1/*  reducer_min_max.h                  -*- C++ -*-
2 *
3 *  @copyright
4 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2013, Intel Corporation
5 *  All rights reserved.
6 *
7 *  @copyright
8 *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9 *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
10 *  are met:
11 *
12 *    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
13 *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
14 *    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
15 *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
16 *      the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
17 *      distribution.
18 *    * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its
19 *      contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
20 *      from this software without specific prior written permission.
21 *
22 *  @copyright
35 */
37/** @file reducer_min_max.h
38 *
39 *  @brief Defines classes for doing parallel minimum and maximum reductions.
40 *
41 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
42 *
43 *  @see ReducersMinMax
44 */
49#include <cilk/reducer.h>
51#ifdef __cplusplus
53#include <algorithm>
54#include <limits>
56/** @defgroup ReducersMinMax Minimum and Maximum Reducers
57 *
58 *  Minimum and maximum reducers allow the computation of the minimum or
59 *  maximum of a set of values in parallel.
60 *
61 *  @ingroup Reducers
62 *
63 *  You should be familiar with @ref pagereducers "Cilk reducers", described in
64 *  file `reducers.md`, and particularly with @ref reducers_using, before trying
65 *  to use the information in this file.
66 *
67 *  @section redminmax_usage Usage Examples
68 *
69 *      cilk::reducer< cilk::op_max<int> > rm;
70 *      cilk_for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
71 *      {
72 *          rm->calc_max(a[i]); // or *rm = cilk::max_of(*max, a[i])
73 *      }
74 *      std::cout << "maximum value is " << rm.get_value() << std::endl;
75 *
76 *  and
77 *
78 *      cilk::reducer< cilk::op_min_index<int, double> > rmi;
79 *      cilk_for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
80 *      {
81 *          rmi->calc_min(i, a[i]) // or *rmi = cilk::min_of(*rmi, i, a[i]);
82 *      }
83 *      std::cout << "minimum value a[" << rmi.get_value().first << "] = "
84 *                << rmi.get_value().second << std::endl;
85 *
86 *  @section redminmax_monoid The Monoid
87 *
88 *  @subsection redminmax_monoid_values Value Set
89 *
90 *  The value set of a minimum or maximum reducer is the set of values of
91 *  `Type`, possibly augmented with a special identity value which is greater
92 *  than (less than) any value of `Type`.
93 *
94 *  @subsection redminmax_monoid_operator Operator
95 *
96 *  In the most common case, the operator of a minimum reducer is defined as
97 *
98 *      x MIN y == (x < y) ? x : y
99 *
100 *  Thus, `a1 MIN a2 MIN ��� an` is the first `ai` which is not greater than any
101 *  other `ai`.
102 *
103 *  The operator of a maximum reducer is defined as
104 *
105 *      x MAX y == (x > y) ? x : y
106 *
107 *  Thus, `a1 MAX a2 MAX ��� an` is the first `ai` which is not less than any
108 *  other `ai`.
109 *
110 *  @subsection redminmax_monoid_comparators Comparators
111 *
112 *  Min/max reducers are not limited to finding the minimum or maximum value
113 *  determined by the `<` or `>` operator. In fact, all min/max reducers use a
114 *  _comparator_, which is either a function or an object of a function class
115 *  that defines a [strict weak ordering]
116 *  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strict_weak_ordering#Strict_weak_orderings)
117 *  on a set of values. (This is exactly the same as the requirement for the
118 *  comparison predicate for STL associative containers and sorting
119 *  algorithms.)
120 *
121 *  Just as with STL algorithms and containers, the comparator type parameter
122 *  for min/max reducers is optional. If it is omitted, it defaults to
123 *  `std::less`, which gives the behavior described in the previous section.
124 *  Using non-default comparators (anything other than `std::less`) with
125 *  min/max reducers is just like using them with STL containers and
126 *  algorithms.
127 *
128 *  Taking comparator objects into account, the reduction operation `MIN` for a
129 *  minimum reducer is defined as
130 *
131 *      x MIN y == compare(x, y) ? x : y
132 *
133 *  where `compare()` is the reducer���s comparator. Similarly, the reduction
134 *  operation MAX for a maximum reducer is defined as
135 *
136 *      x MAX y == compare(y, x) ? x : y
137 *
138 *  (If `compare(x, y) == x < y`, then `compare(y, x) == x > y`.)
139 *
140 *  @subsection redminmax_monoid_identity Identity
141 *
142 *  The identity value of the reducer is the value which is greater than (less
143 *  than) any other value in the value set of the reducer. This is the
144 *  [���special identity value���](#redminmax_monoid_values) if the reducer has
145 *  one, or the largest (smallest) value in the value set otherwise.
146 *
147 *  @section redminmax_index Value and Index Reducers
148 *
149 *  Min/max reducers come in two families. The _value_ reducers, using `op_min`
150 *  and `op_max` monoids, simply find the smallest or largest value from a set
151 *  of values. The _index_ reducers, using `op_min_index` and `op_max_index`
152 *  monoids, also record an index value associated with the first occurrence of
153 *  the smallest or largest value.
154 *
155 *  In the `%op_min_index` usage example [above](#redminmax_usage), the values
156 *  are taken from an array, and the index of a value is the index of the array
157 *  element it comes from. More generally, though, an index can be any sort of
158 *  key which identifies a particular value in a collection of values. For
159 *  example, if the values were taken from the nodes of a tree, then the
160 *  ���index��� of a value might be a pointer to the node containing that value.
161 *
162 *  A min/max index reducer is essentially the same as a min/max value reducer
163 *  whose value type is an (index, value) pair, and whose comparator ignores
164 *  the index part of the pair. (index, value) pairs are represented by
165 *  `std::pair<Index, Type>` objects. This has the consequence that wherever
166 *  the interface of a min/max value reducer has a `Type`, the interface of the
167 *  corresponding min/max index reducer has a `std::pair<Index, Type>`. (There
168 *  are convenience variants of the `reducer(Type)` constructor and the
169 *  `calc_min()`, `calc_max()`, `%min_of()`, and `%max_of()` functions that
170 *  take an index argument and a value argument instead of an index/value
171 *  pair.)
172 *
173 *  @section redminmax_operations Operations
174 *
175 *  @subsection redminmax_constructors Constructors
176 *
177 *  @subsubsection redminmax_constructors_value Min/Max Value Reducers
178 *
179 *      reducer()                           // identity
180 *      reducer(const Compare& compare)     // identity
181 *      reducer(const Type& value)
182 *      reducer(move_in(Type& variable))
183 *      reducer(const Type& value, const Compare& compare)
184 *      reducer(move_in(Type& variable), const Compare& compare)
185 *
186 *  @subsubsection redminmax_constructors_index Min/Max Index Reducers
187 *
188 *      reducer()                           // identity
189 *      reducer(const Compare& compare)     // identity
190 *      reducer(const std::pair<Index, Type>& pair)
191 *      reducer(const Index& index, const Type& value)
192 *      reducer(move_in(std::pair<Index, Type>& variable))
193 *      reducer(const std::pair<Index, Type>& pair, const Compare& compare)
194 *      reducer(const Index& index, const Type& value, const Compare& compare)
195 *      reducer(move_in(std::pair<Index, Type>& variable), const Compare& compare)
196 *
197 *  @subsection redminmax_get_set Set and Get
198 *
199 *      r.set_value(const Type& value)
200 *      Type = r.get_value() const
201 *      r.move_in(Type& variable)
202 *      r.move_out(Type& variable)
203 *
204 *  Note that for an index reducer, the `Type` in these operations is actually a
205 *  `std::pair<Index, Type>`. (See @ref redminmax_index.) There is _not_ a
206 *  `set_value(value, index)` operation.
207 *
208 *  @subsection redminmax_initial Initial Values and is_set()
209 *
210 *  A minimum or maximum reducer without a specified initial value, before any
211 *  MIN or MAX operation has been performed on it, represents the [identity
212 *  value](#redminmax_monoid_identity) of its monoid. For value reducers with a
213 *  numeric type and default comparator (`std::less`), this will be a well
214 *  defined value. For example,
215 *
216 *      reducer< op_max<unsigned> > r1;
217 *      // r1.get_value() == 0
218 *
219 *      reducer< op_min<float> > r2;
220 *      // r2.get_value() == std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity
221 *
222 *  In other cases, though (index reducers, non-numeric types, or non-default
223 *  comparators), the actual identity value for the monoid may be unknown, or
224 *  it may not even be a value of the reducer���s type. For example, there is no
225 *  ���largest string��� to serve as the initial value for a
226 *  `reducer< op_min<std::string> >`. In these cases, the result of calling
227 *  `get_value()` is undefined.
228 *
229 *  To avoid calling `get_value()` when its result is undefined, you can call
230 *  the view���s `is_set()` function, which will return true  if the reducer
231 *  has a well-defined value ��� either because a MIN or MAX operation has been
232 *  performed, or because it had a well-defined initial value:
233 *
234 *      reducer< op_max<unsigned> > r1;
235 *      // r1->is_set() == true
236 *      // r1.get_value() == 0
237 *
238 *      reducer< op_min<std::string> > r2;
239 *      // r2->is_set() == false
240 *      // r2.get_value() is undefined
241 *      r2->calc_min("xyzzy");
242 *      // r2->is_set() == true
243 *      // r2.get_value() == "xyzzy"
244 *
245 *  >   Note: For an index reducer without a specified initial value, the
246 *  >   initial value of the index is the default value of the `Index` type.
247 *
248 *  @subsection redminmax_view_ops View Operations
249 *
250 *  The basic reduction operation is `x = x MIN a` for a minimum reducer, or
251 *  `x = x MAX a` for a maximum reducer. The basic syntax for these operations
252 *  uses the `calc_min()` and `calc_max()` member functions of the view class.
253 *  An assignment syntax is also provided, using the %cilk::min_of() and
254 *  %cilk::max_of() global functions:
255 *
256 *  Class          | Modifier            | Assignment
257 *  ---------------|---------------------|-----------
258 *  `op_min`       | `r->calc_min(x)`    | `*r = min_of(*r, x)` or `*r = min_of(x, *r)`
259 *  `op_max`       | `r->calc_max(x)`    | `*r = max_of(*r, x)` or `*r = max_of(x, *r)`
260 *  `op_min_index` | `r->calc_min(i, x)` | `*r = min_of(*r, i, x)` or `*r = min_of(i, x, *r)`
261 *  `op_max_index` | `r->calc_max(i, x)` | `*r = max_of(*r, i, x)` or `*r = max_of(i, x, *r)`
262 *
263 *  Wherever an ���`i`, `x`��� argument pair is shown in the table above, a single
264 *  pair argument may be passed instead. For example:
265 *
266 *      Index index;
267 *      Type value;
268 *      std::pair<Index, Type> ind_val(index, value);
269 *      // The following statements are all equivalent.
270 *      r->calc_min(index, value);
271 *      r->calc_min(ind_val);
272 *      *r = min_of(*r, index, value);
273 *      *r = min_of(*r, ind_val);
274 *
275 *  The `calc_min()` and `calc_max()` member functions return a reference to
276 *  the view, so they can be chained:
277 *
278 *      r->calc_max(x).calc_max(y).calc_max(z);
279 *
280 *  In a `%min_of()` or `%max_of()` assignment, the view on the left-hand side
281 *  of the assignment must be the same as the view argument in the call.
282 *  Otherwise, the behavior is undefined (but an assertion error will occur if
283 *  the code is compiled with debugging enabled).
284 *
285 *      *r = max_of(*r, x);     // OK
286 *      *r1 = max_of(*r2, y);   // ERROR
287 *
288 *  `%min_of()` and `%max_of()` calls can be nested:
289 *
290 *      *r = max_of(max_of(max_of(*r, x), y), z);
291 *      *r = min_of(i, a[i], min_of(j, a[j], min_of(k, a[k], *r)));
292 *
293 *  @section redminmax_compatibility Compatibility Issues
294 *
295 *  Most Cilk library reducers provide
296 *  *   Binary compatibility between `reducer_KIND` reducers compiled with Cilk
297 *      library version 0.9 (distributed with Intel�� C++ Composer XE version
298 *      13.0 and earlier) and the same reducers compiled with Cilk library
299 *      version 1.0 and later.
300 *  *   Transparent casting between references to `reducer<op_KIND>` and
301 *      `reducer_KIND`.
302 *
303 *  This compatibility is not available in all cases for min/max reducers.
304 *  There are two areas of incompatibility.
305 *
306 *  @subsection redminmax_compatibility_stateful Non-empty Comparators
307 *
308 *  There is no way to provide binary compatibility between the 0.9 and 1.0
309 *  definitions of min/max reducers that use a non-empty comparator class or a
310 *  comparator function. (Empty comparator classes like `std::less` are not a
311 *  problem.)
312 *
313 *  To avoid run-time surprises, the legacy `reducer_{min|max}[_index]` classes
314 *  have been coded in the 1.0 library so that they will not even compile when
315 *  instantiated with a non-empty comparator class.
316 *
317 *  @subsection redminmax_compatibility_optimized Numeric Optimization
318 *
319 *  Min/max reducers with a numeric value type and the default comparator can
320 *  be implemented slightly more efficiently than other min/max reducers.
321 *  However, the optimization is incompatible with the 0.9 library
322 *  implementation of min/max reducers.
323 *
324 *  The default min/max reducers implementation in the 1.0 library uses this
325 *  numeric optimization. Code using legacy reducers compiled with the 1.0
326 *  library can be safely used in the same program as code compiled with the
327 *  0.9 library, but classes compiled with the different Cilk libraries will be
328 *  defined in different namespaces.
329 *
330 *  The simplest solution is just to recompile the code that was compiled with
331 *  the older version of Cilk. However, if this is impossible, you can define
332 *  the `CILK_LIBRARY_0_9_REDUCER_MINMAX` macro (on the compiler command line,
333 *  or in your source code before including `reducer_min_max.h`) when compiling
334 *  with the new library. This will cause it to generate numeric reducers that
335 *  will be less efficient, but will be fully compatible with previously
336 *  compiled code. (Note that this macro has no effect on [the non-empty
337 *  comparator incompatibility] (redminmax_compatibility_stateful).)
338 *
339 *  @section redminmax_types Type Requirements
340 *
341 *  `Type` and `Index` must be `Copy Constructible`, `Default Constructible`,
342 *  and `Assignable`.
343 *
344 *  `Compare` must be `Copy Constructible` if the reducer is constructed with a
345 *  `compare` argument, and `Default Constructible` otherwise.
346 *
347 *  The `Compare` function must induce a strict weak ordering on the elements
348 *  of `Type`.
349 *
350 *  @section redminmax_in_c Minimum and Maximum Reducers in C
351 *
352 *  These macros can be used to do minimum and maximum reductions in C:
353 *
354 *  Declaration                  | Type                              | Operation
355 *  -----------------------------|-----------------------------------|----------
360 *
361 *  For example:
362 *
363 *      CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN(r, int, INT_MAX);
365 *      cilk_for(int i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
366 *          CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_CALC(r, a[i]);
367 *      }
369 *      printf("The smallest value in a is %d\n", REDUCER_VIEW(r));
370 *
371 *
372 *      CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX(r, uint, 0);
374 *      cilk_for(int i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
375 *          CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_CALC(r, i, a[i]);
376 *      }
378 *      printf("The largest value in a is %u at %d\n",
379 *              REDUCER_VIEW (r).value, REDUCER_VIEW(r).index);
380 *
381 *  See @ref reducers_c_predefined.
382 */
384namespace cilk {
386/** @defgroup ReducersMinMaxBinComp Binary compatibility
387 *
388 *  If the macro CILK_LIBRARY_0_9_REDUCER_MINMAX is defined, then we generate
389 *  reducer code and data structures which are binary-compatible with code that
390 *  was compiled with the old min/max wrapper definitions, so we want the
391 *  mangled names of the legacy min/max reducer wrapper classes to be the
392 *  same as the names produced by the old definitions.
393 *
394 *  Conversely, if the macro is not defined, then we generate binary-
395 *  incompatible code, so we want different mangled names, to make sure that
396 *  the linker does not allow new and old compiled legacy wrappers to be passed
397 *  to one another. (Global variables are a different, and probably insoluble,
398 *  problem.)
399 *
400 *  Similarly, min/max classes compiled with and without
401 *  CILK_LIBRARY_0_9_REDUCER_MINMAX are binary-incompatible, and must get
402 *  different mangled names.
403 *
404 *  The trick is, when compiling in normal (non-compatibility) mode, wrap
405 *  everything in an extra namespace, and then `use` it into the top-level cilk
406 *  namespace. Then
407 *
408 *  *   Classes and functions compiled in normal mode will be in
409 *      different namespaces from the same classes and functions compiled in
410 *      compatibility mode.
