11	swedish	x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker	2580969822
2common	B_COMMON_DIRECTORY		gemensam
3OK	WidgetAttributeText		OK
4Icon view	VolumeWindow		Ikonvy
5Add-ons	FilePanelPriv		Till��gg
6Desktop	Model		Skrivbord
7Identify	ContainerWindow		Identifiera
8Warning space color	SettingsView		F��rg f��r utrymmesvarning
9Close	VolumeWindow		St��ng
10Open	OpenWithWindow		��ppna
11Tracker status	StatusWindow		Trackerstatus
12Eject when unmounting	AutoMounterSettings		Mata ut vid avmontering
13Window	ContainerWindow		F��nster
14Decrease size	ContainerWindow		Minska storleken
15Mini icon view	VolumeWindow		Mini ikonvy
16You must have at least one attribute showing.	PoseView		Du m��ste ha minst ett attribut synligt.
17Permissions	InfoWindow		Beh��righeter
18128 x 128	DeskWindow		128 x 128
19Invert selection	VolumeWindow		Invertera markering
20128 x 128	ContainerWindow		128 x 128
21Recent documents	FavoritesMenu		Senaste dokumenten
22Modified	QueryPoseView		Modifierad
23Created	ContainerWindow		Skapad
24Error %error loading add-On %name.	ContainerWindow		Fel %error vid laddning av Till��gg %name.
25If you %ifYouDoAction the settings folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?	FSUtils		Om du %ifYouDoAction inst��llnings foldern, %osName kommer kanske inte att fungera som den ska!\n \n ��r du s��ker p�� att du vill g��ra detta?
26contains	SelectionWindow		inneh��ller
27Sorry, you can't save things at the root of your system.	FilePanelPriv		Du kan inte spara i roten p�� filsystemet.
28Show shared volumes on Desktop	SettingsView		Visa delade volymer p�� Skrivbordet
29Paste links	ContainerWindow		Klistra in l��nkar
30Name	OpenWithWindow		Namn
31Could not open \"%document\" because application \"%app\" is in the Trash. 	FSUtils		Kunde inte ��ppna "%document" f��r att programmet "%app" ligger i Papperskorgen.
32File	ContainerWindow		Arkiv
33Handles any %type	OpenWithWindow		Hanterar valfri %type
34Delete	ContainerWindow		Ta bort
3532 x 32	ContainerWindow		32 x 32
36Cannot unmount the boot volume \"%name\".	FSUtils		Kan inte avmontera startvolymen "%name".
37Open with���	ContainerWindow		��ppna med...
38Write	FilePermissionsView		Skriv
39for %num files	InfoWindow		f��r %num filer
40Modified	PoseView		Modifierad
41Make active printer	ContainerWindow		G��r till aktiv skrivare
42Create link here	ContainerWindow		Skapa l��nk h��r
43Moving: 	StatusWindow		Flyttar:
44before	FindPanel		f��re
45Error emptying Trash	FSUtils		Ett fel uppstod n��r Papperskorgen skulle t��mmas
46On	FindPanel		P��
47MiB	WidgetAttributeText		MiB
48greater than	FindPanel		st��rre ��n
49Delete	PoseView		Ta bort
50Select all	ContainerWindow		Markera allt
51Sorry, the 'Character' attribute cannot store a multi-byte glyph.	WidgetAttributeText		Ledsen, attributet 'Character' kan inte spara ett multibyte tecken.
52Clean up	DeskWindow		Rada upp
53You cannot copy or move the root directory.	FSUtils		Du kan inte kopiera eller flytta root-mappen.
54%SizeProcessed of %TotalSize, %BytesPerSecond/s	StatusWindow		%SizeProcessed av %TotalSize, %BytesPerSecond/s
55Invert selection	FilePanelPriv		Invertera markering
56Rename	InfoWindow	Button label, 'Rename' (en), 'Umbenennen' (de)	D��p om
57save text	FilePanelPriv		spara text
58Select all	FilePanelPriv		V��lj allt
59Link to:	InfoWindow		L��nka till:
60Location	ContainerWindow		Plats
61Location	QueryPoseView		Plats
62config	B_USER_CONFIG_DIRECTORY		inst��llningar
63apps	B_APPS_DIRECTORY		program
64Icon view	ContainerWindow		Ikonvy
65Size	QueryPoseView		Storlek
66Emptying Trash��� 	StatusWindow		T��mmer Papperskorgen...
