11	romanian	x-vnd.haiku-registrar	2599857937
2Cancel	ShutdownProcess		Anuleaz��
3OK	ShutdownProcess		OK
4Do you really want to shut down the system?	ShutdownProcess		Sigur dori��i s�� opri��i sistemul?
5Shutdown status	ShutdownProcess		Starea opririi
6Shut down	ShutdownProcess		Oprire
7The application \"%appName%\" might be blocked on a modal panel.	ShutdownProcess		Aplica��ia \���%appName%\��� ar putea fi blocat�� pe un panou modal.
8System is shut down	ShutdownProcess		Sistemul este oprit
9Restart system	ShutdownProcess		Reporne��te sistemul
10Application \"%appName%\" has aborted the shutdown process.	ShutdownProcess		Aplica��ia \���%appName%\��� a ��ntrerupt procesul de oprire.
11Asking background applications to quit.	ShutdownProcess		Se solicit�� aplica��iilor de fundal s�� se ��nchid��.
12Do you really want to restart the system?	ShutdownProcess		Sigur dori��i s�� reporni��i sistemul?
13Restart	ShutdownProcess		Reporne��te
14It's now safe to turn off the computer.	ShutdownProcess		Acum este sigur s�� opri��i calculatorul.
15Asking other processes to quit.	ShutdownProcess		Se solicit�� altor procese s�� se ��nchid��.
16Cancel shutdown	ShutdownProcess		Anuleaz�� oprirea
17Restarting���	ShutdownProcess		Se reporne��te���
18%action%?	ShutdownProcess		%action%?
19Tidying things up a bit.	ShutdownProcess		Se face un pic de ordine.
20Kill application	ShutdownProcess		Termin�� aplica��ia
21Shutdown aborted	ShutdownProcess		Oprire ��ntrerupt��
22Shutting down���	ShutdownProcess		Se opre��te���
23Asking \"%appName%\" to quit.	ShutdownProcess		Se solicit�� \���%appName%\��� s�� se ��nchid��.