned by overlapping neighborhoods).
479			 */
480			continue;
481		}
483		/*
484		 * Skip this bucket if its first entry is actually further away than the hole that
485		 * we're already trying to fill.
486		 */
487		if (hole < new_hole)
488			continue;
490		/*
491		 * We've found an entry in this neighborhood that we can "hop" further away, moving
492		 * the hole closer to the hash bucket, if not all the way into its neighborhood.
493		 */
495		/*
496		 * The entry that will be the new hole is the first bucket in the list, so setting
497		 * first_hop is all that's needed remove it from the list.
498		 */
499		bucket->first_hop = new_hole->next_hop;
500		new_hole->next_hop = NULL_HOP_OFFSET;
502		/* Move the entry into the original hole. */
503		hole->key = new_hole->key;
504		hole->value = new_hole->value;
505		new_hole->value = NULL;
507		/* Insert the filled hole into the hop list for the neighborhood. */
508		insert_in_hop_list(bucket, hole);
509		return new_hole;
510	}
512	/* We couldn't find an entry to relocate to the hole. */
513	return NULL;
517 * update_mapping() - Find and update any existing mapping for a given key, returning the value
518 *                    associated with the key in the provided pointer.
519 * @map: The int_map to attempt to modify.
520 * @neighborhood: The first bucket in the neighborhood that would contain the search key
521 * @key: The key with which to associate the new value.
522 * @new_value: The value to be associated with the key.
523 * @update: Whether to overwrite an existing value.
524 * @old_value_ptr: a pointer in which to store the old value (unmodified if no mapping was found)
525 *
526 * Return: true if the map contains a mapping for the key, false if it does not.
527 */
528static bool update_mapping(struct int_map *map, struct bucket *neighborhood,
529			   u64 key, void *new_value, bool update, void **old_value_ptr)
531	struct bucket *bucket = search_hop_list(map, neighborhood, key, NULL);
533	if (bucket == NULL) {
534		/* There is no bucket containing the key in the neighborhood. */
535		return false;
536	}
538	/*
539	 * Return the value of the current mapping (if desired) and update the mapping with the new
540	 * value (if desired).
541	 */
542	if (old_value_ptr != NULL)
543		*old_value_ptr = bucket->value;
544	if (update)
545		bucket->value = new_value;
546	return true;
550 * find_or_make_vacancy() - Find an empty bucket.
551 * @map: The int_map to search or modify.
552 * @neighborhood: The first bucket in the neighborhood in which an empty bucket is needed for a new
553 *                mapping.
554 *
555 * Find an empty bucket in a specified neighborhood for a new mapping or attempt to re-arrange
556 * mappings so there is such a bucket. This operation may fail (returning NULL) if an empty bucket
557 * is not available or could not be relocated to the neighborhood.
558 *
559 * Return: a pointer to an empty bucket in the desired neighborhood, or NULL if a vacancy could not
560 *         be found or arranged.
561 */
562static struct bucket *find_or_make_vacancy(struct int_map *map,
563					   struct bucket *neighborhood)
565	/* Probe within and beyond the neighborhood for the first empty bucket. */
566	struct bucket *hole = find_empty_bucket(map, neighborhood, MAX_PROBES);
568	/*
569	 * Keep trying until the empty bucket is in the bucket's neighborhood or we are unable to
570	 * move it any closer by swapping it with a filled bucket.
571	 */
572	while (hole != NULL) {
573		int distance = hole - neighborhood;
575		if (distance < NEIGHBORHOOD) {
576			/*
577			 * We've found or relocated an empty bucket close enough to the initial
578			 * hash bucket to be referenced by its hop vector.
579			 */
580			return hole;
581		}
583		/*
584		 * The nearest empty bucket isn't within the neighborhood that must contain the new
585		 * entry, so try to swap it with bucket that is closer.
586		 */
587		hole = move_empty_bucket(map, hole);
588	}
590	return NULL;
594 * vdo_int_map_put() - Try to associate a value with an integer.
595 * @map: The int_map to attempt to modify.