411 *  *   The legacy wrapper classes and functions will be in the same namespace
412 *      as the same classes and functions compiled with the0.9 library if and
413 *      only if the are compiled in compatibility mode.
414 *
415 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
416 */
419/** Namespace to wrap min/max reducer definitions when not compiling in ���binary
420 *  compatibility��� mode.
421 *
422 *  By default, all of the min/max reducer definitions are defined in this
423 *  namespace and then imported into namespace ::cilk, so that they do not
424 *  clash with the legacy definitions with the same names. However, if the
425 *  macro `CILK_LIBRARY_0_9_REDUCER_MINMAX` is defined, then the min/max
426 *  definitions go directly into namespace ::cilk, so that, for example,
427 *  cilk::reducer_max defined with the 1.0 library is equivalent (to the
428 *  linker) to cilk::reducer_max defined with the 0.9 library.
429 *
430 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMaxBinComp
431 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
432 */
433namespace cilk_lib_1_0 {
436/** Namespace containing internal implementation classes and functions for
437 *  min/max reducers.
438 *
439 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
440 */
441namespace min_max_internal {
443using ::cilk::internal::binary_functor;
444using ::cilk::internal::typed_indirect_binary_function;
445using ::cilk::internal::class_is_empty;
447/** @defgroup ReducersMinMaxIsSet The ���is_set optimization���
448 *
449 *  The obvious definition of the identity value for a max or min reducer is as
450 *  the smallest (or largest) value of the value type. However, for an
451 *  arbitrary comparator and/or an arbitrary value type, the largest / smallest
452 *  value may not be known. It may not even be defined ��� what is the largest
453 *  string?
454 *
455 *  Therefore, min/max reducers represent their value internally as a pair
456 *  `(value, is_set)`. When `is_set` is true, the pair represents the known
457 *  value `value`; when `is_set` is false, the pair represents the identity
458 *  value.
459 *
460 *  This is an effective solution, but the most common use of min/max reducers
461 *  is probably with numeric types and the default definition of minimum or
462 *  maximum (using `std::less`), in which case there are well-defined, knowable
463 *  smallest and largest values. Testing `is_set` for every comparison is then
464 *  unnecessary and wasteful.
465 *
466 *  The ���is_set optimization��� just means generating code that doesn���t use
467 *  `is_set` when it isn���t needed. It is implemented using two metaprogramming
468 *  classes:
469 *
470 *  -   do_is_set_optimization tests whether the optimization is applicable.
471 *  -   identity_value gets the appropriate identity value for a type.
472 *
473 *  The is_set optimization is the reason that min/max reducers compiled with
474 *  Cilk library 1.0 are binary-incompatible with the same reducers compiled
475 *  with library 0.9, and therefore the optimization is suppressed when
476 *  compiling in
477 *  ReducersMinMaxBinComp "binary compatibility mode".
478 *
479 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
480 */
482/** Test whether the ReducersMinMaxIsSet "is_set optimization" is
483 *  applicable.
484 *
485 *  The @ref do_is_set_optimization class is used to test whether the is_set
486 *  optimization should be applied for a particular reducer. It is instantiated
487 *  with a value type and a comparator, and defines a boolean constant,
488 *  `value`. Then `%do_is_set_optimization<Type, Comp>::%value` can be used as
489 *  a boolean template parameter to control the specialization of another
490 *  class.
491 *
492 *  In ReducersMinMaxBinComp "binary compatibility mode", when the
493 *  `CILK_LIBRARY_0_9_REDUCER_MINMAX` macro is defined, `value` will always
494 *  be false.
495 *
496 *  @tparam Type   The value type for the reducer.
497 *  @tparam Compare The comparator type for the reducer.
498 *
499 *  @result The `value` data member will be `true` if @a Type is a numeric
500 *          type, @a Compare is `std::less<Type>`, and
501 *          `CILK_LIBRARY_0_9_REDUCER_MINMAX` is not defined.
502 *
503 *  @see ReducersMinMaxIsSet
504 *  @see @ref view_content
505 *
506 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMaxIsSet
507 */
508template <  typename Type,
509            typename Compare >
510struct do_is_set_optimization
512    /// `True` if the is_set optimization should be applied to min/max reducers
513    /// with this value type and comparator; `false` otherwise.
514    static const bool value = false;
518/// @cond
519template <typename Type>
520struct do_is_set_optimization<Type, std::less<Type> >
522    /// True in the special case where optimization is possible.
523    static const bool value = std::numeric_limits<Type>::is_specialized;
525/// @endcond
529/** Get the identity value when using the ReducersMinMaxIsSet
530 *  "is_set optimization".
531 *
532 *  This class defines a function which assigns the appropriate identity value
533 *  to a variable when the is_set optimization is applicable.
534 *
535 *  @tparam Type    The value type for the reducer.
536 *  @tparam Compare The comparator type for the reducer.
537 *  @tparam ForMax  `true` to get the identity value for a max reducer (i.e.,
538 *                  the smallest value of @a Type), `false` to get the identity
539 *                  value for a min reducer (i.e., the largest value of
540 *                  @a Type).
541 *
542 *  @result If @a Type and @a Compare qualify for the is_set optimization, the
543 *          `set_identity()' function will set its argument variable to the
544 *          smallest or largest value of @a Type, depending on @a ForMax.
545 *          Otherwise, `set_identity()` will be a no-op.
546 *
547 *  @see ReducersMinMaxIsSet
548 *
549 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMaxIsSet
550 *  @see @ref view_content
551 */
552template <  typename    Type,
553            typename    Compare,
554            bool        ForMax,
555            bool        = std::numeric_limits<Type>::is_specialized,
556            bool        = std::numeric_limits<Type>::has_infinity >
557struct identity_value {
558    /// Assign the identity value to the reference parameter.
559    static void set_identity(Type&) {}
562/// @cond
563template <typename Type>
564struct identity_value<Type, std::less<Type>, true, true, true> {
565    /// Floating max identity is negative infinity.
566    static void set_identity(Type& id)
567    { id = -std::numeric_limits<Type>::infinity(); }
570template <typename Type>
571struct identity_value<Type, std::less<Type>, true, true, false> {
572    /// Integer max identity is minimum value of type.
573    static void set_identity(Type& id)
574    { id = std::numeric_limits<Type>::min(); }
577template <typename Type>
578struct identity_value<Type, std::less<Type>, false, true, true> {
579    /// Floating min identity is positive infinity.
580    static void set_identity(Type& id)
581    { id = std::numeric_limits<Type>::infinity(); }
584template <typename Type>
585struct identity_value<Type, std::less<Type>, false, true, false> {
586    /// Integer min identity is maximum value of type.
587    static void set_identity(Type& id)
588    { id = std::numeric_limits<Type>::max(); }
591/// @endcond
594/** Adapter class to reverse the arguments of a predicate.
595 *
596 *  Observe that:
597 *
598 *      (x < y) == (y > x)
599 *      max(x, y) == (x < y) ? y : x
600 *      min(x, y) == (y < x) ? y : x == (x > y) ? y : x
601 *
602 *  More generally, if `c` is a predicate defining a `Strict Weak Ordering`,
603 *  and  `c*(x, y) == c(y, x)`, then
604 *
605 *      max(x, y, c) == c(x, y) ? y : x
606 *      min(x, y, c) == c(y, x) ? y : x == c*(x, y) ? y : x == max(x, y, c*)
607 *
608 *  For any predicate `C` with argument type `T`, the template class
609 *  `%reverse_predicate<C, T>` defines a predicate which is identical to `C`,
610 *  except that its arguments are reversed. Thus, for example, we could
611 *  implement `%op_min_view<Type, Compare>` as
612 *  `%op_max_view<Type, %reverse_predicate<Compare, Type> >`.
613 *  (Actually, op_min_view and op_max_view are both implemented as subclasses
614 *  of a common base class, view_base.)
615 *
616 *  @note   If `C` is an empty functor class, then `reverse_predicate(C)` will
617 *          also be an empty functor class.
618 *
619 *  @tparam Predicate   The predicate whose arguments are to be reversed.
620 *  @tparam Argument    @a Predicate���s argument type.
621 *
622 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
623 */
624template <typename Predicate,
625          typename Argument = typename Predicate::first_argument_type>
626class reverse_predicate : private binary_functor<Predicate>::type {
627    typedef typename binary_functor<Predicate>::type base;
629    /// Default constructor
630    reverse_predicate() : base() {}
631    /// Constructor with predicate object
632    reverse_predicate(const Predicate& p) : base(p) {}
633    /// The reversed predicate operation
634    bool operator()(const Argument& x, const Argument& y) const
635        { return base::operator()(y, x); }
639/** Class to represent the comparator for a min/max view class.
640 *
641 *  This class is intended to accomplish two objectives in the implementation
642 *  of min/max views.
643 *
644 *  1.  To minimize data bloat, when we have a reducer with a non-stateless
645 *      comparator, we want to keep a single instance of the comparator object
646 *      in the monoid, and just call it from the views.
647 *  2.  In ReducersMinMaxBinComp "binary compatibility mode", views for
648 *      reducers with a stateless comparator must have the same content as in
649 *      Cilk library 0.9 ��� that is, they must contain only `value` and
650 *      `is_set` data members.
651 *
652 *  To achieve the first objective, we use the
653 *  @ref internal::typed_indirect_binary_function class defined in
654 *  metaprogramming.h to wrap a pointer to the actual comparator. If no
655 *  pointer is needed because the actual comparator is stateless, the
656 *  `typed_indirect_binary_function` class will be empty, too.
657 *
658 *  To achieve the second objective, we make the
659 *  `typed_indirect_binary_function` class a base class of the view rather than
660 *  a data member, so the ���empty base class��� rule will ensure no that no
661 *  additional space is allocated in the view unless it is needed.
662 *
663 *  We could simply use typed_indirect_binary_function as the base class of the
664 *  view, but this would mean writing comparisons as `(*this)(x, y)`, which is
665 *  just weird. So, instead, we comparator_base as a subclass of
666 *  typed_indirect_binary_function which provides function `compare()`
667 *  as a synonym for `operator()`.
668 *
669 *  @tparam Type    The value type of the comparator class.
670 *  @tparam Compare A predicate class.
671 *
672 *  @see internal::typed_indirect_binary_function
673 *
674 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
675 */
676template <typename Type, typename Compare>
677class comparator_base : private typed_indirect_binary_function<Compare, Type, Type, bool>
679    typedef typed_indirect_binary_function<Compare, Type, Type, bool> base;
681    comparator_base(const Compare* f) : base(f) {}  ///< Constructor.
683    /// Comparison function.
684    bool compare(const Type& a, const Type& b) const
685    {
686        return base::operator()(a, b);
687    }
689    /// Get the comparator pointer.
690    const Compare* compare_pointer() const { return base::pointer(); }
694/** @defgroup ReducersMinMaxViewContent Content classes for min/max views
695 *
696 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
697 *
698 *  Minimum and maximum reducer view classes inherit from a ���view content���
699 *  class. The content class defines the actual data members for the view,
700 *  and provides typedefs and member functions for accessing the data members
701 *  as needed to support the view functionality.
702 *
703 *  There are two content classes, which encapsulate the differences between
704 *  simple min/max reducers and min/max with index reducers:
705 *
706 *  -   view_content
707 *  -   index_view_content
708 *
709 *  @note   An obvious, and arguably simpler, encapsulation strategy would be
710 *          to just let the `Type` of a min/max view be an (index, value) pair
711 *          structure for min_index and max_index reducers. Then all views
712 *          would just have a `Type` data member and an `is_set` data member,
713 *          and the comparator for min_index and max_index views could be
714 *          customized to consider only the value component of the (index,
715 *          value) `Type` pair. Unfortunately, this would break binary
716 *          compatibility with reducer_max_index and reducer_min_index in
717 *          Cilk library 0.9, because the memory layout of an (index, value)
718 *          pair followed by a `bool` is different from the memory layout of an
719 *          index data member followed by a value data member followed by a
720 *          `bool` data member. The content class is designed to exactly
721 *          replicate the layout of the views in library 0.9 reducers.
722 *
723 *  A content class `C`, and its objects `c`, must define the following:
724 *
725 *  Definition                          | Meaning
726 *  ------------------------------------|--------
727 *  `C::value_type`                     | A typedef for `Type` of the view. (A `std::pair<Index, Type>` for min_index and max_index views).
728 *  `C::comp_value_type`                | A typedef for the type of value compared by the view���s `compare()` function.
729 *  `C()`                               | Constructs the content with the identity value.
730 *  `C(const value_type&)`              | Constructs the content with a specified value.
731 *  `c.is_set()`                        | Returns true if the content has a known value.
732 *  `c.value()`                         | Returns the content���s value.
733 *  `c.set_value(const value_type&)`    | Sets the content���s value. (The value becomes known.)
734 *  `c.comp_value()`                    | Returns a const reference to the value or component of the value that is to be compared by the view���s comparator.
735 *  `C::comp_value(const value_type&)`  | Returns a const reference to a value or component of a value that is to be compared by the view���s comparator.
736 *
737 *  @see view_base
738 */
740/** Content class for op_min_view and op_max_view.
741 *
742 *  @tparam Type    The value type of the op_min_view or op_max_view.
743 *  @tparam Compare The comparator class specified for the op_min_view or
744 *                  op_max_view. (_Not_ the derived comparator class actually
745 *                  used by the view_base. For example, the view_content of an
746 *                  `op_min_view<int>` will have `Compare = std::less<int>`,
747 *                  but its comparator_base will have
748 *                  `Compare = reverse_predicate< std::less<int> >`.)
749 *  @tparam ForMax  `true` if this is the content class for an op_max_view,
750 *                  `false` if it is for an op_min_view.
751 *
752 *  @note   The general implementation of view_content uses an `is_set` data
753 *          member. There is also a specialization which implements the
754 *          ReducersMinMaxIsSet "is_set optimization". View classes that
755 *          inherit from view_content do not need to know anything about the
756 *          difference, though; the details are abstracted away in the
757 *          view_content interface.
758 *
759 *  @see ReducersMinMaxViewContent
760 *
761 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMaxViewContent
762 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
763 */
764template < typename Type
765         , typename Compare
766         , bool     ForMax
767         , bool     = do_is_set_optimization<Type, Compare>::value
768         >
769class view_content {
770    Type    m_value;
771    bool    m_is_set;
773    /// The value type of the view.
774    typedef Type value_type;
776    /// The type compared by the view���s `compare()` function (which is the same
777    /// as the value type for view_content).
778    typedef Type comp_value_type;
780    /// Construct with the identity value.
781    view_content() : m_value(), m_is_set(false) {}
783    /// Construct with a defined value.
784    view_content(const value_type& value) : m_value(value), m_is_set(true) {}
786    /// Get the value.
787    value_type value() const { return m_value; }
789    /// Set the value.
790    void set_value(const value_type& value)
791    {
792        m_value = value;
793        m_is_set = true;
794    }
796    /// Get the comparison value (which is the same as the value for
797    /// view_content).
798    const comp_value_type& comp_value() const { return m_value; }
800    /// Given an arbitrary value, get the corresponding comparison value (which
801    /// is the same as the value for view_content).
802    static const comp_value_type& comp_value(const value_type& value)
803    {
804        return value;
805    }
807    /// Get a const reference to value part of the value (which is the same as
808    /// the value for view_content).
809    const Type& get_reference() const { return m_value; }
811    /// Get a const reference to the index part of the value (which is
812    /// meaningless for non-index reducers, but required for view_base.
813    const Type& get_index_reference() const { return m_value; }
815    /// Test if the value is defined.
816    bool is_set() const { return m_is_set; }
819/// @cond
821/*  This is the specialization of the view_content class for cases where
822 *  `AssumeIsSet` is true (i.e., where the is_set optimization is applicable).
823 */
824template < typename Type
825         , typename Compare
826         , bool ForMax
827         >
828class view_content<Type, Compare, ForMax, true> {
829    typedef identity_value<Type, Compare, ForMax> Identity;
830    Type    m_value;
832    typedef Type value_type;
833    typedef Type comp_value_type;
835    /// Construct with identity value.
836    view_content() { Identity::set_identity(m_value); }
838    view_content(const value_type& value) : m_value(value) {}
840    value_type value() const { return m_value; }
842    void set_value(const value_type& value)
843    {
844        m_value = value;
845    }
847    const comp_value_type& comp_value() const { return m_value; }
849    static const comp_value_type& comp_value(const value_type& value)
850    {
851        return value;
852    }
854    const Type& get_reference() const { return m_value; }
856    const Type& get_index_reference() const { return m_value; }
858    /// Test if the value is defined.
859    bool is_set() const { return true; }
862/// @endcond
865/** Content class for op_min_index_view and op_max_index_view.
866 *
867 *  @tparam Index   The index type of the op_min_index_view or
868                    op_max_index_view.