67Tracker New Templates	B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY/Tracker/Tracker New Templates		Tracker Nya Mallar
68Close all in workspace	ContainerWindow		St��ng allt i arbetsytan
69Empty Trash	ContainerWindow		T��m Papperskorgen
70Name = %name	FindPanel	FindResultTitle	Namn = %name
71Are you sure you want to move or copy the selected item(s) to this folder?	PoseView		��r du s��ker p�� att du vill flytta eller kopiera dom valda objekt(en) till denna mapp?
72Does not handle file	OpenWithWindow		Hanterar inte fil
73Arrange by	ContainerWindow		Sortera efter
74Mount server error	AutoMounterSettings		Monteringsfel
75Search	FindPanel		S��k
76Preparing to empty Trash���	StatusWindow		F��rbereder inf��r t��mning av Papperskorgen...
77Disks	Model		Volymer
78Create link	ContainerWindow		Skapa l��nk
79develop	B_COMMON_DEVELOP_DIRECTORY		utvecklare
80Decrease size	DeskWindow		Minska storleken
81Size	ContainerWindow		Storlek
82All disks	AutoMounterSettings		Alla diskar
83Would you like to find some other suitable application?	FSUtils		Vill du s��ka efter ett annat program?
84Ask before deleting for good	SettingsView		Fr��ga innan det tasbort permanent
85Finish: %time - %finishtime left	StatusWindow		Klar: %time - %finishtime kvar
86Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (Missing libraries: %library). \n	FSUtils		Kunde inte ��ppna "%document" med programmet "%app" (Saknar bibliotek: %library). \n
87no items	CountView		inga objekt
88Ignore case	SelectionWindow		Ignorera skiftesl��ge
89is not	FindPanel		��r inte
90OK	AutoMounterSettings		OK
91Windows	TrackerSettingsWindow		F��nster
92Tracker preferences	TrackerSettingsWindow		Trackerinst��llningar
93Cut	FilePanelPriv		Klipp ut
94Replace	FilePanelPriv		Ers��tt
95Select all	VolumeWindow		Markera allt
96Opens with:	InfoWindow		��ppnas med:
97If you %ifYouDoAction the mime settings, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?	FSUtils		Om du %ifYouDoAction mime inst��llningarna, %osName kommer kanske inte att fungera som den ska!\n \n ��r du s��ker p�� att du vill g��ra detta?
98Open	ContainerWindow		��ppna
9996 x 96	DeskWindow		96 x 96
100Error calculating folder size.	InfoWindow		Ett fel uppstod vid ber��kningen av mappens storlek.
101New folder	FilePanelPriv		Ny mapp
102%name info	InfoWindow	InfoWindow Title	%name information
103Favorites	FavoritesMenu		Favoriter
104Add-ons	VolumeWindow		Till��gg
105Move deleted files to Trash first	SettingsView		Flytta borttagna filer till papperskorgen f��rst
106Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash.	PoseView		Du kan inte kopiera filer till Papperskorgen.
107List view	VolumeWindow		Listvy
108matches wildcard expression	SelectionWindow		matchar jokeruttryck
109rename	TextWidget	As in 'if you rename this folder...' (en) 'Wird dieser Ordner umbenannt...' (de)	byt namn
110You cannot replace a folder or a symbolic link with a file.	FSUtils		Du kan inte ers��tta en mapp eller en mjuk l��nk med en fil.
111Show space bars on volumes	SettingsView		Visa ledigt utrymme p�� volymer
112Invert selection	ContainerWindow		Invertera markering
113Increase size	DeskWindow		��ka storleken
114Resize to fit	ContainerWindow		Anpassa storleken
115%Ld bytes	WidgetAttributeText		%Ld byte
116Add printer���	ContainerWindow		L��gg till skrivare...
117Open	VolumeWindow		��ppna
118New folder	ContainerWindow		Ny mapp
119Kind	ContainerWindow		Sort
120rename	TextWidget	As in 'to rename this folder...' (en) 'Um diesen Ordner umzubenennen...' (de)	byt namn
121home	B_USER_DIRECTORY		hem
122Select���	ContainerWindow		Markera...