596 * @key: The key with which to associate the new value.
597 * @new_value: The value to be associated with the key.
598 * @update: Whether to overwrite an existing value.
599 * @old_value_ptr: A pointer in which to store either the old value (if the key was already mapped)
600 *                 or NULL if the map did not contain the key; NULL may be provided if the caller
601 *                 does not need to know the old value
602 *
603 * Try to associate a value (a pointer) with an integer in an int_map. If the map already contains
604 * a mapping for the provided key, the old value is only replaced with the specified value if
605 * update is true. In either case the old value is returned. If the map does not already contain a
606 * value for the specified key, the new value is added regardless of the value of update.
607 *
608 * Return: VDO_SUCCESS or an error code.
609 */
610int vdo_int_map_put(struct int_map *map, u64 key, void *new_value, bool update,
611		    void **old_value_ptr)
613	struct bucket *neighborhood, *bucket;
615	if (unlikely(new_value == NULL))
616		return -EINVAL;
618	/*
619	 * Select the bucket at the start of the neighborhood that must contain any entry for the
620	 * provided key.
621	 */
622	neighborhood = select_bucket(map, key);
624	/*
625	 * Check whether the neighborhood already contains an entry for the key, in which case we
626	 * optionally update it, returning the old value.
627	 */
628	if (update_mapping(map, neighborhood, key, new_value, update, old_value_ptr))
629		return VDO_SUCCESS;
631	/*
632	 * Find an empty bucket in the desired neighborhood for the new entry or re-arrange entries
633	 * in the map so there is such a bucket. This operation will usually succeed; the loop body
634	 * will only be executed on the rare occasions that we have to resize the map.
635	 */
636	while ((bucket = find_or_make_vacancy(map, neighborhood)) == NULL) {
637		int result;
639		/*
640		 * There is no empty bucket in which to put the new entry in the current map, so
641		 * we're forced to allocate a new bucket array with a larger capacity, re-hash all
642		 * the entries into those buckets, and try again (a very expensive operation for
643		 * large maps).
644		 */
645		result = resize_buckets(map);
646		if (result != VDO_SUCCESS)
647			return result;
649		/*
650		 * Resizing the map invalidates all pointers to buckets, so recalculate the
651		 * neighborhood pointer.
652		 */
653		neighborhood = select_bucket(map, key);
654	}
656	/* Put the new entry in the empty bucket, adding it to the neighborhood. */
657	bucket->key = key;
658	bucket->value = new_value;
659	insert_in_hop_list(neighborhood, bucket);
660	map->size += 1;
662	/* There was no existing entry, so there was no old value to be returned. */
663	if (old_value_ptr != NULL)
664		*old_value_ptr = NULL;
665	return VDO_SUCCESS;
669 * vdo_int_map_remove() - Remove the mapping for a given key from the int_map.
670 * @map: The int_map from which to remove the mapping.
671 * @key: The key whose mapping is to be removed.
672 *
673 * Return: the value that was associated with the key, or NULL if it was not mapped.
674 */
675void *vdo_int_map_remove(struct int_map *map, u64 key)
677	void *value;
679	/* Select the bucket to search and search it for an existing entry. */
680	struct bucket *bucket = select_bucket(map, key);
681	struct bucket *previous;
682	struct bucket *victim = search_hop_list(map, bucket, key, &previous);
684	if (victim == NULL) {
685		/* There is no matching entry to remove. */
686		return NULL;
687	}
689	/*
690	 * We found an entry to remove. Save the mapped value to return later and empty the bucket.
691	 */
692	map->size -= 1;
693	value = victim->value;
694	victim->value = NULL;
695	victim->key = 0;
697	/* The victim bucket is now empty, but it still needs to be spliced out of the hop list. */
698	if (previous == NULL) {
699		/* The victim is the head of the list, so swing first_hop. */
700		bucket->first_hop = victim->next_hop;
701	} else {
702		previous->next_hop = victim->next_hop;
703	}
705	victim->next_hop = NULL_HOP_OFFSET;
706	return value;