1! { dg-do compile }
3! PR fortran/40873
5! Failed to compile (segfault) with -fwhole-file.
6! Cf. PR 40873 comment 24; test case taken from
7! PR fortran/31867 comment 6.
10pure integer function lensum (words, sep)
11  character (len=*), intent(in)        :: words(:), sep
12  lensum = (size (words)-1) * len (sep) + sum (len_trim (words))
13end function
15module util_mod
16  implicit none
17  interface
18    pure integer function lensum (words, sep)
19      character (len=*), intent(in)        :: words(:), sep
20    end function
21  end interface
22  contains
23  function join (words, sep) result(str)
24! trim and concatenate a vector of character variables,
25! inserting sep between them
26    character (len=*), intent(in)        :: words(:), sep
27    character (len=lensum (words, sep))  :: str
28    integer                              :: i, nw
29    nw  = size (words)
30    str = ""
31    if (nw < 1) then
32      return
33    else
34      str = words(1)
35    end if
36    do i=2,nw
37      str = trim (str) // sep // words(i)
38    end do
39  end function join
40end module util_mod
42program xjoin
43  use util_mod, only: join
44  implicit none
45  character (len=5) :: words(2) = (/"two  ","three"/)
46  write (*,"(1x,'words = ',a)") "'"//join (words, "&")//"'"
47end program xjoin