869 *  @tparam Type    The value type of the op_min_view or op_max_view. (_Not_
870 *                  the value type of the view, which will be
871 *                  `std::pair<Index, Type>`.)
872 *  @tparam Compare The comparator class specified for the op_min_index_view or
873 *                  op_max_index_view. (_Not_ the derived comparator class
874 *                  actually used by the view_base. For example, the
875 *                  index_view_content of an `op_min_index_view<int>` will have
876 *                  `Compare = std::less<int>`, but its comparator_base will
877 *                  have `Compare = reverse_predicate< std::less<int> >`.)
878 *  @tparam ForMax  `true` if this is the content class for an
879 *                  op_max_index_view, `false` if it is for an
880 *                  op_min_index_view.
881 *
882 *  @see ReducersMinMaxViewContent
883 *
884 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMaxViewContent
885 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
886 */
887template < typename Index
888         , typename Type
889         , typename Compare
890         , bool ForMax
891         >
892class index_view_content {
893    typedef identity_value<Type, Compare, ForMax> Identity;
895    Index   m_index;
896    Type    m_value;
897    bool    m_is_set;
899    /// The value type of the view (which is an <index, value> pair for
900    /// index_view_content).
901    typedef std::pair<Index, Type> value_type;
903    /// The type compared by the view���s `compare()` function (which is the data
904    /// value type for index_view_content).
905    typedef Type comp_value_type;
907    /// Construct with the identity value.
908    index_view_content() : m_index(), m_value(), m_is_set(false) {}
910    /// Construct with an index/value pair.
911    index_view_content(const value_type& value) :
912        m_index(value.first), m_value(value.second), m_is_set(true) {}
914    /// Construct with an index and a value.
915    index_view_content(const Index& index, const Type& value) :
916        m_index(index), m_value(value), m_is_set(true) {}
918    /// Construct with just an index.
919    index_view_content(const Index& index) :
920        m_index(index), m_value(), m_is_set(false) {}
922    /// Get the value.
923    value_type value() const { return value_type(m_index, m_value); }
925    /// Set value.
926    void set_value(const value_type& value)
927    {
928        m_index = value.first;
929        m_value = value.second;
930        m_is_set = true;
931    }
933    /// Get the comparison value (which is the value component of the
934    /// index/value pair for index_view_content).
935    const comp_value_type& comp_value() const { return m_value; }
937    /// Given an arbitrary value (i.e., index/value pair), get the
938    /// corresponding comparison value (which is the value component of the
939    /// index/value pair for index_view_content).
940    static const comp_value_type& comp_value(const value_type& value)
941        { return value.second; }
943    /// Get a const reference to value part of the value.
944    const Type& get_reference() const { return m_value; }
946    /// Get a const reference to the index part of the value.
947    const Index& get_index_reference() const { return m_index; }
949    /// Test if the value is defined.
950    bool is_set() const { return m_is_set; }
954template <typename View> class rhs_proxy;
956/** Create an rhs_proxy.
957 */
958template <typename View>
959inline rhs_proxy<View>
960make_proxy(const typename View::value_type& value, const View& view);
962template <typename Content, typename Less, typename Compare> class view_base;
965/** Class to represent the right-hand side of
966 *  `*reducer = {min|max}_of(*reducer, value)`.
967 *
968 *  The only assignment operator for a min/max view class takes a rhs_proxy as
969 *  its operand. This results in the syntactic restriction that the only
970 *  expressions that can be assigned to a min/max view are ones which generate
971 *  an rhs_proxy ��� that is, expressions of the form `max_of(view, value)` and
972 *  `min_of(view, value)`.
973 *
974 *  @warning
975 *  The lhs and rhs views in such an assignment must be the same; otherwise,
976 *  the behavior will be undefined. (I.e., `*r1 = min_of(*r1, x)` is legal;
977 *  `*r1 = min_of(*r2, x)` is illegal.)  This condition will be checked with a
978 *  runtime assertion when compiled in debug mode.
979 *
980 *  @tparam View    The view class (op_{min|max}[_index]_view) that this proxy
981 *                  was created from.
982 *
983 *  @see view_base
984 *
985 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
986 */
987template <typename View>
988class rhs_proxy {
989    typedef typename View::less_type                less_type;
990    typedef typename View::compare_type             compare_type;
991    typedef typename View::value_type               value_type;
992    typedef typename View::content_type             content_type;
993    typedef typename content_type::comp_value_type  comp_value_type;
995    friend class view_base<content_type, less_type, compare_type>;
996    friend rhs_proxy make_proxy<View>(
997        const typename View::value_type& value,
998        const View& view);
1000    typed_indirect_binary_function<
1001        compare_type, comp_value_type, comp_value_type, bool>
1002                                        m_comp;
1003    const View*                         m_view;
1004    value_type                          m_value;
1006    rhs_proxy& operator=(const rhs_proxy&); // Disable assignment operator
1007    rhs_proxy();                            // Disable default constructor
1009    // Constructor (called from view_base::make_proxy).
1010    rhs_proxy(const View* view,
1011              const value_type& value,
1012              const compare_type* compare) :
1013        m_view(view), m_value(value), m_comp(compare) {}
1015    // Check matching view, then return value (called from view_base::assign).
1016    value_type value(const typename View::base* view) const
1017    {
1018        __CILKRTS_ASSERT(view == m_view);
1019        return m_value;
1020    }
1024    /** Support max_of(max_of(view, value), value) and the like.
1025     */
1026    rhs_proxy calc(const value_type& x) const
1027    {
1028        return rhs_proxy(
1029            m_view,
1030            m_comp( content_type::comp_value(m_value),
1031                    content_type::comp_value(x)
1032                  ) ? x : m_value,
1033            m_comp.pointer());
1034    }
1038template <typename View>
1039inline rhs_proxy<View>
1040make_proxy(const typename View::value_type& value, const View& view)
1042    return rhs_proxy<View>(&view, value, view.compare_pointer());
1047/** Base class for min and max view classes.
1048 *
1049 *  This class accumulates the minimum or maximum of a set of values which have
1050 *  occurred as arguments to the `calc()` function, as determined by a
1051 *  comparator. The accumulated value will be the first `calc()` argument value
1052 *  `x` such that `compare(x, y)` is false for every `calc()` argument value
1053 *  `y`.
1054 *
1055 *  If the comparator is `std::less`, then the accumulated value is the first
1056 *  argument value which is not less than any other argument value, i.e., the
1057 *  maximum. Similarly, if the comparator is `reverse_predicate<std::less>`,
1058 *  which is equivalent to `std::greater`, then the accumulated value is the
1059 *  first argument value which is not greater than any other argument value,
1060 *  i.e., the minimum.
1061 *
1062 *  @note   This class provides the definitions that are required for a class
1063 *          that will be used as the parameter of a
1064 *          min_max_internal::monoid_base specialization.
1065 *
1066 *  @tparam Content     A content class that provides the value types and data
1067 *                      members for the view.
1068 *  @tparam Less        A ���less than��� binary predicate that defines the min or
1069 *                      max function.
1070 *  @tparam Compare     A binary predicate to be used to compare the values.
1071 *                      (The same as @a Less for max reducers; its reversal for
1072 *                      min reducers.)
1073 *
1074 *  @see ReducersMinMaxViewContent
1075 *  @see op_max_view
1076 *  @see op_min_view
1077 *  @see op_max_index_view
1078 *  @see op_min_index_view
1079 *  @see monoid_base
1080 *
1081 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
1082 */
1083template <typename Content, typename Less, typename Compare>
1084class view_base :
1085    // comparator_base comes first to ensure that it will get empty base class
1086    // treatment
1087    private comparator_base<typename Content::comp_value_type, Compare>,
1088    private Content
1090    typedef comparator_base<typename Content::comp_value_type, Compare> base;
1091    using base::compare;
1092    using Content::value;
1093    using Content::set_value;
1094    using Content::comp_value;
1095    typedef Content content_type;
1097    template <typename View> friend class rhs_proxy;
1098    template <typename View>
1099    friend rhs_proxy<View> make_proxy(const typename View::value_type& value, const View& view);
1103    /** @name Monoid support.
1104     */
1105    //@{
1107    /** Value type. Required by @ref monoid_with_view.
1108     */
1109    typedef typename Content::value_type    value_type;
1111    /** The type of the comparator specified by the user, that defines the
1112     *  ordering on @a Type. Required by min_max::monoid_base.
1113     */
1114    typedef Less                            less_type;
1116    /** The type of the comparator actually used by the view. Required by
1117     *  min_max::monoid_base. (This is the same as the @ref less_type for a
1118     *  max reducer, or `reverse_predicate<less_type>` for a min reducer.)
1119     */
1120    typedef Compare                         compare_type;
1122    /** Reduce operation. Required by @ref monoid_with_view.
1123     */
1124    void reduce(view_base* other)
1125    {
1126        if (    other->is_set() &&
1127                (   !this->is_set() ||
1128                    compare(this->comp_value(), other->comp_value()) ) )
1129        {
1130            this->set_value(other->value());
1131        }
1132    }
1134    //@}
1136    /** Default constructor. Initializes to identity value.
1137     */
1138    explicit view_base(const compare_type* compare) :
1139        base(compare), Content() {}
1141    /** Value constructor.
1142     */
1143    template <typename T1>
1144    view_base(const T1& x1, const compare_type* compare) :
1145        base(compare), Content(x1) {}
1147    /** Value constructor.
1148     */
1149    template <typename T1, typename T2>
1150    view_base(const T1& x1, const T2& x2, const compare_type* compare) :
1151        base(compare), Content(x1, x2) {}
1154    /** Move-in constructor.
1155     */
1156    explicit view_base(move_in_wrapper<value_type> w, const compare_type* compare) :
1157        base(compare), Content(w.value()) {}
1159    /** @name Reducer support.
1160     */
1161    //@{
1163    void                view_move_in(value_type& v)         { set_value(v); }
1164    void                view_move_out(value_type& v)        { v = value(); }
1165    void                view_set_value(const value_type& v) { set_value(v); }
1166    value_type          view_get_value() const              { return value(); }
1167    //                  view_get_reference()                NOT SUPPORTED
1169    //@}
1171    /** Is the value defined?
1172     */
1173    using Content::is_set;
1175    /** Reference to contained value data member.
1176     *  @deprecated For legacy reducers only.
1177     */
1178    using Content::get_reference;
1180    /** Reference to contained index data member.
1181     *  (Meaningless for non-index reducers.)
1182     *  @deprecated For legacy reducers only.
1183     */
1184    using Content::get_index_reference;
1188    /** Update the min/max value.
1189     */
1190    void calc(const value_type& x)
1191    {
1192        if (!is_set() || compare(comp_value(), comp_value(x))) set_value(x);
1193    }
1195    /** Assign the result of a `{min|max}_of(view, value)` expression to the
1196     *  view.
1197     *
1198     *  @see rhs_proxy
1199     */
1200    template <typename View>
1201    void assign(const rhs_proxy<View>& rhs)
1202    {
1203        calc(rhs.value(this));
1204    }
1209/** Base class for min and max monoid classes.
1210 *
1211 *  The unique characteristic of minimum and maximum reducers is that they
1212 *  incorporate a comparator functor that defines what ���minimum��� or ���maximum���
1213 *  means. The monoid for a reducer contains the comparator that will be used
1214 *  for the reduction. If the comparator is a function or a class with state,
1215 *  then each view will have a pointer to the comparator.
1216 *
1217 *  This means that the `construct()` functions first construct the monoid
1218 *  (possibly with an explicit comparator argument), and then construct the
1219 *  view with a pointer to the monoid���s comparator.
1220 *
1221 *  @tparam View    The view class.
1222 *  @tparam Align   If true, reducers instantiated on this monoid will be
1223 *                  aligned. By default, library reducers (unlike legacy
1224 *                  library reducer _wrappers_) are unaligned.
1225 *
1226 *  @see view_base
1227 *
1228 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
1229 */
1230template <typename View, bool Align = false>
1231class monoid_base : public monoid_with_view<View, Align>
1233    typedef typename View::compare_type compare_type;
1234    typedef typename View::less_type    less_type;
1235    const compare_type                  m_compare;
1237    const compare_type* compare_pointer() const { return &m_compare; }
1239    using cilk::monoid_base<typename View::value_type, View>::provisional;
1243    /** Default constructor uses default comparator.
1244     */
1245    monoid_base() : m_compare() {}
1247    /** Constructor.
1248     *
1249     *  @param  compare The comparator to use.
1250     */
1251    monoid_base(const compare_type& compare) : m_compare(compare) {}
1253    /** Create an identity view.
1254     *
1255     *  List view identity constructors take the list allocator as an argument.
1256     *
1257     *  @param v    The address of the uninitialized memory in which the view
1258     *  will be constructed.
1259     */
1260    void identity(View *v) const { ::new((void*) v) View(compare_pointer()); }
1262    /** @name construct functions
1263     *
1264     *  Min/max monoid `construct()` functions optionally take one or two value
1265     *  arguments, a @ref move_in argument, and/or a comparator argument.
1266     */
1267    //@{
1269    template <typename Monoid>
1270    static void construct(Monoid* monoid, View* view)
1271        { provisional( new ((void*)monoid) Monoid() ).confirm_if(
1272            new ((void*)view) View(monoid->compare_pointer()) ); }
1274    template <typename Monoid, typename T1>
1275    static void construct(Monoid* monoid, View* view, const T1& x1)
1276        { provisional( new ((void*)monoid) Monoid() ).confirm_if(
1277            new ((void*)view) View(x1, monoid->compare_pointer()) ); }
1279    template <typename Monoid, typename T1, typename T2>
1280    static void construct(Monoid* monoid, View* view, const T1& x1, const T2& x2)
1281        { provisional( new ((void*)monoid) Monoid() ).confirm_if(
1282            new ((void*)view) View(x1, x2, monoid->compare_pointer()) ); }
1284    template <typename Monoid>
1285    static void construct(Monoid* monoid, View* view, const less_type& compare)
1286        { provisional( new ((void*)monoid) Monoid(compare) ).confirm_if(
1287            new ((void*)view) View(monoid->compare_pointer()) ); }
1289    template <typename Monoid, typename T1>
1290    static void construct(Monoid* monoid, View* view, const T1& x1, const less_type& compare)
1291        { provisional( new ((void*)monoid) Monoid(compare) ).confirm_if(
1292            new ((void*)view) View(x1, monoid->compare_pointer()) ); }
1294    template <typename Monoid, typename T1, typename T2>
1295    static void construct(Monoid* monoid, View* view, const T1& x1, const T2& x2, const less_type& compare)
1296        { provisional( new ((void*)monoid) Monoid(compare) ).confirm_if(
1297            new ((void*)view) View(x1, x2, monoid->compare_pointer()) ); }
1299    //@}
1302} //namespace min_max_internal
1305/** @defgroup ReducersMinMaxMaxValue Maximum reducers (value only)
1306 *
1307 *  These reducers will find the largest value from a set of values.
1308 *
1309 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
1310 */
1313/** The maximum reducer view class.
1314 *
1315 *  This is the view class for reducers created with
1316 *  `cilk::reducer< cilk::op_max<Type, Compare> >`. It accumulates the maximum,
1317 *  as determined by a comparator, of a set of values which have occurred as
1318 *  arguments to the `calc_max()` function. The accumulated value will be the
1319 *  first argument `x` such that `compare(x, y)` is false for every argument
1320 *  `y`.
1321 *
1322 *  If the comparator is `std::less`, then the accumulated value is the first
1323 *  argument value which is not less than any other argument value, i.e., the
1324 *  maximum.
1325 *
1326 *  @note   The reducer ���dereference��� operation (`reducer::operator *()`)
1327 *          yields a reference to the view. Thus, for example, the view class���s
1328 *          `calc_max()` function would be used in an expression like
1329 *          `r->calc_max(a)` where `r` is an op_max reducer variable.
1330 *
1331 *  @tparam Type    The type of the values compared by the reducer. This will
1332 *                  be the value type of a monoid_with_view that is
1333 *                  instantiated with this view.
1334 *  @tparam Compare A `Strict Weak Ordering` whose argument type is @a Type. It
1335 *                  defines the ���less than��� relation used to compute the
1336 *                  maximum.
1337 *
1338 *  @see ReducersMinMax
1339 *  @see op_max
1340 */
1341template <typename Type, typename Compare>
1342class op_max_view : public min_max_internal::view_base<
1343    min_max_internal::view_content<Type, Compare, true>,
1344    Compare,
1345    Compare>
1347    typedef min_max_internal::view_base<
1348        min_max_internal::view_content<Type, Compare, true>,
1349        Compare,
1350        Compare> base;
1351    using base::calc;
1352    using base::assign;
1353    friend class min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<op_max_view>;
1357    /** @name Constructors.
