1Microchip PIC32 Quad SPI controller
3Required properties:
4- compatible: Should be "microchip,pic32mzda-sqi".
5- reg: Address and length of SQI controller register space.
6- interrupts: Should contain SQI interrupt.
7- clocks: Should contain phandle of two clocks in sequence, one that drives
8          clock on SPI bus and other that drives SQI controller.
9- clock-names: Should be "spi_ck" and "reg_ck" in order.
12	sqi1: spi@1f8e2000 {
13		compatible = "microchip,pic32mzda-sqi";
14		reg = <0x1f8e2000 0x200>;
15		clocks = <&rootclk REF2CLK>, <&rootclk PB5CLK>;
16		clock-names = "spi_ck", "reg_ck";
17		interrupts = <169 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
18	};