123Copy to	ContainerWindow		Kopiera till
124Move to Trash	ContainerWindow		Flytta till Papperskorgen
125Move to	ContainerWindow		Flytta till
126Create %s clipping	PoseView		Skapa %s f��rkortning
127Set new link target	InfoWindow		Ange nytt l��nkm��l
128If you %ifYouDoAction the system folder or its contents, you won't be able to boot %osName!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo %toDoAction the system folder or its contents anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"%toConfirmAction\".	FSUtils		Om du %ifYouDoAction system foldern eller dess inneh��ll, kommer du inte att kunna boot:a %osName!\n \n ��r du s��ker p�� att du vill g��ra detta?\n\nF��r att %toDoAction system foldern eller dess inneh��ll i alla fall,  h��ll nere Shift och klicka  \"%toConfirmAction\".
129Save as Query template:	FindPanel		Spara som S��kmall:
130preferences	B_PREFERENCES_DIRECTORY		inst��llningar
131Cancel	FSUtils		Avbryt
132move	FSUtils	As in 'to move this folder...' (en) Um diesen Ordner zu verschieben...' (de)	flytta
133Edit name	ContainerWindow		��ndra namn
134Show volumes on Desktop	SettingsView		Visa volymer p�� Skrivbordet
135KiB	WidgetAttributeText		KiB
136Error %error loading Add-On %name.	ContainerWindow		Fel %error vid laddning av Till��gg %name.
137Defaults	TrackerSettingsWindow		F��rval
138%num items	CountView		%num objekt
139Mini icon view	ContainerWindow		Mini ikonvy
140Clean up	VolumeWindow		Rada upp
141OK	TrackerInitialState		OK
142Could not open \"%name\". The file is mistakenly marked as executable. 	FSUtils		Kunde inte ��ppna "%name". Filen ��r av misstag markerad som exekverbar.
143Add-ons	ContainerWindow		Till��gg
144Edit templates���	TemplatesMenu		Redigera mallar...
145Finish: %time - Over %finishtime left	StatusWindow		Klar: %time - ��ver %finishtime kvar
146An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating?	FSUtils		Ett objekt med namnet "%name" finns redan i denna katalog. Vill du ers��tta det med den symboliska l��nken du skapar?
147Sorry, there is not enough free space on the destination volume to copy the selection.	FSUtils		Det finns inte tillr��ckligt ledig minne p�� destinationsdisken f��r att kopiera markeringen.
148Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (%error). 	FSUtils		Kunde inte ��ppna "%document" med programmet "%app" (%error).
149Sorry, saving more than one item is not allowed.	FilePanelPriv		Ledsen, att spara mer ��n ett objekt ��r inte till��tet.
150Searching for disks to mount���	StatusWindow		Letar efter diskar f��r montering...
151New folder	FSUtils		Ny mapp
152If you %ifYouDoAction the common folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo %toDoAction the common folder anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"%toConfirmAction\".	FSUtils		Om du %ifYouDoAction common foldern, %osName kommer kanske inte att fungera som den ska!\n \n ��r du s��ker p�� att du vill g��ra detta?\n\nF��r att %toDoAction common foldern ��nd��, h��ll nere Shift och klicka \"%toConfirmAction\".
153Free space color	SettingsView		F��rg f��r ledigt utrymme
154Cut	ContainerWindow		Klipp ut
155Remove	FindPanel		Ta bort
156Resize to fit	QueryContainerWindow		Anpassa
157Desktop	TrackerSettingsWindow		Skrivbord
158Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash.	FSClipBoard		Du kan inte kopiera saker till Papperskorgen.
159by attribute	FindPanel		via attribut
160Disk mounting during boot	AutoMounterSettings		Diskmontering under uppstart
161New Query	FindPanel		Ny fr��ga
162Preparing to move items���	StatusWindow		F��rbereder flytt av objekt...
163You cannot replace a file with a folder or a symbolic link.	FSUtils		Du kan inte ers��tta en fil med en mapp eller en symbolisk l��nk.
164Unmount	InfoWindow		Avmontera
165no supporting apps	OpenWithWindow		program saknas
166That name is already taken. Please type another one.	InfoWindow		Namnet ��r redan upptaget. Var god v��lj ett annat.
167Sorry, you can't create links in the Trash.	PoseView		Du kan inte skapa l��nkar i Papperskorgen.