1358     *
1359     *  All op_max_view constructors simply pass their arguments on to the
1360     *  @ref view_base base class.
1361     */
1362    //@{
1364    op_max_view() : base() {}
1366    template <typename T1>
1367    op_max_view(const T1& x1) : base(x1) {}
1369    template <typename T1, typename T2>
1370    op_max_view(const T1& x1, const T2& x2) : base(x1, x2) {}
1372    //@}
1374    /** @name View modifier operations.
1375     */
1376    //@{
1378    /** Maximize with a value.
1379     *
1380     *  If @a x is greater than the current value of the view (as defined by
1381     *  the reducer���s comparator), or if the view was created without an
1382     *  initial value and its value has never been updated (with `calc_max()`
1383     *  or `= max_of()`), then the value of the view is set to @a x.
1384     *
1385     *  @param  x   The value to maximize the view���s value with.
1386     *
1387     *  @return     A reference to the view. (Allows chaining
1388     *              `view.comp_max(a).comp_max(b)���`.)
1389     */
1390    op_max_view& calc_max(const Type& x) { calc(x); return *this; }
1392    /** Assign the result of a `max_of(view, value)` expression to the view.
1393     *
1394     *  @param  rhs An rhs_proxy value created by a `max_of(view, value)`
1395     *              expression.
1396     *
1397     *  @return     A reference to the view.
1398     *
1399     *  @see min_max_internal::view_base::rhs_proxy
1400     */
1401    op_max_view& operator=(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<op_max_view>& rhs)
1402        { assign(rhs); return *this; }
1404    //@}
1408/** Compute the maximum of the value in an op_max_view and another value.
1409 *
1410 *  The result of this computation can only be assigned back to the original
1411 *  view or used in another max_of() call. For example,
1412 *
1413 *      *reducer = max_of(*reducer, x);
1414 *      *reducer = max_of(x, *reducer);
1415 *
1416 *  @see min_max_internal::rhs_proxy
1417 */
1418template <typename Type, typename Compare>
1419inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_view<Type, Compare> >
1420max_of(const op_max_view<Type, Compare>& view, const Type& value)
1422    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(value, view);
1425/// @copydoc max_of(const op_max_view<Type, Compare>&, const Type&)
1426template <typename Type, typename Compare>
1427inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_view<Type, Compare> >
1428max_of(const Type& value, const op_max_view<Type, Compare>& view)
1430    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(value, view);
1433/** Nested maximum computation.
1434 *
1435 *  Compute the maximum of the result of a max_of() call and another value.
1436 *
1437 *  The result of this computation can only be assigned back to the original
1438 *  view or wrapper, or used in another max_of() call. For example,
1439 *
1440 *      *reducer = max_of(x, max_of(y, *reducer));
1441 *      wrapper = max_of(max_of(wrapper, x), y);
1442 *
1443 *  @see min_max_internal::rhs_proxy
1444 */
1445template <typename Type, typename Compare>
1446inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_view<Type, Compare> >
1447max_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_view<Type, Compare> >& proxy,
1448       const Type& value)
1450    return proxy.calc(value);
1453/// @copydoc max_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_view<Type, Compare> >&, const Type&)
1454template <typename Type, typename Compare>
1455inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_view<Type, Compare> >
1456max_of(const Type& value,
1457       const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_view<Type, Compare> >& proxy)
1459    return proxy.calc(value);
1463/** Monoid class for maximum reductions. Instantiate the cilk::reducer template
1464 *  class with an op_max monoid to create a maximum reducer class. For example,
1465 *  to compute the maximum of a set of `int` values:
1466 *
1467 *      cilk::reducer< cilk::op_max<int> > r;
1468 *
1469 *  @see ReducersMinMax
1470 *  @see op_max_view
1471 */
1472template <typename Type, typename Compare=std::less<Type>, bool Align = false>
1473class op_max :
1474    public min_max_internal::monoid_base<op_max_view<Type, Compare>, Align>
1476    typedef min_max_internal::monoid_base<op_max_view<Type, Compare>, Align>
1477            base;
1479    /// Construct with default comparator.
1480    op_max() {}
1481    /// Construct with specified comparator.
1482    op_max(const Compare& compare) : base(compare) {}
1488/** @defgroup ReducersMinMaxMinValue Minimum reducers (value only)
1489 *
1490 *  These reducers will find the smallest value from a set of values.
1491 *
1492 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
1493 */
1496/** The minimum reducer view class.
1497 *
1498 *  This is the view class for reducers created with
1499 *  `cilk::reducer< cilk::op_min<Type, Compare> >`. It accumulates the minimum,
1500 *  as determined by a comparator, of a set of values which have occurred as
1501 *  arguments to the `calc_min()` function. The accumulated value will be the
1502 *  first argument `x` such that `compare(y, x)` is false for every argument
1503 *  `y`.
1504 *
1505 *  If the comparator is `std::less`, then the accumulated value is the first
1506 *  argument value which no other argument value is less than, i.e., the
1507 *  minimum.
1508 *
1509 *  @note   The reducer ���dereference��� operation (`reducer::operator *()`)
1510 *          yields a reference to the view. Thus, for example, the view class���s
1511 *          `calc_min()` function would be used in an expression like
1512 *          `r->calc_min(a)` where `r` is an op_min reducer variable.
1513 *
1514 *  @tparam Type    The type of the values compared by the reducer. This will
1515 *                  be the value type of a monoid_with_view that is
1516 *                  instantiated with this view.
1517 *  @tparam Compare A `Strict Weak Ordering` whose argument type is @a Type. It
1518 *                  defines the ���less than��� relation used to compute the
1519 *                  minimum.
1520 *
1521 *  @see ReducersMinMax
1522 *  @see op_min
1523 */
1524template <typename Type, typename Compare>
1525class op_min_view : public min_max_internal::view_base<
1526    min_max_internal::view_content<Type, Compare, false>,
1527    Compare,
1528    min_max_internal::reverse_predicate<Compare, Type> >
1530    typedef min_max_internal::view_base<
1531        min_max_internal::view_content<Type, Compare, false>,
1532        Compare,
1533        min_max_internal::reverse_predicate<Compare, Type> > base;
1534    using base::calc;
1535    using base::assign;
1536    friend class min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<op_min_view>;
1539    /** @name Constructors.
1540     *
1541     *  All op_min_view constructors simply pass their arguments on to the
1542     *  @ref view_base base class.
1543     */
1544    //@{
1546    op_min_view() : base() {}
1548    template <typename T1>
1549    op_min_view(const T1& x1) : base(x1) {}
1551    template <typename T1, typename T2>
1552    op_min_view(const T1& x1, const T2& x2) : base(x1, x2) {}
1554    //@}
1556    /** @name View modifier operations.
1557     */
1558    //@{
1560    /** Minimize with a value.
1561     *
1562     *  If @a x is less than the current value of the view (as defined by the
1563     *  reducer���s comparator), or if the view was created without an initial
1564     *  value and its value has never been updated (with `calc_min()` or
1565     *  `= min_of()`), then the value of the view is set to @a x.
1566     *
1567     *  @param  x   The value to minimize the view���s value with.
1568     *
1569     *  @return     A reference to the view. (Allows chaining
1570     *              `view.comp_min(a).comp_min(b)���`.)
1571     */
1572    op_min_view& calc_min(const Type& x) { calc(x); return *this; }
1574    /** Assign the result of a `min_of(view, value)` expression to the view.
1575     *
1576     *  @param  rhs An rhs_proxy value created by a `min_of(view, value)`
1577     *              expression.
1578     *
1579     *  @return     A reference to the view.
1580     *
1581     *  @see min_max_internal::view_base::rhs_proxy
1582     */
1583    op_min_view& operator=(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<op_min_view>& rhs)
1584        { assign(rhs); return *this; }
1588/** Compute the minimum of the value in a view and another value.
1589 *
1590 *  The result of this computation can only be assigned back to the original
1591 *  view or used in another min_of() call. For example,
1592 *
1593 *      *reducer = min_of(*reducer, x);
1594 *      *reducer = min_of(x, *reducer);
1595 *
1596 *  @see min_max_internal::view_base::rhs_proxy
1597 */
1598template <typename Type, typename Compare>
1599inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_view<Type, Compare> >
1600min_of(const op_min_view<Type, Compare>& view, const Type& value)
1602    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(value, view);
1605/// @copydoc min_of(const op_min_view<Type, Compare>&, const Type&)
1606template <typename Type, typename Compare>
1607inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_view<Type, Compare> >
1608min_of(const Type& value, const op_min_view<Type, Compare>& view)
1610    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(value, view);
1613/** Nested minimum computation.
1614 *
1615 *  Compute the minimum of the result of a min_of() call and another value.
1616 *
1617 *  The result of this computation can only be assigned back to the original
1618 *  view or wrapper, or used in another min_of() call. For example,
1619 *
1620 *      *reducer = min_of(x, min_of(y, *reducer));
1621 *      wrapper = min_of(min_of(wrapper, x), y);
1622 *
1623 *  @see min_max_internal::rhs_proxy
1624 */
1625template <typename Type, typename Compare>
1626inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_view<Type, Compare> >
1627min_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_view<Type, Compare> >& proxy,
1628       const Type& value)
1630    return proxy.calc(value);
1633/// @copydoc min_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_view<Type, Compare> >&, const Type&)
1634template <typename Type, typename Compare>
1635inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_view<Type, Compare> >
1636min_of(const Type& value,
1637       const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_view<Type, Compare> >& proxy)
1639    return proxy.calc(value);
1643/** Monoid class for minimum reductions. Instantiate the cilk::reducer template
1644 *  class with an op_min monoid to create a minimum reducer class. For example,
1645 *  to compute the minimum of a set of `int` values:
1646 *
1647 *      cilk::reducer< cilk::op_min<int> > r;
1648 *
1649 *  @see ReducersMinMax
1650 *  @see op_min_view
1651 */
1652template <typename Type, typename Compare=std::less<Type>, bool Align = false>
1653class op_min : public min_max_internal::monoid_base<op_min_view<Type, Compare>, Align> {
1654    typedef min_max_internal::monoid_base<op_min_view<Type, Compare>, Align> base;
1656    /// Construct with default comparator.
1657    op_min() {}
1658    /// Construct with specified comparator.
1659    op_min(const Compare& compare) : base(compare) {}
1665/** @defgroup ReducersMinMaxMaxIndex Maximum reducers (value and index)
1666 *
1667 *  These reducers will find the largest value from a set of values, and its
1668 *  index in the set.
1669 *
1670 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
1671 */
1674/** The maximum index reducer view class.
1675 *
1676 *  This is the view class for reducers created with
1677 *  `cilk::reducer< cilk::op_max_index<Index, Type, Compare> >`. It accumulates
1678 *  the maximum, as determined by a comparator, of a set of values which have
1679 *  occurred as arguments to the `calc_max()` function, and records the index
1680 *  of the maximum value. The accumulated value will be the first argument `x`
1681 *  such that `compare(x, y)` is false for every argument `y`.
1682 *
1683 *  If the comparator is `std::less`, then the accumulated value is the first
1684 *  argument value which is not less than any other argument value, i.e., the
1685 *  maximum.
1686 *
1687 *  @note   The reducer ���dereference��� operation (`reducer::operator *()`)
1688 *          yields a reference to the view. Thus, for example, the view class���s
1689 *          `calc_max()` function would be used in an expression like
1690 *          `r->calc_max(i, a)`where `r` is an op_max_index reducer
1691 *          variable.
1692 *
1693 *  @note   The word ���index��� suggests an integer index into an array, but there
1694 *          is no restriction on the index type or how it should be used. In
1695 *          general, it may be convenient to use it for any kind of key that
1696 *          can be used to locate the maximum value in the collection that it
1697 *          came from ��� for example:
1698 *              -   An index into an array.
1699 *              -   A key into an STL map.
1700 *              -   An iterator into any STL container.
1701 *
1702 *  @note   A max_index reducer is essentially a max reducer whose value type
1703 *          is a `std::pair<Index, Type>`. This fact is camouflaged in the view
1704 *          `calc_max` function, the global `max_of` functions, and the reducer
1705 *          value constructor, which can all take an index argument and a value
1706 *          argument as an alternative to a single `std::pair` argument.
1707 *          However, the reducer `set_value()`, `get_value()`, `move_in()`, and
1708 *          `move_out()` functions work only with pairs, not with individual
1709 *          value and/or index arguments.
1710 *
1711 *  @tparam Index   The type of the indices associated with the values.
1712 *  @tparam Type    The type of the values compared by the reducer. This will
1713 *                  be the value type of a monoid_with_view that is
1714 *                  instantiated with this view.
1715 *  @tparam Compare Used to compare the values. It must be a binary predicate.
1716 *                  If it is omitted, then the view computes the conventional
1717 *                  arithmetic maximum.
1718 *
1719 *  @see ReducersMinMax
1720 *  @see op_max_index
1721 */
1722template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
1723class op_max_index_view : public min_max_internal::view_base<
1724    min_max_internal::index_view_content<Index, Type, Compare, true>,
1725    Compare,
1726    Compare>
1728    typedef min_max_internal::view_base<
1729        min_max_internal::index_view_content<Index, Type, Compare, true>,
1730        Compare,
1731        Compare> base;
1732    using base::calc;
1733    using base::assign;
1734    typedef std::pair<Index, Type> pair_type;
1735    friend class min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<op_max_index_view>;
1738    /** @name Constructors.
1739     *
1740     *  All op_max_index_view constructors simply pass their arguments on to the
1741     *  @ref view_base base class, except for the `(index, value [, compare])`
1742     *  constructors, which create a `std::pair` containing the index and value.
1743     */
1744    //@{
1746    op_max_index_view() : base() {}
1748    template <typename T1>
1749    op_max_index_view(const T1& x1) : base(x1) {}
1751    template <typename T1, typename T2>
1752    op_max_index_view(const T1& x1, const T2& x2) : base(x1, x2) {}
1754    template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
1755    op_max_index_view(const T1& x1, const T2& x2, const T3& x3) : base(x1, x2, x3) {}
1757    op_max_index_view(const Index& i, const Type& v) : base(pair_type(i, v)) {}
1759    op_max_index_view(const Index& i, const Type& v, const typename base::compare_type* c) :
1760        base(pair_type(i, v), c) {}
1762    //@}
1764    /** Maximize with a value and index.
1765     *
1766     *  If @a x is greater than the current value of the view (as defined by
1767     *  the reducer���s comparator), or if the view was created without an
1768     *  initial value and its value has never been updated (with `calc_max()`
1769     *  or `= max_of()`), then the value of the view is set to @a x, and the
1770     *  index is set to @a i..
1771     *
1772     *  @param  i   The index of the value @a x.
1773     *  @param  x   The value to maximize the view���s value with.
1774     *
1775     *  @return     A reference to the view. (Allows
1776     *              `view.comp_max(i, a).comp_max(j, b)���`.)
1777     */
1778    op_max_index_view& calc_max(const Index& i, const Type& x)
1779        { calc(pair_type(i, x)); return *this; }
1781    /** Maximize with an index/value pair.
1782     *
1783     *  If @a pair.second is greater than the current value of the view (as
1784     *  defined by the reducer���s comparator), or if the view was created
1785     *  without an initial value and its value has never been updated (with
1786     *  `calc_max()` or `= max_of()`), then the value of the view is set to
1787     *  @a pair.second, and the index is set to @a pair.first.
1788     *
1789     *  @param  pair    A pair containing a value to maximize the view���s value
1790     *                  with and its associated index.
1791     *
1792     *  @return         A reference to the view. (Allows
1793     *                  `view.comp_max(p1).comp_max(p2)���`.)
1794     */
1795    op_max_index_view& calc_max(const pair_type& pair)
1796        { calc(pair); return *this; }
1798    /** Assign the result of a `max_of(view, index, value)` expression to the
1799     *  view.
1800     *
1801     *  @param  rhs An rhs_proxy value created by a `max_of(view, index, value)`
1802     *              expression.
1803     *
1804     *  @return     A reference to the view.
1805     *
1806     *  @see min_max_internal::view_base::rhs_proxy
1807     */
1808    op_max_index_view& operator=(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<op_max_index_view>& rhs)
1809        { assign(rhs); return *this; }
1813/** Compute the maximum of the value in a view and another value.
