1! { dg-do run }
2! { dg-options "-fbackslash" }
3! Contributed by Jerry DeLisle  <jvdelisle@gcc.gnu.org>
4program test1
5  implicit none
6  integer, parameter :: k4 = 4
7  character(kind=4, len=30) :: string1, string2
8  character(kind=1, len=30) :: string3
9  string1 = k4_"This is Greek:  \u039f\u03cd\u03c7\u03af"
10  string2 = k4_"Jerry in Japanese is:    \u30b8\u30a8\u30ea\u30fc"
11  open(10, encoding="utf-8", status="scratch")
12  write(10,'(a)') trim(string1)
13  write(10,*) string2
14  rewind(10)
15  string1 = k4_""
16  string2 = k4_""
17  string3 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
18  read(10,'(a)') string1
19  read(10,'(a)') string2
20  if (string1 /= k4_"This is Greek:  \u039f\u03cd\u03c7\u03af") call abort
21  if (len(trim(string1)) /= 20) call abort
22  if (string2 /= k4_" Jerry in Japanese is:    \u30b8\u30a8\u30ea\u30fc")&
23  &  call abort
24  if (len(string2) /= 30) call abort
25  rewind(10)
26  read(10,'(a)') string3
27  if (string3 /= "This is Greek:  ????") call abort
28end program test1
29! The following examples require UTF-8 enabled editor to see correctly.
30! ������������  Sample of Japanese characters.
31! ����������    Sample of Greek characters.