168An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder, and may contain\nitems with the same names. Would you like to replace them with those contained in the folder you are %verb?	FSUtils		Ett objekt "%name" finns redan i katalogen och kan inneh��lla\nobjekt med samma namn. Vill du byta dem med de objekt i katalogen du %verb?
169Link \"%name\" to:	InfoWindow	File dialog title for new sym link	L��nka "%namn" till:
170Mount settings���	VolumeWindow		Monteringsinst��llningar...
171Select���	VolumeWindow		V��lj...
172All disks	FindPanel		Alla diskar
173Revert	TrackerSettingsWindow		��terst��ll
174Invert selection	QueryContainerWindow		Invertera markering
175Execute	FilePermissionsView		K��r
176Size	FindPanel		Storlek
1771 item	CountView		1 objekt
178Open parent	ContainerWindow		��ppna f��r��lder
179Location:	InfoWindow		Plats:
180Edit favorites���	FilePanelPriv		Redigera favoriter...
181Create relative link	ContainerWindow		Skapa relativ l��nk
182Copy	ContainerWindow		Kopiera
183Size	PoseView		Storlek
184Location	OpenWithWindow		Plats
185Force identify	ContainerWindow		Tvinga identifiering
186Duplicate	ContainerWindow		Duplicera
187New folder%ld	FSUtils		Ny mapp%ld
188Outline selection rectangle only	SettingsView		Enbart konturmarkering
189Select all	DeskWindow		Markera alla
190OK	InfoWindow		OK
191Replace	FSUtils		Ers��tt
192You are trying to replace the item:\n\t%name%dest\nwith:\n\t%name%src\n\nWould you like to replace it with the one you are %movemode?	FSUtils		Du f��rs��ker ers��tta objektet:\n\t%name%dest\nmed\n\t%name%src\n\nVill du ers��tta den med den som du %movemode?
193Mini icon view	DeskWindow		Mini ikonvy
194Error in regular expression:\n\n'%errstring'	PoseView		Fel i regulj��rt uttryck:\n\n'%errstring'
195Mount all	MountMenu		Montera alla
196calculating���	InfoWindow		ber��knar...
197Unmount	VolumeWindow		Avmontera
198Edit name	VolumeWindow		Redigera namn
199Mount all disks now	AutoMounterSettings		Montera alla diskar nu
200Untitled bitmap	PoseView		Od��pt bitmapp
201of %items	StatusWindow		av %items
202Description:	InfoWindow		Beskrivning:
203New	DeskWindow		Ny
204Open	InfoWindow		��ppna
20564 x 64	ContainerWindow		64 x 64
206Replace all	FSUtils		Ers��tt alla
207Preparing to restore items���	StatusWindow		F��rbereder ��terst��llning av objekt...
208Replace other file	WidgetAttributeText		Ers��tt annan fil
209Some of the selected items cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete them instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.)	PoseView		Vissa av de markerade objekten kan inte flyttas till Papperskorgen. Vill du ta bort dem ist��llet? (Denna operation kan inte ��ngras.)
210You cannot create a link to the root directory.	FSUtils		Du kan inte skapa en l��nk till rotkatalogen.
21148 x 48	ContainerWindow		48 x 48
212Resize to fit	VolumeWindow		Skala till passform
213Could not find application \"%appname\"	OpenWithWindow		Kunde inte hitta programmet "%appname"
214The selected item cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete it instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.)	PoseView		Det markerade objektet kan inte flyttas till Papperskorgen. Vill du ta bort den ist��llet? (Denna operation kan inte ��ngras.)
215Invert	SelectionWindow		Invertera
216Save Query as template���	FindPanel		Spara s��kning som mall...
217rename	InfoWindow	As in 'if you rename this folder...' (en) 'Wird dieser Ordner umbenannt...' (de)	byt namn
218Find	FindPanel		S��k
219Move	FSUtils	Button label, 'Move' (en), 'Verschieben' (de)	Flytta
220Get info	ContainerWindow		Visa information
221Error creating link to \"%name\".	FSUtils		Fel vid skapande av l��nk till "%name".
222Select	SelectionWindow		Markera
223Or	FindPanel		Eller
224The Tracker must be running to see set the default printer.	PoseView		Tracker m��ste k��ras f��r att se standardskrivaren.