1814 *
1815 *  The result of this computation can only be assigned back to the original
1816 *  view or used in another max_of() call. For example,
1817 *
1818 *      *reducer = max_of(*reducer, i, x);
1819 *      *reducer = max_of(i, x, *reducer);
1820 *
1821 *  @see min_max_internal::rhs_proxy
1822 */
1823template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
1824inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
1825max_of(const op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>& view,
1826       const Index& index, const Type& value)
1828    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(std::pair<Index, Type>(index, value), view);
1831/// @copydoc max_of(const op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>&, const Index&, const Type&)
1832template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
1833inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
1834max_of(const Index& index, const Type& value,
1835       const op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>& view)
1837    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(std::pair<Index, Type>(index, value), view);
1840/// @copydoc max_of(const op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>&, const Index&, const Type&)
1841template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
1842inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
1843max_of(const op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>& view,
1844       const std::pair<Index, Type>& pair)
1846    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(pair, view);
1849/// @copydoc max_of(const op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>&, const Index&, const Type&)
1850template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
1851inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
1852max_of(const std::pair<Index, Type>& pair,
1853       const op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>& view)
1855    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(pair, view);
1858/** Nested computation of the maximum of the value in a view and other values.
1859 *
1860 *  Compute the maximum of the result of a max_of() call and another value.
1861 *
1862 *  The result of this computation can only be assigned back to the original
1863 *  view or used in another max_of() call. For example,
1864 *
1865 *      *reducer = max_of(x, max_of(y, *reducer));
1866 *      *reducer = max_of(max_of(*reducer, x), y);
1867 *
1868 *  @see min_max_internal::rhs_proxy
1869 */
1870template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
1871inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
1872max_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >& proxy,
1873       const Index& index, const Type& value)
1875    return proxy.calc(std::pair<Index, Type>(index, value));
1878/// @copydoc max_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >&, const Index&, const Type&)
1879template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
1880inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
1881max_of(const Index& index, const Type& value,
1882       const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >& proxy)
1884    return proxy.calc(std::pair<Index, Type>(index, value));
1887/// @copydoc max_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >&, const Index&, const Type&)
1888template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
1889inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
1890max_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >& proxy,
1891       const std::pair<Index, Type>& pair)
1893    return proxy.calc(pair);
1896/// @copydoc max_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >&, const Index&, const Type&)
1897template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
1898inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
1899max_of(const std::pair<Index, Type>& pair,
1900       const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >& proxy)
1902    return proxy.calc(pair);
1906/** Monoid class for maximum reductions with index. Instantiate the
1907 *  cilk::reducer template class with an op_max_index monoid to create a
1908 *  max_index reducer class. For example, to compute the maximum of an array of
1909 *  `double` values and the array index of the max value:
1910 *
1911 *      cilk::reducer< cilk::op_max_index<unsigned, double> > r;
1912 *
1913 *  @see ReducersMinMax
1914 *  @see op_max_index_view
1915 */
1916template < typename Index
1917         , typename Type
1918         , typename Compare=std::less<Type>
1919         , bool     Align = false
1920         >
1921class op_max_index : public min_max_internal::monoid_base<op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>, Align>
1923    typedef min_max_internal::monoid_base<
1924        op_max_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>, Align> base;
1926    /// Construct with default comparator.
1927    op_max_index() {}
1928    /// Construct with specified comparator.
1929    op_max_index(const Compare& compare) : base(compare) {}
1936/** @defgroup ReducersMinMaxMinIndex Minimum reducers (value and index)
1937 *
1938 *  These reducers will find the smallest value from a set of values, and its
1939 *  index in the set.
1940 *
1941 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMax
1942 */
1945/** The minimum index reducer view class.
1946 *
1947 *  This is the view class for reducers created with
1948 *  `cilk::reducer<cilk::op_min_index<Index, Type, Compare> >`. It accumulates
1949 *  the minimum, as determined by a comparator, of a set of values which have
1950 *  occurred as arguments to the `calc_min()` function, and records the index
1951 *  of the minimum value. The accumulated value will be the first argument `x`
1952 *  such that `compare(y, x)` is false for every argument `y`.
1953 *
1954 *  If the comparator is `std::less`, then the accumulated value is the first
1955 *  argument value which no other argument value is less than, i.e., the
1956 *  minimum.
1957 *
1958 *  @note   The reducer ���dereference��� operation (`reducer::operator *()`)
1959 *          yields a reference to the view. Thus, for example, the view class���s
1960 *          `calc_min()` function would be
1961 *          used in an expression like `r->calc_min(i, a)`where `r` is an
1962 *          op_min_index reducer variable.
1963 *
1964 *  @note   The word ���index��� suggests an integer index into an array, but there
1965 *          is no restriction on the index type or how it should be used. In
1966 *          general, it may be convenient to use it for any kind of key that
1967 *          can be used to locate the minimum value in the collection that it
1968 *          came from ��� for example:
1969 *              -   An index into an array.
1970 *              -   A key into an STL map.
1971 *              -   An iterator into any STL container.
1972 *
1973 *  @note   A min_index reducer is essentially a min reducer whose value type
1974 *          is a `std::pair<Index, Type>`. This fact is camouflaged in the view
1975 *          `calc_min` function, the global `min_of` functions, and the reducer
1976 *          value constructor, which can all take an index argument and a value
1977 *          argument as an alternative to a single `std::pair` argument.
1978 *          However, the reducer `set_value()`, `get_value()`, `move_in()`, and
1979 *          `move_out()` functions work only with pairs, not with individual
1980 *          value and/or index arguments.
1981 *
1982 *  @tparam Index   The type of the indices associated with the values.
1983 *  @tparam Type    The type of the values compared by the reducer. This will
1984 *                  be the value type of a monoid_with_view that is
1985 *                  instantiated with this view.
1986 *  @tparam Compare Used to compare the values. It must be a binary predicate.
1987 *                  If it is omitted, then the view computes the conventional
1988 *                  arithmetic minimum.
1989 *
1990 *  @see ReducersMinMax
1991 *  @see op_min_index
1992 */
1993template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
1994class op_min_index_view : public min_max_internal::view_base<
1995    min_max_internal::index_view_content<Index, Type, Compare, false>,
1996    Compare,
1997    min_max_internal::reverse_predicate<Compare, Type> >
1999    typedef min_max_internal::view_base<
2000        min_max_internal::index_view_content<Index, Type, Compare, false>,
2001        Compare,
2002        min_max_internal::reverse_predicate<Compare, Type> > base;
2003    using base::calc;
2004    using base::assign;
2005    typedef std::pair<Index, Type> pair_type;
2006    friend class min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<op_min_index_view>;
2009    /** @name Constructors.
2010     *
2011     *  All op_min_index_view constructors simply pass their arguments on to the
2012     *  @ref view_base base class, except for the `(index, value [, compare])`
2013     *  constructors, which create a `std::pair` containing the index and value.
2014     */
2015    //@{
2017    op_min_index_view() : base() {}
2019    template <typename T1>
2020    op_min_index_view(const T1& x1) : base(x1) {}
2022    template <typename T1, typename T2>
2023    op_min_index_view(const T1& x1, const T2& x2) : base(x1, x2) {}
2025    template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
2026    op_min_index_view(const T1& x1, const T2& x2, const T3& x3) : base(x1, x2, x3) {}
2028    op_min_index_view(const Index& i, const Type& v) : base(pair_type(i, v)) {}
2030    op_min_index_view(const Index& i, const Type& v, const typename base::compare_type* c) :
2031        base(pair_type(i, v), c) {}
2033    //@}
2035    /** Minimize with a value and index.
2036     *
2037     *  If @a x is greater than the current value of the view (as defined by
2038     *  the reducer���s comparator), or if the view was created without an
2039     *  initial value and its value has never been updated (with `calc_min()`
2040     *  or `= min_of()`), then the value of the view is set to @a x, and the
2041     *  index is set to @a i..
2042     *
2043     *  @param  i   The index of the value @a x.
2044     *  @param  x   The value to minimize the view���s value with.
2045     *
2046     *  @return     A reference to the view. (Allows
2047     *              `view.comp_min(i, a).comp_min(j, b)���`.)
2048     */
2049    op_min_index_view& calc_min(const Index& i, const Type& x)
2050        { calc(pair_type(i, x)); return *this; }
2052    /** Maximize with an index/value pair.
2053     *
2054     *  If @a pair.second is less than the current value of the view (as
2055     *  defined by the reducer���s comparator), or if the view was created
2056     *  without an initial value and its value has never been updated (with
2057     *  `calc_min()` or `= min_of()`), then the value of the view is set to
2058     *  @a pair.second, and the index is set to @a pair.first.
2059     *
2060     *  @param  pair    A pair containing a value to minimize the view���s value
2061     *                  with and its associated index.
2062     *
2063     *  @return         A reference to the view. (Allows
2064     *                  `view.comp_min(p1).comp_min(p2)���`.)
2065     */
2066    op_min_index_view& calc_min(const pair_type& pair)
2067        { calc(pair); return *this; }
2069    /** Assign the result of a `min_of(view, index, value)` expression to the
2070     *  view.
2071     *
2072     *  @param  rhs An rhs_proxy value created by a `min_of(view, index, value)`
2073     *              expression.
2074     *
2075     *  @return     A reference to the view.
2076     *
2077     *  @see min_max_internal::view_base::rhs_proxy
2078     */
2079    op_min_index_view& operator=(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<op_min_index_view>& rhs)
2080        { assign(rhs); return *this; }
2084/** Compute the minimum of the value in a view and another value.
2085 *
2086 *  The result of this computation can only be assigned back to the original
2087 *  view or used in another min_of() call. For example,
2088 *
2089 *      *reducer = min_of(*reducer, i, x);
2090 *      *reducer = min_of(i, x, *reducer);
2091 *
2092 *  @see min_max_internal::min_min_view_base::rhs_proxy
2093 */
2094template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
2095inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
2096min_of(const op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>& view,
2097       const Index& index, const Type& value)
2099    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(std::pair<Index, Type>(index, value), view);
2102/// @copydoc min_of(const op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>&, const Index&, const Type&)
2103template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
2104inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
2105min_of(const Index& index, const Type& value,
2106       const op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>& view)
2108    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(std::pair<Index, Type>(index, value), view);
2111/// @copydoc min_of(const op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>&, const Index&, const Type&)
2112template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
2113inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
2114min_of(const op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>& view,
2115       const std::pair<Index, Type>& pair)
2117    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(pair, view);
2120/// @copydoc min_of(const op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>&, const Index&, const Type&)
2121template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
2122inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
2123min_of(const std::pair<Index, Type>& pair,
2124       const op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>& view)
2126    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(pair, view);
2129/** Nested computation of the minimum of the value in a view and other values.
2130 *
2131 *  Compute the minimum of the result of a min_of() call and another value.
2132 *
2133 *  The result of this computation can only be assigned back to the original
2134 *  view or used in another min_of() call. For example,
2135 *
2136 *      *reducer = min_of(x, min_of(y, *reducer));
2137 *      *reducer = min_of(min_of(*reducer, x), y);
2138 *
2139 *  @see min_max_internal::min_min_view_base::rhs_proxy
2140 */
2141template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
2142inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
2143min_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >& proxy,
2144       const Index& index, const Type& value)
2146    return proxy.calc(std::pair<Index, Type>(index, value));
2149/// @copydoc min_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >&, const Index&, const Type&)
2150template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
2151inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
2152min_of(const Index& index, const Type& value,
2153       const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >& proxy)
2155    return proxy.calc(std::pair<Index, Type>(index, value));
2158/// @copydoc min_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >&, const Index&, const Type&)
2159template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
2160inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
2161min_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >& proxy,
2162       const std::pair<Index, Type>& pair)
2164    return proxy.calc(pair);
2167/// @copydoc min_of(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >&, const Index&, const Type&)
2168template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare>
2169inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >
2170min_of(const std::pair<Index, Type>& pair,
2171       const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare> >& proxy)
2173    return proxy.calc(pair);
2177/** Monoid class for minimum reductions with index. Instantiate the
2178 *  cilk::reducer template class with an op_min_index monoid to create a
2179 *  min_index reducer class. For example, to compute the minimum of an array of
2180 *  `double` values and the array index of the min value:
2181 *
2182 *      cilk::reducer< cilk::op_min_index<unsigned, double> > r;
2183 *
2184 *  @see ReducersMinMax
2185 *  @see op_min_index_view
2186 */
2187template < typename Index
2188         , typename Type
2189         , typename Compare=std::less<Type>
2190         , bool     Align = false
2191         >
2192class op_min_index : public min_max_internal::monoid_base<op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>, Align>
2194    typedef min_max_internal::monoid_base<
2195        op_min_index_view<Index, Type, Compare>, Align> base;
2197    /// Construct with default comparator.
2198    op_min_index() {}
2199    /// Construct with specified comparator.
2200    op_min_index(const Compare& compare) : base(compare) {}
2206/** Deprecated maximum reducer wrapper class.
2207 *
2208 *  reducer_max is the same as @ref reducer<@ref op_max>, except that
2209 *  reducer_max is a proxy for the contained view, so that accumulator
2210 *  variable update operations can be applied directly to the reducer. For
2211 *  example, a value is maximized with  a `reducer<%op_max>` with
2212 *  `r->calc_max(a)`, but a value can be maximized with a `%reducer_max` with
2213 *  `r.calc_max(a)`.
2214 *
2215 *
2216 *  @deprecated Users are strongly encouraged to use `reducer<monoid>`
2217 *              reducers rather than the old wrappers like reducer_max.
2218 *              The `reducer<monoid>` reducers show the reducer/monoid/view
2219 *              architecture more clearly, are more consistent in their
2220 *              implementation, and present a simpler model for new
2221 *              user-implemented reducers.
2222 *
2223 *  @note   Implicit conversions are provided between `%reducer_max`
2224 *          and `reducer<%op_max>`. This allows incremental code
2225 *          conversion: old code that used `%reducer_max` can pass a
2226 *          `%reducer_max` to a converted function that now expects a
2227 *          pointer or reference to a `reducer<%op_max>`, and vice
2228 *          versa. **But see  @ref redminmax_compatibility.**
2229 *
2230 *  @tparam Type    The value type of the reducer.
2231 *  @tparam Compare The ���less than��� comparator type for the reducer.
2232 *
2233 *  @see op_max
2234 *  @see op_max_view
2235 *  @see reducer
2236 *  @see ReducersMinMax
2237 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMaxMaxValue
2238 */
2239template <typename Type, typename Compare=std::less<Type> >
2240class reducer_max : public reducer< op_max<Type, Compare, true> >
2243        ::cilk::internal::class_is_empty<
2244            typename ::cilk::internal::binary_functor<Compare>::type >::value,
2245        "cilk::reducer_max<Type, Compare> only works with "
2246        "an empty Compare class");
2247    typedef reducer< op_max<Type, Compare, true> > base;
2250    /// Type of data in a reducer_max.
2251    typedef Type                            basic_value_type;
2253    /// The view type for the reducer.
2254    typedef typename base::view_type        view_type;
2256    /// The view type for the reducer.
2257    typedef typename base::view_type        View;
2259    /// The monoid type for the reducer.
2260    typedef typename base::monoid_type      monoid_type;
2262    /// The monoid type for the reducer.
2263    typedef typename base::monoid_type      Monoid;
2265    /// The view���s rhs proxy type.
2266    typedef min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<View> rhs_proxy;
2268    using base::view;
2270    /** @name Constructors
2271     */
2272    //@{
2274    /// Construct the wrapper in its identity state (either `!is_set()`, or
2275    /// `value() == identity value`).
2276    reducer_max() : base() {}
2278    /// Construct the wrapper with a specified initial value.
2279    explicit reducer_max(const Type& initial_value) : base(initial_value) {}
2281    /// Construct the wrapper in its identity state with a specified
2282    /// comparator.
2283    explicit reducer_max(const Compare& comp) : base(comp) {}
2285    /// Construct the wrapper with a specified initial value and a specified
2286    /// comparator.
2287    reducer_max(const Type& initial_value, const Compare& comp)
2288    :   base(initial_value, comp) {}
2290    //@}
2292    /** @name Forwarded functions
2293     *  @details Functions that update the contained accumulator variable are
2294     *  simply forwarded to the contained @ref op_max_view. */
2295    //@{
2297    /// @copydoc cilk_lib_1_0::min_max_internal::view_content::is_set() const
2298    bool is_set() const { return view().is_set(); }
2300    /// @copydoc op_max_view::calc_max(const Type&)
2301    reducer_max& calc_max(const Type& x)
2302        { view().calc_max(x); return *this; }
2304    /// @copydoc op_max_view::operator=(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<op_max_view>&)
2305    reducer_max& operator=(const rhs_proxy& rhs)
2306        { view() = rhs; return *this; }
2308    //@}
2310    /** Allow read-only access to the value within the current view.
2311     *
2312     *  @returns    A const reference to the value within the current view.
2313     */
2314    const Type& get_reference() const { return view().get_reference(); }
2316    /// @name Dereference
2317    /** Dereferencing a wrapper is a no-op. It simply returns the wrapper.
