11	romanian	x-vnd.Haiku-ReadOnlyBootPrompt	2544294242
2Custom	BootPromptWindow		Personalizat
3Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n	BootPromptWindow	For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at <www.haiku-os.org>.\"	V�� mul��umim c�� a��i ��ncercat Haiku! Sper��m c�� o s�� v�� plac��!\n\nPute��i s�� selecta��i limba preferat�� ��i aranjamentul de tastatur�� din lista din st��nga care vor fi apoi utilizate automat. Pute��i s�� schimba��i u��or mai t��rziu cele dou�� configur��ri de pe Desktop.\n\nDori��i s�� rula��i Programul de instalare sau continua��i s�� porni��i sistemul?\nNot��: Localizarea aplica��iilor Haiku ��i a altor componente este un efort sus��inut. Ve��i ��nt��lni frecvent ��iruri netraduse, dar dac�� dori��i, pute��i s�� v�� implica��i ��n munc�� la <www.haiku-os.org>
4Desktop (Live-CD)	BootPromptWindow		Birou (Live-CD)
5Language	BootPromptWindow		Limbaj
6Welcome to Haiku!	BootPromptWindow		Bun venit ��n Haiku!
7Run Installer	BootPromptWindow		Ruleaz�� Instalator
8Keymap	BootPromptWindow		Hart�� de taste