225by formula	FindPanel		med formel
22640 x 40	DeskWindow		40 x 40
227Name	PoseView		Namn
228Group	FilePermissionsView		Grupp
229Version:	InfoWindow		Version:
230Created:	InfoWindow		Skapad:
231\nShould this be fixed?	FSUtils		\nSka detta ��tg��rdas?
232Copying: 	StatusWindow		Kopierar:
233Capacity:	InfoWindow		Kapacitet:
234Delete	FilePanelPriv		Ta bort
235Save	FindPanel		Spara
236copy	FSUtils	filename copy	kopia
237Temporary	FindPanel		Tillf��llig
238Version	OpenWithWindow		Version
239Default application	InfoWindow		F��rvalt program
240Preparing to copy items���	StatusWindow		F��rbereder kopiering av objekt...
241Show folder location in title tab	SettingsView		Visa katalogplats i f��nsterfliken
242Proceed	FSUtils		Forts��tt
243Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one?	FSUtils		Vissa objekt finns redan i denna katalog med samma namn som de objekt du %verb.\n\nVill du ers��tta dem med de du %verb eller bli tillfr��gad f��r var och en?
244The mount server could not be contacted.	AutoMounterSettings		Monteringsservern kunde inte n��s.
245Error deleting items	FSUtils		Fel vid borttagning av objekt
246Create relative link here	ContainerWindow		Skapa relativ l��nk h��r
247trash	B_TRASH_DIRECTORY		papperskorg
248matches regular expression	SelectionWindow		matchar regulj��rt uttryck
249Mount settings���	SettingsView		Monterings inst��llningar...
250Edit name	InfoWindow		Redigera namn
251Could not open \"%name\" (%error). 	FSUtils		Kunde inte ��ppna "%name" (%error).
252Paste	ContainerWindow		Klistra in
253optional	/boot/optional		valfri
254Modified:	InfoWindow		Modifierad:
255Error moving \"%name\".	FSUtils		Fel vid flytt av "%name".
256TiB	WidgetAttributeText		TiB
25740 x 40	ContainerWindow		40 x 40
258The file \"%name\" already exists in the specified folder. Do you want to replace it?	FilePanelPriv		Filen "%name" finns redan i den valda katalogen. Vill du ers��tta den?
259Cancel	ContainerWindow		Avbryt
260Only the boot disk	AutoMounterSettings		Bara uppstartsdisken
261Trash	TrackerSettingsWindow		Papperskorgen
262If you %ifYouDoAction the config folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?	FSUtils		Om du %ifYouDoAction config foldern, %osName kommer kanske inte att fungera som den ska!\n \n ��r du s��ker p�� att du vill g��ra detta?
263Unmount	ContainerWindow		Avmontera
264Copy layout	ContainerWindow		Kopiera layout
265label too long	PoseView		etiketten ��r f��r l��ng
266Finish: %time	StatusWindow		Slutf��rd: %time
267Cancel	Tracker		Avbryt
268Sorry, you cannot edit that attribute.	WidgetAttributeText		Du kan inte redigera det attributet.
269Name	ContainerWindow		Namn
270Disk mount settings	AutoMounterSettings		Diskmonteringsinst��llningar
271Reverse order	ContainerWindow		Omv��nd ordning
27248 x 48	DeskWindow		48 x 48
273OK	OpenWithWindow		OK
274Add current folder	FilePanelPriv		L��gg till nuvarande katalog
275Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (Missing symbol: %symbol). \n	FSUtils		Kunde inte ��ppna "%document" med programmet "%app" (Saknar symbol: %symbol). \n
276The target disk does not support creating links.	FSUtils		M��lvolymen st��djer inte skapande av l��nkar.
277starts with	SelectionWindow		b��rjar med
278Preparing to delete items���	StatusWindow		F��rbereder bortagning av objekt...
279Enable type-ahead filtering	SettingsView		Markera filer som matchar tangentsekvens
280Would you like to find a suitable application to open the file?	FSUtils		Vill du hitta ett passande program att ��ppna filen med?
281There was an error writing the attribute.	WidgetAttributeText		Fel intr��ffade vid skrivning av attribut.
