11	hungarian	x-vnd.Haiku-MatchHeader	1205906732
2<Choose action>	ConfigView		<V��lassza ki a m��veletet>
3has	ConfigView		tartalmaz
4Move to	ConfigView		mozgat��s ide:
5Then	ConfigView		Akkor
6value (use REGEX: in from of regular expressions like *spam*)	ConfigView		��rt��k (RegEx haszn��lat��val, mint p��ld��ul *spam*)
7this field is based on the action	ConfigView		ez a mez�� a m��veleten alapszik
8Delete message	ConfigView		az ��zenet t��rl��se
9Rule filter	RuleFilter		Szab��lysz��r��
10<Choose account>	ConfigView		<V��lassza ki a fi��kot>
11Set flags to	ConfigView		megjel��l��s:
12Set as read	ConfigView		olvasottnak jel��l��s
13Reply with	ConfigView		v��laszol��s:
14If	ConfigView		Ha:
15header (e.g. Subject)	ConfigView		fejl��c (pl. t��rgy)