2318     *  Combined with the rule that a wrapper forwards view operations to the
2319     *  view, this means that view operations can be written the same way on
2320     *  reducers and wrappers, which is convenient for incrementally
2321     *  converting code using wrappers to code using reducers. That is:
2322     *
2323     *      reducer< op_max<int> > r;
2324     *      r->calc_max(a);      // *r returns the view
2325     *                           // calc_max is a view member function
2326     *
2327     *      reducer_max<int> w;
2328     *      w->calc_max(a);      // *w returns the wrapper
2329     *                           // calc_max is a wrapper member function that
2330     *                           // calls the corresponding view function
2331     */
2332    //@{
2333    reducer_max&       operator*()       { return *this; }
2334    reducer_max const& operator*() const { return *this; }
2336    reducer_max*       operator->()       { return this; }
2337    reducer_max const* operator->() const { return this; }
2338    //@}
2340    /** @name Upcast
2341     *  @details In Cilk library 0.9, reducers were always cache-aligned. In
2342     *  library  1.0, reducer cache alignment is optional. By default, reducers
2343     *  are unaligned (i.e., just naturally aligned), but legacy wrappers
2344     *  inherit from cache-aligned reducers for binary compatibility.
2345     *
2346     *  This means that a wrapper will automatically be upcast to its aligned
2347     *  reducer base class. The following conversion operators provide
2348     *  pseudo-upcasts to the corresponding unaligned reducer class.
2349     */
2350    //@{
2351    operator reducer< op_max<Type, Compare, false> >& ()
2352    {
2353        return *reinterpret_cast< reducer< op_max<Type, Compare, false> >* >(this);
2354    }
2356    operator const reducer< op_max<Type, Compare, false> >& () const
2357    {
2358        return *reinterpret_cast< const reducer< op_max<Type, Compare, false> >* >(this);
2359    }
2360    //@}
2364/// @cond internal
2365// The legacy definition of max_of(reducer_max, value) has different
2366// behavior and a different return type than this definition. We add an
2367// unused third argument to this version of the function to give it a different
2368// signature, so that they won���t end up sharing a single object file entry.
2369struct max_of_1_0_t {};
2370const max_of_1_0_t max_of_1_0 = {};
2371/// @endcond
2373/** Compute the maximum of the value in a reducer_max and another value.
2374 *
2375 *  @deprecated Because reducer_max is deprecated.
2376 *
2377 *  The result of this computation can only be assigned back to the original
2378 *  reducer or used in another max_of() call. For example,
2379 *
2380 *      reducer = max_of(reducer, x);
2381 *      reducer = max_of(x, reducer);
2382 *
2383 *  @see min_max_internal::rhs_proxy
2384 *
2385 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMaxMaxValue
2386 */
2387template <typename Type, typename Compare>
2388inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_view<Type, Compare> >
2389max_of(const reducer_max<Type, Compare>& r, const Type& value,
2390        const max_of_1_0_t& = max_of_1_0)
2392    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(value, r.view());
2395/// @copydoc max_of(const reducer_max<Type, Compare>&, const Type&, const max_of_1_0_t&)
2396/// @ingroup ReducersMinMaxMaxValue
2397template <typename Type, typename Compare>
2398inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_max_view<Type, Compare> >
2399max_of(const Type& value, const reducer_max<Type, Compare>& r,
2400        const max_of_1_0_t& = max_of_1_0)
2402    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(value, r.view());
2406/** Deprecated minimum reducer wrapper class.
2407 *
2408 *  reducer_min is the same as @ref reducer<@ref op_min>, except that
2409 *  reducer_min is a proxy for the contained view, so that accumulator
2410 *  variable update operations can be applied directly to the reducer. For
2411 *  example, a value is minimized with  a `reducer<%op_min>` with
2412 *  `r->calc_min(a)`, but a value can be minimized with a `%reducer_min` with
2413 *  `r.calc_min(a)`.
2414 *
2415 *
2416 *  @deprecated Users are strongly encouraged to use `reducer<monoid>`
2417 *              reducers rather than the old wrappers like reducer_min.
2418 *              The `reducer<monoid>` reducers show the reducer/monoid/view
2419 *              architecture more clearly, are more consistent in their
2420 *              implementation, and present a simpler model for new
2421 *              user-implemented reducers.
2422 *
2423 *  @note   Implicit conversions are provided between `%reducer_min`
2424 *          and `reducer<%op_min>`. This allows incremental code
2425 *          conversion: old code that used `%reducer_min` can pass a
2426 *          `%reducer_min` to a converted function that now expects a
2427 *          pointer or reference to a `reducer<%op_min>`, and vice
2428 *          versa. **But see  @ref redminmax_compatibility.**
2429 *
2430 *  @tparam Type    The value type of the reducer.
2431 *  @tparam Compare The ���less than��� comparator type for the reducer.
2432 *
2433 *  @see op_min
2434 *  @see op_min_view
2435 *  @see reducer
2436 *  @see ReducersMinMax
2437 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMaxMinValue
2438 */
2439template <typename Type, typename Compare=std::less<Type> >
2440class reducer_min : public reducer< op_min<Type, Compare, true> >
2443        ::cilk::internal::class_is_empty<
2444            typename ::cilk::internal::binary_functor<Compare>::type >::value,
2445        "cilk::reducer_min<Type, Compare> only works with "
2446        "an empty Compare class");
2447    typedef reducer< op_min<Type, Compare, true> > base;
2450    /// Type of data in a reducer_min.
2451    typedef Type                            basic_value_type;
2453    /// The view type for the reducer.
2454    typedef typename base::view_type        view_type;
2456    /// The view type for the reducer.
2457    typedef typename base::view_type        View;
2459    /// The monoid type for the reducer.
2460    typedef typename base::monoid_type      monoid_type;
2462    /// The monoid type for the reducer.
2463    typedef typename base::monoid_type      Monoid;
2465    /// The view���s rhs proxy type.
2466    typedef min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<View> rhs_proxy;
2468    using base::view;
2470    /** @name Constructors
2471     */
2472    //@{
2474    /// Construct the wrapper in its identity state (either `!is_set()`, or
2475    /// `value() == identity value`).
2476    reducer_min() : base() {}
2478    /// Construct the wrapper with a specified initial value.
2479    explicit reducer_min(const Type& initial_value) : base(initial_value) {}
2481    /// Construct the wrapper in its identity state with a specified
2482    /// comparator.
2483    explicit reducer_min(const Compare& comp) : base(comp) {}
2485    /// Construct the wrapper with a specified initial value and a specified
2486    /// comparator.
2487    reducer_min(const Type& initial_value, const Compare& comp)
2488    :   base(initial_value, comp) {}
2490    //@}
2492    /** @name Forwarded functions
2493     *  @details Functions that update the contained accumulator variable are
2494     *  simply forwarded to the contained @ref op_min_view. */
2495    //@{
2497    /// @copydoc cilk_lib_1_0::min_max_internal::view_content::is_set() const
2498    bool is_set() const { return view().is_set(); }
2500    /// @copydoc op_min_view::calc_min(const Type&)
2501    reducer_min& calc_min(const Type& x)
2502        { view().calc_min(x); return *this; }
2504    /// @copydoc op_min_view::operator=(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<op_min_view>&)
2505    reducer_min& operator=(const rhs_proxy& rhs)
2506        { view() = rhs; return *this; }
2508    //@}
2510    /** Allow read-only access to the value within the current view.
2511     *
2512     *  @returns    A const reference to the value within the current view.
2513     */
2514    const Type& get_reference() const { return view().get_reference(); }
2516    /// @name Dereference
2517    /** Dereferencing a wrapper is a no-op. It simply returns the wrapper.
2518     *  Combined with the rule that a wrapper forwards view operations to the
2519     *  view, this means that view operations can be written the same way on
2520     *  reducers and wrappers, which is convenient for incrementally
2521     *  converting code using wrappers to code using reducers. That is:
2522     *
2523     *      reducer< op_min<int> > r;
2524     *      r->calc_min(a);      // *r returns the view
2525     *                           // calc_min is a view member function
2526     *
2527     *      reducer_min<int> w;
2528     *      w->calc_min(a);      // *w returns the wrapper
2529     *                           // calc_min is a wrapper member function that
2530     *                           // calls the corresponding view function
2531     */
2532    //@{
2533    reducer_min&       operator*()       { return *this; }
2534    reducer_min const& operator*() const { return *this; }
2536    reducer_min*       operator->()       { return this; }
2537    reducer_min const* operator->() const { return this; }
2538    //@}
2540    /** @name Upcast
2541     *  @details In Cilk library 0.9, reducers were always cache-aligned. In
2542     *  library  1.0, reducer cache alignment is optional. By default, reducers
2543     *  are unaligned (i.e., just naturally aligned), but legacy wrappers
2544     *  inherit from cache-aligned reducers for binary compatibility.
2545     *
2546     *  This means that a wrapper will automatically be upcast to its aligned
2547     *  reducer base class. The following conversion operators provide
2548     *  pseudo-upcasts to the corresponding unaligned reducer class.
2549     */
2550    //@{
2551    operator reducer< op_min<Type, Compare, false> >& ()
2552    {
2553        return *reinterpret_cast< reducer< op_min<Type, Compare, false> >* >(this);
2554    }
2556    operator const reducer< op_min<Type, Compare, false> >& () const
2557    {
2558        return *reinterpret_cast< const reducer< op_min<Type, Compare, false> >* >(this);
2559    }
2560    //@}
2564/** Compute the minimum of a reducer and a value.
2565 *
2566 *  @deprecated Because reducer_min is deprecated.
2567 */
2569// The legacy definition of min_of(reducer_min, value) has different
2570// behavior and a different return type than this definition. We add an
2571// unused third argument to this version of the function to give it a different
2572// signature, so that they won���t end up sharing a single object file entry.
2573struct min_of_1_0_t {};
2574const min_of_1_0_t min_of_1_0 = {};
2576template <typename Type, typename Compare>
2577inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_view<Type, Compare> >
2578min_of(const reducer_min<Type, Compare>& r, const Type& value,
2579        const min_of_1_0_t& = min_of_1_0)
2581    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(value, r.view());
2584template <typename Type, typename Compare>
2585inline min_max_internal::rhs_proxy< op_min_view<Type, Compare> >
2586min_of(const Type& value, const reducer_min<Type, Compare>& r,
2587        const min_of_1_0_t& = min_of_1_0)
2589    return min_max_internal::make_proxy(value, r.view());
2594/** Deprecated maximum with index reducer wrapper class.
2595 *
2596 *  reducer_max_index is the same as @ref reducer<@ref op_max_index>, except
2597 *  that reducer_max_index is a proxy for the contained view, so that
2598 *  accumulator variable update operations can be applied directly to the
2599 *  reducer. For example, a value is maximized with  a `reducer<%op_max_index>`
2600 *  with `r->calc_max(i, a)`, but a value can be maximized with a
2601 *  `%reducer_max` with `r.calc_max(i, aa)`.
2602 *
2603 *
2604 *  @deprecated Users are strongly encouraged to use `reducer<monoid>`
2605 *              reducers rather than the old wrappers like reducer_max.
2606 *              The `reducer<monoid>` reducers show the reducer/monoid/view
2607 *              architecture more clearly, are more consistent in their
2608 *              implementation, and present a simpler model for new
2609 *              user-implemented reducers.
2610 *
2611 *  @note   Implicit conversions are provided between `%reducer_max_index`
2612 *          and `reducer<%op_max_index>`. This allows incremental code
2613 *          conversion: old code that used `%reducer_max_index` can pass a
2614 *          `%reducer_max_index` to a converted function that now expects a
2615 *          pointer or reference to a `reducer<%op_max_index>`, and vice
2616 *          versa. **But see  @ref redminmax_compatibility.**
2617 *
2618 *  @tparam Index   The index type of the reducer.
2619 *  @tparam Type    The value type of the reducer.
2620 *  @tparam Compare The ���less than��� comparator type for the reducer.
2621 *
2622 *  @see op_max_index
2623 *  @see op_max_index_view
2624 *  @see reducer
2625 *  @see ReducersMinMax
2626 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMaxMaxIndex
2627 */
2628template < typename Index
2629         , typename Type
2630         , typename Compare = std::less<Type>
2631         >
2632class reducer_max_index :
2633    public reducer< op_max_index<Index, Type, Compare, true> >
2636        ::cilk::internal::class_is_empty<
2637            typename ::cilk::internal::binary_functor<Compare>::type >::value,
2638        "cilk::reducer_max_index<Type, Compare> only works with "
2639        "an empty Compare class");
2640    typedef reducer< op_max_index<Index, Type, Compare, true> > base;
2643    /// Type of data in a reducer_max_index.
2644    typedef Type                            basic_value_type;
2646    /// The view type for the reducer.
2647    typedef typename base::view_type        view_type;
2649    /// The view type for the reducer.
2650    typedef typename base::view_type        View;
2652    /// The monoid type for the reducer.
2653    typedef typename base::monoid_type      monoid_type;
2655    /// The monoid type for the reducer.
2656    typedef typename base::monoid_type      Monoid;
2658    /// The view���s rhs proxy type.
2659    typedef min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<View> rhs_proxy;
2661    using base::view;
2663    /** @name Constructors
2664     */
2665    //@{
2667    /// Construct the wrapper in its identity state (`!is_set()`).
2668    reducer_max_index() : base() {}
2670    /// Construct with a specified initial index and value.
2671    reducer_max_index(const Index& initial_index,
2672                      const Type& initial_value)
2673    : base(initial_index, initial_value) {}
2675    /// Construct the wrapper with a specified comparator.
2676    explicit reducer_max_index(const Compare& comp) : base(comp) {}
2678    /// Construct the wrapper with a specified initial index, value,
2679    /// and comparator.
2680    reducer_max_index(const Index& initial_index,
2681                      const Type& initial_value,
2682                      const Compare& comp)
2683    : base(initial_index, initial_value, comp) {}
2685    //@}
2687    /** @name Set / Get
2688     */
2689    //@{
2691    /// Set the index and value of this object.
2692    void set_value(const Index& index, const Type& value)
2693        { base::set_value(std::make_pair(index, value)); }
2695    /// Return the maximum value.
2696    const Type& get_value() const
2697        { return view().get_reference(); }
2699    /// Return the maximum index.
2700    const Index& get_index() const
2701        { return view().get_index_reference(); }
2703    /// Return a const reference to value data member in the view.
2704    const Type& get_reference() const
2705        { return view().get_reference(); }
2707    /// Return a const reference to index data member in the view.
2708    const Index& get_index_reference() const
2709        { return view().get_index_reference(); }
2711    //@}
2713    /** @name Forwarded functions
2714     *  @details Functions that update the contained accumulator variable are
2715     *  simply forwarded to the contained @ref op_max_view. */
2716    //@{
2718    /// @copydoc cilk_lib_1_0::min_max_internal::view_content::is_set() const
2719    bool is_set() const { return view().is_set(); }
2721    /// @copydoc op_max_index_view::calc_max(const Index&, const Type&)
2722    reducer_max_index& calc_max(const Index& i, const Type& x)
2723        { view().calc_max(i, x); return *this; }
2725    /// @copydoc op_max_view::operator=(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<op_max_view>&)
2726    reducer_max_index& operator=(const rhs_proxy& rhs)
2727        { view() = rhs; return *this; }
2729    //@}
2731    /// @name Dereference
2732    /** Dereferencing a wrapper is a no-op. It simply returns the wrapper.
2733     *  Combined with the rule that a wrapper forwards view operations to the
2734     *  view, this means that view operations can be written the same way on
2735     *  reducers and wrappers, which is convenient for incrementally
2736     *  converting code using wrappers to code using reducers. That is:
2737     *
2738     *      reducer< op_max_index<int, int> > r;
2739     *      r->calc_max(i, a);   // *r returns the view
2740     *                           // calc_max is a view member function
2741     *
2742     *      reducer_max_index<int, int> w;
2743     *      w->calc_max(i, a);   // *w returns the wrapper
2744     *                           // calc_max is a wrapper member function that
2745     *                           // calls the corresponding view function
2746     */
2747    //@{
2748    reducer_max_index&       operator*()       { return *this; }
2749    reducer_max_index const& operator*() const { return *this; }
2751    reducer_max_index*       operator->()       { return this; }
2752    reducer_max_index const* operator->() const { return this; }
2753    //@}
2755    /** @name Upcast
2756     *  @details In Cilk library 0.9, reducers were always cache-aligned. In
2757     *  library  1.0, reducer cache alignment is optional. By default, reducers
2758     *  are unaligned (i.e., just naturally aligned), but legacy wrappers
2759     *  inherit from cache-aligned reducers for binary compatibility.
2760     *
2761     *  This means that a wrapper will automatically be upcast to its aligned
2762     *  reducer base class. The following conversion operators provide
2763     *  pseudo-upcasts to the corresponding unaligned reducer class.