282Recalculate folder size	InfoWindow		Ber��kna katalogstorlek
283Unknown	WidgetAttributeText		Ok��nd
284Could not open \"%document\" (Missing symbol: %symbol). \n	FSUtils		Kunde inte ��ppna "%dokument" (Saknar symbol: %symbol). \n
285by name	FindPanel		genom namn
286Creating links: 	StatusWindow		Skapar l��nkar:
287Rename	TextWidget	Button label, 'Rename' (en), 'Umbenennen' (de)	Byt namn
288Paused: click to resume or stop	StatusWindow		Pausad: Klicka f��r att forts��tta eller stanna
289Preferred for %type	OpenWithWindow		F��redras f��r %type
290GiB	WidgetAttributeText		GiB
291There was an error deleting \"%name\":\n\t%error	FSUtils		Det uppstod ett fel vid borttagning av "%name":\n\t%error
292Paste	FilePanelPriv		Klistra in
293Copy more	ContainerWindow		Kopiera fler
294OK	PoseView		OK
295Read	FilePermissionsView		L��sa
296Clean up all	ContainerWindow		Sortera om
297New folder	TemplatesMenu		Ny mapp
298Move here	ContainerWindow		Flytta hit
299File	FilePanelPriv		Arkiv
300Real name	ContainerWindow		Verkligt namn
301Error moving \"%name\"	FSUtils		Fel vid flyttande av "%name"
302You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window.	FSClipBoard		Du m��ste sl��ppa objektet p�� en av diskikonerna i f��nstret Volymer.
303Cancel	WidgetAttributeText		Avbryt
304Could not find an application to open \"%name\" (%error). 	FSUtils		Kunde inte hitta ett program som ��ppnar "%name" (%error).
305Create a Query template	FindPanel		Skapa en s��kmall
306Previously mounted disks	AutoMounterSettings		Tidigare monterade volymer
307%Ld B	WidgetAttributeText		%Ld B
308copying	FSUtils		kopierar
309Error copying folder \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nWould you like to continue?	FSUtils		Fel vid kopiering av katalogen "%name":\n\t%error\n\nVill du forts��tta?
310move	FSUtils	As in 'if you move this folder...' (en) 'Wird dieser Ordner verschoben...' (de)	flytta
311Show Disks icon	SettingsView		Visa ikonen Volymer
312Mount	VolumeWindow		Montera
313Cancel	PoseView		Avbryt
314\n\t(%Ld bytes, 	FSUtils		\n\t(%Ld byte,
315You can't move or copy items to read-only volumes.	FSUtils		Du kan inte flytta eller kopiera saker till skrivskyddade volymer.
316Unknown	FilePermissionsView		Ok��nd
317All files and folders	FindPanel		Alla filer och mappar
318Could not open \"%document\" (Missing libraries: %library). \n	FSUtils		Kunde inte ��ppna "%document" (Saknar bibliotek: %library). \n
319The Tracker must be running to see Info windows.	PoseView		Tracker m��ste k��ras f��r att se Infof��nster.
320Other	FilePermissionsView		Annan
321Query name:	FindPanel		S��kningsnamn:
322Permissions	ContainerWindow		Beh��righeter
32396 x 96	ContainerWindow		96 x 96
324moving	FSUtils		flyttar
325Identify	InfoWindow		Identifiera
326Recent folders	ContainerWindow		Senaste mapparna
327rename	InfoWindow	As in 'to rename this folder...' (en) 'Um diesen Ordner umzubenennen...' (de)	byt namn
328Close all	ContainerWindow		St��ng alla
329Include trash	FindPanel		Inkludera papperskorg
330Query template	FindPanel		S��kmall
331Open %name with:	OpenWithWindow		��ppna %name med:
332Empty folder	NavMenu		Tom mapp
333Copy here	ContainerWindow		Kopiera hit
334Move to Trash	FilePanelPriv		Flytta till papperskorg
335Current folder	ContainerWindow		Nuvarande mapp
336The specified name is already used as the name of a folder. Please choose another name.	FilePanelPriv		Det valda namnet anv��nds redan som namnet p�� katalogen. Var god v��lj ett annat namn.
337Clean up	ContainerWindow		Rada upp
338after	FindPanel		efter
339Select���	QueryContainerWindow		Markera...
340link	FSUtils	filename link	l��nk
341At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error	TrackerInitialState		I %func \nfind_directory() misslyckades. \nOrsak: %error
342The specified name is illegal. Please choose another name.	FilePanelPriv		Det valda namnet ��r otill��tet. Var god v��lj ett annat namn.
