1! { dg-do run }
2! PR 26499  Test write with rewind sequences to make sure buffering and
3! end-of-file conditions are handled correctly.  Derived from test case by Dale
4! Ranta.  Submitted by Jerry DeLisle <jvdelisle@gcc.gnu.org>.
5      program test
6      dimension idata(1011)
7      idata = -42
8      open(unit=11,form='unformatted')
9        idata(1)   = -705
10        idata(  1011)   = -706
11       write(11)idata
12        idata(1)   = -706
13        idata(  1011)   = -707
14       write(11)idata
15        idata(1)   = -707
16        idata(  1011)   = -708
17       write(11)idata
18       read(11,end=        1000 )idata
19       call abort()
20 1000  continue
21       rewind 11
22       read(11,end=        1001 )idata
23        if(idata(1).ne. -705.or.idata(  1011).ne. -706)call abort()
24 1001  continue
25       close(11,status='keep')
26      open(unit=11,form='unformatted')
27      rewind 11
28      read(11)idata
29      if(idata(1).ne.-705)then
30      call abort()
31      endif
32      read(11)idata
33      if(idata(1).ne.-706)then
34      call abort()
35      endif
36      read(11)idata
37      if(idata(1).ne.-707)then
38      call abort()
39      endif
40      close(11,status='delete')
41      stop
42      end