2764     */
2765    //@{
2766    operator reducer< op_max_index<Index, Type, Compare, false> >& ()
2767    {
2768        return *reinterpret_cast< reducer< op_max_index<Index, Type, Compare, false> >* >(this);
2769    }
2771    operator const reducer< op_max_index<Index, Type, Compare, false> >& () const
2772    {
2773        return *reinterpret_cast< const reducer< op_max_index<Index, Type, Compare, false> >* >(this);
2774    }
2775    //@}
2780/** Deprecated minimum with index reducer wrapper class.
2781 *
2782 *  reducer_min_index is the same as @ref reducer<@ref op_min_index>, except
2783 *  that reducer_min_index is a proxy for the contained view, so that
2784 *  accumulator variable update operations can be applied directly to the
2785 *  reducer. For example, a value is minimized with  a `reducer<%op_min_index>`
2786 *  with `r->calc_min(i, a)`, but a value can be minimized with a
2787 *  `%reducer_min` with `r.calc_min(i, aa)`.
2788 *
2789 *
2790 *  @deprecated Users are strongly encouraged to use `reducer<monoid>`
2791 *              reducers rather than the old wrappers like reducer_min.
2792 *              The `reducer<monoid>` reducers show the reducer/monoid/view
2793 *              architecture more clearly, are more consistent in their
2794 *              implementation, and present a simpler model for new
2795 *              user-implemented reducers.
2796 *
2797 *  @note   Implicit conversions are provided between `%reducer_min_index`
2798 *          and `reducer<%op_min_index>`. This allows incremental code
2799 *          conversion: old code that used `%reducer_min_index` can pass a
2800 *          `%reducer_min_index` to a converted function that now expects a
2801 *          pointer or reference to a `reducer<%op_min_index>`, and vice
2802 *          versa. **But see  @ref redminmax_compatibility.**
2803 *
2804 *  @tparam Index   The index type of the reducer.
2805 *  @tparam Type    The value type of the reducer.
2806 *  @tparam Compare The ���less than��� comparator type for the reducer.
2807 *
2808 *  @see op_min_index
2809 *  @see op_min_index_view
2810 *  @see reducer
2811 *  @see ReducersMinMax
2812 *  @ingroup ReducersMinMaxMinIndex
2813 */
2814template < typename Index
2815         , typename Type
2816         , typename Compare = std::less<Type>
2817         >
2818class reducer_min_index :
2819    public reducer< op_min_index<Index, Type, Compare, true> >
2822        ::cilk::internal::class_is_empty<
2823            typename ::cilk::internal::binary_functor<Compare>::type >::value,
2824        "cilk::reducer_min_index<Type, Compare> only works with "
2825        "an empty Compare class");
2826    typedef reducer< op_min_index<Index, Type, Compare, true> > base;
2829    /// Type of data in a reducer_min_index.
2830    typedef Type                            basic_value_type;
2832    /// The view type for the reducer.
2833    typedef typename base::view_type        view_type;
2835    /// The view type for the reducer.
2836    typedef typename base::view_type        View;
2838    /// The monoid type for the reducer.
2839    typedef typename base::monoid_type      monoid_type;
2841    /// The monoid type for the reducer.
2842    typedef typename base::monoid_type      Monoid;
2844    /// The view���s rhs proxy type.
2845    typedef min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<View> rhs_proxy;
2847    using base::view;
2849    /** @name Constructors
2850     */
2851    //@{
2853    /// Construct the wrapper in its identity state (`!is_set()`).
2854    reducer_min_index() : base() {}
2856    /// Construct with a specified initial index and value.
2857    reducer_min_index(const Index& initial_index,
2858                      const Type& initial_value)
2859    : base(initial_index, initial_value) {}
2861    /// Construct the wrapper with a specified comparator.
2862    explicit reducer_min_index(const Compare& comp) : base(comp) {}
2864    /// Construct the wrapper with a specified initial index, value,
2865    /// and comparator.
2866    reducer_min_index(const Index& initial_index,
2867                      const Type& initial_value,
2868                      const Compare& comp)
2869    : base(initial_index, initial_value, comp) {}
2871    //@}
2873    /** @name Set / Get
2874     */
2875    //@{
2877    /// Set the index and value of this object.
2878    void set_value(const Index& index, const Type& value)
2879        { base::set_value(std::make_pair(index, value)); }
2881    /// Return the minimum value.
2882    const Type& get_value() const
2883        { return view().get_reference(); }
2885    /// Return the minimum index.
2886    const Index& get_index() const
2887        { return view().get_index_reference(); }
2889    /// Return a const reference to value data member in the view.
2890    const Type& get_reference() const
2891        { return view().get_reference(); }
2893    /// Return a const reference to index data member in the view.
2894    const Index& get_index_reference() const
2895        { return view().get_index_reference(); }
2897    //@}
2899    /** @name Forwarded functions
2900     *  @details Functions that update the contained accumulator variable are
2901     *  simply forwarded to the contained @ref op_min_view. */
2902    //@{
2904    /// @copydoc cilk_lib_1_0::min_max_internal::view_content::is_set() const
2905    bool is_set() const { return view().is_set(); }
2907    /// @copydoc op_min_index_view::calc_min(const Index&, const Type&)
2908    reducer_min_index& calc_min(const Index& i, const Type& x)
2909        { view().calc_min(i, x); return *this; }
2911    /// @copydoc op_min_view::operator=(const min_max_internal::rhs_proxy<op_min_view>&)
2912    reducer_min_index& operator=(const rhs_proxy& rhs)
2913        { view() = rhs; return *this; }
2915    //@}
2917    /// @name Dereference
2918    /** Dereferencing a wrapper is a no-op. It simply returns the wrapper.
2919     *  Combined with the rule that a wrapper forwards view operations to the
2920     *  view, this means that view operations can be written the same way on
2921     *  reducers and wrappers, which is convenient for incrementally
2922     *  converting code using wrappers to code using reducers. That is:
2923     *
2924     *      reducer< op_min_index<int, int> > r;
2925     *      r->calc_min(i, a);   // *r returns the view
2926     *                           // calc_min is a view member function
2927     *
2928     *      reducer_min_index<int, int> w;
2929     *      w->calc_min(i, a);   // *w returns the wrapper
2930     *                           // calc_min is a wrapper member function that
2931     *                           // calls the corresponding view function
2932     */
2933    //@{
2934    reducer_min_index&       operator*()       { return *this; }
2935    reducer_min_index const& operator*() const { return *this; }
2937    reducer_min_index*       operator->()       { return this; }
2938    reducer_min_index const* operator->() const { return this; }
2939    //@}
2941    /** @name Upcast
2942     *  @details In Cilk library 0.9, reducers were always cache-aligned. In
2943     *  library  1.0, reducer cache alignment is optional. By default, reducers
2944     *  are unaligned (i.e., just naturally aligned), but legacy wrappers
2945     *  inherit from cache-aligned reducers for binary compatibility.
2946     *
2947     *  This means that a wrapper will automatically be upcast to its aligned
2948     *  reducer base class. The following conversion operators provide
2949     *  pseudo-upcasts to the corresponding unaligned reducer class.
2950     */
2951    //@{
2952    operator reducer< op_min_index<Index, Type, Compare, false> >& ()
2953    {
2954        return *reinterpret_cast< reducer< op_min_index<Index, Type, Compare, false> >* >(this);
2955    }
2957    operator const reducer< op_min_index<Index, Type, Compare, false> >& () const
2958    {
2959        return *reinterpret_cast< const reducer< op_min_index<Index, Type, Compare, false> >* >(this);
2960    }
2961    //@}
2967} // namespace cilk_lib_1_0
2968using namespace cilk_lib_1_0;
2972/// @cond internal
2973/** Metafunction specialization for reducer conversion.
2974 *
2975 *  These specializations of the @ref legacy_reducer_downcast template class
2976 *  defined in reducer.h causes each `reducer< op_xxxx<Type> >` classes to have
2977 *  an `operator reducer_xxxx<Type>& ()` conversion operator that statically
2978 *  downcasts the `reducer<op_xxxx>` to the corresponding `reducer_xxxx` type.
2979 *  (The reverse conversion, from `reducer_xxxx` to `reducer<op_xxxx>`, is just
2980 *  an upcast, which is provided for free by the language.)
2981 */
2982template <typename Type, typename Compare, bool Align>
2983struct legacy_reducer_downcast< reducer< op_max<Type, Compare, Align> > >
2985    typedef reducer_max<Type> type;
2988template <typename Type, typename Compare, bool Align>
2989struct legacy_reducer_downcast< reducer< op_min<Type, Compare, Align> > >
2991    typedef reducer_min<Type> type;
2994template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare, bool Align>
2995struct legacy_reducer_downcast< reducer< op_max_index<Index, Type, Compare, Align> > >
2997    typedef reducer_max_index<Index, Type> type;
3000template <typename Index, typename Type, typename Compare, bool Align>
3001struct legacy_reducer_downcast< reducer< op_min_index<Index, Type, Compare, Align> > >
3003    typedef reducer_min_index<Index, Type> type;
3005/// @endcond
3007} // namespace cilk
3009#endif // __cplusplus
3012/** @name C language reducer macros
3013 *
3014 *  These macros are used to declare and work with numeric minimum and maximum reducers in C
3015 *  code.
3016 *
3017 *  @see @ref page_reducers_in_c
3018 */
3019 //@{
3024/* Integer min/max constants */
3025#include <limits.h>
3027/* Wchar_t min/max constants */
3028#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__ANDROID__)
3029#   include <wchar.h>
3031#   include <stdint.h>
3034/* Floating-point min/max constants */
3035#include <math.h>
3036#ifndef HUGE_VALF
3037    static const unsigned int __huge_valf[] = {0x7f800000};
3038#   define HUGE_VALF (*((const float *)__huge_valf))
3041#ifndef HUGE_VALL
3042    static const unsigned int __huge_vall[] = {0, 0, 0x00007f80, 0};
3043#   define HUGE_VALL (*((const long double *)__huge_vall))
3048/** Max reducer type name.
3049 *
3050 *  This macro expands into the identifier which is the name of the max reducer
3051 *  type for a specified numeric type.
3052 *
3053 *  @param  tn  The @ref reducers_c_type_names "numeric type name" specifying the type of the
3054 *              reducer.
3055 *
3056 *  @see @ref reducers_c_predefined
3057 */
3058#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_TYPE(tn)                                         \
3059    __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_max_,tn)
3061/** Declare a max reducer object.
3062 *
3063 *  This macro expands into a declaration of a max reducer object for a specified numeric
3064 *  type. For example:
3065 *
3066 *      CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX(my_reducer, double, -DBL_MAX);
3067 *
3068 *  @param  obj The variable name to be used for the declared reducer object.
3069 *  @param  tn  The @ref reducers_c_type_names "numeric type name" specifying the type of the
3070 *              reducer.
3071 *  @param  v   The initial value for the reducer. (A value which can be assigned to the
3072 *              numeric type represented by @a tn.)
3073 *
3074 *  @see @ref reducers_c_predefined
3075 */
3076#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX(obj,tn,v)                                        \
3077    CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_TYPE(tn) obj =                                       \
3078        CILK_C_INIT_REDUCER(_Typeof(obj.value),                             \
3079                        __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_max_reduce_,tn),   \
3080                        __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_max_identity_,tn), \
3081                        __cilkrts_hyperobject_noop_destroy, v)
3083/** Maximize with a value.
3084 *
3085 *  `CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_CALC(reducer, v)` sets the current view of the
3086 *  reducer to the max of its previous value and a specified new value.
3087 *  This is equivalent to
3088 *
3089 *      REDUCER_VIEW(reducer) = max(REDUCER_VIEW(reducer), v)
3090 *
3091 *  @param reducer  The reducer whose contained value is to be updated.
3092 *  @param v        The value that it is to be maximized with.
3093 */
3094#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_CALC(reducer, v) do {                            \
3095    _Typeof((reducer).value)* view = &(REDUCER_VIEW(reducer));              \
3096    _Typeof(v) __value = (v);                                               \
3097    if (*view < __value) {                                                  \
3098        *view = __value;                                                    \
3099    } } while (0)
3101/// @cond internal
3103/** Declare the max reducer functions for a numeric type.
3104 *
3105 *  This macro expands into external function declarations for functions which implement
3106 *  the reducer functionality for the max reducer type for a specified numeric type.
3107 *
3108 *  @param  t   The value type of the reducer.
3109 *  @param  tn  The value ���type name��� identifier, used to construct the reducer type name,
3110 *              function names, etc.
3111 */
3112#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_DECLARATION(t,tn,id)                             \
3113    typedef CILK_C_DECLARE_REDUCER(t) CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_TYPE(tn);       \
3114    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_REDUCE(cilk_c_reducer_max,tn,l,r);         \
3115    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_IDENTITY(cilk_c_reducer_max,tn);
3117/** Define the max reducer functions for a numeric type.
3118 *
3119 *  This macro expands into function definitions for functions which implement the
3120 *  reducer functionality for the max reducer type for a specified numeric type.
3121 *
3122 *  @param  t   The value type of the reducer.
3123 *  @param  tn  The value ���type name��� identifier, used to construct the reducer type name,
3124 *              function names, etc.
3125 */
3126#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_DEFINITION(t,tn,id)                           \
3127    typedef CILK_C_DECLARE_REDUCER(t) CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_TYPE(tn);       \
3128    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_REDUCE(cilk_c_reducer_max,tn,l,r)          \
3129        { if (*(t*)l < *(t*)r) *(t*)l = *(t*)r; }                        \
3130    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_IDENTITY(cilk_c_reducer_max,tn)            \
3131        { *(t*)v = id; }
3135 *  @brief Declare or define implementation functions for a reducer type.
3136 *
3137 *  In the runtime source file c_reducers.c, the macro `CILK_C_DEFINE_REDUCERS` will be defined, and
3138 *  this macro will generate reducer implementation functions. Everywhere else, `CILK_C_DEFINE_REDUCERS`
3139 *  will be undefined, and this macro will expand into external declarations for the functions.
3140 */
3142#   define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(t,tn,id)  \
3143        CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_DEFINITION(t,tn,id)
3145#   define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(t,tn,id)  \
3150/*  Declare or define an instance of the reducer type and its functions for each
3151 *  numeric type.
3152 */
3154CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(char,               char,       CHAR_MIN)
3155CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(unsigned char,      uchar,      0)
3156CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(signed char,        schar,      SCHAR_MIN)
3157CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(wchar_t,            wchar_t,    WCHAR_MIN)
3158CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(short,              short,      SHRT_MIN)
3159CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(unsigned short,     ushort,     0)
3160CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(int,                int,        INT_MIN)
3161CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(unsigned int,       uint,       0)
3162CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(unsigned int,       unsigned,   0) // alternate name
3163CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(long,               long,       LONG_MIN)
3164CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(unsigned long,      ulong,      0)
3165CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(long long,          longlong,   LLONG_MIN)
3166CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(unsigned long long, ulonglong,  0)
3167CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(float,              float,      -HUGE_VALF)
3168CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(double,             double,     -HUGE_VAL)
3169CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INSTANCE(long double,        longdouble, -HUGE_VALL)
3172/// @endcond
3174/** Max_index reducer type name.
3175 *
3176 *  This macro expands into the identifier which is the name of the max_index reducer
3177 *  type for a specified numeric type.
3178 *
3179 *  @param  tn  The @ref reducers_c_type_names "numeric type name" specifying the type of the
3180 *              reducer.
3181 *
3182 *  @see @ref reducers_c_predefined
3183 */
3184#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_TYPE(tn)                                         \
3185    __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_max_index_,tn)
3187/** Declare an op_max_index reducer object.
3188 *
3189 *  This macro expands into a declaration of a max_index reducer object for a specified
3190 *  numeric type. For example:
3191 *
3192 *      CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX(my_reducer, double, -DBL_MAX_INDEX);
3193 *
3194 *  @param  obj The variable name to be used for the declared reducer object.
3195 *  @param  tn  The @ref reducers_c_type_names "numeric type name" specifying the type of the
3196 *              reducer.
3197 *  @param  v   The initial value for the reducer. (A value which can be assigned to the
3198 *              numeric type represented by @a tn.)
3199 *
3200 *  @see @ref reducers_c_predefined
3201 */
3202#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX(obj,tn,v)                                        \
3203    CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_TYPE(tn) obj =                                       \
3204        CILK_C_INIT_REDUCER(_Typeof(obj.value),                             \
3205                        __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_max_index_reduce_,tn),   \
3206                        __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_max_index_identity_,tn), \
3207                        __cilkrts_hyperobject_noop_destroy, {0, v})
3209/** Maximize with a value.
3210 *
3211 *  `CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_CALC(reducer, i, v)` sets the current view of the
3212 *  reducer to the max of its previous value and a specified new value.
