11	czech	x-vnd.Haiku-StyledEdit	3760185556
2Document statistics	Statistics		Statistika dokumentu
3Cannot revert, file not found: \"%s\".	RevertToSavedAlert		Nemohu se vr��tit, soubor nenalezen: \"%s\".
4Cut	Menus		Vyst��ihnout
5Center	Menus		Na st��ed
6Increase size	Menus		Zv��t��it velikost
7Page setup���	Menus		Nastaven�� str��nky...
8Wrap-around search	FindandReplaceWindow		Vyhled��v��n�� zalomen��
9Untitled 	StyledEditWindow		Neozna��eno
10OK	Statistics		OK
11Find	FindandReplaceWindow		Naj��t
12New	Menus		Nov��
13Document	Menus		Dokument
14Search backwards	FindandReplaceWindow		Hledat zp��tn��
15Find again	Menus		Naj��t dal����
16Read-only	StatusView		Pouze pro ��ten��
17Save	Menus		Ulo��it
18Cancel	QuitAlert		Zru��it
19Copy	Menus		Kop��rovat
20Reload	NodeMonitorAlerts		Obnovit
21line %d, column %d	StatusView		����dek %d, sloupec %d
22Words:	Statistics		Slova:
23???	LoadAlert		???
24Recover	NodeMonitorAlerts		Obnovit
25Error saving \"%s\":\n%s	SaveAlert		Chyba p��i ukl��d��n�� \"%s\":\n%s
26OK	RevertToSavedAlert		OK
27Unlock file	StatusView		Odemknout soubor
28Italic	Menus		Kurz��va
29Can't undo	Menus		Nelze vr��tit zp��t
30Replace���	Menus		Nahradit...
31File	Menus		Soubor
32Paste	Menus		Vlo��it
33Bold	Menus		Tu��n��
34File \"%file%\" was modified by another application, reload it?	NodeMonitorAlerts		Soubor \"%file%\" zm��nila jin�� aplikace. Chcete ho znovu na����st?
35File \"%file%\" was removed by another application, recover it?	NodeMonitorAlerts		Soubor \"%file%\" odstranila jin�� aplikace. Chcete ho obnovit?
36Lines:	Statistics		����dky:
37Replace in all windows	FindandReplaceWindow		Nahradit ve v��ech oknech
38\"%s\" has unsaved changes.\nRevert it to the last saved version? 	RevertToSavedAlert		\"%s\" m�� neulo��en�� zm��ny.\nChcete vr��tit zp��t jeho posledn�� ulo��enou verzi? 
39Save	SaveAlert		Ulo��it
40Default	Open_and_SaveAsPanel		P��vodn��
41Cancel	RevertToSavedAlert		Zru��it
42Cancel	FindandReplaceWindow		Zru��it
43Statistics���	Menus		Statistika...
44Encoding	Open_and_SaveAsPanel		K��dov��n��
45Replace all	FindandReplaceWindow		Nahradit v��e
46Close	Menus		Zav����t
47Error loading \"%s\":\n\tUnsupported format	LoadAlert		Chyba p��i na����t��n�� \"%s\":\n\tNepodporovan�� form��t
48Left	Menus		Vlevo
49Default	Menus		P��vodn��
50OK	SaveAlert		OK
51Color	Menus		Barva
52Save changes to the document \"%s\"? 	QuitAlert		Ulo��it zm��ny do dokumentu \"%s\"?
53StyledEdit	System name		Stylizovan�� editor
54Underline	Menus		Podtr��en��
55Find:	FindandReplaceWindow		Naj��t:
56Undo typing	QuitAlert		Zp��t psan��
57Error loading \"%s\":\n\t%s	LoadAlert		Chyba p��i nahr��v��n�� \"%s\":\n\t%s
58Don't save	SaveAlert		Neukl��dat
59Reload���	Menus		Znovu na����st...
60Print���	Menus		Tisk...
61Quit	Menus		Ukon��it
62Redo typing	QuitAlert		Znovu psan��
63Ignore	NodeMonitorAlerts		Ignorovat
64Wrap lines	Menus		Zlom ����dk��
65Text encoding	Menus		K��dov��n�� textu
66Unable to unlock file\n\t%s	QuitAlert		Nebylo mo��n�� odemknout soubor\n\t%s
67Modified	StatusView		Zm��n��n��
68OK	LoadAlert		OK
69Save	QuitAlert		Ulo��it
70Case-sensitive	FindandReplaceWindow		Citliv�� na velikost p��smen
71Find selection	Menus		Najdi v��b��r
72Find���	Menus		Naj��t...
73Cancel	SaveAlert		Zru��it
74Revert	RevertToSavedAlert		Vr��tit zp��t
75Size	Menus		Velikost
76Decrease size	Menus		Zmen��it velikost
77Autodetect	Menus		Zjistit automaticky
78Replace next	Menus		Nahradit dal����
79OK	QuitAlert		OK
80Edit	Menus		Editovat
81Replace with:	FindandReplaceWindow		Nahradit:
82Open���	Menus		Otev����t...
83Save as���	Menus		Ulo��it jako...
84Replace	FindandReplaceWindow		Nahradit
85Characters:	Statistics		Znaky:
86Don't save	QuitAlert		Neukl��dat
87This file is marked read-only. Save changes to the document \"%s\"? 	SaveAlert		Tento soubor je ozna��en�� jen pro ��ten��. Ulo��it zm��ny v dokumentu \"%s\"? 
88Font	Menus		P��smo
89Align	Menus		Zarovn��n��
90Select all	Menus		Vybrat v��e
91Right	Menus		Vpravo