343You can't move a folder into itself or any of its own sub-folders.	FSUtils		Du kan inte flytta mappen till sig sj��lv eller n��gon annan av sina undermappar.
344List view	ContainerWindow		Listvy
345Handles any file	OpenWithWindow		Hanterar alla filtyper
346Get info	FilePanelPriv		F�� info
34732 x 32	DeskWindow		32 x 32
348Cancel	FilePanelPriv		Avbryt
349The application \"%appname\" does not support the type of document you are about to open.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?\n\nIf you know that the application supports the document type, you should contact the publisher of the application and ask them to update their application to list the type of your document as supported.	OpenWithWindow		Applikationen \"%appname\" supporterar inte denna typ av document du f��rs��ker att ��ppna.\n ��r du s��ker p�� att du vill forts��tta?\n \n Om du vet att applikationen supporterar denna dokument typ, borde du kontakta ��garen av applikationen och fr��ga efter uppdaterad version som st��djer dokumentet du vill ��ppna.
350Disks	DirMenu		Diskar
351New folder %ld	FSUtils		Ny mapp %ld
352All BeOS disks	AutoMounterSettings		Alla BeOS volymer
353Used space color	SettingsView		F��rg f��r diskanv��ndning
354Sorry, could not create a new folder.	FSUtils		Kan inte skapa en ny mapp.
355multiple disks	FindPanel		flera diskar
356Done	AutoMounterSettings		Klar
357You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window.	PoseView		Du m��ste sl��ppa objekt(en) p�� en av diskikonerna i "Volymer"-f��nstret.
358Untitled clipping	PoseView		Namnl��st urklipp
359Don't automount	AutoMounterSettings		Automontera inte
360Save	FilePanelPriv		Spara
361To: %dir	StatusWindow		Till: %dir
362Window	FilePanelPriv		F��nster
363Find���	VolumeWindow		S��k...
364Edit name	FilePanelPriv		��ndra namn
365Size:	InfoWindow		Storlek:
366Empty folder	SlowContextPopup		Tom mapp
367Open selection with:	OpenWithWindow		��ppna markering med:
368(%bytes bytes)	InfoWindow		(%bytes byte)
369Preparing to create links���	StatusWindow		F��rbereder skapande av l��nkar...
370Show navigator	SettingsView		Visa navigerare
371Desktop	B_DESKTOP_DIRECTORY		Skrivbord
372List folders first	SettingsView		Visa mappar f��rst
373Get info	VolumeWindow		Visa info
374Name	SelectionWindow		Namn
375Trash	Model		Papperskorg
376Favorites	FilePanelPriv		Favoriter
377Name	QueryPoseView		Namn
378Delete	FSUtils		Ta bort
379Modified	FindPanel		Modifierad
380Error moving \"%name\" to Trash. (%error)	FSUtils		Fel vid flytt av "%name" till Papperskorgen. (%error)
381You can't replace a folder with one of its sub-folders.	FSUtils		Du kan inte ers��tta en katalog med en av dess underkataloger.
382<No recent items>	FavoritesMenu		<Inga tidigare objekt>
383Preferences���	ContainerWindow		Inst��llningar���
384Move	PoseView		Flytta
385Open and make preferred	OpenWithWindow		��ppna och g��r till f��rval
386Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)? This operation cannot be reverted.	FSUtils		��r du s��ker p�� att du vill radera de valda objekten? Denna operation kan inte ��ngras.
387If you %ifYouDoAction the home folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo %toDoAction the home folder anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"%toConfirmAction\".	FSUtils		Om du %ifYouDoAction home foldern, %osName kommer kanske inte att fungera som den ska!\n \n ��r du s��ker p�� att du vill g��ra detta?\n\nF��r att %toDoAction home foldern ��nd��, h��ll nere Shift och klicka \"%toConfirmAction\".
388Add-ons	DeskWindow		Till��gg
389Name	FindPanel		Namn
390And	FindPanel		Och
391Select���	DeskWindow		Markera...
392Copy	FilePanelPriv		Kopiera
393Icon view	DeskWindow		Ikonvy
394Select all	QueryContainerWindow		Markera allt
395Files cannot be moved or deleted from a read-only volume.	PoseView		Filer kan inte flyttas eller tas bort fr��n en volym som endast ��r l��sbar.