3213 *  This is equivalent to
3214 *
3215 *      REDUCER_VIEW(reducer) = max_index(REDUCER_VIEW(reducer), v)
3216 *
3217 *  If the value of the reducer is changed to @a v, then the index of the reducer is
3218 *  changed to @a i.
3219 *
3220 *  @param reducer  The reducer whose contained value and index are to be updated.
3221 *  @param i        The index associated with the new value.
3222 *  @param v        The value that it is to be maximized with.
3223 */
3224#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_CALC(reducer, i, v) do {                   \
3225    _Typeof((reducer).value)* view = &(REDUCER_VIEW(reducer));              \
3226    _Typeof(v) __value = (v);                                               \
3227    if (view->value < __value) {                                            \
3228        view->index = (i);                                                  \
3229        view->value = __value;                                              \
3230    } } while (0)
3232/// @cond internal
3234/** Declare the max_index view type.
3235 *
3236 *  The view of a max_index reducer is a structure containing both the
3237 *  maximum value for the reducer and the index that was associated with
3238 *  that value in the sequence of input values.
3239 */
3240#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_VIEW(t,tn)                                  \
3241    typedef struct {                                                         \
3242        __STDNS ptrdiff_t index;                                             \
3243        t                 value;                                             \
3244    } __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_max_index_view_,tn)
3246/** Declare the max_index reducer functions for a numeric type.
3247 *
3248 *  This macro expands into external function declarations for functions which implement
3249 *  the reducer functionality for the max_index reducer type for a specified numeric type.
3250 *
3251 *  @param  t   The value type of the reducer.
3252 *  @param  tn  The value ���type name��� identifier, used to construct the reducer type name,
3253 *              function names, etc.
3254 */
3255#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_DECLARATION(t,tn,id)                       \
3256    CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_VIEW(t,tn);                                    \
3257    typedef CILK_C_DECLARE_REDUCER(                                         \
3258        __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_max_index_view_,tn))               \
3259            CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_TYPE(tn);                              \
3260    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_REDUCE(cilk_c_reducer_max_index,tn,l,r);      \
3261    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_IDENTITY(cilk_c_reducer_max_index,tn);
3263/** Define the max_index reducer functions for a numeric type.
3264 *
3265 *  This macro expands into function definitions for functions which implement the
3266 *  reducer functionality for the max_index reducer type for a specified numeric type.
3267 *
3268 *  @param  t   The value type of the reducer.
3269 *  @param  tn  The value ���type name��� identifier, used to construct the reducer type name,
3270 *              function names, etc.
3271 */
3272#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_DEFINITION(t,tn,id)                           \
3273    CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_VIEW(t,tn);                                    \
3274    typedef CILK_C_DECLARE_REDUCER(                                         \
3275        __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_max_index_view_,tn))               \
3276            CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_TYPE(tn);                              \
3277    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_REDUCE(cilk_c_reducer_max_index,tn,l,r)          \
3278        { typedef __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_max_index_view_,tn) view_t; \
3279          if (((view_t*)l)->value < ((view_t*)r)->value)                       \
3280              *(view_t*)l = *(view_t*)r; }                                     \
3281    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_IDENTITY(cilk_c_reducer_max_index,tn)            \
3282        { typedef __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_max_index_view_,tn) view_t; \
3283          ((view_t*)v)->index = 0; ((view_t*)v)->value = id; }
3287 *  @brief Declare or define implementation functions for a reducer type.
3288 *
3289 *  In the runtime source file c_reducers.c, the macro `CILK_C_DEFINE_REDUCERS` will be defined, and
3290 *  this macro will generate reducer implementation functions. Everywhere else, `CILK_C_DEFINE_REDUCERS`
3291 *  will be undefined, and this macro will expand into external declarations for the functions.
3292 */
3294#   define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(t,tn,id)  \
3297#   define CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(t,tn,id)  \
3302/*  Declare or define an instance of the reducer type and its functions for each
3303 *  numeric type.
3304 */
3306CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(char,               char,       CHAR_MIN)
3307CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(unsigned char,      uchar,      0)
3308CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(signed char,        schar,      SCHAR_MIN)
3309CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(wchar_t,            wchar_t,    WCHAR_MIN)
3310CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(short,              short,      SHRT_MIN)
3311CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(unsigned short,     ushort,     0)
3312CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(int,                int,        INT_MIN)
3313CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(unsigned int,       uint,       0)
3314CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(unsigned int,       unsigned,   0) // alternate name
3315CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(long,               long,       LONG_MIN)
3316CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(unsigned long,      ulong,      0)
3317CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(long long,          longlong,   LLONG_MIN)
3318CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(unsigned long long, ulonglong,  0)
3319CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(float,              float,      -HUGE_VALF)
3320CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(double,             double,     -HUGE_VAL)
3321CILK_C_REDUCER_MAX_INDEX_INSTANCE(long double,        longdouble, -HUGE_VALL)
3324/// @endcond
3326/** Min reducer type name.
3327 *
3328 *  This macro expands into the identifier which is the name of the min reducer
3329 *  type for a specified numeric type.
3330 *
3331 *  @param  tn  The @ref reducers_c_type_names "numeric type name" specifying the type of the
3332 *              reducer.
3333 *
3334 *  @see @ref reducers_c_predefined
3335 */
3336#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_TYPE(tn)                                         \
3337    __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_min_,tn)
3339/** Declare a min reducer object.
3340 *
3341 *  This macro expands into a declaration of a min reducer object for a specified numeric
3342 *  type. For example:
3343 *
3344 *      CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN(my_reducer, double, DBL_MAX);
3345 *
3346 *  @param  obj The variable name to be used for the declared reducer object.
3347 *  @param  tn  The @ref reducers_c_type_names "numeric type name" specifying the type of the
3348 *              reducer.
3349 *  @param  v   The initial value for the reducer. (A value which can be assigned to the
3350 *              numeric type represented by @a tn.)
3351 *
3352 *  @see @ref reducers_c_predefined
3353 */
3354#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN(obj,tn,v)                                        \
3355    CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_TYPE(tn) obj =                                       \
3356        CILK_C_INIT_REDUCER(_Typeof(obj.value),                             \
3357                        __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_min_reduce_,tn),   \
3358                        __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_min_identity_,tn), \
3359                        __cilkrts_hyperobject_noop_destroy, v)
3361/** Minimize with a value.
3362 *
3363 *  `CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_CALC(reducer, v)` sets the current view of the
3364 *  reducer to the min of its previous value and a specified new value.
3365 *  This is equivalent to
3366 *
3367 *      REDUCER_VIEW(reducer) = min(REDUCER_VIEW(reducer), v)
3368 *
3369 *  @param reducer  The reducer whose contained value is to be updated.
3370 *  @param v        The value that it is to be minimized with.
3371 */
3372#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_CALC(reducer, v) do {                            \
3373    _Typeof((reducer).value)* view = &(REDUCER_VIEW(reducer));              \
3374    _Typeof(v) __value = (v);                                               \
3375    if (*view > __value) {                                                  \
3376        *view = __value;                                                    \
3377    } } while (0)
3379/// @cond internal
3381/** Declare the min reducer functions for a numeric type.
3382 *
3383 *  This macro expands into external function declarations for functions which implement
3384 *  the reducer functionality for the min reducer type for a specified numeric type.
3385 *
3386 *  @param  t   The value type of the reducer.
3387 *  @param  tn  The value ���type name��� identifier, used to construct the reducer type name,
3388 *              function names, etc.
3389 */
3390#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_DECLARATION(t,tn,id)                             \
3391    typedef CILK_C_DECLARE_REDUCER(t) CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_TYPE(tn);       \
3392    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_REDUCE(cilk_c_reducer_min,tn,l,r);         \
3393    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_IDENTITY(cilk_c_reducer_min,tn);
3395/** Define the min reducer functions for a numeric type.
3396 *
3397 *  This macro expands into function definitions for functions which implement the
3398 *  reducer functionality for the min reducer type for a specified numeric type.
3399 *
3400 *  @param  t   The value type of the reducer.
3401 *  @param  tn  The value ���type name��� identifier, used to construct the reducer type name,
3402 *              function names, etc.
3403 */
3404#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_DEFINITION(t,tn,id)                           \
3405    typedef CILK_C_DECLARE_REDUCER(t) CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_TYPE(tn);       \
3406    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_REDUCE(cilk_c_reducer_min,tn,l,r)          \
3407        { if (*(t*)l > *(t*)r) *(t*)l = *(t*)r; }                        \
3408    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_IDENTITY(cilk_c_reducer_min,tn)            \
3409        { *(t*)v = id; }
3413 *  @brief Declare or define implementation functions for a reducer type.
3414 *
3415 *  In the runtime source file c_reducers.c, the macro `CILK_C_DEFINE_REDUCERS` will be defined, and
3416 *  this macro will generate reducer implementation functions. Everywhere else, `CILK_C_DEFINE_REDUCERS`
3417 *  will be undefined, and this macro will expand into external declarations for the functions.
3418 */
3420#   define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(t,tn,id)  \
3421        CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_DEFINITION(t,tn,id)
3423#   define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(t,tn,id)  \
3428/*  Declare or define an instance of the reducer type and its functions for each
3429 *  numeric type.
3430 */
3432CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(char,               char,       CHAR_MAX)
3433CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(unsigned char,      uchar,      CHAR_MAX)
3434CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(signed char,        schar,      SCHAR_MAX)
3435CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(wchar_t,            wchar_t,    WCHAR_MAX)
3436CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(short,              short,      SHRT_MAX)
3437CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(unsigned short,     ushort,     USHRT_MAX)
3438CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(int,                int,        INT_MAX)
3439CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(unsigned int,       uint,       UINT_MAX)
3440CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(unsigned int,       unsigned,   UINT_MAX) // alternate name
3441CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(long,               long,       LONG_MAX)
3442CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(unsigned long,      ulong,      ULONG_MAX)
3443CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(long long,          longlong,   LLONG_MAX)
3444CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(unsigned long long, ulonglong,  ULLONG_MAX)
3445CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(float,              float,      HUGE_VALF)
3446CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(double,             double,     HUGE_VAL)
3447CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INSTANCE(long double,        longdouble, HUGE_VALL)
3450/// @endcond
3452/** Min_index reducer type name.
3453 *
3454 *  This macro expands into the identifier which is the name of the min_index reducer
3455 *  type for a specified numeric type.
3456 *
3457 *  @param  tn  The @ref reducers_c_type_names "numeric type name" specifying the type of the
3458 *              reducer.
3459 *
3460 *  @see @ref reducers_c_predefined
3461 */
3462#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_TYPE(tn)                                         \
3463    __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_min_index_,tn)
3465/** Declare an op_min_index reducer object.
3466 *
3467 *  This macro expands into a declaration of a min_index reducer object for a specified
3468 *  numeric type. For example:
3469 *
3470 *      CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX(my_reducer, double, -DBL_MIN_INDEX);
3471 *
3472 *  @param  obj The variable name to be used for the declared reducer object.
3473 *  @param  tn  The @ref reducers_c_type_names "numeric type name" specifying the type of the
3474 *              reducer.
3475 *  @param  v   The initial value for the reducer. (A value which can be assigned to the
3476 *              numeric type represented by @a tn.)
3477 *
3478 *  @see @ref reducers_c_predefined
3479 */
3480#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX(obj,tn,v)                                        \
3481    CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_TYPE(tn) obj =                                       \
3482        CILK_C_INIT_REDUCER(_Typeof(obj.value),                             \
3483                        __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_min_index_reduce_,tn),   \
3484                        __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_min_index_identity_,tn), \
3485                        __cilkrts_hyperobject_noop_destroy, {0, v})
3487/** Minimize with a value.
3488 *
3489 *  `CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_CALC(reducer, i, v)` sets the current view of the
3490 *  reducer to the min of its previous value and a specified new value.
3491 *  This is equivalent to
3492 *
3493 *      REDUCER_VIEW(reducer) = min_index(REDUCER_VIEW(reducer), v)
3494 *
3495 *  If the value of the reducer is changed to @a v, then the index of the reducer is
3496 *  changed to @a i.
3497 *
3498 *  @param reducer  The reducer whose contained value and index are to be updated.
3499 *  @param i        The index associated with the new value.
3500 *  @param v        The value that it is to be minimized with.
3501 */
3502#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_CALC(reducer, i, v) do {                   \
3503    _Typeof((reducer).value)* view = &(REDUCER_VIEW(reducer));              \
3504    _Typeof(v) __value = (v);                                               \
3505    if (view->value > __value) {                                            \
3506        view->index = (i);                                                  \
3507        view->value = __value;                                              \
3508    } } while (0)
3510/// @cond internal
3512/** Declare the min_index view type.
3513 *
3514 *  The view of a min_index reducer is a structure containing both the
3515 *  minimum value for the reducer and the index that was associated with
3516 *  that value in the sequence of input values.
3517 */
3518#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_VIEW(t,tn)                                  \
3519    typedef struct {                                                         \
3520        __STDNS ptrdiff_t index;                                             \
3521        t                 value;                                             \
3522    } __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_min_index_view_,tn)
3524/** Declare the min_index reducer functions for a numeric type.
3525 *
3526 *  This macro expands into external function declarations for functions which implement
3527 *  the reducer functionality for the min_index reducer type for a specified numeric type.
3528 *
3529 *  @param  t   The value type of the reducer.
3530 *  @param  tn  The value ���type name��� identifier, used to construct the reducer type name,
3531 *              function names, etc.
3532 */
3533#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_DECLARATION(t,tn,id)                       \
3534    CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_VIEW(t,tn);                                    \
3535    typedef CILK_C_DECLARE_REDUCER(                                         \
3536        __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_min_index_view_,tn))               \
3537            CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_TYPE(tn);                              \
3538    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_REDUCE(cilk_c_reducer_min_index,tn,l,r);      \
3539    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_IDENTITY(cilk_c_reducer_min_index,tn);
3541/** Define the min_index reducer functions for a numeric type.
3542 *
3543 *  This macro expands into function definitions for functions which implement the
3544 *  reducer functionality for the min_index reducer type for a specified numeric type.
3545 *
3546 *  @param  t   The value type of the reducer.
3547 *  @param  tn  The value ���type name��� identifier, used to construct the reducer type name,
3548 *              function names, etc.
3549 */
3550#define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_DEFINITION(t,tn,id)                           \
3551    CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_VIEW(t,tn);                                    \
3552    typedef CILK_C_DECLARE_REDUCER(                                         \
3553        __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_min_index_view_,tn))               \
3554            CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_TYPE(tn);                              \
3555    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_REDUCE(cilk_c_reducer_min_index,tn,l,r)          \
3556        { typedef __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_min_index_view_,tn) view_t; \
3557          if (((view_t*)l)->value > ((view_t*)r)->value)                       \
3558              *(view_t*)l = *(view_t*)r; }                                     \
3559    __CILKRTS_DECLARE_REDUCER_IDENTITY(cilk_c_reducer_min_index,tn)            \
3560        { typedef __CILKRTS_MKIDENT(cilk_c_reducer_min_index_view_,tn) view_t; \
3561          ((view_t*)v)->index = 0; ((view_t*)v)->value = id; }
3565 *  @brief Declare or define implementation functions for a reducer type.
3566 *
3567 *  In the runtime source file c_reducers.c, the macro `CILK_C_DEFINE_REDUCERS` will be defined, and
3568 *  this macro will generate reducer implementation functions. Everywhere else, `CILK_C_DEFINE_REDUCERS`
3569 *  will be undefined, and this macro will expand into external declarations for the functions.
3570 */
3572#   define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(t,tn,id)  \
3575#   define CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(t,tn,id)  \
3580/*  Declare or define an instance of the reducer type and its functions for each
3581 *  numeric type.
3582 */
3584CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(char,               char,       CHAR_MAX)
3585CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(unsigned char,      uchar,      CHAR_MAX)
3586CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(signed char,        schar,      SCHAR_MAX)
3587CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(wchar_t,            wchar_t,    WCHAR_MAX)
3588CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(short,              short,      SHRT_MAX)
3589CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(unsigned short,     ushort,     USHRT_MAX)
3590CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(int,                int,        INT_MAX)
3591CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(unsigned int,       uint,       UINT_MAX)
3592CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(unsigned int,       unsigned,   UINT_MAX) // alternate name
3593CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(long,               long,       LONG_MAX)
3594CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(unsigned long,      ulong,      ULONG_MAX)
3595CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(long long,          longlong,   LLONG_MAX)
3596CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(unsigned long long, ulonglong,  ULLONG_MAX)
3597CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(float,              float,      HUGE_VALF)
3598CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(double,             double,     HUGE_VAL)
3599CILK_C_REDUCER_MIN_INDEX_INSTANCE(long double,        longdouble, HUGE_VALL)
3602/// @endcond
3606#endif // defined REDUCER_MAX_H_INCLUDED