396There was a problem trying to replace \"%name\". The item might be open or busy.	FSUtils		Kunde inte ers��tta "%name". Filen kan vara ��ppen eller upptaget.
397You cannot put the Trash, home or Desktop directory into the trash.	FSUtils		Du kan inte flytta Papperskorgen, din hemkatalog eller Skrivbord till Papperskorgen.
398Owner	FilePermissionsView		��gare
399There was a problem trying to save in the folder you specified. Please try another one.	FilePanelPriv		Det gick inte att spara i mappen. V��nligen prova en annan mapp.
400Restore	ContainerWindow		��terst��ll
401Restoring: 	StatusWindow		��terst��ller:
402system	B_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY		system
403Skip	FSUtils		Hoppa ��ver
404Settings���	MountMenu		Inst��llningar...
405Recent folders	FavoritesMenu		Senaste mapparna
406Close	ContainerWindow		St��ng
407Preferred for file	OpenWithWindow		F��redras f��r fil
408Go to parent	FilePanelPriv		G�� till f��r��lder
409Cancel	OpenWithWindow		Avbryt
410That name is too long. Please type another one.	InfoWindow		Namnet ��r f��r l��ngt. Var god v��lj ett annat.
411OK	FSUtils		OK
412Paste layout	ContainerWindow		Klistra in layout
413Select	InfoWindow		Markera
414Could not update permissions of file \"%name\". %error	FSUtils		Kunde inte uppdatera r��ttigheterna i filen "%name". %error
415Select���	FilePanelPriv		Markera...
416There was an error resolving the link.	Tracker		Det uppstod ett fel vid uppslag av l��nk.
417%BytesPerSecond/s	StatusWindow		%BytesPerSecond/s
418You can't move or copy the trash.	FSUtils		Du kan inte flytta eller kopiera Papperskorgen.
419ends with	SelectionWindow		slutar med
420Volume icons	TrackerSettingsWindow		Volymikoner
421That name is already taken. Please type another one.	WidgetAttributeText		Namnet ��r upptaget. V��nligen f��rs��k med ett annat namn.
422Close	QueryContainerWindow		St��ng
423Formula %formula	FindPanel	FindResultTitle	Formel %formula
424Kind:	InfoWindow		Typ:
425starts with	FindPanel		b��rjar med
426Increase size	ContainerWindow		��ka storlek
427is	FindPanel		��r
428Attributes	ContainerWindow		Attribut
429Handles %type	OpenWithWindow		Hanterar %type
430ends with	FindPanel		slutar med
431New	ContainerWindow		Ny
432Name matches wildcard expression:###	SelectionWindow		Namn matchar jokertuttryck:###
433less than	FindPanel		mindre ��n
43464 x 64	DeskWindow		64 x 64
435Modified	ContainerWindow		��ndrad
436Edit Query template	FindPanel		Redigera s��kmall
437Prompt	FSUtils		Prompt
438Edit query	ContainerWindow		Redigera s��kning
439Find���	ContainerWindow		S��k...
440Create a Query	FindPanel		Skapa en s��kning
441Move to Trash	FSUtils		Flytta till Papperskorgen
442Automatic disk mounting	AutoMounterSettings		Montera volymer automatiskt
443Original name	ContainerWindow		Originalnamn
444Find	FSUtils		S��k
445Error copying file \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nWould you like to continue?	FSUtils		Fel vid kopiering av filen "%name".\n\t%error\n\nVill du forts��tta?
446Single window navigation	SettingsView		Enf��nsternavigation
447parent folder	NavMenu		f��r��ldrakatalog
448contains	FindPanel		inneh��ller
449Relation	OpenWithWindow		Relation
450Open	FilePanelPriv		��ppna
451Mount	DeskWindow		Montera
452Mount	ContainerWindow		Montera
453%capacity (%used used -- %free free)	InfoWindow		%capacity (%used anv��nt -- %free ledigt)
454Cancel	FSClipBoard		Avbryt
455Restart Deskbar	DeskWindow		Starta om Deskbaren
456Cut more	ContainerWindow		Klipp ut mer
457Deleting: 	StatusWindow		Tar bort:
458Empty Trash	InfoWindow		T��m papperskorg
459Add	FindPanel		L��gg till